Maxim petrov instagram dancing with the stars. Ballroom choreographer

diets 25.06.2019

The actress, star of the series "Mosgaz" and the film "Everyone will die, but I will stay" - Agniya Kuznetsova - and her husband - dancer Maxim Petrov - got married in September 2015, but today they got married for the second time. In such an unusual way, the couple decided to celebrate not only Agnia's birthday, which was yesterday, but also the anniversary of their engagement.

A year of being engaged!!! 10 months married. I love you my scorpion!!!

Agnia signed a picture taken during a vacation in Gorno-Altaisk. In the photo, Kuznetsova poses in a snow-white dress and veil - as befits any bride. As for the groom, he also chose a festive suit, but refused strict ties and a tuxedo.

Agniya Kuznetsova and Maxim Petrov in AltaiAgniya Kuznetsova in Altai

"Cossacks!!! Wedding!!!" - signed photo Agnia

Recall that Agnia and Maxim first came out together and stopped hiding their romance in June last year at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi. To the question of a journalist HELLO! about how their relationship is developing, Agnia replied: “I would like to become a heroine family history...", and also spoke about another, more global dream - to become a mother of at least two children. The first wish of the actress to herself has already come true, we wish you a speedy fulfillment of the second!

"and" Dancing with the Stars 2016 "on the channel" Russia 1 ".

Maxim Petrov. Biography

Maxim Petrov - dancer international class, and on the project Dancing with the Stars He was entrusted with an unusual student. For Valeria Gai Germanika, participation in a TV show is a debut: she didn’t know how to dance before the program at all.

Maxim Petrov now lives in Europe, but regularly visits Russia, including his native Barnaul, to teach lessons to students. At the same time, he Maxim Petrov he discovered the dancer in himself quite late: he took his first steps on the floor at the age of 14. But the student turned out to be capable.

On the show, Valeria Gai Germanika told Maxim Petrov a lot about her friend, and later introduced the dancer to actress Agnia Kuznetsova. Petrov, who lived for a long time abroad, did not know anything about the actress.

“When we began to train with Maxim, I liked that he constantly reassured me. You feel that someone is walking next to you, as if watching you. Well, how to explain it? Such a protective energy, ”Agniya Kuznetsova said in an interview.

September 16, 2015 Maxim Petrov and Agniya Kuznetsova became husband and wife.

Maxim admits that after meeting with Agnia he became more confident in himself: “I’m probably more cautious, but Agnia, I can say, is the first person who gave me some kind of confidence. I have 100% confidence in this man. I don't know, I'm ready for a lot for her! She motivates me. I believe that every woman should do this in a relationship with a man, this is her main task. At the same time, Agnia is a clear leader.”

“People find in ballet something that cannot be obtained in any other way,” the Russian choreographer Maxim Petrov very aptly defined the essence of his art.

The future artist was born in the village of Novolisino, located in the Leningrad Region. He studied the art of dance at the Academy of Russian Ballet. A.Ya. Vaganova, where Gennady Naumovich Selyutsky was his mentor. After completing his studies in 2012, Maxim becomes an artist at the Mariinsky Theatre. He performs in various ballets, both classical and modern. He performs a mazurka in "", a Hindu dance in "", a folk dance in "Romeo and Juliet", Amethysts in "The Stone Flower" - thus, there were no central parts in the dancer's repertoire. Not striving to become a leading soloist, the artist showed himself on the other side - he discovered the ballet master's talent in himself.

Petrov was able to show this side of his talent thanks to the Creative Workshop of Young Choreographers. In 2014, within the framework of this project, which exists in the theater, he staged a one-act ballet performance "Cinema". Musical basis a very difficult one was chosen for the production - the work of the same name by the French composer, however, the young choreographer brilliantly managed to dance and dramatize his music (the ballet reveals the tragedy of a person rejected by society). The production caused a lot of positive reviews, the debut of the novice choreographer was considered successful. Soon, within the framework of another project - "Dance-Platform" - Petrov will present the play "Quartet" to the music of Gabriel Fauré in Yekaterinburg.

