What to do for the family for the new year. How to celebrate new year at home

Family and relationships 23.12.2017
Family and relationships

New Year is a wonderful holiday that is loved and expected by everyone, without exception, both adults and children. It is also called a family holiday, and many prefer to see off old year and meet new home. And if you associate the celebration of the New Year at home with eating food prepared for the festive table for New Year's programs broadcast on TV, then this is a deep delusion. How is it at home so that it will be remembered until next year? The most important thing is to arm yourself with a good mood and inspiration, because it will depend on you exactly in what atmosphere the meeting of the coming year will take place.

First you need to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming event. And this is quite a tricky business. And preparation, of course, begins with decorating the house. It is very important to create a magical New Year's atmosphere in your home. Because the coming the year will come to us under the sign of the Blue Wooden Goat (Sheep), then it would be good to use elements of the corresponding color in decorating the house, for example, napkins, balls, vases.

Surely from the last New Year's holiday you still have blue balls, ribbons and serpentine. Use them to decorate your home. Also decorate the interior indoor plants which will surely please the hostess of the year. The main rule in the transformation of a house or apartment is softness and sophistication. As a result, you should be comfortable and warm. Decorations made from natural materials are suitable: felt, wood, made from threads.

If you have the time and love to create, you can make decorations yourself by calling on children to help. You can also decorate a Christmas tree with homemade toys, and it’s not at all necessary to buy expensive ones.

Do not forget to hang a bell on the door and the Christmas tree, which will become the main attribute of the coming year. Remember how cute the bell on the lamb's neck looks. If you want to celebrate the New Year together with your loved one, create a romantic atmosphere in the house, light beautiful candles.

What entertainment to come up with

Before developing entertainment, you need to decide with whom you will celebrate. There are several options:

  1. celebrate at home with relatives;
  2. celebrate at home with close friends;
  3. celebrate together.

If you already know who you will be with, for example, you want to invite relatives whom you have long wanted to gather in your house, then you can send them invitation cards. Can you imagine what their surprise will be, in the age of the Internet, to receive a postcard in the mail? And that it will be very, very pleasant, do not even doubt it! Remember how great it was in childhood to receive New Year's cards, and in our hearts we are always children.

To organize an interesting home celebration, you should not limit yourself to a feast, it is very commonplace. It would be nice to come up with an idea that will determine the direction of New Year's Eve. If you decide to invite friends for the New Year, you can arrange a theme party. Come up with a theme and make an appropriate one entertainment program. The theme can be chosen absolutely any at your discretion. Don't forget to think about outfits and music. The choice of theme is limited only by the imagination of the organizers of the holiday and, in some cases, the area of ​​​​the available territory, where the main fun will take place. You can fantasize over this question and fantasize.

How to celebrate the New Year at home if there are children at the holiday? So that no one is offended, it is necessary to take into account the age of all guests - both adults and small ones, and come up with contests in which both children and their parents can participate. There are a huge number of contests, games and quizzes, from which it will not be difficult to choose the right ones. Among the most popular are forfeits, team games, lotteries. Or you can come up with a competition yourself, which will be even more interesting. Let all guests without exception be involved. If possible, prepare small prizes for the winners, this will add solemnity to the holiday. Or the prize may be the performance of a song or the recitation of a poem by the losers for the winner. To do this, notes with one New Year's word are placed in the box. What word will come across when pulling out a note from the box, this will be the song. It will turn out to be very funny, especially if the younger audience wins. There will be no limit to children's delight when adults perform for them. Usually the opposite happens.

It is a known fact that in new year's eve children dream of seeing Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Surely you or your friends have costumes for these characters. Please the kids, let Santa Claus distribute gifts to them. For adults, this may be a trifle, but children will remember for a long time.

Observing New Year's traditions, you can arrange New Year's fortune-telling. To make it both fun and intriguing, come up with fortune-telling methods yourself. For example, you can prepare small leaves with predictions in advance, wrap a tangerine in them or Walnut, wrap with foil on top and hang on the Christmas tree. Each guest removes his own magic ball. Naturally, the predictions should only be kind, so that each of your guests is charged with positive for the whole coming year. The text might look something like this:

  • Good luck awaits you in your personal life;
  • You are waiting for replenishment in the family;
  • Family happiness will overtake you;
  • You will discover new hidden talents in yourself;
  • You will buy a luxury car;
  • You are expected to move up the career ladder;
  • You will become incredibly rich;
  • You will meet the love of your life;
  • You will receive a significant salary increase.
  • You will make a chic renovation in the apartment;
  • You will fall head over heels in love.

