Nymphomaniac - who is this? Who are nymphomaniacs. About women with endless sexual thirst Who are nymphomaniacs

Auto 24.07.2020

    nymphomaniac- and, well. nymphomane adj. honey. A woman suffering from nymphomania. BAS 1. Vinitskaya sent me a completely obscene story. I'm afraid she's crazy. She writes that I should not tell anyone and did not give her address. Is she a nymphomaniac? Salt. // 20 19 (1)… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Fucking Dictionary of Russian synonyms. nymphomaniac n., number of synonyms: 1 hohoha (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    G. A woman suffering from nymphomania. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniac (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    Nymphomania (Greek νύμφη (nymphe) bride, μανία (mania) passion, madness; Latin nymphomania) (or andromania) increased sexual desire in women, a type of hypersexuality. Sometimes the term "nymphomania" is used in figuratively for ... ... Wikipedia

    nymphomaniac- nymph anka, and, genus. n. pl. h. nok ... Russian spelling dictionary

    nymphomaniac- (1 f); pl. nymphoma / nki, R. nymphoma / nuk ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    nymphomaniac- (Grch. nymphe, mania) the wife of the preterano is razrazen the floors of the surge ... Macedonian dictionary

    AND; pl. genus. nok, date nkam; and. Honey. A woman suffering from nymphomania... encyclopedic Dictionary

    nymphomaniac- and; pl. genus. nok, date nkam; and.; honey. A woman suffering from nymphomania... Dictionary of many expressions


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  • Nymphomaniac, Dmitry Shcherbakov. Brothels, thieves' dens, mansions of "authorities", railway stations and hotels - in this world, the heroes of the book Sever and Mila have to exist and desperately fight for survival. They strive...

A nymphomaniac is a woman suffering from nymphomania, a manifestation of the hypersexual syndrome. Women suffering from this disease have an obsessive desire to obtain sexual satisfaction, an orgasm, which nevertheless cannot be achieved, despite the sometimes huge number of sexual intercourses (often with different partners). The name of the disease is derived from the Greek word "nymph": these are those who looked like beautiful women and lived in the forests, where they lured men for sexual pleasures.

Exhausted from them, if they left at all. In the people, this disease is called "uterine rabies", its causes are various diseases CNS. For example, a nymphomaniac is a woman who has reached the manic stage of TIR. Or she has an organic brain lesion, or an endocrine pathology. However, the most common cause of nymphomania, in particular in young women - the manifestation of various is a state of functional imbalance and is successfully treated with psychotherapy.

Why is nymphomania dangerous?

In the relations of such subjects as a man and a woman, simplicity is already lacking. When a mental deviation interferes with them, it becomes even more difficult. A nymphomaniac is a woman who can be exhausted by hypersexuality: she develops asthenia, weakness, and interest in life may disappear. As a rule, this is a temporary phenomenon and it does not pose a serious threat to life, but this cannot be left to chance. A serious problem can also be unwanted pregnancy, which often leads to indiscriminate sex. The people with whom a woman has a relationship, she does not always know. Therefore, there is a risk that the child will also never know who his father is.

If the nymphomaniac is a fast-growing young girl with a strong sexual constitution, then things can even go as far as incest. Most often this happens in families where the father or stepfather is a carrier of the schizophrenic gene.

How is nymphomania treated?

The treatment of "rabies of the uterus" lends itself very poorly. However, there is good news: true nymphomania is a very rare phenomenon. Out of 2500 women, only one will have not an imaginary deviation, but a serious problem. For a woman, special drugs are prescribed that treat deviations at the level of physiology, prescribe a strict diet. The diet excludes any aphrodisiacs - spicy foods, chocolate, seafood and alcohol. Psychotherapists cope with imaginary nymphomania - as a rule, successfully. A woman needs psychotherapeutic sessions, during which she finds out what prevents her from getting sexual satisfaction from contact with a man. The reason for this is often some psychological barriers, the beginning of which could be laid in childhood or adolescence. Women with a real disorder often have to regret what they have done, so they also need the help of a psychotherapist. It is important to remember that a woman, as a rule, is not to blame for having such a problem. This is a serious deviation that requires the supervision of doctors of different profiles.

