Places with salubrious climate and. Climatotherapy

Career and finance 20.07.2019
Career and finance

Climatotherapy is the use of climatic and weather factors with a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose. The climate renders big influence on the mental and physical state of a person. healthy person it is not difficult to adapt to various weather changes and temperature fluctuations. However, in elderly and sickly people, adaptive reactions are weakened, therefore, when the weather changes and during the period of acclimatization, their disease may worsen and their general well-being may worsen. Such people can be helped by climatotherapy, which improves regulatory function. nervous system, cardiac activity vascular system, normalizes metabolism and functions of endocrine organs, and also increases resistance to unfavorable factors environment. Even a temporary climate change has a positive effect on the human body. Through the autonomic nervous system, humoral and biochemical processes in tissues and organs are induced, stimulating the process of restructuring the body and its defenses.

Action of climatotherapy

Air, sun and water are widely used in climatotherapy. Air baths and bathing give a hardening effect; Properly dosed solar radiation contributes to the formation of vitamin D in the body, which increases metabolism and the body's defenses. At resorts, Kneipp hydrotherapy procedures and special motor exercises are used as additional hardening methods.

The effect of climate on the human body can be calming or exciting. If the climate of the resort has a calming effect, then the daily fluctuations in air temperature and relative humidity are insignificant. Factors that have an exciting effect - temperature changes, intense solar radiation, etc.

It is desirable that the treatment at the resort be longer. The optimal stay at the resort is 4 weeks. In severe chronic diseases, the duration of treatment can be 2-3 months.

Mountain climate treatment

mountain climate is moderate and high. The temperate mountain climate is typical for mountains reaching a height of 400-800 meters above sea level. The mild climate calms and has a beneficial effect on the nervous, circulatory, respiratory and cardiovascular systems of a person. For the elderly and people after a serious illness, this beautiful place to restore health.

Alpine climate is typical for mountains from 800 to 1000 meters above sea level. This climate is characterized by low atmospheric pressure and relative humidity, low temperature and increased solar radiation. Alpine air is especially clean and beneficial for respiratory systems s person. The higher above sea level, the less allergens. At high mountain resorts, it is recommended to treat patients with chronic respiratory diseases, such as tuberculosis, bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis. Here they treat high blood pressure, some forms of anemia, various skin and allergic diseases.

Sea climate treatment

The maritime climate is very beneficial for human health, it is characterized by clean and fresh air with a high content of ozone, iodine and sea salts. The direction of the wind is constantly changing - the wind blows from the sea, then from the land. Thus, the maritime climate is a combination of calming and exciting factors. It is good for treatment colds and respiratory diseases in both children and adults.

The maritime climatic zone is favorable for the treatment of skin diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis. And the combination strong wind, sun rays and sea ​​water contributes to the hardening of the human body.

Spa treatment should be combined with physical activity. The softer climatic conditions, the higher the physical activity should be. For example, running in the morning.

Hello, friends! If you are planning to go somewhere on vacation, or intend to change your place of residence, then I recommend that you take into account the contents of this article. Of course, the climatic conditions in which a person lives have a significant impact on his state of health. Therefore, it is useful to know which the climate is good you and your loved ones.

We list the types of climate (used in balneology), their characteristics, as well as in the treatment of which diseases what kind of climate is good . As an example, I will cite some of the main climatic resorts of the former republics of the USSR.

Tropical and subtropical climate characterized high temperature air (30 - 40 ° C), high relative humidity (up to 80%), low wind speed. Tropical and subtropical the climate is good in the treatment of chronic non-specific lung diseases, neurocircular dystonia, neurotic disorders.

Steppe climate in balneology it is considered as healing in the summer.
The climate of the steppes in summer is determined by high air temperature (up to 35 ° C), not high humidity air (up to 25%), intense and stable solar radiation. When treating in the conditions of the steppes, koumiss obtained from mare's milk is actively used. steppe the climate is good in the treatment of chronic nonspecific respiratory diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis in the phase of resorption of infiltrates, thickening and scarring, as well as chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract).

desert climate
It is distinguished by a large range of fluctuations in air temperature during the day, high air temperature in the daytime (up to 40 - 50 ° C), intense solar radiation, low relative humidity, and low precipitation. The desert climate is useful in the treatment of chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis without signs of renal failure and arterial hypertension. Famous resorts with desert climate: Bayram-Ali, Botanica, Jalal-Abad, Firyuza, Chinabad, Sitora, Mahi-Khasa.