Turn on your imagination and come up with this kind of wishes, but not automatically, but putting your soul into them. And then every person close to you will receive a particle of your warmth as a gift.

Many families have a tradition of going outside to the sound of the chiming clock to watch or arrange salutes and fireworks themselves. Do so too. With a friendly company, it will be exciting and fun. Instead of fireworks, sparklers and confetti are quite suitable, creating a special atmosphere of the New Year's holiday. Of course, you can’t order the weather, but you must agree that it will be great if nature will please us New Year's snow. Then you can play snowballs, make a snowman, do something else that will unite the guests.

If you show imagination, then having fun at home will not be difficult!

What to bring to the table

The main New Year tradition is a generously and beautifully laid table. It has long been believed that if there are many dishes on the table, the coming year will bring abundance and wealth to the house. But try not just to cook a lot of dishes, but to think over an interesting menu. It will not be difficult, since this year there are no restrictions on the composition of dishes. But in order to please the mistress of the year, you need to make sure that there are a lot of greens and vegetables on the table. Salads and vegetable dishes, cheeses and dairy dishes will be very useful. You can serve hot meat or fish.

Be sure to surprise everyone with some new products. If there are children at the party, prepare a separate table for them. You can arrange cooked dishes in the New Year theme. For example, you can arrange a salad in the form of chimes, use the ideas for decorating meat and cheese cuts in the form of a Christmas tree, and so on. A dish made in the form of a lamb will look very symbolic on the table. Try to use only natural products and do not subject them to long heat treatment. Also, do not serve food with dyes or canned food.

Since the element of the coming Goat is a tree, it is advisable to use wooden dishes. If there is none, you can use some elements of wood, for example, a salt shaker or a bread box. As a decoration on the table, it would be appropriate to put a figurine of a sheep or a goat, Christmas tree branches, balls.

Having shown a little imagination and effort in holding a New Year's holiday at home, you will turn it into an unforgettable holiday. And whoever you meet him with - with your loved one, best friends or relatives, remember, the more laughter and joyful smiles there will be on New Year's Eve, the more happiness the coming year will bring!

The beginning of December on the calendar indicates that the New Year 2018 Dogs not far away. With the beginning of the first month of winter, active preparations for the celebration of the New Year begin. Mistresses begin preparations with cleaning in apartments and houses. Someone is buying New Year's toys, someone is in a hurry to buy champagne and sweets, to agree with friends and relatives about the venue of the holiday. Someone is in a hurry to buy Christmas gifts. Someone is trying to study every feature of the coming year and tries to match them.

Celebrating the New Year at home is no longer relevant. Recent times this celebration is being abandoned more and more often. Someone does not like to cook and wash mountains of dishes, someone does not like to celebrate the New Year at home, because they think it is a boring activity. Someone leaves for the seas in warm countries.
Yes, indeed, celebrating the New Year at home begins to get boring over time. New Year's Eve celebrations become boring and gloomy. Already by midnight the enthusiasm and fun are gone. But that doesn't mean you can't celebrate New Year's Eve at home.

First of all, you need to carefully prepare for the holiday, think through everything to the smallest detail. In order for the New Year holiday to pass in a good atmosphere, you must first remember the year of whom we meet.
coming 2018 year - year Dogs. She loves the homely atmosphere. Therefore, the year 2018 Dogs should be celebrated at home, but in a large and cheerful company.

To celebrate the New Year fun and provocatively, you first need to find out how the year Dogs decorate the house, Christmas tree, like what, set the table, what to wear. All these little things will create a festive atmosphere, and you will no longer want to leave your house or apartment.

Decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree

First you need to decorate the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree can be placed both live and artificial. You need to decorate the New Year's beauty differently than last year's. First, you need to purchase a figurine without fail doggies, and at the same time cats, so that she would not be bored. Secondly, the Christmas tree should be bright and unusual. No matte toys, everything is just colorful and colorful. To add a little variety, you can make toys with your own hands. To do this, just enter the query "New Year's toys with your own hands" into the search engine. You can save money on buying new toys by transforming old ones yourself. Nobody canceled flashlights and rain, there should be a lot of them. The top of the Christmas tree should immediately catch the eye, so it should be large and bright.

After the Christmas tree, we decorate an apartment, a house. Lanterns, rain, beads, toys, artificial snow on the windows, snowflakes - everything is suitable here. The more you do, the better. Artificial snow on the windows is an original solution. If you don’t want to figure out what to draw yourself, you can print ready-made New Year’s stencils. Cut out snowflakes hang on the curtains, put on the Christmas tree, scatter around the house. With the help of lanterns, you can decorate the house both inside and outside. Think of the Home Alone movie series. Houses decorated with lanterns have a truly fabulous look. Let it turn out differently than in the movie, but still the idea will justify itself.

Before you start putting all kinds of goodies on the table, you need to lay a tablecloth. Yellow colorthe best choice. On the festive table there must be new dishes, Dog loves everything unusual and new. There is no need to cook too much, because you are not going to eat, but to celebrate the New Year. A few salads, cold cuts, fruits and sweets - this is exactly what you need.

What to wear on New Year's Eve

Do not forget about how you will look on New Year's Eve. On this night, you need to put on all the most beautiful and bright. The female gender is recommended to wear dresses of red color and its various shades. It is worth paying attention to makeup and hair. Makeup should be bright. Don't forget the decorations. It is best to wear gold jewelry on this day, if there are none, something bright and catchy.

How to celebrate New Year's Eve at home

After all the work done, you can invite guests to your home. A decorated Christmas tree and an apartment are only part of a successful celebration. But how to make sure that guests do not get bored after a few hours? After all, you will not sit at the table all night and watch TV, where the Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath will be shown again. In order not to run into sad and bored guests, you need to prepare an entertainment program.

Theme party - the foundation of a fun celebration

The first thing that can add variety to the celebration is a theme party. When inviting friends and family, let them know that you need to come in costume. What is the theme? Well, of course, the New Year. Let friends and you put on a Christmas tree costume, Dogs, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. You can, for example, abandon the theme of the New Year, and make a party in the style of the 80s, 90s, beat some series or movie. Guests who arrive without attire receive the costume prepared by the owner of the house at the entrance. It can be anything: a pink cap, a belly dance costume, a koshchei, and the like. This will be a kind of punishment for those who decided to ignore the themed outfit.

What party or celebration is complete without music? Turn on the fun New Year's music, it will give a festive mood and magic.

New Year's entertainment program

An entertainment program cannot do without games. If you are celebrating a holiday big company, then it is very good.
Set up a quest. No one has ever refused such a fun game. Hide some gift in your house or apartment, you can also outside the premises. Guests, using the clues found, must discover a gift. Who is the first, that and a gift.

Have a disco. If you have a private house, then you are more fortunate, loud music will not cause indignation of the neighbors. Disco can be turned into something more than just dancing. For example, for a disco, select a separate room, having previously prepared it. You can attach balloons to the ceiling, assign a number to each. During the disco, guests dance under the balls, the music stops, the DJ calls a lucky number. The person who stands under the ball with this number receives a prize. Prizes are loved by everyone, both children and adults. Therefore, such a competition will please everyone.

Play snowballs. If it suddenly happens that snow falls on the New Year, then such a case cannot be neglected. Go outside and have fun. Play snowball fights, make a snowman, play snow angels, go sledding, play tag, hide and seek.

The game "love - do not love." The guests sitting at the table name the part of the body that they love in the person sitting on the right and the part of the body that they do not like in the person on the left. After the participants have made their choice, the facilitator says "what you love - kiss, what you don't like - bite." Good mood and the sea of ​​laughter is definitely provided.

If all the guests came in pairs, then this can be used. For example, play the game "Unwrap the candy". Without the help of hands, the couple must unwrap and eat the candy.

