Apartment number 7. Numerology of apartments and houses - how numbers affect housing

Recipes 16.12.2020

Many notice how the mood and even physical well-being changes after a person crosses the threshold of the house. It's not just about the energy that prevails in the room. The numerology of an apartment or house also has a significant impact on life.

In the article:

Digitization of the apartment number in numerology

The apartment number is of considerable importance in numerology. If it is unambiguous, just look at its interpretation in our article. Most likely, all your problems are simple and understandable, and the residents of such an apartment only need to deal with them in time.

A two-digit number indicates that your life depends on your state of mind. You can improve your life only when you yourself desire it. People living in a two-digit apartment can only be happy when your goals are achieved.

The first digit of the three-digit apartment number speaks of physical health, the second of feelings, and the third of your mind. If you live in an apartment with a two-digit or three-digit number, pay attention to the meaning of its numbers, they can tell you a lot.

Numerology of houses and apartments - calculations

The full apartment code should not only consist of its number. The house number also plays an important role. If the floor is important to you, you can use it. In order to get the number of living quarters, simply add all these numbers together.

For example, you live in apartment number 16, house number 10, on the first floor. Calculations for determining the number of apartments will look like this:

  1. Let's start with addition: 1+6+1+0+6 = 14.
  2. As with most numerological calculations, the result should be unambiguous: 1+5 = 6 .

So, life in this apartment has greatest influence number 6 . If you live in the private sector, only the house number matters. For example, if your house number is 27, the numerological number of your house would be: 2 +7 = 9 .

See the interpretation of numbers at the end of the article.

Some experts in the field of numerology suggest considering the house number and apartment number separately. An apartment building and a separate apartment can contain various energy and numerical vibrations. At the same time, the house number affects all tenants, and apartments affect only one family living in it.

For example, if your house is numbered 16, and the apartment has a number 35, by bringing these numbers to an unambiguous form by the above method, it can be determined that the life of a family is influenced by numbers 7 (1+6) and 8 (3+5). You can use two options and draw conclusions based on three numbers: houses, apartments and the sum of the numbers of the apartment, house, floor.

Letters are often used in address numbering, for example, house 17A. If you live at this address and are going to learn about the numerological impact of housing on your life, these letters must also be taken into account. Each letter is assigned certain number, which should participate in the calculations in the same way as the numbers.

1 BUTAndFROMKommersant
3 ATToAtb
7 YoOH

For example, you need to find out the numerological indicators of the house at number 14A. The calculations will look like this: 1+4+1(A) = 6 .

Residence number, or address code

Address code calculations can be entrusted to a special application, which you can see below. Humans make mistakes, computers don't. In order to find out the number of the place of residence, you should enter the address in the application field - the name of the street, house and apartment numbers. After that, you can begin to study the interpretation of your address code.

feng shui apartment number

Below you will find an interpreter who will tell you in detail about the features of each number that you can get in calculations related to numerology and the number of the apartment and house. It contains not only meaning, but also recommendations that it is desirable for all tenants to adhere to.

With this knowledge, you can find the causes of your failures and eliminate them, achieve goals at work, family happiness and a truly cozy atmosphere in your home. In them you can find answers to many questions that you have had to ask yourself more than once.

It should be borne in mind that not only the numerology of the number of the house influences, but also the date of your birth and many other factors. Only by considering them in a complex, you can achieve a clear understanding of the situation that worries you.

The meaning of the number 1

If the number of your house or apartment is 1, this is perfect place residence for a person who plans to start new life. You can’t call it a calm place to live, and living in it will require considerable willpower and independence. If you do not possess these qualities, you will have to develop them, as well as creativity and communication skills. However, houses and apartments with this number contribute to this.

A weak person in this house can become addicted to alcohol or drugs, start cheating on his wife, look for ways to avoid harsh reality. A person with a strong will will receive everything necessary in order to achieve the goal. In such apartments and houses live strong leaders and creative individuals. Most of all they love businessmen and artists. Such housing is also suitable for those who want to take a break from people, but if you do not feel such a need, in this house you can feel lonely and abandoned.

You should beware of cardiovascular disease if you live in such a house.

The unit is closely associated with the Sun, so it is advisable to decorate it with as many lamps as possible. Recommended red, orange and other "sunny" colors in interior design.

The meaning of the number 2

An apartment with the number 2 is well suited for a family whose members truly love each other and want to communicate as often as possible. It is simply ideal for newlyweds, as it will help to easily get used to living together. If you settle in this house with a feeling of love, it will stay with you forever. Such places are conducive to practicing magic, spiritual searches and searching for answers to any questions, they inspire sports.

This housing will not tolerate lies and falsehood. If there is hatred in your family, most likely you will have to part with some of its members. If there is infidelity in the marriage of tenants, the marriage is very likely to fall apart. A house with the number 2 is suitable only for people who sincerely love each other. This house is not suitable for a single person. It is favorable for those whose activities are related to cooking, raising children and art. For such people, the number 2 gives inspiration.

If you have a tendency to mental disorders, they can escalate.