forest climate
characterized by low air temperatures in summer (up to 25 - 30 ° C), moderate relative humidity (up to 60%). The forest climate is used in the treatment of chronic lung diseases, arterial hypertension of the I-II stage, diseases of the ears, throat, nose, in the treatment of post-infarction cardiosclerosis, neurosis.

mountain climate It is characterized by low atmospheric pressure and air temperature, high intensity of solar radiation, high ionization and low air dust content, low oxygen partial pressure. The mountain climate is used in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs, diseases of the upper respiratory tract - organs, with blood diseases (anemia in remission), with chronic leukemia without an exacerbation stage, as well as with neurosis. Climatic resorts with a mountain climate (on the territory former USSR) are numerous. Here are some of them: Aktash, Arshan, Abastumani, Ajikend, Armkhi, Vorontsovka, Vorokhta, Jalal-Abad, Jermuk, Dilijan, Issyk-Kul resort area, Kremenets, Martuni, Nalchik, Ritsa-Avadkhara, Sevan, Teberda, Tskneti, Chemal , Chimgan, Shusha, Yamarovka, Yaremcha.

maritime climate(the climate of the seas and islands) is characterized by stable air temperature with a small range of fluctuations during the day, air humidity from moderate to high values ​​​​(60 - 80%), high atmospheric pressure and frequent winds. The climate of the seas and islands is also characterized by a high content of oxygen, mineral salts, and light air ions in the air. This climate is useful in the treatment of overwork, neurotic disorders, iron deficiency anemia.

Primorsky climate(sea coast climate) is divided into the coastal climate of the humid subtropics, the coastal climate of the southern latitudes, the coastal climate of the middle latitudes (an example is the balneological resort of the Kaliningrad region).

Climatic resorts with a coastal climate (on the territory of the republics of the former USSR) are five groups:

1) Baltic and northwestern regions of the former USSR;

2) Black Sea coast;

3) Coast of the Caspian Sea;

4) Coast of the Sea of ​​Azov;

5) Far East.

The most beneficial effect on health is staying in a warm (dry or humid) climate of southern latitudes. Seaside the climate is good in the treatment of patients with various chronic diseases. Among them - chronic diseases of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy), cardiovascular system (CHD, angina pectoris I and II functional class, arterial hypertension I and II degree, heart defects). Also, the coastal climate of the southern latitudes is useful in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system (VSD, late period of traumatic brain injury), endocrine glands, as well as skin diseases, ENT diseases, and neurosis.

The seaside climate of humid subtropics is used in the treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, and the musculoskeletal system.

The coastal climate of the middle latitudes (the Baltic states) is useful in the treatment of chronic lung diseases, bronchial asthma, and rheumatism.

Thinking about the direction of your wellness trip, or geographical position place of your future residence, consult a physiotherapist who knows about your health and the health of people close to you with whom you intend to travel. He will recommend: what kind of climate is good to you and your loved ones and is therefore preferable. If you are interested in this topic and want to know more about it, write your comment on the article, ask your questions, share information with friends by clicking on the buttons social networks! See you soon!

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Climatic treatment is a set of measures that includes:

1) prolonged exposure to air;
2) air baths;
3) exposure to the sun.

Climatic treatment, as a rule, is combined with a motor regimen.

In the general complex complex of therapeutic effects on the body, aerotherapy takes pride of place. The maximum stay of patients in the air, rest, etc. is necessary. sleeping on verandas, walking, etc.

Aerotherapy is a universal procedure - it is useful for all categories of patients. However, the role and importance of this therapeutic factor is clearly underestimated by patients. It is not uncommon for patients to spend hours in the wards, being carried away by excessive reading during their rest or playing dominoes, checkers, chess.

The largest Russian clinician S.P. Botkin wrote: "The patient, having the opportunity to stay in the air for a long time, is in the best conditions for hematopoiesis and nutrition, which significantly reduces the irritability of the nervous system."

The importance of fresh air for the patient was well said by Prof. VL Einis: "The patient eats well if he breathes well."

It must be remembered that a person spends two-thirds of his life at home or at work, that is, indoors.

One of the main therapeutic factors in the sanatorium "Berezovskie Mineralnye Vody" is the climate.

The climate here is temperate continental, with cool winters and moderately warm summers. This gave grounds to recognize for a long time that the sanatorium "Berezovsky mineral waters" is in good climatic conditions.

The resort area is the slope of the watershed between the basins of the Dnieper and Donets in the valley of the Uda River. This beautiful area, away from large settlements, is surrounded by a park with rich vegetation.

