Where to dispose of construction waste when repairing an apartment? Container for construction debris. Repair is over: how to dispose of construction waste Where can I take out construction waste

Career and finance 19.06.2020
Career and finance

After any overhaul, as a rule, a large amount of construction debris remains. What should the owner of the apartment do in this case and how should construction waste be removed after repair from the point of view of legislation? Also, this problem can arise when moving from one place to another, when a person gets rid of unnecessary things.

Construction waste - what is it?

Construction waste during repairs includes the following materials:

  • fragments of brick, concrete, plaster, cement bags;
  • pieces of wood, frames, doors;
  • wallpaper trimmings, pieces of tiles;
  • containers from paints, putty, building mixtures, glue.

In addition, it can be divided into categories:

  • The primary balance of building materials, mainly of overall dimensions, appears during dismantling.
  • Immediate residue during construction work.
  • Waste finishing materials and container.

Depending on the repair itself, one of the items may be missing.

What should an apartment owner do?

According to the new version of Federal Law No. 458-FZ, all persons who collected and disposed of waste are required to obtain a license to carry out their activities. Since July 2016, the collection and removal of waste is prohibited.

In addition, according to SanPiN 42-128-4690-88, waste after repair and construction is transported only to certain areas provided for this. Non-utilizable waste from enterprises is taken to special facilities for neutralization and disposal. That is, if earlier it was possible to hire a car and take any garbage to a landfill, now it is forbidden to do so.

Since January 2018, it is planned to hold auctions, on the basis of which prices for waste removal will be formed (Government Decree No. 1280 of 10/20/2017). Also, the basic rules for waste disposal are prescribed in Federal Law No. 89-FZ.

All residents of high-rise buildings and the private sector were obliged to sign contracts for the export of solid municipal waste. Only a licensed company can provide such services.

The government obliged the relevant structures to develop new programs for the operation of waste processing enterprises and tighten control over unauthorized disposal of waste without obtaining a special permit with a location of delivery.

First of all, what the owner of the apartment needs to do is contact his Management Company and find out if it has concluded an agreement with a company specializing in the removal of construction residues and having the appropriate transport for loading, containers for storing and storing residues, a package of permits .

If the contract exists, then you can install a container or adjust special vehicles by the appointed time. In this case, for a small payment, the company will perform the entire list of works that will comply with the requirements of the Legislation.

How to dispose of garbage after repair?

You can use the builder's container if a residential building or other facility is being built nearby. This option is feasible if the volume of waste is small. New untouched finishing materials can be tried back to the store or sold by advertising in the newspaper.

In large metropolitan areas, the Dump project is working, where they accept old furniture, unnecessary things, they can still pay a small amount of money.

Fines for illegally thrown garbage

A citizen who has made repairs can himself withdraw the remains to permitted landfills, but there are many nuances that in the end the whole procedure becomes completely unprofitable. In addition, some remnants of construction waste: paper, metal, plastic, will not be accepted by landfills from 2018. This is due to the expansion of the recycling program.

According to Art. 8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation when unloading waste in unauthorized places due to violations of environmental requirements, penalties of up to two thousand rubles are imposed on this citizen for ordinary citizens, with the obligatory removal of the removed residues within a strictly defined period.

Legal entities will have to pay a fine of twenty to one hundred thousand rubles. The amount may vary by region. If the conditions are not met, an additional fine will be charged.

As you can see, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation in almost all regions of Russia, the state at the legislative level regulates and controls the export of all types of waste and their processing.

Construction waste is not only scraps and leftover materials, but also includes:

  • uninhabitable buildings;
  • remains of reinforced concrete buildings;
  • blockages of metal formed after the building again;
  • broken window glass;
  • concrete piles;

and other similar leftovers. Disposal of construction waste of this type after reconstruction or complete demolition of buildings can be replaced by recycling.