You should beware of nervousness and dependence on the lunar cycle, because the number 2 is closely related to the moon and is under its influence. In order to stay in harmony with the night star, hang mirrors and use water in the interior - indoor fountains, aquariums and paintings of ponds. The moon prefers delicate shades in which it is desirable to decorate rooms. The exception is green.

The meaning of the number 3

Housing with the number 3 may be the best option for an older person or a multi-generational family. It can be called an ideal family nest, favorable for a calm family life. Family members living in such an apartment are always attentive to each other. It is always a pleasure to be in such a house.

Such a house can prevent the younger generation from starting a separate life and starting a family. It will be very difficult to leave him, he is reluctant to accept new family members and does not want to part with the old ones. A house with the number 3 will protect its residents from ambition, interesting prospects and any emotions other than a feeling of comfort and peace. Therefore, it is better to live in such houses for older people who are not going to make a career, look for a life partner and have already achieved everything they wanted to achieve.

A regular lack of activities that help spend energy can lead to serious health problems for residents of a house with the number 3.

The number 3 corresponds to Saturn, so dark blue shades should prevail in the interior.

The meaning of the number 4

An apartment or house with the number 4 is well suited for active people who want to achieve the highest rung of the career ladder, great success in creativity and have considerable ambitions. The apartment is good for thinking through new ideas, plans, as well as creating masterpieces of painting and music. Prosperity and stability await you if you are not lazy.

This house does not tolerate lazy people, they will not feel comfortable in it. It is not very suitable for homebodies, in such places it is better to live for those who love travel or have work related to business trips. Such housing will help attract attention, and a quiet life awaits you, so lovers of loneliness and peace are better off choosing another place to stay. A house with the number 4 will help those whose work is related to communication.

Number 4 is under the influence of Mercury. You will enhance all the positive qualities of your apartment if you decorate it in blue, yellow, blue and gray tones. It must contain books, magazines, TV and other sources of information.

The meaning of the number 5

The apartment with the number 5 is full of energy. If her tenants love each other, she will help to strengthen this feeling. In this case, just an ideal family life awaits you. This apartment is good for strong family, whose members love communication and often receive guests. You don't have to rely on privacy, you will always be in the spotlight, and if you suffer from loneliness, your home will help you make new friends. If you are interested in social life, parties or organizing holidays, the number 5 will help you succeed.

If there is no love between spouses living in a house with the number 5, betrayal and destruction of marriage are possible. This house enhances all feelings, including hatred. Such influence can also manifest itself in the form of a desire for freedom from obligations, conflicts between generations, unwillingness to come home. Such housing is suitable for a strong family, it will also be favorable for travelers, politicians and scientists.

The apartment with the number 5 is under the auspices of Jupiter. It is desirable that blue, silver and purple colors prevail in the interior. Jupiter also likes bronze, which can be present as decorative elements. A telescope and other things related to exploring the world will help you succeed. Dishes, such as vases or sets, are well suited as decorations.

The meaning of the number 6

An apartment with the number 6 will be the best option for a family. She will give you a quiet family life. A pleasant and cozy atmosphere is the main plus of such housing. It will be good to live in such a place for people who attach great importance to signs and superstitions, conventions and traditions. Those living in apartments with this number never have problems finding a suitable partner, as a rule, they get married or get married early. They rarely quarrel with relatives, and their house often becomes a meeting place, gatherings and cozy feasts.

The number 6 is too relaxing and makes it impossible to achieve anything other than peace in the family and comfort in the house. Living in such a house is undesirable for businessmen, careerists and people with great ambitions. He can deprive them of what they have achieved and not let them fix it. Such a place is not suitable for lovers of risk and extreme sports, it can lead to trouble, because the energy of the number 6 will do anything to calm and seat you in a rocking chair near the fireplace.

There is an obvious relationship between the health status of the tenants of an apartment with the number 6 and their nutrition. It is advisable to watch your diet.

Number 6 corresponds to Venus. It is better to decorate the house in brown and beige tones. The best interior decoration is flowers, animal figurines are also suitable.

The meaning of the number 7

An apartment or house with the number 7 will always beckon you with its peace and cozy atmosphere. In such places it is very easy to think and reflect. They are well suited for detectives, scientists, writers, researchers, and others whose work is analytical in nature. If you lack peace of mind and want to have a place where you can gather your thoughts, this house is for you. It is also good for restoring health after illness.

The house of the number 7 is also suitable for people who are fond of astrology and esotericism, because peace and solitude is exactly what they need. If your goal is wealth, housing with the number 7 is not very suitable for you. The vibrations of this number are not aimed at creating a favorable financial situation, but with sufficient perseverance, it is possible, although rather difficult, to achieve such a goal.

The number 7 is under the influence of Uranus. The more colors and shades present in your interior, the better. Be sure to keep your windows clean, just like anything made of glass.

The meaning of the number 8

In an apartment with the number 8, active and cheerful people should live. Such housing will help you achieve any goal. If you like frequent interior changes, this number is perfect for you, as the energy vibrations of this number will encourage you to do so. They favor those who want to get a stable financial position, find love and engage in creativity.

