Recycling license. What can be done with paper waste

Career and finance 24.09.2019
Career and finance

AT European countries ah up to 80% household waste goes back into production. In Russia, the recycling system is being revived. This is economically beneficial for processors, and gives many entrepreneurs a good chance to open their business with minimal investment in 2017.


About 4 million hectares of land in Russia are occupied by landfills, and it is no coincidence that 2017 was declared the year of ecology. The federal budget includes funds for concessional lending for waste disposal activities. For those who start a business from scratch, recycling ideas will be interesting, since this business does not require large investments, and the need for enterprises is constantly growing. Since there are a lot of varieties of "useful garbage", we will review the recyclable materials in demand in Russia.

What types of waste are in demand

Expecting to open a business in 2017, you need to know what kind of waste is of interest to existing producers in the city, region. Demand and prices are determined by actual and potential buyers. The most profitable is the processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, glass and waste paper (Table 1).

Table 1. Percentage of waste used as secondary raw materials. Based on the materials of the SSGA study, Novosibirsk.

Type of recyclable

Inferred resources, million tons

Degree of use, %

Type of production

Share in finished product, %

Ferrous scrap


Tires for automobiles (rubber crumb, reclaimed)

rubber technical

Blast furnace slag, thermal power plant, ash, mining and enrichment waste

building materials (crushed stone, gravel, sand)

plastic waste

thermoplastic polymer products


waste paper

cardboard and paper

Secondary raw materials in Russia are used in almost all industries, the demand for it is growing. Prices vary in different regions, they are determined by the needs of local producers.

1. Car tires.

This is one of the most promising directions to start a business from scratch, ideas in this direction deserve special attention. The volume of discarded tires in Russia in 2015 amounted to about 940 thousand tons. More than 80% is disposed of (of which 20% is burned), and only 17% is mechanically processed. The content of usable components is shown in tab. 2, potential market capacity - in fig. one.

Most often, worn tires are processed into crumb rubber. The material is cheaper than rubber synthetics by 2-3 times. The market is in the initial stage of development, but prices have already formed, there is a demand and a steady supply. Certain requirements are imposed on the initial raw material: waste must comply with GOST 8407-89, it must be clean, have a residual layer of rubber, and whole sides. Tires with rims, spikes, mixed rubber and metal products are usually not accepted.

2. Waste paper

During 2013-2015, prices for waste paper increased by almost 60%, its export is currently prohibited, and sales are exempt from VAT. This is a traditional raw material in demand on the market; GOST 10700-97 has been developed for it. According to this document, the used paper is divided by composition into 15 classes, and 3 groups by quality. The most expensive variety: white drawing, writing, copying (MS-1A), the cheapest - wallpaper, packaging, poster (MS-13V).

Raw materials are universally accepted for processing by factories for the production of:

  1. paper, containers, packaging corrugated cardboard (in relevant ones);
  2. linoleum, roofing insulation materials, vinyl leather;
  3. toilet paper, napkins, disposable medical underwear.

From Direction recycling quality requirements depend. The paper must be cleaned, sorted, packed (pressed) into briquettes weighing 50 kg or more. This processing saves storage space and reduces transportation costs.

3. Scrap metal (black and non-ferrous).

Most profitable business, however, its organization is the most expensive of all types of recycling. This is due to the need to obtain a license, the rules and conditions for obtaining it, as well as handling scrap metal, are regulated by two main Decrees:

  1. on licensing of procurement, storage, processing - No. 1287, 12.12.2012;
  2. on the handling of scrap and non-ferrous metal waste - No. 370, 05/11/2001

Harvesting includes the purchase of scrap from individuals and organizations, transportation and sale. Mandatory requirements: preparation of acceptance certificates, control of radioactivity and explosion safety. This entails the purchase of special equipment, training and confirmation of the qualifications of workers.

license terms, OKVED codes for ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal - different. This is a competitive activity, however, in regions with a developed metallurgical and metalworking industry, it brings a good income. The opportunity to open your own business in this area is simplified if you use a franchise offer, they are on the market.

