The law of development. Glossary of basic concepts (Z) The material system strives to achieve the greatest total potential

Technique and Internet 09.08.2019
Technique and Internet

The concepts of "dependence", "law", "regularity".

Every organization has managed, semi-managed, and unmanaged processes. Each process includes 4 components:

Input impact (input) (incoming information, order of the head)

Transformation of the input impact (processing of the input impact according to known or new algorithms)

The result of the transformation of the waters of influence (a managerial decision or an executive action of the leader himself)

Influence of the result on the input action (adjustment of the algorithm for processing the initial input action or changing its value)

There is a relationship between the input action and the output result, the cat can have a different form: tabular, graphic, formulaic, verbal.

Dependencies can be objective(formed independently of the will and consciousness of people) and subjective(formed by people to achieve the global goals of an organization or country); to short-term(for example, the dependence of the choice of options for solving operational planning on the available time) and long-term(for example, the dependence of an employee's wages on his productivity); moral(associated with the observance in society of the norms of the command of man, the ideals of good and evil) and immoral(associated with customs and traditions that in one way or another violate human rights. These dependencies are manifested in illegal public formations or in organizations that are in unnatural conditions of existence).

Thus, all decisions and actions of a person in one way or another are subject to some conscious or unconscious dependencies.

Law is a dependency that is either fixed in legislative documents; is a generally accepted norm for a large group of people or organizations (such norms are in the Bible, the Koran); received recognition and support from authoritative scientists (laws of organization).

Regularity is part of the law. A law or regularity from the standpoint of management can be represented as a connection between the goals of management and the means and methods for achieving them. Thus, the law has a mechanism of action and a mechanism of use. The action mechanism consists in the formation of the dependence of output parameters on the input ones, and the use mechanism is a set of rules and norms for the employee implementing the action mechanism, indicating the list of his rights and responsibilities.

organization laws.

The laws of the organization have in their composition the general and the particular. The general part of the law has a mechanism of action regardless of geographical location, countries, areas of activity of the organization, and the special is that part of the law that does not change its essence and reflects the characteristics of the organization as a social system. (For example, the general level of culture and professional training ).

Laws play a decisive role in the theory of organization, including forming a theoretical foundation, facilitating the transition from an empirical approach to a professional one, allowing one to correctly assess the emerging situation and analyze foreign experience.

The laws of the organization are divided into 2 levels according to their importance:

Fundamental (laws of synergy, self-preservation, development)

Less important (informativeness-orderliness, unity of synthesis and analysis, composition and proportionality, specific laws of social organization).

Fundamental laws of the organization.

The law of synergy.

Any organization is characterized by the following elements: productivity, interest, scientific potential, attitude to the external environment, the microclimate in the team, personnel potential, technical potential, development prospects, image. They define organization potential, her ability to work. The process of significant strengthening or weakening of the potential of a material system is called synergy. .

Law: For any organization, there is such a set of elements in which its potential will always be either significantly greater than the simple sum of the potentials of its elements (people, computers), or significantly less.

The manager's task is to find such a set of elements in which synergy would be creative. (Example: Is it possible to create a young family whose potential will always be in the field of creative energy? Answer: It is very difficult, since all the elements necessary for synergy are in the family management sphere - drinking parents, the influence of the external environment.)

It is rather difficult to design the conditions for achieving synergy in advance. It is also difficult to assess the possible increase in the overall capacity of the organization. The synergy effect has not yet been measured. However, the accumulation of statistical data on the impact of synergy is being carried out, and the simplest models of the conditions for its achievement are being formed.

There are a number of methods for successfully implementing the law of synergy. Method "Questions and answers" the most simple in organizational execution, its implementation can be partially formalized using a computer by creating an information base of possible questions, answers and consequences of their implementation. A very promising method "conference of ideas" which is based on the stimulation of the thinking process at the level of consciousness. It has little in common with a regular conference. The main principles of this method: the number of participants 4-12; ridicule, criticism, even positive ones are prohibited; 1-2 mutually dependent tasks are formulated for discussion; duration of the conference 30-50 minutes; all proposals are recorded, including the absurd ones. In the US, a common method "brain attack" it is based on the stimulation of the subconscious, which is an inexhaustible source of the human spirit, the emergence of brilliant ideas.

All methods should be aimed at strengthening the action of the law of synergy.

The law of self-preservation.

The theoretical basis for the analysis of the general state of the organization is the law of self-preservation.

