As the name of the husband of Liza Boyarskaya. Maxim Matveev

Tourism and rest 06.08.2019
Tourism and rest
Liza Boyarskaya - famous actress cinema and theater, which, despite its young age, has already played many roles and managed to get out of the shadow of its famous parents. That is why her biography is so rich and interesting.

Actress Liza Boyarskaya

Childhood, family

According to her horoscope sign, Lisa Boyarskaya is a Sagittarius, since she was born on December 20, 1985 in Leningrad in the family of Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian. By this time, the family already had a child - Lisa's older brother Sergey.

Lisa in childhood
As a girl, Lisa, seeing her father's constant filming, did not even dream of being an actress, but rather imagined herself as a journalist. At school, she easily managed to organize any parties and find mutual language even with those who tried not to communicate with anyone.

At school, Liza Boyarskaya studied satisfactorily, was active. At the age of 13, she did not think about the career of an actress, but became interested in dancing. In addition, she studied at the school of models, and very early, as a teenager, she graduated from it. When Lisa moved to high school, she realized that you need to study well in order to get a good education in the future. In some subjects, tutors were hired for the girl, and this made it possible for Boyarskaya not only to finish school well, having received a certificate without triples, but also to learn two foreign languages: English and German.

In the last class secondary school Liza suddenly decided that she definitely needed to enter the PR department, which is located at the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg University. But after studying for several months at special preparatory courses, Elizabeth realized that this profession did not interest her at all. But she changed her decision to enter only when she visited the theater on Mokhovaya and watched several performances of the Lensoviet.

Having informed her parents about her decision, Lisa did not receive a refusal from them, but nevertheless they told Elizabeth about the difficulties of the acting profession. The future actress decided to enter RGISI. For several months, Lisa studied, prepared for admission, but at the entrance exams she did not expect that the teachers would not pay attention to her famous parents at all, and instead of the 10 minutes that were taken to pass the exam, her talent was studied for an hour.

Lisa Boyarskaya with her father
As a result, she was accepted into Dodin's course. The future famous actress studied well and even received a presidential scholarship for successful studies. She successfully graduated from her native and beloved St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts in 2007.

Actor career

Lisa Boyarskaya began her creative biography at the age of 13. One day, one of the film directors invited her to star in a film where she was to play a girl - a drug addict from a wealthy family. Lisa agreed, but her parents did not see her as a future actress, and therefore they were critical of her cinematic debut.

During the years of study at the theater academy, Lisa got another role in the play and proved to everyone that she has acting talent. As a result, as a student, Boyarskaya was able to receive her first award.

Liza Boyarskaya with her parents and brother

Theater and cinema

In the Maly Drama Theater of St. Petersburg, Lisa began to play in 2006, but constant cinematic shooting began in 2005. In one of the films, she starred with her father, the famous actor Mikhail Boyarsky. According to the actress herself, it was a little strange and unexpected.

Invitations from the directors rained down on Boyarskaya, but the girl does not agree to every role, but only when she feels that this role suits her, reflects her worldview. In one of the interviews, the girl said that historical films are closer to her. The popularity of the actress grew very quickly, and Lisa also quickly ceased to be compared with her father, appreciating her work and acting skills.

Liza Boyarskaya in the film "Admiral"
Currently, the famous and talented actress Liza Boyarskaya works a lot, acting in films and playing in the theater, while not forgetting about her family.

Personal life

Even though Lisa for a long time lived with her parents and did not want to leave her parents' house, she was still credited with many novels. There were many actors among her fans. She also met her husband on the set of one of the films where they starred together. While

More recently, the press discussed the marriage of one of the most famous actresses in Russia, Liza Boyarskaya, and now the news that the couple decided to divorce has surfaced for general discussion. The husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya (Maxim Matveev) is also an actor, but not as famous as his wife. Who is this person? Why did the couple decide to end their relationship?

Maxim's childhood

Maxim was born in the Kaliningrad region, the city of Svetly, on July 28, 1982. Unlike his wife, the husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya grew up in the very ordinary family. His mother was a teacher.

