How to understand if the screen or protective glass is broken. How to remove protective glass from an iPhone: recommendations

Auto 05.05.2018

The screen of any communication gadget needs protection. Even if you have purchased the latest iPhone model, do not neglect the opportunity to install an additional film on the display. This will extend the life of the phone, make it look attractive longer. Such mechanical damage as scratches, bumps will not be terrible if you know how to stick protective glass to the phone. The task is not easy, but if you follow the instructions, you can do it at home without outside help.

How to stick a protective glass on a smartphone

For a beginner, the procedure may seem complicated, but a few workouts will make you a real expert. It is worth noting that there is no significant difference in whether we glue a protective glass on an iPhone 5, other phone models or a tablet. The procedure remains the same. It is better for an inexperienced person to start from the back of the gadget, and then move on to the screen.

Necessary materials and tools

If you have just purchased a smartphone, then it is important to understand how to stick protective glasses on the phone. The display of the device is very sensitive to mechanical damage. Being just in your pocket, the gadget will be damaged by coins, a fingernail or keys. Even minimal scratches can cause bubbles to form during application. The same goes for situations where you just want to replace your old phone protection.

For the procedure you will need:

  • alcohol wipe;
  • dry cloth;
  • special liquid for cleaning TV or computer screens;
  • adhesive tape or dust collector;
  • glass.

Step-by-step instruction

An important point preparation of the workplace is considered. Choose a room with a minimum amount of dust. A kitchen or bathroom is best. There is too much textile in the bedroom, which attracts particles to itself. Such a moment prevents the correct process and can complicate the procedure. If you do not know how to stick a protective glass on your phone, follow the steps:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water, then lay out the equipment, the protective glass for the iPhone 6 or other phone on a clean, smooth surface.
  2. Before starting the procedure, remove the old film from the device. To do this, pull slightly on the edge at a 60 degree angle.
  3. Use an alcohol wipe or cleaning cloth to remove dirt from the phone screen. Such a tool is sold in hardware stores or made independently. To do this, you need to mix 5:1 water and alcohol, add some dish gel there.
  4. We rub the display to a shine. If there are dust particles, then we pass along the surface with adhesive tape or a dust collector.
  5. We take the device out of the package and remove the film from it.
  6. We set the protection so that it matches the central button of the gadget and the speakers.
  7. Swipe down the center from top to bottom to secure the patch surface.
  8. We expel the remaining air from the center to the edges with a credit card or a spatula, which is often included.

Do not press too hard on the screen to remove small air bubbles. They will disappear on their own within a few days after the procedure. As a result, you should get a smooth, perfectly even screen coverage. Although strained glass on the phone has a thickness of only 0.18 mm, it perfectly protects the device from mechanical damage.

Is it possible to re-glue the protective glass on the phone

High-quality surfaces for iPhone 5s and other gadget models can be reused. To do this, carefully remove the glass and treat the adhesive side with formic alcohol. Gently wipe it with a cloth soaked in such a liquid, and let it drain a little. Then set the protection according to the speaker and the button. With light movements from the center to the edges, expel air and liquid. Small bubbles will disappear on their own in a day.

The main function of the protective glass is to protect the phone from impact, cracks and scratches. This element takes care of everything. Over time, it becomes unusable, because it loses an attractive appearance. Because of this, the level of protection of the device is reduced. To replace it, you must first learn how to remove the protective glass from the iPhone. This procedure is not difficult. It is enough to follow simple rules.

Why is replacement required?

Before you learn how to remove from "iPhone 6" and 5, you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons for the replacement:

  • The appearance of the phone is spoiled.
  • The protective functions of the device are lost.
  • If you want to change to a new glass.

When the phone has a new protective glass, the device looks neat. There are special accessories for the iPhone that fit perfectly in size. But you can also use universal ones that need to be glued correctly.


You need to take into account one important nuance before removing the protective glass from the "iPhone 5" or 6. Since the screen surface is perfectly smooth, the glass is fixed on it securely. It is held not only by glue, but also by electrostatic forces. The two surfaces are firmly in contact, and therefore the glass will not be removed so easily. It must be pryed off with a fingernail. If you use another object for these purposes, for example, a knife, then there is a possibility of damage to the display.

One won't help either. If firmly adhered to the damaged surface, there will be no vacuum under it, it rebounds with force. When the grip is good, the suction cup does not come off, but another difficulty will appear.