4. Used batteries.

About 65% of the metal is recovered from old batteries and used in the production of new batteries. The main part is lead (up to 17 kg), and in addition: nickel, zinc, cobalt, silver oxides. This is economically beneficial for enterprises, so the average acceptance prices for this type of recyclables are high. For example, in Novosibirsk there are more than 50 companies that buy batteries, and the cost ranges from 570 (45Ah) to 3,400 (220Ah) rubles.

Common places for collecting batteries: garage cooperatives, active highways, transport companies, car repair services. Reception points are usually located there, ads are posted. Considering that most car owners are just too lazy to specifically look for a place to turn in a used battery, then they give them away for 150-200 rubles.

However, the collection and storage of batteries are subject to licensing. These are wastes of 3-4 hazard classes, and work with them is regulated by two federal laws: No. 89-FZ (06/24/1998) and No. 99-FZ (05/04/2011). The license is issued for both the individual entrepreneur and the organization. It notes a specific type of activity, so you can limit yourself to collecting batteries, including their disposal (draining the electrolyte).

5. Polymer waste (PET bottles).

This type of recyclable material is represented by waste from plastic production, and household waste from the population. If the first 80% go into secondary processing, then used bags, packaging, disposable tableware litter recreation areas, large and medium-sized cities everywhere. The share of plastic in the total volume of garbage is more than 60-70%. The PET bottle holds the palm among polymers.

The main consumers are companies producing building materials, plastic film, and plastic household products. Demand for it clearly exceeds supply (Fig. 2). Delivery and acceptance prices depend on the quality, purity and degree of processing of the material. Thus, landfill waste costs 2-3 times lower than household sorted waste. The most primitive processing that PET undergoes:

  • cleaning of covers, labels;
  • sorting by color;
  • pressing into bags.

Inexpensive mini plastic recycling plants significantly increase the profitability of a business. For example, landfill PET waste is accepted at a price of up to 6 rubles / kg, LDPE waste - from 10 rubles / kg, washed and sorted used film - at 11-13 rubles / kg, and granules and agglomerate already cost 25-35 rub/kg. Despite the fact that the cost of a new Russian-made film varies from 39 to 49 rubles / kg.

In fact, the plastic recycling market in Russia is just emerging. Experts estimate its potential at $150 million. From all types of workpiece polymer waste: collection points, separation from garbage, separate collection of household waste - the latter is the most efficient from an economic point of view.

6. Broken glass and glass containers.

Along with waste paper - old, and in-demand recyclables. Glass breaker has taken the place of solid dishes for a simple reason. Manufacturers began to produce such original bottles and cans that it makes it very difficult to reuse them.

It is required always and everywhere. Two years ago, the Novosibirsk Ekran plant began to open collection points for recyclables from the population, since a lack of it hinders production. He needs cullet in quantities of up to 5 tons per month, and with the help of suppliers (including other regions) he manages to collect only 1.5-2 tons.

A glass container collection point justifies itself if, for example, a brewery is located nearby. Thus, Baltika uses up to 36% of the recycled bottle. But cullet is even more profitable, as it expands the list of potential suppliers. These can be window package installation companies, you can install containers for separate collection in yards. Glass makes up about 17% of household waste.

7. Computer scrap.

Old electrical equipment, computers, telephones are in great demand, as evidenced by a simple query in Yandex (Fig. 3). At the same time, scrap prices are very good (Fig. 4). This activity is usually carried out through licensed intermediary firms associated with processors of raw materials. They themselves are engaged in disassembly and sorting, forming batches for the delivery of a rather large volume (from 300 kg).

This is a good option for starting a business from scratch if you organize a reception point in a high-rise residential area. In almost every apartment there is a lot of such rubbish that has been lying in the corners for years, and is simply thrown into the trash. Simply because there is no place nearby where you can rent it, even for little money.

The collection of equipment containing precious metals does not require licensing, but the company must be registered with the Assay Office. Therefore, in order not to do without obtaining permits at the first stage, you can conduct business under an agreement with one of these companies, representing in your city or region.


In total, there are three main sources of recyclables:

  • receiving directly from the public,
  • export of marriage, waste from organizations, enterprises;
  • collection, transportation from solid waste landfills.