Law: each material system(organization, team, family) seeks to preserve itself (survive) and uses all its potential (resource) for this.

In analytical form, this law has the following form:

Σ Ri > Σ (V1i + V2i);

where Ri is the potential (resource) of the organization in area i (economics, politics, finance, and so on) that contributes to its development.

V1i is the resource of external destructive impact.

V2i is a resource of internal influence, seeking to eliminate the organization or cause significant harm to it.

Thus, the total amount of creative resources of the organization must be greater than the sum of external and internal destructive resources.

The left side in the formula is called the “containment energy”, and

right - “energy. elimination." The retention energy must be greater than the elimination energy.

The indicator is very important for analyzing the position of the organization. "level of self-preservation"(UR). It is calculated by the formula: divide the difference between retention and liquidation resources by the total amount of retention resources. UR \u003d (U-L / U) * 100%.

Of practical interest are 7 levels of self-preservation. (They contain such characteristics as: “the organization should be liquidated immediately” or “Normal, favorable situation in a market economy.”)

How to maintain at a sufficient level or increase the positive resource of the organization (that is, the retention resource)? This can be achieved through proper work with the external environment. There are 4 strategies that are used here.

Passive-individual. Based on the expectation of partners and proposals to fill free niches in the activities of third-party organizations. This strategy involves a moderate advertising campaign.

The main feature of such a strategy is entrepreneurial risk. After all, in fact, the leader just sits and waits to see if someone needs the services or goods of his organization. This strategy should be applied when an entrepreneur already has another stable source of income, because there is a rather high risk of being unclaimed and going bankrupt.

Passive-collective. Based on the interest of the state or any society in the development specific area production of goods, services, information, knowledge in any area, that is, the state somehow supports the organization, while the leaders are again quite passive.

Active individual. The strategy of the company's constant search for its niche in science, technology and information.

Active-collective. It involves the creation by the head of his own infrastructure for his own organization (leading organization).

Insurance of resources and risks helps to keep at the given levels of self-preservation of the company. By reducing the potential of the organization by the amount of insurance premiums, the manager significantly increases the stability (permanence) of this potential.

Risk insurance along the entire management and production chain of a company's activities can significantly increase the insurance field and reduce the number of final risks. For comprehensive insurance legal entity it is necessary to implement 9 branches of insurance (among them such as property insurance, transport insurance, personnel professionalism insurance, intellectual property insurance.)

The law of development.

Development is an irreversible, directed, regular change in matter and consciousness. Two forms of development - evolutionary (gradual quantitative and qualitative changes, a change in consciousness is combined with a change in matter) and revolutionary (a spasmodic unconscious transition from one state of matter to another, or a spasmodic change in consciousness without a corresponding change in the basis). There are also progressive and regressive development.

The development of organizations is due to the following factors:

Changes in the external environment (economics, politics, ethics, culture, etc.)

Changes in the internal environment (relocation of workers, transition to new technologies, etc.)

The needs and interests of a person and society (the need for self-expression of a person, the need for a surplus product of society, etc.)

Aging and wear of material elements (equipment, human, technology)

Changing ecology

Technical progress

The global state of world civilization

The law of development: each material system strives to achieve the greatest total potential when passing through all stages life cycle.

The law of development is based on the principles:

inertia - a change in the potential (amount of resources) of the system begins some time after the onset of the impact of changes in the external or internal environment and continues for some time after they end;

elasticity - the rate of potential change depends on the potential itself. In practice, the elasticity of the system is evaluated in comparison with other systems based on statistical data or classifications. What is the meaning of elasticity. For example, for an organization with high elasticity: with a sharp long-term decrease in demand for products, employees quickly mastered and began to produce new products that are in great demand;

continuity - the process of changing the potential of the system goes on continuously, only the speed and sign of the change change;

Stabilization - the system tends to stabilize the range of changes in the potential of the system. This principle is based on the well-known need of man and society for stability;

The successful development and growth of an organization can lead to the big business syndrome, which is characterized by the following features:

Extremely centralized and swollen administrative apparatus;

An all-encompassing system of special forms and procedures for making everyday decisions;

An increase in the number of meetings of all kinds to develop such decisions;

Transfer of decisions and responsibilities from one department to another.

The big business syndrome can be removed by regressive development methods by moving back to simpler structures.

A business plan is the basis for the effective implementation of the law of development. He is the successor of the well-known among many generations of economists former USSR promfintechplan (industrial-financial technological plan). A business plan is a combination of background (explanatory) information with a strict system of calculations of the industrial financial plan. It is designed for a wide range of specialists, each of whom will find in it the information of interest to him.

