Maxim matveev and elizaveta boyar personal life. Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev: parting - a step towards a new meeting? Elizaveta Boyarskaya with Maxim Matveev and parents

Helpful Hints 14.07.2019
Helpful Hints

There have been rumors in the media that Liza Boyarskaya(30) and her spouse (33) are planning to get a divorce. And recently, journalists unanimously claimed that the divorce of one of the most beautiful couples of the domestic scene is not far off, and this time it is final and irrevocable. Lisa allegedly already took her son Andrei (4) and left her husband. But recently the wife Mikhail Boyarsky(66) Larisa Luppian(63) denied all rumors.

And if Lisa usually refuses to talk about her personal life, then Larisa decided to reveal all the cards. “This is not true,” said the actress about the separation of Lisa and Maxim. - They just have such a way of life: they live in two cities and two houses, Lisa works in MDT(Small Drama Theater) Peter, and Maxim - in Chekhov Moscow Art Theater in Moscow. They have their main base in the capital, they have their own apartment there. When they come to St. Petersburg, they live with us. Andryushina's toys are also in duplicate. The grandson either lives in Moscow, or with us.”

Lisa's aunt also commented on the situation with the "divorce" - Ekaterina Boyarskaya. She said: “Lisa and Maxim are not getting divorced, they are doing well. Just the last three months, Elizabeth really lived more in St. Petersburg, because she was rehearsing the premiere performance of Hamlet. She has the main role- Ophelia. But Maxim, when issued free time, came. By the way, you can congratulate her on the premiere, which is scheduled for April 20 and 21. Until recently, there was no certainty whether the premiere would take place at all. The artistic director of the theater Lev Dodin is a searching, doubting person, rehearsing the performance to the last, trying out options. But, fortunately, it happened.”

Catherine also noticed that at one time it was quite difficult for Maxim to join a famous family. “Imagine any guy who comes to meet d'Artagnan as a groom. Here everyone, in my opinion, is scared. But, as it turned out, Misha was even more afraid of this moment. Maxim outwardly and with his intelligence is similar to Misha's brother Sasha Boyarsky, who tragically died at the age of 40 - drowned. And the fact that Maxim reminded him of Sasha, whose death Misha is still experiencing, somehow put him at ease. Their relationship immediately became warm,” she said.

In addition, Liza's aunt noticed that Maxim and Liza have been thinking about a second child for a long time, so we are looking forward to hearing from star couple And we'll be sure to tell you everything we know.

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More recently, the press discussed the marriage of one of the most famous actresses Russia - Liza Boyarskaya, and now the news has surfaced for general discussion that the couple decided to divorce. The husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya (Maxim Matveev) is also an actor, but not as famous as his wife. Who is this person? Why did the couple decide to end their relationship?

Maxim's childhood

Maxim was born in the Kaliningrad region, the city of Svetly, on July 28, 1982. Unlike his wife, the husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya grew up in the very ordinary family. His mother was a teacher.

A great contribution to the upbringing of Maxim was made by his grandmother and grandfather. Grandfather taught perseverance, tamed to work, constantly asked to draw. The boy did not want to make new drawings, but he knew that according to the next "sketch" grandfather would definitely make a toy. As they say, puffed, but drew.

Grandmother instilled in her grandson a love for cinema, for acting, she worked at the box office of a local cinema and always took Maxim to the sessions.

In 1992, Maxim and his mother moved to Saratov, where the woman had new love. Mom's husband was a sailor and immediately accepted Max as his own and did not begin to love less when little Volodya appeared in the family.

Choice of profession

At school, the guy stood out among the rest of the students, he was hardworking, smart, he graduated from the ten-year with a silver medal. During these years, Maxim Matveev was calm, even reserved, had almost no friends. In high school, the spirit of rebellion began to awaken in him. The guy grew long hair, and heavy metal became his favorite music.

In his early years, Maxim dreamed of becoming a surgeon, he wanted to help people. Later, the love for edged weapons did not fade away, but changed, instead of a scalpel, the guy began to consider a sword as a professional tool, he wanted to be a swordsman.

Maxim began to attend acting classes, was engaged in drawing. Art was always present in him, and he did not understand that this was his life, his dream - to give beauty to people. But his parents did not share his hobbies and insisted on a profession in the world of jurisprudence. The mother's dream was to see her son as a lawyer.

place for the occasion

In the last academic year at school, Maxim Matveev decided to take part in a couples competition, which was held at the conservatory. There he was spotted by an acting teacher and offered to try his hand at the world of theater. The guy agreed, submitted the documents and was able to immediately enter the second year of the Saratov Conservatory.