The latter is the most stable, although for its implementation it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with the municipal housing and communal services. It is necessary to provide for the costs of specialized equipment, which are usually small. In general, this activity does not require licensing, with the exception of working with scrap metal and hazardous waste (batteries, mercury). It falls under the patent taxation system - the most beneficial for a small business.

We have already written more than once that the collection of recyclables, with the right approach, can become a stable and highly profitable business. And one of the most common business ideas in this area is earning money through the collection and processing of waste paper. It would seem that it could be easier than organizing the collection of paper recyclables that no one needs, and starting to hand it over to interested buyers? It seems that the scheme is extremely simple - I bought unnecessary raw materials cheaper, sold them more expensive, and got my profit. And indeed, you can earn decent money by collecting waste paper, but not everything in this business is as simple as it might seem at first glance ...

How do people see the waste paper business from the outside?

On the Internet, you can read many articles about how easy the type of business is to collect and recycle waste paper. Enthusiastic articles write about how easy it is: to set up several reception points, negotiate with wholesale depots and stores for the export of cardboard packaging, find a buyer - and the business began to spin.

But in fact, such a scheme could only work in the early / mid-nineties. At that moment, the state lost control over recycling, and many entrepreneurs were able to literally “break into” this business. It’s funny to say, but in those years there were literal wars for control over landfills, markets, large stores and other waste paper collection points ... Since then, in most large cities, the recycling market has been completely divided, and it is quite difficult to enter it ...

Risk factors

On the business idea of ​​​​collecting, processing and selling waste paper, it is quite possible to create a stable profitable business, but for this it is worth considering all the difficulties that may arise in this area:

How can I make money on the business idea of ​​\u200b\u200breceiving waste paper

All of these difficulties do not mean that we should put an end to the idea of ​​making money on waste paper. There are several cases where this business idea can be a great source of basic or additional income. Let's take a closer look at this:

As you can see, it is possible to make money on waste paper, but this is a very difficult field for activity. So if you are attracted to the recycling business idea, then you should pay attention to areas such as glass reception and recycling, where the level of competition is much lower.

Today, in every city there are firms that buy waste paper. It is used to make toilet paper, cardboard, and is processed into writing paper. Some firms organize the recycling of waste paper themselves. Others press and rent it to the nearest pulp mill for a decent amount of money.

Most often, paper raw material collection points accept it at a price of 2 to 3 rubles. for 1 kg. Large supermarkets dispose of 50 to 200 kg of cardboard containers daily. Every week, about 20 kg of waste paper appears in the average office.

Most of all paper trash is thrown away at wholesale depots, markets, shops, educational institutions, offices, organizations. These archival papers and already unnecessary packaging are taken out by trucks.

How to organize waste paper collection from scratch

In order to collect waste paper, it is enough to enter into partnership agreements with these suppliers of paper trash. For a serious business of such suppliers, you need a lot - more than 100. You will have to spend time and effort to develop connections.

These organizations and firms take out unnecessary paper, paying for garbage collection at their own expense.

Can be offered to retail outlets, organizations etc. conclude an agreement that you will not only take out all the paper they do not need, but pay them for it, solving the problem of their paper trash.

The frequency of export of this raw material depends on its volume. Usually this is 1-5 times a week. The fee for unnecessary paper should be set at 50 rubles. for 200 kg of raw materials.

Over time, many such points for the collection of paper raw materials will be developed. For the export of waste paper, a warehouse, a truck or a trailer is required. On the initial stage development of this business, you can rent them or use your own garage.

Important correctly plan a route every day in order to reduce the mileage of the car.

Yield calculations

If 1 ton of paper raw material is collected per day, then the cost of its purchase will amount to 250 rubles. (that is, the price per kg will be 25 kopecks). The cost of gasoline and warehouse rental will be about 500 rubles. daily. This waste paper will be handed over to the assembly point in the amount of 3 thousand rubles. Net profit daily will be 2250 rubles.

In a big city there is real opportunity collect 2-3 tons of waste paper per day.