Pins game. Couples take part. Pins are fastened to a girl or a guy, in a variety of places. The second member of the pair must, with his eyes closed, find and unfasten the pins. For the game, you can choose the musical accompaniment.
"Bottle". Here it is not necessary to kiss someone. You can play spin the bottle if you wish. Whoever the bottle points to, he fulfills the desire. Only desires should be serious, no need for crowing, jumping on one leg. Take advantage of the chance in full, let your imagination know no limits.

Before the chimes strike 12 and the New Year arrives, say your wishes to each other on next year. After the president's congratulations, go outside to launch fireworks. Without them, the holiday will not be a holiday. Spend the old year and welcome the new.

Of course, the New Year will not do without gifts. Sit in a circle and give each other Christmas presents. To make the process interesting and exciting, open them right away, thank each other, saying kind words.

Remember, wherever you celebrate the New Year, the main thing is to create a holiday atmosphere. Let the year Dogs will bring you only happiness and joy. May all your dreams and desires come true in the New Year, be supportive of people and you will succeed! Happy New Year!

continues the compilation To celebrate New Year fun in the company, be sure to take care of funny contests and games. House of Soviets continues the compilation what a fun way to celebrate the new year. Contests and games for the new year.


The host or Santa Claus says: “Here is our elegant Christmas tree, oh yes, what beautiful toys on it. And tell me, what kind of Christmas tree decorations do you know?
The prize is given to the one whose answer will be the last. During each pause (if next person thinks what to name), the presenter considers, as at an auction: "A star - one, a star - two ...". If the next participant calls the word, then the auction continues.

Let's start having fun

This contest is best done right after hours. Everyone must say wishes for a certain letter. The first guest wishes on "A", and so on alphabetically.


It will be fun for already "warmed up" guests. The host reads the text: “A fast river has risen. Snow fell on the field. The mountain behind the village became completely white. The bark on the trees sparkled with frost. Somewhere the sleigh runners creak. Where are they headed?" Participants of the competition need to retell what they heard. Believe me, it turns out a funny story, always diluted with its own words. No one has yet repeated word for word this short text.


Notes are put into boxes or a hat on which one New Year's word is written (frost, icicle, snow, Christmas tree, ball, gifts). Everyone pulls a note, reads a word and sings a New Year's song in which this word is mentioned.

What's under the skirt

Fun competition for young people. Everyone should write on small pieces of paper a few of any words or short sentences, for example: sausage, the cat is dead, beauty, a giant cucumber, fun, Santa Claus ... In a drunken head, completely interesting words and thoughts :) Then all the leaves are put in a box, or in someone's hat, the hat is passed around in a circle. Everyone pulls one note and says, girls: “And under my skirt ...”, boys: “And in my pants ...” the three dots are replaced by the text from the note.

Another fun competition for a young company

You need to prepare a box in advance and put the following things into it: a baby bottle filled with alcohol, a bib, thongs, knickers, stockings, a pacifier, carnival masks, a clown nose, a cap, red color lipstick, a bust, a scarf, rubber gloves, a garter belt , eyebrow pencil, and more, everything that fantasy tells.
We turn on the music and pass the box around, everyone (without looking) should pull out something for themselves and use it for its intended purpose. Leave all the beauty on yourself for 20-30 minutes, so that everyone can have plenty of fun and make good shots :)


Several participants of the "horses" are chosen. Other participants hide food on themselves (an apple, a carrot, a piece of bread, a candy). The horses run up to each participant and ask where the treat is hidden, the answer he can get is only: “no” and “yes”, no hint of an answer. When the horse guesses the answer, it independently extracts the treat. The horse that collects the most treats wins.
Decorate the horse
Prepare wigs in advance (for men with short hair, you can make them from yarn) or shawls tied together, scarves - anything that can serve as a maned horse. Several horses are selected (men, women) and the same number of participants who will decorate the horse's mane. Everything that comes to hand is used as decorations. The most elegant horse wins.

Competition "Get a gift"

To add a touch of intrigue and fun to the usual process of exchanging New Year's gifts, do the following. To receive his gift, a person must do something unusual and fun, for example: sing, dance, tell a New Year's story, verse, generally surprise other guests. And the guests must decide to give the gift or the recipient must continue to surprise.

