With what the author compares the cork layer of trees. The structure of wood and timber

Design and interior 22.08.2019
Design and interior

cork like a layer of wood

Alternative descriptions

. (from the Greek kore - girl) the ancient Greeks had the cult name of the goddess Persephone.

The outer cover of the trunk, stem and root of woody plants; obsolete Hard rind, shell of some fruits.

American Indians

Birch bark in essence

In Greek mythology, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter

wood skin

It has both oak, and the brain, and the Earth

Female name: (Greek) maiden

In woody plants: the outer tissue of the trunk, stem and root

Wide Nepalese knife

The material from which the Estonian musical instrument payupill is made

Ancient Greek statue of a girl in long robes

The female equivalent of a kouros

. "oak coat"

Musical instrument West Africa, lute with 21 strings

Ritual pilgrimage around the holy place

One of the names of the goddess Persephone in ancient Greek mythology

What is the birch bark boat made of?


Rabbit food in winter

birch bark

Outer tissue of the trunk

Protective shell of wood

For moose - winter food

Ash cover

oak cover

. "solid" shell of the Earth

Have a brain and a tree

Barrel cover

Tree and Brain in Common

Cured top layer


Part of the brain

Raw materials for bast shoes


. "skin" of a tree

wood flooring

. "clothes" of the tree

tree trunk shell

. "skin" of a tree

At the oak, and at the brain

One of the names of Persephone

earth shell

. "cover" tree

Common to brain, earth and tree

barrel shell

Barrel coating

. "skin" oak

Earthy, arboreal, brain

Sheath of a pine trunk

Gray layer of the brain

tree trunk cover

Wood "peel"

Protective shell of a tree trunk

Bark in essence

. "skin" pine

Outer cover of a tree trunk

Outer cover of the tree

tree shell

What is birch bark?

Value cork tree

Shell of brain and tree

Bark beetle food

Pine outer cover

Hares tree food

Spruce trunk cover

Aspen trunk coating

poplar trunk cover

Cover of cedar

Bast, birch bark

maple cover

Black and white at the birch

Tree Trunk Outer Fabric

. "Skin" of a tree

In Greek mythology, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the goddess of the underworld

Outdoor, above the wood, part of the trunks

tree clothes

. "Clothes" of trees

Hard layer on the surface of trees

. "Skin" oak

. "Skin" pine

. "Skin" of a tree

. "Oak coat"

. "clothing" tree

. "Hard" shell of the Earth

. (from the Greek kore - girl) among the ancient Greeks, the cult name of the goddess Persephone

The outer cover of the trunk, stem and root of woody plants; obsolete Hard rind, some fruit shells

Wood "peel"