Construction waste recycling methods

Until recently, construction waste resulting from the demolition or blockage of buildings was taken out on dump trucks and disposed of at landfills for solid waste. With the help of excavators, such material was leveled, and this site was the foundation for other types of garbage. Utilization of construction waste, by this method, did not allow us to withdraw suitable recyclable materials for processing, such as:

  • heaps of scrap metal in the form of fittings, partition profiles, railings and other things;
  • glass, the mass of which, taking into account windows and balconies, reaches several tons, per one multi-storey building;
  • concrete, bricks and other stone materials.

Disposal of construction waste, a similar method of dismantling, would probably be used further, but the limitation of sites and landfills does not allow the disposal of construction waste in such volumes. Therefore, construction waste is becoming more and more difficult to destroy every year.

Russia is not the first country in the world in which the processing of construction waste and its recycling was initially considered promising. But, nevertheless, this industry is developing quite actively today, in all large cities there are special plants or enterprises involved in:

  • collection;
  • transportation;
  • sorting;
  • cleaning;
  • preparation;

and other manipulation actions that prepare recyclable materials for the production process.

Every year, construction wastes occupy an increasing area, their disposal becomes almost impossible without causing damage to the environment, which ultimately leads to adverse consequences for human health.

Construction waste in Russia annually occupies hundreds of hectares of area, about 20 million tons of secondary material is waiting for its turn for processing, 60% of which are brick, stone and reinforced concrete structures. The growth rate of this waste increases by 20% from year to year. Recycling of construction waste cannot yet cope even with the existing mass at temporary storage sites.

However, the government of the Russian Federation, in every possible way stimulates and supports such industries, allowing them to develop as quickly as possible and work at full capacity. As a result, such actions have a positive effect, as the volume of construction waste taken to landfills is steadily decreasing.


Utilization of construction waste through recycling can significantly save financial resources for collection, transportation and other procedures, since construction waste such as concrete and brick does not need to be moved. When a building is demolished, a new structure is almost always erected in its place, and this requires a large amount of rubble for the foundation. Now, the processing of construction waste, instead of crushed stone, gives crushed brick and concrete obtained during the dismantling of the old building. In addition to savings on loading and transportation, there is also no need to pay for the placed construction waste in landfills, since they are processed at the place of their generation.

Also, the processing of construction waste avoids the annual increase in the volume of garbage in the country, which, in turn, avoids negative impact on the ecological situation. After all, even cultivation of the land is impossible in those places where construction waste is buried.


Construction waste cannot be called full-fledged materials, ready for use, but it low price and unlimited volumes, allow products such as:

  • old, used and dismantled asphalt from the roads;
  • glass, regardless of what color and type;
  • brick or its fight;
  • plastic products;
  • reinforced concrete;

used in the construction of new buildings, pre-processing them in various ways.

Since the main construction waste that remains after home again is reinforced concrete, its use is especially important. To do this, use special hydraulic machines such as a hammer or hydraulic shears, they break or crush too large blocks. Further, the crushing plant operates, giving the product of the desired fraction at the output.

In addition to the foundation, construction waste is used to build temporary roads through swamps. Also, the disposal of construction waste in this way can serve as an excellent material for filling unnecessary voids or pits.

Construction waste such as asphalt is used for the construction of the road surface, having previously been thermally treated at high temperature to melt the resinous substance. Even in case of loss of viscosity or other qualities, special reinforcing and concreting substances are added to the asphalt.

You must know - how is the step-by-step processing of construction waste

The customer refuses to pay the expenses of the contractor for the disposal of construction waste at the landfill. At the same time, he refers to page 18 of the book by I.Yu. Nosenko “Estimate in Construction” Volume 1, which contains the answer to the question of which chapter of the Consolidated Estimated Calculation should include the costs for the delivery of construction waste. Specifically, the response says:

"The costs associated with the removal of construction waste during the construction of new structural elements, including the removal of garbage and its delivery to a landfill, are classified as overhead costs and are not subject to inclusion in the estimate documentation."