During the training, Maxim was offered to take part in the filming of commercials, in clips and even in adult films! But the guy rejected all offers, he understood that it was not worth exchanging for trifles and with early years defame his name with "dirty roles."

After the conservatory, Maxim decided not to stop there and left Saratov, where he did not see a great future. He went to enter the Moscow Art Theater and was able to get on the course of Igor Zolotovitsky and Sergey Zemtsov.


The husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya could easily combine study and work. He was invited to play at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, where he got a permanent job in 2006. The most striking roles in the theater were played in the productions of "The Piedmontese Beast", "The Artist", "King Lear", " Ideal husband"," The Cabal of the Saints.

Even while studying at the Moscow Art Theater, Matveev was offered various roles. One of the proposals was to star in the television series "Poor Nastya", the fee would be enough for a four-room apartment in the center of Moscow. But the guy decided to refuse, because he did not want to be remembered by the audience as another serial handsome man. He knew that the main roles were still ahead and continued to study hard, play small roles in the theater.

The debut role of Maxim in the cinema was the work in the film "Vice". After the success of the picture, the guy was invited to play in the films "Dandies", "New Year's Tariff", "Exchange Wedding", "On the Hook", etc. Soon the name of Maxim Matveev became known not only to directors, but also to viewers.

Life with Liza Boyarskaya

During his acquaintance with Lisa, Maxim was married. His wife was a colleague on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater Yana Sexte. The couple was only married for a year, the young people divorced in 2009, when Max already had an affair with Boyarsky's daughter, which they carefully tried to hide from everyone.

However, soon the office romance turned into true love, and the couple legalized their relationship in 2010. Mikhail Boyarsky received his son-in-law well and gave the couple an apartment for the wedding. Matveev Maxim to match star family began to work more.

The son of Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev Andrey was born in 2012. From that moment on, the young father became more serious, thoughtful and invited his wife to invest in real estate. So the family got a second apartment, where Lisa and her son moved.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev getting divorced?

Some time ago, news appeared in the press that the couple had decided to divorce. Familiar families and work colleagues confirmed that Liza and Maxim have been living separately for several months. It was also said that the actors practically do not appear together, Boyarskaya Elizabeth Mikhailovna celebrated her thirtieth birthday without her husband.

Rumor has it that Lisa's father forbids his daughter and son-in-law to officially divorce and forces them to maintain the status of an ideal married couple. It is worth noting that the husband of Elizabeth Boyarsky Maxim this year he starred in Anna Karenina as Vronsky. Anna was played by Lisa. As Boyarskaya Elizaveta Mikhailovna says, they didn’t even have to play, because their love is real, it’s always easier to portray passion with a husband than with a little-known partner.

Let's hope that Mikhail Boyarsky was able to save his daughter's marriage by forbidding divorce. Perhaps family problems are left behind, and the couple is happy again.

// Photo: Igor Generalov /

After five and a half years of official marriage, one of the most beautiful couples in Russian cinema is close to divorce. For several months, Elizaveta and Maxim have been living separately: Boyarskaya has finally moved to St. Petersburg in an apartment on the Moika, and Matveev still lives in Moscow. The couple bought a four-room apartment in the north-east of the capital together - shortly after the birth of their son Andrei. “StarHit” learned the details of the secret separation of the acting couple.

dad vs.

AT recent times Boyarskaya and Matveev gave more than one reason to doubt the ideality of their married life. The actress celebrated her 30th birthday in December last year in a restaurant in St. Petersburg without her husband, in the company of several friends - Ksenia Rappoport, Danila Kozlovsky - and parents. Now it is Mikhail Sergeevich and Larisa Luppian who help her raise her 4-year-old son Andrei in St. Petersburg. And it is they who insist that the couple does not formalize the divorce yet.

“Lisa and Maxim broke up a few months ago,” an employee of the St. Petersburg MDT Sergey Turuntsev tells StarHit. - Everything is mutual, it just seems that love has passed over the years ... Perhaps life in two cities has done its job - after all, Lisa and Maxim had a non-standard marriage. Of course, Lisa could not hide the fact of a break with her husband from her colleagues; relations with Maxim were an important part of her life. When one of the artists drew attention to the fact that she came to the theater without a wedding ring, she did not deny that her union with Matveev had come to an end. I know that they even recently wanted to legally divorce - but Lisa's dad Mikhail Boyarsky sharply opposed this - they say, you need to observe the image of an ideal family, no matter what. Or maybe he still hopes that his daughter and Maxim will endure everything again, fall in love ... The father now helps her with her grandson - he often walks with him, takes him to developmental courses, and in the evening does homework with Andryusha.