It is undesirable to live in a house with the number 8 for people who are prone to alcoholism or other addictions. The influence of this number can make a drinker an alcoholic. Even a love of tonic drinks can play with you. bad joke so you have to limit yourself. The tendency to quarrel can lead to constant conflicts. In order to smooth out this negative effect of the number, it is advisable to meditate and learn self-control.

This number corresponds to Mars. It is desirable that the red color be present in the interior design, like other bright and warm shades.

The meaning of the number 9

The main meaning of this number is wisdom. An apartment with a corresponding number will be an ideal accommodation for public figure, teacher, priest or other person whose activities are related to spirituality, religion, teaching people or esotericism. Musicians and those who want their work to please people will also find such a house not bad for themselves.

It will be very difficult for someone who does not like people to live in such a place. Those who do not want to communicate and serve other people very quickly get bored with life in a house with the number 9, neighbors and the whole environment. If you do not think globally, you will very soon have to drown in everyday issues, such places do not tolerate earthliness and limitations.

The influence of the subtle world in apartments with the number 9 is felt stronger than in other places. Therefore, the residents of such places often have insomnia and strange dreams. Houses of the number 9 often become places with paranormal activity.

Number 9 corresponds to Neptune. Good decorations in such a house will be night lights and candles, like all flickering objects.

In general, the apartment number is in many ways similar to that of a person, only it refers directly to housing and everything connected with it. Therefore, it is by no means worth neglecting the meaning of the magic of numbers.

In contact with

Adherents of esotericism believe that the numerology of an apartment affects the people who live in it. Astrologers, mystics and numerologists agree with this statement. Lucky numbers attract fortune, wealth, harmony and love, while negative numbers, on the contrary, cause litter, failures and other problems. Therefore, before buying a house, you should make sure that its number will not change your life for the worse. Knowing the basic rules and principles of calculation, it will not be difficult to do this.

Connection of the apartment number with the fate of the owner

Numerology is a science that deciphers the meaning of numbers and their impact on a person. It is believed that the events that take place in a person's life depend on the numbers that surround him. Not only the date of birth and name have an impact, but also other values ​​that you have to interact with.

Everything in the world has vibrations. Any change causes a resonance that affects life in one way or another.

The apartment number affects the fate of a person. It can bring harmony, good luck or cause serious problems. Moreover, if a certain number, for example, No. 1, affects one person negatively, then for another it will open up new opportunities.

It is interesting! The skill of correctly calculating the address of residence in numerology will help improve the financial situation, solve problems, cope with illnesses, etc.

Full calculation of numerological indicators of the dwelling

  1. single digits- the best option, since one digit affects the house.
  2. Two-digit numbers. It is necessary to take into account not only the vibrations of the first and second numbers, but also the total indicator address of the house or apartment. In many ways, their action depends on the state of mind of the owner.
  3. Three digit number. Each number affects specific area. The first is health, the second is feelings, the third is the mind. The events that take place around depend on their sum.

If after all the mathematical operations there remains a result consisting of 2 numbers, then you need to sum up the numbers that make it up: 999 (9+9+9)=27. So - 2+7=9.

Calculate house code

If a person lives in a high-rise building, then he is influenced not only by the number of the apartment, but also by the house. In this case, the numerology of the full address is calculated. The number affects all tenants.

It is easier to decide on the "signs of fate" for the inhabitants of private buildings. Their way of life is affected only by the numerology of the dwelling.

The number of the house is calculated according to the same principle by which the apartment code is determined. The numbers that make up the number are added together until a single-digit number is obtained. For example, 33(3+3)=6.

Sometimes, in addition to the number, a letter is attached to the building: 13 A. In this case, all the components of the number are added up: 13 (1 + 3 + 1 (A)) \u003d 5.

Table of correspondence of numbers to the alphabet:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Y To L M H O P R
Kommersant S b E YU I

It is interesting! Knowing the meanings of the letters, you can calculate the number of your name. It also needs to be brought to an unambiguous indicator.

Address code

The opinions of esotericists on how to correctly calculate the numerology of the place of residence do not always coincide. Some of them think that it is necessary to interpret the numbers of the house, apartment, entrance and street separately. But most agree that it is more correct to look for the total number.

To make a complete calculation of the address, apartment and floor, you need to find each value separately, and then sum them up. For example, apartment code number 6, in house 22 "A", in the 3rd entrance on the 6th floor:

  • room - 6;
  • building - 2+2=4;
  • entrance - 3;
  • landing - 6;
  • the general address code is 6+4+3+6=19=10=1.

There are online calculators with which you can also make the necessary summations. You just need to enter all the parameters, after which an automatic calculation will occur.

Interpretation of the house number

Understanding what the address “says” about, you can choose housing for yourself that will attract good luck and contribute to the development of the activities that a person is engaged in. Therefore, the numerology of an apartment is so interesting not only to ordinary people, but also to successful businessmen.


The number 1 is the value of the Sun. It will suit self-confident people with a rod. The house with this number is literally created for leaders. Apartments with code 1 will contribute to personal and career growth.

