Snip 2.01 28 85 landfills neutralized. Polygons

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building codes and rules SNiP 2.01.28-85
"Polygons for neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste. Design guidelines"
(approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR of June 26, 1985 N 98)

These standards apply to the design of landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste (hereinafter referred to as landfills).

The standards do not apply to the design of radioactive waste disposal sites, landfills for solid household waste and accumulators of non-toxic industrial waste.

The composition of the landfill project is established by a regulatory document on the composition, procedure for developing, coordinating and approving design estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

1. General provisions

1.1. Landfills are environmental structures and are designed for centralized collection, neutralization and disposal of toxic waste from industrial enterprises, research organizations and institutions.

The number and capacity of landfills are determined by feasibility studies for the construction of landfills.

1.2. Materials (technological regulations for the design technological schemes, methods and organization of production of recycling, neutralization and disposal processes), depending on the types of toxic industrial waste, should be issued to the project customer by organizations:

USSR Mintsvetmet- arsenic-containing inorganic solid wastes and sludges; mercury-containing waste; cyano-containing wastewater and slimes; waste containing lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel, antimony, bismuth, cobalt and their compounds;

Minkhimprom - waste containing organometallic toxic compounds of tin, organohalogen and organosilicon compounds; wastes of alkali metals, organophosphorus compounds; sludge from the production of tetraethyl lead; used organic solvents (in accordance with the nomenclature of products assigned to the ministry); pesticides that have fallen into disrepair and are prohibited for use;

Mineral fertilizers - phosphorus-containing and fluorine-containing waste and sludge; pesticides that have fallen into disrepair and are prohibited for use;

Minavtoproma - waste from galvanic production (research work on the regeneration of waste from galvanic production is carried out with the involvement of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR);

Minneftekhimprom of the USSR- waste from oil refining, petrochemistry and shale chemical processing; used organic solvents;

Minchermet - chromium-containing waste; sludge and waste water; iron and nickel carbonyl waste.

Classification (list) and toxicity of waste (hazard class) are determined in accordance with the classifier of toxic industrial waste and guidelines to determine the toxicity of such wastes, approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR and the State Committee for Science and Technology.

1.3. The polygon should include:

a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste;

landfill site for toxic industrial waste;

a garage for specialized vehicles designed to transport toxic industrial waste.


1. The plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste is designed for incineration and physical and chemical processing of waste in order to neutralize or reduce toxicity (hazard class), convert them into insoluble forms, dehydrate and reduce the volume of waste to be buried.

2. A site for the disposal of toxic industrial wastes is a territory intended for the placement of specially equipped pits (pits) in which toxic solid wastes of various hazard classes are stored, as well as auxiliary buildings and structures.

1.4. Industrial toxic waste entering the landfill, according to its physical and chemical properties and methods of processing, are divided into groups, depending on which one or another method of neutralization and disposal is used. The list of waste groups and recommended methods of their processing is specified in the recommended appendix 1 .

1.5. Only toxic industrial wastes of I, II, III and, if necessary, IV hazard classes are subject to admission to the landfill, the lists of which in each case are agreed with the authorities and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological and municipal services, the customer and the developer of the landfill project.

Solid industrial waste of hazard class IV, in agreement with the bodies and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological and municipal services, can be taken out to the landfills for storing urban household waste and used as an insulating inert material in medium and upper parts polygon maps. Acceptance of solid industrial waste of hazard class IV to the site of burial of toxic industrial waste is allowed with an appropriate feasibility study.

Liquid toxic industrial waste must be dehydrated at the enterprises before being taken to the landfill. It is allowed to accept liquid toxic waste to the landfill only from industrial enterprises, where, with an appropriate feasibility study, their dehydration is irrational.

The following types of waste are not subject to acceptance at the landfill:

a) waste for which effective methods for the extraction of metals or other substances have been developed (the absence of methods for the disposal and processing of waste in each specific case must be confirmed by the relevant ministries or departments);

b) radioactive waste;

c) oil products subject to regeneration.

2. Placement of polygons

2.1. The placement of landfills should be carried out according to the territorial principle and provided for in the development of schemes and projects for district planning.

2.2. Polygons should be placed:

at sites where it is possible to implement measures and engineering solutions that exclude pollution environment;

on the leeward side (for prevailing winds) in relation to settlements and recreation areas;

below the places of drinking water intakes, fish farms, spawning places, mass feeding and wintering pits of fish;

on non-agricultural lands or unsuitable for Agriculture or on agricultural land of poorer quality;

in accordance with hydrogeological conditions, as a rule, in areas with weakly filtering soils (clay, loam, shale), with groundwater occurrence at its greatest rise, taking into account the rise of water during the operation of the landfill at least 2 m from the lower level of buried waste.

