Factors of climatotherapy. climate treatment

Tourism and rest 20.07.2019

Climatotherapy I Climatotherapy (synonymous with climate therapy)

a set of treatment methods using dosed exposure to the climate of a given area and special climatic procedures. The therapeutic and prophylactic impact of climate is not due to a number of geographical (including climate-like) factors and phenomena, their physical properties: the position of the terrain by sea level, atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, air movement, precipitation, intensity of solar radiation, the state of atmospheric electricity, cloudiness, etc. K. can be carried out both in the conditions familiar to the patient, and in remote areas located in other natural (climatogeographic) zones. Climate change and a short stay of a patient in an area with a favorable climate for him has a stimulating effect on the body, contributes to the training of adaptive mechanisms, normalization of reactivity and impaired body functions, and a more favorable course of the pathological process. The use of meteorological factors in the patient's usual climate (in suburban hospitals, dispensaries, rest homes, sanatoriums, etc.) is of particular importance for patients with weakened adaptive mechanisms that react sharply to climate change. The main methods (procedures) of K. include Aerotherapy , Heliotherapy , Thalassotherapy , which are used both in the climate familiar to the patient, and in climatic resorts.

One of the main features of K. is that they are natural irritants for the human body, which gradually acted on it in the process of evolution. At the same time, thermoregulatory, neurohumoral regulation and other regulatory mechanisms developed and improved. Having a complex structure, climatic and weather factors affect various receptor systems of the body, cause reflex changes in the activity of various organs, improve and restore the biological connections of the body with environment. The general physiological reactions of the body during K. include thermoadaptive mechanisms that underlie hardening (Hardening) ; stimulation and normalization of various types of metabolic processes, especially redox, leading to an increase in the supply of oxygen to the body (natural); normalization of specific and non-specific reactivity, ; improvement and restoration of impaired functions of the respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems. In addition, K. compensates for the lack of natural and climatic factors (natural UV radiation, air ions, oxygen, etc.), which helps to eliminate the associated pathological phenomena (light, hypoxia, etc.), and prevent a number of diseases.

K. is most widely used in climatic resorts, where it is also an element of the treatment regimen. K.'s efficiency in many respects depends on observance of methodical installations. So, it is always necessary to take into account the duration and process of acclimatization (Acclimatization) , if he comes to from remote areas, since in this case biorhythms may be disturbed and desynchronosis and other pathological phenomena may develop, also caused by a change in time zones or a change in the usual light regime (when moving from north to south). To facilitate and accelerate acclimatization in the first days, persons exposed to risk factors (sudden climate change, severity of illness,) are prescribed adaptogenic agents (Eleutherococcus, magnolia vine preparations, etc.), (see Reflexotherapy) , autogenic training (see Psychotherapy) . Climatic procedures during the acclimatization period are prescribed in reduced dosages. In addition, when carrying out K., a medical assessment of the weather and the so-called meteorological forecasting are necessary, because climatic and weather factors can cause meteopathic reactions. To prevent them for patients with meteorological lability in case of unfavorable weather forecast meteorological prophylaxis is carried out: the dosage of climatoprocedures and the intensity of physical activity are reduced, medicinal (hypotensive, bronchodilator, sedative, etc.) drugs are prescribed, taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

K.'s procedures are dosed taking into account individual features organism and physiological action of the main factor; solar - in calories according to the amount of total solar radiation falling per unit of body surface ( cal/cm2, kJ / m 2), or in biodoses of UV radiation activity; air baths and bathing - in calories according to the degree of cooling of the body, or cold load ( kcal / m 2, kJ / m 2). To determine the duration of K. procedures, special dosimetric tables have been developed, and automatic dispensers with a programming device have been created. In addition, to control the reactions of patients to K., subjective thermal sensations (warmth, cold, stuffy, etc.), clinical and functional indicators (, cyanosis, "goose", (, state of the pulse, etc.) are taken into account. To carry out K. procedures, special structures and devices are used: verandas and loggias at medical buildings, climate pavilions, aerosolaria and therapeutic beaches equipped with awnings, canopies, protective screens etc.

