The most beautiful blondes

Fashion & Style 16.03.2018
Fashion & Style

There are legends about blondes, they are joked about, they are loved. It turns out that May 31 is the day of the blonde, but we will celebrate it only for 200 years. According to scientists, natural blondes are disappearing from the face of the earth and will disappear altogether by 2202. I have put together a collection just for you. the most beautiful blondes in the world. Many stars are simply ill with their hair color and never repaint.

The most beautiful blonde in the world Marilyn Monroe. She was often famous for her hair color.

Scarlett Johansson is an actress, singer, blonde. She has a twin brother who is three minutes younger than her. Scarlett won the hearts of many with her sexuality and wit.

Britney Spears is one of the most famous blondes in the world. Scandalous singer, actress, mother and loving wife. Britney has had a hard life, but now she is full of strength and energy for new creativity.

Gwen Stefani says to herself, "Sometimes I'm a real bitch!" Very bright and memorable blonde show business. She is a young mother who manages to act in films and go on tour with new albums.

Jessica Simpson is an actress with great experience. Favorite blonde by many, she also manages to sing. Jessica is very fond of parties and is always involved in charity events.

Jessica Alba is one of the most beautiful blondes in the world. Jessica acts in films, loves her husband Cash Warren and raises her beautiful daughter Honor.

Geri Halliwell is a blonde with little experience, as everyone remembers her as a red beast in the Spice Girls group. Jerry started her solo career with great success. She is a happy single mother and is not at all shy about it.

Jennifer Aniston is the blonde friend ex-wife Brada Pitt and the owner of her own film company.

The famous blonde of world tennis is Maria Sharapova.

Victoria Beckham changes her hair color very often, but she was going to be a blonde more than ever.

Interesting Facts about blondes:

1. There are more than 150,000 hairs on a blonde's head, which is almost twice as many as a dark-haired girl.
2. Scientists have concluded that blondes are more likely to have problems with the gallbladder
3. According to the survey - 40% Russian men prefer blondes.
4. It turns out that 1 kg of blond hair in London costs about 700 pounds.
5. 50% of American blondes consider themselves naive.
6. Anthropologists think blondes can disappear like species by the middle of the 21st century!
7. Blondes used to be considered witches. They were brought in batches from the markets and beaten with stones.
8. In Japan, for a night of love, many men are ready to sell their souls.

9. Retirees in Sweden don't want to be courted by blonde women.

10. In Iceland, blonde women earn 10% less than other women.

The most beautiful blondes in the world are the best actresses, singers and just moms

According to statistics, every second blonde killed a brunette in herself with hydrogen peroxide. But, no matter what the statistics say, One Poll, commissioned by Clairol, decided to conduct a survey and find out which of the most famous blondes can claim the status of the most beautiful. The applicants were not checked for blond authenticity.

All blondes of our time, of course, are obliged Marilyn Monroe for popularizing the image of a frivolous blonde beauty, which to this day is copied by ordinary girls and celebrities. It is to this image, according to Marilyn herself, that she owes her success in her career: when the sex symbol of the mid-twentieth century just wanted to walk down the street without the risk of being recognized, she simply washed off her make-up and put on sneakers.

Grace Kelly- a talented actress, a beautiful blonde and a sophisticated aristocrat. This woman managed to make the dream of millions of girls come true - to marry a real prince. Alas, this marriage forced her to give up her career as an actress forever, but gave the world a beautiful offspring of the royal family of the Principality of Monaco.

A small gap makes some girls hide and be embarrassed, but Brigitte Bardot was able to make a charming zest out of a small flaw: after the appearance on the screens of the film "And God Created Woman" directed by Roger Vadim with Bridget in leading role, a lush hairstyle, plump lips and the same notorious gap came into fashion.

She, of course, has a lot of shortcomings: according to the envious, she has disgusting skin, a flat chest, and she also snores ... Well, these are envious people, what to take from them. And there really is something to envy: Cameron Diaz stunning figure, long legs, beautiful eyes, and most importantly - she is a natural blonde, and one of the most beautiful.

Holly Willoughby attracted the attention of the public not only with her appearance, but also with rather extravagant antics. For example, it doesn’t cost her anything to say that now she has no underwear on and, in general, she never wears it, or that before important events she breaks in her shoes exclusively during sexual pleasures. But do you surprise us?

