Proper repair of damaged car paintwork. car body polishing

Auto 08.02.2018

The main advantages of local repair paintwork for the car owner, it saves time and money. Like any work that is not carried out on the entire part, but on its limited area, partial painting requires much less effort and is technologically simpler. So, such a stage as the dismantling of the damaged part is immediately abolished, since the new painting is done on the spot.

In addition, this is what also allows you to save the factory assembly of the car, without violating the design by outside interference. It is also obvious that there is a significant reduction in the consumption of materials used for local painting, when compared with traditional options.

The price of local painting is from 2500 rubles. depending on the complexity of the work.

Preparation for staining with a local method begins with a detailed and thorough diagnosis. There are times when it is difficult to determine at first glance whether there are more serious problems in the place of damage than just stripped paint, and even a simple scratch, if it is deep enough, needs to be restored, and not just a new layer of varnish. That's why initial stage we can consider the process of leveling all dents, straightening the affected area, returning the surface to its original evenness and smoothness.

Very small defects, not exceeding a couple of millimeters in depth, are usually sealed with putty or a special compound, and then sanded to achieve smoothness and uniformity with the rest of the part.

The painting process itself is carried out according to the principle of a kind of target: in the center there is a directly disturbed area, and around it a special zone is left for “washing out” in order to make the transition to the factory coating as smooth and imperceptible as possible.

There are many options and ways to perform partial coloring, this technology is only developing today, and different manufacturers of paints and equipment offer their own solutions. But the whole process scheme can be divided into 2 large stages: applying the base enamel (color) and varnish. So, the main paint usually requires three applications with obligatory intervals for drying.

It is important that each of the layers be applied as accurately and evenly as possible - a lot depends on the professionalism of the painter and the quality of the paint itself. It is often possible to observe a defect called "apple", when the paint falls in spots, and areas of a different shade appear through the new layer. To eliminate the trouble, the last base layer is applied by spraying, evenly painting over the entire surface of the damage.

The main difficulty of the technology is right choice shade of paint (pigment) and varnish, which is best carried out on computer equipment using special programs. In a good service, they can offer an extensive database of colors, including original ones for cars of many well-known companies. This parameter very important, as the result of staining will be much better.

The body is the most vulnerable part of the car. arise not only as a result of an accident, but also due to the simple, even very careful operation of transport. Mechanical damage, changes in temperature conditions, weather conditions, effects industrial waste- all this is reflected, first of all, in the appearance of the car. More than half of all used cars have scratches, chips, small deformations and cracks, the causes of which could be, for example, stones that have bounced off while driving or the mortar of repaired roads.

Local coating repair

If there is a need for repair work on the paintwork of the car, it is immediately worth noting that the cost will depend on their type. So, for example, removing minor damage car bodies can be made independently with Fix it Pro gel. There are a lot of advantages to such a corrective fluid. Firstly, Fix it Pro does not mask scratches, like most products, but evenly fills the damaged area with a gel that has the same structure as the top layer of car paintwork.

Secondly, the Fix it Pro pencil is always “at hand”, which means that by treating damaged areas of the body in a timely manner, metal corrosion can be prevented. And, thirdly, the price of a gel pencil to remove scratches is much lower than the cost of paintwork. So why pay more if the result is no different? Moreover, you can buy the original Fix it Pro marker without leaving your home, using the convenient order form on this resource.

There are two types of body repair: local and complex body repair. The first type is more commonly practiced. coatings are used in cases where it is necessary to paint a certain area of ​​​​the body, on which minor defects have appeared. A comprehensive repair is applicable if the body has significant damage covering a large area. Under the local repair of the paint and varnish coating is understood a number of works:

  • Removing, repairing and painting scratches
  • Repair of various kinds of deformations (dents) without painting
  • Repair and painting of chips

It is recommended to repair small damages at least once a year. The reason for this is considered to be the rapid progression of destruction processes: within just one year, a small defect can significantly increase in size (up to ten times). Note that a small 1 mm spot is not a tragedy, but after a year it is a 10 cm rust patch. This is already a big problem.

Therefore, the sooner you start repairing a defect that has appeared, the smaller the surface will have to be restored. In addition, this saves not only time and effort, but also the materials used. Local repair of the paintwork is carried out with maximum preservation of the factory paintwork finish. This type of work is carried out without violating the body factory assembly of the car, since it does not require the dismantling of painted body elements. small scratches can be eliminated by polishing the surface. If the defects are more severe, a comprehensive repair is indispensable.

