Wolf messing real surname first name. For everyone and everything

Tourism and rest 17.06.2019
Tourism and rest

Wolf Grigoryevich Messing (September 10, 1899, Gura-Kalvaria, Warsaw province - November 8, 1974, Moscow) Polish and Soviet hypnotist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1971).

If Wolf Messing was lucky with something, then with the date of birth. 1899, the eve of the 20th century, when faith in miracles around the world revived with unprecedented strength. But there was a misfire with the place of birth - the impoverished Gura-Kalvaria near Warsaw. The town was inhabited by the Jewish poor, to which the family of the future sorcerer belonged. His father, a loser embittered at life, nicknamed Gershka the tramp, lived by renting a tiny garden. Wolf and his three brothers worked in this garden from childhood, caring for apple and plum trees, and as a reward they received only their father's scolding and slaps on the back of the head. The caresses of the mother did not console the children for long - Hana Messing died early from consumption.

Wolf was a strange boy. When he was four years old, his mother noticed that he was sleepwalking. Smart people advised to put a bowl of cold water by his bed - stepping into it, the boy woke up. He eventually recovered from his sleepwalking. Around the same time, it was discovered that nature had endowed Wolf with a phenomenal memory. He easily memorized entire pages from the Talmud.

The father decided to make Wolf a rabbi - a sure piece of bread for his son, and at the same time for him. But the boy, having visited the performance of a visiting circus, firmly decided to become a magician. The beatings did not give anything, and the head of the family decided to use a trick. One evening, Wolf saw a giant bearded figure in a white robe at the porch of their house. "My son! the stranger exclaimed, “go to the yeshiva and serve the Lord!” The shocked boy fainted.

Waking up, he dutifully trudged to the yeshiva - the spiritual school. Maybe the world would have received someday an outstanding Rabbi Messing, but two years later a hefty bearded man stopped by on business. And Wolf immediately recognized him as a terrible stranger. Father deceived him!

On that day, eleven-year-old Wolf committed three serious offenses at once. He secretly left his parents' house, stole money from a donation mug hanging in front of the synagogue (there were only nine kopecks), and boarded the first train he came across.

Crouched under the bench, he stared in horror at the controller heading towards him.

"Hey boy, show me your ticket!" - this voice will sound in Messing's ears for many years to come. Grabbing a dirty piece of newspaper from the floor, he thrust it to the controller, passionately, with all his heart wishing that everything would work out somehow. Several painful moments passed, and the face of the controller softened: "Well are you sitting under the bench with the ticket? Get out, fool!"

Best of the day

So the boy first realized that he had some kind of incomprehensible power. Later, some biographers of Messing told this story differently. As if on his silent order, the controller jumped out of the train and fell to his death. Any event in the life of Messing was overgrown with legends, which today are almost impossible to understand.

The biographers were not helped by his memoirs “On Myself”, published in the mid-1960s in several Soviet magazines at once. The science fiction writer Mikhail Vasiliev, who wrote them down, also worked hard, decorating the biography of his hero with incredible details. Was it worth the effort? The life of Wolf Messing looks amazing even without any embellishments.

In a crystal coffin

The train brought him to Berlin, a huge city where no one expected a little Jewish tramp. Wolf delivered things, washed dishes, polished shoes - and was constantly desperately hungry. In the end, he collapsed on the street unconscious. He was almost sent to the morgue - a weak heartbeat was heard only at the last moment. A unique patient, who had lain in a deep faint for three days, was placed in the clinic of the famous psychiatrist Abel. Opening his eyes, the boy said: “Don’t take me to an orphanage!” The doctor was amazed - he was just thinking about it ...

Having discovered the unusual gift of the boy, Abel was the first to try to study his abilities. And even develop them. But the reports of the experiments were burned in his office during the war. And this happened more than once - as if some kind of force persistently and powerfully hid everything connected with Messing.

The impresario Zellmeister became interested in the "wonder child". He arranged Wolf for a circus. Now, three days a week, the boy spent in a crystal coffin, plunging himself into a state of catalepsy for the amusement of the public - something like a faint, accompanied by complete numbness of the body. He performed and with other numbers - he pierced his neck with a steel needle, looked for things hidden by the audience.The rest of the time Wolf devoted to his education - he talked about psychology with the best specialists of that time, read a lot.

Now on the streets he tried to "eavesdrop" on the thoughts of passers-by. Checking himself, he approached the thrush and said something like: "Don't worry, your daughter won't forget to milk the goat." And the seller in the store reassured: "The debt will be returned to you soon." The astonished exclamations of the "subjects" said that the boy really managed to read other people's thoughts.

In 1915, the young telepath came on tour to Vienna. Here, two giants of science of the 20th century became interested in him - the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and brilliant physicist Albert Einstein. During a demonstration session, performing Freud's mental task, Messing approached Einstein and pulled out three hairs from his luxurious mustache with tweezers. Since then, he met with Freud more than once. Alas, these meetings did not leave a trace in any of the works of the Viennese psychoanalyst. Perhaps Freud simply retreated in front of a phenomenon that he could not explain in any way. But it was thanks to Freud that Wolf broke up with the circus, deciding: no more cheap tricks - only "psychological experiments" in which he surpassed all competitors.

Tours and intrigues

Messing spent several years on foreign tours: Japan, Brazil, Argentina. And then he returned to Poland. Here he was first taken into the army. The frail private, who did not know how to shoot and march, was assigned to the kitchen. Right from the kitchen, he was taken to the palace of the "chief of Poland" - Marshal Pilsudski, intrigued by the amazing "tricks" that his subordinates told him about. Later, the marshal consulted with Wolf more than once on a variety of issues. For example, about the denouement of his romance with the beautiful Evgenia Levitskaya. Messing did not hide the fact that the life of a young woman is in danger. And so it happened: soon Levitskaya, having lost hope of uniting with her loved one (Pilsudski was married), committed suicide.

Messing still traveled a lot - he even visited India, where he visited the spiritual leader of the Hindus Mahatma Gandhi and learned a lot from yogis. He not only spoke from the stage, but also solved intricate criminal mysteries. One day, Count Czartoryski lost his diamond brooch, which was worth a fortune. He called Messing to him. He asked to see all the inhabitants of the castle before him and quickly found the culprit - the feeble-minded son of a servant. The boy stole a shiny thing and hid it in the mouth of a stuffed bear in the living room. Messing refused the award, instead asking the count to help repeal the law that infringed on the rights of the Jews. Czartoryski pressed the necessary levers in the Sejm, and the law was repealed.

Such stories multiplied the fame of the sorcerer, but there were also incidents. In one town, Messing was shown a letter from a guy who had left for America, from whom there had been no news for a long time. The mother wanted the "seer" to determine from a piece of paper what happened to her son. After reading the letter, he frowned: “Lady, I don’t want to upset you, but the one who wrote this letter is dead ...”

Pani was barely pumped out ... And during the next visit to the town of Messing, they were greeted with shouts of “Swindler! Scoundrel! It turned out that the imaginary dead man had recently returned home. Messing thought. "Did you write the letter yourself?" he asked the guy. “No, I’m not good with reading and writing,” he was embarrassed. - I dictated, and my friend wrote. Poor fellow, he was soon crushed by a log. The sorcerer's authority has been restored.

Touring trails more than once brought Wolf Messing to Berlin, where another seer, Eric Jan Ganussen, bathed in the rays of glory. Also a Jew, he renounced his people and went into the service of the Nazis, becoming Hitler's personal astrologer. Messing recognized his talent, but believed that Ganussen often uses cheap effects, influencing the audience with the help of hypnosis. Hanussen, on the other hand, hated the competitor and inspired the Fuhrer with a superstitious fear of Messing. However, Hitler was also afraid of Hanussen himself, who read his secret thoughts: after coming to power in 1933, he ordered the astrologer to be “removed”.

In Poland itself, Messing also had a lot of ill-wishers. One of them sent a beautiful lady to the sorcerer, who began to openly seduce him. Wolf, who guessed her plan, quietly called the police. When the stranger jumped out onto the stairs shouting “Help, they are raping!”, law enforcement officers with handcuffs were already waiting for her there.

At the same time, Messing was not a misogynist. In his tours, he started novels more than once, then married an artist, had children. Them further fate unknown - they, like Messing's youth, remained in that half of his life that the war cut off.

Fuhrer's hatred

In September 1939, an armada of fascist tanks crashed into Poland like a wedge. The massacre of the Jews began immediately. They were rounded up in the ghetto, and from there they were sent to the death camps. This mournful path was passed by the whole of Gura-Kalvaria, including the father and brothers of Messing. They died in gas chambers Maidanek. Admirers of his talent hid the soothsayer himself in Warsaw, in the basement of a butcher's shop. Two years earlier, Messing, in one speech, predicted death for Hitler if he sent troops to the east. Now the "enemy of the Reich" was wanted by the Gestapo. A reward was promised for his head - two hundred thousand Reichsmarks. Like many susceptible people, Messing suffered from a fear of confined space. After being locked up for several days, he went out into the street - and was immediately captured by a patrol. Wolf tried to convince the soldiers that he was an artist ( long hair, chalk-stained clothes), but was hit in the face with a rifle butt and woke up already in prison. “Well, hello, Jewish magician! the warden grinned. “They are already waiting for you in Berlin.”