N.P. Ivanov noted that "the climate is steppe, healthy, the hills along the banks of the Uda River are covered with forests, partly protecting the area from northern and northeastern winds."

The territory of the sanatorium meets the requirements. It is isolated from settlements, not near industrial enterprises, transport roads, etc.

In the upper and lower parks of the resort, old and next to them young trees grow densely, planted behind last years a lot. In spring, the park is very picturesque thickets of bird cherry and lilac. There are many beautifully decorated flower beds in the park: multi-colored gladioli, dahlias, many beautiful cannes, tobacco, petunias saturate the air with a wonderful aroma and give the area a beautiful and elegant look.

The lush vegetation of the spa park preserves water sources from drying out, supplies the air with oxygen, softens the summer heat, and provides shade in many parts of the park where the sick rest.

In the park and nearby small forests there are many mushrooms: mushrooms, mushrooms, butter, etc.

Own park area of ​​32 hectares, nearby forests and fields create a picturesque landscape and a favorable microclimate. Thus, the sanatorium "Berezovsky Mineral Waters" is not only a drinking, balneological resort, but also an excellent climatic forest-steppe station.

The sanatorium has created conditions under which the patient can stay in the fresh air for a long time (arbors, pavilions, verandas, walking routes, etc.).

Patients often ask how much you need to walk? The well-known clinician A. A. Ostroumov answered this question as follows: "Exactly as much as the patient can do without getting tired." "Measure one - do not get tired." "Any fatigue is harmful, because it depletes the body's energy reserves."

In the sanatorium "Berezovsky mineral waters" there is an equipped aerosolarium, where patients take air and sunbaths.

An air bath is a person's stay in the nude in the air, in a place protected from direct sunlight. At the same time, the rays of the sun scattered in the air and reflected from the surface of the earth and surrounding objects also fall on the human body.

Air baths cause the corresponding physiological reactions of the body, leading to an increase in muscle tone, increased metabolic processes, stimulation of blood formation, increasing the body's resistance to various harmful effects. Air baths - lying or sitting naked in an aerosolium - also play an important role in reducing excitability, irritability in excitable patients, cause good dream, appetite. The best time for treatment in the aerosolarium is from 8 am to 1 pm. In the cold season, indoor air baths can be recommended.

Patients at the resort "Berezovsky Mineral Waters" are provided with light aluminum beds, on which they are located in groups or alone in open meadows or in the shade of trees. Here patients take air baths, sometimes sunny, and often spend a "quiet" hour in the air.

The duration of the air baths at first 10-15 minutes, then daily increases by 10-15 minutes and reaches 11/2-2 hours. Air baths are important as a means of "hardening" the body.

Heliotherapy, or treatment with the sun, has been of great importance since ancient times. Yes, back in Ancient Greece on one of the temples there was such an inscription: "Only the sun with its radiant light gives life."

"Greek, and later Roman doctors noticed that some diseases are cured by prolonged sun exposure. Medicine has noticed that people who take sunbaths in summer are less likely to get colds in autumn and winter, and if they do get sick, the disease goes much easier and without complications. , which often represent great danger than the disease itself. "(V. V. Efimov).

Proper use of sunbathing increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, and this, in turn, leads to an increased absorption of oxygen from the external environment, thereby increasing the efficiency of both the nervous system and muscles.

Sun treatment (heliotherapy) is one of the elements of complex treatment and an extremely powerful healing factor, but it requires great care and accuracy in dosage.

The duration of sunbathing is strictly individualized depending on the disease and the state of the body. The usual course starts from 5 minutes, and then with each irradiation the session increases by 5 minutes and is gradually brought up to 40 minutes. It is necessary to expose all parts of the body evenly to radiation. Sunbathing is taken on a lounger in the solarium. The head is covered from the sun with a special shield. After a sunbath, patients rest for 10-15 minutes in the shade, and then take a cool shower.

A shower, like a water treatment, not only cleanses and refreshes the skin, but also tones the nervous system. Sun therapy is carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician and under the supervision of a nurse. Abuse of sunbathing easily leads to dizziness, nausea, palpitations, etc. If you do not follow the doctor's prescription, this can exacerbate the underlying disease, worsen the general condition. Improper use of sunbathing can cause skin burns, sunstroke. It must be remembered that beyond the visible rays there are so-called invisible rays - infrared and ultraviolet. Infrared rays have the ability to greatly heat the objects on which they fall, ultraviolet rays have the ability to kill many types of germs.