K. is used to increase the body's resistance to adverse external influences (cooling, etc.), the prevention of diseases or their exacerbations, especially those associated with hypothermia, and is also prescribed to patients after long-term diseases associated with impaired reactivity (bronchial asthma, etc.) , metabolic processes (, obesity, etc.), accompanied by impaired function of the lungs, cardiovascular and nervous systems, kidneys, hypoxia. K. at climatic resorts can be considered as a stage of rehabilitation treatment (see Rehabilitation) .

The variety of climatic conditions requires a differentiated approach when referring patients to climatic conditions. Primorsky Mediterranean type (Southern coast of Crimea) without sharp daily and annual fluctuations in meteorological factors, with an abundance of sun, the possibility of sea bathing, the presence of sea salts and air ions in the air is indicated for many diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular and nervous system, kidneys (summer), metabolic disorders. The conditions of humid subtropics (the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus) in combination with balneological methods (Sochi - Matsesta) are recommended for a number of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, however, during the hot season, patients with severe forms of ischemic heart disease should not be sent to these resorts. heart disease, hyperthyroidism, menopausal neuroses. The seaside climate of the Baltic resorts and the Leningrad resort area with frequent weather changes, sudden changes in temperature, winds is used as a means of training and hardening patients with diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, and lungs in the compensation stage. The mountain climate with a low partial pressure of oxygen, increased solar radiation and ionization, significant daily temperature fluctuations has a training effect, stimulates substances,. It is recommended mainly for the treatment of patients with tuberculosis and nonspecific lung diseases without pulmonary heart failure. deserts and semi-deserts with dry, hot summers and stable weather (Bayram-Ali) are favorable for patients with kidney diseases. forest climate middle lane(moderate temperature, saturated with volatile biologically active substances of plants) is recommended for functional disorders of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases (, ischemic, rheumatic), pulmonary pathology. Combination K. with exercise, walks, sports games, swimming, rowing, etc. enhances its hardening, training and rehabilitation effect. K. is contraindicated in all diseases in the acute stage, with sharp exacerbations of chronically current diseases. Patients with impaired adaptive mechanisms (due to severe illness, advanced age and other characteristics), as well as with the presence of pulmonary-cardiac and cardiovascular insufficiency Stage III should not be directed to remote climatic resorts.

Climatoprophylaxis, in which the same procedures are used as in K., is mainly aimed at the organism and the prevention of diseases. There are primary climatoprophylaxis of the disease and secondary, aimed at preventing exacerbations of the disease.

Bibliography: Bogolyubov V.M. Guide to balneology and physiotherapy, v. 1, M., 1985; Boksha V.G. The problem of adaptation and resort, L., 1983, bibliogr.; Boksha V.G. and Bogutsky B.V. Sanitary-climatic treatment of patients with respiratory diseases, Kyiv, 1982; Ezhova V.A. and Kunitsyna L.A. Climatic and early cerebral atherosclerosis, Kyiv, 1984; Physical and climatic factors in the treatment of children with chronic lung diseases, ed. T.G. Lebedeva, Kyiv, 1982.

II Climatotherapy (Climate +)

therapeutic use of climatic factors.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.


- (Greek). The study of the characteristics of the climate in various localities from the point of view of therapeutic and its use for the treatment of various ailments. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. climatotherapy (see climate ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 treatment (184) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- (from Climate and Therapy climatotherapy, the use of climatic and weather factors for therapeutic and preventive purposes. The theoretical basis of K. and climatoprophylaxis (i.e., strengthening the health of the body by the influence of climatic factors) ... ... Big soviet encyclopedia- klimato terapija statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Žmonių grūdinimas ir gydymas klimato veiksniais. Svarbiausia klimato terapijos forma - ribojamas, laipsniškai ilginamas buvimas ore: poilsis parke, miegas atviroje verandoje… … Ekologijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas

- (climate + therapy) therapeutic use of climatic factors ... Big Medical Dictionary

« There are few diseases where the right climatic conditions would not be important. It cannot be admitted that the majority of doctors would be well aware of climatotherapy and prescribe it correctly ... On the contrary, one often sees that they expect from climatological therapy what it cannot give, and do not use what it can give.

G.A. Zakharyin, one of the founders of Russian therapy and balneology

Climate - universal healing factor at the resort.

According to the rules of resort planning, it is the climatic and geographical characteristics of any resort that are described in the first place.

