Oleg Lomakin Prokop. Perm businessman again appears in the murder case

Family and relationships 18.07.2019
Family and relationships

Businessman Oleg Lomakin (Prokop) has been put on the wanted list on suspicion of committing a serious crime, this was reported in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Perm region. Oleg Lomakin rose to prominence after he was found guilty of the murder of Neftekhimik CEO Yevgeny Panteleymonov in 1995 and testified against the former owner of Uralkali, Dmitry Rybolovlev, which he later retracted.

Information about the search for a resident of Perm, Oleg Gennadievich Lomakin, born in 1967, appeared on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Perm Territory. According to the head office, he is wanted for committing a particularly serious crime. Together with him, Ildar Almazov and Dmitry Krainov were put on the wanted list. Lomakin's data is exactly the same as the data of the reputable businessman Oleg Lomakin, also known as Prokop. Sources familiar with the situation claim that it is he who has been put on the wanted list. According to them, Prokop is suspected of a murder committed in the Motovilikha district of Perm. The case is being processed by the 1st Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Criminal Cases of the Investigative Committee of the ICR in the Perm Territory. The interlocutors of “Kommersant” did not name the killed man, it is known that he was initially listed as missing, but then information appeared about his death, sufficient to initiate a case.

Oleg Lomakin became known in the media in the 1990s, when the murder of Evgeny Panteleymonov, director of JSC Neftekhimik, which spun off in 1992 from the Permnefteorgsintez association, was investigated. The investigating authorities named Prokop the organizer of the murder. The case received wide publicity. Lomakin initially testified against well-known businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev, but then stated that he had slandered him. In 1997, Oleg Lomakin was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Dmitry Rybolovlev was acquitted by the court. Prokop was released on parole in 2009.

The name of Oleg Lomakin was previously mentioned in the media among the shareholders of CJSC West Ural Chemical Company, which was the main shareholder of JSCB Ecoprombank. According to the SPARK database, the company's shares are owned by five citizens of Russia. The latest public shareholder data is from 2002. Then Oleg Lomakin owned 18% of the shares of CJSC, Sergey Makarov, Vladimir Nelyubin, Viktor Chernyavsky owned the same shares. Also, Oleg Lomakin, according to the SPARK database, owns a 40% stake in LLC Trade House Seafood. His partner in this business is Vyacheslav Zubkov, who owns a 25% stake in the company.

As a reminder, on August 8, 2014, Ecoprombank's license was revoked. The reason for this decision was the high-risk Bank operations which did not bring the expected income. On September 29, the provisional administration of the Bank of Russia completed its work - Ecoprombank was declared bankrupt, the state corporation DIA was appointed bankruptcy trustee. In 2015, an individual Irina Lomakina tried to invalidate a number of pledge and surety agreements concluded between the CJSC and the bank in the amount of several hundred million rubles. But their claims were denied. The company is currently in bankruptcy proceedings.

Dmitry Astakhov, Perm

One of the main themes in this year  - new Russian poverty. Against the background of poverty, wealth always looks different. Conspicuous consumption, a generic trait of our young, not sated elite, in lean years looks not only unethical, but simply unacceptable. Among our publications about the new Russian wealth - stories about the yacht "Princess Olga", the mansions of Roman Abramovich in Manhattan and the Principality of Monaco, which the former owner of Uralkali, Dmitry Rybolovlev, turned into his fiefdom.

All this - more and about power that turns into money, which is needed, among other things, for investments in the same power, but in new interiors. For example, Roman Abramovich, albeit far from the first attempt, managed to convince the New York Commission on the Preservation of Architectural Monuments of the possibility of combining several separate mansions into one mega-estate. And it was enough for Rybolovlev to invest part of the money in the prince's favorite toy Albert II, football club "Monaco".

The origins of these practices are to be found in early period, from which Russian capitalism and its special relationship with power  - both public and informal - began. Therefore, studying the phenomenon of Dmitry Rybolovlev, special correspondents went not only to Geneva and Saint-Tropez, but also to the Perm Territory.

Ural  is not a place where people like to talk with strangers. I lived for several years in a Bashkir monotown and understood what was worth and what was not worth counting on. But Perm turned out to be cooler. Well, for example: in the central part of the millionaire embankment of the Kama river is cut off from the actual urban development by the railway. Likewise, attempts to speak frankly about what was happening in the city and the region in the mid-nineties usually ran into silence, but a certain picture nevertheless emerged.

In my opinion, the two main periods in the life and career of Dmitry Rybolovlev can be described based on the materials of two criminal cases. The first of them is a contract killing case, in which Dmitry Rybolovlev spent several months in a pre-trial detention center, and then was acquitted, including by the Supreme Court. (However, in Perm and not only there are rumors that the alleged criminal proceedings can be resumed if new circumstances suddenly open up.)

The second case was never initiated after a major accident in Berezniki in 2006, due to which about two thousand families have not had a normal roof over their heads for ten years. The first episode refers to the era of capital accumulation, and the second - to the sublimation of capitalization and access to cash.

In a rare interview given to Forbes in April 2008, Rybolovlev tells his story as the ideal path of a young builder of capitalism, whose views were influenced by classical literature (Dreiser) and fashionable foreign cinema (Oliver Stone's Wall Street). ). However, in Perm in 1987 it was impossible to imagine a career as a financier. Rybolovlev followed the path of least resistance: the son of a prominent cardiologist entered the medical school. In the Urals, where most people work for families and generations at the same factory, doctors are a white bone, a profession that gives both money and connections. The multiplication of connections could help and successful marriage: in the third year, Dmitry Rybolovlev married Elena Chuprakova. Coincidentally, in the same 1987, Valery Chuprakov became the director of the Perm plant for mineral fertilizers.

Young Broker's Circle

An attempt to start his own business, using the achievements of his father, one of the pioneers in the field of magnetotherapy, Dmitry Rybolovlev was not very fascinated: apparently, he was really attracted by the prospect of quick and reckless enrichment. Moreover, in the early nineties it became possible. Dmitry Rybolovlev received a diploma from the Ministry of Finance in Moscow and began to provide financial services, including maintaining the register of shareholders. It is clear that on the eve of voucher privatization and then loans-for-shares auctions, this was a serious competitive advantage.

Of course, both vouchers and shares were very cheap at that time, but, given the scale, serious money was still needed to buy them. If we sum up Dmitry Rybolovlev's answers to journalists from various publications to the damned question of where he got the initial capital, we get one phrase - not from bandits. However, the question is who should be considered an entrepreneur and who should be considered a bandit, especially in the Urals and in the nineties, - debatable.