Messing foresaw how it would all end. He will be forced to make predictions, and then removed, like Hanussen. Gathering all his will into a fist, he hypnotized the guards and locked them in his cell. But the exit is also guarded, but there is no strength left ... Messing jumped out of the second floor (permanently injuring his legs) and, limping, wandered to the outskirts. There he persuaded a passing peasant to hide him in a cart under hay. Then other people helped him - some for money, some out of respect for his talent. On a dark November night in 1939, a fishing boat took him across the Bug to the Soviet Union. The country where he had never been before was now to be his home.

Meetings with Stalin

And the strangeness began again. Any fugitive from abroad then faced long checks, an almost inevitable charge of espionage, and then execution or camps. And Messing was immediately allowed to freely travel around the country and speak with his experiments. He himself rather unconvincingly explained that he inspired some rank with the idea of ​​his usefulness for the government, one of whose tasks was to spread materialism.

“In the Soviet Union, fighting against superstitions in the minds of people, neither fortune-tellers, nor wizards, nor palmists favored ... I had to convince, demonstrate my abilities a thousand times,” Messing later stated his version. And yet it is more likely that the fate of the sorcerer was so successful in the USSR only because some high-ranking and very competent people knew about him for a long time.

This was confirmed six months later, when people in uniform took Messing right off the stage, put him on a plane and took him to Moscow. There he seemed to be met by a low mustachioed man, familiar to the entire population of the USSR from countless portraits.

“Hello, Comrade Stalin,” Messing said. “And I carried you in my arms” - “How is it in my arms?” - the leader was surprised. - "First of May, at the demonstration." After talking with Messing, Stalin said: “Well, you are a cunning one!” To which the sorcerer allegedly replied: “What are you doing! Here you are - so really cunning!"

Oddly enough, such unthinkable familiarity got away with a recent emigrant. But Stalin nevertheless arranged checks for him - he ordered to receive one hundred thousand rubles from the savings bank on a blank sheet of paper. Messing succeeded brilliantly (and the cashier then collapsed with a heart attack).

Another time, the “father of peoples” suggested that Wolf Grigorievich (as Messing began to be called in the USSR) to go to his carefully guarded dacha in Kuntsevo. The sorcerer acted simply and logically in the Soviet way: he inspired the guards that he was the all-powerful head of the NKVD, Beria. And they let him through all the cordons.

What is true here, what is not? But such stories, which were whispered in the "near-Kremlin" families of Moscow, gave rise to the legend that Wolf Messing was almost Stalin's personal soothsayer and adviser. In fact, they met only a few times. It is unlikely that the "Kremlin highlander" would like that someone - even in the order of psychological experience - can read his thoughts ...

Artist of a very original genre

Messing in the USSR almost suffered the fate of Hanussen. Evacuated to Tashkent during the war, he spent two weeks in the hot dungeons of the local NKVD. They say that because he did not want to give money for the construction of a military aircraft. But this is hard to believe. He was never greedy and even before the prison he gave the front an airplane, and after it a second one. By the way, the famous ace Konstantin Kovalev, Hero of the Soviet Union, who became a friend of Messing after the war, flew on one of them. It seems that the people of Beria sought something else from Wolf Grigorievich - to teach them the technique of mind control. Whether he agreed or not is unknown, but the "conveyor" of interrogations did its job. From prison, the daredevil, who joked with Stalin himself, came out a broken, forever intimidated, suddenly aged man.

The life of a magician

Messing's life after the war looks, in contrast, quiet and eventful. The authorities gave him a one-room apartment in Moscow, on Novopeschanaya Street, where the soothsayer settled with his wife Aida Mikhailovna. They met in Novosibirsk during the war, and Aida became everything for Messing - friend, secretary, assistant. With her, the eternal wanderer found his home for the first time, where he could throw off his mask and become himself. But only a few friends saw him like that, as for selection, outstanding people.

Messing explained to one of them, Mikhail Mikhalkov (brother of Sergei Mikhalkov): “Each person has, say, 20 percent of intuition, that is, a sense of self-preservation. You, a man who fought, have developed intuition by 100 percent, someone has it by 300, and I have a thousand percent!"

Messing followed the daily routine ironically. I got up at eight o'clock, did exercises, then sat down for breakfast, always the same - coffee with milk, black bread, soft-boiled egg. I took long walks with my two dogs. I read a lot, especially science fiction and books on psychology. Before work, he usually slept for about thirty minutes (he said that sleep energizes him). He was a coward, afraid of lightning, cars and people in uniform.

He obeyed his wife in everything and only sometimes, when it came to matters of principle, he straightened up menacingly and spoke in a different voice, sharp and creaky: “This is not Wolfochka telling you, but Messing!”

Having lived in the Soviet Union for many years, he never mastered the Russian language perfectly, which more than once led to funny situations. Once, when some lady at a performance refused to give him her thing for experience, Messing was indignant: “Why are you giving? Women have always given me!” And he could not understand why the hall exploded with laughter. And when they told him: “You work great!” - answered with dignity: "Yes, I'm healthy, I'm not sick!"

He not only did not get sick, but also knew how to heal others with the help of hypnosis. However, he could not help his wife. She died of cancer in 1960. Having lost Aida Mikhailovna, Messing did not go on stage for six months, but then returned to work. He traveled all over the country, from the Carpathians to the Uzbek villages and temporary huts of the builders of Bratsk. He always performed with similar numbers: he asked the audience to hide all kinds of objects in the hall and found them, instantly counted the matches scattered on the floor, answered tricky questions. But most often he performed tasks that the audience gave him mentally. For example, this: remove glasses from the nose of a lady sitting in the sixth place of the thirteenth row, take them to the stage and put them in a glass with the right glass down.

Messing successfully completed such tasks without using suggestive remarks or tips from assistants. Official science could not then explain this, and did not try very hard. In the 1970s, a real boom in parapsychology began, enthusiasts began to investigate all the "telepaths", but for some reason no one attracted Messing to such experiments. Is it because they did not see a special riddle in his experiments - only a susceptibility to the so-called ideomotorics brought to perfection? The fact is that, when thinking about a task and entering into a mental dialogue with another person, we imperceptibly, with barely perceptible movements of the arms, torso, and eyes, "lead" him, "suggest" what needs to be done. Most likely, this is how any modern student-psychologist will explain Messing's experiments. But there is another explanation: all these years the sorcerer remained under the invisible "hood" of the special services. It is no coincidence that after his death, all his papers disappeared along with a large diamond ring - a talisman that he wore during performances. Messing hinted to friends about some tasks of "important persons" that he performed. Alas, nothing is known about this specifically. If documents remain, they are buried in closed archives.

AT last years Messing was seriously ill. He stopped performing, fearing that the unbearable burden of other people's thoughts would destroy his brain. However, the disease crept up on the other side - the vessels on the once crippled legs failed. Leaving for the hospital, he looked at his photo on the wall and said: "That's it, Wolf, you won't come back here anymore." And so it happened: the operation was successful, but the kidneys suddenly failed, then the lungs. November 8, 1974 Wolf Messing died.

The state never became generous with the monument to the sorcerer of the Land of the Soviets, and fifteen years later Messing's friends installed it at their own expense.

about messing
Gregory 02.09.2010 01:50:45

I first learned about Messtnge from Suvorov's "CHOICE", and the INTERNET does not mention Viktor Suvorov. Someone does not like Volodya Rezun, the question is: "Why?"

Wolf Messing and Aida Rappoport

Messing knew how to do what mere mortals can't. He saw through walls, predicted the future, could force people to follow any orders. However, even he could not cancel the very future he had seen. His gift made him happy and at the same time the most unhappy person in the world.

The one who will be called a magician, telepath, clairvoyant all his life was born in 1899 in a poor Jewish family near Warsaw. His gift showed up early. As a teenager, Wolf ran away from home, from his father, who dreamed of making his son a priest and forced him to sit all day long with religious books.

The boy ran to the station and boarded a train bound for Berlin. Young Messing did not have money for a ticket, and German control on the railways was very strict. Noticing a suitable controller, Wolf climbed under the bench, but it was already too late, he was noticed. "Your ticket!" Picking up a piece of newspaper from the floor, he handed it to the Cerberus carriage, mentally praying: “This is my ticket, this is my ticket!” The controller smiled: “The ticket is in perfect order! And why did such a nice young man crawl under the bench?

From an early age, Messing performs in circuses and on the stage, traveling with itinerant troupes throughout Germany. World War II takes away all of Wolf's relatives - his brothers, sisters and all other relatives died within the walls of the Warsaw ghetto. Only he survived, whose head for predicting "death if he turns to the East" Hitler estimated at 200,000 marks! However, at that time Messing was already far away - back in 1939 he moved to the Soviet Union.