A great contribution to the upbringing of Maxim was made by his grandmother and grandfather. Grandfather taught perseverance, tamed to work, constantly asked to draw. The boy did not want to make new drawings, but he knew that according to the next "sketch" grandfather would definitely make a toy. As they say, puffed, but drew.

Grandmother instilled in her grandson a love for cinema, for acting, she worked at the box office of a local cinema and always took Maxim to the sessions.

In 1992, Maxim and his mother moved to Saratov, where the woman had new love. Mom's husband was a sailor and immediately accepted Max as his own and did not begin to love less when little Volodya appeared in the family.

Choice of profession

At school, the guy stood out among the rest of the students, he was hardworking, smart, he graduated from the ten-year with a silver medal. During these years, Maxim Matveev was calm, even reserved, had almost no friends. In high school, the spirit of rebellion began to awaken in him. The guy grew long hair, and heavy metal became his favorite music.

In his early years, Maxim dreamed of becoming a surgeon, he wanted to help people. Later, the love for edged weapons did not fade away, but changed, instead of a scalpel, the guy began to consider a sword as a professional tool, he wanted to be a swordsman.

Maxim began to attend acting classes, was engaged in drawing. Art was always present in him, and he did not understand that this was his life, his dream - to give beauty to people. But his parents did not share his hobbies and insisted on a profession in the world of jurisprudence. The mother's dream was to see her son as a lawyer.

place for the occasion

In the last academic year at school, Maxim Matveev decided to take part in a couples competition, which was held at the conservatory. There he was spotted by an acting teacher and offered to try his hand at the world of theater. The guy agreed, submitted the documents and was able to immediately enter the second year of the Saratov Conservatory.

During the training, Maxim was offered to take part in the filming of commercials, in clips and even in adult films! But the guy rejected all offers, he understood that it was not worth exchanging for trifles and with early years defame his name with "dirty roles."

After the conservatory, Maxim decided not to stop there and left Saratov, where he did not see a great future. He went to enter the Moscow Art Theater and was able to get on the course of Igor Zolotovitsky and Sergey Zemtsov.


The husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya could easily combine study and work. He was invited to play at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, where he got a permanent job in 2006. The most striking roles in the theater were played in the productions of "The Piedmontese Beast", "The Artist", "King Lear", " Ideal husband"," The Cabal of the Saints.

Even while studying at the Moscow Art Theater, Matveev was offered various roles. One of the proposals was to star in the television series "Poor Nastya", the fee would be enough for a four-room apartment in the center of Moscow. But the guy decided to refuse, because he did not want to be remembered by the audience as another serial handsome man. He knew that the main roles were still ahead and continued to study hard, play small roles in the theater.

The debut role of Maxim in the cinema was the work in the film "Vice". After the success of the picture, the guy was invited to play in the films "Dandies", "New Year's Tariff", "Exchange Wedding", "On the Hook", etc. Soon the name of Maxim Matveev became known not only to directors, but also to viewers.

Life with Liza Boyarskaya

During his acquaintance with Lisa, Maxim was married. His wife was a colleague on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater Yana Sexte. The couple was only married for a year, the young people divorced in 2009, when Max already had an affair with Boyarsky's daughter, which they carefully tried to hide from everyone.

However, soon the office romance turned into true love, and the couple legalized their relationship in 2010. Mikhail Boyarsky received his son-in-law well and gave the couple an apartment for the wedding. Matveev Maxim to match star family began to work more.

The son of Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev Andrey was born in 2012. From that moment on, the young father became more serious, thoughtful and invited his wife to invest in real estate. So the family got a second apartment, where Lisa and her son moved.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev getting divorced?

Some time ago, news appeared in the press that the couple had decided to divorce. Familiar families and work colleagues confirmed that Liza and Maxim have been living separately for several months. It was also said that the actors practically do not appear together, Boyarskaya Elizabeth Mikhailovna celebrated her thirtieth birthday without her husband.