After all, atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, wind, and solar radiation act on a person in the aggregate. They are also determined by the height above sea level, latitude and longitude of the area.

It is the landscape and climatic characteristics that create the background against which other therapeutic resort factors are most effective.

History of climatotherapy

E Hippocrates wrote in his writings about the influence of climate on health and

features of the course of the disease.

Two centuries later, Galen sent consumptives to the sea or the mountains for treatment.

O however, scientific study of the impact of climate on health was still a long way off. It only started in the 19th century. thanks to S.P. Botkin, V.A. Manassein and other clinicians.

AT during 1884-1891 Professor M.I. Golubov monitored the health of more than 250 travelers along the Volga. As a result of these studies, he noted the high healing effect of water travel, linking it exclusively with clean air saturated with air ions.


To climate is a potent factor, as it has a powerful therapeutic effect. Therefore, any move to a zone with changed climatic conditions (even favorable for health) is invariably accompanied by short-term adaptive physiological shifts in many functional systems. This is a natural reaction of adaptation to new conditions.

Atscientists have established that when the time zone shifts by 3 hours or more, painful disorders can develop in the body - desynchronosis. It can manifest itself in a sleep disorder, decreased performance, worsening of the course of the underlying disease.

H the most pronounced changes occur when moving from west to east when there is an inversion of the usual course of daily time.

H It is not the accelerated onset of the seasonal rhythm that has an unfavorable effect on the human body (when moving from the middle lane to the summer conditions of southern resorts in the spring), but its inversion, which is usually observed when traveling autumn in the conditions of the summer of the southern countries.

Adaptive reactions have a phase character. A short-term decrease in the functions of many systems is replaced by their gradual strengthening and further stabilization.


AT When choosing a resort, it is necessary first of all to take into account the peculiarities of its climate. The weather-sensitive people should approach this most responsibly.

Climatotherapy consists in the use of various meteorological factors.

Biological effect of climate:

Calms and tones the nervous system

Improves the regulation of life processes (activates metabolism, respiratory function, blood circulation, digestion),

Increases resistance to infectious diseases.

Carrying out climatotherapy requires strict control.

climate scientists

“In the midst of such a nature, all worldly worries, all worries fall silent, and a magical picture embraces the soul, strengthens it, arouses noble feelings. In addition to these beauties that have such a powerful effect on the nervous system, the climate is certainly healthy, the air is clean and filled with the balsamic smell of pine and spruce forests; mineral springs are in abundance…

For more than ten years I have been sending patients there, and the effect I get is simply miraculous. From the very first day upon arrival, a pleasant excitation of all the functions of the nervous system is felt, the patients feel cheerful, cheerful, mobile, strong; the mind becomes clear, breathing is light and pleasant, appetite increases, digestion becomes easy, and after a few weeks digestion rises, the amount of hemoglobin and blood cells increases and all the functions become correct.

Dr. T. L. Triantafylidess,

From a report onI Congress of Figures on Climatology, Hydrology and Balneology, St. Petersburg, 1898 - about the climate of the Caucasus

To climate of Evpatoria seaside-steppe , with a small amount of precipitation falling mainly in the cold season.

Moderately warm, dry, stable.

Without sharp fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

It has a wonderful combination of steppe and sea air.

H the purest air, due to the absence of mountains, is in constant motion, bringing either the aromas of the sea, or the steppe herbs.

Promotes reducing some type of allergic reaction.

This wonderful airy cocktail is the best for general healing and recuperation.

The human body from the middle lane quickly and easily adapts to local climatic conditions.

The local climate is often compared with the climate of resort areas in northern Italy and southern France. In addition, it is much softer than in Israel.

The Palaces sanatorium is a health resort located 54 km from the capital of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, at the first balneological and mud resort Marcial Waters, founded by Peter the Great.

The sanatorium is located in a picturesque forest, in a quiet, clean, peaceful place. Walks in the fresh air, which compares favorably with the city air, have a diverse effect on the body, increase the tone of the nervous, of cardio-vascular system, improve metabolic processes, normalize sleep, have a hardening effect. Clean, crystal air will lift the guests' spirits and mood for the upcoming vacation.

