Sergei human choreographer. Anna Sedokova: “Next to Sergei, I became softer

Helpful Hints 30.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Each of us has our own favorite, whether it's a well-known political leader or a creative person. And, of course, you always want to be in the center of events and know last news about your idols. The stars of show business are no exception, about whom you can hear not only gossip, but also read quite a lot. truthful information about their personal lives and careers. The article will focus on the Ukrainian world-famous celebrity Sergey Guman.

Women's Favorite

Sergey Guman ( real name Gumanyuk) is well known to the public, he is a show business star, director, dancer, choreographer. It is especially popular among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

He was in a relationship not only with women unfamiliar to us, but also with real celebrities, for example, with the singer Anna Sedokova, whom she has now parted with. He was also married to top model Tatyana Ruban. The girl bore him a son, Martin.

So today the guy's heart is free, but Sergey Guman is in no hurry to bind himself with a serious relationship, especially marriage. He has a lot of work, creative plans and tasks that he wants to implement in the near future, so his personal life is not in the first place.

creative life

Sergey Guman (see photo below) is a diverse personality. He is an excellent dancer and teaches choreography to the pupils of his school, which he opened in Kyiv. He is also the owner of several dance studios in the cities of Ukraine, including in his hometown - Chernihiv.

Being the director of various productions and shows, he himself often acts in video clips, in the creation of which he takes an active part. In addition, Sergey shoots commercials and makes performances. One of his hobbies is reading rap, and he writes the lyrics himself. Friends and colleagues appreciate and respect Sergey Guman for his cheerful disposition, responsiveness, goodwill, readiness to always give the right advice and come to the rescue.

His personality is known outside of Ukraine, abroad. Some world stars even offered cooperation to Sergey. Where is the truth and where is fiction about personal life and career young man- a mystery, but the result of what Sergey is doing says that he is a talented choreographer, dancer, wonderful director and director.

The beginning of a dance career

Among his favorite hobbies, as the biography of Sergei Guman shows, the first place is occupied by dancing, which he has been doing since the age of 12. As a child, he practiced ballroom dancing. Then breakdance came into fashion, the young man wanted to master it too. Later he got into the Chernihiv dance group, where for several years he performed in different directions.

As for what kind of career future awaits the star, Sergey Guman does not want to guess, since there are really many prospects. And in his free time, he dreams of visiting some cozy house on the seashore, going out on the terrace and reading his favorite book. But it is known according to the latest data that Sergei's vacation is not planned soon, and now he is actively developing and staging a new video, which should appear on TV screens in the near future.

"My heart is full of love!" - Ukrainian model Tanya Ruban cannot come to terms with the loss

Anna SEDOKOVA no longer hides her love: the singer admitted that the Ukrainian dancer Sergey HUMANIUK became her chosen one. Meanwhile, in the past of the singer's new boyfriend, not everything is clear: until recently, it was believed that Sergei had been happily married for a long time. In 2009, Gumanyuk got married to the famous Ukrainian model Tanya RUBAN, from whom he has a son, four-year-old Martin.

Sergei met Anna Sedokova on the set of the video "Heart in Bandages" - the singer decided to use her compatriot as her partner in the music video. Later, Sergei starred in another video of the star - "Between us is a buzz." When a “high” began between the singer and her partner on the set and real life, Gumanyuk was still married. Later, when it became clear that everything was serious with Anna, the dancer left the family. To avoid rumors and omissions ex-wife Sergei decided to comment on the situation. On her page on the social network, the model said that she and Gumanyuk divorced. And the reason for the gap is Anna Sedokova.

- Sergey and I are divorced! - Tanya reported, - Was Anna the reason for this? Yes. Was it the only reason? Not! Am I holding a grudge or a grudge? I will answer this way: when there is love, real and strong, such things as resentment, anger, defeat, betrayal, selfishness and despair .... etc., etc. - a priori have no place! Love replaces everything! And I'm full of this love! And as one very wise person said - "if there is love, it must be shared." Otherwise, she dies.

Tanya Ruban is a famous Ukrainian model, the winner of the Elite model look Ukraine contest, who worked in France and starred for the glossy magazines Elle, Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper's bazar and many others. Now she is raising her son alone and lives alternately either in Ukraine or in the USA, where she shoots a lot for advertising and glossy magazines.