Organization of a paper waste collection point

You can collect waste paper by low prices at the assemblers. To do this, it is necessary to organize a collection point and an advertising campaign "I will accept waste paper" in a residential microdistrict in an accessible place.

It can be done economically by sticking an ad to the back of his car and making several trips through a busy residential area.

Then large quantities of sorted and packaged waste paper can be sold to waste paper recycling factories for decent prices. Recycling factories accept 1 ton of waste paper for 50 - 120 dollars.

Pros of this business

  1. , except for the cost of gasoline and warehouse rental.
  2. There is no need for special knowledge and business experience.
  3. Working capital spent on the purchase of waste paper pays off on the same day.
  4. Profits can be great.
  5. There is little competition in this segment of the business as few people enjoy fiddling with paper junk.
  6. This business contributes to maintaining the ecological balance on the planet, reducing deforestation.

Waste paper collection as a business is very, if it is properly organized.

As you know, today you can earn not only on the production of any product, but also on the reception of waste. In particular, this applies to waste paper. And on paper waste, you can build a very profitable business. We will talk further about how to start a business on waste paper.

Learn more about paper waste recycling

Many of us remember how in times Soviet Union Waste paper was collected regularly at schools and enterprises. And with her search, as a rule, there were no special problems.

After all, a person, both at home and at work, constantly encounters paper in the form of documents, newspapers, magazines, books, brochures and brochures, packaging for various goods, napkins, etc.

In our country, as a rule, this type of waste is simply taken to a landfill, where it is burned or rots in the rain and snow.

At the same time, in most European countries, paper waste is recycled. Thanks to this, firms involved in this have the opportunity to receive a good and stable income. So, according to recent studies, about half of all European paper is produced from recycled materials.

Of course, in many ways, such results are a consequence of the pressure of the "green", demanding the conservation of forests and the maximum recycling of waste paper. In Russia, however, the acceptance of recycled materials and its further use are not so well developed. Therefore, entrepreneurs have every opportunity to start such a business and earn good money. First of all, you need to draw up a detailed business plan.

Waste paper as earnings: where to start?

As with opening any other business, at the initial stage you need to register as legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The most suitable form for a waste paper collection point is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).

Premises selection

Due to the fact that the collected paper waste will need to be stored somewhere, it is necessary to take care of the warehouse. If you have sufficient funds, you can rent a suitable room. If your budget is limited, then you can use for this purpose, for example, your own garage. When renting a room, it is advisable to select an area where your waste paper collection point will be the only institution of this kind.


At first, you can work on your own. However, keep in mind that as a business owner, you will have many other concerns besides accepting paper waste. After all, you will have to search for customers, conclude contracts with them, take care of delivery, etc.

Therefore, when opening a business on waste paper, it makes sense to resort to the help of hired employees. Due to the fact that the work is simple and does not require any high qualifications, recruiting staff is not difficult.

Where to look for suppliers?

You can receive paper waste both from individuals and from various shops, firms and other organizations. It is important to try to build long-term relationships with suppliers. After all, even a small store or company can take about 20-30 kilograms of waste paper to your collection point every week.

In addition, schools, kindergartens, restaurants and cafes can become the main suppliers. Therefore, do not be too lazy to establish relations with the leadership of such institutions. This will provide you with a stable flow of raw materials.

As for individuals, it is advisable to conduct a small advertising campaign with the distribution of booklets and a description of the benefits and benefits of such an activity. In addition, you can hire local janitors who, for a small fee, will not only provide you with a variety of paper waste, but also sort it.

Subtleties of work

All waste paper entering your collection point will need to be carefully sorted. This will greatly increase the profitability of your business. Therefore, the waste paper business should provide for the organization of a site for the primary processing of incoming recyclable materials, where paper will be sorted into classes. First class is the most expensive.

It includes waste from the production of uncoated white paper (excluding newsprint), as well as all types of white paper in the form of offcuts and products based on unbleached sulphate pulp. The second class includes waste paper in the form of cardboard, unnecessary books, magazines and brochures without spines, covers and bindings. The third class includes newspapers and paper pulp.