There were many legends and rumors about his gift: he allegedly managed to get 10,000 rubles from Sberbank on a blank sheet of paper, and then, having dehypnotized the cashier, showed him a warrant where nothing was written. This trick helped him prove what his mind is capable of. He performed on the stage with concerts, went to the front as part of propaganda teams. Messing donated the money earned for the construction of two fighters. One aircraft was targeted - it was intended for ace pilot Kovalev, and on its board there was an inscription: "A gift from the Soviet patriot V. G. Messing to the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot of the Baltic K. F. Kovalev."

Wolf and Aida met in 1944 in Novosibirsk. After the concert, they knocked on his dressing room. Usually he rested, having lost a lot of energy, and did not receive anyone, but then a hand itself reached out to open the door. A woman was standing in the doorway. She politely greeted and said that ... his assistant is not suitable for him. And she, Aida Rappoport, has all the necessary qualities.

The woman was plump, and she could not be called beautiful - an open, pleasant face, nothing more. However, the stranger insisted: “Your concerts should be conducted differently! And then - her dress is not good at all. The outfit must be strict! Messing reacted to these words instantly, as if knowing in advance that she was right: “Good! Is there a concert dress? Tomorrow I'll be waiting for you!" So she appeared in his life - love, wife, assistant, nanny ... The one without which he will soon not imagine himself.

Wolf Messing adored his wife. She replaced his family, which he lost so early. In addition to Aida, there was not a single serious hobby in Messing's life. Women in his presence felt awkward and said stupid things - from tension, awkwardness and the knowledge that a stranger reads their minds. It was not so with Aida. She behaved naturally, and such warmth emanated from her that he, exhausted by performances, warmed up near his wife with his soul.

Soon after the marriage, Messing felt that he and his wife were, as it were, a single whole. Indeed, if the phone rang and he didn't have the strength to pick it up, his wife would say exactly what he would say himself: make appointments, agree or refuse proposals. In addition, Aida immediately took charge of the household, and his bachelor's apartment acquired the comfort that it had always been deprived of. For four years he and Aida lived in a hotel in Moscow, and then, on Stalin's orders, they were given a separate apartment.

Aida took over the whole life: cleaning, cooking, concert costumes ... Wolf could behave like a capricious child: he refused to call a taxi himself or did not want to stir sugar in a glass - but his wife accepted it meekly. She seemed oblivious to his whims. Aida herself cut meat on a plate for him, stirred sugar in tea, and he looked at her and was happy.

She was sometimes asked: “How can you live with him? He knows everything you think!” Aida, laughing, replied that she never had bad thoughts. In fact, Messing's wife had her own special gift - she was a medium, that is, a conductor between her husband and the rest of the world. Often, at her husband’s speeches, it was she who mentally conveyed to him requests and orders that people from the audience wrote in notes. Messing performed them, and there was no case that he misunderstood his wife's thoughts!

They listened to him, reckoned with him ... What was worth, for example, only one episode with Stalin's son Vasily, who was fond of sports! Once, Messing literally made his way to an appointment with Stalin and announced to the leader from the threshold: “Your son is going to fly to Sverdlovsk with a team of athletes. Don't let him do this. Let him take the train." Needless to say, the plane crashed, and since then Stalin has always unconditionally followed the advice of the clairvoyant.

Their happiness lasted fifteen years. Then Aida got breast cancer. The woman did not want to be operated on, and then, when she had already agreed to surgery, it was too late. Neither radiation nor chemotherapy helped. But Aida stubbornly traveled around the country with her husband, participating in performances. She was weakening before our eyes and sometimes she could no longer stand on her feet for the entire two-hour performance. She did not show it, although after the curtain fell, her husband picked her up in his arms and carried her to the dressing room himself ...

When Aida became very ill and she could no longer get out of bed, several medical luminaries came to the Messings. They examined the wife, and then, wanting to console the owner of the house, they said that even such severe patients have cases of unexpected improvement and even complete recovery! Messing gloomily listened to these words, and then said: “That's all you can say to anyone, but not to me. I know for sure that Aida will die on August 2, 1960 at seven o'clock in the evening.

He spent hours at his wife's bedside. What was he thinking? Did he regret that he and Aida did not have children? Or, on the contrary, he was glad that they had no one to whom he could pass on his strange and terrible gift: to know everything in advance, to see the death of the one you love more than anything in the world ... She died exactly on the day and hour that he predicted husband. A few relatives and a nurse who gave injections by the hour gathered at her bedside. Only Wolf could not see the face of his departing wife, he smoked and cried in the kitchen ...

After the death of Aida, for a long time could not communicate with anyone. Words did not come out of his mouth, and for days on end he simply sat motionless, aimlessly staring at one point. The care of the house was taken over by the sister of his late wife, Iraida. She was next to her son-in-law, and together they traveled daily to the Vostryakovskoye cemetery, where Aida was buried. Six months later, Iraida, who silently watched how he burned from the inside, could not stand it: “Wolf, this cannot continue! You need to pull yourself together! Need to work!" - "I can not work! I do not feel anything! Without her, I'm empty inside!

Only a year later he resumed performances. The constant guardianship of the sister of the deceased wife, the persuasion of friends did their job - he returned to work. Valentina Ivanovskaya became his assistant, but besides common work nothing connected them with Messing. After the performances, he said dryly goodbye and left somewhere, but not home, where everything reminded him of his loss. The imperious sister-in-law often reproached him for going anywhere but the cemetery. She said that you need to visit the grave of Aida every day, but he could not go there ...

Wolf Messing knew the date of his own death in advance and spoke about it more than once with irony. Friends both believed him and did not believe him, but everything happened exactly as he predicted. Leaving for the hospital, he said goodbye to everyone, knowing that he would not return from there. But what was he afraid of - the one who outlived his love for fourteen years?

He did not marry again, but he could not go to his wife's grave often either. Simply because her soul was not there. Who else would know if not him, who saw everything about everyone and knew in advance ...

From the book About myself the author Messing Wolf


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MESSING WOLF GRIGORYEVICH (born in 1899 - died in 1974) An outstanding parapsychologist, telepath, medium, hypnotist. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1971). Author of notes "About myself". “I have never told a lie in my life. Everything that I do on stage and in the hall is open from all sides. I have

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wolf messing wolf messing

From the author's book

"Wolf Messing: who saw through time" Another name: "Messing"Directors: Vladimir Krasnopolsky, Valery UskovScriptwriter: Eduard VolodarskyDOP: Temerlan (Timur) ZelmaComposer: Evgeny ShiryaevArtists: Ivan Rogoten, Vladislav TravinskyProducers.

This is one of the most mysterious figures 20th century, a famous and mysterious person who is of interest to many today. Wolf Messing - who was he, how did he live, what abilities did he actually have? This name has more questions than answers. The mystery is unlikely to ever be completely solved, but this popular name never ceases to excite the hearts of people, frightening and at the same time attracting with his abilities.

The most controversial and famous soothsayer of the Soviet Union. Many mysterious stories and legends are connected with his name... Meanwhile, of course, he was also a talented actor.

early years

Wolf Gigorievich Messing was born in 1899 in a small Polish town. The boy's parents were Jewish, his mother died early, and Wolf himself was a sickly child. One of these diseases, sleepwalking, gave him and the whole family a lot of problems, so his father came up with original way treatment: he put a basin of water by his son's bed, and the boy, getting out of bed, would definitely step into it and wake up.

The grown-up Wolf was sent to a religious school, where he had to memorize prayers for days on end. Such a life was not to his liking, and one day he ran away. Deciding to start new life, Wolf climbed into the train, which, as it turned out later, followed to Berlin. It was here that telepathic abilities were first used: the conductor, who discovered the boy, took the piece of paper he handed out for a ticket, as the child had instilled in him.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

In Berlin

The life of Wolf, who arrived in Berlin, did not differ in iridescent colors. They paid a penny for the work, although they had to carry heavy suitcases, wash the floor and do other work that only an adult can do. Left to himself, hungry, unhappy and unwanted, he wandered through the narrow streets, not knowing where to go. And then he just lost consciousness...

Arriving doctors pronounced him dead. The child, who had lain for three days in the morgue, was sent to a student laboratory, where future doctors were going to conduct anatomical experiments on him. But Wolf suddenly came to life, frightening those around him. Such a "resurrection" interested the famous psychiatrist Abel, who took up the education of a teenager and the development of his abilities.

In the Soviet Union, he worked in a circus as an illusionist. Read on site


Popularity came to Messing rapidly, thanks to performances in the circus. Young Wolf died and resurrected to thunderous applause, over time, new tricks were added to the numbers, the young psychic developed the ability to read minds and predict the future.

So Messing became a real artist, he learned to stay on stage, mastered the skills of hypnosis, began to gather huge halls, and there was simply no end to the fans. The popularity of the psychic was stunning, and crazy money was paid for his work. By the age of 25, he traveled all over Europe, and every self-respecting person knew his name. He managed to communicate with Freud and Einstein.

Moving to Russia

After Adolf Hitler came to power for Wolf Messing, not the most better times. When the fascist troops invaded Poland, they took the artist's family prisoner in order to imprison them in concentration camps.

Wolf responded with a prophetic speech. He promised Hitler death if he turned to the East. After that, the persecution of the psychic by the Fuhrer began.