Closing indictment

In the materials of the criminal case, the story of Dmitry Rybolovlev and his business partners is told in detail. By the way, he is the only one who was fully acquitted in this case, other defendants received serious sentences for various crimes. At the same time, as follows from the materials of the prosecution, the goals around which the gang subsequently united were at first purely economic.

“In 1994, during the privatization and corporatization of enterprises Perm region, Rybolovlev D.E., being the president of the voucher investment fund (ChIF) "Stone Belt" and the JSCB "Credit FD" being created, entered into an agreement with Lomakin O.G., Nelyubin V.A., Chernyavsky V.B., Rustamov S.Z., Makarov S.E. for the purpose of acquiring at auctions, investment auctions of shares of enterprises located on the territory of the Perm region, mainly chemical and petrochemical complex - JSC "Uralkali", JSC "Silvinit", JSC "Azot", JSC "Neftekhimik", JSC "Metafrax" and others prices slightly higher than the starting ones, as well as the acquisition of shares in the secondary market valuable papers and prevention of transactions for the purchase of shares by competitors, using the authority of these persons among members of various criminal groups. Since the beginning of 1994, these persons began to meet periodically in the office of Rybolovlev D.E. on st. Lenina, 64, Perm, where they jointly and agreed discussed the process of corporatization, as well as the acquisition of shares of the above enterprises.

The key word here, of course, is "authority". The authors of the indictment, which is excusable for employees of the internal affairs bodies, put into it a purely criminal meaning. And people, perhaps, on the contrary, wanted to go into legal business and become large industrialists and entrepreneurs. For this, however, there was little authority. It was necessary to understand the mechanisms of work of the emerging stock market, as well as due dilligence of enterprises outside the banal cash flow, from which the bandits already took a rollback.

“By mutual agreement between all participants, Rybolovlev D.E. the general management of the group's activities was assigned to the acquisition of shares at auctions, investment auctions and registration of the acquired shares in enterprises controlled by it and included in the FD group with a verbal agreement on the subsequent re-registration of 50% of the acquired shares of the enterprise for Lomakin, Makarov, Nelyubina, Chernyavsky and Rustamov.<...>A verbal agreement was reached between Rybolovlev and the rest of the participants that the part of the shares of the enterprises due to Lomakin, Nelyubin, Chernyavsky, Rustamov, Makarov would subsequently be registered at LIPS CJSC, where they were the founders.<...>In February 1996 Rybolovlev D.E. to fulfill the previously reached agreement, he introduced representatives of LIPS LLP Makarov and Shnitkovsky to the board of directors of JSCB Credit FD.

In general, at least business relations between Rybolovlev and a group of comrades, the most authoritative among whom was Oleg Lomakin (aka Prokop), were formed. It is easy to track this not only on the basis of the materials of the criminal case, but also on the reports of companies that were within the scope of the group's interests, as well as on judicial practice.

Who sent the killer

However, not all partners thought strategically, sometimes they wanted quick and easy money, and this led to conflicts. For example, the distribution network of JSC "Neftekhimik" was practically under the control of "bandits". Here is how it is described in the indictment:

“At the end of 1994, Lomakin O.G. JSC Neftekhimik was appointed as a representative of the owner from a group of enterprises belonging to the FD group controlled by Rybolovlev and which owned 40% of the shares of Neftekhimik JSC. Lomakin O.G., controlling the supply and processing of raw materials, the sale of products in Neftekhimik JSC, in accordance with the agreement reached with Rybolovlev on the division of shares, had real opportunity receive unrecorded cash from their activities."

That is, Prokop, according to the prosecution, was not a simple supervisor, he was actually engaged in the operational management of Neftekhimik and received most of the sales revenue. Rybolovlev, on the other hand, had his own view on the prospects for the development of the company. Having already gained control of Uralkali, he planned to expand the potash business at the expense of the second giant of the Soviet industry, Silvinit. A large block of shares was just being prepared for sale at an investment tender, under the terms of which the buyer had to invest at least $15 million in the development of the enterprise. We needed a structure with a legal cash flow, and Neftekhimik was perfect for this role.

In general, the informal supervision of Lomakin, as well as a legally executed agreement on joint activities, according to which the sale of Neftekhimik products went through the Market FD trading house, really began to interfere. This was understood by Rybolovlev, and put on his initiative to the post of director Evgeny Panteleimonov .

In the summer of 1995, Neftekhimik stopped several times, completely stopping shipments to the Market FD trading house. And in September, Evgeny Panteleymonov was shot dead by a killer on the landing of his house. Dmitry Rybolovlev told Forbes that he himself was the initiator of breaking the agreement with "business partners", he perfectly understood what it was fraught with, so he took his wife and daughter to Switzerland, went with the guards himself and offered her to Panteleimonov, but he frivolously refused. The indictment presents a different version of events. Allegedly, Panteleimonov convinced Rybolovlev that Neftekhimik should not participate in the auction for Silvinit, because the financial condition of the enterprise does not allow it to complete the investment program, and this will lead to the cancellation of the auction results. In addition, “Panteleimonov E.N. considered the issue of the operation of the enterprise through the company Solvalub, which owns 20.95% of the shares of the authorized capital of Neftekhimik JSC and was the main competitor of the enterprises of the FD group under the leadership of Rybolovlev D.E.

In general, whether the decision to break off relations with the "bandits" was Panteleimonov's initiative alone, or whether it was made in solidarity with Rybolovlev, the fact is that Oleg Lomakin could not like it. He had a motive for killing Panteleimonov. The performers, Ilyinov and Kirsanov, were part of a stable criminal group. Did Lomakin have a motive for slandering Rybolovlev? Hardly, because in this way he consolidated his role in the case as the organizer of contract killings. If it was a deal with the investigation, then it was not legally recorded. Nevertheless, Lomakin called Rybolovlev the customer. In 1996 he was arrested. The indictment alleged that Rybolovlev acquired and then handed over weapons to Lomakin:

“In August 1995, Rybolovlev D.E. acquired in an unidentified place and from an unidentified person 2 pistols of the TT system, one of which, TT No. BM 07419, 7.62 mm caliber, is a firearm, 4 magazines with 32 cartridges of 7.62 mm caliber, which are ammunition for this weapon, are not having the appropriate permission to do so. In August 1995, Rybolovlev kept and carried these TT pistols with ammunition, and then at the house on the street. Lenina, 64, Perm firearms with ammunition Lomakin O.G. for use in committing the premeditated murder of E.N. Panteleimonov.”

After the murder of Panteleymonov, according to investigators, the killers did not receive the promised money, the indictment says:

“The fact that Rybolovlev did not pay for the murder of Panteleymonov completely fits into the scheme of work of Rybolovlev when he, having made a promise, does not fulfill it. This is confirmed by the testimony of Kazantsev, Silin that Rybolovlev violated the previously reached agreements by not fulfilling them. This is also evidenced by the testimony of Lomakin O.G., Nelyubin V.A., Makarov S.E.”.