tree cover

G. the outer shell of something, hard skin, shell, peel; on the tree: linden bark, bast; birch, birch bark, rock; cork tree, cork. Bread bark, crushed stone; bark the globe. The bark of a tree consists of an upper layer roughened from the weather, which crumbles over time, like pepper from the skin of a person or animal; from the middle layer, bast, and from the underside, greenery or pulp, which is already followed by blon, a young layer of wood. Peel, crust, crust will diminish. Bread crust, lemon. The crust is thicker than the skin, softer than the shell, husk. Horn. an ingot of high-grade silver, a bun obtained through the purification of silver with lead, on nests. Cut off the crust, but at least eat with a spoon! about underbaked bread. The crust fell on the crust, but the crumb was gone, the same. Bread, salt, and some (yes, all) crusts would be good. Yaduchi pie, remember the dry crust. The crust is not bread. It's not a sin to leave her. Throw a crust on the mountain, the pressure will come to you. we break crust on crust. Without removing the bark, you will not know if the tree is rotten. Lyska does not take a surplus: one crust. The crust on the crust, and the crumb on the shutter, floated out. One crust, and he choked on that one. Although the crust (needles) to gnaw, but do not break the foam, do not work. I squeezed the lemon, and threw the peel (thrown away). The wife is stubborn not a crumb. no peel. Cork, made from cork. Before they made cork snuffboxes, replaced by beaten paper ones. Root, cork. Root or crust, referring to the crust, made from it. Crust silver, horn. fine, wet cleaned. Corky, corky, like a bark, similar to a bark; crustiness, crustiness, condition, property. Korishcha enlarged and Korye cf. collected tanning bark, for leather dressing: oak, willow, different types , shelugi, etc. Korye is not Malier, but the oak is gone! malle, chipped boards. The Yukhnovites greeted the carts with a ringing, the bishop's tea. Measles, pertaining to measles. Root decoction. Rough, bark-like. Thick-skinned, thick-skinned. Crunchiness, crustiness. property of rough, rough. Clumsy, hardened, sorrowful, hard, dry, special. about the skin: wrinkled and stale. Vost. about a human. heavily pockmarked, generous, spoiled by smallpox. Kaluga about a thing: warped or broken, worthless. forest: crooked, knotty, ugly, in crooked. Clumsy, scrawny, mourn, stale and crack, esp. about skin; to root, almost the same, to skin, to shrivel: sheathing herself in bark. Pulp the pulp. Squabble and squabble ryaz. scratch, tear, tear up: draw; write badly; burr. - Xia, scratch. Koryabka, scraper, scraper. Mangle what, rage. tamb. eagle twist, bend, break. His fever cringe. Koryaga, Koryazhina Koryazhnik m. collection. a tree washed into the river, a karsha, a crooked, knotty stump. novg. kopan, kokora, a tree cut down for shipbuilding with a lateral root, or with a thick bough. Knotty, cranked and crooked small forest; yernik. Driftwood, shrubs and small forest, from which the bark is used for tanning: fermenter, black thorn, willow, etc. astra. a rope in the little finger, from white yarn, for a seine and fishing tackle. You are steel on a stump, and he is on a snag! both are stubborn. Gnarled, stumpy, about the forest, crooked, gnarled, with outgrowths. Korenga perm. krivulina, crooked knotty tree. Chunky forest, arch. knotty, knotty, uneven, stubby. Koreg m. Vologda. ryaz. shrub, crooked forest, dwarf birch. Korezhka m. novg. board, filled and frozen, for skiing downhill, instead of a sled. Koryaga or Koryak vol. about a person, stubborn, stubborn, intractable; raskoryaka, who stands with his legs wide open, akimbo, breaks. Koryak forked forest, withered, fork. To squash something (see scribble), to break, to bend by force, to breed, to burst. -Xia, break, in direct and transfer. value The child squirms lying down. Well, what are you squirming about, go! Ignorant to sit, squatted, spread out. Koryachenye cf. action by value vb. A clumsy, intractable, obstinate, brittle person. Koryachka wide stride. you can't reach Moscow with one koryakka. Koryak vol. who squirms, squirms; who walks on all fours. Koryak, at c.Al. Michl. order, ribbon through. shoulder. Koryakushka vol. a freak, a cripple, with reduced limbs. Koryakovy Sib.-tob. goiter and with crouched limbs, esp. on a local ailment on the river Urov. To scribble, hook, etc., see the hook, below, in its place. Cinnamon spicy, medium bark, underbark from cinnamon, cinnamon tree, and the Clinnamomum tree itself, cinnamon laurel. Blaya cinnamon, plant Canella alba. Eh, with cinnamon, with cloves, with lemon peel! pouring, right? sbiten. Brown, wrong vm. cinnamon, related to cinnamon. Bark-colored, bark-colored, cinnamon, brown, reddish-brown. Brown stone, esonite, from the venetian rock, garnet. Cinnamon bonfire plant of the genus Ranunculus polystachios. Cork cutter, a machine used to cut bottle caps. There are cork-cutters. King-faced, strong-browed, stupid and stupid. Korolup m. who beats, rips off the bark. bark beetle m. insect bostrichus

Pine cover

What is birch bark

Raw materials for bast shoes




1. According to the purpose of the statement, interrogative, because ends with a question mark. Intonation: non-exclamatory. Because there is no exclamation here. 2. Leaves, trees / 3. From the text: Life, skin, living, fluffy. His own words: Dwelling, tire. 4. Dead layer. 5. No, because The best protection for trees is a fluffy snow blanket.

