Tatyana Vasilyeva blames her daughter-in-law. Grandchildren were hidden from Tatyana Vasilyeva

Tourism and rest 23.06.2019
Tourism and rest

All last year, the country experienced the tragedy of its beloved artist: Tatyana Vasilyeva lost her grandchildren!

Her son Philip told in vivid colors how his unfaithful wife ran away from him abroad. Taking not only common children, but also hundreds of thousands of euros from my mother's account ...

But it was not even this that shocked everyone, but the fact that the former daughter-in-law demanded from Vasilyeva a fee for dating boys - 200 thousand rubles a month.

“It’s hard for me to remain silent in response, I just have to defend myself!” - the same “escaped” Anastasia Begunova made a statement before the New Year. She wants to tell the truth. My…


Now Nastya really lives in Germany. She recently gave birth to her third son - already from another man. And her common sons with Philip Vasiliev have indeed not seen their grandmother for a long time. But not because the actress can't save up a "subscription fee" for meeting them. Begunova assures that Tatyana Vasilyeva not only is not eager to see the bloodies, but she didn’t even congratulate the boys on their birthday. And everything that her son tells is a lie of pure water.

“My marriage “with the Vasilievs” began with deceit. He also destroyed our family,” Anastasia sighs.

She met Philip and his mother in 2006 - they played together in a private performance, toured different cities. The son of the actress immediately laid eyes on Nastya. He looked after beautifully - incredible bouquets, constant readiness to help, solve all problems. Wasted money, showered with gifts.

Begunova, who comes from Omsk, was subdued: well, still, a guy from such a family is courting her! Moreover, he proposes marriage. How can I refuse? Moreover, Philip assured: acting for him is not the main thing, the main thing is a serious business.

“After the wedding, I was very discouraged when I realized that profitable business Philip is nothing but my mother's pocket, - Nastya admits. - The husband probably thought: with a child in her arms and pregnant with the second (our sons have a two-year age difference), the wife will not go anywhere ... "

mother-in-law on the strem

The husband, according to Begunova, did not really work, he drank seriously. His mother acted as a sponsor of the newly-made family. Tatyana Vasilyeva in an interview more than once herself admitted that the refrigerator fills the young to the eyeballs and gives money. She gave diamonds to her daughter-in-law: for a wedding, a cross studded with pebbles; for the birth of grandchildren - earrings and a ring. Nastya did not refuse gifts ...

“The mother-in-law moved to the “kopeck piece”, which she bought for her son, giving her four-room apartment on Taganka to us,” she says. - But it would be better for children in a more favorable area, I found a wonderful option at the Patriarch's Ponds. Having solved the housing problem, she took up the construction of a country house on a plot bought by Philip's mother.

While Begunova made a nest, her husband, according to her stories, parasitized. Aggression from unfulfillment tore off at home: he could slam a kitten on the floor, be rude to Nastya's relatives. After their breakup, Vasiliev repeatedly stated that his wife was cheating on him right and left. She swears that there was nothing - except for his wild jealousy from scratch.

“I suspect that such thoughts were inspired by the biography of Tatyana Grigorievna, who had theatrical novels,” says

She was generally annoyed that her husband was a sissy. Don't take a step without her advice.

“She called seven times a day: “What did you eat? Where did you go? Control seemed intrusive to me, I handed the phone to my husband, and he joyfully reported. Habit since childhood. He also could not solve all domestic issues without his mother. The sink is clogged - he calls not a plumber, but his mother, and she calls the master.


And then they went abroad - Philip was going to study as a film director. We moved to Germany. Tatyana Vasilyeva gave 300 thousand euros for the purchase of housing in Berlin. But money imperceptibly "resolved". Philip claims that Nastya stole them. She has a different version: her husband simply did not notice how everything went to life: language courses, for children, a rented apartment, medical insurance ...