Prolonged exposure to the sun with an open body is motivated by patients with the desire to tan. However, with proper use of sunbathing, tanning occurs towards the end of treatment, and therefore there is no need to force it. Strongly tanned skin absorbs the rays of the sun more and reflects them much less. And this leads to the fact that the absorbed solar energy is converted into heat, as a result of which tanned skin sweats more easily. Sunburn does not let the most valuable biologically active ultraviolet rays through and turns them into heat, which the human body does not need in these conditions.

"A strong tan prevents the absorption of the most active sunlight (ultraviolet) and their transformation into nervous energy. That is why it is necessary to sunbathe moderately and gradually" (V. V. Efimov).

"It is very important to remember that any type of climate treatment is a factor that actively affects the whole organism."

It must be remembered that the sun ... "in the biological life of the planet ..., of course, interferes very actively."

"Today, scientists studying the influence of the Sun's activity on the living organisms of the Earth, it is quite obvious that not only the very existence of life, but also many of its manifestations, in particular diseases, depend on our luminary."

The abuse of solar energy in the form of uncontrolled sunbathing, taken immensely, can lead to acute diseases (heart attack, stroke, etc.), and to exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially during periods of increased solar activity, which occurs, as is currently established. , every 11 years and 1 month".

The methods of climatic treatment used in the sanatorium "Berezovsky Mineral Waters" also include games on sports grounds, walking along the existing routes. In these cases, climatotherapy is combined with a motor regimen.

On the territory of the sanatorium there is a pond number 2 with a mirror surface of 8 hectares. Bathing is carried out here as prescribed by doctors, which undoubtedly has a beneficial effect in a number of diseases, helps to improve appetite, metabolism, strengthens the nervous system, hardens the body. However, swimming in the pond is great physical activity on the patient's body, so you need to follow the established rules. You can swim only with the permission of the attending physician. Before bathing, you should rest in the shade, you should enter the water slowly, it is not recommended to enter the water when sweaty. It is useful to start bathing from 3-5 minutes once a day, bringing its duration to 10-15 minutes. After eating, you can swim only after 1 * / 2-2 hours. Best time for swimming - noon.

How to maintain health in an unfavorable climate?

O healing properties climate has been known since time immemorial. The combination of features of air, humidity, saturation sunlight in every geographic area directly affects our health.

Already in ancient times, doctors knew about the ability of the climate to relieve many ailments. AT Ancient China there are cases when, on the advice of doctors, emperors transferred the capital to another city, more favorable for their health. In the Roman Empire, the rulers lived for years in resort areas, visiting Rome only when necessary.

Even a century ago, before the advent of antibiotics, many diseases in Europe were treated exclusively by climate change, recommending, depending on the disease, staying in a certain climatic or geographical area. It was for medicinal purposes that resort areas appeared in the mountains of Switzerland and on the Cote d'Azur in Italy and France.

The advent of antibiotics has transformed traditional resorts from places of treatment to places of relaxation, but the importance of climate therapy for our health has not disappeared.

Doctors are now perfectly aware that each specific climatic zone is especially effective for the treatment of certain diseases.

mountain climate extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a person. Deeper breathing stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, increases the red blood cell count, improves sleep and calms the nervous system. The mountain climate cures bronchitis, chronic inflammation of the lungs, bronchial asthma, many forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia.

maritime climate characterized by high concentrations of sea salts and ozone in the air. This composition of the air invigorates, strengthens the immune system and enhances the adaptive abilities of our body. The maritime climate is favorable for people suffering from respiratory diseases, nervous system, metabolic disorders, high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, orthopedic problems.

Forest-steppe climate, which is characterized by the absence of sudden changes in temperature and moderate humidity, is especially favorable for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

forest climate middle lane well treats diseases of the respiratory system, restores the immune system and the nervous system. The forest climate is especially favorable for hypertensive patients and heart patients, especially those with coronary artery disease. Essential oils of coniferous trees, oak and linden heal Airways, restore blood supply and metabolism.

Many sanatoriums and resort places are located in places where several resort areas intersect at once. For example, resorts in the middle lane are often located in low mountains overgrown with forests, and such a plexus natural belts significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Especially beneficial combination climatic zones- for example, mountain and sea. A striking example - Black Sea coast Caucasus. A mixture of clean mountain air and sea air, saturated with salts and ozone, in addition to the ailments mentioned above, is extremely effective for restoring cerebral circulation and combating atherosclerosis. Plus, the Black Sea coast is one of the few places in our country that does not suffer from iodine deficiency. The local soil and water are rich in this element. Just by eating local vegetables, fruits and water, you can completely saturate the body with iodine in a few days. That is why the Black Sea resorts of the Caucasus have long been specialized in the treatment of thyroid pathologies.

