What can you think of for the new year at home. New Year's competitions. How to celebrate the new year at home fun. How to celebrate the Old New Year

Family and relationships 13.08.2018
Family and relationships

continues the compilation To celebrate the new year with fun in the company, be sure to take care of the funny contests and games. House of Soviets continues the compilation what a fun way to celebrate the new year. Contests and games for the new year.


The host or Santa Claus says: “Here is our elegant Christmas tree, oh yes, what beautiful toys on it. And tell me, what kind of Christmas tree decorations do you know?
The prize is given to the one whose answer will be the last. During each pause (if next person thinks what to name), the presenter considers, as at an auction: "A star - one, a star - two ...". If the next participant calls the word, then the auction continues.

Let's start having fun

Gone are the days when you waited new year's eve with excited anticipation. No, you are now at a different stage in your life. You are the parent of children. Small children. They cannot be left alone while you are partying with your friends. New Year's Eve and kids is a combination that requires a little more planning, some patience, and maybe - maybe - a tip of wine.

Family activities of the new year

There are things you can do with kids where you and little kids can enjoy the celebration. The kids are sure to be in the holiday spirit, so why not get them involved in the cooking? Get family recipes that kids can help you. Timing is everything: start baking in the afternoon, cook dinner early in the evening, and sit down for a good meal a little later than usual. Make your New Year with children earlier if the children are on the younger side. If they are old enough to be late late, let them.

This contest is best done right after hours. Everyone must say wishes for a certain letter. The first guest wishes on "A", and so on alphabetically.


It will be fun for already "warmed up" guests. The host reads the text: “A fast river has risen. Snow fell on the field. The mountain behind the village became completely white. The bark on the trees sparkled with frost. Somewhere the sleigh runners creak. Where are they headed?" Participants of the competition need to retell what they heard. Believe me, it turns out a funny story, always diluted with its own words. No one has yet repeated word for word this short text.


Notes are put into boxes or a hat on which one New Year's word is written (frost, icicle, snow, Christmas tree, ball, gifts). Everyone pulls a note, reads a word and sings a New Year's song in which this word is mentioned.

What's under the skirt

Fun competition for young people. Everyone should write on small pieces of paper a few of any words or short sentences, for example: sausage, the cat is dead, beauty, a giant cucumber, fun, Santa Claus ... In a drunken head, completely interesting words and thoughts :) Then all the leaves are put in a box, or in someone's hat, the hat is passed around in a circle. Everyone pulls one note and says, girls: “And under my skirt ...”, boys: “And in my pants ...” the three dots are replaced by the text from the note.

Another fun competition for a young company

You need to prepare a box in advance and put the following things in it: a baby bottle filled with alcohol, a bib, thongs, knickers, stockings, a pacifier, carnival masks, a clown nose, a cap, red color lipstick, a bust, a scarf, rubber gloves, a garter belt , eyebrow pencil, and more, everything that fantasy tells.
We turn on the music and pass the box around, everyone (without looking) should pull out something for themselves and use it for its intended purpose. Leave all the beauty on yourself for 20-30 minutes, so that everyone can have plenty of fun and make good shots :)

This night is not a night to insist that they follow their usual sleep rules. New Year's Eve and staying until midnight is part of the fun, after all. If your kids are old enough, consider playing this classic game as it's not only fun but also time consuming and you'll get their mindset and strategy which is always a good thing.

After a homemade dinner, sit down with the family to old classics as well as some new favorites. New Year's Eve can be a great time for families to bond over a dinner table and a good movie. As with anything, plan ahead and you'll have a mix of movies ready for the big night. to be wasted deciding on a movie that everyone will enjoy.


Several participants of the "horses" are chosen. Other participants hide food on themselves (an apple, a carrot, a piece of bread, a candy). The horses run up to each participant and ask where the treat is hidden, the answer he can get is only: “no” and “yes”, no hint of an answer. When the horse guesses the answer, it independently extracts the treat. The horse that collects the most treats wins.
Decorate the horse
Prepare wigs in advance (for men with short hair, you can make them from yarn) or shawls tied together, scarves - anything that can serve as a maned horse. Several horses are selected (men, women) and the same number of participants who will decorate the horse's mane. Everything that comes to hand is used as decorations. The most elegant horse wins.

