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Career and finance

Alexandra Savelyeva - popular Russian singer, model and very beautiful girl- a native Muscovite, was born on December 25, 1983.


Sasha was born in a family far from the world of art. Her parents are scientists, her father defended his Ph.D. thesis, has a degree in physics and mathematics. Shortly after the birth of the girl, the mother left her job in order to devote herself entirely to raising her daughter, who from the first years of her life showed herself as a bright and extraordinary personality.

When Sasha was barely three years old, her mother took her to the figure skating studio, which was led by the illustrious figure skater Irina Moiseeva in the past. And at the age of five, the baby already went to music school, where she learned to play two musical instruments at once: flute and piano.

Surprisingly, the baby managed to make excellent progress in both directions. Literally after a few years of classes, Irina Moiseeva included her in the school of the Olympic reserve. At the same time, the girl began to actively perform at numerous concerts with a children's musical group. Little Sasha even visited the huge stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

At the age of seven, she added to music and sports comprehensive school. It became more difficult to keep up with everything every day, and the sport taught the girl to give all her best in everything she does. And at one fine moment I had to make a choice that influenced her future fate.

It was necessary to decide - to continue sports career and then give all your strength to her or completely go into music.

For a long time Sasha hesitated, not knowing what to do right. Parents did not put pressure on their daughter, giving her the right to make an independent choice. As a result, Sasha decided to part with the sport. But years of training taught her a lot. And it is the sport that she owes her courage, perseverance and excellent physical shape.

Supporting her daughter's choice, her parents transferred her to a music and choreographic school, which she graduated with excellent grades.

Star Factory

In 2002, well-known producers launched a completely new TV project at that time, Star Factory, in which absolutely anyone who was confident in their own talent and had enough ambition to make their way through difficult preliminary tours could take part. Sasha decided to test her strength and quite easily got into the main team.

According to the results of the competition, she took second place, but this did not upset the young artist at all. Not only did she go through an excellent school of pop survival there, as a reward she was waiting for a contract with Igor Matvienko, who from the former participants in the show created a girl group with the original name "Factory".

The repertoire of factory girls was light. The motives of the songs are simple and memorable. The funds invested by the producer quickly returned - the team toured a lot and gathered full houses almost everywhere. But already a few months after the start of active concert activity, one of the soloists, with whom Sasha was very close, Maria Alalykina, leaves the group.

Maria did not reveal the true reason for her departure even to her friend, which offended her very much. For everyone, only the official version was announced - touring life interferes with studies, and the girl wants to get a diploma of higher education. After conferring with the producer, the girls decided not to expand the composition of the group, and instead of a quartet, a trio remained on stage.

After 2 years, the girls win not only the universal love of the audience, but even bypass the popular "Brilliant" in popularity and receive their first prestigious music award "Golden Gramophone".

In total, the manufacturers have four such awards - one for each subsequent year of creativity. This is not surprising - the videos for the girls' songs were shot by such talented directors as Sergey Bondarchuk and Alan Badoev.

In 2010, another soloist, Sati Kazanova, who has matured to independent creativity, leaves the Factory, and a participant in another musical television project, I Want to Via Gru» Sasha Popova. In this composition, the girls still continue creative activity, and the popularity of the group has not decreased for more than 10 years.

Personal life

About who Sasha Savelyeva spent time with in her early youth, she prefers to remain silent. Her first official companion, with whom she began to appear at secular parties and immediately fell under the sights of cameras, was figure skater Alexei Yagudin.

With Alexei Yagudin

He was her partner in a popular ice show and their romantic relationship began there, which lasted about two years. But in the end, the young man decided to part with Sasha and soon got married.

With her current husband, Kirill Safonov, Sasha met by chance in one of the Moscow clubs. At first, an easy relationship gradually began to develop into something more, and in 2010 the couple played a very romantic wedding. Sasha considers her family to be ideal, despite the fact (or maybe because of the fact) that the two spouses have not yet been able to spend a lot of time together.

With Kirill Safonov

Cyril is constantly on the set, as he is one of the most popular and sought after Russian actors. Sasha continues to tour with Fabrika, record new songs and take part in advertising filming and various TV shows. Nevertheless, the couple dream of children and even plan to have them in the foreseeable future.

When on Catholic Christmas, December 25, 1983, a girl was born in the Saveliev family, she was named Sasha, Alexandra. Having matured, she became not only a beauty, but also a talented songwriter. How this happened is interesting to know for many.

Biography of Sasha Savelyeva

The girl was born in Moscow, so she had a huge choice of where and what to study. At a very young age, she showed a clear interest in musical creativity, but the first serious hobby was sports. At the age of three, Sasha began figure skating under the guidance of Irina Moiseeva, a very famous figure skater in those years. In Irina's group, the little girl achieved success, and very serious. For this reason, the coaching and teaching staff, seeing her prospects, made bets on her future, and Sasha Savelyeva began to study in the Olympic reserve group, where she passed the selection very easily.