Climate- the most important factor in restoring health. Climatotherapy at the resort consists in the use of various meteorological factors, their complexes and climate features, as well as special dosed climatic procedures for preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes. The climate has a powerful therapeutic effect and must be regarded as a potent factor.

The healing climate of the resort It was formed thanks to the unique and the only shungite deposits in the world, as well as the proximity of healing ferruginous sulfate-hydrocarbonate sources and sapropel silt sulfide muds, which also have healing properties.

The sanatorium is surrounded by spruce and pine forest with an admixture of aspen and birch.

The main indications for treatment at the resort are diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the nervous system, genitourinary system, respiratory organs, digestive organs and general therapeutic course of treatment.

The acclimatization process lasts from 5 to 7 days. Therefore, a sharp change in climate (and even with short-term treatment) is a big burden for any organism. Not having time to adapt to the new terrain, a person is already forced to return home, where reacclimatization awaits him, lasting about the same time. Therefore, a 12-14 day stay in a sanatorium is considered a normal vacation in a different climate, so that upon returning you do not immediately go to work, but have a few days to adapt. Recovery in the usual climatic conditions does not cause significant physiological changes in the human body, it allows you to choose the optimal treatment time for each patient.

To date, our Sanatorium has accumulated a great practical potential in the field of spa business. Of great interest are programs for prolonging youth, restoring and maintaining an active functional state in older and older people, maintaining the level of active functionality and health in middle-aged people.

Climatotherapy. What's this? This is the use, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, of the characteristics of climatic and weather conditions a certain area. In other words, it is a climate cure. The climate is a complex of constant meteorological features, while the weather is more changeable.

Weather and climate have a complex, complex effect on our body. The active factors influencing the body are the gas composition of the atmosphere, the oxygen content in it, the degree of pollution, atmospheric pressure, air humidity, temperature, precipitation, exposure to solar radiation, as well as magnetism and other factors. Their effect on the body is combined.

The biological impact of climate is also varied. The influence of a certain climate calms and tones the nervous system, has a good effect on the physiological systems of our body, normalizes metabolism, blood circulation, and digestion. Provides and enhances immunity human body. A person who finds himself in a different environment, in which there are no everyday problems, feels free and happy! Feelings of peace of mind and balance overwhelm him. However, with improper use of medical conditions and non-compliance with contraindications, you can cause an exacerbation of some diseases! As they say, it's good if in moderation.

Some people are very susceptible to climate change, so if you are such a person, but you still decide to try climatotherapy, be sure to consult your doctor about this. Such people need the process of acclimatization, that is, the body's adaptation to climate change. It is advisable to choose sanatoriums that use natural factors for treatment in your climatic zone in order to avoid the adverse effects of sudden environmental changes.

Types of climatic zones and resorts.

There are five main types of climate:

Desert climate.

The desert climate is characterized by long dry and hot summers, high air temperature, low humidity and intense sunshine. This environment contributes to profuse sweating, that is, the removal of excess fluid from the body, so it reduces the load on our kidneys. In this regard, this climate is indicated for people suffering from chronic kidney diseases, characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid and waste in the body. All this is excreted from the body with sweat. Contraindications are acute forms of inflammation of the kidneys, arterial hypertension, nephrolithiasis and kidney tuberculosis. One of the examples of resorts in this area is Bairam Ali.

Steppe climate.

The climate of the steppe is also quite hot and dry, but it is characterized by the sharpest temperature changes day and night, fresh air. It acts on the body as a general strengthening environment. Such resorts are well suited for people suffering from tuberculosis and other chronic lung diseases. Treatment steppe zones combined with treatment with koumiss, among its extensive beneficial properties. An example is the Shafranovo resort.

The climate of the forest-steppe.

The climate of the forest-steppe has the most sparing, mild conditions for the body. There are no sharp changes in air temperature, its moderate humidity. In summer - freshness and coolness, there is no "merciless" heat, and in winter there are no frosts. This area is recommended for people with various conditions, such as arterial hypertension and others. You can "enjoy" the climate of the forest-steppe in the suburbs.

Mountain climate.