Leaflets with the name of Messing were hung all over Germany, a fortune was promised for the artist's head. Arrest could not be avoided, but the wounded Wolf used his abilities in the cell, forcing the guards to open the door and release him. Deciding to save his life, the telepath went to the Soviet Union...

Here, after his speeches, the NKVD officers brought the artist personally to Stalin. Not believing in the mysterious abilities, the leader demanded to pass the test - to take out a large sum from the bank, and then go to the office of the head of state, bypassing the guards. Both tasks were completed successfully, and the telepath received the recognition and patronage of Stalin.

So Messing Wolf Grigoryevich settled in Russia, whose predictions were always accurate. The psychic traveled around the country, gave concerts, predicted the future for people, arranged telepathic sessions. He became a popular favorite, one look of which inspired fear. Using the love of Stalin, Messing could not convince the leader to stop the persecution of the Jewish people. The telepath also participated in solving crimes and in the search for dangerous spies, compiled the characteristics of the suspects, indicating reliable and previously unknown facts.


The man-phenomenon died in 1974. Death was his last prediction. Leaving home for a planned operation, Messing whispered that he would not return to his native monastery. And so it happened. A successful operation did not save the soothsayer: the kidneys could not withstand the load, Wolf died. If you decide to visit the soothsayer's grave, you will have to go to the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow, it will not be easy to find the grave, but it is possible if you wish.

Messing's predictions about Russia in 2018 are generally true.

Known Prophecies

Predictions about Russia

In 1940 he talked about Soviet tanks in Berlin, then it frightened many, but in the spring of 1945 this happy prophecy came true. Messing predicted the end of the war, giving the exact date and month. I saw the death of Stalin.

Wolf Messing: predictions about Russia for 2018

The psychic advised Russia to beware of friendship with China. He assured that the eastern country would become a superpower and try to take over our country.

Messing urged the Russian rulers to be especially careful in 2018. But it is precisely in our days that Russia has begun to cooperate with China, calling it its partner and reliable friend.

Speaking about Russia in the future, the soothsayer promised her not the best of times. Indeed, there is a crisis in the country, a recession in the economy, the EU countries are imposing sanctions...

In another prophecy, Messing reports the decline of such an adversary of the Russian Federation as the United States: America will fall under the onslaught of enemies. So far, this prediction has not come true, but time will tell if Messing was right.

Predictions about Ukraine

Some separate predictions concerning Ukraine today have not come down to us, which is not surprising. During the life of Messing, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, the psychic did not divide our country into parts, therefore all the predictions he gave for Russia also apply to Ukraine. It is known for certain that the telepath was very attached to the southern regions of Ukraine, he constantly visited the local sanatoriums, loved to bask by the sea, read with all his heart salubrious climate hot edge.

However, the psychic could not see the collapse of the Union, although such an event is difficult to go unnoticed, because in 1991 the whole world changed, Ukraine separated from Russia, and the crisis that began tormented the state for more than one year.

Such "inattention" casts doubt on all other predictions of Messing, but given the fact that the future came to the seer in the form of flashes and pictures, it is likely that he simply could not know everything - some things were misinterpreted or simply not taken into account .

Criticism of Messing's abilities

It is possible that Messing embellished his Memoirs with facts that did not exist, but were significant to him. But it's not that. He certainly was a talented physiognomist.

Messing has always had enough of those who doubt the presence of supernatural abilities. Therefore, his life was closely watched, every step was recorded, trying to convict him of deceit.

Wolf's autobiography, his famous Memoirs, is most often criticized. Today, skeptics have found out that some of the stories he told in this book were only partially true.

For example, Messing claimed to have met Einstein in his Vienna apartment full of books. According to historians, the scientist never had an apartment in this city, and he did not particularly like books, preferring to keep all thoughts in his head. Finding out today where the truth is is unlikely to succeed.

Another possible myth is the popularity of the seer. There is no source to confirm this. In the newspapers of the 20th century, they did not write about Messing, no leaflets with a reward for his head were found, no one knew about meetings with Stalin, and the NKVD intelligence did not collect documents about his life. But, perhaps, the telepath was too famous that information about him is still classified?

Wolf Messing is a famous telepath, a man of unusual destiny and talent, whose fame has long crossed the borders of our country.

About his fate and the amazing abilities that he possessed - our story.

Wolf Messing was born on September 10, 1899 in the territory Russian Empire in the small Jewish town of Gora Kalevaria near Warsaw. His family was very pious, fanatically religious. The father was very strict with his children (besides Wolf, the parents had three more sons).

In his earliest childhood, Wolf suffered from sleepwalking, from which he was cured very in a simple way- a trough with cold water, which for some time was placed by his bed. Getting up at night, Wolf got his foot into the cold water and woke up.

When Wolf was six years old, he was sent to a cheder, a school organized by a rabbi at the synagogue. The main subject taught there was the Talmud, prayers from which, page after page, the children learned by heart. Wolf had an excellent memory, and in this occupation - cramming the Talmud - he succeeded.

It was this ability of his that caused the meeting with Sholom Aleichem. The general religious atmosphere that prevailed in the cheder and at home made Wolf an extremely pious, superstitious and nervous boy.

Noting the piety and ability to memorize the prayers of the Talmud, the rabbi decided to send Wolf to a special educational institution who trained spiritual servants - yeshiva. Wolf, however, did not smile at such a prospect - to put on a black dress of a clergyman, and he flatly refused such a decision of his future fate.

At first they argued with him, then retreated. And then the boy witnessed a "miracle", in which he believed for a long time.

One day, the father sent his son to the shop for a pack of cigarettes. It was evening, the sun had set and dusk had come. Wolf approached the porch of his house already in complete darkness. And suddenly a giant figure in a white robe appeared on the steps.

The boy could make out a huge beard, a broad high cheekbones face, unusually sparkling eyes. Raising his hands in wide sleeves to the sky, this heavenly messenger said:

My son! From above I was sent to you ... to predict your future in the service of God. Go to yeshivah! God will please your prayer

The impression made by this vision on the exalted, nervous, mystically inclined boy was overwhelming. He fell to the ground and lost consciousness. When he woke up, he told his father about everything. He coughed impressively and said:

That's what God wants... Well, will you join the Yeshibot? Shocked by what had happened, Wolf gave up.

The Yeshibot, in which he began to study, was in another city. Thus began Wolf's life outside the home. The boy studied in the yeshivot for two years, and perhaps a little more time - and he would have become a rabbi. But, as they say, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable...

Once, in the prayer house where Wolf lived at that time, a wanderer stopped - a man of gigantic stature and athletic build. What was the boy's astonishment when, by his voice, he recognized in him that same "messenger of Heaven", who instructed him on behalf of the Lord God himself on the path of serving Him. Wolf experienced no less shock from this meeting than at the time of the first meeting with him.

He realized that his father had simply conspired with this rascal, perhaps even paid him to play his part. All this was done with one goal - for Wolf to go to study at the Yeshibot! For a teenager, the discovery of such a lie was very painful, and he decided to leave the yeshiva. It was impossible for him to return to his deceived father, and Wolf decided to reap 6ew.

With a capital of nine kopecks, he went to the nearest station railway, got into the half-empty car of the first train that came across and climbed under the bench, since he did not have a ticket. As it turned out, this train went to Berlin. The conductor, who entered the car to check tickets, noticed the boy under the bench and, | asked him for a ticket.

One can imagine the state of Wolf at this critical moment for him. His nerves were on edge. He reached out and grabbed a piece of paper lying on the floor. Their eyes met. With all the strength of passion and mind, Wolf wanted the conductor to take this dirty piece of paper for a ticket ... The conductor took the piece of paper, turned it over in his hands, then put it into the heavy jaws of the composter and clicked them. Handing the "ticket" back to Wolf, he said to the boy:

Why are you with a ticket - and you are going under the bench? There are places... We'll be in Warsaw in two hours...

So, in a moment of maximum emotional stress, Messing's ability to suggest was first manifested.

Arriving in Berlin, Wolf got a job as a messenger in a visitor's house on Dragunstrasse. He carried clothes, bags, washed dishes, and polished shoes. Subsequently, recalling his life, Messing said that it was perhaps the most difficult time in his life. He was constantly starving, as he earned very little. Everything would have ended, perhaps very tragically, if it were not for the case ...

Once he was sent with a package to one of the suburbs. Right on the Berlin pavement, he fainted from hunger. They brought him to the hospital. The fainting didn't go away. There was no pulse or breathing, the body was cold. Wolf was transferred to the morgue. There, a student accidentally noticed that the boy's heart was still beating.

Professor Abel brought Wolf to consciousness on the third day. He was a talented psychiatrist and neurologist, who was famous in his circles. Abel explained to Wolf that he was in a state of lethargy caused by anemia, exhaustion, and nervous shocks. Abel, to his surprise, also discovered that Wolf was able to completely control his body and called him "an amazing medium."

Abel began to experiment with Messing. First of all, he tried to instill in the boy a sense of self-confidence, in his own strength, telling him that he could order himself whatever he wanted.

Together with his friend and colleague professor psychiatrist Schmitt, Abel began to conduct experiments on suggestion with the boy. From these people, from the smile of Abel, as Messing himself believed, and life began to smile at him.