These houses are not suitable for family life, they have that atmosphere of calm and harmony that children and young couples need. It is code 1 that can cause change.

Such numerology should be avoided by weak-willed and led personalities. Dwellings with code 1 will contribute to the development of addictions in insufficiently strong people, making it possible to escape from the difficulties of real life.


The value 2 is associated with the Moon. It increases magical abilities, sharpens feelings and intuition.

Houses with this number are ideal for young people who love each other. In them, the period of "grinding in" will be short-lived, and the passion that reigned in the hearts of the couple when they moved in will remain forever.

Apartment No. 2 will also help people who lack inspiration. It will contribute to the development of creative and magical abilities, as well as the search for "oneself." The room has a beneficial effect on the upbringing of children and the disclosure of culinary talents.

Couples who “not everything is going smoothly” should not settle in houses with code 2. Negative emotions are also exacerbated in them. If there is falsehood, lies and betrayal in the family, then the vibrations of this number will contribute to the breakdown of relations.

People who have not found their mate will also not like dwelling number 2. In it, the feeling of loneliness will intensify. For individuals with a mental disorder, the situation may worsen.


The numerology of apartment 3 is associated with Saturn. This code is suitable for individuals who have already achieved everything they aspired to. For the elderly, these houses are ideal. They will not take away excess energy.

Life at number 3 is calm and measured. Code 3 is also suitable for a family that consists of several generations. Quarrels here subside on their own.

But there is a drawback in such dwellings. When the children grow up, it will be difficult for them to leave the family nest. The number 3 prevents independence, ambition and perspective. People who grew up here are afraid to leave their comfort zone.


Code 4 is ruled by Mercury. Such houses will appeal to sociable and purposeful people.

Dwellings with number 4 are suitable for individuals who are thirsty for adventure and communication. They contribute to the development of career growth for those whose activities are associated with the need to interact with society. Artists, singers and poets will feel good here.

The number 4 is not suitable for homebodies, lazy people, lovers of peace and quiet. It will just make them uncomfortable. Such houses cause a thirst for communication, travel and new achievements.


House number 5 will keep harmony in married couples. Here their love will last forever. Such apartments are conducive to open communication. Not only households, but also their guests feel comfortable in them.

The number 5 is suitable for sociable and hospitable individuals. The owner of an apartment with such a code will always be in the spotlight.

Vibrations of the five strengthen not only positive, but also negative feelings.


The number 6 refers to Venus. This code contributes to the creation of comfort and harmony.

Apartments at number 6 are suitable for families and those who want to meet their soul mate. In such dwellings there is an atmosphere of love, tranquility and kindness. Couples who often quarrel will find here mutual language and be able to put up with each other's shortcomings.

Single people who move into houses with code 6 quickly find a mate. Children growing up in such dwellings marry early.

Careerists at home 6 will not work. They reduce ambition, make a person lazy and scare away good luck in business. Do not settle here and lovers of extreme sports.


The numerology of apartment 7 is associated with Uranus. This figure helps in analytical activities and contributes to the development of magical abilities.

Houses with code 7 are calm and comfortable. Here anyone can find answers to all their questions. Detectives, writers, scientists and researchers will succeed in their work activities. In such dwellings, recovery after a serious illness will occur faster.

But there will be no wealth in the house with number 7. But this does not mean that material well-being cannot be achieved.


Eight is ruled by Mars. This number contributes to various undertakings.

In houses with code 8, active people who like to constantly try something should live. Here they will be able to succeed in a new business. This applies not only to hobbies and work, but also to building a family.

People with a penchant for bad habits such dwellings are contraindicated. In them, the love of alcoholic beverages will develop into alcoholism.


The numerology of the apartment with the number 9 is patronized by Neptune. Such a number creates vibrations of wisdom and altruism.

Here, individuals who want to benefit other people will feel comfortable. Such houses are suitable for religious workers, teachers, volunteers, esotericists, numerologists, poets, musicians, etc.

For individuals who value solitude, dwellings with nine vibrations will not work. They will quickly become annoyed by households, neighbors and acquaintances. Nine does not like mundane personalities either.

Date of birth and address compatibility

In numerology, importance is attached not only to the number of the apartment. An important role is played by the date of birth and name.

People who have recently begun to study numerology are often interested in the question of whether the date of birth of the landlord should influence the choice of housing. The answer to this question is ambiguous.

The fact is that the address of the apartment must correspond to personal qualities. Date of birth partly determines the character and temperament.

People who cannot understand themselves should familiarize themselves with the code for the name and date of birth. This will make it possible to determine the strengths and weak sides and use that dwelling code that will develop only the desired traits.

Bad and good number combinations

The numerology of the apartment matters according to Feng Shui. Adherents of this philosophy believe that there are combinations of numbers that attract financial trouble, quarrels and problems at work.

Positive and negative digital combinations:

  • favorable - 1-8-6, 9-7-7, 8-2, 8-6, 8-2-8, 4-8;
  • unsuccessful - 7-2, 8-5, 2-4, 4-6, 6-5, 9-9.