The mountain climate is characterized by unusually clean air, strong solar radiation, especially ultraviolet radiation. Atmospheric pressure is low. The oxygen content is lowered, mainly in the highlands. Mountain resorts have a restorative, training and hardening effect on the body. Therefore, it is indicated for people suffering from disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as lung diseases. Among the mountain resorts, one can single out the resorts of Kislovodsk. Height above sea level reaches 600 meters! Kislovodsk is also famous for its mineral waters which you can also support your health.

Maritime climate.

It is characterized by clean and very fresh air. The air is highly ionized and humidified. It contains many trace elements, ozone, iodine and sea salts. It "feeds" on this from the nearby sea. Absorbing this wonderful air, we absorb many components necessary for our body. Here you can sunbathe, as there is good solar radiation. The climate is also good because it is possible to use such a healing factor as sea bathing. This gives a hardening effect. Bathing improves posture, therefore, bathing is recommended for posture disorders. The tonic effect for the nervous system is provided by proper rest. The benefits of this climate are noted for many diseases. Among them are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diseases of the nervous system, the endocrine system, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Climate on the coast Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland is characterized by high air humidity, cool water and air temperature. Therefore, it mainly has a hardening and tonic effect on the body. It is indicated for people who are in old age and have diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

As a result, remember that man is a child of nature. Having health by nature, no one thinks that one day they will have to lose it! In the bustle of the city "caves" we waste it, while our body gives us signals that it's time to recharge it! People, let's listen to our body. Let's never risk our already spoiled health again! It's still not too late. Remember! Taking care of your health is much better, more economical, easier and more realistic than, for example, curing cancer! Despite the fact that you can earn it very quickly! Rest! Travel! Live your life! And your body will thank you!

Hippocrates stated that "he who wishes to study medicine well must ... first of all, consider the seasons and their influence on man." In his famous treatise "On Airs, Waters and Places", he outlined the essence of the influence of weather on man. Celsus, whom his contemporaries called the "Latin Hippocrates", believed that the sick should not remain in the area where he fell ill. To heal, you need to travel. The works of Celsus, published in 1478, were the first scientific treatise on medicine. His fame and authority were so high that Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim, the famous alchemist and physician, took the name Paracelsus, which means "superior to Celsus." At the beginning of the 16th century Paracelsus remarked: "He who studies winds, lightning and weather knows the origin of diseases."

The scientific study of the influence of climatic factors on health began only in the 19th century, when more specific links were established between climate and weather and various diseases. In 1801, the printing house of Moscow University published the work of F. P. Barsuk-Moiseev “On the influence of air, seasons and meteors on human health”. great attention climate influence was given to S.P. Botkin, V.A. Manassein and many other domestic clinicians. One of the founders of domestic therapy and balneology G.A. Zakharyin, in the course of faculty therapy, gave a separate lecture on climatotherapy, emphasizing its importance and at the same time pointing out the insufficient knowledge of its provisions by doctors. He said: “There are few diseases where the right climatic conditions would not be of great importance. It cannot be admitted that the majority of doctors would be well aware of climatotherapy and correctly prescribe it ... on the contrary, one often sees that they expect from climatological therapy what it cannot give, and do not use what it can give.


Climatotherapy- a set of treatment methods that use a dosed effect of climatic and weather factors and special climatic procedures on the body. The therapeutic and prophylactic impact of climate on the body is determined by a number of natural factors: the position of the terrain above sea level, the degree of remoteness from the sea, atmospheric pressure, temperature, air circulation and humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, solar radiation intensity, etc.

To the main methods of climatotherapy relate: , . Air and sunbathing, sea bathing, sleeping in the air and on the seashore, and other climatic procedures create conditions for the maximum impact of climatic factors on the body.

The climate has a powerful therapeutic effect and should be considered as a potent factor. Any move to a zone with changed climatic conditions, even favorable for health, is always accompanied by short-term adaptive physiological changes in many functional systems to ensure the necessary level of vital activity in new conditions - an adaptation reaction.

Adaptation reactions manifest themselves when changing climatic conditions, time zones and when taking climatic procedures during the period of spa treatment.

The basis of the physiological and therapeutic effect of climatotherapy is the training of thermoadaptive mechanisms, the normalization of metabolic processes, the change in immunological reactivity, the improvement and normalization of impaired functions. respiratory system, hemodynamic parameters, improvement of the bioelectrical activity of the brain, etc.