Is the customer right?


The client is wrong on this issue.

Clause 11 “Expenses for the improvement and maintenance of construction sites” of Section III “Expenses for the organization of work at construction sites” of Appendix 6 “List of items of overhead costs in construction” to the “Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction” provides information on that overhead costs take into account the costs: “- for wages (with deductions for UST from labor costs) and other expenses for cleaning and cleaning (with garbage disposal) of the construction site and the street strip adjacent to it, including sections of roads and sidewalks, the construction of paths, bridges and other works related to the improvement of the territory of construction sites;

The costs of the contractor for the disposal of garbage taken to the landfill are not included in the overhead standards and must be paid separately. On this issue, there was an explanation of the Gosstroy of Russia, given below:

State Committee Russian Federation
for construction and housing and communal services (Gosstroy of Russia)
dated December 28, 1999 No. 10-466

The Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction and Housing and Communal Services explains the issue raised.

In accordance with paragraph 10 of the "Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81-1.99", adopted by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated April 26, 1999 No. 31, the cost estimate includes the costs of cleaning and cleaning up waste from the construction site as part of overhead costs . Accounting for the costs of disposing of unusable soil and garbage taken to a landfill is not provided for by the current regulatory documents.

Head of Department V.A. Stepanov

It should be noted that the above applies to the disposal of technological waste generated during construction and installation works in new construction, which, for example, includes brick waste and mortar residues during the production of brickwork.

If we are talking about construction waste generated during the dismantling of buildings or their parts, then the cost estimates should take into account the costs of loading, unloading and transporting construction waste from the dismantling of buildings. In addition to these costs, the estimate documentation should take into account the costs of paying for services for the placement and disposal of waste at landfills for waste processing (“landfills”).

If the dismantling of buildings is a preparatory stage for further construction, then the indicated costs in the estimate documentation can be reflected in Chapter 1 of the consolidated estimate calculation "Preparation of the construction site" with the assignment of loading, unloading and transportation to construction and installation works. Services for the placement and disposal of waste at landfills for the processing of waste are included in other costs and can be taken into account in chapters 1 or 9 of the consolidated estimate.

In the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development dated 03.05.2011 No. 11086-IP / 08, it is recommended to take into account the costs of placement and disposal of construction waste in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimate.

"The costs of placement and disposal (neutralization) of construction waste, contaminated soil and waste are determined by the estimated calculation based on the data in Section 8" List of measures for the protection environment» project documentation, and if it is necessary to demolish (dismantle) an object or part of a capital construction object, also a description of decisions on calling, decontamination and disposal of waste and contaminated soil, given in Section 7 "Project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction objects", and certificates (calculations) of the enterprise on the cost of placement and disposal of construction debris and waste. The costs associated with the payment of these services are determined by calculations and are taken into account in accordance with paragraph 4.85 of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation in chapter 9 "Other work and costs"(columns 7, 8) of the summary estimate calculation of the cost of construction. The cost of loading construction waste and materials unsuitable for further use, resulting from the dismantling of buildings, structures and equipment, in vehicle and its removal from the construction site to the place of storage or to a landfill are determined according to the current tariffs and are taken into account in local estimates.

Huge amounts of construction waste accumulate on construction sites every day. If they are not taken out in time, this will lead to littering of the city. Such garbage collection companies in Moscow as Spetstrans Group of Companies https://spetstrans.ru/ organizes the collection and disposal of waste.

What is construction waste

Buildings of residential and industrial facilities need timely cleaning of debris. Construction waste includes all types of waste from the construction and repair of buildings, these are:

  • old and broken fittings;
  • pieces of reinforced concrete structures;
  • pieces of brick and stone;
  • old wallpaper;
  • plaster;
  • broken glass;
  • remnants of building materials.

