New Year's greetings: Resort KMV. Proverbs and sayings about winter Proverbs about the new year of children

Technique and Internet 19.06.2019
Technique and Internet

The Slavs are famous for their folklore. These are traditions that are honored modern man: they describe natural phenomena, important events and celebrations.

Famous proverbs about the New Year are used for congratulations, during festive performances, and to acquaint children with the history of their people. These are consonant phrases with a special meaning.

Russian proverbs and sayings for children

Sayings are not only for children, but also toddlers can understand them.

The whole point of such statements is the conclusion drawn from different situations. There are simple sayings, the meaning of which lies on the surface and does not need additional reflection, and there are complex phrases - they contain a deep thought that not all adults can understand.

New Year's proverbs are aimed at studying the transition from one life cycle On the second. According to tradition, these days it is necessary to think about what happened, to understand what is the cause of the events, and what their consequences can be avoided in the future.

Do you use proverbs in everyday life?


Sayings are said about the importance of forgiveness, that it is impossible to be angry or harbor a grudge during such celebrations.

Statements help to understand the nature of man. They are often dressed up in a cheerful form, when an important thought is hidden behind a joke.

There may be aphorisms unkind, but in this case, they only convey wisdom, and do not create it. You need to treat sayings without unnecessary nit-picking: for NG, only those texts are selected that are filled with positive and the right New Year's mood.

Sayings about 12 months

These are simple phrases that make it easier to learn the months or track how the weather changes. Learn sayings with parents. Presenting in a playful way will allow you to learn the necessary terms without unnecessary stress and mandatory cramming.

Popular sayings:

  1. “December begins the year and ends winter.”
    With this saying begins the study of months. It is suitable for remembering the date of the New Year.
  2. "December - the hat of winter."
    Tells a saying about the arrival of winter. After December, there is no need to wait for warming, the first frosts are approaching.
  3. "January is the middle of winter, the beginning of the year."
    A useful aphorism to help remember the sequence of months.

On NG, the child learns several sayings. They can be used as counting rhymes, or organize a competition, who will learn more small but short rhymes.

Sayings of different nations

The culture of each nation developed in its own way. As a result, the arrival of winter, a new life cycle, will give rise to various, distinctive songs and aphorisms. The proverbs about the coming New Year of the peoples of the world clearly reflect the peculiarities of their culture.

As a wish for New Year's, an Irish proverb will come in handy: "Luck in the new year is where discipline is." The Irish themselves are not very organized.

Do you love sayings?


The people are famous for their spontaneity and unpredictability, and therefore such a wish is appropriate. It emphasizes the importance of working on oneself, self-discipline.

A Malay proverb is good for celebrating. It is useful for people who have experienced a lot of hardships in the past.

It sounds like: "do not think about those whose name is forgotten, because you are no longer the one who remembered them." Letting go of the past is the main task in the coming year. Malaysians believe in the transformation of energy: only by saying goodbye to pain, you can get relief.

Another thought-provoking phrase comes from Japan. On the eve of the New Year, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun say: “After a hangover, water heals.”

An aphorism is suitable for a feast: it can sound like a joke or an important warning. Proverbs help you avoid common mistakes in the future.

Unusual proverbs of other nations

Before the eve of the coming year in India, they use the following aphorism: "Do not rash poison on someone who can be fed with delicacies." An unusual phrase often sounds on the streets of the capital or provinces. Indigenous people speak of the importance of restraint, even during celebrations.

If the Slavs like to put a lot of dishes on the New Year's table, then the inhabitants of India adhere to a different plan - for them gluttony is like destroying oneself. In everything they are accustomed to adhere to the norm.

Another well-known but complicated proverb comes from China: “To call for good luck, give a new coin to a friend, give a new arc to an old entertainment, and to please a faithful friend, write his name on the wings of a dragon.”

In the culture of the country, the role of any person is painted. A friend for a Chinese is a special person, time-tested. Therefore, for the New Year, only the most faithful friends and other people are not allowed into the house. The saying speaks of respect, but only to trusted people. You can give them everything, even inspire them with mystical animals.

European proverbs

The phrases of Europeans, which are often mentioned on the eve of NG, are more understandable to the Slavs. The English say: "give the devil his share in the New Year." Restrained, but fair people pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to take with them all the burden of the past. This is harmful and dangerous.