Abel introduced Messing to the first impresario in his life - Mr. Zellmeister, a handsome and imposing man of about 35. He immediately arranged Messing in a Berlin freak show. Every Friday morning, before the gates of the panopticon opened, Wolff lay down in a crystal coffin and brought himself into a cataleptic state.

In this state, for three days - from morning to evening - he had to lie completely still. By appearance Messing it could not be distinguished from the dead.

In the panopticon, Messing worked for more than six months. This means that for about three months of his life he lay in a transparent cold coffin. They paid five marks a day for such work - a fabulous amount for him at that time.

In his free time, Messing trained his unique abilities. He began to understand well the mental instructions given to him during the experiments conducted by Abel and Schmitt; he learned to single out from the choir of the thoughts of those around him “sounding” in his mind exactly the “voice” that he needed to hear.

AT free time he went to the Berlin markets. He usually walked along the counters and "listened" to the simple thoughts of the German peasants. To check the correctness of his perception, he sometimes went up to some counter and said, looking into the person’s eyes with a penetrating expression:

Don't worry... don't think about it... Everything will be fine... Exclamations of surprise convinced Messing that he was not mistaken.

He has been training like this for over two years. Abel taught Wolf and another art, the ability to turn off this or that pain sensation by force of will. When he felt that he had learned to completely control himself, he began performing in a variety show. winter garden- Wietergarten.

At the beginning of the evening he acted as a fakir. He forced himself not to feel pain when they pricked his chest with needles, pierced his neck with a needle through and through. In conclusion, an artist dressed as a millionaire appeared on the stage.

Then the robbers appeared on the stage. They “killed the millionaire”, and handed out his jewelry (of course, fake) to visitors sitting at the tables, with a request to hide it in any place, but not to take it out of the hall. Then the young detective Wolf Messing appeared in the hall.

He went from table to table and at each table he asked the ladies and gentlemen to return to him this or that jewel hidden here and there. This number enjoyed constant success with the Berlin public.

When Wolf was 15 years old, the impresario got him a job at the then-famous Bush Circus. It was 1914

The first World War. In his program; little has changed. Same needles, same neck piercing. And the first psychological experiments. In the Bush circus, the artists no longer “killed a millionaire” and did not distribute his jewelry to visitors, but, on the contrary, collected various things from them. Then these things were dumped into one pile, and Wolf had to sort them out and distribute them to the owners.

In 1915, Messing, together with his impresario, Mr. Zellmeister, went on his first tour - to Vienna - with a program of psychological experiments. The circus was finished forever. The tour lasted three months. His performances attracted worldwide attention. He became the “nail of the soviet”.

Here, in Vienna, Messing met with Albert Einstein. Then, in 1915, Einstein was at the height of his creative takeoff. Having visited one of Messing's performances, he invited him to visit him.

Arriving at Einstein, Messing met there, in addition to the owner, another person - Sigmund Freud - the famous Austrian doctor and psychologist who created the theory of psychoanalysis.

It was Freud who suggested that he proceed immediately to the experiments. He became an inductor of Messing, that is, he began to mentally give orders.

The first order was the following: go to the dressing table, take the tweezers and, returning to Einstein ... pluck three hairs from his magnificent lush mustache. Taking the tweezers, Messing approached the great scientist and, apologizing, told him what Freud wanted from him. Einstein smiled and turned his cheek...

The second task was easier: give Einstein his violin and ask him to play it. Messing complied with this silent order of Freud. Einstein laughed, took the bow and played. The evening passed in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, although one of the interlocutors - Messing - was only 16 years old.

In parting, Einstein told him: "It will be bad - come to me ..."

In 1917, Messing went on a big tour. For four years he traveled with his performances to Japan, Brazil, Argentina ... In 1921 he returned to Warsaw. Poland was no longer part of the Russian Empire, but was an independent state. The place where Messing was born turned out to be on the territory of this country.

Messing was already 23 years old at this time, and he was drafted into the Polish army. Several months have passed. Once Wolf was summoned to his place by the commander and said that he was invited by the “chief of the Polish state” Jozef Pilsudski himself.

Here is how Messing himself recalls this meeting: “I was taken into a luxurious living room. The highest "court society, brilliant military, luxuriously dressed ladies were gathered here. Piłsudski was dressed in an emphatically simple paramilitary dress without orders or insignia.

The experience has begun. A cigarette case was hidden behind the curtain. A group of courtiers watched as I found him. Really, it was easy! I was rewarded with applause ... A closer acquaintance with Pilsudski took place later in personal account. "Head of State" - by the way, this was his official title in those years - was superstitious, like a woman.

He was engaged in spiritualism, he loved the "lucky" number thirteen ... He turned to me with a request of a personal nature, which I do not want, and it is inconvenient to remember now. I can only say that I fulfilled it ”(V. Messing. About myself. - M., Political Literature Publishing House, 1991, pp. 26-27).

At the end of military service, Wolf Messing again returned to psychological experiments. Together with his new impresario, Mr. Kobak, he made many tours in various European countries. He performed with his experiments in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin, Stockholm, Riga. In Riga, for example, he drove through the streets in a car, sitting in the driver's seat.

At the same time, his eyes were tightly bandaged with a black towel, his hands were on the steering wheel, his feet were on the pedals. The real driver, who essentially drove the car with the help of Messing's arms and legs, sat next to him and mentally dictated what he needed to do. This experience, staged in front of thousands of spectators, was very interesting, since neither before nor after that Messing did not even hold on to the steering wheel of the car.

During these years, he also visited other continents - Asia, Australia, South America, India.

Messing, already famous at that time, was often approached by people with requests of a very different nature: to settle family relationships, find stolen valuables, etc.

One of these cases is connected with an incident in the old family castle of the Counts Czartoryski. It was a very rich and famous family in Poland. She owned large estates and disposed of huge funds. Count Czartoryski himself was a very influential person in the country. Why did he ask for help? Here is what Messing himself says in his memoirs:

“And in this family, an old jewel, passed down from generation to generation, is lost - a diamond brooch. According to the jewelers who saw it, it cost at least 800 thousand zlotys - a truly huge amount. All attempts to find her were fruitless.

Count Czartoryski had no suspicions against anyone: it was almost impossible for a stranger to enter the well-guarded castle, and the count was sure of his numerous servants. These were people who were devoted to the count's family, who had worked for him for decades and who valued their place very much. Invited private detectives were unable to unravel the case.

Count Czartoryski flew to me on his plane - I then spoke in Krakow - told all this and offered to take up this matter. The next day, on the Count's plane, we flew to Warsaw and a few hours later ended up in his castle.

I must say, in those years I had the classic look of an artist: long shoulder-length, blue-black curly hair, pale face. I wore a black suit with a wide black cape and a hat. And it was not difficult for the count to pass me off as an artist invited to work in the castle.

In the morning I started to choose "nature". Before me passed one by one all the servants of the count last person. And I was convinced that the owner of the castle was right: all these people are absolutely honest. I got acquainted with all the owners of the castle - there was no kidnapper among them either. And only about one person I could not say anything definite. I did not feel not only his thoughts, but even his mood. The impression was that it was closed from me by an opaque screen.

He was a weak-minded boy of about eleven years old, the son of one of the servants who had been working in the castle for a long time. In a huge house, the owners of which did not always live here, he enjoyed complete freedom, he could go into all the rooms. He was not noticed in anything bad, and therefore they did not pay attention to him. Even if it was he who committed the abduction, it was without any intent, completely senseless, thoughtless. It was the only thing I could guess. I had to test my guess.

I stayed with him alone in the children's room, full of all kinds of toys. I pretended to draw something in my notebook. Then he took out a gold watch from his pocket and shook it in the air on a chain to interest the poor fellow. He unhooked his watch, put it on the table, left the room and began to observe.

As I expected, the boy came up to my watch, shook it on the chain, like me, and put it in his mouth ... He amused himself with it for at least half an hour. Then he went up to a stuffed giant bear that stood in the corner, and with amazing dexterity climbed on its head. Another moment - and my watch, flashing gold for the last time in his hands, disappeared into the wide-open mouth of the beast ... Yes, I was not mistaken. This is the unwitting kidnapper. And here is his silent accomplice, the keeper of stolen goods - a stuffed bear.

The throat and neck of the stuffed bear had to be cut open. From there, a whole bunch of shiny objects fell out into the hands of the astonished "surgeons" who performed this operation - gilded teaspoons, Christmas tree decorations, pieces of colored glass from broken bottles. There was also a family jewel of Count Czartoryski, because of the loss of which he was forced to turn to me.

According to the contract, the count had to pay me 25 percent of the value of the treasures found - about 250 thousand zlotys in total, because the total value of all the things found in the ill-fated "Mishka" exceeded one million zlotys.

I refused this amount, but turned to the count with a request in return to exercise my influence in the Sejm so that the decision adopted by the Polish government shortly before that, infringing on the rights of Jews, was canceled. Not a very generous owner of a diamond brooch, the count agreed to my proposal. Two weeks later, this decision was canceled ”(V. Messing. About himself. - M., Publishing house of political literature, 1991, pp. 28-29).