The numerology of an apartment helps a person to correctly interpret the vibrations exerted on housing. If you choose a house based on its address code, you can avoid many problems and improve your situation.

The numerology of an apartment and a house for superstitious people is a very important indicator of how harmonious and happy your life will be in your new home. This data is often associated with luck in certain areas and areas of activity, and even the possibility of an accident and the likelihood of good neighbors living in the same house. Also, the apartment number should be combined with the Number of Destiny of its inhabitants and not resonate with other important numerological indicators. Let's take a closer look at the calculations and meanings of apartment numbers in numerology in the fate of the people living in them.

When calculating the number of housing, you need to take into account all the data of the address - the house number (if you have an apartment in an apartment building). You need to add all the numbers until you get a single digit from 1 to 9. If there is a letter in the house number, use the table to convert it to a number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Y To L M H O P R
Kommersant S b E YU I

For example, your house number is 39B, and your apartment is 164. You need to add 3 + 9 + 2 (the number corresponding to the letter B), as a result you will get the number 14, add 1 + 4 and get the number 5 - this is the number of your entire house . By analogy, we calculate the number of apartments and get 2.

The value of the apartment or house number according to numerology

Each of the resulting numbers will have its own meaning. They can complement each other or resonate, causing an imbalance of energies and worsening the quality of life of the inhabitants.

Number 1

People living in apartments with an energy number of 1 are pioneers by nature, they prefer to check everything on their own experience and follow their intuition. Such a house is always clean, harmony and order reign in it, there is nothing superfluous. In such an apartment should live energetically strong man, otherwise there will be obvious discrepancies in terms of energy. The unit house is ideal for singles, who quickly get tired of the presence of other people, independent and self-sufficient individuals. Social people who love to be in the spotlight may feel lonely and uncomfortable in such housing.

Number 2

Ideal accommodation for a couple. It can be not only lovers, but also friends and students who rent an apartment together. Living in a double apartment, you will complement each other and gradually become good friends, or even real family. Such a connection will teach you to be sensitive to someone else's mood and understand other people perfectly.

Number 2 is balance, living in such an apartment you will notice how you become calm and thoughtful. Housing-deuce is not suitable for gloomy and stubborn people who do not recognize compromises.

Number 3

Three is a symbol of comfort and earthly pleasures: delicious food, sweet sleep and a calm, homely atmosphere. Such housing is perfect for a family with several generations, as well as for people who lack support and protection. If you think that your social life needs improvement - move to housing with a predominance of the number 3 and the number of your contacts will increase significantly. In such a house there will always be many guests, fun and noisy parties.

If, on the contrary, you are looking for solitude and want the house to become your (and only your) fortress, you should opt for a house with a different number.

Number 4

Four is a symbol of stability and a strong position in life. Housing with this number is perfect for accomplished, self-confident people. If you are experiencing the precariousness of the foundations of life, and your life situation requires a strong home rear, feel free to choose housing with a four.

Life in such a house will require observance of order, economy and rational use space. In such a house, the life of hardworking, tidy and economic residents will be harmonious. Clutter and impractical use of the territory will disrupt the energy and cause chaos in the lives of residents.

Number 5

Five is movement, change and competitive spirit. In such a house it is rarely calm, the atmosphere of moving always reigns here. People living in an apartment with the number 5 are mobile, easy-going and enterprising, they are adventurers and travelers. The five has a very strong sexual energy, living under this number you will notice improvements in appearance.

If you like a smooth, measured course of life, a clear, planned schedule and delegation of duties, this house will not suit you. You will feel yourself in constant chaos, become restless and wrapped up. You will not have time to think about decisions, they will have to be made very quickly, relying more on intuition. This situation rarely suits adults, respectable people, because such housing is more suitable for young people.

Number 6

Six teaches us compassion, the ability to forgive and help those in need. Living in a house with the number 6 is especially suitable for a family with small children or elderly parents. Six increases empathy, sensuality, develops Creative skills. Also, the figure helps to learn how to find a balance between work and family, if this balance is disturbed for you, move to a house with the number 6.

Such housing will not suit selfish, sentimental, purely business people - they will feel a breakdown, laxity and will no longer cope with work processes.

Number 7

Seven is an excellent choice for those who want to know themselves. Housing with the number 7 is ideal for singles who dream of developing their parapsychological, mystical abilities, as well as completely immersing themselves in science. Psychics, psychologists or physicians leading a private appointment will feel equally good here. Housing is not suitable for family people - the residents of such a house are somewhat detached and unsociable. Also, the house-seven is not suitable for rational people seeking material gain. The energy of the number 7 tunes in to the spiritual perception of the world, and businessmen, carried away by these aspects of life, may miss their business.

Number 8

Eight is the best choice for those who primarily value financial gain and crave material enrichment. If you crave recognition and enrichment, move to a house with the number 8. New prospects will open up for you, and new acquaintances will be extremely useful.

However, the figure eight is one of the most energy-consuming numbers. Only a very energetic, courageous and active person can live with her. If you and your family prefer a calm and measured rhythm of life, the figure eight will exhaust you and take away energy.