Since the waste paper business involves not only the collection of recyclables, but also its sorting and subsequent delivery to customers, some equipment will need to be purchased. So, the receiving point must be equipped with a special press. It is not necessary to buy a new unit, it is quite possible to get by with a used one. You can buy it at a price of about 50 thousand rubles. To deliver sorted waste paper to its destination, you will need to purchase a truck.

Sale of waste paper

When organizing a recycling business, first of all, you need to decide where you will take the collected paper waste. As a rule, in every city there are resellers who will gladly accept waste paper from you. However, the price for it will be lower than when selling directly, but you will be paid immediately. Also, often in each region you can find a recycling center or a pulp and paper mill.

But cooperation with them has a number of difficulties. So, when raw materials are delivered to the receiving point, they are checked for moisture and blockage. As a rule, both are found, which automatically reduces the cost of waste paper by 30-40%. As for money, no one will pay you right away, and sometimes you have to wait several months for payment. In view of this, the collection of waste paper as a business is often much more profitable to build in cooperation with recyclers.

Paper waste collection as a business: the financial side of the issue

On average, to open a waste paper collection point, you will need to spend about 200 thousand rubles. If, thanks to your efforts, you can collect about 20 tons of recyclables per week and sell it at a price of 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles per ton, then the weekly earnings will be about 40 thousand rubles.

If you subtract overhead costs from this amount, then the net profit will be at least 100-120 thousand rubles per month. Thus, you can easily recoup the initial costs in the first couple of months of active work.

Business not only in the collection, but also in the further processing of paper waste

If you want to organize not only the reception of waste paper, but also its further processing, then you can count on much more profit. However, in this case, you will have to organize your own production, which will require significant financial investments.

So, first of all, it is necessary to choose a suitable room and purchase the appropriate equipment. Today it is possible to purchase both a line for the primary processing of waste paper, and for processing full cycle. In the first case, you will resell the received raw materials to large manufacturers.

And in the second, you yourself will be engaged in the manufacture of final products in the form of cardboard, newsprint or toilet paper, napkins, paper bags, etc. In this case, your profit can range from several hundred thousand to several million rubles a month. However, the opening of such a business will require at least two million rubles.

“How to make money in a crisis”, “ways of making money”, “effective methods” - search engines provide hundreds of resources with recommendations on what to do in a difficult time for Russians. "Connoisseurs" share ideas, ranging from elementary savings to a radical change in work activity.

However, most people do not want to change their lives drastically, and they are looking for some kind of “coven” that would help them stay afloat while maintaining their jobs.

Among the simplest and most effective methods is the delivery of recyclable materials to metal, glass and paper collection points. correspondent found out whether it is possible to make decent money in this field.

waste paper

In each city there are dozens of "acceptances" of waste paper. As recognized Perm businessman Vasily Tyulenev There are two ways in this area. The simplest is to collect all the available paper and take it to these very points.

"The main and, perhaps, the most important question- Where can I get paper? Old magazines, paper scraps, cardboard, and so on will do. Collaborate with printing houses, newspapers, shops,” he says.

In each city there are dozens of "acceptances" of waste paper. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

Prices vary from 2 to 5 rubles per kilogram: paper costs an average of 3 rubles, cardboard - 4 rubles. According to him, in small quantities waste paper big money won't bring. To earn at least a thousand rubles, you need to collect half a ton.

The second option, which requires investment, is to open your own collection point. Here you need a small room, a press, trucks and workers. And the assembled product can already be exported in large volumes to enterprises and factories. There, prices per kilogram are much higher - about 7.5 rubles. Hence the net proceeds - about 3 rubles per kilogram.

“I would like to point out that most companies work on credit. The money is not paid immediately. I brought in hundreds of tons, and within a year they pay you the amount, ”Vasily notes.

As the Permian adds, the crisis does not affect the industry, since the recycling of waste paper "did not arise yesterday." Every year, for example, up to a thousand tons of raw materials are utilized in the Kama region.

Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

“Waste paper is always in demand by enterprises, they have lines. Nobody wants to close. This is a good business,” he concludes.

Outcome: per ton of paper - 3 thousand rubles, when creating your own collection point - from 30 thousand rubles or more.