Lomakin confessed in great detail. Everything changed after the confrontation with Rybolovlev, who did not give any evidence, using the 51st article of the Constitution. After that, Lomakin's answers became evasive and confused, and then he even began to directly state that he himself was not involved in the murder of Panteleymonov and slandered Rybolovlev.

The investigators had no other serious evidence, except for the words of Lomakin. In addition, Panteleymonov's widow, director of the marketing department of JSC Neftekhimik, was a witness for the defense. She said that her husband headed the joint-stock company for 8 months and relations with Rybolovlev were good, and in 1995 Rybolovlev lost control of the "FD", and the money of the joint-stock company began to disappear, and this complicated relations with the "bandits" (her words were quoted " Kommersant). Therefore, Rybolovlev's acquittal, which stood in the Supreme Court, looked logical. He was released from the pre-trial detention center even earlier thanks to the work of the lawyer Andrey Pokhmelkin, brother of the well-known deputy Vladimir Pokhmelkin [Viktor Pokhmelkin], who represented the Perm region in the Duma. In addition, the governor publicly declared his own confidence in Rybolovlev's innocence. Gennady Igumnov.

After his triumphant release, Rybolovlev entered Igumnov's "inner circle", the daughter of the governor, Elena Arzumanova, began working in responsible positions at the Credit FD bank. True, at a critical moment, when the gubernatorial election came up in 2000, Dmitry Rybolovlev publicly and financially supported the popular mayor of Perm, Yuri Trutnev. This bet, as we shall see later, worked well for Rybolovlev.

Parallel Curves

However, the black-and-white saga of a talented guy with a red diploma, who got rid of the guardianship of bandits and became a billionaire with a clean reputation, also does not quite correspond to the actual circumstances. None of his former partners, with the exception of Lomakin, subsequently had no serious problems with the law. Vladimir Nelyubin, for example, became a co-owner of Ecoprombank, where Silvinit was serviced, for a long time occupied the seat of a regional deputy, of course, along the line “ United Russia”, boasted of a close acquaintance with Alexander Karelin, who stood at the origins of the party. Sergei Makarov became a co-owner of Azot, ran for mayor of Berezniki in 2004, and was brutally beaten by a PR team hired by Dmitry Rybolovlev. And Seifeddin Rustamov managed to go abroad, and now he has been living comfortably for more than 15 years in the US state of Virginia in a beautiful mansion, bought for $ 2.5 million in 2005 (the value of real estate in 2012, according to tax calculations, already reached almost 6 .5 million dollars). Yes, and Oleg Lomakin was released in 2009 and began to be called simply "a well-known Perm businessman." After all, all these years he retained a third share in the West Ural Chemical Company, into which the very CJSC LIPS was transformed. The company, by the way, was the largest shareholder of Ecoprombank until 2014, when it collapsed along with client money. And this is how it happens: the responsibility for this was assigned to Andrey Tuev, who went to work for Nelyubin from Credit FD Bank. Tuev's father, Alexander Vasilievich, was the supervisor of Dmitry and Elena Rybolovlev, then medical students.

In general, the modern Permian elite has boiled down from one nutritious broth, and Rybolovlev is no exception here. He just happened to be the toughest and luckiest of them all. By the way, former companions behind his back called him not Fish, which would be logical, but Scales. Such are his business qualities.

President and owner of the Monaco club Dmitry Rybolovlev (center of the picture) watches the training of his players before an important match, February 2016.Photo: asmonaco.com

The news that a Russian billionaire fell into disgrace in the Principality of Monaco made a lot of noise last week. According to Le Journal du Dimanche, without naming the source of the information, Dmitry Rybolovlev was declared persona non grata at the court of Prince Albert II. The businessman was at the center of an anti-corruption investigation involving high-ranking police officials and judges in Monaco.

However, earlier this week, Monaco's ambassador to Russia, Mireille Pettiti, denied reports that Rybolovlev had been ordered to enter the palace. And Albert himself said that nothing threatened the future of the principality in view of the "Rybolovlev case" and that he "completely trusts the police and justice."

How did Alber's friend and favorite of local fans suddenly become a character in crime reports until recently?

Vivat, Dimitri!

On May 31, 2013, the Chapiteau Circus in the Principality of Monaco was full of excited football fans. They waved red and white scarves with the symbols of the local football club, sang the club anthem in chorus and chanted two slogans - "Daghe Munegu!" and "Dimitri!" The first one, translated from the local dialect, meant “Come on, Monaco!”, In the second case, the Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev, who went on stage with his lawyer and part-time translator, the spectacular brown-haired Tatyana Bersheda, was meant.

A year and a half earlier, in December 2011, Rybolovlev, who got rich on potash fertilizers, acquired a 66.67% stake in FC Monaco from the Grimaldi princely family. It is believed that the deal amounted to only € 1, but the billionaire promised Grimaldi to invest at least € 100 million in the club over the next four years. By the time Chapiteau entered the stage, the promise had already been exceeded - and thanks to the transfer of expensive players, FC Monaco had risen in the ranking of French football clubs from the bottom of the second league to the first. On this occasion, the fans then triumphed, and Prince Albert II of Monaco gave Rybolovlev a souvenir right on the stage - a square soccer ball.

Prince Albert II of Monaco and billionaire Rybolovlev are both passionate football fans. Photo: ftbl.ru

In total, Rybolovlev invested more than €300 million in the Monegasque football club. Subsequently, he moved away from buying stars in the manner of the early Roman Abramovich in Chelsea and relied on talented youth. The team performed more and more successfully, and queues of agents from other teams began to line up behind its players.

In May of this year, Monaco became the champion of France for the first time in 17 years. In a video posted on the club's YouTube channel, Rybolovlev and Albert II throw themselves into each other's arms in the stadium stands in the final of the decisive match. “A feeling of deep satisfaction and happiness,” the billionaire says with feeling to the camera in Russian. “It took us so long to reach this result!”

But in September, Le Monde published Bersheda's correspondence with the Minister of Justice of the Principality, Philip Narmino, who was vacationing at Rybolovlev's villa, and wondered if this behavior of the minister of trade in influence. On the same day, Narmino resigned, and a week later he was detained. He was released the same day, but the Monaco prosecutor's office announced an investigation into an anti-corruption case against unnamed suspects.

The billionaire, as his representative Sergey Chernitsyn says, connects the current troubles with an attempt to “expose - publicly and in judicial order is the biggest scam ever known in the art market." It's about about the criminal case against his art dealer Yves Bouvier, opened in 2015. Rybolovlev, whose net worth was estimated by Forbes at $7.3 billion in 2017, believes that Bouvier deceived him by almost a billion dollars in the formation of the art collection at the expense of inflated commissions. So the price of the issue is tangible for both sides of this case.