Laws of second level organization.

The successful development and growth of an organization can lead to the “big business syndrome”, which is characterized by the following features:

  • an extremely centralized and swollen administrative apparatus;
  • an all-encompassing system of special forms and procedures for making ordinary, everyday decisions;
  • an increase in the number of meetings of all kinds to develop such decisions;
  • transfer of decisions and responsibilities from one department to another.

If, as a result of the progressive development of the organization, the "syndrome of big business" began to appear, it will be possible to remove it by methods of regressive development of the path of movement towards simpler structures, but at a new level.

Law of self-preservation

The principle of unity provides an approach for effective use given set of laws. This approach is as follows.

Laws are objective in nature and therefore will be implemented regardless of our desire, since the set of elements is already set. The tasks of the leader are as follows:

  • from the list of goals of the organization to identify the main (for a month, quarter, year);
  • choose from the set the dominant law to which the main attention should be paid; subordinate the implementation of other laws to the dominant one;
  • to achieve compliance of laws with each other by establishing proportions, priorities and deadlines for their implementation.

Failure to comply with the principle of unity leads to a deterioration in the performance of the organization's production and economic activities.

In a social organization, the center of which is a person, a number of general and special laws and principles are objectively implemented, which represent a single whole in the world of organizations.

Development is an irreversible, directed, regular change in matter and consciousness.

There are two forms of development:

    Evolutionary, associated with gradual quantitative and qualitative changes (a change in consciousness is combined with changes in matter);

    Revolutionary, characterized by an abrupt unconscious transition from one state of matter to another, or an abrupt change in consciousness without a corresponding change in the basis.

Distinguish between progressive and regressive development. Progressive development - it is a transition from lower to higher, from less to more perfect, regressive - this is degradation, lowering the level of knowledge and relationships, the transition to obsolete earlier or already passed forms and structures.

Progress and regress are closely related and constitute a dialectical unity?. Without regression there is no progress, and without progress there is no regression.

The development of organizations is due to the following factors:

changes in the external environment (economics, politics, ethics, culture, etc.),

changes in the internal environment (relocation of workers, transition to new technologies, etc.);

the needs and interests of a person and society (the need for self-expression and self-manifestation of a person, the need for a surplus product of society, etc.);

aging and wear of material elements (equipment, human, technology);

environmental changes (pollution or purification of the environment, reduction or increase in flora and fauna);

technical progress;

global state of world civilization.

Development is based on the life cycle of any material system (Fig. 3.12), which includes eight interrelated stages: the threshold of insensitivity (E 1), implementation (E 2), growth (E 3), maturity (E 4), saturation (E 5) , decline (E 6), collapse (E 7) and liquidation or disposal (E 8) (Fig. 3.12).

Fig.3.12. Dynamics of the development of the material system

The eight stages include both progressive and regressive development. The tangent of the slope of the curve at the stages of implementation, growth, maturity, decline and collapse determines whether development belongs to an evolutionary or revolutionary form, decline or rise. Angle values ​​in the range of 50 - 60° indicate a revolutionary form of development, a range of 10 - 30° indicates an evolutionary form of development, an intermediate range of 30 - 50° is a period of gradual transition to the listed forms, a range of 0 - 10° is a stabilization or change in reserves . A positive value of the tangent indicates an increase, and a negative value indicates a decrease.

Law and Development Principles

Law of development: each material system strives to achieve the greatest total potential during the passage of all stages of the life cycle.

In analytical form, this law is written:

where R j - system potential at the stage j life cycle;

R ij - potential (resource) of the system in the field i(economics, politics, finance) and at stage y;

K j - the weight coefficient of the influence of each previous stage potential on the subsequent ones;

F j - the function of this influence;

R max - planned results for specific activities (in the business plan or in other documents).

The first formula in relation (3.7) calculates the potential of the system at each stage of the life cycle. As mentioned in §3.1 and 3.3, the basis of the organization's potential is tangible and intangible resources. The second and third formulas in relation (3.7) determine the most acceptable influence coefficient To j each previous stage potential to the subsequent ones by selecting the function F j . Specific data on these formulas are calculated by the simplex method and the least squares method (in general, the mechanism for calculating the relation (3.7) has not yet been developed).

The law of development is based on a number of principles: inertia, elasticity, continuity and stabilization.