Under unfavorable hydrogeological conditions at the selected site, it is necessary to provide for engineering measures to ensure the required decrease in the level of groundwater.

2.3. Polygons are not allowed:

on the areas of occurrence of minerals without agreement with the bodies of the State Mining Supervision;

in hazardous areas of rock dumps of coal and shale mines or processing plants;

in active karst zones;

in areas of landslides, mudflows and snow avalanches;

in wetlands;

in the feeding zone of underground sources of drinking water;

in the zones of sanitary protection of resorts;

in the green areas of cities;

on lands occupied or intended for occupation by forests, forest parks and other green spaces that perform protective and sanitary and hygienic functions and are a place of recreation for the population;

in areas contaminated with organic and radioactive waste before the expiration of the deadlines established by the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

2.4. The construction of landfills on subsiding soils is allowed provided that the subsiding properties of soils are completely eliminated.

2.5. The size of the landfill site for toxic industrial waste is set based on the waste accumulation period of 20-25 years.

2.6. The initial data for designing a landfill should include recommendations for protecting disposal maps from ground and surface waters, information about allocated water discharge sites, and engineering survey materials.

2.7. Engineering survey materials must meet the requirements of SNiP II-9-78 and contain:

topographic plans of the landfill construction area within the allotted boundaries and scales established by the design organization;

engineering-geological characteristics of the soils (at the base of the burial maps) to the aquiclude with a depth of 3 m. workings should be specified according to the attached drainage scheme;

data on clay quarries or the presence of clays with recommendations for their processing in order to bring them to the required water tightness, as well as data on quarries of other materials (sand, gravel, stone);

hydrogeological characteristic, including a description of the regime of groundwater levels, soil filtration coefficients, areas of nutrition and areas of unloading of the ground flow, a forecast of an increase in the level of the ground flow and its chemical composition;

meteorological characteristic in the volume of a climatic essay indicating the temperature and wind modes, snow cover, soil freezing, evaporation from the water surface and the availability of precipitation. In the presence of ravines passing through the site, their catchment area is established, the maximum flow rates of rain and melt water are determined.

2.8. Locations for drilling exploratory wells should be recorded on the plan, and measures for their plugging should also be indicated.

2.9. The facilities of the landfill for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste should, as a rule, be located:

plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste - at the shortest possible distance from the enterprise - the main supplier of waste;

waste disposal site - in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2;

garage of specialized vehicles, - as a rule, next to a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste.

Note. It is allowed to place all the objects of the landfill on one site if there is no territory in the industrial hub of the city for accommodating a plant and a garage.

3. Planning and design requirements

3.1. The building density of a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste should be taken at least 30%.

3.2. The waste disposal area along the perimeter should have a 2.4 m high barbed wire fence with an automatic security alarm device.

At the disposal site for toxic industrial waste along its perimeter, starting from the fence, the following should be placed in sequence:

annular channel;

ring embankment 1.5 m high and 3 m wide at the top;

ring road with improved capital surface and entrances to maps;

storm drains along the road or ditches lined with concrete slabs.

3.3. The outer annular channel should be designed for a flow rate of 1% of the flood probability from the adjacent catchment area. Water drainage should be provided to the nearest watercourse.

If it is necessary to divert the drainage channel from the landfill site, the estimated water flow of the bypass canal should be taken with a 0.1% security.

3.4. The project should provide for the division of the site for the disposal of toxic industrial waste into production and auxiliary zones. The distance between the buildings and structures of the zones should be at least 25 m.

3.5. In the production zone of the site, maps are placed taking into account the separate disposal of waste of various hazard classes, control and regulation ponds for rain and drainage water, and, if necessary, evaporation ponds.

3.6. In the auxiliary zone, it is necessary to provide:

administrative premises, laboratory;

a platform with a canopy for parking special vehicles and mechanisms;

a workshop for the current repair of special vehicles and mechanisms;

storage of fuel and lubricants;

warehouse for storage of materials intended for the installation of waterproof coatings during conservation of cards;

boiler room with fuel storage;

facility for cleaning, washing and neutralization of special vehicles and containers;

car weights;



1. The construction of a boiler house may be envisaged in the absence of other sources of heat supply.

2. When a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste and a waste disposal site are located on the same site, administrative and amenity premises, laboratories, a platform with a canopy for parking special vehicles and mechanisms, auto scales, facilities for cleaning, washing and neutralizing special vehicles and containers, a fuel and lubricants warehouse materials, as a rule, should be shared.

3.7. The drainage of internal rain and melt water should be provided for in control and regulation ponds, consisting of two sections. The capacity of each section of the pond should be calculated on the volume of the maximum daily rainfall with a repeatability of once every 10 years. Clarified water after control should be sent: clean - for production needs, in the absence of a consumer - into the annular channel; polluted - to the evaporation pond, if it is impossible to install it - to the plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste.