Tanya and Sergey are countrymen, natives of Chernigov. The couple got married on September 27, 2009 in their hometown, for the sake of her husband Tatyana left her job in France and returned to her homeland. In 2010, the couple had a son, Martin. After the boy grew up, Tanya returned to work again.

Meanwhile, the romance of Anna Sedokova and Sergei Gumanyuk is gaining momentum. In her microblog, the singer never ceases to admire the talent and choreographic works of her lover. And she says that now her life is a continuous holiday.

We dance with him all the time at home. You have no idea how wonderful it is when you cook some delicious food in the kitchen - and in the dance. He wears me all the time in his arms, ”Sedokova shared with Instagram readers.

One of the main sex symbols of the Ukrainian and Russian pop scene, she admitted that she underwent a difficult operation in Los Angeles. The 32-year-old star could remain disabled due to a serious kidney disease. “In one moment everything changed in my life!” - Sedokova recalls with horror the misfortune that happened to her. On how she coped with her illness and her new romance with a choreographer and director Sergey Guman the singer told exclusive interview SUPER.

Anna, how did you end up in the hospital?

I had never told this to anyone before, but in fact, I had already undergone two surgeries. The first happened about two years ago, and the second more recently. This is an operation on the kidneys when they cannot function normally. I lived absolutely normal life I have never had any problems. All the time there were good tests. But at some point, my back began to hurt. I thought it was because I drive a car. I went for massages and suddenly noticed a visible tumor in my right side, I realized that something was not right. I went to the doctor, they did an ultrasound, an MRI and they said that if I don’t go to the operation tomorrow, then it might be too late. In one day I changed from healthy person into a man who can lose everything. After I had this operation, an hour later I had to do it again. I overestimated a lot at this moment and I can say that I started a new life.

How do you feel now?

Now it's normal. Of course, I can't do sports the way I used to. Many live with this, and it is not fatal. I have changed more psychologically than physically. I realized that my life can end at any moment, that I need to breathe every day, and not look back at the past. You also need to forgive and move on.

Who supported you in difficult times?

My young man is Sergey. This is the man who went through all this with me. He actively supported me. We meet with him for a long time, and with him I learned to appreciate simple things. During the second operation, he was not in the city, but he was in touch with me all the time. And of course my babies (Ani's daughters are 11-year-old Alina and 4-year-old Monika. - Approx. ed.) were always there. The only thing - I asked them "not to jump on my mother's tummy." I showed them the scar, and they understood everything and now they take care of me.

At what stage is your relationship with Sergei now? Is it about a wedding?

I live for today. Of course, we are already almost a family and we live together. Seryozha himself asks me: “Well, when will you marry me?” To be honest, I'm a little scared. If we have a wedding, it will definitely be somewhere far away in warm country. We're talking about a wedding, but the date hasn't been set yet.

Are you and Sergey ready to have children together?

I am ready for this, but I do not know how this operation will affect my health. The doctor said everything seemed to be fine. I really want two more children. I understand that after the operation there are no special guarantees. They say everything will be fine, but I can only believe it.

Are you in Los Angeles for treatment?

Yes, but my doctor is Russian. I trust our doctors.

Your young man Sergey has already found mutual language with your children?

Oh sure! We recently went on a ten day cruise on a big cruise ship. Girls love Sergey very much. I am very careful about the child's psyche. I even introduced Serezha to the girls only after nine months of our relationship, when I realized that this was serious. I had never introduced them to anyone before, and even in their presence I never held another man's hand. The girls and Serezha are very good friends, they call him "Panda", they constantly ask me about him. I think if I part with Serezha, my children will not forgive this.

How does your ex-husband, Maxim Chernyavsky, feel about the fact that Sergei communicates with his daughters?

This is a special topic. Maxim and I have a very strange relationship. We have gone through everything: from hatred to friendship. I can say that Seryozha is familiar with Max and they have a normal relationship. Moreover, even Max and I have a normal relationship. I can’t say that we visit each other, but the relationship is good. I have always clearly shared our communication and his with my daughter. Max is a good dad, and I will do everything to save their relationship. Kids love Max and they love Panda and, most importantly, they love Mom.