Along with the creation of one-act ballet performances, the ballet master's talent manifests itself in opera performances. He works on choreographic scenes in operas staged by original contemporary directors: The Golden Cockerel directed by Anna Mathison, Samson and Delilah directed by Yannis Kokkos, War and Peace directed by Graham Vick.

In 2015, again within the framework of the same project, the choreographer presented his new creation. Since this was the second one-act ballet staged by him at the Mariinsky Theatre, the choreographer, without further ado, gave it an extremely simple title - Ballet No. 2. Based on Alexander Tsfasman's Jazz Suite for Piano and Orchestra, this work brilliantly conveys the nostalgically bright image of the Soviet era. Shortly thereafter, in June, for a benefit performance by Mariinsky Theater artist Igor Kolb, the choreographer staged the one-act ballet The King's Divertimento. In this production, based on the works of Jean-Philippe Rameau, against the backdrop of a projection of a luxurious palace hall, an action takes place that ironically presents court dances of the 17th century - and this action is controlled, of course, by the French monarch. The viewer unfolds either a pastoral about love for a beautiful shepherdess, or a picture of the “victory of Zephyr over Boreas,” or the story of Rinaldo and Armida.

It is safe to say that Maxim Petrov succeeds in recreating the spirit of bygone eras superbly. Along with Ballet No. 2 and The King's Divertissement, this motif is present in the ballet "", created on the basis of the symphonic work of the same name by the American composer Karen Le Frac. Turning to this work, inspired by Fokine's "Vision of the Rose", the choreographer suggested " modern look to the “Vision of the Rose”: in the hall of the Pavlovsk Palace, the exhibits of the Museum of the History of Costume are dancing - ladies and gentlemen of bygone times.

For his next creation, Petrov chose not the most famous work - "Russian Overture", written in 1936, shortly after the composer's return to his homeland. In the production of Petrov, the cheerfulness of this work is brilliantly conveyed.

In 2017, the choreographer presents a duet number to the music of "Tromba Lontana". In the same year, he took part in Sergei Danilyan's project "Dreamers", creating within its framework a production to the music of the Daft Punk group.

Despite his youth, Maxim Petrov has already managed to show himself as an interesting and original choreographer. However, the choreographer himself is in no hurry to confidently talk about his style - as it seems to him, he is still trying to find it, striving to create something of his own along the way, without repeating anyone else's achievements, although he has favorite choreographers who he can find something interesting (for example, he really appreciates George Balanchine). Work on ballet performances is not always easy - for example, it happens that the performers have difficulty accepting the ideas of the choreographer. In dancers, Maxim Petrov appreciates, first of all, the combination of coordination of movements and ingenuity.

Although the number of ballets created by Maxim Petrov is not yet so large, it can already be said with confidence that this talented choreographer will delight the audience with new performances more than once.

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Yesterday, the 30-year-old star of the series "Short Course happy life for the 35-year-old dancer Maxim Petrov. The newlyweds signed at the Wedding Palace at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, which is located on a picturesque alley with fruit trees. The list of guests at the celebration was very small, about ten people. Agnia and Maxim invited only their closest friends to the All-Russian Exhibition Center. Of course, among them was the director Valeria Gai Germanika. It was she who introduced her close friend Agnia to Maxim, with whom she paired on the TV show Dancing with the Stars a few months ago. Gaius Germanicus, by the way, also arranged her personal life after this project. She recently married dancer Vadim Lyubushkin and they came to yesterday's wedding together.

After the Wedding Palace, the newlyweds invited their friends and relatives to a party in the Hermitage Garden. No special access control was established in the park on this occasion. The restaurant where the celebration took place was operating normally. The Hermitage is a favorite meeting place among bohemian youth, and young couples love it very much. In the center of the park, next to the fountain, there is a symbolic heart, next to which newly-baked husbands and wives once again swear fidelity to each other. This ceremony was performed by Kuznetsova and Petrov.

Agniya Kuznetsova wedding dress by Svetlana Tegin Photo: @svetlana.tegin (Facebook of Svetlana Tegin)

For Agnia and Maxim, this is the first official marriage. Kuznetsova had previously had Leonid Bichevin. After a painful break with him, she was in search of a loved one for a long time. But for Petrov, these are the first serious relationship in his life. Work has always been in the first place for Maxim. But everything changed when Agnia appeared in his life. They met just a few months ago and did not drag out the wedding, realizing that they fit each other perfectly.