Elizabeth herself is actively filming in Anna Karenina by Karen Shakhnazarov in St. Petersburg. And recently, the film "Contribution" was released, where she and her husband played one of the main roles. Even then, colleagues of the stars suspected something was wrong. “Lisa and Maxim are very professional people Therefore, personal relationships at work did not affect in any way. Yes, and they tried not to discuss their family problems on the site, although many were aware that it is difficult to hide such things, ”actor Daniil Lebedev, who worked with the couple on the set of the film Contribution last year, comments on StarHit.

The Moscow Art Theater is also aware of the discord in famous family. “Maxim has always been secretive, and after breaking up with Lisa, he completely retreated into himself,” Olga Salnikova, make-up artist at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, told StarHit. - At first, I couldn’t get together at the rehearsals - I missed some comments, but we are all people, so we treated all this with understanding. We try not to touch on the topic of his relationship with his wife, he himself asked to refrain from commenting on this matter in his presence. But he did not hide from his colleagues that he and Lisa were no longer together. Of course, they will figure it out themselves, no one climbs. We all hope this is temporary. Especially since they have a very small son, Maxim does not have a soul in him and is now very worried that Andryusha has moved back with his mother to St. Petersburg. And besides, so many months have passed since they broke up, and they still do not file for divorce - so maybe there is still a chance.

Alone again

All the free time, which the actress has little due to her employment in the cinema and theater, Boyarskaya tries to spend with her son Andrei. Apparently, there is no time to cook, so Elizaveta prefers to order food delivery at her favorite St. Petersburg restaurant, Smelt.

“Liza often turns to us, asking us to bring food for two people: lunch for the child and for herself. For my son I took noodles with quail egg, chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes and for dessert, strawberry ice cream. For herself, she mostly ordered dishes of Georgian cuisine - she loves khinkali with lamb, as well as our signature shawarma with chicken thigh and hot sauce satsebeli,” Saida shared with StarHit from the institution’s delivery service.

Sometimes Boyarskaya leaves her son to his parents and allows himself to have some fun. Usually, together with her friends, she spends the evening at the Poizon karaoke bar on Rubinstein Street opposite the MDT. “Lisa is a frequent visitor to us. Very nice mademoiselle. Loves our shorts. On the dance floor, it comes off no worse than other visitors, not embarrassed by anyone around. He often chooses the songs of the ABBA group, ”Mikhail, the host of the karaoke bar, told StarHit.

In addition to parents, the actress is helped by a nanny, whom she hired relatively recently, to raise a baby. A middle-aged woman takes care of her child every day English language, reading, takes to the sports and music sections near the house. Maxim, of course, visits his son - and, in order to avoid rumors of a breakup, every time after his visit to in social networks Boyarskaya there are joint photographs with an already ex-husband.

The family happiness of Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev haunts many tabloids - with enviable frequency they try to breed one of the strongest acting couples. So this morning, news appeared in the media with headlines about the separation of Elizabeth and Maxim. HELLO.RU contacted Elizabeth and found out how things really are, firsthand.

Once again, a story about our separation appeared in the press. Once again "unexpected" and completely groundless, invented and false from beginning to end. It's hard for us to guess what this time was the catalyst for the yellow press, and it's a pity that we have to talk again about something that does not require comment. When Maxim and I got married, we lived in two cities. Now we have settled in Moscow, but as before, several times a week we go to St. Petersburg, back and forth, together and separately - it does not matter. And this will continue as long as Maxim is an artist of the Moscow Art Theater, and I am an actress of the St. Petersburg Maly Drama Theater. We have very busy schedules, we do not go to events, preferring to spend time at home with the child, we do not wear wedding rings- It is generally a personal matter of each person. This state of affairs does not bother us at all. Moreover, it suits. This is our natural way of life. There is no cause for concern, - Elizabeth told HELLO.RU.