Principle of inertia(or delay) is that the change in the potential of the system R, begins some time later (7z) after the onset of the impact of changes in the external or internal environment and continues for some time (Hz) after they end (Fig. 3.13).

Fig.313. The potential of the system under the influence of T s is the delay time, T p is the continuation time

In organizations, inertia is manifested in the functioning of outdated equipment, in the use of outdated knowledge and skills, in the activities of obsolete organizational structures. Inertia is very characteristic of a person, regardless of his age. It manifests itself in traditions, rituals, stereotypes of thinking, norms of behavior.

Principle of elasticity is that the rate (C p) of the change in the potential of the system R j depends on the potential R j , i.e.:

The rate of change in the potential or the amount of resources is determined by the angle of rise or fall of the curve of change in the resource in the elasticity zone (Fig. 3.13). If the angle is small, then they speak of low elasticity of the system, i.e., the system is not very susceptible to influences and small influences can pass by it unnoticed. If the angle is large, then they talk about the great elasticity of the system, its active susceptibility. In practice, the elasticity of the system is evaluated in comparison with other systems based on statistical data or classifications.

In table. 3.8 the factors promoting increase or decrease in elasticity in the organization are resulted.

Table 3.8. Factors affecting the elasticity of the organization

Elasticity of the organization



University training of key personnel

Professional training of key personnel

Universalization of production

Production specialization

Reservation (insurance)

Work at all production facilities

Isolation from the external environment (creating your own infrastructure)

Strong dependence on the external environment

Unification of products and their docking with others

Complete freedom in the dimensions and characteristics of products

Introduction of GOSTs and OSTs

Absence of mandatory norms

Personnel rotation

Reducing staff turnover

Different organizations react differently to the same events depending on the professionalism of the staff, the technical, organizational and cultural level of the organization itself.

Examples of the behavior of organizations with high elasticity:

With an abrupt increase in demand for products, the organization quickly uses reserve capacity and attracts related organizations;

With a sharp long-term decrease in demand for products, the employees of the organization in a short time developed, mastered and began to produce new products that are in great demand.

Continuity principle is that the process of changing the potential of the system R j is continuous, only the speed and the sign of the change change. The apparent discreteness (discontinuity) of the change in the potential of the system is often explained by a view from the outside, when the current work leading (transforming) to a new quality or quantity is not noticed.

For example, on March 28, an organization received a loan for 2 million rubles, which was credited to its bank account. Has its potential increased? Of course not, since the number 2 million rubles appears in the balance sheet line “accounts payable”.

However, if the organization successfully uses this loan, then its potential will gradually (continuously) grow.

Principle of stabilization consists in the fact that the system tends to stabilize the range of change in the potential of the SystemR j . This principle is based on the well-known need of man and society for stability.

On fig. 3.12 the resource of the system has undergone significant changes, and at the end, at the stages of collapse and liquidation, the resource is reduced to zero. Improving the performance of the organization and expanding the stabilization stage should be carried out professionally due to a number of factors, including by connecting new resources at each stage of product development (Fig. 3.14, in which, for simplicity, only three stages of the life cycle are used: implementation (E 2), saturation (E 5) and decline (E 6)).

Rice. 3.14. Dynamics of Development of a Stable Material System

Stabilization is carried out by turning on new products into the activities of the organization. So, without waiting for the decline in production A, it is necessary to include new products B in the organization’s activities, and then, similarly, products C and products D. In this case, a resource stabilization zone is formed, indicated in the figure by bold lines.

Based on the considered principle, in order to stabilize the professional level of the organization's personnel, it is necessary to create a system of continuous employee training. If there is no such training, then this process will still go on, but spontaneously and inefficiently.

Special types of insurance can also be used to stabilize the capacity of the organization (see §3.3).

The successful development and growth of an organization can lead to big business syndrome which is characterized by the following features:

Extremely centralized and swollen administrative apparatus;

An all-encompassing system of special forms and procedures for making ordinary, everyday decisions;

An increase in the number of meetings of all kinds to develop such decisions;

Transfer of decisions and responsibilities from one department to another.

So, the result of progressive development may be the syndrome of big business. The methods of regressive development (see the beginning of this paragraph) can remove this syndrome by moving back to simpler structures. Here you can quote the well-known saying that "the best is the enemy of the good."