Photo: @agniakyza (Instagram Agnia Kuznetsova)

The wedding dress for Agnia was made by Svetlana Tegin. The designer admitted that this style and the pale blue color of the fabric also mean a lot to her personally. This is exactly what Svetlana's mother's first dress was, which she sewed after the war, and since then it has always symbolized true happiness. The wedding dress was also to the liking of Agnia Kuznetsova. The dress was both refined and comfortable, because young people spent the whole main day of their lives in motion. The night after the celebration, he and Maxim spent at the hotel, and in the morning they went to the pool.

Agnia was born in Novosibirsk, in a creative family of an artist and a teacher of arts and crafts at the Institute of Arts of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Surrounded by artists from early childhood, she herself, even before she went to school, began to join fine arts. She confidently held a brush, loved to paint with oils, learned from her parents to prime canvases. Only now her perseverance was not inherited.

But Agnia discovered artistic reading. She often won reading competitions, thanks to which, when dad brought her to the theater studio, she immediately got into senior group— at the age of 11!

The actress talks about warm relations in family. The father was the center of the universe for little Agnia. He not only painted amazingly, but also owned all available musical instruments. At first, he dreamed that the girl would master the vocal art. But in the music studio, the desire to sing was hacked to death: “The voice is loud, but nasty,” the teachers said.

But the theater studio came to the girl's taste.

She grew up in the loving family in the world. An atmosphere of mutual support and creativity reigned at home. For complete happiness, when Agnia was 10, she had a little brother. As the mother of the actress recalls, she was a kind and complaisant girl. But exactly until the moment when in an idyllic family life no thunder. Parents, as best they could, explained to the children that they were getting divorced.


Birds of the Sky (2005)

The drama fell on transitional age Agnes. And she rebelled. The actress tells how, together with her best friend, who, ironically, was also going through a parental separation, they came up with different methods of suicide in order to take revenge. But as a result, they decided to “punish” their parents with a ruble and began to steal money.

Later, trying to forgive her father and make peace with him, the girl told about her tricks. And he admitted that he knew everything and allowed: "Always take as much as you need." It was a real shock for the future actress.

Papa also infected Agniya with love for the theater. She says that her parent really sculpted her, like his little Galatea: he helped with the analysis of difficult places for performances in the theater studio, slipped the necessary literature. Thanks to him, while still at school, Agnia read books by Mikhail Chekhov, watched black-and-white recordings of cult performances at the Moscow Art Theater and Sovremennik.

“You are the most talented and you will succeed!” Dad repeated. Despite the fact that he started new family, never forgot about his children, never missed a single performance of his daughter. It was he, when she turned 16, who took Agnia to Moscow to enter the theater, and literally took her by the hand to all universities, preventing the girl from panicking.


Pair of bays (2009)

And the daughter seemed to be ashamed of herself. The actress describes her appearance with a significant amount of irony. Say, a little one, with a funny childish bangs and a big mouth, entered the corridors of theatrical universities and met the surprised glances of other applicants. The girls are all tall and beautiful, the boys are prominent, well-built.

One by one, she failed her first audition. She came to the Shchukin Higher Theater School already in despair. The assistant, who was the first to watch a fragment of the program, rejected the girl, but regretted: “Since I’ve come, I’ll let you in for viewing.”

Agnia read a piece, left the audience and ordered her father to leave. They were already heading for the exit when they heard: “Agnia, Agnia! Your name is there!" She came back, not believing her ears. "Will you play the boy?" someone from the admissions office asked. “I will, I will, I will play everything!”

So the girl reached the last round. There, frightened, in the company of fifteen more tall and slender applicants, she began to read the monologue of a prostitute from Gorky's "At the Bottom". She was so carried away by the bitter fate of her heroine that she sobbed during the audition, not sparing her feelings, and suddenly saw how the selection committee, covering her face with her hands, just rolled with laughter.

She already thought it was a failure, when she suddenly heard: “Do you need it? Take it, ”Vladimir Etush, rector of Pike, said through laughter, addressing the master of the course. And Kuznetsova was enlisted.