As a result of climatotherapy, the lack of natural ultraviolet irradiation of the body and the lack of air ions are compensated, the mechanisms of thermoregulation underlying hardening are trained, the reactivity and functional state of the body are normalized, and metabolism is improved.

Carrying out climatotherapy requires strict control of the tolerance of each complex and the action of their combination - the adaptive effect.

The duration of the period of adaptation (acclimatization) at the resort is determined individually, depending on the characteristics of the disease and the contrast of the change in climatic regions, the characteristics of the environmental conditions. Adaptive changes have a phase character - a short-term decrease in the functions of many systems is replaced by their gradual strengthening and, finally, the stabilization of functions. In the course of adaptation to the climatic conditions of the resort (acclimatization), stress and disruption of adaptive systems are possible, especially when moving from climatically contrasting zones, early overload with climatic procedures, weakening of adaptive capabilities, in particular with incomplete remission. In these cases, there are states of asthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, the underlying disease may worsen, i.e. adaptation is insufficient up to its breakdown - maladaptation. All patients during the period of adaptation (acclimatization) should not take strong climatic and other spa therapy procedures. It is necessary to observe a regime that would reduce the intensity of stimuli caused by a change in climatic regions, and contribute to the correct training of adaptive mechanisms.

It has been established that when the time zone is shifted by 3 hours or more, painful disorders can develop in the body, the complex of which is called desynchronosis a, manifested most often by a sleep disorder, a decrease in working capacity, a deterioration in the course of the underlying disease. The most pronounced changes occur when moving from west to east, when there is an inversion of the usual course of daily time.

Along with daily desynchoronosis, when moving to unusual climatic conditions, the structure of the seasonal rhythm can also be disturbed. It is not the accelerated onset of the seasonal rhythm that has an adverse effect on the human body (when moving from the middle lane to the summer conditions of southern resorts in the spring), but its inversion, which is usually observed when traveling in autumn to the summer conditions of southern countries.

When choosing a resort, first of all, they take into account the peculiarities of the climate, since it affects the human body in different ways. You should be especially responsible in choosing the climate of the resort for weather-sensitive people.

Classification of climatic resorts

In accordance with the natural landscape and climatic zones, all resorts are divided into the following types:

  1. Plain seaside resorts
    1. dominated
    2. steppe climate
    3. semi-desert climate
    4. forest climate
    5. forest
    6. monsoon climate.
  2. Flat continental resorts
    1. taiga resorts
    2. forest monsoon climate temperate latitudes
    3. subtropical forests
    1. foothills (from 100 to 500 m above sea level)
    2. low-mountain resorts (from 500 to 1000 m above sea level)
    3. mid-mountain lower belt (from 1000 to 1500m above sea level)
    4. mid-mountain upper belt (from 1500 to 2000 m above sea level)
    5. alpine (above 2000 m above sea level)
    6. in the zone of temperate forests - in the zone of subtropical forests - in the zone of steppes and deserts - coastal
  3. Other landscape-climatic zones

Depending on the location in the listed zones complete characteristic climatic resort includes landscape- climatic features and height above sea level.

continental climate

Continental climate of the plains of the forest and forest-steppe zone

This type of climate with a short summer is typical for a vast zone of temperate latitudes. northern hemisphere. In North America, it extends from the prairies in south-central Canada to the Atlantic coast, and in Eurasia it covers most of of Eastern Europe and some areas Central Siberia. The same type of climate is observed in the Japanese island. Hokkaido and the south Far East. The main climatic features of these areas are determined by the prevailing western transport and frequent passage atmospheric fronts. In summer there is no suffocating heat, in winter - severe frosts. Although in harsh winters average air temperatures can drop to -18 ° C. Summer is short, frost-free period is less than 150 days. Predominant during the summer months warm temperature, moderate humidity and sufficient solar radiation. At the same time, there is no irritating effect of fluctuations in dryness and dampness, cold and heat.

continental climate forest and forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia has a mild stimulating effect. It enhances inhibition in the cerebral cortex, increases the tone of subcortical structures and centers (nervous vegetative system and thermoregulation), increases the reduced performance of the body. Slowing down and deepening of breathing in the forest leads to increased pulmonary ventilation and oxygen utilization, and increased tissue respiration. G.A. Zakharyin believed that the harsh climate of Russia serves the people well, tempering them physically, and Russian nature, with its expanse of fields and fragrant forests, with its frosts and blizzards, contributes to the development of a healthy and active person, only the gifts of the climate should be used appropriately.