Rumor has it that Lisa's father forbids his daughter and son-in-law to officially divorce and forces them to maintain the status of an ideal married couple. It is worth noting that the husband of Elizaveta Boyarskaya Maxim this year starred in "Anna Karenina" in the role of Vronsky. Anna was played by Lisa. As Boyarskaya Elizaveta Mikhailovna says, they didn’t even have to play, because their love is real, it’s always easier to portray passion with a husband than with a little-known partner.

Let's hope that Mikhail Boyarsky was able to save his daughter's marriage by forbidding divorce. Perhaps family problems are left behind, and the couple is happy again.

The acting couple and Maxim Matveev were on the verge of divorce after five and a half years of marriage.

If it is customary to say about some couples "they live in an actual marriage", then about Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev we can say that they are in an actual divorce and each has their own, separate life.

The formalization of a divorce is only a formality and, apparently, a matter of time.

According to rumors, Elizabeth's father kept the couple from publicly announcing the breakup. In addition, neither Elizabeth nor Maxim now has an urgent need for a “clean” passport - since they have not met those with whom they would like to tie themselves with a new marriage. Accordingly, you can save a pseudo-marriage.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya with her father

"Lisa and Maxim broke up a few months ago. Everything is mutual, it just seems that love has passed over the years ... Perhaps life in two cities has done its job - after all, Lisa and Maxim had a non-standard marriage. Of course, to hide the fact of a break with husband from colleagues Lisa could not, relations with Maxim were an important part of her life... When one of the artists drew attention to the fact that she came to the theater without wedding ring, did not deny that their union with Matveev had come to an end. I know that they even recently wanted to legally divorce - but Lisa's dad Mikhail Boyarsky sharply opposed this - they say, you need to observe the image of an ideal family, no matter what. Or maybe he still hopes that his daughter and Maxim will endure everything again, fall in love ... The father now helps her with her grandson - often walks with him, takes him to developmental courses, and in the evening does homework with Andryusha, ”said StarHit "an employee of the St. Petersburg MDT Sergey Turuntsev.

People who work with Maxim Matveev also talk about the same.

“Maxim was always secretive, and after breaking up with Lisa, he completely retreated into himself. At first, he couldn’t get together at rehearsals - he missed some comments, but we are all people, so we treated all this with understanding. We try not to touch, he himself asked to refrain from commenting on this subject in his presence. But he did not hide from colleagues that he and Lisa were no longer together. Of course, they themselves will figure it out, no one interferes. We all hope that this is temporary Especially since they have a very small son, Maxim does not have a soul in him and is now very worried that Andryusha moved back with his mother to St. Petersburg... And besides, so many months have passed since they broke up, and they still do not file for divorce - so maybe there is still a chance," said Olga Salnikova, make-up artist at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.

It is known that the last time the couple celebrated together New Year. This happened in the circle of the Boyarsky family in St. Petersburg.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya with Maxim Matveev and parents

However, on New Year's Eve, the family gathered only because of the child - 4-year-old Andrei.

10:40 11.04.2016

“Lisa and Maxim broke up a few months ago, - Sergey Turuntsev, an employee of the St. Petersburg MDT, told the resource. - Everything is mutual, it just seems that love has passed over the years ... Perhaps life in two cities has done its job - after all, Lisa and Maxim had a non-standard marriage. Of course, Lisa could not hide the fact of a break with her husband from her colleagues. When one of the artists drew attention to the fact that she came to the theater without a wedding ring, she did not deny that her union with Matveev had come to an end. I know that they even recently wanted to legally divorce, but Lisa's dad, Mikhail Boyarsky, sharply opposed this - they say, you need to maintain the image of an ideal family, no matter what. Or maybe he still hopes that his daughter and Maxim will endure everything again, fall in love ... Her father now helps her with her grandson - he often walks with him, takes him to developmental courses, and in the evening does homework with Andryusha ".

“Maxim was always secretive, and after parting with Lisa, he completely retreated into himself,” said the make-up artist of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, where Maxim Matveev works. - At first, I could not get together at the rehearsals - I missed some comments, but we are all people, so we treated all this with understanding. We try not to touch on the topic of his relationship with his wife, he himself asked to refrain from commenting on this matter in his presence. But he did not hide from his colleagues that he and Lisa were no longer together. Of course, they will figure it out themselves, no one climbs. We all hope this is temporary."