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If quite recently the word “cork” was associated only with a cork from a bottle, now the situation on the market of finishing materials is making its own adjustments to vocabulary layman. Cork flooring is increasingly becoming a full-fledged master of floors and walls, striking with its unusual pattern and performance characteristics.

What is a cork?

The countries of northern Africa and southern Europe have given people unique trees in their properties - cork oaks, which have been supplying outlandish material for various needs for many centuries. The very history of such plants has more than sixty million years, and Portugal occupies the honorable leadership in the cultivation of cork trees. Real cork is not a cheap material. This is due to a fairly long period for cork oak bark to ripen - about 25 years. The first removal of the bark is of a technical nature, as it is hard and crumbly. To obtain an ideal cork, the cutting procedure is repeated, but the periods of bark removal are repeated no more than once every 9 years, so as not to damage the tree.

The honeycomb structure of cork is unique, consisting of thousands of micropores impregnated with suberin, a natural cork substance. Thanks to this unusual composition, the cork also acquires unusual properties - excellent thermal insulation, commensurate with brickwork, good sound and vibration absorption. The durability of cork, bactericidal and antistatic properties, the absence of herbicide treatment of trees make this material one of the most environmentally friendly finishing coatings on the market today. According to its properties, cork is ideal for interior decoration, competing even with the recognized authority in the form of parquet.

Types of cork coatings

Of course, cork flooring or wall covering differs in its characteristics, as it is used with varying degrees of intensity. Cork floor coverings are usually multi-layered, based on pressed cork, and the front layer is represented by cork or other veneer. valuable breeds wood. In order to give the material strength and wear resistance, the surface of the cork is covered with a varnish or vinyl layer. Vinyl cork flooring will withstand heavy loads, so it is suitable even for use in public spaces, while lacquered flooring is best used in home environments with not too high traffic.

Two types of cork flooring are widely used - adhesive coatings and cork floating floors. The first option is made in the form of tiles of different sizes, but its thickness is always the same. Using different combinations of tiles, you can create designer floor options with a special adhesive.

The cork floating floor consists of MDF-based panels, on the inside of which is glued cork layer, and the front surface can be either decorative cork or wood veneer, varnished before or after laying. A floating cork floor is not fixed to the floor, but is glued together by locks that connect the tiles to each other. Laying such a floor on a substrate is quite simple even for an inexperienced master. But such a coating, unlike an adhesive cork floor, is not suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.

There is also a technical cork, which serves as a heat insulator, a substrate for a laminate, for example, it is available in the form of rolls, plates or granules.

One of the few disadvantages of cork is its price. It is quite high and depends on the thickness of the layer of the cork itself and the variant of its coating on the front side. The softness of cork is also sometimes the cause of furniture dents, which do not always level out over time, no matter how its sellers convince of the opposite.

For most of the above characteristics, cork remains the undisputed leader, which makes it possible to see more and more new types in the assortment of this material every year. Choosing a cork for the floor or walls, realizing some of its shortcomings, the buyer often understands that it has much more advantages.

The common bottle stopper has many possibilities. Often it is used in the process of interior decoration. From cork, you can get good finishing materials that have many positive qualities.

For example, cork flooring is currently one of the most prestigious. Made from cork oak, cork is the hardest and lightest floor covering. It has a reduced thermal conductivity and an increased level of sound absorption.

More than half of the cork products in the world are made in Portugal.

Raw materials for the production of cork flooring

Curiously, the production of cork flooring does not require cutting down trees. As a rule, for this, a layer of tree bark is removed. This is done very carefully to allow the tree to grow further and to build up the bark. However, the cork oak must grow for almost a quarter of a century before the first harvest.

And the bark is removed from such trees every 9-10 years. Cork oak grows up to 160 years. Therefore, to remove the bark, one tree is used almost 15 times. It should be noted that cork production is very economical and rational. Recycle the smallest particles of material.

For example, in the production of cork boards for the floor, even granular cork, which is a waste from the production of bottle caps, can be used.

For example, in rolls, plates, granules. This type of material is not used as a finishing floor. However, it can be used as a substrate. For example, . Such material has good sound insulation and is used for additional floor insulation. Cork crumbs or granules also fill up various niches and voids.