The French are set on the eve of the New Year holidays positively. Their people have a proverb that everything that was difficult before is now pleasant to remember. An aphorism will come in handy in preparation for the New Year. Letting go of the past, no longer mourning over it, a person finds happiness.


Sayings are wisdom carried by the people through the years. Such aphorisms are used by modern man: no matter how the the world, a common truths remain the same. Devotion, liberation from the past, pain that had to endure - all this happens, but everything negative must be disposed of before the arrival of a new life cycle.

In all the peoples of the world, there are many sayings on this subject that will be useful for New Year's greetings and that will help in thinking by the end of the year.

What sayings do you know about the holiday?


Winter is not summer, she is dressed in a warm coat.
Winter is the keeper of the fields.
Winter without snow is summer without bread.
Winter scares summer and still melts.

Winter will ask what your summer brings.
The winter wind is a helper to frost - it is more cold.
Winter day - sparrow lope.
In winter, without a fur coat is not ashamed, but very cold.
Cold in winter, but thunderstorms in summer.
In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.
In winter, I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep.

In winter, the sun is like a stepmother: it shines, but it does not warm.
Take care of your nose in a big frost.
There will be winter, there will be summer.

Winter is not summer, she is dressed in a fur coat.
Winter builds summer.

Winter will give you mind.
The winter of the idler freezes.
Winter frolics not only in the forest, but on our nose.
There is no union for winter and summer.
Fear the wolf in winter, and flies in summer.
In winter, the day is dark, but the night is bright.
In winter, ice is not valued.
In winter, the sun only laughs through tears.
In winter, fur coats are not taken.

  • Winter is the uterus, you will sleep sweetly.

Winter has come - do not turn away.


A person who has any education not in the niche of secondary school is appointed to the position of Santa Claus.

Upon admission to a child or kindergarten Father Frost must introduce himself, show the beard of Santa Claus, clearly name the forest from which he came, and call the Snow Maiden.

During the absence of Santa Claus, his duties are performed by a person ordered from a special agency, or any other person in a beard. Or TV.

Santa Claus is guided in his activities by:
- red nose
- in a loud voice (preferably bass);
- regulatory and legal poetic vocabulary;
- documents with a list of addresses and gifts;
- a Christmas tree installed in the corner of the sample

Santa Claus should know:
- ways to set fire to the Christmas tree;
- methods of mounting (dismantling) children on a stool (from a stool);
- ways to create round dances, their spinning and spinning, the main methods of round dance (for this, Santa Claus must have category X rights);

Santa Claus does:

- endure the joys and pleasures of the New Year's life;

- in case of illness - immediately recover. But it's better not to get sick at all. To do this, Santa Claus must have a cotton-gauze beard, a white plaster, and other means of urgent magical help;
– have 2 spare beards with you in case you lose 1 on

production. Each beard of Santa Claus must support the weight of two or three children of average size or average group.

Santa Claus has the right:

The work of Santa Claus is paid according to the number of storeys and poetic complexity and volume. Santa Claus is obliged to steadfastly listen to all the poems of the child, but not more than 5 (five). - Rhymes heard more than the standard are paid at a separate rate.

Santa Claus is obliged to share the reward for the amount of congratulatory work done with the auxiliary Snow Maiden in accordance with the established magical practice.

Santa Claus is forbidden:
- children have it from their hands;
- use the staff when organizing round dances and building children for rewarding;
– drink more than 1 (one) glass of champagne per evening. There are no other drink restrictions.

Santa's working hours

(according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - day after 364 (or night after 364). The working day of Santa Claus on New Year's days continues from 8 o'clock in the morning until the last child from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Kaliningrad.


The real Snow Maiden has the kind eyes of a tired horse.

She knows and speaks the entire text of Santa Claus.

If Santa Claus is in a red caftan, then the Snow Maiden is in blue. And if grandfather is in blue, then this is most likely her caftan.

The real Snow Maiden does not wear glasses. Lenses maybe, but glasses never.

The real Snow Maiden is an orphan.

The real Snow Maiden does not dance on the table.

The real Snow Maiden does not sit on anyone's knees, so as not to freeze anyone's knees.