Number 9

Nine is the number of wisdom and life experience. Housing with such a figure is suitable for philosophers, people who do not attach much importance to the opinions of others. Housing with this number is intended for people who have experienced a great shock, and who seek to learn from it. Also, living in such a house is suitable for people with a global goal, philanthropists and dreamers.

If in any business a quick result is important to you, you crave a quick get-rich-quick and are not particularly interested in the moral aspects of things, are dependent on the opinions of others, or your profession is related to documentation and finance, in such a house you will feel uncomfortable and constrained, the energy of the nine will overwhelm you .

Unlucky and lucky numbers

Unhappy and lucky numbers in numerology does not exist, everything is decided by a combination of numbers and certain circumstances. It is important to take into account the personal numerological indications of people living in the house, as well as combinations of numbers. As mentioned above, each house has its own people, taking into account the characteristics of the character and life situation, it is important to focus on this when choosing housing, and then you can surely choose a house with a lucky number.

Dependence of date of birth and housing number

For a full calculation of the numerological map of housing and its owners, it is recommended to calculate the Number of Fate of the owner of the apartment and other residents, and observe how harmoniously the numbers combine with each other.

Numerology of apartments and houses according to Feng Shui

The influence of Feng Shui house numbers is slightly different from numerological ones. Each number corresponds to a planet solar system and qualities inherent in this planet.

patron planet The qualities that the house is endowed with
1 Sun Optimism, imagination, creative energy. Ideal for creative, free-thinking dreamers, confirmed bachelors.
2 Moon "Nest" for a couple in love. Stormy emotions, difficult life situations.
3 Mars Energy, fast reaction, violent activity. Advanced technology, the future. An ideal home for engineers and builders.
4 Mercury Business, development, financial success, new beginnings. An ideal home for entrepreneurs, businessmen.
5 Jupiter Space, freedom, a large number of inhabitants, several generations in one family. A wonderful home for people who value family and home comfort above all.
6 Venus An excellent choice for a couple planning children. The energy of Venus is especially suitable for economic ladies who love to cook and are trying in every possible way to improve home comfort.
7 Saturn Purposefulness, fatalism, trials. A suitable abode for singles for whom work is the main thing in life. Good for writers and scientists.
8 Uranus Wealthy people live here. Important - money is not given to them by hard work, usually it is an inheritance, profitable investments or savings of past generations. The main task of the inhabitants of the house of Uranus is to properly manage wealth and increase it.
9 Neptune House of chaos and disorder. Residents of such a house are always busy with repairs, physical labor but rarely experience health problems. This is the home of longevity.

Each apartment has its own energy, which depends, among other things, on its serial number. It has a special impact on people's lives, and thanks to numerology, everyone will be able to interpret its meaning.

The serial number of the apartment can tell a lot: why troubles happen in the family, where the money is flowing and what needs to be done in order to get rid of problems. Site site experts offer everyone to make a simple calculation that will help answer pressing questions.

How to calculate the numerology of an apartment

The energy of an apartment depends not only on its number, but also on the floor. The calculation is simple: you need to add the serial number of the floor to the apartment number and add them until you get a single digit. If the apartment number is 9 and the floor is 3, the result is: 9+3=12=1+2=3.

Residents of apartments with a three-digit number living on high floors will be able to do the same. The calculation of the apartment number 153 and 16 floors will look like this: 1+5+3+1+6=16=1+6=7.

The influence of the floor and apartment number on people's lives

Unit. According to numerology, the unit carries the energy of renewal. A person living in an apartment with this number should be ready for life changes. This apartment is not suitable for a measured life without worries and anxieties. Residents require considerable willpower, ambition and a desire to achieve goals so that they feel comfortable in the apartment. People with a weak will will be uncomfortable in such a home.

The apartment with serial number one is dominated by solar energy, so it is decorated with lighting fixtures, accents are made on red, orange and yellow colors in the interior.

Deuce. This figure is responsible for harmony in relationships. The deuce protects the union of two hearts from troubles and disagreements. This number allows you to feel unity with a partner, acquire heirs and live happy life. In such an apartment there is no place for lies, so a married couple may break up if one or both partners begin to hide the truth from each other. Lonely people in an apartment with such a serial number will be uncomfortable, but if the tenant has talents for cooking or art, then it will be easier for him to realize himself in a business environment.

The deuce is closely connected with the energy of the Moon, so it is worth decorating the apartment with images of the night star, keeping the interior in soothing colors. Decorative fountains or an aquarium will be useful: the energy of water will attract good luck and prosperity.

Troika. In an apartment with this number, several generations of the same family, as well as the elderly, will feel great. The energy of the home is favorable for those who wish to maintain family ties and take care of each other. It will be difficult for young couples in such an apartment due to the fact that housing hardly releases owners and accepts new owners. The ideal option would be to purchase such a home for parents or elderly relatives who do not need to move and expand their living space.