The technology of local repair of car paintwork is constantly evolving, acquiring new nuances and features. If the technique of painting a car as a whole is relatively unchanged, then local painting– is a completely different matter. It is determined based on current state machine covers. At first glance, it seems that it is not difficult to “patch” the body, but in fact it is a complex process. It is desirable that such work be carried out by a specialist, since it is necessary to carry out high-quality painting without visible signs of local repairs.

It consists not only in a set of certain knowledge, but also in the correct selection of materials, as well as the availability of practical experience. The procedure takes place in two stages: applying a base coat and spraying varnish. The correct application of the base is a very important element of body repair. The quality of this layer largely depends on the skill and experience of the car painter.

The composition is applied in several layers with the obligatory drying of each of them. The main difficulty that the master faces is the uneven application of paint, the manifestation of the so-called apple effect. The problem lies in the uneven application of paint to the surface. And when applying a second layer on a poor-quality first, a change in shade is possible. As a result, spots or stripes of a different tone appear on the paintwork of the car.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to supply air and paint before starting work. When spraying the last layer, it is necessary to increase the air supply and apply a layer paintwork material by spraying, carefully monitoring the evenness of the resulting coating. Then you can start painting the surface. It is necessary to apply two layers of varnish with obligatory drying between them.

It can be carried out with infrared lamps, which significantly reduces the operating time. Optimally matched temperature regime and distance to the painted surface allow to produce quality drying all types of paint and varnish coatings, including water-based materials. Today it is already impossible to imagine body repair without special equipment.

Specialized workshops are equipped with various modern tools that allow you to quickly, and most importantly, to carry out high-quality local repair of the paintwork. Such equipment is no longer a rarity. A person who decides to paint a car on his own can purchase it at any specialized store.

One of these tools is a spotter - automatic spot welding. Such a welding machine is used when straightening body elements that are difficult to access from the inside. Carrying out body repair work using a spotter consists in welding a fastener, for which the jammed metal is subsequently pulled out.

In addition, it can spot-heat the metal surface of the machine, thereby allowing you to restore the original rigidity and shape of the element being repaired. Modern equipment reduces the time of work, providing good result coverage, to which the original appearance, provided, of course, a skilled user.

Local car paint repair has a number of advantages:

  • Saving time and money
  • Maximum preservation of the original coating
  • Lack of boundaries of the repaired area
  • No disassembly of body parts

Local chip repair

Chips are damage to the surface of the car body, characterized by deep defects in the factory paintwork. Their occurrence is serious factor indicating the need for repair. The urgency of the repair work does not depend on which part of the car body is deformed.

The chips are vulnerabilities through which moisture penetrates without any obstacles, chemical components of road surface treatment (building mixtures, compounds that corrode ice in winter period etc.). All this contributes to the rapid development of corrosion of the metal car body. If you keep putting off repairs, the aforementioned destructive processes will eventually lead to rust. The paintwork of the car will gradually begin to break down, crack and flake off.

The cause of chips on the surface of the body are small stones and sand flying out from under the wheels of passing cars and crashing into the paintwork of your car body. Depending on the speed of movement, chips can be different in depth and size. Thus, the repair of chipped paintwork should be carried out as quickly as possible to avoid corrosion and rust.

The manager becomes the first specialist who conducts an external inspection of the car. He assesses the degree of damage to the paintwork and establishes a list of necessary restoration repairs. Then we move on to choosing the right shade of paint. In specialized car services, there is a separate person for this - a colorist. Using a set of special tools, he will accurately select the desired tone of the body paintwork. Here, once again, we draw your attention to the fact that it is desirable to select materials (putty, enamels) from one manufacturer.

We proceed to cleaning the surface of damaged and exfoliated layers of enamel. If the chip is quite old and deep, the surface is cleaned to metal. Sometimes you have to use rust converters. Grinding is done with large sandpaper on a dry surface. Puttying, despite its apparent simplicity, is a rather time-consuming process.

It can even be defined as basic stage. Often, to eliminate the defect, it is necessary to apply several layers of putty. But do not forget: each subsequent layer is applied on a well-dried previous one. After finishing the putty, we proceed to grinding the dried body. The final stage is the application of enamel.

The technology of local repair of car paint coating involves the application of several layers of paint. The work is carried out with the obligatory drying of each applied layer of enamel. The local repair is completed by drying the varnish layer and polishing the painted area. All components are selected so that at the end of the work, a strong multilayer structure is formed at the cleavage site, indistinguishable against the general background of the body coating.

Since the paintwork is exposed to constant environment, it is necessary to monitor its condition. Regardless of the quality of the paintwork, during the operation of the car, it is gradually destroyed. Depending on the operating conditions of the car and the frequency of its maintenance, the service life of the paintwork depends. Despite the outward harmlessness of small scratches, they must be eliminated in a timely manner. The fact is that even minor damage can contribute to the development of corrosion on the car body. At the same time, rust does not just cover the affected surface, but literally grows over the surface of the car. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly diagnose the car body and in a timely manner, carry out local repairs of the paintwork.