The real Snow Maiden is only friends with everyone. Of good. Pure. Immaculate. Absolutely not interesting.

When she speaks, it's like a river murmurs. And when she is silent, as if the river is standing.

Bunnies and chanterelles are not afraid of her, but willingly go to her for a fur coat and collar!

And she leaves, sheds tears.


Stayed all summer

Winters are waiting

Rushed down the mountain.

Waited for the pores


I live in the middle of the yard

The kids are sculpting me.

Nose - carrot, eyes - coals,

Who am I?


Who whitens the glades with white,
And writes on the walls with chalk,
sews downy feather beds,

Did you decorate all the windows?


The river flows - we lie,

When it freezes, we run.


Two birch horses

They carry me over the mountains.

These red horses

And their name is …….



Whatever breed you are

Born in the Year of the Dog...

Happy New Year!


Christmas tree, night, some snow,

What could be more romantic?

I wish you all the best!

And Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

"The dog barks - the caravan moves on" ..,

Health happiness and love all New year!

"The dog barks - the wind carries" ..,

Let the New Year throw some money!

So that your house is not empty all New Year!

To less all sorts of adversity!

To have more guests in it,

Various types and colors!

And so that without quarrels, without quarrels, without fights

Although who knows better how, because the year of the Dog!

The chimes are striking, the champagne is open!

I wish you good appetite!

Winter is the most fabulous and magical time of the year. There are a huge number of wise proverbs and entertaining sayings about her. Be sure to introduce them to your kids! After all, they broaden their horizons, develop their powers of observation, and help inquisitive people to spend their time in an interesting and useful way.

Proverbs and sayings about winter will be useful to you at children's themed matinees, suitable for quizzes, quests and others. educational games. Here you will find proverbs and sayings for children about winter, snow, frost and everything. winter months. For convenience, they are divided by age and category.

Take care of your nose in a big frost

Proverbs and sayings about winter for preschoolers, children 5-6 years old

There will be winter, there will be summer.
In one night it becomes winter.

The winter wind is a helper to frost - it gets colder.
More snow - more bread.
On New Year's Day, the day was added to the hare lope.
Winter is cut not for summer, but for winter.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.
The first snowball - not lying - fell: and it melts.
Winter begins with frosts, and ends with drops.
Prepare a cart in winter, and a sleigh in summer.
They reap at times, but they chew in the winter.
Lots of snow, lots of bread.
In winter, the sun only laughs through tears.
Where you have to spend the winter, lie on the stove there.
Two friends - frost and blizzard.
The snow is deep - the year is good.
Snow on the ground is like manure for the harvest.
Frost chained the river, but not forever.
Take care of your nose in a big frost.
Snow to the earth-breadwinner is a warm casing.
In a warm winter coat and frosts are like a joke.
In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.
Winter in one night becomes a long time.
Winter will find everything that summer has postponed for the future.
Winter is not summer, she is dressed in a fur coat.
Winter will ask what your summer brings.
Winter is the keeper of the fields.
There is no winter without frost.
Winter without snow, know summer without bread.

The bullfinch will arrive - it will inform about winter

Winter without snow - there is no bread.
Winter scares summer, but it still melts.
Winter builds summer.
Winter will pass and the snow will come down, and what is sown will surely come up.
The winter of the idler freezes.
Winter has a big belly.
Cold in winter and thunderstorms in summer.
There is no change in winter and summer.
There is no union for winter and summer.
The winter wind is a helper to frost - it is more cold.

Autumn is rich in bread, and winter is rich in snow.
Not the snow that sweeps, but that which comes from above.
In winter, fur coats are not taken.
In winter, a fur coat is no joke.
In winter, without a fur coat, it’s not embarrassing, but cold.
In winter, everyone is happy with a sheepskin coat to toe.
Winter frolics not only in the forest, but on our nose.
In winter, ice is not valued.
Winter is the uterus, you will sleep sweetly.
Fear autumn - winter is behind it. Do not be afraid of winter - spring is behind it.
And in winter there will be a berry, if prepared ahead of time.
In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.
In winter, the sun smiles through tears.
Winter snow is deep - in summer the bread is high.
The bullfinch will fly in - it will inform you about the winter.
Snowdrift and blizzard - two friends.
Without a fur coat and felt boots and winter without end.
In winter, without a fur coat, it’s not shameful, but cold: and in a fur coat without bread, it’s warm and hungry.
The bear sucks one paw, and lives all winter long.