This blonde did not leave in our memory a single high-profile scandals, no memorable roles, but a bright appearance Joanna Lumley will not soon be forgotten. Contrary to popular belief, this actress showed by her example that beauty alone is not enough for a dizzying film career, and therefore we can only be content with seeing beautiful photographs of the once promising actress.

When the film “Home Alone-3” appeared on the screens many years ago, who would have thought that a pretty girl would acquire appetizing forms and become one of the highest paid and sought-after actresses in Hollywood. According to director Woody Allen, Scarlett Johansson not only one of the most beautiful blondes, but also quite a talented actress.

Winner of numerous music awards, singer Stevie Nicks recognized as one of the most beautiful blondes. She sang lyrical songs in a somewhat heavy style and thus was unlike anyone else. She sang in such groups as The Changing Times, Fleetwood Mac, and since 1981 she began her solo career.

Granddaughter of physicist Max Born, Australian actress and singer of the 70s Olivia Newton John was able to make a dizzying career, which is not surprising for such a talented, charismatic and beautiful blonde. We remember her voice from childhood, because she sang the romantic soundtrack to the cartoon "The Little Mermaid".

The leader of the popular in the 70s group "Blondie" blond beauty Debbie Harry and today continues to act in films and record new albums. Her attractive appearance, despite the years, remains in demand: she participates in the MAC Cosmetics "Viva Glam VI" advertising campaign.

Who in the world is sweeter than everyone, all blusher and whiter ... The eternal dispute between brunettes and blondes has long been boring, and therefore it is time to find out who is the sweetest of all among brunettes and blondes separately.

So, who is included in the ranking of the most beautiful brunettes? Favorite Hubert de Givenchy (French Hubert de Givenchy), actress and failed ballerina Audrey Hepburn- one of the ten most beautiful brunettes. She did not at all correspond to the canons of beauty of that time, but her huge eyes of a frightened gazelle, incredibly thin waist and natural grace could not go unnoticed by the best directors of the time.

Definitely the Empress of Hollywood Elizabeth Taylor- one of the most beautiful brunettes: her beauty was so attractive that she was rightfully considered the most desirable woman of her time. Unfortunately, the personal life of one of the most beautiful women has developed less successfully than her dizzying career.

One of the most beautiful brunettes Vivien Leigh she had to struggle all her life with a serious illness and it is not surprising that she was especially convincing in playing the roles of outwardly fragile, but strong-willed women. It seemed that beauty acting talent- the only thing that nature endowed her with: this beautiful woman was doomed to hellish torment due to the weakness of her health, the impotence of medicine and the lack of close people who could help her.

Many people still think Katharine Hepburn leading actress of the 20th century. Although at first her unusual appearance and manners scared off the audience, but after a while, Katherine became one of the most desirable women in Hollywood. This beautiful brunette was one of the first to prove that even after forty a woman can be beautiful and attractive: it was at this age that the actress starred in her best films.

Gina Lolobrigida- a world-famous star, an Italian beauty and a burning brunette who managed to become a symbol female beauty mid-twentieth century. Versatile personality: sculpting, painting, filming documentaries, and at the end acting career even managed to get involved in politics.

Name Jacqueline Kennedy will forever remain in history and not only because she is one of the most beautiful brunettes: this beautiful aristocrat was the youngest "first lady", being the wife of the youngest US president, and was able to challenge the entire American society by marrying the Greek billionaire Aristotle Onassis .

Spanish beauty Penelope Cruz considered one of the most beautiful brunettes. Her chic hair and an unusual Hollywood appearance on the wave of rising demand for non-standard beauties made the actress one of the most popular. She quickly managed to achieve worldwide recognition and successfully holds the position of a sought-after actress.

But unlike Penelope Cruz, Salme Hayek had to work hard before she achieved success in her career: directors for a long time did not take seriously one of the most beautiful brunettes, offering her the role of sexy girlfriends of the main characters. But the real Latin American beauty showed the strength of her character, and after she played the role of the lame artist, Frida Kahlo, everything fell into place. Salma is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful women planet and a talented actress.

With the appearance on the screens Monica Bellucci panic began in the anorexic kingdom: the rounded hips, beautiful lush breasts, the chiseled face of this Italian beauty discredited all the canons of beauty that reigned in the 90s. Exhausted by heroin chic, sexless fashion models looked with envy at the divine forms of one of the most beautiful brunettes, Monica Belucci.