Competition "Get a gift"

To add a touch of intrigue and fun to the usual exchange process New Year's gifts do the following. To receive his gift, a person must do something unusual and fun, for example: sing, dance, tell a New Year's story, verse, generally surprise other guests. And the guests must decide to give the gift or the recipient must continue to surprise.

Wishes on the tree

Good and pleasant moment for all guests. You need to write wishes in advance, then take a tangerine, wrap it with a wish and foil, hang it on a Christmas tree. Everyone must take one magic ball from the Christmas tree.
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New Year is a special holiday. He is eagerly awaited by both children and adults. They prepare for it in advance: they pick up gifts for relatives and friends, look for recipes for unusual and delicious meals and then buy the necessary products. The preparatory period for the holiday is quite long, but New Year's Eve itself, as a rule, flies by quickly and sometimes, unfortunately, routinely. It is in our power to make sure that family members, relatives, friends can organize a holiday and have fun celebrating new year and, accordingly, leave in the soul pleasant memories for a long time.

Whether they're on city hall grounds, a popular park, or a similar landmark, for the most part, these celebrations are free. Even better, they cater for both adults and children, so you're guaranteed to have activities that the whole family will enjoy. If you're in a part of the world that's cold on New Year's Eve, be sure to gather the kids so frostbite doesn't ruin your night. If you're in a warmer climate, what better way to ring in the new year at the beach or somewhere outside without a jacket?

First of all, you need to create a festive atmosphere of the holiday in the house. Put up a beautiful fluffy Christmas tree, decorate it and the whole house with New Year's decorations.

It is not necessary to buy expensive toys, it will be more interesting if you yourself make something with your children. Put New Year's characters in a prominent place: Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden,.

Theme party - the foundation of a fun celebration

Many of these places offer friendly parties, arts and crafts, and entertainment programs, often at a discount. Best of all, they often start early in the evening and finish just in time to get the kids to bed so you and your significant other can call into the new year.

Whatever the vulgarity, you can enjoy New Year's Eve. There are many, just like you, who are dealing with their children and wondering how to entertain them on the last night of the year. How about a party - with the kids? One of the things that many adults miss out on when they become parents is the social aspect of coming out. This is often due to the lack of a nanny, lack of funds or lack of energy. New Year's Eve is the perfect time to reconnect with friends - with kids - that you may not have seen for some time.

Hang on the walls new year greetings and wishes. It is beautiful when garlands of multi-colored lights sparkle in the evening.

Games, contests and predictions

You can hang golden nuts or boxes on the Christmas tree with a description of the event that should happen to the person who has chosen the nut or box. Inside we lay a note of the following, for example, content:

Invite them and the whole family to a mini party and get your groove on! Put some movies or music on the kids, set up some games, try some dishes, serve light buffet style meals and have fun! Just because you're a "parent" doesn't mean you can't have a good time.

New Year's Eve should be a holiday, mom and dad. With some simple planning, you can have fun in the new year with your kids. As the Earth completes its journey with the Sun and begins its circuit anew, we, its passengers, look to the coming year with hope and anticipation. Throughout time, we have developed countless rituals, rites, and routines to appease the gods or influence the spirits in hopes of improving our fortunes in our endeavors next year.

1. All next year you will enjoy love;

2. The birth of a new project or replenishment in the family;

3. Promotion;

4. Fulfillment of the most cherished dream;

5. You will get what you have long dreamed of;

6. Good luck will accompany you throughout the year;

7. Salary increase or additional financial income;

But apparently, as my dear German, American and Irish colleagues have been so kind to point out, this is unheard of outside of Denmark. So, here is a list of other curious people there around the world. This is just a small glimpse of the countless fun ways to celebrate the New Year, but if you're looking for new ways to see the new year, this is the place to start!

In the Philippines, many children stand on the floor as the countdown to midnight begins. As the seconds shorten, they bend their knees in anticipation, and as the last second passes, they readily leap from the ground as high as possible. Legend has it that if they jump high enough, they will grow taller next year.

8. Acquaintance with an important person in your life;

9. You will make new friends;

10. You will be carried away by a new business;

11. Family happiness awaits you;

12. Successful and useful purchases await you next year;

13. You will make your home more comfortable and beautiful;

14. Someone confesses their love to you;

15. You will become richer;

16. Success in the professional field or in the field of business;

Meanwhile, their parents spend the last few minutes of the year ensuring that good luck has enough access to their home. All doors and windows should be left wide open as the new year begins to allow good luck to flow through the home and bless the family for the year ahead.