There was no real winter - we will not have the desired summer

It is cold in winter, and watery in summer.
In winter, the sun is like a stepmother: it shines, but it does not warm.
As winter is not angry, but submits to spring.
In the summer you will lie down, and in the winter you will run with a bag.
Summer for the soul, winter for health.
Sitting idle in the summer - not having bread in the winter.
Blizzard winter for custom.
Everything is burned in the winter that is harvested in the summer.
Winter day - sparrow lope.
You won’t go to the forest - you’ll freeze on the stove.
Frost and iron tears, and on the fly beats the bird.
The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
There was no real winter - we will not have the desired summer either.
There is no winter that never ends.
Fear the wolf in winter, and flies in summer.
New Year - to spring turn.
Winter has come - do not turn away.
Don't worry, winter, spring will come!
You sow deeper in the spring - you will be with bread in the winter.
Will inflate the snow - the bread will arrive; water will spill - hay will be typed.
The snow is deep - the year is good.
Winter will give you mind.
You can't beg him for snow in the middle of winter.
In winter, the day is dark, but the night is bright.
August collects, but winter eats everything up.
It's so cold that the stars are dancing.
Winter does not live without three winters.
The year ends and winter begins.
How winter is stronger the sooner spring.
Summer is a gathering, winter is a pick.
I would eat a fungus in winter, but the snow is painfully deep.
The New Year will lead to spring: it begins the year and marks the middle of winter.

A troika, a troika has arrived, the horses in that troika are white ...


December is the winter hat.
December is cold for the whole winter, the earth is cold.
December is the month that ends the old grief, the new year lays the path with new happiness.
December comforts the eye with snow, but tears the ear.
In December, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it blows, it circles, it stirs, it tears, it sweeps.
December ends the year, winter begins.
December comforts the eye with snow, but the ear tears with frost.
December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a move.
December will ask what is in store for the summer.
In December, winter lays canvases, frost builds bridges.


The month of January is the sovereign of winter.
January is cracking - the ice on the river turns blue.
January is the grandfather of spring.
January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
Since January, the sun turns to summer, and winter to frost.
January puts on a sheepskin coat to toe, paints tricky patterns on the windows.
January-father begins the year, crowns the winter.
In January, even the pot on the stove freezes.
The January cold fills the bins.
January-father - frosts, February - blizzards.
The warm days of January respond unkindly.


February is changeable: it will pull in January, then it will glimpse in March.
Like February, don’t be angry, but don’t frown in the spring.
In February, winter meets spring for the first time.
As it comes around in February, it will respond in the fall.
February strokes his nose with one hand, and clicks on it with the other
February is a fierce month: he asks how shod.
February is rich in snow, April - in water.
February will caress you with warmth and thrash you with frost.
February is strong with a blizzard, and March - with a drop.
February builds bridges, March breaks them.
February - crooked roads.
February will add three hours in the afternoon.
February, if it doesn’t take frost, it will sweep all the roads.
Bokogreyushko-February, he is usually a liar with warmth.
Blizzards and blizzards flew in by February.

And here you will find proverbs and sayings on other interesting topics:

Watch this funny video with your child winter proverbs and sayings.

Do not know how to congratulate your friends and loved ones on the upcoming new year holidays? Especially for you, we have collected the warmest New Year greetings on our website. Write Happy New Year greetings on postcards, wish everyone happiness and smiles in the new year! If you like to receive New Year's greetings, then you should be able to give them! New Year's greetings are a piece of your soul and your warmth, presented on New Year's Eve to the closest and most dear people.

New Year's greetings

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy!
Everyone who is single - get married,
Everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about insults.
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny - become fuller,
Too fat - lose weight.
Too smart - become simpler,
Nearby - to grow wiser.
All gray-haired - to turn black.
So that bald hair
Thickened at the top,
Like Siberian forests!
To songs, to dances
Never ended.
Happy New Year,
With new happiness,
My dear friends!