Questions for self-control

1. What is the essence of the development of organizations?

2. What factors determine the development of organizations?

3. Briefly describe the main stages of the life cycle of the organization's development.

4. What features does the “dead threshold” stage have?

5. What features does the “liquidation (utilization)” stage have?

6. What is the essence and content of the law of development?

7. Describe the principle of inertia in organizational systems.

8. What is the principle of elasticity?

9. How flexible should educational institutions be?

10. What is the principle of stabilization?

11. How to avoid big business syndrome?

12. What options for implementing the law of development are found in practice?

13. Give an example of the professional approach of a manager in the development of his company.

14. What company documents reflect the development process?

15. What is the methodology for compiling a business plan?

16. Draw up a typical business plan structure.

Law- is a reflection of objective and stable relationships that manifest themselves in nature, society and human thinking. . Laws are objective and subjective, short-term and long-term, moral and immoral.

Objective laws are called the laws of the organization, subjective - for organizations. They can be presented in the form of tables, graphs, formulas, verbal descriptions, a set of paragraphs and articles, instructions and regulations. Any system in a real environment is subject to random deviations from equilibrium due to interaction with the external environment.

The laws of the organization are divided into 2 levels according to their importance:

Fundamental (laws of synergy, self-preservation, development)

Less important (the rest).

The law of synergy

The law of synergy says: each material system (enterprise, organization, family) has a set of such elements, the total potential of which is always significantly more or significantly less than the simple arithmetic sum of its potentials.

The task of the manager is to obtain a synergistic effect when making any managerial decision.

Law of self-preservation

Law: every material system (organization, team, family) seeks to preserve itself (survive) and uses all its potential (resource) for this.

Each organizational system seeks to preserve itself (survive), using for this the totality and combination of internal and external resources, i.e. maximize your total potential. When an organization is created, it has both an internal goal, which allows the organization to function properly within itself, and an external goal, which is the most important and which determines how much this organization is able to meet the external needs of the environment.

That is, in order for an organization to survive, it must be needed by someone, must be in demand by the external environment. This is a necessary condition. A sufficient condition is the ability to group their internal resources in such a way that the organization can adequately show itself in the external market, since it is not isolated, but is in interaction with the same organizations.

Law of development

The development of organizations is due to a number of factors: changes in the external and internal environment, ecology, technological progress, etc.

The law of development: the system strives to achieve the greatest total potential during the passage of all stages of the life cycle.

The law of development is based on the principles:

Ø inertia- the change in the potential (the amount of resources) of the system begins some time after the onset of the impact of changes in the external or internal environment and continues for some time after they end;

Ø elasticity– the rate of potential change depends on the potential itself;

Ø stabilization- the system tends to stabilize the range of changes in the potential of the system.

Law of least (law of relative resistances)

He says that the overall stability of the system as a whole is determined by the smallest relative stability of its constituent components in relation to a given external influence.

Law of balance

The law of equilibrium is formulated as follows: any system of mobile equilibrium tends to change in such a way as to minimize the effect of external influence, while maintaining its qualitative certainty.

Seminar plan

1. The law of development.

2. The law of self-preservation and the mechanism of sustainability.

3. Law of synergy.

4. Interaction of the laws of organization in nature and society and their practical application.

test questions

1. Imagine the implementation of the law of synergy in the variant: "The leader and subordinates do not know anything about the law."

2. Name the features of the laws of the organization and the laws for the organization. Explain the difference with an example.

3. Show on specific example how the law of self-preservation works. Explain the organization's self-preservation philosophy.

4. What are the general features of the laws of the organization?

5. Explain what factors determine the development of the organization. Name what you think are the most important.

Tasks for independent solution

Task 1. "Analysis of general organizational laws"

The purpose of the work: to study the laws of development of systems using table 6.

Table 6 - Characteristics of general organizational laws

1. Determine the relationship between the law of self-preservation and the concept of organization adaptation.

2. Determine the relationship between the concept of the life cycle of an organization and the operation of the law of self-preservation.

Task 2

The purpose of the work: to identify the manifestations of the basic laws of the organization (the law of synergy, the law of self-preservation, the law of development) based on the results of the activities of LLC "X" (table 7).

Table 7 - Report on the results of activities of LLC "X", thousand rubles.

Indicators 4th quarter 2007 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 3rd quarter 2008 4th quarter 2008 Q1 2009
Volume of sales
Bank interest
New Arrivals
Material costs
Training - - -
Wage regular staff
Salary of a temporary creative team (VTK)

1. Provide calculated and graphical material for each law.

3. Analyze the confinement energy and liquidation energy.

4. Based on the results of the analysis, draw conclusions.

Self test

What is the name of the effect obtained as a result of the connection of two or more systems, which is greater or less than the simple addition of the potentials of these systems?

