Soviet artists who went abroad. Famous fugitives from the USSR: what did they exchange the iron embrace of their homeland for?

Helpful Hints 05.07.2019
Helpful Hints

At the time of the escape - thin. hands Mariinsky Theatre. The first one earned the title of People's Artist of the Republic.

When: in June 1922 he stayed in the USA after a tour (his impresario there was the famous Saul Yurok). In the USSR, his non-return was taken very painfully. V. Mayakovsky even composed poems: “Now turn such an artist back to Russian rubles - I will be the first to shout: - Roll back, National artist Republic! In 1927, F. Chaliapin was deprived of the citizenship of the USSR and his title was taken away.

What has been achieved: toured a lot, transferred money, including to funds to help Russian emigrants. In 1937 he was diagnosed with leukemia. He died in 1938 in Paris. His ashes returned to their homeland only in 1984.

Rudolf Nureyev, ballet dancer, choreographer

One of the brightest stars Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theatre. CM. Kirov (now the Mariinsky Theatre).

When: in 1961, during a tour of the Kirov Theater in Paris, he refused to return to the USSR.

What has been achieved: was immediately accepted into the Royal Ballet of London, the star of which was 15 years old. Later he worked as director of the ballet troupe of the Paris Grand Opera. AT last years was a conductor. Gathered a luxurious collection of works of art. He died in 1993 from AIDS in Paris. His grave is still a cult place for his fans.

, ballet dancer

At the Bolshoi Theater, this dancer was destined for a great career.

When: in 1979, during a tour of the Bolshoi Theater in New York, he applied for political asylum. US President J. Carter and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. Brezhnev were involved in the incident. Based on those events, the film "Flight 222" was shot.

What has been achieved: danced with M. Baryshnikov at the American Ballet Theatre. After the scandal with M. Baryshnikov in 1982, he left the troupe. Tried to make a solo career.

Having married a Hollywood actress J. Bisset, he tried his hand at cinema. His body was found a few days after his death in 1995. The ashes of A. Godunov were scattered over the Pacific Ocean.

, film director

When: in 1984, during a business trip to Stockholm, where he was supposed to discuss the filming of the film "Sacrifice", he announced right at a press conference that he would not return to his homeland.

What has been achieved: spent a year in Berlin and Sweden, began filming the film "Sacrifice". In late 1985, he was diagnosed with cancer. He died in 1986. His third son was born after his death.

Natalia Makarova, ballerina

She was the leading soloist of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theatre. CM. Kirov (now the Mariinsky Theatre).

When: in 1970 during a tour of the theater. CM. Kirova in the UK asked for political asylum.

What to achievegla: since December 1970 - prima ballerina of the American Ballet Theatre, danced in the best ballet companies in Europe. In 1989, she again stepped onto the stage of the Leningrad Theater. AT this moment works as a dramatic actress, lives in the USA.

Mikhail Baryshnikov, ballet dancer

Soloist of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theatre. CM. Kirov (now the Mariinsky Theatre).

When: in February 1974, during a tour of the ballet of two capitals (the Bolshoi and Kirov theaters) in Canada and the USA, at the end of the tour, he asked for political asylum in the United States.

What has been achieved: immediately received an invitation from George Balanchine to become a soloist with the American Ballet Theatre. Soon he became the director of the theater, and a little later (and still) - a millionaire. Now he also works as a dramatic artist. Lives in the USA. He is a co-owner of the famous Russian Samovar restaurant in New York.

Victoria Mullova, violinist

winner international competitions(including the Tchaikovsky Competition).

When: in 1983, during a tour in Finland, together with her common-law husband, conductor Vakhtang Zhordania, she fled by taxi from Finland to Sweden, where she spent two days, locked herself in a hotel room, waiting for the American embassy to open. In her room in Finland, V. Mullova left a "hostage" - a precious Stradivarius violin. She counted on the fact that the KGB officers, having discovered the violin, would no longer look for it.

What has been achievedla: did brilliant career in the West, for some time she was married to the famous conductor Claudio Abbado.

, philologist

Daughter of I. Stalin. Philologist, worked at the Institute of World Literature.

When: in December 1966, S. Alliluyeva flew to India with the ashes of her civil husband Brajesh Singh. A few months later, in March 1967, she turned to the USSR Ambassador to India with a request not to return to the country. Having been refused, she went to the US Embassy in Delhi and asked for political asylum.