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At the age of five, the girl was accepted into a music school, where she mastered two instruments at once - piano and flute, and soon, thanks to her success, she began to lead. AT preschool age she was invited to perform at the Moscow Conservatory, the Kremlin and the Palace of Congresses. And she faced a serious dilemma: what to do next, what to choose - to continue to polish sports achievements or to surrender to music?

Sasha Savelyeva preferred music lessons to sports achievements. Mom and dad supported her in this difficult choice, and in the near future she became a member of the Kuvichki children's folklore ensemble. But that wasn't the only thing the girl did. She also studied folk music, attending a theater and music school. Mastering the path of a musician, Sasha had a dizzying success, so she never regretted that music became a priority for her.

The moment came when she realized that she would not live without music, and when she received a certificate of complete secondary education, she did not even think where to study further. Alexandra Vladimirovna chose two prestigious educational institutions, these were the Gnesinka and the Schnittke School. She tried to enter both at once and in the other, and easily entered both. After some deliberation, I chose Gnesinka for further education, and it was within its walls that Sasha Savelyeva became the organizer of her first personal musical group.

For the team, the girl wrote music and poetry herself, the team took part in music festivals and competitions. When 2002 came, recruitment began for the first Star Factory, and the girl was lucky to participate in this show project, and not just participate, but also reach the final. At the same time, the Factory group was organized, consisting of some girls, it was with her that the career and life of Sasha Savelyeva intertwined.

The group included, besides Sasha, three more girls. This is Irina Toneva, Sati Casanova and Maria Alalykina. There were repeated changes in the composition of the "Factory", now Sasha, Ira and Ekaterina Lee, who joined them, are performing. The group's compositions occupied the top lines of the charts, and the song "About Love" gave the group the first Golden Gramophone award. This team managed to find its niche in showbiz, and the girls were awarded many worthy prizes in this field.

The girl owes her main success to participation in the "Factory", but this is not the only thing she does. Besides the fact that Sashenka is a wonderful singer, she is also a talented model. Her photos were published by such popular magazines as XXL, Maxim, 7 Days and a number of other periodicals. Frank photo shoots are not alien to Sasha, she not only likes it, but also brings additional income to the family.

Personal life of Sasha Savelyeva

The former participant and winner of the Star Factory was once the girlfriend of Alexei Yagudin, a famous figure skater and bright showman. The press discussed information about the allegedly approaching wedding of two celebrities for a long time, but these were just rumors fanned by the yellow press. The result of the relationship was unexpected - the couple broke up.

When the spring of 2010 came, Sasha Savelyeva got married. In April, she was legally married to famous person- Kirill Safonov, whom viewers know from the TV series "Tatiana's Day", where the actor starred in leading role. Neither Sasha nor Kirill can be found in any scandalous situations, this couple is very harmonious, they love and protect each other, and therefore they try to stay as far away from the yellow newspapers as possible. And they even hid their marriage for a long time, because they believe that personal life is not for general public, only really close people were invited to the wedding. Although celebrity couple until she became parents, they still plan to have a child.

Alexandra Savelyeva is a famous singer, soloist of the popular female trio "Factory". Unlike most stars, she keeps her personal life a secret, thereby fueling the interest of journalists in her person. So who is this blonde beauty? Are you married? The biography of Sasha Savelyeva will help answer these and many other questions.

The childhood of the "manufacturer"

Alexandra is a native Muscovite. She was born on December 25, 1983 in intelligent family. The singer's father, Vladimir, is a candidate of mathematical sciences, and her mother, Nadezhda, is an economist. When Alexandra was 3 years old, her parents gave her to figure skating. The girl's coach was the famous Soviet athlete Irina Moiseeva. Under her leadership, little Alexandra achieved great success in figure skating and was even included in the Olympic reserve group.

In addition to sports, the girl from early childhood began to show an increased interest in songs. At the age of five, her parents sent her to a music school, where she studied flute and piano. During her studies, she had to repeatedly participate in concerts held in the Kremlin, the Palace of Congresses and other equally prestigious concert venues. In addition, the future celebrity attended the folklore department of the theater and music school and performed as part of the Kuvichki children's ensemble.

Studying in Gnesinka

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Alexandra firmly decided to devote her life to music. After graduating from school, she entered the school. Gnessins, to the department for the training of leaders of folklore ensembles and folk choirs. The creative biography of Sasha Savelyeva, the singer, which all fans of the domestic show business know about today, began in Gnesinka. As a first-year student, the girl, together with her friends, founded her own group, for which she composed songs on her own.

Participation in the "Star Factory"

Real fame came to Alexandra in 2002, after she took part in the reality show "Star Factory". Together with other contestants (Ira Toneva, Sati Kazanova and Maria Alalykina), 18-year-old Savelyeva joined the new women's group Fabrika, which managed to take second place in the final of the program. According to the singer, participation in the TV project was a difficult test for her. But the girl withstood all the difficulties with dignity. Participation in a reality show allowed her to fulfill her most important dream - to perform on the big stage.