Last year, Elizabeth and Maxim spoke in HELLO interview! about their relationship:

It seems to me that in marriage, Maxim and I, as it were, halved and united into one. (Laughs.) I clearly feel how enriched I am with his appearance in my life, and, no matter how presumptuous it may sound, I also feel what I gave him myself ... I became more collected, responsible. More focused. For a long time my family was my parents and me. And my self in this triangle was huge, because such a thing is huge! - I occupied a place in the life of both mom and dad. And now I have my own family, and my self has decreased, and this gives me great pleasure. Being a housewife, being a wife, being a mother is so new and interesting. To feel how gradually, step by step, everything becomes common in our life with Maxim - both in big and small, even views on repairs in the apartment ...

According to Elizabeth and Maxim, they never even really quarreled:

Lisa. Never in my life. I don't know what Maxim should do to make me offended by him... I can imagine, imagine anything, and I still won't be offended. Whatever he did.
Maksim.Don't imagine. I won't even try.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev have been together for seven years, of which six are married, and four more years are the parents of little Andryusha. But this couple certainly cannot be called ordinary and boring. If only because they live in two cities: Maxim has a job in Moscow, and Lisa serves in a theater in St. Petersburg. And also, you can imagine, they never swore. “I don’t know what Maxim should do to make me offended by him,” says Boyarskaya.

Love on set

Lisa and Maxim first met in 2009 on the set of Igor Kopylov's film I Won't Tell. The actors played a couple in love. There were 17 shifts that they spent side by side ... The working relationship quickly developed into a stormy romance. True, the lovers did not advertise this for a long time.

Yes, and how? Matveev was still married to the Lithuanian actress Yana Sexta, whom he also met on the set. But Maxim undertook to solve this problem himself. He left for some time in Lithuania, and returned with a certificate of divorce.

A year later, Lisa and Maxim got married. It is curious here that Maxim did not propose to Lisa, but to her ... parents. And here it was necessary to have a certain courage. Is it a joke?! Come to the main "musketeer" in the country and say: "I'm taking your only daughter."

“Lisa's parents were returning from vacation, we met them early in the morning, at 6 o'clock, and drove them home. The three of us stayed with them, and in order not to worry for a long time, I immediately told them everything. Lisa's father asked, "Does my daughter love you?" I answered yes. He said: “Well, then good luck to you,” Matveev recalled, writes the Komsomolskaya Pravda website.

The wedding was magnificent and big. And, as they wrote then, “the whole of St. Petersburg walked on it” ... But even here the young were not traditional. They came to the registry office in the clothes in which they woke up in the morning: in jeans and T-shirts, there were no cars with dolls and photographs of the sights.

“We just rocked until the morning,” says Lisa's mother, actress Larisa Luppian.

Pregnancy and unpleasant rumors

A year later, the couple had a son. Lisa gave birth in St. Petersburg, closer to her mother. Maxim flew to her and that's it. recent months protected his wife. At one o'clock X was present at the birth, and after that he stayed overnight with his wife and son in the same room.

But whatever this beautiful moment was, it was during this period that the couple had to endure many trials. Despite the fact that Boyarskaya carefully concealed her position, Sobchak told everyone about it! Moreover, at the same time there were rumors that Boyarskaya had an affair with Khabensky. Yes, and the child is allegedly his ... But the couple steadfastly went through this.

“With the birth of Andryusha, I gained incredible self-confidence. I'm not afraid not to get some kind of role, to say stupid things, I no longer care what they say or think about me. I don't care. The most important thing has appeared in life, and this is the main thing - that everything is in order in our family, and the rest is vanity. And, you know, I became terribly sentimental, especially in relation to little boys, says Lisa. - I observe the behavior of children who are a little older than Andryusha, and I see that the girls are more lively. They develop faster, take the lead. And the boys ... It seems to me that they are more defenseless. And when I see that some boy is confused, or he was offended, or he realized that he did something stupid, and he is ashamed, I have a lump in my throat.

“I became more attentive to myself, because I realized: from now on, for this little man, I am a protection. Before, Lisa and I also said to each other: “Be careful driving, don’t drive.” But only now these words are filled with real meaning. I also realized that when a child is born, everything else in life becomes secondary. Because "everything else" exists only to support and become this little creature. The responsibility is great, but joyful, ”Matveev () shares.

Life away from each other

Elizabeth and Maxim are almost the only acting couple who live separately ... And no, this is not a guest marriage, and both do not accept open relationships.

It's simple: both are not yet ready to part with work. Elizabeth has a theater in St. Petersburg, Maxim has a theater in Moscow.

“I think when it comes time for Andryusha to go to school, this will be the defining moment. And we are inclined to believe that it will most likely be Moscow. Yes, they will grow together soon anyway, Peter and Moscow.

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