Do you know Maxim's girlfriend?

No. I can't get to know her. I’m even glad to finally do it, because there will be a wedding soon, but Maxim hasn’t introduced me yet. More than two years have passed since our breakup, and it would be time for him to start a serious relationship.

Who spends more time with girls, you or Maxim?

We have an unusual system. When I leave for work, the children are with Max, and when he flies away, they are with me. The only thing is that we discuss our schedules in advance. I know who posts more photos on Instagram - this, of course, is Maxim. I even recently argued with him on this subject because I was against it. I am generally against the placement of children's photos on Instagram. Monica first appeared on his Instagram and is gaining an unprecedented number of likes.

Do you discuss your personal life with him?

It seems to me that this is not entirely correct. Max can discuss with me the ups and downs in his life, as a rule, he complains that there is no one, the only one. I can only nod my head at that. I have nothing to complain about. If a girl wants to please Max, I can give advice as an ex-wife. A girl should not only be beautiful, but she should also work, she should be independent, she should improve herself, study. Only in this way you have a chance to marry a bachelor.

So you're saying he's getting married soon?

Well, yes, I saw it on TV in the show "The Bachelor". Isn't that true?

Will you go to his wedding if he invites you?

I'll go, because you need to forget old grievances.

The Russian singer, who celebrates her 32nd birthday, spoke about her chosen one and unsuccessful previous novels. Secular circles actively whispered about the singer's romance with choreographer Sergei Guman a couple of months ago, although they have been dating for a year, they just cleverly hide it. Anna tells about her chosen one for the first time: “By the time we met Serezha, the previous relationship was over, mine too. He put his pain on mine. And in this regard, we helped each other.”

Photo by Vanya Berezkin/"Antenna"

Two strong leaders

Anya, how unusual to see you without long hair! Why did you decide to change your image so drastically?

There were internal changes, and, of course, I wanted to change externally. I used to want to be loved. I thought that with curly hair and bright makeup I would like it more. The viewer has since " VIA Gra"There was a certain image: Anna Sedokova - a girl with a magnificent hairdo, big breasted, not very smart, to whom everything fell from the sky. And she also puts on airs and drives a Bentley. Only my family and the people who work with me know the real me. And now I don’t care in a good way, I am the way I am. Neither better nor worse. She went from short dresses in sequins and hairstyles a la Pugachev, as her beloved calls them, to a smooth bob, black T-shirts and leggings with sneakers. People who meet me in life, after an hour of communication, say the same phrase: “But we didn’t think you were like that.” Apparently, there was an error in the filing, I did something wrong. Soon a new reality show will be released on the screens, in which the viewer will see the real me, without masks and scripts.

In the project "I want to Meladze" you are a member of the jury, and your beloved Sergey Guman is the main choreographer. Is it hard to work together?

What scared you?

We thought it was impossible to work together. He has his own vision of what is happening, they were afraid to quarrel. Two strong leaders on the same platform, he is very closed, Difficult person. Many people, when they meet him for the first time, think that he does not talk at all. I'm a talker. They were also afraid that in the show for the sake of ratings they would start pushing our foreheads together. But, we must pay tribute, the director did not exploit this topic, he treated it with respect. In general, we took a chance, we decided that if our relationship is strong enough, we will endure it. As a result, the project brought us closer. They came up with everything together, fell asleep and woke up thinking about the show.

Don't get lost in a man

And there were no disputes?

There were, and what! Just yesterday, Serezha and I came to the conclusion that a project cannot have several guiding heads. I have my own vision of how to work with the team, Serezha has his own, and the main one is Alan Badoev. Someone has to compromise. What Serezha and I have learned. We could have parted ways already 80 times, but why? I want to keep the relationship and so does he. In love, in general, the one who knows how to give in wins. I have definitely softened up.

What mistakes are you trying to avoid in this relationship?

I dissolve into a man. And this the main problem. You can't do that. A woman should have a job, a business, or at least a great hobby, her own circle of friends. Although now I constantly want to be with my beloved, hug him around the clock and run home to him as soon as possible. But I say to myself: "No, you should not lock yourself in your personal life." A woman is obliged to bring something new into the life of a man. And so I gradually learn not to dissolve completely in the relationship, but at the same time give him enough love.