What has been achievedla: published in the United States the book "Twenty Letters to a Friend" - about her father and the Kremlin environment. The book became a bestseller and brought S. Alliluyeva more than $ 2.5 million. In 1984, she made an attempt to return to the USSR, but unsuccessfully - her daughter, who was born in America, did not speak Russian, and the children who remained in the USSR from a previous marriage greeted her coolly . In Georgia, S. Alliluyeva was waiting for the same cold reception, and she returned to America. Traveled all over the world. Died in 2011

February 2, 1653 New Amsterdam received city status. In 1664 the city became known as New York. Much in the history of Russia of the 20th century is connected with this city. What is Brighton Beach alone worth? Many settled in this city famous people: Brodsky, Dovlatov, Baryshnikov.

Joseph Brodsky
Brodsky at the entrance to his house at 44 Morton Street
Brodsky arrived in the United States in July 72. In 1980 he finally moved to New York. All the years before moving to " Big apple”(as New York is called), like the subsequent ones, Brodsky teaches as a visiting poet at universities. In New York, he settles in the Greenwich Village area, a haven for the creative intelligentsia. The house is temporarily ceded to him by a friend, a former professor. Brodsky, who loved the sea, simply adored his area. His house was only a couple of blocks from the waterfront.

Brodsky with his wife Maria, nee Sozzani. Photo by Mikhail Baryshnikov
Another curious part of Brodsky's biography related to New York is the rescue of the Russian Samovar restaurant. When Brodsky had just received Nobel Prize in literature, another emigrant, Roman Kaplan, turned to him for help. This restaurant has long become a club where everyone who loves and knows Russian culture comes and goes. When the restaurant found itself in a difficult situation, Kaplan called Brodsky, and he called Baryshnikov. The latter's money saved the place from closing.
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Baryshnikov went abroad, to Canada, together with the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater in 1974, but never returned. Received an invitation from a friend to join the American Ballet Theatre. The car in which Baryshnikov fled took him to the farm, where, after signing all the necessary papers, Baryshnikov drank a huge amount of alcohol - to drown out the pain and longing for what was left in Leningrad - friends, the poodle Foma, who had been waiting for him for many evenings near front door…

Mikhail Baryshnikov and Jacqueline Kennedy
In New York, Baryshnikov's talent was revealed in full force. Roles in films, ballet, on Broadway. Thanks to Leonid Lubyanitsky, a photographer who published in Vogue, Time, People, The New York Times Magazine, Baryshnikov began to take up photography.

Sergey Dovlatov

In August 1978, due to the persecution of the authorities, Dovlatov emigrated from the USSR, settled in the Forest Hills area in New York, where he became the editor-in-chief of the New American weekly newspaper. The newspaper quickly gained popularity among the emigrants. One after another, books of his prose were published.

Brodsky and Dovlatov
By the mid-1980s, he had achieved great success as a reader, published in the prestigious journals Partisan Review and The New Yorker. During twelve years of emigration he published twelve books in the USA and Europe. In the USSR, the writer was known by samizdat and the author's broadcast on Radio Liberty. In 2014, a street in New York was named after Sergei Dovlatov: Sergei Dovlatov Way.

It was very difficult for ordinary Soviet citizens to go abroad. However, there were precedents. Basically, representatives of the creative intelligentsia went to emigration. the site remembered some famous Soviet film artists who moved from the USSR to the USA

It was very difficult for ordinary Soviet citizens to go abroad. However, there were precedents. Basically, representatives of the creative intelligentsia went to emigration. the site remembered some famous Soviet film artists who moved from the USSR to the USA.

Film frame

The famous Soviet film comedian Savely Kramarov left his homeland in 1981. He was released from the USSR after he wrote a letter to Ronald Reagan. Overseas, he could not find a decent job - for some time he played episodic roles in second-rate low-budget American films, but he told his friends that everything was in order with him and he was very pleased with his life in America. Savely Viktorovich, after “perestroika” began in the Soviet Union, got the opportunity to return, but this did not happen - the artist passed away in 1995 in San Francisco.

Elena Solovey

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The actress left for America when she was at the peak of her popularity, in 1991. For many directors who loved Elena Solovey very much, this news came as a complete surprise. The fact is that the country has come troubled times- Elena Solovey and her husband, artist Yuri Pugach, decided to emigrate to the United States for the sake of their children. At first, the actress was engaged exclusively in household chores and raising children and granddaughters. Later, she began teaching acting at the University of New York and broadcasting on one of the Russian-language radio stations. In the early 2000s, Elena Solovey created a children's art studio.