The second type of cork flooring is glued cork flooring or cork adhesive floors. Similar materials are produced in the form of tiles of different sizes. Standard sizes of square tiles: 300x300, 450x450 mm, rectangular - 450x150, 600x300 mm.

Cork tile materials for floors can be produced with an additional top protective coating.

Such cork tiles come in various colors, thanks to which you can add original ornaments and patterns from them.

Adhesive floors are also used in rooms with high humidity. They are quite water resistant.

For example, you can make cork floors from tiles in a toilet or bathroom. Floating cork floors are called cork parquet. These are small pieces of cork that are glued to MDF. Cork parquet has standard size 900x185 mm. This parquet is quite easy to install, it is done according to the principle of laminate, i.e. with a lock system.

It is better not to use parquet cork floors in damp rooms, because MDF swells.

The top layer of cork floating floors is also made of decorative cork veneer and expensive wood. Such materials are covered on top with several layers of varnish or a protective vinyl film. Pressed cork is used as the middle layer.

Cork finishing materials

There are several options for the production of cork finishing materials.

1. Solid cork veneer is used for the most expensive look coverings (ceilings, walls, floors). Entire collections of coatings are made from this material, for example, cork floor tiles. Selected according to the color of the individual components.

2. Agglomerate made from cork chips. The crumb is pressed under the influence elevated temperatures into single layers of flooring. It is the cheapest material. All small wastes of cork production are used for it.

3. Combination of agglomerate and large veneer. Pretty good compromise. Large and small parts of the cork material are perfectly combined, providing a good quality product.

Despite the difference in price and variety, these options do not differ in wear resistance and mechanical properties. They differ appearance and the use of not very environmentally friendly plasticizers in the process of working with crumbs. Therefore, only veneer is considered an absolutely environmentally friendly material.

Cork Benefits

The cork board has quite a few significant advantages, including:

- good soundproofing properties;

- they are not afraid of moisture;

- the cork is chemically inert;

- increased thermal insulation floor coverings;

– cork floors are pleasant for the body, slightly springy and quite warm;

- the material does not rot;

- the cork does not deteriorate by rodents, microorganisms, insects.


- Over time, the protective coating of the cork is erased. In this case, an update of such coverage is required;

- with prolonged standing of furniture, dents remain on the cork floor;

- a rather high cost of veneer. Agglomerate is much cheaper.


Floor tiles have a honeycomb structure, thanks to which they are able to perfectly retain heat, do not let in sounds and have springy qualities. On the cork floors there are traces of the pressure of heels: the cork does not slip and is able to return to its original form.

This coverage has a positive effect on musculoskeletal system of people. Cork floors have bactericidal and antistatic properties, which makes them widely used. In addition, it is a very prestigious and beautiful finishing material.

Cork face options

Currently, cork flooring manufacturers offer several options for finishing the top face layer:

— application of a thin layer of veneer on a pressed cork base to improve the decorative properties of the material;

- the same layer of veneer, but additionally covered with several layers of varnish to increase wear resistance;

- Also, the veneer layer can be covered with a layer of transparent vinyl film, which has increased wear resistance;

- sometimes a layer of expensive wood veneer is applied to a pressed cork base, and also covered with a vinyl film on top.

The scope of cork flooring is quite wide. They are used in various premises: in public receptions, buildings of airports and train stations, ateliers, offices, supermarkets, restaurants and cafes, video and photo studios.

However, more often cork floors are used in residential areas. They can be used in rooms with different purposes. They are ideal for bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms.

Cork is also quite suitable for floors in the bathroom and in the kitchen. However, only adhesive plugs are used for such premises; MDF-based parquet is not suitable.

Laying technology

For laying cork flooring, some preparatory work is necessary. Any cork coating will be durable and reliable only on condition of well-prepared bases.

The surface must be dry, clean and level. It can be metal, concrete, wood, etc. Self-leveling compounds can be used on uneven surfaces. On the base of the floors, sheets of fiberboard or plywood of small thickness are often additionally laid, fixing them with self-tapping screws or nails around the entire perimeter.

It is important that the joints of these sheets do not coincide with the joints of the cork coating.