According to building codes Construction waste is divided into three categories:

  • the first is large-sized garbage: these are beams, reinforcement. It is subject to removal prior to construction;
  • the second - various parts of building elements made of polyethylene, plastic and others. Subject to export as they accumulate;
  • the third - the remains after finishing work. They are folded and removed at the end of construction.

Waste from construction is strictly forbidden to be thrown into containers for solid waste. Failure to comply with the law is punishable by a fine.

Household waste

MSW includes all human waste. They are divided into small and large waste. Small items are small discarded items. Large ones include old furniture, broken household appliances. MSW such as metal, paper, plastic, glass products, are recyclable. Therefore, special points have been created for their reception.

Regulatory rules for the collection and removal of construction waste

Construction sites must comply with the rules for the collection and removal of construction waste, namely:

  • do not throw away the remains of building materials in containers for household waste;
  • in order to prevent the spread of waste throughout the territory, put it in specially brought containers or bags;
  • to export substances hazardous to humans and the environment to special landfills.

According to the level of danger, garbage is divided into five categories:

  • emergency;
  • high;
  • moderate;
  • weak;
  • not dangerous.

The first two categories are dangerous both for human health and for nature, therefore, they require careful handling and removal to burial sites. Possibility of poisoning the environment for many years is created. So it takes about 30 years to restore the environment after pollution with chemicals.

Disposal methods

Disposal of MSW and construction waste is carried out in three ways:

  • incineration - designed for solid, liquid, gaseous waste. Produced under the influence of a temperature of 1000 degrees. it The best way disposal of garbage, leaving no traces;
  • recycling - at special enterprises, waste is processed for use in production as a secondary raw material. For this purpose, paper, fabric, metal, glass are used. It is noteworthy that many are subject to repeated processing;
  • burial - removal and compaction in specially designated places, this is the most elementary and practical way. But this method is not entirely safe. Accumulation may cause environmental pollution. Disposal of radioactive substances to landfills is prohibited.

How is construction waste removed?

It is not recommended to dispose of waste on your own, as landfills may not accept them due to the lack of the necessary license. Individuals and organizations need to contact a waste disposal company. They have contracts with landfills and recycling companies.

Legal entities usually enter into a long-term contract for waste disposal with a waste disposal organization. With private individuals, the contract is one-time. After the conclusion of the agreement, the company provides containers of the required volume. When the capacity is accumulated, a car arrives for the container, picks it up and leaves it empty in its place.

Who bought an apartment in a new building or started a major overhaul, probably faced such a problem: where to throw construction waste? At first glance, the question is not simple, but it is solved at the expense of times, if you approach it correctly.

You do not want a flood after us, and future generations drowned in mountains of fetid waste or suffocated from the products of their decomposition. So to live or not to live on littered land or change your view of the environment?

Where to dispose of construction waste is strictly prohibited

The more humanity strives for civilization, the louder the guards of environmentalists shout. We, without hesitation, interfere with what is created by nature, build and destroy, surround ourselves with a considerable amount, as it seems to us, of necessary and smart things, throw away, produce again - a vicious circle. And the point is not at all that we do not know where to throw away the waste of our vigorous activity, including construction waste. Mentality, upbringing, bad habits do not allow to solve the problem once and for all. But in the age of nanotechnology, only dust can remain from garbage, moreover, useful for humans. This is where the consciousness and help of everyone according to their capabilities is required.

Who is not familiar with the picture when sinks, stoves, doors, bags full of construction waste are lying around containers with small household waste. More than once there were such announcements - “the garbage chute is not working”, it is trite, but someone in the house is doing repairs. Or picking mushrooms in a clean forest, you suddenly come across objects of civilization, or rather, their waste. The plots may be different, but the reason is the same: people build, make repairs, but do not know where to dispose of construction waste and garbage.