Climatotherapy. What's this? This is the use, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, of the characteristics of climatic and weather conditions a certain area. In other words, it is a climate cure. The climate is a complex of constant meteorological features, while the weather is more changeable.

Weather and climate have a complex, complex effect on our body. Operating factors influences on the body are the gas composition of the atmosphere, the oxygen content in it, the degree of pollution, atmospheric pressure, air humidity, temperature, precipitation, exposure to solar radiation, as well as magnetism and other factors. Their effect on the body is combined.

The biological impact of climate is also varied. The influence of a certain climate calms and tones the nervous system, has a good effect on the physiological systems of our body, normalizes metabolism, blood circulation, and digestion. Provides and enhances immunity human body. A person who finds himself in a different environment, in which there are no everyday problems, feels free and happy! Feelings of peace of mind and balance overwhelm him. However, with improper use of medical conditions and non-compliance with contraindications, you can cause an exacerbation of some diseases! As they say, it's good if in moderation.

Some people are very susceptible to climate change, so if you are such a person, but you still decide to try climatotherapy, be sure to consult your doctor about this. Such people need the process of acclimatization, that is, the body's adaptation to climate change. It is advisable to choose sanatoriums that use natural factors for treatment, in your climatic zone, in order to avoid the adverse effects of sudden changes in the environment.

Types of climatic zones and resorts.

There are five main types of climate:

Desert climate.

The desert climate is characterized by long dry and hot summers, high air temperature, low humidity and intense sunshine. This environment contributes to profuse sweating, that is, the removal of excess fluid from the body, so it reduces the load on our kidneys. In this regard, this climate is indicated for people suffering from chronic kidney diseases, characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid and waste in the body. All this is excreted from the body with sweat. Contraindications are acute forms of inflammation of the kidneys, arterial hypertension, nephrolithiasis and kidney tuberculosis. One of the examples of resorts in this area is Bairam Ali.

Steppe climate.

The climate of the steppe is also quite hot and dry, but it is characterized by the sharpest temperature changes day and night, fresh air. It acts on the body as a general strengthening environment. Such resorts are well suited for people suffering from tuberculosis and other chronic lung diseases. Treatment steppe zones combined with treatment with koumiss, among its extensive useful properties. An example is the Shafranovo resort.

The climate of the forest-steppe.

The climate of the forest-steppe has the most sparing, mild conditions for the body. There are no sharp changes in air temperature, its moderate humidity. In summer - freshness and coolness, there is no "merciless" heat, and in winter there are no frosts. This area is recommended for people with various conditions, such as arterial hypertension and others. You can "enjoy" the climate of the forest-steppe in the suburbs.

Mountain climate.

The mountain climate is characterized by an unusual clean air, strong solar radiation, especially ultraviolet. Atmosphere pressure low. The oxygen content is lowered, mainly in the highlands. Mountain resorts have a restorative, training and hardening effect on the body. Therefore, it is indicated for people suffering from disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as lung diseases. Among the mountain resorts, one can single out the resorts of Kislovodsk. Height above sea level reaches 600 meters! Kislovodsk is also famous for its mineral waters which you can also support your health.

Maritime climate.

It is characterized by clean and very fresh air. The air is highly ionized and humidified. It contains many trace elements, ozone, iodine and sea salts. It "feeds" on this from the nearby sea. Absorbing this wonderful air, we absorb many components necessary for our body. Here you can sunbathe, as there is good solar radiation. The climate is also good in that it is possible to use such healing factor like sea bathing. This gives a hardening effect. Bathing improves posture, therefore, bathing is recommended for posture disorders. The tonic effect for the nervous system is provided by proper rest. The benefits of this climate are noted for many diseases. Among them are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diseases of the nervous system, the endocrine system, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Climate on the coast Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland is characterized by high air humidity, cool water and air temperature. Therefore, it mainly has a hardening and tonic effect on the body. It is indicated for people who are in old age and have diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

As a result, remember that man is a child of nature. Having health by nature, no one thinks that one day they will have to lose it! In the bustle of the city "caves" we waste it, while our body gives us signals that it's time to recharge it! People, let's listen to our body. Let's never risk our already spoiled health again! It's still not too late. Remember! Taking care of your health is much better, more economical, easier and more realistic than, for example, curing cancer! Despite the fact that you can earn it very quickly! Rest! Travel! Live your life! And your body will thank you!

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