1. Chain connection.

2. Synergy.

3. Sustainability.

Which law corresponds to the following definition: "each system strives to achieve the greatest total potential during the passage of all stages of the life cycle"?

1. The law of self-preservation.

2. The law of development.

3. Law of synergy.

4. The law of balance.

What is the essence of the law of synergy?

1. Reflects the ratio of various parts of the organization.

2. The capabilities of the organization as a whole exceed the sum of the potentials of its individual parts.

3. It has two contradictory beginnings: stability and development.

How stable are open systems?

1. Systemic.

2. Dynamic.

3. Static.

What law corresponds to the following definition: “every system seeks to change in such a way as to minimize the effect of external influences, while maintaining its qualitative certainty”?

1. The law of relative resistances.

2. The law of self-preservation.

3. The law of balance.

What are synergistic relationships and connections?

1. Specialization.

2. Optimality.

3. Manageability.

4. Sustainability.

5. Interchangeability.




3. Personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks in solving social and labor problems.

4. The difference between the face value security and the price of its sale; product discount.

7. Pledge of real estate in order to obtain a long-term cash loan.

9. Type of indirect taxes, which is integral part selling price and paid in full to the budget.

10. Element-by-element evaluation of the company's inventory items or their balances on a certain date.

14. The management system of the area of ​​activity of the company, which ensures the promotion of goods on the market.

17. Market situation, which is characterized by the presence of monopoly groups of buyers of a certain product, having big influence to set market prices.

19. Insurance finished products, movable and immovable property.

20. Payment for the transportation of inventory items or passengers by water charged after transportation.

21. Internal and external circumstances that have a direct impact on the production process and circulation of funds.


1. Possibility of converting the company's assets into cash to pay off the arisen debt on obligations.

2. Extension of the term of an agreement, contract, etc.

5. Storage of shares, bonds, bills and other valuables in credit institutions.

6. The amount of costs, expressed in monetary form and carried out for the production and sale of products and the provision of services.

8. Provision of consulting services to subjects of a market economy on the organization, management of the company's economy, etc.

11. Valuation of sold and purchased goods for a certain period.

12. Monetary contribution of a legal or natural person, which allows to acquire certain rights to own the property of a joint-stock company.

13. The amount of the fine for violation or poor performance of the terms of the agreement by one of the parties.

15. Temporary agreement on production and marketing cooperation of several industrial organizations for the joint implementation of a major industrial project.

16. Reputation, public assessment of the company's activities, formed by customers, suppliers and consumers.

18. The difference between cash receipts and expenses of the firm for a certain period.

- Becoming. The organization is in its infancy, the goals are still not clear enough, the creative process flows freely. The main efforts are aimed at creating a product and surviving in the market. The organization is usually small, the relationship between employees is informal. At this stage, most often organizational structure management, the division and specialization of managerial work is weakly manifested.

- Growth. At this stage, innovative processes are intensively developing, the mission (purpose) of the organization is finally formed. Communication and control remain informal. As the organization grows, the processes of division and specialization of managerial labor intensify in it, which in turn causes the formation of new structural divisions.

- Maturity. The structure of the organization becomes hierarchically more and more complex, formal, new rules and procedures are introduced. The degree of division of labor and specialization of workers is increasing, and the role of top management is increasing. The decision-making process is becoming increasingly conservative. The roles are specified so that the departure of certain employees does not cause serious danger.

- decline. An organization faces a decrease in demand for its products or services. Leaders are looking for ways to hold markets and seize new opportunities. The need for workers with the most valuable specialties is increasing. At the stage of decline, you need to breathe into the organization new life, sharply adjust the strategy, make the necessary organizational changes, otherwise the organization may cease to exist.

Business transformation- this is an organized redesign of the genetic architecture of a corporation, which is achieved as a result of simultaneous work in four areas (elements): reframing, restructuring, revitalization (revitalization) and renewal.

Reframing- this is a shift in the corporation's vision of what it is now and what it can achieve. This element of transformation addresses the mind (brain) of the company.

Restructuring − this is an important preparatory stage, allowing the company to achieve a level of efficiency that ensures its competitiveness. Restructuring deals with the body of the company; therefore, competitiveness, i.e. the need to be fit and conform to the environment is of primary importance. Restructuring is the area of ​​transformation where the returns are fastest and where cultural challenges are most significant, where the inevitable often occurs. side effects such as layoffs and unrest among workers. However, the reward, if invested in revitalization and renewal, can be used to "heal wounds" and reduce their depth.