Wishes on the tree

Good and pleasant moment for all guests. You need to write wishes in advance, then take a tangerine, wrap it with a wish and foil, hang it on a Christmas tree. Everyone must take one magic ball from the Christmas tree.
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New Year is the favorite holiday of absolutely all people. No wonder, because it is long, colorful, noisy and fabulous. How and where to celebrate the New Year in a fun and original way so that the celebration turns out to be fun and memorable?

Undoubtedly, small children get the greatest impressions of the New Year. What could be better than a child's perception of the mysterious New Year's Eve. New Year's gifts appear under the New Year tree, the long-awaited Santa Claus comes, pleasant surprises and delicious sweets.

Children have fun and sing songs, ride on ice slides, play and fireworks under the supervision of their parents. Only parents will create a festive New Year's mood for the child. In this they are helped by boundless imagination, sincere love, and the desire to give the baby a New Year's fairy tale.

How do the Chinese celebrate the New Year?

  1. On the Chinese New Year's table, you will not be able to see meat dishes. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire believe that they scare away good luck. Dishes prepared from mushrooms, fruits and vegetables are always relevant. On the festive table there are necessarily sweets in a wide range. The Chinese believe that this will make the coming year sweet.
  2. According to Chinese tradition, on the first day of the new year, people burn various incense and give Special attention launching fireworks. There is an opinion that it scares away evil spirits well, attracts happiness and true peace to the family. If firecrackers and fireworks are not available, the Chinese create noise using household items that ring well. After the expulsion of evil spirits, the windows must be covered so that they do not return.
  3. At the end of the first day of the coming year, the doors are slightly opened, because at this time the good deities return home from the world of spirits. Family members are required to pay tribute to their ancestors. On the first day of the year, acquaintances and friends go around, give them New Year's gifts, wish them good luck and happiness.
  4. The next morning, children congratulate their parents, wishing them happiness and good health. In return, they receive red paper envelopes, in which, in most cases, there is money.

Many Chinese families perform a ritual for good luck. According to the Chinese, it attracts well-being and good luck to the family. With the onset of the new moon, the doors are opened and 108 oranges are rolled into the house. Fruits are distributed in rooms, except for the toilet and bathroom.

Video how to celebrate the New Year in China

It is good if children participate in the ritual, because children's laughter attracts positive energy. During the movement of oranges on the floor, luck, love, health and money are called into the house.

How to celebrate the Old New Year

Soon Old New Year. As you know, they celebrate it according to the old calendar. For this reason, the holiday is called so. Recall that the ancestors gave this holiday a different name - Generous Evening.

In the old days, people celebrated the New Year, guided by the old calendar. In our time, this date falls on January 13th. We have received many customs, traditions and signs from our ancestors. According to them, only the person who managed to fulfill a number of rules can see real magic in the coming year.

It should be noted that compatriots celebrate the Generous Evening after the so-called Christmas Lent. This means that various delicacies should be present on the table, the taste of which is forbidden to enjoy during fasting. According to folk omens, festive treats are prepared not from fish or poultry, but from pork. Otherwise, joy and happiness can irretrievably float away or fly away.

For the Old New Year, a lean festive kutya is prepared. Ancestors added bacon to this dish, which testified to the material well-being of the owners of the house and their generosity.

According to experts, meeting this holiday, one must adhere to the customs and traditions of the ancestors, which were passed down from one generation to another. Now we will talk about them in more detail.

  1. If you intend to make pies, make them with little surprises. However, be sure to warn the guests. A person who gets a surprise will open the curtain of the future. For example, the found penny symbolizes wealth, the thread - the road, and the ring - marriage.
  2. Be sure to feed the guests who visit your accommodation on the Generous Evening. Otherwise, greed will be the reason why you miss out on good luck and happiness in the new year.
  3. Some people put a sheaf of wheat in their homes on Holy Evening. The next morning, take it outside and organize a festive bonfire. You need to jump over the burning sheaf carefully. In this way, the ancestors cleansed the body of negative energy and drove out evil spirits.
  4. After cleansing, people go home and sing. According to the ancestors, this calls for material well-being into the house, and family affairs throughout the year are accompanied by good luck.
  5. On January 14, a man must enter the house first. There is an opinion that the stronger sex brings more good than a woman.
  6. According to tradition, on the Old New Year it is customary to put up with people who are in a quarrel. If the offender on this day asks you for forgiveness, you must forgive him.
  7. On the night before the Generous Evening, young girls who want to start a family are guessing at their betrothed.