The billionaire himself, in an official press statement, called the "media versions" around his name "pure fiction." “I refute unfounded rumors and false claims about my obligations as the head of the Monaco football club,” he said in a comment.

Syringes, beer, voucher

30 years ago, Dmitry Rybolovlev, a third-year student at the Perm Medical University, hardly thought that he would have to defiantly avoid the ruler of Monaco and regret the exorbitantly bought Picasso. He had just married classmate Elena Chuprakova. Soon their daughter Katya was born. Dmitry, despite the fact that the son of a professor at the same institute, immediately began working in his specialty - first as a nurse in the cardiological intensive care unit, then as a nurse, and then as an intern in the cardiological intensive care unit of the 2nd City Clinical Hospital. In 1990, he graduated from the institute with honors, for which he was entitled to an additional payment of 10 rubles to the standard salary of 120.

Well, how was it not to go into business? Especially if in the sixth grade I read the entire trilogy of Theodore Dreiser's "The Financier", "Titan" and "Stoic", and then also watched the film "Wall Street" with Michael Douglas (Rybolovlev spoke about this in an interview with Forbes in 2008).

At the beginning of the 2000s, Dmitry Rybolovlev quickly turned from a millionaire to a billionaire, and just as quickly was forced to sell off his Russian assets. Photo: forpes.ru

Just then, Rybolovlev Sr. decided to monetize his doctoral dissertation on magnetotherapy. Father and son opened a small enterprise "Magnetiks" and began to treat Perm residents with magnets. But 25-year-old Dmitry held out as a director in the family business for only a couple of months and in the spring of 1992 he left for brokerage courses in Moscow. And upon returning to Perm, he earned his first million - “he brought a carload of beer from Moscow to Perm and sold it,” as Alexander Yatskov, the former financial director of Uralkali, who worked in Rybolovlev’s team, told Forbes.

In Moscow, Rybolovlev acquired not only a carload of beer and a brokerage certificate, but also a computer program for maintaining a register of shareholders. The voucher privatization had just begun, and the registrars were in great demand. For this service, Rybolovlev received $20,000 a year from each enterprise - and valuable insider information to boot: who buys which enterprises. Among the clients of Rybolovlev's Financial House was Uralkali, the basis of his future well-being.

30th anniversary in jail

At the beginning of 1994, the young financier convinced the directors of 17 largest enterprises in the region, including Uralkali, Silvinit and Avisma, to establish the Credit FD bank - and headed it himself. He began to buy minority stakes in the best Perm enterprises in order to be on the board of directors and better navigate what was happening inside the companies. So Rybolovlev owned the papers of the same Uralkali, a company that developed one of largest deposits potassium salts in the world. In 1995, he collected enough Uralkali shares to head the board of directors.

Now it was possible to leave the tutelage of the International Potash Company (IPC), created as a single export channel for potash giants from the Perm region and Belaruskali. Rybolovlev had suspicions that the ICC was discriminating against Uralkali, and he wanted to transfer export flows to the American trader Transammonia. But instead, in May 1996, he went to prison for 11 months.

He was arrested the next day after the shareholders of Uralkali voted to refuse the services of the ICC. Rybolovlev celebrated his 30th birthday in the pre-trial detention center. He was accused of organizing the murder of the general director of Neftekhimik JSC Evgeny Panteleymonov, whom he himself appointed.

Rybolovlev owned 40% of the shares of Neftekhimik, he was the chairman of the board of directors of the enterprise. But he did not completely control the situation at the enterprise - representatives of local bandits were sitting in the Neftekhimik trading house, the founder of which was Rybolovlev. On the initiative of Panteleimonov, the bandits stopped shipping products. Rybolovlev sent his family to Switzerland, acquired a body armor and offered Panteleymonov protection. He, to his misfortune, refused - and was shot dead on the threshold of his own apartment.

Rybolovlev sent his family to Switzerland, acquired a body armor and offered Panteleymonov protection. He refused - and was shot

The organizer of the murder, Oleg Lomakin, nicknamed Prokop, was detained - and in response to the investigators' promise to reclassify the charge to a lighter article, he said that Rybolovlev "ordered" Panteleymonov.

In addition to the testimony of Prokop-Lomakin, the investigation had nothing on Rybolovlev. As a result, he refused them and sat down for 15 years. And Rybolovlev was released on bail. At the end of 1997, he was acquitted by a court decision. “Illusions after what happened became much less ... Before, I was just doing business and did not try to integrate into this system. But after everything that happened to me, I tried to correct this mistake. Now I'm sure that big business cannot exist outside the state,” he said in an interview with the Permian weekly New Companion.

From millions to billions

Here, of course, it was important to understand in time who exactly personifies the state. After his release from custody, Rybolovlev announced that he would support Gennady Igumnov, then acting governor, in the 2000 elections. Igumnov's daughter, Elena Arzumanova, was the chairman of the board at Rybolovlev's bank Credit FD. But in 2000, at a meeting between Igumnov and a narrow circle of the Permian elite, the future billionaire, unexpectedly for the governor, said: "Yes, Gennady Vyacheslavovich, we must leave." And then he financed the election campaign of Yuri Trutnev, the popular mayor of Perm, who was present at that meeting.

Trutnev won the gubernatorial election in the first round. As it turned out later, the victory opened the way for the Perm mayor into federal politics. Rybolovlev's affairs also went uphill.

Over the next 6 years, Rybolovlev increased his share in Uralkali to 80%, bought Silvinit, another large potash enterprise, which until 1983 was part of the future Uralkali, and began to control the production of potash fertilizers in Russia.

Even the famous accident in Berezniki, when a failure formed in the city at the site of a flooded mine, did not affect his business career. On the contrary, it allowed to show excellent intuition. The accident happened in October 2006, just at the time when Uralkali was planning an IPO in London. Shortly before the appointed date, Rybolovlev canceled the placement of shares: he calculated too low prices that loomed in the market. And then - an accident, because of which the company has to leave the flooded mine, leaving all the equipment there. “Imagine the situation: he agreed, took the money at a discount, and a week later he floods the mine,” Rybolovlev reasoned in an interview with Forbes, noting his timely departure from the exchange. “I myself would never have believed that the owner knew nothing. Fraud in particular large sizes, undermining the investment image Russian Federation. It would be just a nightmare!”

But in the fall of 2007, Uralkali raised more than $1 billion on the stock exchange and has since risen in price. If in 2000 the company's capitalization was $15 million, then in 2008, at the peak before the global financial crisis, it was $20 billion. Just at that time, Rybolovlev acquired the Maison de l`Amitie mansion from Donald Trump in the Palm Beach area in the state Florida for $98.5 million. I could afford it.