The sensor is attached to the body with double-sided tape or glue. Their strength is less compared to the touchscreen and protective glass. If you apply force, you can rip off the entire screen module, which will damage its cables. Therefore, actions must be deliberate. Only then can you use the instructions on how to remove the protective glass from the iPhone 5s or another type of device.


The work must be done carefully. Before removing the protective glass from the iPhone, you need to prepare everything for the procedure:

  • Mediator.
  • Silicone suction cup.
  • Lint-free napkin.
  • Wiper.
  • Medical gloves.

Some glass kits include everything you need to complete the procedure. If these details are present, then the work is carried out easily.

Dismantling features

How to remove the protective glass from the iPhone so that everything works out neatly. Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap and dry. You can use rubber gloves. This is necessary to protect against the occurrence of fingerprints and streaks. The screen will look neat.

On the damaged glass, you need to find a whole corner where there are no chips or other damage. In it, you need to cling to the suction cup, pressing it against the device. The corner with the suction cup must be pryed off with the help of a mediator, a spatula, so that the glass peels off. To do this, pull the suction cup in your direction.

The procedure must be performed carefully so that the screen is not torn off before a gap is formed. In the absence of a suction cup, you can smoothly insert the mediator into the gap that appears. When peeling, it is necessary to deepen the mediator. With a large screen, two tools need to be used. At the end, you need to lift the suction cup towards you in order to completely remove the glass.

New glass sticker

When the user knows how to remove the protective glass from the iPhone, you can safely perform the procedure. Then, for sure, you will need to glue a new element. To get a good result, work should be done in a clean room. Before gluing, apply a cleaner and treat the surface with it. This is necessary to completely eliminate dust and degrease the surface.

Glass must be taken by the edges. Hands should be washed and dried. You can work with medical gloves. Then you need to pull the tab of the protective film, which is located on the adhesive surface, and remove it. The glass should be kept closer to the smartphone so that dust particles do not stick during operation.

The glass is placed away from the sensor and needs to be centered and aligned. Make sure all holes match. The product must be lowered onto the display, pressing it down a little. Bubbles should be removed immediately by wiping the surface with a dry cloth. At the end, you need to remove the film that served as protection for the product during transportation.

It is better to immediately eliminate dust particles that have fallen under the glass. It is necessary to carefully peel off the glass, removing debris. To do this, you can use a napkin or tweezers. Then the glass is put back in place. After that, the phone will again be protected from damage. The procedure for removing and sticking glass for all iPhones is the same. You just need to choose the right accessory.

Protective glass on "apple" gadgets is designed to protect devices from damage. A high-strength chemical composition is usually used to protect the display from chips and scratches. Some users neglect such protection, but in vain. Protective glass for iPhone 6 and other gadgets can significantly extend the life of your mobile device.

In this article, we will look at how to remove the protective glass from the iPhone 5 and devices of other versions. We will also pay attention to how to glue the protective glass on the iPhone. In addition, we will try to identify the advantages of this method of protecting the display over conventional film.

How to change and how to glue the glass - read detailed instructions below.

Safety glass: properties and features

If we compare the 2 main ways to protect the iPhone display screen - glass and film - most of the criteria will be in favor of the first.

The advantages of glass coating are:

  • Increased strength with a small thickness of only 0.25 mm.
  • The presence of an oleophobic coating that prevents the appearance of fingerprints on the display.
  • Sometimes - the presence of a nano-coating, which gives an increased smoothness of the surface.
  • Reliable fastening with silicone elements that do not allow the coating to move and prevent the formation of bumps and bubbles.

Flexible glasses to protect the display of mobile gadgets can also have hemmed edges. This means that the edges are rounded, so the coating is almost invisible. In addition, if the device is hit against something, the coating will not crumble. So if you are wondering what is the best protective glass - stop your choice on the element with hemmed edges.

Removing glass: precautions

Before you get started, you need to consider some rules. First, remember that the glass is quite strong on the display as it is very smooth. But the element is held not thanks to glue, but with the help of electrostatic forces. Thus, two perfectly flat surfaces are in close contact, and the glass cannot be removed simply by picking it with your finger. But it is also impossible to use a household object for this purpose, for example, a knife, since there is a risk of damaging the screen or case.