Seven. The energy of such an apartment is ideal for those who like to think and do mental work. For those who work in the field of journalism or jurisprudence, write books or articles, such a dwelling will be very useful. The vibrations of the seven help to achieve excellent career results for everyone whose profession is associated with high mental stress.

The apartment number is associated with Mars, the energy of which gives people perseverance and patience. It is important to keep the interior of the home in bright warm colors with elements of red, purple and ocher.

Nine. Nine in numerology is a symbol of wisdom and spirituality. A dwelling with this number is perfect for spiritual people, teachers and mentors, as well as philosophers and musicians. The vibrations of the nine often lead to the fact that residents see prophetic dreams in which they receive answers to questions of interest, as well as warnings. To those who lead closed image life, in such an apartment you will most likely have nightmares.

The number nine is associated with Neptune, and various lamps and candles will be appropriate in an apartment with this number. Subdued light will help to relax and fill with strength.

Thanks to numerological calculation, you can easily change your life for the better: for example, plan to purchase a home with the serial number that best suits your aspirations and personal preferences. In addition, numerology will answer many questions, including those related to

Nothing emphasizes the individuality of fate like the number of our apartment. The code embedded in it is, first of all, the events of our life, those actions around which the wheel of Fortune turns in one way or another.

Numbers come in single, double and triple digits. The single digit number is the simplest. He says that everything in your life is quite simple and understandable, you just need to be able to respond in time to what is happening.

A two-digit number lifts the veil of the aspirations of his soul over a person, showing that not everything that happens around is directly related to his outward behavior, there is a lot that is determined by the internal state. In order to achieve happiness, people living in an apartment with a two-digit number will have to deal with their soul - what does it really want. After all, only with the implementation innermost desires man finds his happiness.

The three-digit number speaks of the different strengths of our body, emotions and mind. For happiness in such an apartment, you need to understand yourself and achieve harmony. In our usual state, when we say one thing, do another, and think the third, it will not be possible to achieve well-being in this apartment, since it will always surprise either our head, or soul, or well-being.

The apartment code is the events that await us. With a single digit, everything is simple: you look at the apartment number and you know what it will present to us. With multi-digit numbers, everything is more complicated. In this case, the total number of the apartment is first calculated, according to which the direction of events is determined. Then each number is looked at separately to understand what it will bring for our life, soul and spirit, because this is how a three-digit number affects us. The first digit of the apartment number always determines the rhythm of the events happening to us, the second - our experiences and emotions, the third - our spiritual and intellectual development, the limit to which it will go. Additionally, the first number means the beginning of your life in a new place, the second is the most important thing that is happening, the third is the end to which your life in this place eventually comes.

For example, your apartment number is 154. The sum of the digits is 1+5+4=10. Since ten is a two-digit number, add 1+0=1 again. This will be the number of your apartment. The unit determines the events that contribute to the popularity of a person in the eyes of other people. The first unit only enhances the influence of the total number, provoking a huge number of a wide variety of cases related to your self-affirmation. The second in the number five indicates that there will be a lot of emotions and they will be connected, first of all, with work. Therefore, we can say that this apartment will push everyone living in it to gain respect and popularity at work or in the public sphere. The number of cases will increase over time. And the last number - four - indicates that in the end we will have to learn a lot anew. There will be a great many trips, meetings, dates that develop intelligence. But nothing too unexpected will happen in your life in this apartment.

The same goes for health status. At the same time, the first digit of the three-digit number indicates physical health, the second - about the psychological state, the third - about the activity of the mind. In this example, people living in an apartment whose number starts with 1 have some predisposition to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, during electromagnetic storms, a sharp change in the weather, such a person will feel bad, and this will be reflected both in his emotional state and in the course of his thoughts. The number 5 indicates possible emotional outbursts. The slightest trouble at work is enough, and a person can completely lose emotional control over himself. And only a light and mobile mind (as evidenced by the number 4) can help overcome weather stress.

It is also good to see what exactly awaits you in this apartment, what will be your basic condition. To do this, the number of your birth is added to the total number of the apartment. For example, you were born on 08/13/1960. Your birth number: 1+3+0+8+1+9+6+0=20; 2+0=2. If you live in the already described apartment at number 154, then 2 + 1 = 3. Three says that you will have many quarrels, you will have to work hard and spend a lot of physical strength to achieve your goals.

Below is a description of the numbers, on the basis of which you can interpret your life in this apartment.


1 speaks of a vibrant life filled with many events. Brings joy and fun, the atmosphere of an eternal holiday. Leads a person to glory and success. Enhances inner charm. This figure gives good physical health, which is largely determined by the work of the heart. If this figure is at the level of emotions, it indicates some coldness. Feelings are subject to human consciousness, and the degree of their manifestation depends only on it. A unit at the level of reason indicates selfishness and some stubbornness. The karma of such a person does not depend on the karma of the people living with him, he lives according to his own schedule. The unit gives some predisposition to cardiovascular diseases.