What to bring to the table

On the other hand, evil spirits must be kept at bay, and, contrary to luck, they are said to despise loud noises. Consequently, many Filipinos make a raucous flare to ward off any ill will. They will smash pots and pans, rev car engines, whistle whistle - all for the benefit of the family.

17. A long journey awaits you;

18. You will learn a lot of new things;

19. You will discover a new talent in yourself.

We can continue the list of positive events, because everyone expects only good things in the future. After the chiming clock, each participant of the holiday goes to the Christmas tree and chooses his nut or box with a prediction.

So, if your New Year's resolutions aren't unfolding, try opening doors and flicking pots. Even if you don't believe in the myths themselves, why not let go of the reins? Be loud once a year, you're allowed. In New Zealand, pots and pans are also practiced. More interestingly, however, kite flying is also a tradition. Many of the Maori, natives of New Zealand, noted the sight of Matarika, a certain constellation of stars, which was believed to predict a rich harvest. Some still practice it today.

However, if you have the knack to maneuver your gloved kite and an hour to kill on New Year's Day before the festivities start, you might be able to reach the sky as usual Maori and hope for good luck and fair winds. In addition, a colorful kite should be beautiful if your house is white with snow.

Before the meeting of the New Year, they always see off the old year. You can organize a competition for the most active participant who will remember as many events as possible in the past year.

The well-known method: while the chimes are striking, we write down on a piece of paper the most
cherished desire, we burn it over a glass of champagne so that the ashes get inside and quickly drink the contents. We drink with confidence that all the wishes will come true.

If you can't get a lot of New Year's Eve, you'll be jealous to hear what's going on in Greenland. My parents lived there for the better part of two decades and of course they celebrate like the rest of the western world with champagne, decorations and fireworks. But here's the catch: many do it twice.

You see that in the Kingdom of Denmark, many Greenlanders celebrate the New Year when the clock strikes twelve in Denmark and when it does in Greenland. So everyone who celebrates in Greenland gets to enjoy fireworks and toasts to good luck twice the same evening, with four hours to get well.

Dressing up options are very interesting and funny. In this case, various wigs, hairpieces, various clothes that could suit both women and men will come in handy. The view alone can cause laughter, and if some scenes are played out, then positive emotions will remain for a long time. Dressing options: traditional Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, men into women, and women into men (preferably with makeup), into gypsies, into fairy-tale characters, etc. A change of image is possible, for example, blondes can turn into burning brunettes, and beardless men into bearded men.

Therefore, to celebrate the New Year, it is customary to take part in the three-day Songkran festival, an important part of which, obviously, is a massive water fight. Of course, as in many other places, thorough cleaning and other family rituals also play a central role in the celebrations in Thailand, and naturally even the water carries symbolism. Water wrestling is believed to cleanse the participants' bodies of evil, allowing them to usher in the new year, rejuvenated and prepared for a new beginning.

And, hey, weather permitting, the battle for water glory sounds like fun to me! In many parts of the world, the advent of the new year marks a time dedicated to the past as well as the future. As the day progresses, food is eaten, stories are told, games are played, and more food is eaten. In fact, aside from the thorough preparation that obviously goes into a lot of meals, it's time for everyone to relax and catch up with the family members they don't see during a busy year.

You can arrange a karaoke contest with the distribution of roles between guests famous singers, it is better if you can change into a suitable concert costume. Thus, New Year's Eve can be met with "live pop stars."

Spending the New Year holidays at home with your family can be excellent opportunity create a connection, have fun and celebrate the new year with your loved ones. With all the exciting food, drink, games and activities options, spending New Year's Eve at home can be very good.

Some people like to have a TV countdown in the background with sound; it forces everyone to keep track of time. Don't go to parties that you don't really want to attend and don't take on a lot of responsibilities. Pay attention to anyone who looks bored or upset to spend the night with the family. In particular, teens and young adults may feel they are missing out on all the fun of being locked up at home. Listen to them and ask them about last year and what they look forward to next; this can be a good opportunity to create a family bond. If you're going to order food, be sure to do so early to avoid the rush of many people who decide to do the same! You don't have to stay awake until midnight. Undoubtedly, there will be family members who will stay up all night. If you're tired and want to go to bed early, do it; when you wake up it will be next year and you can do your own morning ritual to get the new year in. Even though it's New Year's Eve, some people have kids and illnesses they have to deal with. If you feel sorry for your family all night long and think that you need to do something more exciting, it will be difficult for you to enjoy the moment and appreciate its value. It will be much easier and more fun if you agree that staying at home is another interesting way spend New Year's Eve. Remember all the things you won't have to endure: long queues taxis, drunken fights, crowds acting like crazy and kissing all the people who insist on kissing everyone to celebrate the new year.