Happy New Year!
Let it begin a new takeoff.
To the best heights of life
And a good bank account
Brings harmony in business
In personal life - a lot of happiness,
And in love - great returns,
This is also good luck!
Let him give the joy of meeting.
New Year's snowy evening.
And last for many years
Suddenly lit in the souls of the light.
With new happiness! Happy New Year!
With a new turn in life!

Happy New Year,
And with all my heart I wish
So that on your tree,
Instead of holiday animals,
Showed off from half a dozen
Half liter vials.
So that Santa Claus from happiness,
Squinting drunken eyes
The most delicious, the sweetest
Treated you with champagne!

Happy New Year our little son!
Happy New Year, our teddy bear!
May clear dreams come to you
My beloved, my glorious child.
May your young years
Illuminates a bright smile
Sorrows will go away forever
And melt like a snowflake melts.
Santa Claus is waving to you
And above the Christmas tree fairy tale flies,
Happy New Year, our dear son,
Mom and dad congratulate you!

The old year goes by
Let him take with him
Bag of adversity
A box of hassle.
May the New Year bring
More happiness in the house
Let what everyone asks
There will be no more sleep.

New Year's Signs

Before the New Year, you can’t take dirty linen out of the hut, otherwise whole year there will be no domestic well-being.

Proverbs, sayings and signs about the New Year and Christmas

Like New You will meet the year, so you will spend it

It is good to make money in an unfamiliar place, it is good to celebrate the New Year in a familiar place (Chinese proverb)

Everything would be a Christmas dog

Celebrate Christmas with your family, and Easter with whoever you want (Italian proverb)

On Christmas Day is warm - the bread will be dark, thick

At Christmas a blizzard - the bees will swarm

At Christmas frost - harvest for bread

At Christmas, two friends - frost and blizzard!

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

Christmas is danced on the day of the Whip (Swedish proverb associated with the feast of St.

Warm Christmas - Harvest at the Graveyard (England)

Highest of all holidays (Finnish proverb)

Easter and Christmas were on the same day (German proverb)

There is no holiday greater than Christmas, as there is no higher nest than an eagle's (German proverb)

At Christmas and the sun is playing

New Year's Songs

Tell me, Snow Maiden

- Tell me, Snow Maiden,
Where was?
Tell me, honey
How are you?

- I ran after you
Father Frost.
I spilled a lot
Bitter tears!

- No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus
No, Santa Claus, wait!

- You me, dear,
I'm sorry
And your love for me

How can I not love you
Dear Grandpa?!
How many winters have been spent
How many years!

- Come on, let's dance out!
- No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus
No, Santa Claus, wait!

- Waiting for my gifts
And you will get
From me!

- finally come true
All dreams.
My best present
It's you!

- Come on, let's dance out!
- No, Santa Claus,
No, Santa Claus
No, Santa Claus, wait!

Happy New Year

Every time on New Year's Eve, my child stands at the frozen window and asks Santa Claus: "Give me a toy! .." I smile, put him to bed, but then I myself go to the window and ask my good old friend - Santa Claus: "Give me my child is happy!" So let's drink to the fulfillment of desires.

As you know, a person learns all his life. He learns every year, and every year, probably, becomes a little smarter ... And that means, for sure, that the years also learn something - from a person and from each other. So let's drink to the fact that each next year learns only good things from the previous one!

May your soul always shine with an unquenchable fiery fire. May the smile on your face be more frequent and kinder every day.

I wish that the troubles of the wound will be forgotten, the dope will leave the soul And yet ... the soul of your victory Let deceit not hide the darkness.

The old year is gone! His last pages rustle. Let the best that was not go away, And the worst - will not be able to return. Let Santa Claus - a crimson nose Make a contribution to the savings bank. The Snow Maiden secretly gives cognac all year round. And Snow White in a temper Let him give you a "Moskvich"!

A certain joker took out a fur coat and a beard of Santa Claus on New Year's Eve. He dressed up and, rejoicing that he could amuse his wife, rang the doorbell of his apartment. The wife opened it and, before he could utter a word, threw herself on his neck, began to kiss him passionately and carried him into the bedroom. And there, like crazy, she indulged in passionate love with "Santa Claus". Taking advantage of a short respite, the husband threw off the false beard and mustache. And then he heard his wife's voice, which struck him: - Wow, it's you! I didn't recognize you at all! So let's raise a toast to real men who know how to arrange a holiday for their wife!