“Philip is not used to saving - he bought four pairs of expensive sneakers, five pairs of fashionable shoes. I bought a Porsche for 80 thousand euros ... "

Begunova hoped that her husband would stop drinking abroad. But things only got worse. Once, as Nastya says, in a fit of aggression, he rushed at her with a fork.

“Vasilyeva took the side of her son: they say, it was you who provoked him! Philip said he was going to his mother. Apparently, she also made the decision about our divorce, ”says Begunova.

She herself remained in Germany - fell ill younger son required treatment. And she was offended that her husband and mother-in-law at that moment were solving property issues:

“Vassilyeva offered two thousand euros a month for the maintenance of children, so that I would give up the very apartment on Patriarchs, bought in marriage. I did not agree to ephemeral compensation: children should have housing. Philip texted: “Damn you, witch, with all your geeks!” I clarified: “Geeks” are our sons?” Then he quickly made a donation in favor of his mother. As a result, the apartment remained with them, and Vanya and Grisha did not receive material assistance either.

After that, Anastasia claims, all these tales about how she robbed everyone rained down:

“I have been waiting for a year for Philip and his mother to come to their senses and move from baseless accusations to normal human communication,” she says. “It hasn’t happened yet, but I don’t lose hope…”

Photo by G. Usoev.

Anastasia Evgenievna Begunova (married - Vasilyeva). She was born on November 17, 1980 in Omsk. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Father is an engineer. Mother is an ophthalmologist. Parents still live in Omsk.

According to Anastasia, early years was independent, since her parents worked hard, she had to take care of her younger sister Anna.

AT school years she did gymnastics, went to dances and to a choreographic studio. An active and independent girl herself transferred to another lyceum in the center of Omsk, and, according to her, she "connected her mother so that she would only bring the documents."

She first appeared on stage in the eighth grade - when a drama theater was created on the basis of their lyceum. There she performed and from the age of fourteen officially received a salary.

After school in her native Omsk, she studied for a year at the department of choreography State University Dostoevsky.

Then she entered VTU them. Schukin. “Vladimir Etush was sitting at the entrance to the commission and asked the girls to show their legs before the reading if the skirt was too long. Etush laughed," she recalled. She studied on the same course with Vyacheslav Manucharov.

In 2003 she graduated from VTU. Schukin, course R.Yu. Ovchinnikov.

In 2003-2007 - actress of the Theater. Stanislavsky, played in the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Winner of the reading competition. Y. Smolensky 2003 and the competition of readers named after. V. Kachalova 2007.

Collaborated with theaters: Voropaev's production company - "Bella Chao" and "Second Wind"; Theater Society "Rusich" - "Pygmalion"; Another theater is "Duck Hunt".

In 2007, she entered the London University of the Arts, according to her, "she dreamed of living in another country, learning acting skills abroad." However, due to her marriage, she remained in Russia and in the same 2007 she was accepted into the troupe of the Theater. Evg. Vakhtangov, among her works: Charlotte - "Don Juan and Sganarelle"; Pretty Woman - "Frederick, or Crime Boulevard"; Julie - "Mademoiselle Nitush"; Marcela - "Dog in the Manger"; Chimera - "Dedication to Eve"; "Coast of Women"; Bird - "Troilus and Cressida".

Since 2003, he has been acting in films, making his debut in an episode of the film "Photo".

She starred in numerous films and television series in episodes and supporting roles. Among her works are Rublyovka Live (Diana), Everything is Possible (Ksyusha), General Therapy (Marina), Duty Angel (Tatiana), Reflections (Mira), Odyssey of Detective Gurov (Gordeeva ), " Quiet Don"(Cossack), etc.

Anastasia Begunova in the series "Reflections"

Anastasia Begunova in the series "Quiet Flows the Don"

Since 2013 she lived in Germany, in her words - at the insistence of her mother-in-law. Her ex-husband Philip Vasiliev decided to become a film director and was going to enter the directing institute in Berlin, in addition, they wanted to give children the opportunity to learn foreign language. At the same time, she regularly flew to Moscow, continuing to play in the Vakhtangov Theater.