It is best to use a special adhesive for gluing cork tiles, which is recommended by cork manufacturers. In some cases, it is possible to use PVA glue, but some of its varieties can lead to deformation or shrinkage of the tiles. Therefore, such glue is more often used for non-compacted boards with vinyl protection at the base.

Before laying cork products, it is recommended to keep them indoors in packages for about a day. The laying procedure is carried out at a humidity of 50-60 percent and a temperature of 18-20 degrees.

As a rule, cork tiles are laid from the center of the room to its walls. In advance, the tiles must be sorted by texture (grained or smooth) and color. When laying grainy tiles crosswise, you can achieve the impression of a single surface.

Alternating granular and smooth tiles is possible.

First, the floor pattern is completely laid out dry, without the use of glue. At the same time, you can slightly adjust the arrangement of the tiles to leave the same space on each side. Thus, the cut tiles around the edges look like a beautiful frame.

Let's start gluing the tiles. Glue is applied to the base and tiles. He needs to let it dry a little. Basically, the time is indicated on the packages. First, several tiles are glued in the same direction. Then the rest of the tiles are glued from them without gaps.

After the glue dries, the rag is wetted in white spirit. After laying the tiles, you can walk on it immediately. Furniture is installed no earlier than after a few days

Useful for repairs too.

463 OO AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE FOR THE INVENTION DESCRIBED logs with leaving my layer. method of cork debarking of full lubyanka. Chevedai perv. M a, declared 150415). March 193 b, author's date July 5 warm time and manifests itself in cracking and damage to it by fungi, as well as insects. To protect the logs from damage during their storage in the forest and in warehouses, the logs are subjected to cork debarking; at the same time, the logs must be stacked in well-ventilated stacks. It has already been proposed when debarking logs to remove the upper cork layer of the bark, leaving the entire bast part of it. In this case, the cork layer should not be completely removed, but left in the form of narrow strips. According to the invention, the cork layer must be removed in such a way that the remaining strips are interconnected and form something like a grid on the surface of the log. The formation of such a grid is mandatory for pine and desirable for spruce. In the latter breed, stripes may not form nets. The amount of the remaining part of the cork layer in the form of a grid with a strip width of 1 cl should be 40 - 50% for pine, and about 25% for spruce from the entire surface of the log. (237) For both rocks must be removed from the remaining strips of scales, representing the most superficial group. cork layer. Along the length of the logs, after 1 - 2 m, it is useful to leave rings from the cork layer of bark about 5 cl wide, processed in the same way as the strips that form the grid. At the ends of the logs, ordinary bark cuff rings should be left, but with peeled rough crust, Removing the cork layer of the bark provides the tree with the opportunity to quickly lose moisture, i.e., dry out and thereby protects it from fungal infections, in addition to the fact that quick drying tree is the best remedy protection from fungi, the left bast plays a similar role. As it turns out, fungi, which usually infect wood in warm weather, cannot penetrate into the tree through the water. damaged bast. In addition, cork bark prevents the wood from cracking. If the debarking is done correctly, then the cracks that usually reduce the grade of logs do not happen. Then the cork bark also prevents damage to the tree by insects, which cannot develop and cause significant damage to the tree, affecting the variety, due to the rapid drying of the bast and wood. New way debarking logs thus helps to protect the logs from loss of quality and loss of grade. Leaving the bast on logs and other assortments is practiced at the present time and is known as clumsy debarking. When comparing a new method of debarking bre. it should be noted that the layer of bast with cork debarking should be continuous, while with clumsy debarking it is considered best if the bast remains as small as possible; then the layer of bast during cork debarking should not be made thin because a small layer of bast is in this case a defect, while in clumsy debarking it is considered best if the bast is left thin. Subject of the invention, A method of cork debarking of logs leaving a full bast layer in order to protect against cracking and damage by fungi and insects, characterized in that part of the cork layer is left on the surface of the log in the form of a grid, with a strip width of about 1 slu, and in pine the surface of the grid occupies 40 - 50% of the surface of the log, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ate in the eye 25 OO, Typ. Tambovskaya, 12 З, к, 168


150415, 05.07.1934

Chevedaev A. A

IPC / Tags

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The method of cork debarking of logs by compiling a complete bast layer

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