Does Sergey also think that a woman should work? Or would he like to see you at home, by the stove?

At first he said: "Everything is fine." And when he studied my schedule, he began to get angry. My day looks like this: at 09:00–09:30 I arrive at the office of my clothing brand La Story, where I spend the whole day sketching and negotiating. At 18:00 I go to edit the show, and at 22:00 I go to the studio. Then I fall asleep, and three hours later it starts all over again. Yesterday we had a fight because I stayed too long in the studio, I couldn’t stop editing, and Seryozha was waiting for me near the house for two hours. He got very angry: “You are leaving tomorrow morning, and you are sitting and editing the program.” I was offended, and for the first time in our entire history of relations, we did not talk at night. But in the morning he apologized and said that he was wrong. Seryozha compromised, and at that moment I realized that I needed to meet halfway - not to sit for two hours editing, but at least an hour.

Anya, maybe it’s worth taking on fewer cases?

Recently, such a mood attacked me, I got into the car and prayed: “God, I’m going from one job to the second, from the second to the third ... How tired. I want to not think about anything, but just go shopping and choose shoes. But then she straightened herself up: is this my happiness? Yes, I'm very tired, but happy man I am proud of my work and do not want to live differently. I dream of achieving even more, earning a lot of money, creating my own empire, I want to be free in my actions. I have no helpers the mighty of the world this, therefore, there is nothing left but to achieve everything yourself.

Vulnerable child psyche

Photo personal archive of Anna Sedokova

Your work is in Moscow, Sergey is in Kyiv, and your daughters (nine-year-old Alina from her first marriage and three-year-old Monica from her second marriage, with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. - Approx. "Antennas") - in Los Angeles. Where do you spend more time?

I don’t even know, I live between three countries. But I'm not broken anymore. Because girls grow up and can fly with me. A little more time will pass, and we will all fly together and not part.

And with whom do your daughters stay in America when you fly away?

With dad and grandmothers, my godmother. As a rule, I do not fly away for a long time, for a week or two at most. And there the children rich life. While Ali and Moni are resting with Maxim's grandmother in Miami, I am working; return to Los Angeles - I will fly too. My girls are generally business “sausages”. We had such a conversation. For a long period I did not leave them anywhere, I refused many offers in order to spend 24 hours a day with my daughters. And once again we are going home from school, Alina asks to turn on the music louder. I say: can we discuss the events of the day? “Mommy,” she replied, “I need to think about my business.” Seeing how surprised her mother was, she immediately added: “I love you so much, because I have you so beautiful, talented, interesting.” “And the fact that I take you to school, pick you up, is it not important for you?” - I clarify. "Important, but that's not why I love you." Then, once again, I was convinced that someone could replace me in everyday matters, but in the matter of spiritual development, I did not need a replacement. It would be much worse if I gave up self-development and devoted myself entirely to children. They would grow up and ask: “Why did you do that? Why didn't you get what you wanted? Happy children can only be happy parents. Then in your life everything is fine, everyone is friends, communicate.

With Maxim, there are no disputes on the topic of education?

We live together. Relationship with ex-husband and mother-in-law can be saved only in one case: when you put your ego to hell, and bring the meaning of life - children - to the fore. On this issue, Maxim and I have no disagreements. And in general, the phrase "raise children" is very relative. They need to be told where is white and where is black. Maxim and I have the same understanding on this matter, we just convey their meaning to the girls in different words. For example, eldest daughter I say: if you sit at the computer all day, you will not become like Selena Gomez, whom Alina likes now. “Selena,” I explain to her, “since the age of three she has been running auditions and working, and not playing Minecraft all day.”

What are Alina's non-girlish hobbies!

We have an absolute girl Moni. Never thought my daughter would travel to Kindergarten from the house with a toy crown on his head. If she accidentally forgets her, she will have to return home for about forty minutes, because her daughter refuses to go to the garden without her. I sincerely admire her, because girls should not forget that we are queens. Alina, on the contrary, is tired of the clothes that I buy for her. She has other interests: tennis, books. Only recently I saw for the first time how Alina went to the mirror and corrected something there. If Moni is originally a fashionista, all in dad, Maxim also likes to dress up beautifully, then Alina, like me, chooses comfort.