Since 2015 he has been permanently residing in Germany.

The growth of Anastasia Begunova: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Anastasia Begunova:

According to rumors, in her student years she had an affair with actor Vyacheslav Manucharov.

The actress was also credited with a relationship with, with whom she starred in the 2003 film "Photo" directed by Alexander Galin.

In 2006, Philip Vasiliev appeared in her life. “Philip and I met in the Bella Chao enterprise, to which my master, professor at the Shchukin School, Rodion Yuryevich Ovchinnikov, invited me in 2006. I played the granddaughter of the heroine Tatyana Vasilyeva, and Philip played my fiancé. We toured a lot and were with him just good friends, and I always sincerely admired Tatyana Grigoryevna as an actress, tried to learn something from her in the profession, "she said.

In 2008 she married Philip Vasiliev. Soon their son Ivan was born, and three years later, their second son, Grigory.

In 2015, Anastasia and Philip broke up, and in 2016 they officially divorced.

The gap was accompanied loud scandal, which has been the focus of media attention. Tatyana Vasilyeva accused her ex-daughter-in-law of stealing a large amount of money - over 300 thousand euros (although amounts of 500 thousand euros were also called). According to Tatyana Vasilyeva, Nastya stole the money and fled to Germany.

Philip also accused Begunova - of cheating on him - with the artistic director of the theater. E. Vakhtangov by Rimas Tuminas, as well as the actor and director of the Theater S.A.D. . Philip Vasiliev said: "You see, for me, for example, for a long time it was a secret that Nastya slept with Vyacheslav Manucharov. It turns out that they even lived together when they studied at the Shchukin school. Their love was such that for the sake of Begunova, Slava lost as much as 50 kilos! But I found out about this only a year and a half or two ago, when Nastya was again often seen in his company. Of course, it was unpleasant, but I didn’t roll up scenes of jealousy to my wife, because Manucharov himself admitted: it’s stupid to be jealous of him. Now the entire Vakhtangov Theater is gossiping that Nastya is having an affair with their artistic director Rimas Tuminas. They agreed to the point that she behaves with him like a wife: she commands, she sits on his knees. It's funny to remember, but Nastya always told me with a note of regret in her voice that she dreamed of marrying the director, and then I turned up ... So I hugged Rubtsov with this at the opening of the season, obviously for a reason. Friends reported that she allowed him a lot of excess at that party ... ".

After breaking up with Philip, Anastasia gave birth to a third son in Germany. She does not talk about the father of the child, according to rumors, the man's name is Dmitry.

Anastasia Begunova and Tatyana Vasilyeva repeatedly became the heroines of talk shows on central channels, where they exchanged mutual accusations. Vasilyeva still accused Begunova of stealing, and she replied that the famous actress had deprived her grandchildren of the apartment. At the same time, Tatyana Vasilyeva is deprived of the opportunity to see Ivan and Grigory - Anastasia refuses to bring children from Germany, fearing that they will be taken away from her.

Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva stole my husband from me! Let them talk (02/14/2017)

Divorce from the mother-in-law: an ultimatum to the great Tatyana Vasilyeva. Let them talk (09/06/2017)

Filmography of Anastasia Begunova:

2003 - Photo - episode
2004 - Women in a game without rules - a girl in a Zhiguli
2004 - Balzac age, or All men are...
2005 - Rublyovka Live - Diana
2006-2016 - Detectives - episode
2006 - Foreigners - episode
2007-2011 - Daddy's daughters - Oksana's friend
2007 - Judicial column - Ulyana Abasova
2007 - Urgently in the room - witness
2007 - Everything is possible - Ksyusha
2007 - Alibi Agency
2008 - Dangerous connection
2008 - General therapy - Marina, Privalova's daughter
2008 - Law and Order: Criminal Intent -3 - Tamara Bychkova
2009 - Reflections - Mira
2010 - Angel on duty - Tatyana
2011 - Stored by fate - assistant director
2011 - Pier (film-play) - Mademoiselle Blanche, French
2012 - Odyssey of the detective Gurov - Gordeeva
2012 - Women's Coast (film-play)
2015 - Quiet Don - Cossack