I wish you health, joy and happiness in the New Year, So that neither anxiety nor misfortune Do not guard at the gate. So that the sun gently shines, Everything that the heart expects comes true, And just so that it is gratifying All your life, like this year!

May all the flowers fall at your feet, May the stars turn into emeralds, May grief and sorrows go away, May your dreams come true in the New Year!

Winter is coming, playing with snowstorms, Frost is cracking and summer is far away, And we congratulate you on the New Year, May the New Year give you warmth! The warmth of good luck, the joy of the first meeting, The warmth of love, family warmth, And let it ring on New Year's Eve Glasses of New Year's glass!

We congratulate you on the New Year and, so as not to forget later, we congratulate you in advance on February 23, March 8, April 1, May 9, birthdays, September 1, November 7 and ... Happy New Year next. Bye!!! Let's write in a year! We!!!

May the stars shine in your eyes, May happiness sparkle like champagne, May tears never shine in them, And may sadness not knock on your heart. May the New Year and new dawn All the gloomy days of bad weather will be crossed out, May your life, like a song of a nightingale, Bring happiness in the palms every day!


Happy child 06.01.2018

Dear readers, it is not in vain that so many proverbs and sayings have been invented, because they briefly and accurately express the essence of a variety of phenomena and states. It is not surprising that in the East proverbs are called "the color of the language."

It is very useful to use proverbs at home, in kindergarten and at school. If you teach children to understand proverbs and retell them in your own words, this contributes to the development of children's thinking and the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.

It will not be difficult to pick up thematic proverbs about winter, because there are a lot of them - about the cold snowy months, about frost, snow, about blizzards and snowstorms. So for each case, a suitable statement is hoped.

For preschoolers, proverbs are easier and more understandable in meaning. It is more correct to use them in games and on walks. Let the kids try to explain the meaning of the proverb themselves.

Proverbs about winter

Winter scares summer, but it still melts.
In winter, I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep.
In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.
Don't worry, winter, spring will come.
Winter is not summer, she is dressed in a fur coat.
In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.
Winter does not bring warmth.
Fear the wolf in winter, and flies in summer.
Summer gathers and winter eats.
What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter.
A fur coat in winter is no joke.
As winter is not angry, but submits to spring.
Summer is a store, and winter is a pick.
You can't send winter to foreign lands.
The bear sucks its paw all winter.
The bear sucks one paw, but lives full all winter.
The winter of the idler freezes.
In winter, without a fur coat, it’s not embarrassing, but cold.
Winter snow is deep - bread is tall in summer.
Winter has come - do not turn away.
In winter, the day is dark, but the night is bright.
In winter, money is like a mosquito's sock.
August collects, but winter eats everything.
Winter begins with frosts, and ends with drops.
The winter wind is a helper to frost - it gets colder.
There is no winter that never ends.
If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
In the summer you collect - in the winter you will find it on the table.
In winter the sun is what a stepmother.
Winter will give you mind.
Winter has a big belly.

Proverbs about frost

There is no winter without frost.
Take care of your nose in a big frost.
The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
You wait, and you will win.
Two friends - frost and blizzard.
Frost chained the river, but not forever.
Frost grabs the lazy by the nose, pinches the cheeks.
The frost is not great, but the nose turns red.
Winter has come and brought frost.
Cold in winter and thunderstorms in summer.
In frost, a good owner will not drive the dog out of the gate.

Proverbs about snow

More snow means more bread.
The snow is deep - the bread is high.
Lots of snow, lots of bread.
Not the snow that sweeps, but the one that comes from above.
The snow is cold, but shelters from the cold.
No matter how you wash, you will not be whiter than snow.
The snow is deep - the bread is good.
Where there is snow, there is a trace: if there were no snow, there would be no trace.
Inflate snow - bread will arrive; water will spill - hay will be typed.
The first snowball is not lying, it fell and melts.
From the sky snow - a star, on the palm - water.
Snow is a blanket for wheat: the thicker, the better it sleeps.
White snow, but tasteless.
You can't beg for snow from a miser.

Proverbs about December

December is the winter hat.
The year ends in December and winter begins.
December is snowy and cold - you will have a fertile year.
December paints patterns on the windows.
In December, winter turns to frost, and the sun turns to summer.
December bridges bridges without an ax, without nails, without planks.
The sun in December shines, but does not warm.