Humanity's addiction to fair-haired people is explained by anything - from genetics to physiology, from archetypes to a conspiracy of hair dye manufacturers. A list of the most famous among the beautiful and beautiful among the famous - blondes in the history of mankind. More photos can be found in the gallery

  • 1. Mae West

The first platinum blondes in the history of cinema, the progenitors of the image and the initiators of the tradition of noisy, cheerful and narrow-minded blondes-girlfriends-main characters. Mae West became famous as the most scandalous star of the 30s, was inexhaustible in jokes with journalists and, as journalists said, tireless in bed.

  • 2. Jean Harlow

It was in the early 1930s, when the world was suffering from hunger and cold to one degree or another, that glamor with all feathers, diamonds, sponges and hairpins became firmly established in fashion. In this realm of catchy femininity, the Hollywood diva Jean Harlow was the soloist. She was a woman in a square and even in a cube: with a perfectly styled hairdo, impeccably defined eyebrows, a sensual, always well-made mouth, in precious dresses and furs. She was not beautiful, but she never left the house without the most careful make-up. It was Harlow who became the first in a long list of platinum blondes in cinema.

  • 3. Marlene Dietrich

She was born at the very beginning of the century and died only in 1992. Marlene Dietrich started her career in the 20s and ended in the seventies - over fifty years and over fifty films. Twisted novels with Gabin and Remarque, corresponded with Hemingway in many volumes and remained in the history of cinema the standard of great German style - a men's suit, a long mouthpiece, black and white, unbearably beautiful and completely impregnable.

  • 4. Marilyn Monroe

Immediately after the Second World War, when lightness was vital, only lightness, nothing but lightness and the promise of a beautiful future, she emerged from the foam, Norma Jean Baker, with sponges of a color not found in nature and cotton candy hair. And it was Marilyn Monroe, this walking lollipop, too-pee-doo-poom, who was and remains the sexiest blonde of all time.

  • 5 Grace Kelly

When, in the 60s, they began to get tired of the vulgar simplicity of the 50s, maidens entered the scene more subtle and elegant, aware of what style and restraint are. The most famous of this series was Grace Kelly, who broke the heart of Alfred Hitchcock himself and left her film career for love.

  • 6. Brigitte Bardot

Now known as an animal rights activist, she was once the most sexually horny nymphet in world cinema. In those days, when Marilyn could only tease the audience with a flowing dress, Bardot did not hesitate to be naked in front of the camera.

  • 7. Sharon Stone

According to legend, Stone's IQ is equal to Albert Einstein's IQ - 145. True, this in itself does not oblige to anything and does not insure against anything: Sharon Stone does not know what Azerbaijan is, brings out juvenile boyfriends, makes monstrous facial plastic surgery, who is filming in the terrifying Primal Instinct 2 and is about to film Primal Instinct 3. But she also owns the honor of opening a white "alcoholic" T-shirt as sexy clothing, as well as the notorious spectacular somersaults with her feet in Basic Instinct and a kiss with a woman at a charity auction, which cost her 50 thousand dollars. Recently recognized as the most sexy woman in the category of those over 40.

  • 8. Madonna

As Zemfira is always followed by the ghost of Aguzarova, Madonna is inevitably compared to Marilyn. The true hair color (both of them) has been actively discussed for decades, but the fact remains that Madonna became famous only when she became a blonde. The permanent queen of the pop scene for almost half a century, despite the various attempts of the young, manages to shock the Orthodox audience in various ways to this day, up to the cancellation of concerts in Moscow. It still wins in the charts of the most diverse, including our Singing Women. Top Labrysa 2009. At the age of 10, she dreamed of becoming a nun, and now she spends a quarter of a million on plastic surgery to be in good shape next to a young boyfriend. Life is so unpredictable.

  • 9. Kim Basinger

The star of semi-pornographic masterpieces, she managed to dance a striptease in front of Mickey Rourke in "9 and a half weeks", waltz with Jack Nicholson on the roof of a skyscraper in the first "Batman", and at the same time maintain the image and reputation of an exemplary girl, having the appearance of a porn model. Until now, he is actively acting in films.

10. Claudia Schiffer

One of the three pillars of the modeling show business of the 90s, along with Crawford and Campbell, along with them, became almost a household name. Claudia Schiffer is the most classic blondie, with a sly slit of eyes and lips. The other day I converted a helicopter hangar into a wardrobe house.