A man should be a hero

Photo by Vanya Berezkin/"Antenna"

Does your fashion brand have a children's collection?

Yes, but not as big yet. Formerly daughters she altered purchased outfits, created costumes for Halloween. Hence the desire to become a designer. Because every time in the store I want to say a phrase from the movie: “Isn’t there the same one, only with mother-of-pearl buttons?” I decided to create casual clothes that will distinguish people from the gray mass. I myself select materials, color palette, create prints and supervise the work. Men are already complaining that there is nothing in the collection for them. So in our family we agreed as follows: Alina creates a children's line, while Monya points with her finger what she likes for two-year-olds, I - women's. And Serezha will help in creating the men's line.

Have you already introduced Sergei to your daughters?

They know each other, but not personally. We are still talking on the phone together. Seryozha is written in it as "Mine", so the girls call him: "My" is calling you. You can not introduce children to a man and present him as a new dad. Everything in life is very unpredictable. I know exactly. We need to take care of the child's psyche, and my task now is to do everything so as not to hurt her.

Anna Sedokova announced that she broke up with her lover - dancer Sergei Guman. At the same time, Anna says that she felt very good with Guman and the break in relations was hard for her.

“It seems that she has not yet fully realized what happened. Serezha and I experienced so much together, starting from working together and ending with our feelings. It was an amazing time, but in a relationship there always comes a moment after which it’s either all or nothing,” says Sedokova about breaking up with a former lover.

In an interview with the Russian edition of StarHit, Anna also named a long-term reason for the breakup.

"At first we had joint projects, he danced in my ballet, we toured. But now Sergey has gone headlong into directing - he shoots videos of artists, travels around the world. I have a new concert program in which there is no male choreography. We don’t see each other for a week,” said Sedokova.

Anna says that she tried to put up with this situation, but she did not succeed.

“At first you think - well, this is temporary, you need to be patient. And then you wonder dozens of times - what then. And you don’t find an answer. He was a part of me, and now this part was cut off from me like a scalpel. The feeling that I live without this part body, and it seems you can live, like, for example, without an arm or leg, but you constantly miss it - phantom pains, "Anna admitted.

It was Sedokova who decided to break up.

“For several nights I lay and looked at the ceiling, then at our first joint portrait ... Inside everything froze, it was difficult to breathe. Probably, when you really want everything to be fine, you think, they say, here it is - my happiness, my love, my life ... Not everything is perfect, but it will pass, we will overcome everything. And then you realize that you lived with illusions about an ideal future, "she explained the reasons for parting.

One evening, Anna put her daughters to bed and decided to call Sergei to dot the i's.

“We talked, I tried to catch his breath in the tube and understood that our feelings were and remain real, strong, but, apparently, now is the time when you need to be apart. He reacted calmly, understood me. He asked: “Are you sure?” I was not sure, but answered in the affirmative. We agreed to meet when we are in the same city and there will be no need to fly anywhere, run, "said Sedokova.

"Now many things - T-shirts, shirts in the closet - remind me of him. Sometimes I wake up and smell him on the pillow. I go into the kitchen, I see the chair on which he was sitting at breakfast. I understand that this will not happen again, he will not return" , - the singer complains.

Finally, Anna said that now she wants to be alone.

“I was married twice, from these relationships I have wonderful children. As no one understands: it is important to maintain friendship. this moment I want to be alone and understand what is most important for me after the children, with whom and where I want to go. It is possible that in our history there is still an ellipsis," Sedokova said.

Recall. From June 23, 2004 to the beginning of 2006, Anna Sedokova was married to a Belarusian football player, captain of Dynamo Kyiv, Valentin Belkevich. On December 8, 2004, their daughter Alina was born.

On February 12, 2011, Anna married businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. On July 24, 2011, their daughter Monika was born at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. In February 2013, Anna Sedokova announced her divorce from Maxim.

In June 2014, it became known that Anna Sedokova was dating dancer Sergei Guman. However, about a month ago, information appeared that the couple had a break.

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