It seems that this article can be completed. Although, wait! We forgot about the main thing - Christmas gifts. It is about them that we will talk further. The above information will help you choose the best gifts and save your budget.

What to give for the New Year?

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to give various gifts to parents, loved ones, friends, acquaintances and even colleagues.

  1. Gifts for loved ones. please loved one not difficult. For this, it is not necessary to buy an expensive gift. Learn to present appropriate gifts, accompanying them with warm words. Romantic people often present poetry. Write a few lines addressed to your loved one. They will be pleasant and will please him well.
  2. Gifts for parents. The best present for your beloved parents will be a thing that they cannot afford. Often, in order to save money, people stop buying various little things. For this reason, you should not give your mom slippers or kitchen utensils. It is better to present a good perfume or cream.
  3. Please dad with a good tracksuit or high-quality sneakers. Surely he wouldn't buy them for himself. If he smokes, give him a pipe of tobacco or expensive cigars. If the father is young at heart, hand over a modern exercise bike or laptop.
  4. Gifts for relatives. The list of the best gifts for relatives is represented by means of relaxation, shower gels, shampoo. You can present a bottle of champagne, a cake or some exotic fruits.
  5. Gifts for friends. When choosing gifts for friends, consider their hobbies and passions. For example, if a friend enjoys fishing or hunting, visit a store that sells accessories for such a hobby. True, check in advance if there is a little thing in the arsenal of a friend that you want to buy.
  6. If

New Year is a special holiday. He is eagerly awaited by both children and adults. They prepare for it in advance: they pick up gifts for relatives and friends, look for recipes for unusual and delicious meals and then buy the necessary products. The preparatory period for the holiday is quite long, but New Year's Eve itself, as a rule, flies by quickly and sometimes, unfortunately, routinely. It is in our power to make sure that family members, relatives, friends can organize a holiday and have fun celebrating new year and, accordingly, leave in the soul pleasant memories for a long time.

First of all, you need to create a festive atmosphere of the holiday in the house. Put up a beautiful fluffy Christmas tree, decorate it and the whole house with New Year's decorations.

It is not necessary to buy expensive toys, it will be more interesting if you yourself make something with your children. Put New Year's characters in a prominent place: Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden,.

Hang on the walls new year greetings and wishes. It is beautiful when garlands of multi-colored lights sparkle in the evening.

Games, contests and predictions

You can hang golden nuts or boxes on the Christmas tree with a description of the event that should happen to the person who has chosen the nut or box. Inside we lay a note of the following, for example, content:

1. All next year you will enjoy love;

2. The birth of a new project or replenishment in the family;

3. Promotion;

4. Fulfillment of the most cherished dream;

5. You will get what you have long dreamed of;

6. Good luck will accompany you throughout the year;

7. Salary increase or additional financial income;

8. Acquaintance with an important person in your life;

9. You will make new friends;

10. You will be carried away by a new business;

11. Family happiness awaits you;

12. Successful and useful purchases await you next year;

13. You will make your home more comfortable and beautiful;

14. Someone confesses their love to you;

15. You will become richer;

16. Success in the professional field or in the field of business;

17. A long journey awaits you;

18. You will learn a lot of new things;

19. You will discover a new talent in yourself.

We can continue the list of positive events, because everyone expects only good things in the future. After the chiming clock, each participant of the holiday goes to the Christmas tree and chooses his nut or box with a prediction.

Before the meeting of the New Year, they always see off the old year. You can organize a competition for the most active participant who will remember as many events as possible in the past year.

The well-known method: while the chimes are striking, we write down on a piece of paper the most

cherished desire, we burn it over a glass of champagne so that the ashes get inside and quickly drink the contents. We drink with confidence that all the wishes will come true.