Local repair of a paint and varnish covering.

If, on the surface car paintwork Minor scratches found, nothing to worry about. AT this case, local repair of the paintwork will correct the situation. This type of work is freely carried out by motorists in their own garage. Local repair of paintwork does not require special skills and extensive experience. The most important thing is to carefully follow the order of work to eliminate scratches. With enough desire and responsibility, you will get the desired result and completely save the body from scratches. For the successful implementation of the paintwork, the basic rules for the preparation and restoration of the coating are provided.

Stages of restoration of LCP.

  1. Before starting local repair of the paintwork, it is necessary to prepare the damaged area for further work. For this, we need fine sandpaper to avoid unwanted scratches. The damaged surface must be carefully treated with the specified material. Surface treatment, to be carried out until a noticeable difference appears between the restored area and the rest of the body. After the surface is cleaned of rust, it is necessary to carefully remove the accumulated dust and degrease. To do this, we soak the rags with a special agent and wash the surface to be restored. If you have reached the surface of the metal, you must restore the primer before painting. To do this, using a rubber scraper, evenly distribute the soil over the surface. Next, you need to wait until the coating is completely dry. Depending on the manufacturer and brand of primer, the drying time may vary. In this case, you must follow the supplied instructions.

After complete drying, it is necessary to clean the primer with sandpaper until an even layer appears.

  1. Now you need to prepare a stencil for staining. Thus, we will prevent paint from getting into unnecessary places. For the manufacture of a stencil, ordinary cardboard is suitable. The outer part of the stencil should protect the surrounding part of the body from paint ingress. The inner part should be slightly larger than the damaged area and not interfere with staining.

In specialized salons, protective material is used for the rest of the body surface. For local repairs with your own hands, you can use improvised means (paper or newspaper). With the help of protective material, we isolate neighboring parts of the body from paint ingress. After the paint is applied to the surface, the paper can be removed.

  1. Now, you can move on to applying paint. For uniform application of paint, it is better to use a special sprayer. Staining must be carried out, slightly beyond the stencil. Thus, we will avoid unwanted stripes after we get rid of the stencil. You can paint using a brush, but in this case it is difficult to avoid streaks. The paint is applied gradually, in several layers. On average, the surface is painted three times. It must be borne in mind that the desired color will appear after the surface has completely dried. In case the paint does not match the factory, if necessary, you can add an additional layer. Next, you need to completely dry the painted surface. Drying time may vary depending on the manufacturer and vehicle painting conditions. Before using the paint, carefully read the instructions that come with it. After the paint has dried, it is necessary to polish the surface. To increase the service life of the surface, it is possible to carry out processing special tool(to prevent corrosion). After the repair of scratches is completed, the surface can be polished with wax.

Repairing paintwork and eliminating scratches is not a difficult type of work. At the same time, it is necessary to approach the matter carefully and responsibly. Following the instructions, you will successfully restore the damaged surface. Good LPC Repair!

No matter how carefully the driver drives his car, no matter how well he avoids accidents, there are still many factors due to which, unfortunately, the car body is damaged. Small stones, gravel, sand, plant branches and other debris - all this hits your car while driving, although you yourself may not notice it. But we have not yet mentioned the merciless car wash. As a result, various scratches, chips and other deformations form on the paintwork. It seems to be nothing terrible, why spend money on such minor repairs? But if a layer of varnish and paint has been pierced through, there is a high probability of a gradual appearance of rust in this place, and then in this case the cost of restoring the paintwork and bodywork will increase.

The results of auto repair by our specialists

Ways to restore the paintwork of a car

Paintwork defects are divided by surface area and penetration depth. Surface repair technology entirely depends on these factors, for example, the best deal is a violation of the top layer of the paintwork. For this case, it will be enough to polish the damaged area from the "spoiled" varnish.

In the worst case, namely with deep and wide scratches, the restoration of the car's paintwork will occur in stages:

  1. Cleaning up the defect
  2. Putty and primer
  3. Applying paintwork
  • With wide scratches, it is more profitable and more aesthetically pleasing to resort to full coloring of the part.
  • In case of minor damage, it will be enough to paint locally.
  • Polishing
  • In the Max-Ams car service, our specialists carry out high-quality restoration of the paintwork specifically according to the technology that is needed in your case. We value the time of our customers, and therefore we are ready to evaluate the nature of the work according to the photo you sent!

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