Ilya Baskin

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Baskin's most famous work in Soviet cinema is the role of one of Nestor Petrovich Severov's students in the television series Big Change. Baskin is one of the few Soviet actors who have developed professional careers in the United States. He left for America in 1976. At first he had to work in a restaurant, in an insurance company and in a newspaper, but then he got his way - the directors began to invite him to shoot. There are many successful works in the filmography of Ilya Baskin - the actor played in such films as "The Name of the Rose", "Thirteen Days", "Spider-Man 2" and many others. He worked on set with many Hollywood celebrities. Savely Viktorovich Kramarov was able to leave for the United States thanks to the invitation that Baskin sent him.

Film frame

The legendary Buba Kastorsky from " elusive avengers"Left the USSR in 1979. He had to leave because of a criminal case on the theft of state property, which was brought against the artist. Subsequently, Sichkin was acquitted, but his reputation was tarnished. He settled in New York with his family. The famous artist lived very quietly and modestly. In 1994, after the collapse of the USSR, for the first time after his departure, he was able to come to his homeland. The artist passed away in 2002.

Film frame

The well-known and sought-after film actor Ilyichev practically lost his job in the 90s, like many of his colleagues at that difficult time for the country. His wife (she worked as a ballerina in the theater) received an invitation from friends to be a teacher at a ballet school, and the Ilyichev family left for the United States. Overseas, the artist's career did not work out - he could not find an opportunity to realize his talent and apply his colossal acting experience. He was very worried because his wife earned much more money than he. Viktor Ilyichev was engaged in household chores and raising his son. The actor passed away in 2010.

- a peculiar, unique phenomenon in the world musical life. We note the main features of this genre:
- reflection in the songs, first of all, emotional experiences, the desire to touch the soul of the listener;
- a pronounced national flavor. Chansonniers paint pictures of life in Russia, convey the suffering of the Russian soul, so mysterious and incomprehensible to foreigners;
- the dominant role of text over music. Chanson is often performed by authors who do not have strong voices, but conquer the audience with the expressiveness of poetic lines;
- the connection of chanson with "thieves" songs, which at all times mourned life in captivity. Hence the main theme of the songs is the thirst for freedom, intoxicating, not limited by anything or anyone.

It was this desire for freedom, the search for new opportunities for self-expression that made many musicians emigrate from the USSR (later from the CIS) across the ocean. In America, no one dictated to artists what and how they should sing, what costumes to choose. Brighton Beach, a district of New York, in the 70s of the twentieth century became a kind of "little Odessa". Russian chanson sounded in restaurants. For example, the walls of the Sadko restaurant remember the sensual voice of the former Soviet pop star Maya Rozova and her beautiful romance with Russian crime boss Yevsey Aron. The famous path to the stage of "Sadko" was a long one. He had to first change several working specialties in New York and learn the language well. For his perseverance, Vilya was fully rewarded. Having recorded the 1981 album "In a noisy booth", he becomes an idol, an "honorary Jew" in Brighton Beach. The listeners especially liked the humorous and lyrical songs, which he very successfully stylized as "restaurant" ones. In one of sunny days In 1978, the enterprising owner of "Sadko" met at the airport. Kennedy Love Uspenskaya. Having outstripped the competitors, he offered her a job in his institution and was not mistaken - each performance was accompanied by a full house. The audience remembered the singer from concerts in Armenia, in the Caucasus. But she failed to fully open up in the USSR - Lyuba's voice did not fit into the "soviet" framework. To find its niche in America, I had to work hard and hard. But after the release in 1985 debut album"Beloved", Uspenskaya firmly entrenched the title of "queen of chanson" for all time. Several expressive songs for the album were written by Willy Tokarev, and in the duet "Lyuba - Lyubonka" Russian-speaking America recognized a hoarse voice. This talented musician has also crossed the ocean in search of creative freedom. He began to play, and later to sing in Brighton Beach, created the best orchestra in exile. The songs of Misha the Ataman could not leave the listeners indifferent: in them the maestro yearns and hopes, doubts and believes in a happy tomorrow.

Listen to the 1985 song "We're in Brighton". There she lists many celebrities of "little Odessa" at that time: Mogilevsky, Tokarev, Kaminsky and others. Some of them later returned to new Russia with triumph and recognition. And many decided not to return - they remained emigrant singers.