Dressing up options are very interesting and funny. In this case, various wigs, hairpieces, various clothes that could suit both women and men will come in handy. The view alone can cause laughter, and if some scenes are played out, then positive emotions will remain for a long time. Dressing options: traditional Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, men into women, and women into men (preferably with makeup), into gypsies, into fairy-tale characters, etc. A change of image is possible, for example, blondes can turn into burning brunettes, and beardless men into bearded men.

You can arrange a karaoke contest with the distribution of roles between guests famous singers, it is better if you can change into a suitable concert costume. Thus, New Year's Eve can be met with "live pop stars."

Arrange a game of fortune tellers or a clairvoyant salon. A fortune-teller approaches each guest or the guest himself comes to the salon and is told in a humorous way what awaits him in the future. To do this, you need to know the person well, his tastes and passions, so that the “prediction” is fun and hitting the target.

There is such a fun game. Each participant is given notes with nouns, for example, a tree, a car, a bottle, a star, a pencil, a horse, etc. The driver will ask each participant questions, and they will open notes and answer with the words that are written there.

For example, what's your name? The answer may be different, for example, a star, a pencil. What are you driving home? It can come across as a car, or another word, for example, a bottle, a Christmas tree. Questions might be: What do you love the most? Your favourite hobby? What's on your head? What or who are you thinking about? Questions can be written as you go.

You can prepare questions and answer options on cards in advance, for example, questions can be: “Do you like me?”, The answer can be: “On big holidays” or “Do you often drink?”, The answer is “when the cancer whistles on the mountain " etc.

Organize a giveaway contest. A woman or a snow maiden and 2-3 men are selected who will compliment her. Matches are placed on the men's eyelashes and each one begins to say compliments in turn. Who will endure the longest, i.e. picks up more words and keeps matches on his eyelashes, he won.

There is also such a competition only without matches, the host calls any letter of the alphabet, for example, "L" and the participants should give as many compliments as possible to this letter, for example, beloved, affectionate, loving, etc. The one with the most words wins.

This contest will require plasticine. The host calls any letter of the alphabet, and the participants must blind an object that begins with the specified letter. The winner is the one who gets the most interesting figure for the hidden letter.

Game: insert adjectives into a letter from Santa Claus. It is necessary to prepare a text with congratulations to Santa Claus in advance and put dots instead of adjectives. Participants are given pieces of paper on which they need to write any adjective, for example, reckless, fat, blond, etc. When the text is read, everyone takes turns voicing their adjectives. For example, the text of the letter might be: Hello, …..my guests! You must have been waiting for me for a long time. I brought you ...... gifts. I wish you ……..holidays, ………fun, ………..love, ………..To each of you the most ………. wishes! Etc.

On the street, you can hold a competition for the most beautiful snowman or snowman if there is snow in your area on New Year's Eve.

You can pick up interesting New Year wishes and put them in a magic bag or hat. In another header, we put notes with the names of the participants. We take out at random any note with a name, and from another - a wish and read it out loud.

Competition for those who want to get rich. In the piggy bank, having previously calculated, a trifle is added. On New Year's Eve, each participant is given a piggy bank with a proposal to determine how much money is in it. Everyone calls his guess. Then he gets a note that says how much is in the piggy bank. Whose guess turned out to be the most accurate gets the piggy bank with money.

Competition "Remember the film about new year holidays”- everyone in turn names the film, the winner is the one who remembered the names of the films more. You can remember songs or poems about this holiday or about winter in general.

And this competition can show Creative skills participating. Pre-prepared tasks are put in the box, for example, depict a fashion model posing in front of the camera, a student at the blackboard who has not completed homework, a person in a dentist's office, a child whose toy was taken away, an arrogant pop star, etc.

If the team is familiar and everyone knows each other well, you can arrange such a competition: each participant portrays some kind of mutual friend, and the rest must guess who it is.

If the team is generally artistic, you can portray famous artists, singers, politicians, the audience must determine who the leader portrays.

You can hold such a contest: determine whose hand. The main participant is blindfolded, other participants alternately approach him and give him a hand. He must determine to whom this hand belongs.

Competition: pantomime. The facilitator speaks any object, famous person or animal into the participant’s ear, and he must depict this hidden word with movements.

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