2 enhances sexual attractiveness, enhances emotions and feelings, often brings melancholy, but does not interfere with achieving happiness in family life. Here, physical and mental health are directly dependent on emotional state person. At the moment of depression, his state of health will worsen, at the moment of spiritual uplift - to improve. Two increases the attraction and dependence on each other people. It also subordinates the internal rhythms of the body to the rhythms of the moon. Therefore, on the growing moon there will be a surge of strength, and before the new moon - a clear decline. Gives a predisposition to nervous diseases, diseases of the stomach. It enhances the internal mobility of not only emotions, but also intellect.

3 gives great vitality and physical forces, enhances passion, anger, brings great physical stress and a lot of work. Three also gives success in any area related to physical activity, frees from someone else's dependence. This number can provoke acute inflammatory processes, which, on the one hand, does not allow diseases to take chronic form, and on the other hand, like 1, links all intellectual and psychological processes with physical health. No health - there will be breakdowns, and the mind will not work at full strength. But correcting the energy imbalance of this number is much easier than that of 1. Physical exercises will give not only cheerfulness, but also restore spiritual and mental strength.


4 enhances the intellect, allows you to succeed in intellectual activities, advertising, mediation and crafts, brings a large number of meetings and communication, gives good luck in travel and study. It contributes to the interception of diseases and other people's mental programs from other people. Therefore, in order to strengthen one's own health, it is necessary to learn the art of friendly conversation, which allows you to talk with everyone on an equal footing, without subordinating anyone and without subordinating yourself. Exercises that develop joint mobility will allow you to get rid of accumulated negative emotions. The power of the mind will be fueled by breathing exercises and techniques.


5 determines the social position of a person, gives optimism, self-confidence. The life of someone who falls under the influence of this number is always interconnected with the life and needs of the whole team. This number plunges a person into business and work problems, but at the same time contributes to the growth of his authority, broadens his horizons. Five gives a predisposition to fullness, allows you to taste all the physical joys of life. If a person is not too fond of them, it will give cheerfulness and fun. Surpluses in food and entertainment can provoke the most unexpected diseases of entire groups of organs, primarily associated with pollution and depletion of the vitality of the liver. Five in emotions gives cheerfulness, fun, but at the same time it can provoke unpleasant outbursts of negative emotions at the time of physical fatigue. The five of reason gives great success due to the ability to synthesize available opinions and facts. In business, success has the method of the so-called brainstorming when, by summing up different opinions, you can draw up the correct vision of the problem and choose the best way to solve it.


6 is responsible for the financial situation. Prosperity is the main thing that, along with success in love, it gives a person. It makes you not forget about your own attractiveness and health. This number brings uniformity, smoothness of events to life, cutting off unnecessary and empty fuss. physical health determines the rationality of nutrition. Emotionally, the six brings stability in both hate and love. In spiritual terms, it allows you to accumulate spiritual wealth through the use of everything that meets on the way. At the same time, only practical experience can serve as a criterion for the need for this or that knowledge.


7 brings stability to our lives, gives professional growth. This complex number teaches a person to reject from himself everything that interferes with his inner harmony, teaches him to restrain feelings. It adds perseverance and willpower to the character, brings luck in achieving any goal to strong-willed and patient people. This number does not allow you to dissipate your strength. Many unpleasant, although quite predictable events await you, which will teach you not only to manage your feelings, but also to look into the future, foreseeing the consequences of any of your actions. Physical health is determined by the condition of the spine (if it is in order, then the energy inside the body will circulate normally). Seven at the level of feelings gives spiritual coldness, compensated by the strength of attachments. The seven of the mind is intellectual success in concentrating thought on a problem.


8 is the number of surprises. You will not be able to program and clearly plan your life. The main thing you will have to learn how to work with is over time, which will either be too much or sorely lacking. Eight develops speed of reaction, therefore it brings to life so many unexpected twists of fate that over time you stop being surprised at this and are ready to stand up for your interests in any situation. She makes many interesting acquaintances. But get ready for the fact that under the influence of this figure, many things around you will break down (including relationships with other people). This number gives good luck only to those who firmly believe in their star. Eight is a number that brings arrhythmia to the internal processes of the body and all life events. If the body does not adapt to this, vascular diseases will develop. Eight gives the superpower of thought, which can control all the processes that take place inside, including allowing you to fully activate all mental and physical forces, then set the body to complete rest. Without this reasonable control, it is almost impossible to maintain health and improve your life.


9 - the number of world harmony, gives a very great spiritual strength. It does not have a great influence on specific events in life, it only slightly softens everything that happens around you. As a result of the influence of the nine, you find yourself involved in world processes. This number teaches you to look for satisfaction in your inner world, gives protection and luck in a circle of like-minded people, bestows peace and tranquility. The physical health of a person under the influence of the nine determines the water exchange, emotional - the ability not to compromise one's life principles in any situation, mental - the ability (innate or acquired) in the process of meditation to restore the energy connection with nature.

Using the above information, you can not only predict the general fate of future events, but also plan them in the most favorable way for yourself. To do this, you need to choose what exactly you want to achieve, and choose the total number of apartments that suits your plans. You can also choose a floor and experiment with the rooms offered to choose from so that they do not spoil, but, on the contrary, strengthen your plan with their action.

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