January Proverbs

In January, the pot freezes in the oven.
January is the grandfather of spring.
January - frosts, February - blizzards.
January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle.
January-father - frosts, February - snowstorms.
January will add two hours of the day.
The month of January is the sovereign of winter.

January - I sang all year long.
January puts wood in the stove.
January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toe, paints cunning patterns on the windows, comforts the eye with snow and tears the ear with frost.

February Proverbs

February is rich in snow, April - in water.
February is strong with a blizzard, and March is a drop.
Like February, don’t be angry, but don’t frown in the spring.
February builds bridges, March breaks them.
February is rich in snow, and April is rich in water.
In February, winter meets spring for the first time.
In February, day to day strife: today it's warm, and tomorrow it's frosty.
February is a fierce month: he asks how shod.
Blizzards and blizzards flew into February.
February warms the side of the bear in the den.

Proverbs about winter for schoolchildren in grades 2-3

Schoolchildren already know many proverbs, so you can play games such as “Finish the Proverb” or “Proverb Expert”, where children take turns calling the proverb and the one who knows the most wins.

For schoolchildren, proverbs about winter are already more complicated, and more effort is needed to explain their meaning.

Proverbs about winter

Winter will find everything that summer has postponed for the future.
Winter is the keeper of the fields.
Winter does not live without three winters.
Winter without snow, know summer without bread.
There is no change in winter and summer.
There is no union for winter and summer.
Winter day - sparrow lope.
In winter, everyone is happy with a sheepskin coat to toe.
In winter, the forest is noisy for an early thaw.
In winter, ice is not valued.
In winter, dogs wallow - wait for a blizzard.
In winter, the sun smiles through tears.
It is cold in winter, and watery in summer.
In winter with a harrow, and in the summer in a cart.
Where to winter, there and lie on the stove.
The quail is grieving, the quail is grieving: somewhere I will spend the winter.
Black grouse all winter one night.
The beetle has a hole, and the winter is a custom for the wolf.
Everyone is young in the winter cold.
This is not winter, but summer in a winter dress.
In winter, fur coats are not taken.
Winter will pass, and the snow will come down, and what is sown will come up.
Winter does not bring warmth.
In winter, without a fur coat, it’s not a shame, but it’s cold; but in a fur coat and without bread it is warm, but hungry.
Without a fur coat and felt boots and winter without end.
In winter, recognize the beast, not the man.
Remember this: winter is not summer.
You won’t work in winter, spring will lead you, lazybones, with hunger to your belly.
In winter, killer whale, sleep sweetly.
Caught winter in a summer dress.
Winter wanders with bowed head, and summer runs skipping.
Whiter winter - greener summer.
Summer for the soul, winter for health.
In summer you dig with your foot, and in winter you take it with your hand.
In the summer you will lie down, and in the winter you will run with a bag.

Proverbs about December

December ends the year, and winter begins.
December is cold for the whole winter, the earth is cold.
December comforts the eye with snow, but tears the ear.
December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a move.
In December, a snowstorm will cross the road.
In December, winter lays white canvases, and frost builds bridges across the rivers.
In December, the frost increases, but the day arrives.
In December it dawns late, but it gets dark early.
In December, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, blows, circles, stirs, tears and sweeps.
The month of December ends the old grief, the new year lays the path with new happiness.
December solstice is glorious.
December takes everything and gives nothing back.
The forge is small in December, but forges fetters on all rivers.
December frost is torovat with November frosts.

January Proverbs

January - big frosts, February - snowstorms.
January - month bright stars, white trails, blue ice.
The January cold fills the bins.
January clematis - take care of your nose.
January is on the doorstep - the day has arrived at the chicken step.
In January, the frosts are worse, and the burbot is livelier.
As the day grows in January, so does the cold.
January-priest begins the year, dignifies winter.
January is the grandfather of spring.
January in the forest is a deaf time.
January is on the threshold - the day has arrived for sparrow lope.
January is the turning point of winter, the dark dawn of the year.
January underwater is a dark month.
January - cut: cuts the winter in half.
January - fierce, cracker, snowman, cut, clematis, blueberry.
In January, the cold hung over the earth.
From January the sun turns to summer.
In December, the day was completely dead, but in January it was resurrected.
January is cracking - the ice on the river turns blue.