  • 11 Meryl Streep

Another one<нетипическая блондинка. Среди её предшественниц скорее можно упомянуть Дитрих, чем Монро. Мэрил Стрип совершенно не отвечает ни классическим, ни современным канонам красоты, но на протяжении многих лет остаётся одной из самых востребованных и стильных актрис на большом экране, ей легко даются и дурацкие семейные комедии, и трагические роли. На её стороне - мастерство, порода, выдержанность, тонкость и все другие качества, присущие хорошим винам и действительно умным женщинам.

  • 12. Nadia Auermann

The top model of the 90s was famous for her cold Aryan beauty and the longest legs in the world. Legs have since appeared and longer, but still works as a fashion model.

  • 13. Uma Thurman

Killer bee, Tarantino's favorite actress (according to legend, when he saw her big legs, he immediately offered her to star in Pulp Fiction), Uma Thurman got into big cinema with the role of Henry Miller's wife (and a lesbian scene). For twenty years of her career, she easily gained the fame of a sex symbol for intellectuals, two Oscars, a daughter, two husbands and the glory of Hollywood's highest intellectual.

  • 14. Kate Moss

One of the honorary brawlers of the modeling business, Kate Moss lives her whole life between the roles of a bad boy and the most stylish girl in the village. Her specific high cheekbones and generally interesting appearance are usually greatly smoothed out by glossy shoots, but everyone is exaggerating her anorexia, drug addiction and transparent blouses - and what are these people looking at?

  • 15. Cate Blanchett

Refers to an infrequent type of thoroughbred Nordic queens in the current show business, along with Tilda Swinton and Gwyneth Paltrow. She played in the film Paradise Tykwer-Kieślowski, Scandalous Diary (with the incomparable, no less Nordic Judi Dench), played Queen Elizabeth in the film of the same name by Shekhar Kapur (there is a moment where she has a short haircut, and this is unforgettable), even played Bob Dylan in movie I'm Not Here. The Oscar given to Cate Blanchett for her role as Katharine Hepburn in The Aviator is the only Oscar given to an actress who, in turn, has won an Oscar herself.

  • 16. Charlize Theron

She is a very well-proportioned mixture of Angelina Jolie and Sharon Stone) her neat little face suits both optional melodramas like Sweet November and costume dramas like Head in the Clouds. Charlize Theron is a brave woman who was not afraid of either the most terrible make-up or the role of a lesbian killer: her role in the Monster made her very famous in thematic circles.

  • 17. Scarlett Johansson

Johansson is a classic American blonde, nothing could be more classic: plump lips, tender cheeks, sparkling eyes. Her most high-profile role is in Lost in Translation with Bill Murray, Sofia Coppola's short saga of sudden lyrical mutual (mis)understanding. Since then, Johansson has appeared in at least two films a year. In Woody Allen's recent Wiki Cristina Barcelona, ​​her character in a romance with Penélope Cruz's and Javier Bardem's characters at the same time, "with a cozy cow's emptiness in her eyes" denoting rather a parody of herself in Lost in Translation. And at the same time, she still manages to record albums with covers of Tom Waits with the participation of David Bowie as a backing vocalist - that's what blonde hair does to people.

  • 18. Barbara Brylska

Woman-New Year, a woman-dream for generations of Soviet and Russian men, she was gentle and feminine, she blew a little west, but mostly Third Street of builders, clarity, comfort and warmth. In addition, she sang in the voice of a young Pugacheva song to the verses of Bella Akhmadulina and Marina Tsvetaeva. In general, it has been pure and unalloyed average Russian perfection for decades.

  • 19. Renata Litvinova

Self-made woman, a woman who has made herself - carefully and skillfully. In this, she is the heiress of Monroe and Dietrich. An actress, screenwriter, director, she is one of the most prolific women in contemporary Russian culture. Her films are No Death for Me (about the stars of Soviet cinema, Mordyukova, Samoilova, Smirnova, Vasilyeva), Goddess (a gloomy confused saga about the female soul and the benefits of coloring, glorified by Igor Vdovin's piece with Zemfira "Love as an accidental death") and the Green Theater in Zemfira, where their creative union with Zemfira Talgatovna manifested itself especially brightly. In addition, Litvinova plays Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya at the Moscow Art Theater, participates in several television programs and models women's clothing.

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