Main indications. The continental climate of the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia favorably affects patients with diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system (ischemic heart disease, hypertonic disease), recovering from infectious diseases, patients with functional disorders of the nervous system.

Taiga climate(zones coniferous forests, the air of which is saturated with phytoncides), is especially indicated for patients with respiratory diseases.

steppe climate

steppe climate(semi-arid climate of temperate latitudes) is characteristic mainly for inland regions, remote from the oceans - sources of moisture - and usually located in the rain shadow high mountains. The main areas with a semi-arid climate are the intermountain basins and the Great Plains North America and steppes of central Eurasia. hot summer and Cold winter due to the inland position in temperate latitudes. At least one winter month has an average temperature below 0 ° C, and the average temperature of the warmest summer month exceeds 21 ° C. it is less dry than the actual arid climate. The average annual precipitation is usually less than 500 mm but more than 250 mm. It differs from the desert climate (arid climate) by sharper temperature changes of day and night. In the steppe resorts of the European part of Russia, treatment is additionally used.

Main indications. Respiratory diseases. it is also effective in the complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.

The climate of semi-deserts and deserts

The climate of semi-deserts and deserts(arid climate of temperate latitudes) is inherent mainly in the Central Asian deserts, and in the western United States - only in small areas in intermountain basins. Temperatures are the same as in areas with a semi-arid climate, however, precipitation here is not enough for the existence of a closed natural vegetation cover and the average annual precipitation usually does not exceed 250 mm. The desert climate is characterized by long hot and dry summers with very high average air temperatures, low humidity, and intense solar radiation. The climate of semi-deserts and deserts contributes to an easier regulation of heat transfer between the skin and lungs, profuse sweating, facilitates kidney function, while increasing the hemoglobin content and the number of red blood cells in the blood. Resorts of the semi-desert zone in Russia: Elton, Volgograd region, Baskunchak and Tinaki in the Astrakhan region.

Main indications.(nephritis), respiratory organs.

mountain climate

The mountain climate is characterized by low atmospheric pressure, partial pressure of oxygen and water vapor in the air, increased intensity of solar radiation, low temperature in summer, clean, transparent air. A large number of negative ions in the mountain air have a positive effect on the body. The air is ionized when water is sprayed (near waterfalls, stormy mountain rivers). Ionization is promoted by ultraviolet rays. At a slightly lower mountain air temperature, working capacity is significantly improved, attention, accuracy and coordination of movements, reaction speed, the ability to switch from one type of work to another increase, which is used in sports medicine in preparation for competitions. Training in the mountains significantly increases the physical capabilities of athletes. The mountain climate promotes deep breathing, an increase in lung capacity, and an improvement in blood composition. In a person who first got to a height of over 1500 m, with physical activity there will be (albeit subtle) symptoms of hypoxia - mountain sickness, which is characterized by rapid breathing and pulse, somewhat high spirits, increased gesticulation, accelerated speech. After some time, the body adapts (acclimatizes): the amount of hemoglobin increases, the metabolism increases, the working capacity is restored and increased.

Main indications. Mountain climatic resorts are indicated for patients with tuberculosis and non-specific respiratory diseases, functional disorders of the nervous system, compensated diseases of the cardiovascular system. When choosing a mountain-climatic resort for weather-sensitive patients, for the elderly, it should be borne in mind that adaptation proceeds more easily in a temperate climate zone.

Contraindicated mountain climate patients with symptoms of heart failure.