The term "nymphomania" at first, doctors attributed only to women who have increased sexual needs and engage in promiscuity. However, today, to the question of who nymphomaniacs are, the answer is broader - both men and women with pronounced hypersexuality are classified as such people.

What does the diagnosis of nifomania mean?

Normally, sexual desire plays a big role in a person's life, but in a nymphomaniac, sexual desire overrides all other desires and aspirations. And if someone thinks that having a nymphomaniac wife is not so bad, this person should be upset - such a woman will seek sex anywhere and with anyone. And very often nymphomaniacs do not achieve orgasm, namely the change of sexual partner.

As for the pleasure received from sex, nymphomaniacs usually experience a whole series of orgasms in one sexual intercourse. But at the same time, they do not have a sense of satisfaction - they want more and more. No wonder in the old days such a disease was called "uterine rabies."

Symptoms of nymphomania in men and women

Only a doctor can distinguish promiscuity from illness. According to statistics, nymphomania occurs in 1 person out of 2500, and residents of hot countries are more likely to get sick. Symptoms of nymphomania include:

  • constant search for a new sexual partner;
  • very quick disappointment in any partner;
  • frequent attraction to a stranger;
  • endless thoughts about sex;
  • lack of interest in people as individuals, a person matters only as a sexual object;
  • frequent casual sex;
  • prone to tantrums.
Causes of nymphomania

Despite the widespread belief that nymphomania is tantamount to promiscuity, this disease occurs for serious reasons.

  1. One of the main causes of nymphomania is an organic brain lesion that affects the hypothalamus. Most often, these are mechanical injuries. Thanks to the work of the hypothalamus, a person realizes when he needs to sleep, drink, eat. And also this part of the brain regulates sexual behavior. When the hypothalamus is damaged, the sensitivity of the genital organs increases and libido increases.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. This reason often overtakes women who are in menopause. Failure of the ovaries causes an imbalance of male and female hormones, which causes a strong sexual desire and itching in the genitals. The cause of hormonal failure may be tumors on the ovaries.
  3. Mental illnesses. Nymphomania often accompanies psychopathy, a manic-depressive state.
  4. Early onset of sexual activity. Nymphomania can develop in a girl who has an early sexual life due to complexes and self-doubt, lack of parental attention.

Treatment of nymphomania

Diagnosis and treatment of nymphomania require a systematic approach involving different specialists:

Enhance conventional therapy folk methods treatment. Soothing herbal preparations are considered effective for the treatment of nymphomania, which reduce hyperexcitability and soothe the hypersensitivity of the genital organs.

Nymphomaniac - who do you think? Is it really a woman who just adores mythical creatures called "nymphs"? Probably not yet ... To find out the meaning of the word "nymphomaniac", we need to reveal another concept, from which this term, in fact, was formed.

Nymphomania - what is it?

This sexual attraction is characteristic of the fair sex. It manifests itself in the boundless desire for sexual intimacy with completely different partners, regardless of their age, appearance, and even gender. Interestingly, in men, a similar mental pathology is called satyriasis. So, nymphomaniac - who is this? Correctly! This is a woman suffering from the above described excessive hypersexuality. But, let me! Is such a passion without limits the norm? Let's figure this out.

A nymphomaniac is who: a mentally ill person or a girl of easy virtue?

What is behind this?

Nymphomania is, of course, a syndrome of some kind of pathological change in the cerebral cortex of a woman. Here are some reasons for this:

  • impaired activity of the hypothalamus;
  • violation due to past infectious diseases that negatively affect the cerebral cortex (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • vascular or traumatic lesions of the brain;
  • drug intoxication;
  • other anomalies of the body.

It is these factors that awaken in the mind of a woman an irresistible desire for sexual contacts, as a result - uncontrolled behavior. Note that they have nothing to do with sex, so a nymphomaniac cannot be called a harlot, a girl of easy virtue, and so on.

A nymphomaniac woman - who is this: a "gift of fate" or punishment?

It has long been believed that a woman who wants sex 20 times a day is the dream of any guy. Let me dispel this stupid myth.

First, nymphomania - only mentally ill women. That is why with them you do not need to catch sexual pleasures to your delight, but urgently turn to specialists. Fortunately, this pathology is quite treatable. After all, men, do you enjoy making love to a mentally ill person?