Wolf Messing had to solve a lot of such and similar cases. Here is another one:

"Psychologically interesting case happened to i me in Paris. It was the case of the banker Denadier, sensational in the twenties. Denadier was a very rich and very stingy man. In already quite advanced years after the death of his wife, he married, for the second time, a very young woman, seduced by his wealth.

He had a daughter, also dissatisfied with her life: the funds that her father gave her were clearly not enough for her. These three such different, although closely related, people were the only owners of Villa Denadier. The servants were coming, and none of the strangers in the house of Denadier did not stay at night.

Meanwhile, strange things began to happen there. It began with the fact that one evening, left alone, Denadier suddenly saw that the portrait of his first wife hanging in his room swung first in one direction, then in the other. He stared at the portrait with wide, bulging eyes.

It seemed to him that his late wife slightly moved her head, her hands, some movement ran across her face. There was an impression that she wanted to jump out of the frame, but she could not do it, and therefore the portrait was swaying.

It is easy to imagine the impression this made on the superstitious old man. He couldn't get up from his chair. Closing his eyes, he began to scream. Only half an hour later, or even later - Denadier did not look at his watch - his wife and daughter, who had returned from the theater by this time, ran to his cry ...

Since then, the portrait began to wink and sway every night. This was often accompanied by a knock on the wall in the place where the portrait hung. By the nature of the sounds, it seemed that they were born inside the wall. And one more detail: usually all this devilry happened precisely when both the wife and the daughter were not at home. In their presence, the portrait behaved normally.

Denadier went to the police. At night, a detective remained secretly from everyone in his room. At the appointed time, the portrait began to sway and there was a knock. Not embarrassed, the detective moved towards the portrait, but at the most inopportune moment he stumbled on something, fell and dislocated his leg. Then the conviction that evil spirits were involved in this matter became universal. The police retreated. Denadier was left to his fate and "evil spirits".

It was then that I became interested in this case, having learned about it from the newspapers ... The prefect of the Parisian police recommended me to Denadier. Secretly from everyone, I stayed in his room on the very first evening; the unfortunate man was close to madness, but did not agree to take a portrait of his first wife. Despite his remarriage, he sacredly kept the memory of her.

It was impossible to postpone the matter, tomorrow it might be too late. Poor Denadier could go crazy or die of fear every minute. He informed me that there was no one in the house: his wife and daughter had gone to the theatre. Everything contributed to the mysterious phenomenon happening.

We turned off the light. I immediately sensed that the villa was by no means empty. Very soon I realized that in co-; in the next room - the daughter's room - there is someone. And almost immediately there was a knock on the wall. At the same time, in the faint light of the moonbeams falling through the window, I saw that the portrait was swaying. To be honest, it was quite an ominous sight. The limp Denadier, unable to move a single member, lay helplessly in an armchair ...

Very carefully, tiptoeing along the sten-chi so as not to be in the position of a detective with a sprained leg, I made my way to the door and out into the corridor. Then I went to the next door to my daughter's room and knocked on it.

The knocking on the wall of Denadier's room stopped at once. Very insistently, I knocked again and, pressing hard with my shoulder, opened the door. The torn off latch fell to the floor with a clinking sound, and a young woman was lying on the bed in the room. She pretended to have just woken up.

You are in the theatre, mademoiselle,” I said. - How did you end up here?

I followed the feverish confusion of her thoughts as I read them. After a few moments, the whole secret mechanism of the crime became clear to me.

Daughter and stepmother, it turns out, have long been found mutual language. Both were not satisfied with the modest lifestyle that Denadier himself led and that they were forced to lead. Both young women dreamed of owning millions of a banker and chose the one who seemed to them the easiest and most safe way: to bring an old, sick person to madness.

To do this, a secret mechanism was designed that set in motion a portrait hanging in Denadier's room. I experienced true pleasure when the prefect sent police officers on the same night on my telephone call and both criminals were arrested (V. Messing. About himself. - M., Publishing house of political literature, 1991, pp. 30-32).

Best of all, according to Messing himself, he felt the fate of a person whom he met for the first time in his life, or did not even see him at all, he only held an object belonging to this person, while a relative or close person thought about him nearby.

Once, in the thirties, in Poland, a young woman came to Messing for an appointment. I came as a person who can read minds, to find out what is hidden from others.

She pulled out a photograph of a man, somewhat younger than her, with a clear family resemblance to her.

My brother, she explained to Messing. I left for America two years ago. For happiness. And since then - not a single word. Is he alive? Can you find out?

Messing looked at the woman's brother's card. And suddenly I saw him as if descended from this card, alive, in a good suit. Messing said:

Don't worry, sir. Your brother is alive. He had hard days, now it's easier. You will receive a letter from him on the thirteenth day, counting today.

The woman left and, as usual, told her neighbors about everything. The rumor spread, it reached the newspapermen. A dispute began in the press: was Messing wrong or not? On the thirteenth day, predicted by him, correspondents of almost all Polish newspapers gathered in this place. A letter from distant Philadelphia arrived on the evening train...

Many Polish newspapers wrote about this fact. It was one of the sensations.

There was in the practice of Messing and one erroneous case of predicting the fate of a person. However, not entirely wrong. Here is how he himself recalls it:

“It was again in Poland. A very young woman came to me. White hair. Tired kind face. She sat down in front of me and cried...

Son… Two months without hearing or spirit… What's wrong with him?

Give me his photo, some object of his ... Maybe you have his letters?

The woman took out a blue official envelope and handed it to me. I removed from it a written piece of paper with smudges of smeared ink. It can be seen that the mother has shed many tears over this sheet of lined paper over the past two months.

It is not at all necessary for me to read in such cases, but nevertheless I read the appeal. "Dear mother! .." and the end of "your son Vladik." Focused. And I see, I see with conviction that the person who wrote these pages is dead...

I turn to the woman

Pani, be firm... Be courageous... You still have a lot to do in life. Think about your daughter. She is expecting a child - your grandson. After all, she will not be able to grow it without you ...

He tried his best to distract her. question asked about the son. But can you deceive a mother's heart? In general, I finally said: - Vladik died ...

The woman believed right away ... Only half an hour later she left me, clutching a handkerchief wet from tears ...

I almost forgot about this incident: on the day they talked to me, asked for my help, consulted three or four people. And in this kaleidoscope of faces, a tired kind face was lost, the longing eyes of a mother who lost her son ... And, of course, now I could not remember her, if not for the continuation of this story ...

A month and a half later I receive a telegram: "Come urgently." They call me to the city where I was recently.

I'm coming with the first train. I get out of the car - there is a crowd at the station. Only no greetings, no flowers, no smiles - serious, unfriendly faces.

A young man comes out

Are you Messing?

Yes, messing is me...

Charlatan Messing, I think, does not expect a good reception from us? ..

Why am I a charlatan? I never deceived anyone, did not offend ...

But you buried a living one!..

I'm not a gravedigger...

And they almost drove this woman into the coffin ... My poor mother ...

I vaguely remember her face as I saw it. I ask:

After all, who did I bury alive?

Me! the young man answers.

We went to investigate, as was always the case in such cases in Jewish towns, to the rabbi's house. I remembered the whole story there.

Give me, - I ask the woman, - the letter that you showed me then.

He opens his bag and takes it out. In the same blue envelope, only stains from tears have increased. My fault! shed those priceless tears! I look at the pages with blurry ink - and once again I come to the conclusion: the person who wrote this letter has died,

the man who signed “your son Vladik” died… But then who is this young man?

Is your name Vladik? Yes Vladislav...

Did you write this letter yourself?

For me, this “no” is like a flash of lightning illuminating the world.

And who wrote?

My friend. Under my dictation... My hands ached... He and I were in the hospital together.

I see... Your friend died?..

Yes. Died. Completely unexpected.

Addressing a woman:

Pani, forgive me the tears that you shed after our meeting... But you can't know everything at once... You gave me this letter and said that your son wrote it. I see that the hand that wrote these words is dead ... That's why I said that your son died ... "(V. Messing. About himself. - M., Publishing house of political literature, 1991, p. 96- 98).

On September 1, 1939, the armored German army rolled over the borders of Poland, the Second World War began. Messing understood that he could not remain in the Polish territory occupied by the Germans, since his head at that time was valued by the German government at 200,000 marks.

This was a consequence of the fact that back in 1937, speaking in one of the theaters in Warsaw in the presence of thousands of people, he predicted the death of Hitler if he turned east. Hitler knew about this prediction, as it was printed in many Polish newspapers on the front page.

At this time, Messing lived in his native place, with his father. Soon this place was occupied by the German army, and the Germans organized a ghetto in it. Wolf Messing managed to escape to Warsaw, and all his relatives who remained at home later died in Majdanek, in the Warsaw ghetto.

In Warsaw, Messing hid for some time in the basement of a meat merchant. One evening, when he went out into the street, he was seized. The officer peered into his face for a long time, then took a piece of paper with a portrait out of his pocket.

Who are you? the officer asked.

I am an artist - replied Messing.

You're lying! You are Wolf Messing! It was you who predicted the death of the Fuhrer...