A silicone suction cup will not help in this situation either. If you stick this tool to damaged coating, a void forms under it, and when pressed, it will slip off.

And if the mount is good, the suction cup will not go anywhere, but another problem will arise. The fact is that the sensor is attached to the body of the gadget using either glue or adhesive tape. The strength of these substances in terms of rupture is much lower than that of glass or a touchscreen. Therefore, strong pressure can lead to a complete breakdown of the display module and damage to its cables. You need to work carefully and carefully here.

How to remove protective glass from iPhone 5S, 4S

Even taking into account the fact that the period of operation of protective glass is longer than films, it also needs to be changed sometimes. The glass is on a silicone substrate, so it adheres firmly to the display. It takes some skill to remove it.

Before removing the protective element, you need to carefully prepare and purchase some tools and materials, namely:

  • Spatula (or thin plastic card), mediator.
  • Silicone suction cup.
  • Lint-free napkin.
  • Glass cleaner containing alcohol.
  • Gloves.

Sometimes it happens that all the tools and materials listed above come with a new protective glass. But this happens quite rarely.

And the glass removal algorithm itself includes the following steps:

1 Wash your hands well with soap and water before starting work, and then dry them. You can not do this, but just wear gloves. This is to prevent fingerprints or streaks from appearing on the display. 2 If the glass is damaged, you need to choose the area that is best preserved, and on which there are no chips. In this place you need to attach the suction cup, pressing it firmly. 3 In the corner to which the suction cup is attached, you need to attach a mediator or a spatula, and pry it off. The edge of the coating should peel off. To do this, you will need to pull the suction cup towards you a little, but not much. To keep the screen from breaking. So we will achieve the goal so that a small distance forms between the screen and the glass. But if you do not have a suction cup, just insert the pick deeper. 4 In the course of glass peeling, deepen the tool. And if the display is large, you can use 2 mediators or spatulas for the procedure, moving them in different directions. 5 And the last step - we pull the suction cup towards us so that the glass completely moves away from the screen. In this case, you can grab its edges with your fingers and do the same.

How to stick glass on iPhone 6 and other devices

For everything to go perfectly, you need to stick the glass in a clean room where there is no dust. Before sticking the glass, you need to take a lint-free cloth or a simple cloth, wet the display a little with a cleaning agent or alcohol. This is necessary to clean the surface and remove fatty elements from it.

The gluing procedure is as follows:

1 A new protective coating for the display is taken in hand. As with removal, hands should be clean and dry. Or you need to wear gloves. 2 Remove the protective film covering the sticky surface. To do this, you need to pick it up by the tongue and pull. 3 And how to glue the element itself? The glass should be kept as close to the iPhone display as possible so that small particles of debris or dust do not get on it. After all, any surface tends to quickly accumulate dust. 4 Position the glass cover a few millimeters from the display, align and center it. When gluing, you need to act carefully and carefully make sure that all the holes for the keys, speaker and other elements match. 5 Further, the protective glass on the iPhone 5 falls closer to the screen. Lightly pressing and smoothing movements level the surface. So easily we were able to glue the glass to the display. 6 The surface is wiped with a dry cloth. 7 The glued element that protected the glass is removed from above.

If at the end of the procedure you see small dust particles under the protective element, you can peel off part of the glass and blow it out with a vacuum cleaner or remove it with tweezers. Then you need to glue the element back again. How to re-glue glass, you already know.

Now you know how to stick a protective glass on an iPhone. There is nothing complicated in this procedure, replacing the glass on the iPhone 5S is as easy as shelling pears. Gluing the protective glass on the iPhone must be carefully prepared. And the main thing here is to keep everything clean.

Which is better - glass or film?

The answer is obvious - of course, it is better to opt for glass protection. But the point is not only in shock-resistant properties, but also in durability. One has only to note that the glass on an iPhone 4 or another version of the gadget costs twice as much as a regular film.

So the final choice is up to the user. Think for yourself - what is better - to pay more, but in the future to avoid expensive device repairs or save now, but then lay out a lot of money. Screen replacement is one of the most expensive species repair of "apple" gadgets. But, on the other hand, the film is also not a bad option.

As a result, the summary will be as follows. The film is affordable. It protects the display from small scratches, removes glare and covers the entire screen. Do I need a protective film for the iPhone screen, given its characteristics? Certainly yes. Moreover, its cost is low, and how to stick a film is an even simpler task than in the case of glass.