  • A radio program is also a good choice.
  • Instead, leave enough time to have fun with your family.
  • Make sure you drink responsibly at home.
  • If you put on music with a large volume, be attentive to your neighbors.
First of all, you need to know how many people will be involved in order to organize everything, so it is best to invite in time and set a deadline for confirmation.

Arrange a game of fortune tellers or a clairvoyant salon. A fortune-teller approaches each guest or the guest himself comes to the salon and is told in a humorous way what awaits him in the future. To do this, you need to know the person well, his tastes and passions, so that the “prediction” is fun and hitting the target.

There is such a fun game. Each participant is given notes with nouns, for example, a tree, a car, a bottle, a star, a pencil, a horse, etc. The driver will ask each participant questions, and they will open notes and answer with the words that are written there.

For example, what's your name? The answer may be different, for example, a star, a pencil. What are you driving home? It can come across as a car, or another word, for example, a bottle, a Christmas tree. Questions might be: What do you love the most? Your favourite hobby? What's on your head? What or who are you thinking about? Questions can be written as you go.

You can prepare questions and answer options in advance on cards, for example, questions can be: “Do you like me?”, The answer can be: “On big holidays” or “Do you often drink?”, The answer is “when the cancer whistles on the mountain " etc.

Organize a giveaway contest. A woman or a snow maiden and 2-3 men are selected who will compliment her. Matches are placed on the men's eyelashes and each one begins to say compliments in turn. Who will endure the longest, i.e. picks up more words and keeps matches on his eyelashes, he won.

There is also such a competition only without matches, the host calls any letter of the alphabet, for example, "L" and the participants should give as many compliments as possible to this letter, for example, beloved, affectionate, loving, etc. The one with the most words wins.

This contest will require plasticine. The host calls any letter of the alphabet, and the participants must blind an object that begins with the specified letter. The winner is the one who gets the most interesting figure for the hidden letter.

Game: insert adjectives into a letter from Santa Claus. It is necessary to prepare a text with congratulations to Santa Claus in advance and put dots instead of adjectives. Participants are given pieces of paper on which they need to write any adjective, for example, reckless, fat, blond, etc. When the text is read, everyone takes turns voicing their adjectives. For example, the text of the letter might be: Hello, …..my guests! You must have been waiting for me for a long time. I brought you ...... gifts. I wish you ……..holidays, ………fun, ………..love, ………..To each of you the most ………. wishes! Etc.

On the street, you can hold a competition for the most beautiful snowman or snowman if there is snow in your area on New Year's Eve.

You can pick up interesting New Year wishes and put them in a magic bag or hat. In another header, we put notes with the names of the participants. We take out at random any note with a name, and from another - a wish and read it out loud.

Competition for those who want to get rich. In the piggy bank, having previously calculated, a trifle is added. On New Year's Eve, each participant is given a piggy bank with a proposal to determine how much money is in it. Everyone calls his guess. Then he gets a note that says how much is in the piggy bank. Whose guess turned out to be the most accurate gets the piggy bank with money.

Competition "Remember the film about new year holidays”- everyone in turn names the film, the winner is the one who remembered the names of the films more. You can remember songs or poems about this holiday or about winter in general.

And this competition can show the creative abilities of the participants. Pre-prepared tasks are put in the box, for example, depict a fashion model posing in front of the camera, a student at the blackboard who has not completed homework, a person in a dentist's office, a child whose toy was taken away, an arrogant pop star, etc.

If the team is familiar and everyone knows each other well, you can arrange such a competition: each participant portrays some kind of mutual friend, and the rest must guess who it is.

If the team is generally artistic, you can portray famous artists, singers, politicians, the audience must determine who the leader portrays.

You can hold such a contest: determine whose hand. The main participant is blindfolded, other participants alternately approach him and give him a hand. He must determine to whom this hand belongs.

Competition: pantomime. The facilitator speaks any object, famous person or animal into the ear of the participant, and he must depict this hidden word with movements.

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