Expensive divorce

While the world was recovering from the financial crisis, new problems fell on Rybolovlev. In December 2008, his wife Elena filed for divorce in a Swiss court, because, according to her, she was "fed up with Dmitry's tenderness for other women."

Elena Rybolovleva. Photo: forbes.ru

French journalist Renaud Revel's newly published book Le misterieux Mr Ryboloblev (The Mysterious Mr. Rybolovlev) cites materials statement of claim Elena Rybolovleva. From them you can find out, for example, how she received from an anonymous person “photos of her husband in a gallant society” when she was pregnant youngest daughter. To avoid a miscarriage after such a blow, she had to lie in a Swiss hospital for five months on conservation. Subsequently, Rybolovlev, as follows from Elena's claim, settled one of his mistresses in Courchevel at the same hotel and at the same time when he stayed there with his family. Or suddenly she found on her credit card statement spending on Prada women's clothing, which she did not know anything about. And having already filed for divorce, Elena was detained in Cyprus on charges of stealing a Graff ring worth $25 million, which she once received as a gift from her husband. (Rybolovlev's lawyers, however, insisted that this ring was bought for investment purposes and was owned by the Cypriot Domus Trust, not Elena).

As compensation for her suffering, Elena Rybolovleva demanded from ex-spouse half of his fortune. When in 2014 the Geneva court satisfied her demands and ordered Rybolovlev to execute the claim, this amount was $ 4.5 billion. The billionaire challenged the decision. Later, the second instance reduced the amount of payment in favor of Rybolovleva to $604 million. By a court decision, Rybolovleva also received two houses in Switzerland.

The eldest daughter Ekaterina Rybolovleva with her father. Photo: forum.na-svyazi.ru

Departure from Russia

But all this was still flowers compared to the risk of losing the entire state. In the autumn of 2008, as Vedomosti wrote, Igor Sechin, who at that time was in charge of mining natural resources as First Deputy Prime Minister, convened a meeting in the government. The construction of a railway bypassing the Verkhnekamsk potash deposit, which was being developed by Uralkali, was discussed. After the failure in Berezniki, it was damaged there Railway. The company financed the construction of a bypass branch, but it was necessary to build another 53 km. Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin complained that he did not have enough money for this. Sechin invited the owner of Uralkali, Dmitry Rybolovlev, who was present at the meeting, to participate in the financing - he did not agree. Some time later, Sechin ordered to begin checking the causes of the accident at the Uralkali mine, as a result of which companies could present fines of 85 billion rubles (at that time - more than $ 2 billion) for the reserves of potash salts remaining in the flooded mine.

Sechin offered Rybolovlev to participate in the financing - he did not agree. Sechin ordered to start checking the causes of the accident at the Uralkali mine

As a result, no claims were brought against Uralkali. But the check was one of the reasons that Rybolovlev sold the company in June 2010 to Suleiman Kerimov, Alexander Nesis and Filaret Galchev, respectively (to date, control of Uralkali has passed to the owner of Uralkhim, Dmitry Mazepin). And in general, he stopped doing any business in Russia. The last asset he owned here - the Moscow shopping and business complex Vozdvizhenka Center, better known as Voentorg - was sold this summer to the Chinese investment company Fosun Group for approximately more than 10 billion rubles.

Questions in the USA

It would seem that now is the time to exhale and enjoy life in the numerous houses bought by Rybolovlev in the name eldest daughter Catherine, - from the same former Trump villa in Miami to the islands of Skorpios and Sparti, which once belonged to the Onassis.

But the skeletons from the past do not let you relax. In March of this year, The Charlotte Observer newspaper wrote that Rybolovlev and Trump's planes landed twice and were at the same time at the same Charlotte Douglas International Airport. The newspaper also speculated that Rybolovlev's $98.5 million purchase of Trump's house during the financial crisis was a form of bribery, since the villa was originally bought by an American billionaire for $41 million. True, the same publication noted that the starting sale price was $125 million - then Rybolovlev managed to bargain well.

The house in Florida, which first belonged to the American billionaire Trump, and then to the Russian billionaire Rybolovlev. Photo: mosposelok.ru

His spokesman, Sergei Chernitsyn, said that Rybolovlev and Trump had never met in person, and the simultaneous appearance of their planes at the airport was a mere coincidence. The White House also denied any connection between the billionaires.

An FBI special commission is investigating links between Trump and Russia during the US election campaign. Rybolovlev has not yet been approached with questions about this.

Rybolovlev's purchase of Trump's house for $98.5 million during the financial crisis was considered a form of bribery by the newspaper

Now a corruption scandal has emerged in Monaco, during which Prince Albert II hastened to distance himself from his Russian billionaire friend. However, according to a source close to the billionaire, this story is not critical for Rybolovlev. He may well sell off the players of FC Monaco, and what remains on the club's balance sheet can be sold to the house of Grimaldi, who has not invested anything in his football team since 2011. There were in his life, as you can see, adventures and more serious ones. And political scandals are eventually forgotten.

Arrested in Monaco Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev, who is called the "King of Monaco without a crown", on suspicion of "trading in influence" (the use of administrative resources to put pressure on the authorities) and corruption. MBKh media recalls how Rybolovlev is on his way to azure shores Monaco was walking away from landing in a prison in Russia.

For the first time, Dmitry Rybolovlev went to jail on May 21, 1996. He was detained at Perm's Bolshoye Savino airport immediately after returning from Switzerland. The businessman was accused of organizing the murder of the CEO of Neftekhimik, Yevgeny Panteleymonov, and organizing the attempted murder of Vladimir Nelyubin, president of the martial arts club, previously convicted of extortion, who was considered one of the leaders of organized crime in Perm. Rybolovlev spent eleven months in a pre-trial detention center, his deputy in charge of the Credit FD bank, Vladimir Shevtsov, spent a year and a half. Both were acquitted by the Perm Regional Court, which did not believe some witnesses for the prosecution, including the former head of the KGB department for the Perm region, Major General Dmitry Vokhmyanin.

"Outsiders - to the wall"

June 24, 1996, 10:20 am. People in camouflage and masks, with machine guns at the ready, break into the second floor of the old building of the Leninsky District Court of Perm. Everyone in the corridor is forced to stand facing the wall. I'm trying to figure out what's going on behind my back. From loud commands I recognize the voice of Alexander Zyryanov, head of the department for the investigation of banditry and murders of the regional prosecutor's office. I turn in his direction with the words: “Alexander Nikolaevich! I am a journalist Lobanov. Zyryanov angrily orders the special forces: "Let him go!"