// Photo: Boris Kremer / PhotoXPress.ru

The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva, Anastasia Begunova, flew to Russia on purpose to baptize her third son Peter. The sacrament took place the day before in the temple of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" on Bolshaya Ordynka. Godparents became a longtime friend of Anastasia, her colleague and classmate Vyacheslav Manucharov and Maria Serebryakova. The actor was glad that an old friend chose him as the spiritual father of her third son.

“Anastasia lives in Germany, but decided to fly to Moscow to baptize her child here. She wanted to see Masha and me as godparents. Moreover, Nastya has a job here, and therefore for some time she will remain in the capital, ”Manucharov told StarHit.

Begunova brings up two sons from her marriage with the son of Tatyana Vasilyeva Philip. Ivan and Gregory were also present at the sacrament. Anastasia told why she decided to baptize the baby in Russia.

"I did Required documents for the child, so that he could go abroad, and as soon as everything was ready, we immediately flew in. Now my son is almost two years old, I was going to baptize him earlier, but it turned out like this, ”said the actress.

For several years, Anastasia was in a quarrel with her former mother-in-law - Vasilyeva complained that Begunova had taken her grandchildren abroad, and therefore she was unable to see them often. Nevertheless, she came to congratulate the former daughter-in-law on such a bright holiday.

“Tatyana Grigoryevna stopped by for her grandchildren, and, of course, congratulated us. We already celebrated the celebration, she joined us, we talked a little. Now our relations are getting better, ”Begunova admitted.

Earlier, Anastasia said that her sons were deprived of part of the apartment in Moscow, where she was registered when she was still married to Philip. She wondered why her grandmother did not help her grandchildren financially. After a while, Tatyana Grigoryevna announced that she would buy an apartment for the boys, which Begunova would manage until they came of age. In a conversation with StarHit, Anastasia admitted that she had not yet received housing, but did not expand on this topic.

The famous actress Tatyana VASILIEVA always protected her family from the interference of outsiders and answered all questions in the same way:
"We are fine!"


Anatoly Vasiliev and Leonid Filatov in the film "Crew", 1980.

Even when it was whispered in the theatrical get-together that her 37-year-old son Philip (from marriage to actor Anatoly VASILIEV) was almost openly horned by his wife, the actress of the Theater. Vakhtangov Anastasia BEGUNOVA.
Tatyana Grigorievna tried to the last not to wash dirty linen in public.
But, apparently, the cup of patience overflowed, since Philip finally decided to tell us the whole truth.

- Nastya and I met in 2007, we played together in the play "Bella Chao", in which, by the way, my mother also took part,
- recalls Philip Vasiliev.
- I fell in love with Begunova at first sight, but she was always arrogant and cold.
However, she accepted my courtship.

After some time, Nastya became pregnant.
You have no idea how happy I was!
He immediately proposed to her.

Vanya was born to us, and two years later - Grisha.
It seemed to me that everything was fine with us, although over the years rumors had come to me that my wife was cheating on me.
But I loved her so much that I didn't trust anyone.
Even my own mother.
In vain!
Now I’m clearing up: not only did Nastya leave the family, she also stole money from us - about 350 thousand euros!

How did it happen?
- Nastya has always been greedy.
Money is her fetish.
She loves expensive cosmetics, luxury cars, clothes.
All this time she lived at the expense of our family.
So she said: “Why should I strain if your mother has a lot of money ?!”
She doesn’t care that the artist Vasilyeva literally works herself to wear, roams from city to city on tour.
The main thing is money!
And my mother never regretted anything for us.
For the wedding, she gave Nastya expensive old earrings - our family heirloom.