He stepped back, and then struck Messing with a terrible blow to the jaw. He spat out six teeth along with blood ... Then he was taken to the police station and locked in a punishment cell. In this critical situation, the gift of Messing did not let him down. He exerted all his strength and forced those policemen who were in the precinct at that time to gather in his cell.

Everyone, including the chief and ending with the one who was supposed to stand on the clock at the exit. When they all, obeying the will of Messing, gathered in his cell, Messing, who had previously been lying motionless, as if dead, quickly got up and went out into the corridor, pushed the bolt of the iron-bound door and was like that ...

Messing decided that the only way out for him was to penetrate the territory of the Soviet Union. Making his way secretly, he finally reached the Western Bug and, having crossed to the other side, ended up on Soviet territory.

Here at first it was very difficult for him. He didn't know anyone, he didn't speak Russian well. In addition, in this country at that time neither fortune-tellers, nor wizards, nor palmists, nor telepathists, of which Messing belonged, were favored.

However, there was one person who supported him. It was the head of the department of arts P. A. Abrasimov.

At his own peril and risk, he included Messing in the brigade of artists serving the Brest region. Life gradually began to improve ... In May 1940, Messing was sent to Minsk, he began touring throughout Belarus.

Once, while on tour in Gomel, two people in uniform caps approached him. Interrupting the experiment, they apologized to the audience and took messinga with myself. As it turned out later, in order to take him to Stalin. Here is how Messing himself describes his first meeting with the “father of nations”:

“We arrived - I don’t know where. Later it turned out that this was a hotel. And they left one. After a while, they were again taken somewhere. And again an unfamiliar room.

A man with a mustache enters. Hello. I recognized him immediately. I answer:

Hello. And I carried you in my arms ...
- How is it on the hands? - Stalin was surprised.
- On the first of May... At the demonstration...

Stalin was interested in the situation in Poland, my meetings with Pilsudski and other leaders of the Commonwealth. He was not my inductor.

After a rather lengthy conversation, releasing me, Stalin said: - Oh, you are a cunning one, messing.

I'm not the sly one, I replied. - You really are a smart ass!

I also met with Stalin later. Probably, on his behalf, my abilities were comprehensively tested. I remember these checks:

I was given the task to receive 100,000 rubles from the State Bank on a blank piece of paper. This experience almost ended tragically.

I went up to the cashier and handed him the school notebook sheet. He opened the suitcase and placed it on the barrier by the window.

The elderly cashier looked at the paper. Opened the checkout. I counted out a hundred thousand ... For me, this was a repetition of the case with the railway conductor, whom I forced to accept a piece of paper for a ticket. Only now it did not represent for me, in essence, any difficulty.

Closing my suitcase, I walked to the middle of the hall. Witnesses approached, who were supposed to sign an act on the experiment. When this formality was completed, I returned to the cashier with the same suitcase.
He glanced at me, shifted his gaze to a clean notebook sheet, which he had planted on one carnation with canceled checks, to a suitcase from which I began to take out tight unopened bundles of money ... Then he suddenly leaned back in his chair and wheezed ... Heart attack!. Fortunately, he later recovered "( V. Messing. About myself. M., Publishing house of political literature, 1991, p. 39-40).

messing, after testing his abilities, he often began to perform in concert halls of different cities with mind-reading sessions (“psychological experiments,” as he himself called his performances).
As you know, at that time, shortly after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the entire Soviet press and mass media praised the Soviet-German friendship and the wise Stalin, who saved the people from war, in every possible way.

One day messing was invited to demonstrate his psychological experiments in a very sinister and at the same time an elite place - the NKVD club in Moscow. The speech was drawing to a close. messing answered notes, which, although they were not signed, were quite harmless, and concerned mainly trifles. In those days, people who were still able to ask each other questions could only do this by being on the other side of the barbed wire. But here, among others, a note flashed: “What do you think about the Soviet-German pact?” A prudent person would simply ignore her or, at worst, mumble in response to a few unintelligible phrases about the indestructible friendship of the two peoples, which filled the pages of Soviet newspapers in those days. But messing was not a prudent person. As soon as he read the question, as some clairvoyants say, “the picture went off” with him. He immediately tried to convey it to the audience from the stage:

- I see tanks with red stars on the streets of Berlin!

The hall is frozen. It became quiet, very quiet. To understand how these words sounded and what these words meant, one had to live at that time. You need to imagine those who were sitting in the hall. These were investigators, masters of mass executions and massacres, who those who spoke or at least listened to such things were immediately sent to a concentration camp or to be shot. Some, sitting closer to the doors, on tiptoe, one by one began to sneak to the exit: “I was not there!”

This incident had a sequel. However, not what those present expected. Somehow this episode became known to the German side, and the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR had to explain that the statement of a private person did not reflect the point of view of the Soviet government. Just in case, regret was expressed over the incident.

The authorities tried to consign this case to oblivion, and at the same time forget messinga, which was far from the worst option for him at that time. Posters with his name disappeared, and dark rumors spread about him. Luckily, they turned out to be false. Order not to touch messinga allegedly came from Stalin himself.

O messinga and his predictions, however, were soon remembered - the war began. He began to perform again, traveling to different cities. Thousands of people wrote to him, tried to meet after the session in the hope of finding out something about their loved ones who were at the front. But messing flatly refused to answer the following questions:
“I can't make one family happy and deprive ten others of hope.

In 1943, at the height of the war, messing performed on the stage of the Novosibirsk Opera Theatre. Among others, he was handed a note with the question: “When will the war end?” Barely messing I read the phrase, the same thing happened as a few years ago in the NKVD club. At the same second, "the picture went", and he clearly "saw" the date - "May 8" - and called it. He didn't "see" for a year.

Stalin became aware of the prediction. In any case, the surrender of Germany was signed, Stalin, according to messinga, sent him a telegram in which he noted the accuracy of his date. The war ended, as you know, on May 9th. Wrong messing just for one day.

During the war years messing he worked very hard, performed in the workshops of factories, sometimes right in the open air. He was paid a lot for performances. At his own expense, he was able to donate two aircraft to military pilots: the first - in 1942, the second - in 1944.

In the early postwar years messing traveled a lot around the country, speaking everywhere with his "psychological experience". In 1950, his immediate superiors turned to the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences with a request for help in compiling a text that would explain the materialistic essence of the experiments. These were difficult times in philosophical science. The only person who had the right to say something new in philosophy was Stalin. This big cult spawned a lot of small cults. Something similar happened in psychology. It was believed that everything had already been explained, there was nothing new in this field of science and there could not be. So when scientists tested Messing's abilities, they, first of all, tried to bring everything incomprehensible, inexplicable under already known laws. That which did not fit into these frameworks, messing just not recommended. For many years he performed according to "scientific" instructions...

The display of psychological experiments took place according to a well-established pop program. messing, holding one or another inquisitive viewer by the wrist, quickly “guessed” his desire - to find one of the people sitting in the hall, extract the objects conceived by the “thought transmitter”, open a book on such and such a page, count the money in the purse of the lady sitting in such and such a series, etc., etc. About all these manipulations, which seem to clearly confirm the hypothesis that everything is based on capturing barely noticeable ideomotor movements of the muscles that react to one or another desire conceived by a person, much has been written and confirmed by the opinion of scientists who did not allow assumptions that messing could be guided by something other than his phenomenal powers of observation.

Usually at the end of a speech V. Messing showed experience with an already non-contact, only mental order, forcing him to find the necessary person, thing in the hall or to perform this or that action himself. To do this, he left the hall, accompanied by one of the members of the jury, whose duties included maintaining the purity of the experiment - to isolate messinga from the public. Then, when the members of the jury, with the active participation of enthusiasts from the audience, hid some object, and the person who had done this operation was seated in the hall, they introduced messinga, who, to the surprise and delight of the audience, found this item.

In the 60s with messingo There was one interesting incident. Here is what he says about it in his memoirs:

“... I showed my "psychological experiments" in the editorial office of a newspaper. After the session, I was invited to the editor-in-chief's office. There were 10 journalists present. The conversation turned to the possibilities of telepathy. Someone expressed doubts about my abilities. Slightly excited after the session that had just ended, not yet in the "normal state", and even egged on by the conversation, I said:

Well... I'll give you the opportunity to see the power of telepathy... You are all journalists. Grab your notebooks...
Some with interest, others with a skeptical smile, but they pulled out all the notebooks. Those who did not have notebooks took blank sheets of paper from the editor-in-chief's desk. Armed with eternal feathers...

Now write, - I commanded cheerfully, - today is the fifth of June ... Between the twentieth and twenty-fifth of June ... excuse me, what is your last name? I turned to one of those present.

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, - he readily answered.

So, between the twentieth and twenty-fifth of June, Ivanov, you will receive a very large promotion in your line of work. New appointment... I have a request to everyone: when this happens, call me... Is everyone recorded? Well, after a few weeks and find out whether I was or not.

On the twenty-second, four people called me at different times. Ivanov was appointed editor-in-chief of one of the largest newspapers...

The witnesses of this incident are all alive and I think everyone remembers this day - the fifth of June. Just don't look for Ivanov's name in the lists of editors-in-chief: I don't know if he would be pleased with the wide publicity of this case, and therefore I didn't name either the newspaper's editors or him. real surname» ( V. Messing. About myself. - M., Publishing house of political* literature, 1991, p. 95).