Secondly, nymphomania as a mental disorder begins to develop precisely in adolescence, while the young girl has not yet formed as a person. From the age of 16, young girls with developing nymphomania look at adult uncles with their lustful, hungry eyes. Uncle, don't give up! This is not a gift, this is a criminal article!

Thirdly, nymphomaniacs are rarely satisfied. It's more likely that her partner will pass out than she will cum. Decent women in this case at least feign an orgasm. Nymphomaniacs don't even think about it.

Fourthly, sex with a nymphomaniac is fraught with certain contagious sexually transmitted infections. Well, guys, do you still dream of such a "gift of fate"?

Who's Who: Amateur and Nymphomaniac

The meaning of the term "nymphomaniac" is already clear to us. However, you should not hang this "label" on all girls who love sex very much. It doesn't mean anything yet. At normal woman sexual desire is easily amenable to self-control, intensifying only under certain circumstances (for example, if a desired partner is nearby). In a nymphomaniac, such an attraction arises everywhere and everywhere, it does not depend on any circumstances. This is her hunger. She is not able to suppress, for example, at the time of some work. She wants always and everywhere!

Attention, only TODAY!
  • Various actors. ";nymphomaniac"; - the main provocation of Lars von Trier

Sex, as you know, cannot be called a marathon, in which the winner is the one who ran to the finish line faster. Intimacy should give pleasure to both partners, as well as satisfy mutual needs. For this, the rhythms of men and ...

Nymphomania is called pathological. It occurs in women and manifests itself as an unbridled desire for sexual relations with different partners. Nymphomania is also characterized as a constant sexual desire in women.

If you believe the statistics, then the third part of the strong half would like to have a nymphomaniac girl nearby, ready to have sex anywhere and anytime. There is nothing wrong with sexual attraction, but you need to evaluate the scale of the troubles that arise from this. A beautiful myth is easily dispelled, and an unhealthy and preoccupied girl is born.

Nymphomania in action

Especially for men who believe in a beautiful myth, you need to clarify this situation. If you answer in a simple way, who are nymphomaniacs, then the expression is well suited here: they need sex, like a handkerchief to a sick person with a cold. Apply and forget. It helps, but not for long. During intercourse, a nymphomaniac may experience one orgasm after another, but the peak of pleasure is not reached. As a result, closeness wants more and more. At the same time, she can completely exhaust her partner, but the long-awaited discharge still does not come.

If you know who nymphomaniacs are, then you know that they do not stay with one partner for a long time. And here for such a girl it is absolutely all the same how he kisses, what education he has, they do not pay attention to the cost of the costume and the prestige of the work. After 5-6 so-called sexual acts, the partner for the nymphomaniac goes into oblivion. But the partner has a chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Another one feature nymphomaniacs - loss of control and criticality. However, if a girl often changes partners, for example, because of a struggle with feelings of inferiority or for reasons of financial gain, then such actions can be considered completely normal. This happens quite often and has nothing to do with nymphomania. In addition, the desire for sexual intercourse is often determined by the constitution of the body, and you should not accuse a woman of nymphomania if she "wants" more often than a man.

What does medicine say about this?

Who are nymphomaniacs in terms of medicine? Followers of Hippocrates say that nymphomania can have two directions: getting as many orgasms as possible and having sex with as many partners as possible. Often this disease develops on the basis of severe stress. It happens that it debuts after rape. Among the sick, there are many who were sexually abused in childhood or, on the contrary, were severely punished for everything related to sexuality.

Yet modern society does not want to accept nymphomania as a disease. Girls who have been treated, return to normal life they cannot, because everyone around them considers them harlots, emphasizing this with their contempt. In particular, Russian nymphomaniacs suffer because of this attitude. This disease often causes family breakup. After all, husbands are not ready to understand their wives, who critically need a large number of partners. Even if a woman is cured of such a disease, the husband may hold a great offense.

Nymphomania is a rare occurrence, so you should not panic. Often people, not knowing exactly who nymphomaniacs are, sculpt this label to someone without getting it simply because they don’t like the behavior of a certain girl. And according to statistics, among 2500 of the fair sex, you can find only one nymphomaniac.

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