Glass is an expensive option. It gives glare, but transmits light to the maximum, and also reliably protects against strong falls and deep cracks. And if you've found a way to save up for an iPhone, you won't be satisfied with the cheap security options. In any case, knowing how to save up for an expensive device, you can find funds for good accessories for the iPhone 6S or other device.

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It is best to stick the protection immediately after purchase. Then the smartphone will last a long time, and you won't have to worry about scratches and chips.

Protective glasses are produced for all models and brands of smartphones with a touch screen: from Sony before Samsung. Moreover, manufacturers claim that glass protects the screen much better than the film.

It is heavier, it is a little more difficult to stick, but it provides complete protection against mechanical damage. Glasses differ in price and characteristics.

To choose the right one, just pay attention to the coating - glossy or matte. Matte coating does not glare, but also costs more.

The thickness of the protective glass can vary from 0.2 to 0.3 mm.

Rice. No. 1. Samsung phone and protective glass on it

It consists of five main layers:

  • silicone layer. Thanks to this layer, the glass is glued to the screen.
  • Retaining layer. Essential for heavy hitting. Even if the display is broken, the protective glass will not let it shatter.
  • Antiblock layer. It prevents the display from dimming.
  • Protective, hardest layer. It protects against scratches, abrasions and chips.
  • Oleophobic layer - top. It is water resistant. Prints from the top layer are easily removed with a regular cloth.

The first step is to look at what is in the glass box. Ideally, if there is an alcohol wipe, a microfiber cloth and a well-packed glass. If something is missing, you should first find it necessary tools and then start gluing.

  • First step. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Otherwise, greasy spots will appear on the display. Then we remove the old film or old glass. To quickly remove the film, just pick it up around the corner and pull it lightly. To make it more convenient to work, it is better to remove the case from the phone.

Advice! Prepare in advance workplace. Free up free space and set up a good light. If the lighting is insufficient, you can miss stains or dust.

  • Second step. Screen preparation. Throw away the old film or glass. Then you need to degrease the surface. An alcohol wipe is great for this (see Figure #3). If not, you can soak a cotton pad in alcohol. If there is none, ordinary fabric and perfume or cologne will do. It is important to carefully process the screen without leaving a single greasy mark or streak. With poor processing, the glass often peels off and has to be reinstalled.

Rice. No. 7. Removing the protective glass

To remove and reinstall the glass, you just need to repeat the entire algorithm above. Manufacturers claim that the glass can be removed and installed several times, but it is better to try to stick it correctly the first time.

5. How to choose glass

To properly glue the protective glass, it is important to know which one is right for your phone.

Here are some tips to help you with this:

  • The thickness of the glass should not be too large or too small. In the first case, it is worth remembering that the thickness does not in any way affect the strength and scratch resistance. In addition, as practice shows, greasy fingerprints easily remain on thick glass and it is more difficult to wash them. The optimal thickness, according to experts, is from 0.2 to 0.35 mm.

It is interesting: Most sites write that the thickness of the glass has a bad effect on its flexibility. But, excuse me, why does the protective glass on the phone need flexibility? The phone does not bend! On the contrary, it is better that the glass does not bend and, thus, better holds the phone. Another thing is that thickness is not related to strength.

  • Buy glass exclusively for your phone model. On the forums you can find information that such products can supposedly be sawn, cut or otherwise modified. So, this is not true! During manufacturing, the manufacturer takes into account where the phone has speakers, a flashlight, a flash, a front camera and other elements. You cannot make the corresponding holes manually, because in this case you will simply break the glass, and it will need to be thrown away.
  • The optimum strength is 9N according to experts. Maybe a little less or a little more. Interestingly, if the glass is more durable, then damage will be inevitable when hitting the end. On the other hand, less strength will not provide sufficient protection for falls on the front side.
  • When buying, attach the glass to the phone and see if the picture is distorted. If it is distorted, you should not buy it. Also pay attention to the butt. If somewhere you see shades yellow color, over time they will become more noticeable and, again, it is better to look for another model.

  • Be sure to check out the reviews. In this regard, it is better to buy such products on the Internet, because thanks to this you will be able to read what other people write about a particular model. But even if you go to a regular store, still take your smartphone with you and go online to read reviews.

These basic tips will help you choose the best protective glass.

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