February Proverbs

February is a fierce month, asks how shod.
February is changeable: it will pull in January, then it will glimpse in March.
Blizzards and blizzards flew in February.
February will let the water in, March will pick it up.
In February, winter meets spring for the first time.
February - Bokogrey, wide roads.
February is a two-faced month: both fierce and bokogrey.
February blows winter, and March breaks.
February strokes his nose with one hand, and clicks on it with the other.
The beginning of February is more serene - expect an early spring, more beautiful.
February, if it does not take frost, then it will sweep all the roads.
February will caress you with warmth and thrash you with frost.
As it comes around in February, it will respond in the fall.
Gone is February-touchy - the seeds are closer to the threshold.
February-priest knocks the horn off the winter.

Proverbs about frost

Frost grabs the lazy by the nose, and takes off his hat before the nimble one.
Frost is frost, what a demand from him, but you yourself take care of your nose.
Frost disassembles and stirs.
Frost will brown better than a bath.
Frost and iron tears, and on the fly beats the bird.
Dashing nettle, but the frost wakes her up.
It is so cold that a bird freezes on the fly.
What a peasant does in the cold - runs, but warms himself.
Everyone is young in the winter cold.
One warm word will warm you in a hard frost.
In a winter coat and frost is a joke.
It is easy to fall asleep in the cold - it is difficult to wake up.
In November, the frost settles down.
Oh, and cold and frost: the peasant froze on the stove.
If you don't want the cold, you will love the forest from a young age.
Frost rides through spruce forests, along birch forests, along damp borks - he will check everything, he will not forget anyone.
Crack frost, don't crack, but water-cresses have passed (Epiphany frosts).

Proverbs about snow

The snow is cold, but shelters from the cold.
Winter without snow - summer without bread.
Snow to the earth-breadwinner is a warm casing.
If you keep the snow on the fields in winter, you will be with bread in the fall.
Although the first snow is clean, it will deceive you - winter will not come overnight.
Snow is peasant wealth.
Snow lies, the earth does not tremble.
The snow thickens the fields.
Snow in the fields - grain in the bins.
The snow is deep - bread is good, winter without snow - there will be no bread.

Proverbs about the New Year will come in handy at children's matinees and home holidays, at lessons and classroom hours at school. And the most important proverb here is - how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it!

New Year - to spring turn.
Since the New Year, everything is bad in the water.
The year ends and winter begins.
A year is not a week, everything will be, but not now.
A year is not a week, all days are ahead.
A good person every day is a holiday.
In life there is always a place for a holiday.
The holiday will come, it will bring guests.
What are the guests, such is the holiday.
Work for the hands - a holiday for the soul.
The New Year will lead to spring: it begins the year and marks the middle of winter.
In the New Year, everyone has a birthday. (American proverb)
New Year and the mouse rejoices. (Chinese proverb)
Plan your life in new year's eve and your day at dawn. (Japanese proverb)

So we got to sayings - they are often confused with proverbs. Yes, they are similar, but the main difference is that a proverb is a wise, complete statement with an edifying meaning. And the saying is a short, well-established expression, but without a sign of completeness and generalization. And often the saying is part of the proverb: "No matter how you wash yourself, you will not be whiter than snow."

Sayings about winter, winter months, about snow and frost

Like snow on your head.
You will not be whiter than snow.
Tooth does not fit.
Suck your paw all winter.
Where do crayfish hibernate?
Winter is not summer.
Winter is not far off.
Behind the frost ran.
Freeze something.
Broke out of the cold.
At least freeze the wolves.
Long time no see.
Winter doesn't wait.
In winter, be afraid of the wolf.
White flies have arrived.
Snow covers from the cold.
The wind eats the snow.
Winter is not without frost.
Both cold and hungry.
The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world.
It carries cold from a person.
Protect your nose in the cold.

In proverbs and sayings all folk wisdom. And it can be much easier to remember one of them than to try to explain the essence of things for a long and difficult time. Therefore, they live for centuries in our language, are easily remembered and passed on from generation to generation. And since our winters are long, frosty, snowy, we have a lot of proverbs and sayings about winter, there are suitable ones for every occasion.

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