Waste varies: in terms of composition, decomposition time, and the possibility of reuse. So, for example, food residues decompose within 30 days, paper for several months, brick and concrete fragments, foil for a hundred years, polyethylene products up to 200 years, there are materials that do not decompose for hundreds of years, such as aluminum cans and glass. Imagine that all this is in a landfill in one heap.

There is a huge recycling industry, but they work with sorted waste, and not a dump of everything in one heap. There is a separate city dump for each type of garbage. That is why, the remains of building materials cannot be taken out into the garbage chute or containers that are installed in the yards and have their purpose, taken out to the forest, field or to the first landfill that comes across. At best, you will get off with a fine, and at worst, you will run into representatives of the environmental movement.

Garbage during apartment renovation
Preparation of construction waste for removal and disposal

Modern garbage truck
Scheme of a waste processing plant

How to solve the problem with construction waste and where to throw it away

The removal of their own construction waste is the work of the owners themselves and at their own expense. Near newly populated buildings, developers, most often, put a special bunker.

In other cases, You can dispose of residues from construction or repair work in various ways:

1. Slowly, preferably at night, throw it into a waste bin, maybe the neighbors will not see or guess. Do not hope, among the neighbors there will definitely be a “well-wisher” who will trumpet about your strange behavior. As a result, your nerves will be exhausted, you will be disgraced all over the district and, in the end, you will be forced to take out the packages that were attached with such difficulty. It is hoped that convincing and law-abiding citizens will use the arguments in a civilized way.

2. This option is the most convenient - conclude a service contract with a house management company , but the consent of the general meeting of residents is required, tk. This is an additional payment for general utility costs. In case of a positive decision, management company a special bunker will be installed for various kinds of construction waste and large-sized items. But even here, most likely, a problem will arise, because there will be tenants who will prove that they have not been going to make repairs for a hundred years and do not want to pay for someone.

3. Another option - take out construction and other waste on their own to the appropriate equipped landfill . Many consider this method to be cheaper, but in fact, it turns out that this is the most difficult way. Firstly, it is not possible to identify construction and similar wastes at every landfill, and secondly, they are not accepted for free. In addition, the issue with transport, you can’t load a lot into a passenger car, especially large items. Renting a car will not be cheap, plus loading and unloading, the time and effort spent.

4. The easiest option - contact a specialized company and order a service . In every city there are companies that take on not only the removal and disposal of construction waste, but also process it. You just need to compare prices for services, conditions and place an order, everything else, in at its best, will be made by employees of the company. The cost of such services is not fabulous, so you should think about it.

5. And finally, it is quite possible partially sell some construction waste . They don’t buy everything in a row, but they willingly take it: concrete residues, broken bricks and plaster, soil, clay, sawdust, sand residues. Less often, but they take a film, rubber, plastic. There is no problem to find a buyer through the Internet.

Preparation of construction waste for removal and disposal

Before starting construction or repair work, you should think in advance not only where you plan to attach waste and residues, but also how to pack them securely.

There are several suitable options:

  • Thick plastic bags of 120-160 liters are great for small and soft debris. Do not try to load heavy, large and sharp objects in them, which will easily tear such a package.
  • Bags made of polypropylene are more durable and reliable, able to withstand significant loads. Bulk products (flour, sugar) are packed in such packages at the production facilities. You can buy new ones or find used ones.
  • Building mixtures such as cement, plaster, tile adhesive are packaged in thick paper bags. Do not throw them away, but use them for garbage collection, such packages can withstand heavy loads.
  • The canvas bag is particularly durable, plus it can easily be used repeatedly.
  • Cardboard boxes, preserved from household appliances, are suitable on the condition that they are not too large, you can agree on boxes in a store, on the market.

Do not forget every time that people live around, including your family, and not on the ruined nature and blue sky want to see many more generations, life goes on! Let's hope that after reading this article, by and large, you will not have a question - where to throw construction waste. If you have experience or useful ideas, advice for those who build, repair, share in the reviews and comments on our website.

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