During the Caribbean Crisis Wolf Messing a man who knew him asked. Here is what he says:

- I came to Messing:“Wolf Grigorievich, have you heard about the blockade of Cuba? If nuclear war is the end...

He ordered, when he enters a state of self-catalepsy, to give him a pencil and paper. And now the pulse is almost not palpable, the pupils do not react to light. The doctor puts a pencil in his tightly clenched hand. "The world will be" - we read such words. “My subconscious has contacted “something” or “someone,” explained messing origin of information. "That's what happened..."

Wolf Messing ended his life as an honored artist of the RSFSR. His performances were always distinguished by great entertainment and artistry, the people present at them were in a state of continuous tension all the time, they empathized with everything that happened to the subjects who were on the stage. The hall literally froze, there was complete silence when famous artist performed the most difficult tasks of the audience.

His last performance took place in Moscow at the Oktyabr cinema in 1974. That evening Wolf Messing was, as they say, in a "blow" - all the experiments were carried out by him impeccably. Soon this amazing person was gone ...

Wolf Messing is a legendary pop artist who acted as a mentalist, predicting the future and reading the thoughts of the audience from the audience. In 1971 he received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

He was born in the Polish-Jewish village of Gura-Kalvaria, which at the time Messing was born was part of the Russian Empire. Wolf's family was numerous - parents raised 4 sons. They lived quite poorly, and children with early age I had to work hard helping my father and mother. In addition, the head of the family, Gershek Messing, was a very pious and strict person, so all the sons adhered to the rules established in the house.

Wolf suffered from somnambulism from birth, often wandered in his sleep and then suffered from headaches. However, he was cured with a folk remedy - with the help of a basin of cold water installed in front of the bed. Having wet his feet, the child woke up, and subsequently sleepwalking completely disappeared.

At the age of 6, the boy began attending the Heder Jewish School, where he studied the Talmud and memorized prayers from this book. The rabbi, who taught the students, noted the amazing memory of little Messing and contributed to the enrollment of the teenager in Yeshibot, a special educational institution that trains clergy.

Wolf opposed this in every possible way, but his decision was influenced by an unexpected event, which for a long time he will consider his first vision. One day, a figure in white appeared before him in the dark and, calling himself an Angel, predicted a great future for him in the rank of rabbi. The devout boy believed and only many years later found out that it was a tramp instigated by his father, who played the role of a messenger of God.

In Yeshibot, nothing could interest Messing, and after studying there for several years, he escapes and goes to Berlin. On the train, Wolf first showed his unusual abilities, and at the most crucial moment. When the conductor asked the little passenger for a ticket, he handed him a piece of paper and looked carefully into his eyes. The ticket clerk punched the paper and accepted it as a ticket.

In the capital of Germany, the boy got a job as a messenger, but he earned crumbs, which were not even enough for food. Once, while performing another task, he lost consciousness and fell in a hungry faint right on the street. Doctors, believing that the child had died, sent him to the morgue, where he lay for three days, after which he woke up.

Having learned that Wolf Messing is capable of falling into a short-term lethargic sleep, the German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Professor Abel took him to him and began to teach Wolf to control his own body, as well as to conduct various experiments on suggestion and reading thoughts.

Career in Europe

Soon, Professor Abel introduced Messing to the talented impresario Zellmeister, who arranged the young man for the Berlin Museum of Unusual Exhibits. Wolf's task was to lie down in a glass coffin and fall into a breathless sleep. In parallel with this work, with the help of Abel and his assistant Schmitt, Messing was able to improve his abilities. He achieved an almost perfect understanding of the message transmitted to him mentally, especially with the help of contact telepathy, when he touched his interlocutor with his hand, and also learned to turn off any pain sensation of his body by willpower.

Later, he began to perform as a fakir in various circus troupes, including the famous Bush Circus and the Wietergarten variety show. His number was as follows: the artists played a robbery scene in front of the audience and hid the stolen items in various parts of the hall. Messing, who appeared then, unmistakably found all the hiding places. This number over and over again conquered the audience, and soon the first glory came to the artist.

In 1915, the young man traveled to Central Europe, which was on fire during the First World War, with the first independent tour. Later he repeated tours and in 1921 returned to Poland as a well-known and wealthy person.

In 1939, when World War II broke out in Europe, Messing's father, brothers and immediate family, who were of Jewish origin, were arrested and shot in Majdanek. Khan's mother died earlier of heart failure when Wolf was 13 years old. The artist himself managed to avoid a terrible fate and moved to the Soviet Union

Career in Russia

In the new country, Wolf Messing, thanks to the support of the head of the art department, Petr Andreevich Abrasimov, continued his performances with psychological experiments. At first he was a member of propaganda teams, later he received the title of artist of the State Concert and traveled with independent performances in the Houses of Culture. For some time he also acted as an illusionist in the Soviet circus troupe.

At the personal expense of Wolf Messing, specifically for the pilot Konstantin Kovalev, who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union the day before, the Yak-7 fighter was built in Novosibirsk, on which he flew until the end of the war. Subsequently, Kovalev and Messing became good friends. Such a patriotic act raised the artist even more in the eyes of Soviet citizens, and his performances were always sold out.

It is known that Wolf Messing was familiar with, who was quite skeptical about his abilities. Nevertheless, when the medium predicted the crash of the plane on which the son was supposed to fly to Sverdlovsk along with the CDKA hockey team, the head of the USSR insisted that the son go by train, keeping silent about the reason. The plane really crashed, and the whole team, except for Vsevolod Bobrov, who was late for the flight, died.

But the next general secretary of the Soviet Union had antipathy for Messing, which began with the artist’s refusal to speak at the CPSU congress with a speech prepared in advance for him. Wolf Grigorievich made predictions about the future of Russia only if he was confident in them. And Khrushchev's demand to "predict" the need to remove Stalin's body from the mausoleum, according to the mentalist, was only a settling of scores.

After refusing a fictitious performance, Messing began to have problems with tours. At first, their geography changed, and he was sent to small towns and village clubs, and later they stopped giving permission to perform at all. Because of this, Wolf Messing developed depression, he withdrew into himself and stopped appearing in public.


Wolf Messing, as a legendary person, is surrounded by all sorts of rumors and speculation. The same applies to his predictions. Oil was added to the fire by a book of memoirs published in the journal Science and Life in 1965, allegedly written by the telepath himself. Subsequently, it was found out that these "memories" were fabricated by Mikhail Vasilyevich Khvastunov, head of the science department of Komsomolskaya Pravda. But, having made a huge number of mistakes and presenting unreliable facts, the author of the book raised new wave the popularity of Wolf Messing.

In fact, the artist has always treated his abilities not as miracles, but as new scientific possibilities. He collaborated with scientists from the Brain Institute, doctors, physiologists, psychologists and psychiatrists, trying to explain his own skills from a physiological point of view. For example, he explained “mind reading” as reading the movement of facial muscles, contact telepathy allowed the artist to feel the microscopic movement of a person if he went in the wrong direction when searching for an object, and so on.

Wolf Messing "reads" minds

However, there are a number of predictions that came true, which were voiced by Wolf Messing publicly, and which were recorded even before the events. So, he accurately named the date of the end of World War II, however, according to the European time zone - May 8, 1945. He later received personal gratitude from Joseph Stalin for this prophecy.

Also, even before the start of the conflict between Germany and the Soviet Union in early 1941, when these countries signed a non-aggression pact, Messing said in a speech at the NKVD club that he saw tanks with a red star on the streets of Berlin. Another significant omen was made by the telepath to Joseph Stalin, who intensified the persecution of Soviet Jews. Messing said that the “leader of the peoples” would die on a Jewish holiday. Indeed, rather symbolically, Stalin's death on March 5, 1953, fell on Purim, the day of the Jewish celebration of the salvation of Jews from extermination in the Persian Empire.

Personal life

In 1944, at a performance in Novosibirsk, where Wolf Messing then lived, he met a young woman, Aida Mikhailovna Rapoport, who became not only his faithful wife, but also his closest assistant and assistant at concerts.

They lived together until the summer of 1960, when Aida died of cancer. Close acquaintances claimed that Messing also knew the date of his wife's death in advance.

After the funeral, Wolf Grigorievich fell into a depression, which was aggravated by Khrushchev's ban on touring activities. Until the end of his life, he lived in an apartment with sister Aida Mikhailovna, who looked after her brother-in-law. Messing found solace only in two lap dogs, which brightened up his leisure time.


Wolf Messing's legs were injured during his escape to the Soviet Union, which in the last years of his life began to bother him greatly. He repeatedly sought medical advice and, in the end, went to bed. operating table. In addition, Messing developed a persecution mania.

Before leaving the apartment, as witnesses from the ambulance team assure, the artist said goodbye to the house, making it clear that he would not return there again. The operation was successful, the doctors were confident that the patient would recover soon. But unexpectedly, on November 8, 1974, Wolf Messing's kidneys failed, his lungs swelled, and he died. The legendary medium was buried at the Moscow Vostryakovsky cemetery.

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