Dmitry Rybolovlev (right), 1990s. Source: compromat.ru

Fifteen minutes later they pass by a tall young man handcuffed. I guess that this is Rybolovlev - the president of the check investment fund "Stone Belt" and commercial bank Credit FD, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Uralkali and JSC Silvinit, co-owner of JSC Neftekhimik. At 10:48, the doors to Judge Irina Rutenko's office closed behind him. At 11:28 am, the arrested person is taken to the first floor, to the cell. After 15 minutes, the judge calls the prosecutor and lawyers. I later learned from the defense that the detention in the pre-trial detention center was extended until August 14, 1996.
1 billion pledge

Having approved the indictment in April 1997 and sent the criminal case against 12 people to court, the prosecutor of the Perm region Vladimir Semenov ordered that Rybolovlev's preventive measure be changed. The businessman, who celebrated his 30th birthday behind bars, returned to freedom on bail of 1 billion non-denominated rubles.

About this I, then correspondent " Russian newspaper”, reported on April 22 in the publication “The King was“ ordered ”?”. Among other things, the note stated: “The redistribution of spheres of influence on the export of mineral fertilizers from Russia is, perhaps, the only thing in which the positions of the investigation and the defense converge.” The text ended with the suggestion: "We cannot rule out the possibility of an acquittal in the case of Rybolovlev, which over time is becoming more and more like a soap bubble."

Murder as a warning

In the Perm Regional Court, Rybolovlev was defended by Moscow lawyer Andrei Pokhmelkin, a former employee of the USSR Prosecutor General's Office, brother of Viktor Pokhmelkin, State Duma deputy of the first or fourth convocations. Speaking in the debate, he completely ruined the version of the client's involvement in crime.

So, among the evidence were the testimony given during the investigation by one of the accused. As if he saw in the hands of Zuev's accomplice, who was then killed, a piece of paper with the inscription "Fish". This is evidence against Rybolovlev as the customer of the murder of the general director of Neftekhimik JSC Panteleimonov, the investigation claimed. Where the note itself, who wrote it, and what kind of fish could be discussed - remained unknown.

Defendant Oleg Lomakin (Prokop), the leader of a gang of Ukrainian mercenaries operating in the Perm region, retracted his written statement against Rybolovlev during the preliminary investigation. At the court session, he admitted that he had slandered the businessman under pressure from investigators. Judge Vasily Sadovenko noted in the verdict that Lomakin's testimony was given without a lawyer, they must be considered inadmissible evidence.

Oleg Lomakin. Photo from the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

“And how to relate to the situation associated with the“ transfer ”of pistols to Lomakin? And it's embarrassing to comment. Imagine the picture: the president of the bank himself hands over two TT pistols to Lomakin. At the same time, the investigation establishes that he didn’t have any “stingers”. And so - a whole arsenal: pistols, machine guns and even grenade launchers (...) The murder was committed. Rybolovlev took this as a warning to himself. And I believe that the murder of Panteleimonov was not an end in itself, but a way to intimidate Dmitry Evgenievich. As a result, it passed by, I don’t understand, ”said lawyer Pokhmelkin.
$1,000 and 15 years for each brother

The motive for the massacre of the general director of JSC "Neftekhimik" Panteleymonov, who was shot dead on September 4, 1995 at the threshold of his Perm apartment, the court named the desire of Lomakin (Prokop), who was "watching" the enterprise, to maintain control over financial flows. The perpetrators were Yuri Kirsanov and Sergei Ilyinov, who each received $1,000 from the organizer Lomakin. Each was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The remaining 7 convicts were sentenced to 8 to 10 years for banditry, complicity in four murders, illegal trafficking in weapons and ammunition.

Rybolovlev, President of JSCB "Credit FD" and his deputy Shevtsov, were acquitted of the episode with the organization of the attempted murder of an authoritative businessman Nelyubin. The version that this partner in the privatization of Uralkali, Silvinit, Neftekhimik and Metafrax was ordered for $20,000 to one of the bank guards was found unfounded by the court. The testimonies of the former head of the regional department of the KGB Vokhmyanin about the presence of some operational information were not confirmed.

Like in the dashing 90s

In the summer of 2018, the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Perm Territory terminated the criminal prosecution of Oleg Lomakin, co-owner of Oleg Lomakin, co-owner of the Seafood Trading House LLC. The businessman was acquitted of his involvement in the murder of an authoritative businessman Anatoly Krashakov (Toli Kurgansky) and he was granted the right to rehabilitation.

50-year-old Lomakin (Prokop) returned to freedom in 2009 after parole and continued to do business - including together with Nelyubin, a former victim in the Rybolovlev case. He became a defendant in another investigation after the disappearance of Tolya Kurgansky, who left Perm on August 26, 2016 for an agreed meeting in the Usolsky district. Although the body has not been found, on October 10, 2016, the ICR opened a criminal investigation into the murder. On March 22, 2017, Lomakin was put on the federal wanted list. On the morning of June 5, 2018, together with his lawyer, he voluntarily appeared before the investigator - he was detained, charged with murder, and the next day arrested by the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Perm.

On August 23, the criminal prosecution was stopped and Lomakin was released from the pre-trial detention center. Earlier, the criminal prosecution of businessman Andrei Naugolnykh (Truba), who was also accused of the murder of Tolya Kurgansky, was terminated.

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In March of this year, crime boss Andrey Naugolnykh, nicknamed Pipe, was detained in Perm. He was arrested on suspicion of murder local resident Anatoly Krashakov, who disappeared without a trace last year. Following this, Truba's accomplice, businessman Oleg Lomakin, nicknamed Prokop, was put on the wanted list. He is also suspected of involvement in Krashakov's disappearance.

Lomakin had previously been convicted of murder. It happened in 1997, when Oleg Lomakin organized the murder of the head of JSC "Neftekhimik" Yevgeny Panteleimonov. During one of the interrogations, an authoritative businessman said that the well-known businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev was also involved in the murder of Panteleymonov.

However, Lomakin then unexpectedly retracted his earlier testimony. Oleg Lomakin was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Now a new episode with the murder can shed light on all the previously missing facts on the murder of the head of Neftekhimik JSC. If Oleg Lomakin is detained and his guilt is proven, then he may well cooperate with the investigation in order to mitigate his possible sentence.

The two main periods in the life and career of Dmitry Rybolovlev can be described based on the materials of two criminal cases. The first of them is a case, just about a contract killing, in which Dmitry Rybolovlev spent several months in a pre-trial detention center, and then was acquitted, including by the Supreme Court. (However, in Perm and not only there are rumors that the alleged criminal proceedings can be resumed if new circumstances suddenly open up.)