I also hope everything works out. Such a beautiful couple!

Elizaveta Boyarskaya is a famous actress and model who has not only a bright appearance, but also talent. The personal life of the daughter of a well-known actor is of interest to many, but the girl herself tries not to share her details.

Boyarskaya's husband - Maxim Matveev

In 2009, the actress Boyarskaya met the famous actor of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater -. Lisa herself admitted that she had long wanted to work with the star of the film "Hipsters".

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev

Their meeting took place in the capital of Ukraine on the set of a film called "I won't tell." The relationship was difficult at first, as the actor was married to actress Yana Sexta.

The Golden Mask Theater Award Ceremony

Maxim did not hide the affair from his wife and moved out to a rented apartment. In the summer of 2010, Boyarskaya and Matveev arrived together in Sochi for the Kinotavr film festival, telling the press that they had applied to the registry office. The wedding took place in family circle, the newlyweds did not want to advertise this event.

Always together!

Journalists often write that young people are getting divorced, but Elizabeth denies these rumors. The husband of the actress spends a lot of time in the capital, and the girl herself works in St. Petersburg. However, this does not prevent them from building a happy family life and raise beautiful sons.

Children of Elizabeth Boyarskaya

After 2 years of marriage, the young actors had their first son. The boy was born on April 7, 2012. Lisa and Maxim love children, so they are not going to stop there.

Son Andrey

Matveev and Boyarskaya named their first child Andrey. During pregnancy, the actress continued to work, and even 3 months after giving birth, she returned to the stage.

Mikhail Boyarsky with his grandson

Parents try not to show their son to journalists, as the girl says that she knows firsthand what it is like to be the child of famous personalities.

"Son, grow up a healthy, kind, fair, honest, sympathetic, smart boy"

The parents published the first video with 5-year-old Andrei only in 2017.

Frame from video: son of Elizaveta Boyarskaya

The video is dedicated not to the son, but charitable foundation, which was created by Maxim and Lisa.

"My life! Or did you dream about me?))))))) "

The boy is very similar to his father, he is growing up smart, well versed in computers, and his parents encourage him.

The youngest son - Gregory

At the end of 2017, fans of the actress noticed that Elizabeth began to appear often in loose-fitting outfits. On vacation in Spain, she preferred wide blouses and sundresses.

The actress did not comment in any way, but young people have been dreaming of another child for a long time. Journalists believe that the couple decided to take a responsible step after filming together in Anna Karenina. Working many hours together at the same site, the couple reconciled after a quarrel over their place of residence.

Elizabeth became a mother for the second time

On December 5, 2018, Elizabeth gave birth to a second boy, the child was named Gregory. Now there are three men in her family, Maxim promised that they would protect her from all troubles.

Danila Kozlovsky and Liza Boyarskaya

For the first time, journalists and fans started talking about the personal life of the actress when Lisa began dating Danila Kozlovsky.

"First day of filming"

At all events, young people looked very happy, but the romance did not last long, since Mikhail Boyarsky was against this union.

"STATUS: FREE" official poster!

Relations with Sergei Chonishvili were also short-term. The lovers decided to leave because of the difference in age and dissimilarity in interests.

“Random, wonderful meetings!)))”

Elizabeth was credited with novels with actors such as Pavel Polyakov and, but the girl denied all these rumors.

Konstantin Khabensky and Elizaveta Boyarskaya

After a wave of failures in her personal life, the actress met her future husband Maxim.

Actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya 2018

Now the young actress is 32 years old, she actively continues to act in films and work in the St. Petersburg theater. Boyarskaya in 2018 plans to please fans with new films: "Decorator" and "White Nights Fantasy".

Elizabeth with her husband and parents

The girl spends a lot of time with her family. She tries to spend every free minute with her husband and sons. On her Instagram page, she often posts pictures with her parents and brother.

"My family!!! Rare encounters)))))

The beautiful and talented actress has been happily married for several years, has two sons, and is actively acting in films. She managed to get out of the shadow of famous parents, and at the Maly Drama Theater she is rightfully considered a prima.

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