Singing career

In 2003, Masha Alalykina left the Factory, after which the girl group turned from a quartet into a trio. In the updated line-up (Savelyeva, Casanova and Toneva), the team achieved the highest popularity. For Alexandra, a period of active touring, filming and recording singles began. The songs performed by the young singer and her stage colleagues have repeatedly become hits and have been awarded prestigious music awards. Unlike Sati Kazanova, who left the group in 2010 to start solo career, Alexandra remains a constant participant of the "Factory" throughout the entire period of its existence. In addition to her career as a singer, she managed to try herself as a presenter: in 2014, together with Konstantin Kryukov, the girl began to host the Duel program dedicated to fencing.

Biography of Sasha Savelyeva: personal life, relationship with Yagudin

Alexandra, unlike many celebrities, has never been involved in high-profile scandals, so her name is difficult to meet on the pages of the yellow press. Leading a modest lifestyle and not exposing her personal life to the public, the girl, however, arouses increased interest from the media and fans. And no wonder, because she is a real beauty, and she should not end up with fans. So who are these men who were able to win the heart of the blond "manufacturer"?

While participating in 2007 in the popular show " ice Age» Savelyeva met the famous figure skater Alexei Yagudin. A romance broke out between the young people, but at first they denied their connection and said that they were just good comrades. However, the lovers did not manage to hide the truth for a long time, because 3 months after they met, Alexei moved his things to the girl’s apartment. Friends of the lovers began to rub their hands in anticipation of the wedding, but the couple did not live up to their expectations and broke up. According to Alexandra, the reason for the gap was the lack of understanding between her and Yagudin.


In 2009, Sasha met Kirill Safonov, an actor known for his leading role in the television series Tatyana's Day. beautiful blonde liked the man, and he began to care for her. Alexandra looked at the new admirer for a long time, who turned out to be 10 years older than her, and was in no hurry to reciprocate. But love prevailed, and Saveliev and Safonov began to meet. In the spring of 2010, they secretly got married, inviting only the closest people to the celebration.

How did the biography of Sasha Savelyeva develop further? Photos of her wedding appeared in the media only six months after the marriage. All this time, the newlyweds managed to hide their marital status, and the journalists, seeing the ring on the girl's ring finger, thought that she was just going to marry Cyril. Now Alexandra continues to perform as part of the "Factory" and, according to her friends from the group, she dreams of going on maternity leave and giving her husband a child.

Actor Kirill Safonov is an incredibly talented, charismatic and Attractive man. His star first lit up after the main role in the famous TV series called Tatiana's Day. Since then, numerous fans have been closely following the actor's personal life.

Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva

In 2009, the famous actor met famous singer from the group "Factory" Sasha Savelyeva. This happened in one of the capital's clubs, where friends brought young people. The man had no serious intentions, he just talked with the girl he liked.

However, the next day he realized that something more had arisen between him and Alexandra.

Taking her phone number from friends, he called the singer and agreed on new meeting. Since then, the couple has become inseparable.

Until 2010, the lovers were hard to spot together. Only once the couple appeared together in front of journalists, and in April of the same year it became known that they got married. The celebration was modest. Only the closest people to the newlyweds gathered in the Tsaritsyno estate. However, Sasha and Kirill celebrate every anniversary quite magnificently. Quite often, news about the separation of the singer and actor appears on the network. Each time, the spouses refute unpleasant rumors.

Photo: Instagram @kirill_safonov

In addition, the couple plans to have a baby soon. Kirill says that he has found the woman of his dreams, has found peace of mind and is ready to replenish his family.

Video: wedding anniversary of Cyril and Alexandra

Cyril's first wife - Elena Safonova

The marriage with his first wife lasted quite a long time - almost 10 years. With his wife - Elena Safonova - the actor met in his student years. In 1991, they signed. Ex-wife not related to the field of theater and cinema. After 4 years, their daughter Nastya was born.

This period was given to Cyril hard. The family lived in a hostel, there was very little money, the man had to work around the clock.

In 1999, he received an invitation from the theater to go to Israel (in the small town of Jaffa). He responded positively, hoping that the situation would finally improve. Safonov quickly learned Hebrew, successfully played in the theater, but family life didn't add up. In 2001, Elena decided to leave her husband. She took the child and since then Anastasia has been living in Israel, rarely appearing in Russia.

Safonov's daughter - Anastasia

Now Anastasia is already 22 years old. The daughter of Kirill Safonov is a very talented and beautiful girl. She works as a model, starred in famous glossy magazines. The father is very proud of his child. Kirill believes that Nastya is a responsible and smart girl who thinks more sensibly than he did at her age.

Photo: Instagram @kirill_safonov

Anastasia lives with her mother, but sometimes comes to Moscow. FROM new wife she met her father almost after their wedding, and immediately found mutual language with Alexandra.

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