Low mountain resorts in, and on are the most famous mountain resorts in Russia. The constancy of atmospheric pressure, a large number of clear and sunny days per year, moderate humidity, the number of air ions, twice as high as the Swiss Davos - all this allows us to rank Belokurikha and Kislovodsk among the best climatic resorts in the world. The air is saturated with phytoncides coniferous trees the famous Pine Mountain in Kislovodsk and the Elovaya Mountain in Belokurikha. An important resort factor and the beauty of the surrounding landscapes are snow-white caps. Altai mountains, immortalized in the canvases of N.K. Roerich, and the peaks of the Caucasus, sung by A.S. Pushkin. An important climate-forming role is undoubtedly played by mountain rivers- the impetuous Terek, where the heroes of M.Yu. were born. Lermontov, and recalcitrant in the upper reaches and majestic and unconquered at the mouth, the Queen River Katun, where V.M. Shukshin

maritime climate

Maritime climate and sea bathing are the main operating factor. The coastal climate is characterized by relatively high atmospheric pressure, uniform temperature, purity and freshness of the air with a high content of ozone and sea salts, intense solar radiation, and the absence of sudden temperature changes. Staying near the sea helps to increase metabolism, increase the secretion of the epithelium of the bronchial tree, has a tonic, tonic and hardening effect.

Maritime climate of temperate latitudes

Climate of temperate latitudes inherent in the western coasts of the continents, primarily in northwestern Europe, the central part of the Pacific coast of North America, southern Chile, southeastern Australia and New Zealand. The prevailing westerly winds blowing from the oceans have a softening effect on the course of air temperature. Winters are mild with average temperatures of the coldest month above 0°C, but when the Arctic air currents reach the coasts, there are also frosts. Summers are generally quite warm; during the intrusions of continental air during the day, the temperature can a short time rise to 38 °C. This type of climate with a small annual temperature range is the most moderate among the climates of temperate latitudes. The coastal climate (sea coasts) is characterized by relatively high atmospheric pressure, uniform temperature, purity and freshness of the air with a high content of ozone and sea salts, intense solar radiation, and the absence of sudden temperature changes. Staying near the sea helps to increase metabolism, and enhance the secretion of the epithelium of the bronchial tree, has a tonic, tonic and hardening effect.

The climate of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland, as well as Pacific Ocean characterized by relatively high humidity, cool air and water temperatures. It is indicated for the elderly, with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

The climate is subtropical Mediterranean type

The Mediterranean climate is a type of subtropical climate with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. Typical of the areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Often found on west coast continents, approximately between latitudes 30° and 45° north and south of the equator. Except the countries on the coast mediterranean sea, regions with mediterranean climate include much of California, the Western Cape of South Africa, western Chile, the coastal regions of southern Western Australia, and the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia. A dry subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type prevails in the northern part of Tunisia. The climate of the southern coast of Crimea is subtropical Mediterranean type with mild winters and dry hot summers, warm, with low humidity, with long sunshine, with a long bathing season. In Russia, these are resorts Black Sea coast Caucasus from Anapa to Tuapse.

Humid subtropical climate

Humid subtropical climate characteristic of the eastern coasts of the continents north and south of the tropics. The main areas of distribution are the southeastern United States, some southeastern regions of Europe, in Russia the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus from Tuapse to Adler, northern India and Myanmar, eastern China and southern Japan, northeastern Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil, the coast of Natal province in South Africa and the east coast of Australia. Summer in the humid subtropics is long and hot, with the same temperatures as in the tropics. The average temperature of the warmest month exceeds 27 °C, and the maximum is 38 °C. Winters are mild, with average monthly temperatures above 0°C, but there are frosts. In the humid subtropics, the average annual precipitation ranges from 750 to 2000 mm, the distribution of precipitation over the seasons is quite uniform.

The climate of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

The climate of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus can be roughly divided into Western from Anapa to Tuapse - with clear, dry, hot summers and rainy, relatively cold winter and strong winds, and Vostochny (humid subtropical) from Tuapse to Adler - with humid summers and warm winter. Warm air masses, going to the coast from the Black Sea, are delayed by the ridges of the mountains of the Main Caucasian Range. They also prevent the penetration of cold air from the north.

The main indications for treatment at seaside resorts. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, nervous and endocrine systems. Traditionally, it is believed that due to high humidity it is less favorable for those suffering from pulmonary diseases. However, in recent times more and more works showing the effectiveness of the treatment of bronchial asthma in the resorts of the zone of humid subtropics (Sochi) - these patients need moderate humidity, as well as rational hydration. Dehydration also contributes to the formation of thick mucus in the lumen of the bronchi, which disrupts their patency.

Climatic resorts with high insolation are contraindicated.

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