Revitalization (revitalization) − it is an increase in growth through the establishment of a connection between the body of the corporation and environment.

Update deals with the human side of the transformation process and with the spirit of the organization. It provides people with new skills and new goals, which allows the organization to regenerate itself.

The system of laws of organization

When considering laws, the concepts of dependence, law and regularity are singled out. Addiction is the relationship between the input and output parameters of the organization as a system. Law- this is a stable dependence, which is either: fixed in legislative documents, is a generally accepted norm for a large group of people and organizations, has been recognized by authoritative scientists. regularity- this is a part of the law relating to any narrow area of ​​​​its application or the initial formulation (not yet settled) of the law at the beginning of its theoretical understanding and research.

The laws of the organization make it possible to correctly assess the emerging situation, help to objectively analyze the accumulated experience, and contribute to the improvement of the management culture in companies. They have essential features, namely, the laws of the organization:

characterize general connections and relationships in social environment;

act as a catalyst for the social process;

· increase their influence on the company's activities with the development of social relations.

Typology of organizational laws:

General:- Law of Synergy- the basic law of the organization of management, which says: the properties and capabilities of an organization as a structure, as a whole, exceed the sum of its properties and capabilities individual elements, which is due to their complementarity, mutual support, mutual influence.

- Law of self-preservation

- Law of Development. Each material system strives to achieve the greatest total potential during the passage of all stages of the life cycle.

- The law of correspondence of the diversity of the control subsystem to the diversity of the controlled subsystem: uncertainty in the behavior of the controlled object can be reduced by a corresponding increase in the variety of forms of control.

- The law of priority of the whole over the part: in the interaction of the system and subsystem, the leading party is the whole, which actively influences the parts, while the whole and the parts are one, they do not exist without each other. Parts are subordinate to the whole, move and develop within its boundaries.

- The law of the accounting system of needs: the actions of workers are always driven by needs and interests, the leading of which are socio-economic. Management that takes into account the diversity of the totality of individual, group and corporate and public needs will be effective.

- Law of ontogeny. It says that the life of any organization consists of a life cycle, including phases: formation, flourishing, extinction. The fading stage can be avoided by adopting an update model. A new management team should come to the leadership.

Private:- The law of continuity and rhythm in the movement of production assets: the rhythm of the production process, the continuity of material and technical supply and the sale of manufactured products, the timely renewal of the organization's fixed production assets. Compliance with these conditions allows you to achieve the optimal rate of turnover of production assets, which increases production efficiency.

- Law of Least states that the structural stability of the whole is determined by its least partial stability.
The law of competitiveness of management personnel
states: each socio-economic system must have a clear mechanism for assessing and selecting managerial personnel in accordance with their real abilities. The operation of such a mechanism is inextricably linked with the competitive selection and nomination by the economic system itself of the most professionally trained employees to fill managerial positions.
Specific: - The law of informativity - orderliness states that the more information an organization has about the internal and external environment, the more likely it is to operate sustainably (self-preservation).

- The law of unity of analysis and synthesis. The law says that all organizations try to tune in to the most economical mode of operation through constant adaptations (structural changes, additions to functions, reorientation). Consequently, the rate of change (as well as the result) depends on the scope and rate of transformation of the external and internal environment.

The law of composition and proportionality states that each material system strives to preserve in its structure all the necessary elements (composition) that are in a given correlation or in a given subordination (proportion)

essence the law of differentiation and function universalization is that in organizational systems there are oppositely directed processes: separation, specialization of functions implemented by its elements, on the one hand, and their integration, universalization, on the other. As a result, the potential capabilities of the elements that make up the system increase and the results of their interaction improve in the form of an increase in the potential of the organization as a whole.

- The law of originality(individuality). Each organization functions only in accordance with the organizational and management structure that is optimal for it and inherent only to it. It is impossible to find two absolutely identical organizations, any organization is unique and inimitable.

- Law of optimal load. Each employee has their own optimal workload standards, under which he will work with maximum efficiency.

- Law of social harmony. The development of the social sphere within the organization will lead to an increase in the level of emotional satisfaction of employees, therefore, the labor activity and increase labor productivity. Governing this law, it is also important not to allow the consequences of development to go beyond the working environment during working hours.

- The law of effective perception and memorization of information. The processes of perception of information by the employee should be as close as possible to the natural process of his thinking.