The situation with the delivery of glass containers is similar to the paper industry. But here's the dirty work. So, one of the reception points in the center of Perm is in a terrible state - the iron facade is painted with graffiti, the room itself is stuffy and dark, and homeless people settled at the entrance and inside - with knapsacks and rattling packages in their hands.

One beer bottle (it is called "negotiable goods") costs from 10 to 50 kopecks. For a bottle of vodka - one ruble, and a large three-liter glass jar will be gladly accepted for two rubles.

“Once we receive the right amount, we send the glass to factories and enterprises. The benefit is small: they buy bottles from 30 kopecks to a ruble. They recycle it and make foam and fiberglass,” says a worker at the collection point.

One of the reception points in the center of Perm is in a terrible state. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

According to him, in recent times there are very few customers, and every month it is more and more difficult to collect the necessary glass containers in large volumes for a large sale.

Outcome: for 1000 bottles - 300 rubles; dirty work, the main clients of the "acceptances" are the homeless.


The scrap metal market is traditionally divided into two parts - black and non-ferrous scrap (copper, aluminum, bronze and others). In general, the structure of the sale of scrap is divided into three stages, says employee of Regionvtormet Ilya Batov.

“At the “lower” level are people involved in the search for scrap. They have some connections or channels to find him. Then they hand over, say, black scrap to “dealers”, who often work without a license and quietly, on average, at a price of 3-4 rubles per kilogram, ”he explains.

"Dealers" take the finished product to the official metal collection points and sell it for 6-7 rubles, from where the scrap goes in large quantities to factories and large enterprises.

Prices for non-ferrous metal are much higher. Usually, along the aforementioned chain, they buy it for 200 rubles per kilogram, then they sell it for 250-270 rubles, and it is sent to factories for 300 rubles. The scrap metal market is regulated by law. The surrender of hatches, rails is strictly prohibited. But "black buyers" do not disdain this. One of the transit points in the city is the central metal market.

"On scrap metal ordinary person it is impossible to earn, since scrap is extremely difficult to find on the streets of the city, it does not roll on the roads. And all the “delicious” places are already taken,” says Ilya.

Outcome: 100 kg of black scrap - 500 rubles, 10 kg of non-ferrous metal - 2000 rubles; almost the entire business is busy - the ordinary citizen only has the opportunity to hand over unnecessary scrap from the garage.

Central metal market in Perm. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov


Going to a pawnshop can be attributed rather not to a way of earning, but to the need to replenish your wallet in a difficult economic period of time. For many, this is a breath of fresh air before the protracted paycheck.

However, this should always be done wisely. First of all, you need to decide on a place. Each pawnshop has its own pricing policy. For example, on the central streets, the percentage of bail is higher than in a remote area of ​​the city.

“People have even stopped taking out loans secured by collateral, but simply bring things and quickly rent them out. The most "trading goods" are tablets, phones and wedding rings. iPhones generally sell like hot cakes, ”says the owner of a Perm pawnshop.

At the same time, the man advises to be wary of imaginary pawnshops. These pseudo-places are actually pure buying things - from gold to forks; even “if a person took money on bail for two days, his thing can be “drained” 10 minutes after he left.”

“Read the contract carefully when you hand over a thing on bail,” he says.

Each pawnshop has its own pricing policy. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

According to him, pensioners used to come, but now young people with an average income began to look into the pawnshop. When evaluating the goods, almost 70% of the price is immediately reset, and the thing is actually given away for nothing. It doesn't bother the clients.

Jewelry is accepted at the minimum cost - at the price of scrap, that is, that has lost its appearance decorations. On average, the cost of gold, depending on the sample, can vary from 500 to 2 thousand rubles per gram.

Outcome: getting quick money, the pawnshop buys things at the lowest price; there is a chance of getting caught by scammers.


The possibility of earning at the points of reception of raw materials is quite small. Even if you try to rent recyclables on weekends in your free time from your main job, the revenue will be from 2 to 3 thousand rubles a month.

To get at least some decent income, for example, to create your own business, you need investments and contacts with enterprises and firms. And you should go to a pawnshop only when absolutely necessary - when you urgently need money.

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