And now she decided to help: she gave us money to buy real estate in Germany.
The fact is that I planned to enter the Faculty of Film Directing at the University of Potsdam.
But Nastya said that she did not want to sacrifice her work at the Vakhtangov Theater for me - they say she needs to develop.
I decided to give in and postponed my studies for a year.
During this time, I did not play a single role - I was engaged in raising my sons, and it turns out that she had fun with her lovers!
- Yes you that?!
- Yes Yes! Can you imagine what it was like for me to live with this?!
Moreover, at some point I began to notice that money was “leaking” from our bank account.
First in small amounts, then more and more.

To my questions, Nastya only shrugged her shoulders: they say, it seems to you that you forgot what we bought last month.
But the other day she completely reset the account - she took the remaining 350 thousand euros and stopped answering calls.
Shortly before that, my wife came to Germany, we went shopping together, chose her outfit for the opening of the theater season, where she went, of course, without me.
Now on her page on the social network there are a lot of photos in this dress, but with another man - an actor, producer and head of the S.A.D. Theater. Kirill Rubtsov.

Lost weight from love
- When you said about Anastasia's lovers, did you mean this Cyril?
- Him too. You see, for me, for example, for a long time it was a secret that Nastya slept with Vyacheslav Manucharov.
It turns out that they even lived together when they studied at the Shchukin school.
Their love was such that for the sake of Begunova, Slava lost as much as 50 kilos!
But I found out about this only a year and a half or two ago, when Nastya was again often seen in his company.
Of course, it was unpleasant, but I didn’t roll up scenes of jealousy to my wife, because Manucharov himself admitted: it’s stupid to be jealous of him.

Now the entire Vakhtangov Theater is gossiping that Nastya is having an affair with their artistic director Rimas Tuminas.
They agreed to the point that she behaves with him like a wife: she commands, she sits on his knees.
It's funny to remember, but Nastya always told me with a note of regret in her voice that she dreamed of marrying the director, and then I turned up ...
You see, she is ready to be with anyone - as long as it brings her benefits.
So Rubtsov was hugging this at the opening of the season, obviously for a reason.
Friends reported that she allowed him a lot of excess at that party ...

BEGUNOVA loves to be in the center of male attention: she dances with actor Kirill RUBTSOV, and artistic director Rimas TUMINAS (left) does not take his eyes off her with enthusiastic eyes. Photo by Dmitry DUBINSKY.

Philip, at one time in a theater party they whispered that Anastasia was having an affair with Alexander Kalyagin.
They say he even gave her an apartment in memory of their relationship.
- The apartment really exists. I once asked Nastya where she got real estate in Moscow, because she herself comes from Omsk, from a simple family: her father works at a factory, her mother is an ophthalmologist. Nastya replied that she had earned money for an apartment by filming in TV shows.
But personally, I do not know a single series with her participation.
Here, judge for yourself.

- How did Tatyana Grigoryevna react to the act of her daughter-in-law?
- Mom, of course, in shock.
She, like me, believed Nastya to the last, although she had long been informed about these adventures.
Stas Sadalsky offered to hire a private detective a year ago to film Begunova with her lovers.

But now I understand everything myself and I'm going to file for divorce.

Mom is very worried about me and her grandchildren - she is afraid that Nastya will take away Vanya and Grisha, she will blackmail us.
I'm ready for this.
I know that Begunova will not miss her: she has already announced to her parents that she plans to “squeeze” Vasilyeva Vacation home, and I have a new Porsche Cayenne worth 80 thousand euros.
But I won’t give in to her so easily: if she wants war, she will get it!

Instead of an epilogue
Anastasia Begunova now does not want to communicate even with her still legal husband.
But we are, of course, ready to give her the floor whenever she wishes to speak.

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