25. Organization structure: contextual characteristics

Organizations - this is primarily social groups, focused on achieving interrelated and specific goals.

Contextual characteristics of the organization:

1.The size- the size of the organization, i.e. the number of people working in the organization. The number of people (not the volume of sales, the value of assets) determines the size, because the organization - social system. The size of the organization, its branch, division.

Organization size: large and small.

2. Technologies used by the organization- the tools, production methods and activities by which an organization transforms inputs into outputs. How an organization produces products, services (Internet, audience, machine assembly line, delivery service).

3. Environment- everything that is connected with the organization, located outside it (other organizations, government, buyers, suppliers, financial environment).

4. Goals and strategies of the organization- the tasks of the organization, the corresponding methods of their implementation, which distinguish this organization from others. Goals and strategies determine the field of activity of the organization and its relationship with employees, consumers, competitors. Goals are specific end states or outcomes that a group seeks to achieve in the process of working together. Goal types:

1. The main overall goal of the organization - a clearly expressed reason for its existence - is designated as its mission. Mission- the main main goal of the organization for which it was created. Missions are one of the most significant decisions when planning and choosing the purpose of an organization. All goals of the organization are developed to fulfill its mission. The significance of the mission cannot be overstated.

2. Common goals(they are usually from 4 to 6) reflect the most important activities of the organization as a whole.

3. Specific Goals(local) - are developed in each unit and determine the main directions of its activities in the context of the implementation of its general goals.

4.Strategic Goals focused on solving promising large-scale problems that qualitatively change the face of the organization, for example, achieving leadership in their field of activity, entering international markets, fundamentally updating the material and production base, etc.

5.Tactical targets- reflect individual stages of achieving strategic goals, for example, overhaul of production equipment, etc.

6.Current Goals(short-term) - follow from the strategic and act as a means of their implementation, expressed in quantitative performance indicators for a certain period, usually one year.

7. Operational goals are determined from the current ones and are aimed at their implementation, are determined for a period, as a rule, of one month, ten days, or a day.

Strategy- an action plan describing the allocation of resources and activities necessary to establish relationships with the environment and achieve goals.

5. Organization culture- a set of values, beliefs, attitudes and norms common to all employees. Values ​​relate to the ethics of behavior, requirements for the appearance, behavior of employees, interaction in the organization, values ​​\u200b\u200bare fastening the structure of the organization. The culture of the organization is nowhere written down, although there are ethical codes. However, it shows up in everything. Organizational culture performs two main functions:- internal integration: carries out internal integration of the members of the organization in such a way that they know how they should interact with each other;
- external adaptation: helps the organization to adapt to the external environment.

26.Personal development in the organization and learning

Personality - stable set characteristics that determine the commonality and differences in human behavior. These characteristics are shaped by hereditary, social, cultural and natural factors.

Typology of people in business. There are various approaches to assessing personality types:

Types of individual human temperament (choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic),

Types of personality in relation to the source of control (personalities with external and internal sources of control),

Personality types by the nature of their relationship to the norms of the organization (authoritarian personality, bureaucratic personality; Machiavellian, striving for leadership),

Personality types according to adaptation to the life of the organization (organizationalist, professional, indifferent).

These approaches give the manager a tool that will prompt the direction and individual approach to each member of the organization, help to set feasible and interesting tasks for the individual, increase his motivation, resolve or prevent conflict. The ability of some companies to survive and even thrive today depends on how effective management and team relationships are with each other. People are the capital of any organization, and to use it more effectively, managers must be experts in human relations.
Learning is an important category of organizational behavior that affects the performance of organizational behavior and the development of human resources.

Behavioral learning is a fairly stable process of changing human behavior based on experience that reflects the actions of a person and the reaction of the environment to these actions.

There are three types of behavioral learning:

1)reflex behavior of a person;

2)conscious correction and behavior change depending on its consequences;

3) observation-based learning(social learning theory).

There are two ways to teach behavior:

Associative method - the method is based on the repetition of events that are associated with each other and lead to the choice of a certain form of behavior,

The instrumental method is a trial and error method and successive approximations.

The process of learning behavior takes place within the individual. It consists of a number of steps:
Step 1 - assessment of the current level of organizational behavior,

Step 2 - making a decision to conduct behavioral learning,

Step 3 - choosing a method of teaching behavior,

Step 4 - conduct activities to teach behavior,

Step 5 - obtaining certain results of learning behavior,

Step 6 - change the level of learning behavior.

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