The second case was never initiated after a major accident in Berezniki in 2006, due to which about two thousand families have not had a normal roof over their heads for ten years. The first episode refers to the era of capital accumulation, and the second - to the sublimation of capitalization and exit to the cash.

In a rare interview given to Forbes in April 2008, Rybolovlev tells his story as the ideal path of a young builder of capitalism, whose views were influenced by classical literature (Dreiser) and fashionable foreign cinema (Oliver Stone's Wall Street). ). However, in Perm in 1987 it was impossible to imagine a career as a financier. Rybolovlev followed the path of least resistance: the son of a prominent cardiologist entered the medical school. In the Urals, where most people work for families and generations at the same factory, doctors are a white bone, a profession that gives both money and connections. A successful marriage could also help to multiply ties: in the third year, Dmitry Rybolovlev married Elena Chuprakova. Coincidentally, in the same 1987, Valery Chuprakov became the director of the Perm plant for mineral fertilizers.

Young Broker

An attempt to start his own business, using the achievements of his father, one of the pioneers in the field of magnetotherapy, Dmitry Rybolovlev was not very fascinated: apparently, he was really attracted by the prospect of quick and reckless enrichment. Moreover, in the early nineties it became possible. Dmitry Rybolovlev received a diploma from the Ministry of Finance in Moscow and began to provide financial services, including maintaining the register of shareholders. It is clear that on the eve of voucher privatization and then loans-for-shares auctions, this was a serious competitive advantage.

Of course, both vouchers and shares were very cheap at that time, but, given the scale, serious money was still needed to buy them. If we sum up Dmitry Rybolovlev's answers to journalists from various publications to the damned question of where he got the initial capital, we get one phrase - not from bandits. However, the question of who is considered an entrepreneur and who is a bandit, especially in the Urals and in the nineties, is debatable.

Closing indictment

In the materials of the criminal case, the story of Dmitry Rybolovlev and his business partners is told in detail. By the way, he is the only one who was fully acquitted in this case, other defendants received serious sentences for various crimes. At the same time, as follows from the materials of the prosecution, the goals around which the gang subsequently united were at first purely economic.

“In 1994, during the privatization and corporatization of enterprises in the Perm region, Rybolovlev D.E., being the president of the voucher investment fund (CHIF) “Stone Belt” and the JSCB “Credit FD” being created, entered into an agreement with Lomakin O.G., Nelyubin V.A., Chernyavsky V.B., Rustamov S.Z., Makarov S.E. for the purpose of acquiring at auctions, investment auctions of shares of enterprises located in the Perm region, mainly the chemical and petrochemical complex - Uralkali JSC, Silvinit JSC, Azot JSC, Neftekhimik JSC, Metafrax JSC and others prices slightly higher than the starting ones, as well as the acquisition of shares in the secondary securities market and the prevention of operations for the purchase of shares by competitors, using the authority of these persons among members of various criminal groups. Since the beginning of 1994, these persons began to meet periodically in the office of Rybolovlev D.E. on st. Lenina, 64, Perm, where they jointly and agreed discussed the process of corporatization, as well as the acquisition of shares of the above enterprises.

The key word here, of course, is "authority". The authors of the indictment, which is excusable for employees of the internal affairs bodies, put into it a purely criminal meaning. And people, perhaps, on the contrary, wanted to go into legal business and become large industrialists and entrepreneurs. For this, however, there was little authority. It was necessary to understand the mechanisms of operation of the emerging stock market, as well as the due dilligence of enterprises outside the banal cash flow, from which the bandits took a rollback anyway.

“By mutual agreement between all participants, Rybolovlev D.E. the general management of the group's activities was assigned to the acquisition of shares at auctions, investment auctions and registration of the acquired shares for enterprises controlled by it and included in the FD group with a verbal agreement to subsequently re-register 50% of the acquired shares of the enterprise for Lomakin, Makarov, Nelyubin, Chernyavsky and Rustamov.<…>A verbal agreement was reached between Rybolovlev and the rest of the participants that the part of the shares of the enterprises due to Lomakin, Nelyubin, Chernyavsky, Rustamov, Makarov would subsequently be registered at LIPS CJSC, where they were the founders.<…>In February 1996 Rybolovlev D.E. to fulfill the previously reached agreement, he introduced representatives of LIPS LLP Makarov and Shnitkovsky to the board of directors of JSCB Credit FD.

In general, at least business relations between Rybolovlev and a group of comrades, the most authoritative among whom was Oleg Lomakin (aka Prokop), were formed. It is easy to track this not only on the basis of the materials of the criminal case, but also on the reports of companies that were within the scope of the group's interests, as well as on judicial practice.

Who sent the killer

However, not all partners thought strategically, sometimes they wanted quick and easy money, and this led to conflicts. For example, the distribution network of JSC "Neftekhimik" was practically under the control of "bandits". Here is how it is described in the indictment:

“At the end of 1994, Lomakin O.G. JSC Neftekhimik was appointed as a representative of the owner from a group of enterprises belonging to the FD group controlled by Rybolovlev and which owned 40% of the shares of Neftekhimik JSC. Lomakin O.G., controlling the supply and processing of raw materials, sales of products in Neftekhimik JSC, in accordance with the agreement reached with Rybolovlev on the division of shares, had a real opportunity to receive unaccounted funds from his activities.

That is, Prokop, according to the prosecution, was not a simple supervisor, he was actually engaged in the operational management of Neftekhimik and received most of the sales revenue. Rybolovlev, on the other hand, had his own view on the prospects for the development of the company. Having already gained control of Uralkali, he planned to expand the potash business at the expense of the second giant of the Soviet industry, Silvinit. A large block of shares was just being prepared for sale at an investment tender, under the terms of which the buyer had to invest at least $15 million in the development of the enterprise. We needed a structure with a legal cash flow, and Neftekhimik was perfect for this role.

In general, the informal supervision of Lomakin, as well as a legally executed agreement on joint activities, according to which the sale of Neftekhimik products went through the Market FD trading house, really began to interfere. This was understood both by Rybolovlev and by Yevgeny Panteleymonov, appointed on his initiative to the post of director.

In the summer of 1995, Neftekhimik stopped several times, completely stopping shipments to the Market FD trading house. And in September, Evgeny Panteleymonov was shot dead by a killer on the landing of his house. Dmitry Rybolovlev told Forbes that he himself was the initiator of breaking the agreement with "business partners", he perfectly understood what it was fraught with, so he took his wife and daughter to Switzerland, went with the guards himself and offered her to Panteleimonov, but he frivolously refused.