The economic ruin of the former Soviet Union in the troubled 90s leads to the heyday of Brighton Beach. The area becomes prestigious, Russian musicians of the next wave of emigration are drawn there. There they find a new breath, a wide range for creativity. Russian chanson continues to sound on American soil.

Already in 1919, the exodus of Russians from Russia began. Several million people left the country. The centers of Russian dispersion throughout the world were Istanbul, Prague, Berlin, Paris, and even Harbin. The first wave of emigration turned out to be extremely rich in talents. Still, after all, in fact, almost the entire “Silver Age” emigrated.

It is blasphemous to draw parallels between the fates of those who stayed and those who left - who, they say, was harder? Emigration is always a misfortune. The poet and critic G. Adamovich, reflecting on the psychology of emigration, came to the conclusion that the exile does not feel the people behind him, he is doomed to fill the resulting void with himself, alone.

It is gratifying that many had enough spiritual potential and "golden mines of nostalgia." The figures of the first wave perceived themselves as "foreign Russia", felt a blood connection with the abandoned Motherland. They were able to give even more than they expected.

“We left the Crimea ...”

Singers, musicians and composers also found themselves in a foreign land: F. Chaliapin, S. Prokofiev, S. Rachmaninov, A. Vertinsky, P. Leshchenko. Thoughts and souls, of course, they remained there, in Russia, captured by the Bolsheviks and the communist utopia.

There are a large number of fakes under the so-called. "White Guard" song. Some are more talented than others. But there are only a few real poems that have become songs, reflecting the exodus of Russians from Russia.

The author of one of these poems is the Cossack poet Nikolai Turoverov. The song itself was born much later, already in the post-Soviet era. The Lube group performs it under the name "My horse". Pay attention to the frames from the film “Two Comrades Were Serving”, which serve as a kind of illustration for the song:

“We are strangers to them – forever!”

Huge in exile was the popularity of Alexander Vertinsky. The lack of a voice was compensated by a peculiar manner of performance, flight of hands, grassing. On the poems of the poetess Raisa Bloch, who died in a Nazi concentration camp, Vertinsky wrote a song "Foreign cities are noisy here" . This is the most real and genuine Russian song in exile. She seemed to be thoroughly saturated with terrible nostalgia for Russia, which is why she was perceived sharply. Yes, and Vertinsky chose a rather peculiar genre - this is in the rhythm of tango:

Perhaps, Vertinsky remained the best performer of the song, except for a very worthy modern interpretation of the actor A. Domogarov.

“Only light sadness does not appease…”

Another song, known for the performance of Alla Bayanova, Pyotr Leshchenko, Kira Smirnova, is “ I miss my homeland" . The poems were written at the very end of World War II. Their author is Georgy Khrapak, the future Honored Artist of the RSFSR. It is paradoxical that the lines he created turned out to be so strikingly in tune with émigré nostalgia.

In Romania, Khrapak met Petr Leshchenko, gave him his text, the composer Georges Ypsilanti picked up the melody, and the song "shot". Khrapak himself was waiting for the years of the Stalinist Gulag and late rehabilitation. Unfortunately, it was in the performance of Peter Leshchenko that the song was not preserved. Today the song is not forgotten by the “silver voice of Russia” - Oleg Pogudin:

Everything is flying and flying cranes ...

An equally paradoxical story happened with a poem by one of the creators of the image of Kozma Prutkov, the poet Alexei Zhemchuzhnikov - "Cranes". It dates back to 1871. In a revised version, the poems became songs in the mid-1930s. Soloist of the so-called. Nikolai Markov, the “jazz of tobacco workers”, performed this song repeatedly, and in the Soviet Union it was in great demand thanks to flexible records “on the bones”. Popular rumor stubbornly attributed the song to the same Peter Leshchenko. There are "camp" and "yard" alterations of the text. The program “Ships came into our harbor” in many ways gave the song a second life.

“The heart is gone, but the memory is alive…”

Few people will say something to the name of Yuri Borisov. Meanwhile, one of the most poignant stylizations for emigrant lyrics, for songs of the Russian diaspora, belongs to him. Song "Everything is against us now" , like many works of a similar thematic series, is written as if from a “common” name - there is no narrowly personal “I”, only “we”. The song is known in the performance of the "bright child" Maxim Troshin:

A poem by the quite prosperous Soviet poet Robert Rozhdestvensky can be considered a kind of monument to the Russian emigration. Cemetery of Sainte Genevieve de Bois . Singer Alexander Malinin often sang a song to these verses in the early years of his popularity:

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