Cargo 200 (2007)

The first shooting - at first very small, in episodes, Agnia began as a student. But the main and controversial role, after which critics called the still young Kuznetsova a truly strong dramatic actress, was waiting for her at the cult Alexei Balabanov.

She was invited to become the same Angelica in the terrible and hopeless Cargo 200. After reading the script, she knew she wanted to try. In her interview, she will tell that she was not embarrassed, understanding in what terrible scenes she would have to participate, she calmly reacted to the “nude” shooting. “I longed for a feat,” Kuznetsova will say.

The next picture was no less scandalous. The original actress liked the eccentric director Valeria Gai Germanika. She was looking for girls for the main roles in the tape, which after the release will make a noise no less than "Cargo 200" - "Everyone will die, but I will stay." Young and thin Agniya fit the type, and on the tests it turned out that the temperament too.

She played one of the ninth graders - the most promiscuous. In her interview, the girl will say that these shootings were worse than those of Balabanov. On the very first day, a real dead cat was brought to the site, although it was frozen. The girl buried her pet and, saying goodbye to him, had to kiss.

Did a few takes. The cat was melting under the hot summer sun, stinking terribly, and Germanicus demanded: “Cuddle him to yourself, why are you with him, as with a step-in? Kiss!". I had to exactly fulfill the requirements of the director.

These two deep dramas gave Agnia a good start. She was invited to the cinema, she established herself as a theater actress.

Her bright debut with Balabanov took place in 2007, and over the next decade Kuznetsova starred in more than forty films. The viewer remembered her brilliant work in "Made in the USSR", the actress also looked organically in the role of Sonya Gurvich in the modern "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...".


Hear my heart (2010)

While the career was gaining momentum, things in the personal life of the young actress were different.

Her first love was classmate Leonid Bichevin. The actress says that on the course, almost all the girls were in love with the beautiful and energetic Lenya. And she herself persuaded herself that no, she was not in love, and he didn’t suit her, and they would definitely expel him ... in fact, the girl was afraid that she would not suit the bright Bichevin.

But fate decreed otherwise. Once, at a party in honor of Maslenitsa, a conversation began between the future actors. Then, heated up in the heat of the argument, Agnia blurted out, they say, there is no love, it does not exist! And Lenya began to prove that she was wrong.

The actress says that now it's hard to believe, but they lived together in a communal apartment. They had no money at all, but there was a lot of happiness and love.

They quarreled after the first joint project- the same "Cargo 200", where they starred together. During filming, the couple still enjoys love, and immediately after the premiere, they part in different directions.

Agnia cannot explain what caused such a sudden separation. The lovers tried to remain friends, ran away together to St. Petersburg several times, maintained relationships, took care of each other for a long time, but they no longer became a couple.


The actress says that after parting with Bichevin, she herself chose a couple several times, but everything was not right. Only in her thirties did she want to settle down. In an interview, Kuznetsova says that one day she suddenly realized: it's pointless to be with someone if it's not a real feeling. So the moment came when she was left alone.

After being alone with herself and listening to her own thoughts, she came to the conclusion that she wanted to real family, which has its own house in which love lives. And once she said a prayer in which she very clearly outlined her new lover.

When later a short time at the birthday party of the child Valeria Gai Germanika, she introduced her to the professional dancer Maxim Petrov, noted for herself that he was well-mannered and courteous. But no more.

And fate intervened again. Soon Agnia was invited as a star for one of the charity performances on the show "Dancing with the Stars". Surprisingly, it was Maxim who became the partner for her number!

The actress admits that romantic feelings began to emerge during rehearsals, but then she forbade herself to think about love - after all, you must first do a quality job! After the performance, they had to leave. But they couldn't.

Already on the first date, the girl said that she did not see the point in a relationship with a person who would not have serious intentions. She honestly said that she wants a family. To her surprise, Maxim agreed.

They had a beautiful wedding, and after that a completely different, calm and measured life began. Agnia says that the couple's friends are joking, saying take care of Maxim, he is so good! “Lord, we need to somehow correspond to him now,” the actress smiles happily.

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