The indictment presents a different version of events. Allegedly, Panteleimonov convinced Rybolovlev that Neftekhimik should not participate in the auction for Silvinit, because the financial condition of the enterprise does not allow it to complete the investment program, and this will lead to the cancellation of the auction results. In addition, “Panteleimonov E.N. considered the issue of the operation of the enterprise through the company Solvalub, which owns 20.95% of the shares of the authorized capital of Neftekhimik JSC and was the main competitor of the enterprises of the FD group under the leadership of Rybolovlev D.E.

In general, whether the decision to break off relations with the "bandits" was Panteleimonov's initiative alone, or whether it was made in solidarity with Rybolovlev, the fact is that Oleg Lomakin could not like it. He had a motive for killing Panteleimonov. The performers, Ilyinov and Kirsanov, were part of a stable criminal group. Did Lomakin have a motive for slandering Rybolovlev? Hardly, because in this way he consolidated his role in the case as the organizer of contract killings. If it was a deal with the investigation, then it was not legally recorded. Nevertheless, Lomakin called Rybolovlev the customer. In 1996 he was arrested. The indictment alleged that Rybolovlev acquired and then handed over weapons to Lomakin:

“In August 1995, Rybolovlev D.E. acquired in an unidentified place and from an unidentified person 2 pistols of the TT system, one of which, TT No. BM 07419, 7.62 mm caliber, is a firearm, 4 magazines with 32 cartridges of 7.62 mm caliber, which are ammunition for this weapon, are not having the appropriate permission to do so. In August 1995, Rybolovlev kept and carried these TT pistols with ammunition, and then at the house on the street. Lenin, 64, Perm handed over firearms with ammunition to Lomakin O.G. for use in committing the premeditated murder of E.N. Panteleimonov.”

After the murder of Panteleymonov, according to investigators, the killers did not receive the promised money, the indictment says:

“The fact that Rybolovlev did not pay for the murder of Panteleymonov completely fits into the scheme of work of Rybolovlev when he, having made a promise, does not fulfill it. This is confirmed by the testimony of Kazantsev, Silin that Rybolovlev violated the previously reached agreements by not fulfilling them. This is also evidenced by the testimony of Lomakin O.G., Nelyubin V.A., Makarov S.E.”.

Lomakin confessed in great detail. Everything changed after the confrontation with Rybolovlev, who did not give any evidence, using the 51st article of the Constitution. After that, Lomakin's answers became evasive and confused, and then he even began to directly state that he himself was not involved in the murder of Panteleymonov and slandered Rybolovlev.

The investigators had no other serious evidence, except for the words of Lomakin. In addition, Panteleymonov's widow, director of the marketing department of JSC Neftekhimik, was a witness for the defense. She said that her husband headed the AO for 8 months and relations with Rybolovlev were good, and in 1995 Rybolovlev lost control of the FD, and the money of the AO began to disappear, and this complicated relations with the "bandits". Therefore, Rybolovlev's acquittal, which stood in the Supreme Court, looked logical. He was released from the pre-trial detention center even earlier thanks to the work of the lawyer Andrei Pokhmelkin, brother of the well-known deputy Vladimir Pokhmelkin, who represented the Perm region in the Duma. In addition, Governor Gennady Igumnov publicly declared his own confidence in Rybolovlev's innocence.

After his triumphant release, Rybolovlev entered Igumnov's "inner circle", the daughter of the governor, Elena Arzumanova, began working in responsible positions at the Credit FD bank. True, at a critical moment, when the gubernatorial election came up in 2000, Dmitry Rybolovlev publicly and financially supported the popular mayor of Perm, Yuri Trutnev. This bet, as we shall see later, worked well for Rybolovlev.

Parallel Curves

However, the black-and-white saga of a talented guy with a red diploma, who got rid of the guardianship of bandits and became a billionaire with a clean reputation, also does not quite correspond to the actual circumstances. None of his former partners, with the exception of Lomakin, subsequently had serious problems with the law. Vladimir Nelyubin, for example, became a co-owner of Ecoprombank, where Silvinit was serviced, for a long time he occupied the chair of a regional deputy, of course, through United Russia, boasted of a close acquaintance with Alexander Karelin and Sergei Shoigu, who were at the origins of the party.

Sergei Makarov became a co-owner of Azot, ran for mayor of Berezniki in 2004, and was brutally beaten by a PR team hired by Dmitry Rybolovlev. And Seifeddin Rustamov managed to go abroad, and now he has been living comfortably for more than 15 years in the US state of Virginia in a beautiful mansion, bought for $ 2.5 million in 2005 (the value of real estate in 2012, according to tax calculations, already reached almost 6 .5 million dollars). Yes, and Oleg Lomakin was released in 2009 and began to be called simply "a well-known Perm businessman." After all, all these years he retained a third share in the West Ural Chemical Company, into which the very CJSC LIPS was transformed. The company, by the way, was the largest shareholder of Ecoprombank until 2014, when it collapsed along with client money. And this is how it happens: the responsibility for this was assigned to Andrey Tuev, who went to work for Nelyubin from the Credit FD bank. Tuev's father, Alexander Vasilievich, was the supervisor of Dmitry and Elena Rybolovlev, then medical students.

In general, the modern Permian elite has boiled down from one nutritious broth, and Rybolovlev is no exception here. He just happened to be the toughest and luckiest of them all. By the way, former companions behind his back called him not Fish, which would be logical, but Scales. Such are his business qualities.

Andrey Naugolnykh

However, as we can see, Lomakin continued his "thorny" path to fame, and again became participants in the criminal case of murder. In addition to him, the previously named Andrey Naugolnykh (Pipe) also appears in this case. It has nothing to do with classic businessmen. According to our sources, Truba had previously been repeatedly prosecuted and was in the "camp" of the thieves' movement. Back in the nineties, Naugolnykh organized an organized criminal group in the city of Dobryanka. The group included previously convicted individuals. The gang began to engage in racketeering for small businessmen.

Then the Naugolny group had a conflict with one of the authorities, as a result of which the killer attempted to kill Truba, waiting for the authority in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Mirabella store on Sibirskaya Street, and shooting him from a machine gun. One of the bullets hit the head, and the killer did not finish off his victim. But Naugolnykh survived thanks to the efforts of doctors. After his recovery, Truba continued to be a nightmare for local businessmen. But at the beginning of the 2000s, a new force appeared in the city - a gang consisting of athletes, mostly boxers. Young scumbags, regardless of authority, began to win their place in the sun. As a result, their paths collided with the organized criminal group of Naugolnykh. Unable to withstand the frostbitten growth, Truba began to lose ground.

AT this moment Andrey Naugolnykh is under investigation in the case of the murder of Anatoly Krashakov, which he may have committed with the participation of the same Oleg Lomakin, a fugitive from justice. This case is similar to one of the episodes with Harutyunyan's gang, where the killers were tried without finding the victim's body.

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