3.8. The area of ​​the evaporation pond is determined based on the possible pollution of 10% of the average annual estimated runoff of rain and melt water from the territory of the disposal site.

3.9. If by climatic conditions Since the installation of a natural evaporator is impossible, then the design should provide for a regulating reservoir to ensure a uniform supply of effluents to the plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste.

3.10. Evaporating ponds, control and regulating ponds and regulating ponds must have impervious screens or curtains in accordance with the hazard class of the effluents.

Designs of impervious screens and their application are given in reference Appendix 2. The hazard class of polluted rain and groundwater should be taken according to the most toxic substance (or the sum of substances of one class) in the waste stored in the cards, if its (their) content in the waste is at least 10% by weight.

3.11. If it is necessary to locate a waste disposal site in an area with a high groundwater level (less than 2 m from the bottom of the pits, taking into account the expected increase in the level during operation) with a soil filtration coefficient of at least cm / s, drainage should be provided with water diversion into control and regulating drainage ponds. water.

3.12. If the drainage water inflow is more than 0.1 and there is an aquiclude from the ground at a distance of up to 25 m along the contour of the area under the annular dike, an impervious curtain should be provided - a clay diaphragm with a thickness of at least 0.6 m with a pressure gradient of not more than 15.

It is allowed to provide a head diaphragm from three sides, when it is necessary to isolate the feeding zone, while a decrease in the level of groundwater can be provided without additional drainage, which should be justified by hydrogeological calculations.

3.13. For base soils with a filtration coefficient of less than cm/s and an interbedded lithological structure (loams, sandy loams, fine sands), when horizontal or vertical tubular drainages are ineffective, formation drainage should be provided under the screens at the bottom of the maps with water drained from it into control and regulating ponds drainage water.

3.14. In the projects of control and regulating ponds of rain and melt water, it should be possible to switch the reception of polluted runoff to one of the sections.

3.15. Facilities for cleaning, washing and neutralizing special vehicles and containers should be located at the exit from the production area of ​​the landfill at a distance of at least 50 m from administrative buildings.

3.16. Access roads and the production area of ​​the waste disposal site must have artificial lighting. The illumination of working maps and access roads should be taken as 5 lux.

3.17. When designing landfill facilities, the second category of power supply reliability should be taken into account.

3.18. The landfill facilities must have a telephone connection between themselves and with enterprises - suppliers of waste.

3.20. Hydraulic structures in the composition of the landfill should be attributed to the II class of capitality.

4. Power range

4.1. The capacity of the landfill is determined by the amount of toxic waste (thousand tons) that can be taken to the landfill within one year, including those entering the plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste and the waste disposal site. The amount of waste to be disposed of in containers is determined taking into account the weight of the containers.

4.2. When determining the required capacity of the pits at the waste disposal site, in addition to waste coming directly to the disposal from industrial enterprises, it is also necessary to take into account solid toxic waste generated at the waste disposal plant.

5. Neutralization of toxic industrial waste

5.1. Liquid non-combustible waste entering the landfill should be dehydrated before disposal and, if technically possible, neutralized (decrease in the valence of some metals, conversion to insoluble compounds).

5.2. Liquid, solid and pasty combustible waste entering the landfill should be incinerated in furnaces, if possible, with the utilization of the physical heat of the combustion products, followed by the purification of exhaust gases from secondary harmful substances.

5.3. Solid and pasty non-combustible wastes containing soluble substances of hazard class I, as a rule, if technically possible before disposal, are subject to partial neutralization, which consists in the conversion of toxic substances into insoluble compounds. It is allowed, with an appropriate feasibility study, direct burial of solid and pasty non-combustible wastes containing soluble substances of hazard class I, in sealed metal containers (see).

5.4. Recycling of waste entering the landfill should be carried out at a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste.

The development of the technological part of the plant project should be carried out on the basis of the initial data obtained as a result of research and experimental work on models with real waste, and taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 1.2 and 2.7.

5.5. As part of the plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste, the following should be provided:

administrative and amenity premises, a laboratory, a central control room for control and monitoring of technological processes, a first-aid post and a canteen;

shop for thermal treatment of solid and pasty combustible waste;

shop for thermal treatment of wastewater and liquid organochlorine waste;

workshop for physical and chemical neutralization of solid and liquid non-combustible waste;

workshop for the disposal of damaged and unmarked cylinders;

workshop for the neutralization of mercury and fluorescent lamps;

workshop for preparation of milk of lime;

warehouse for flammable and combustible liquids with a pumping station;

open storage under a canopy for waste in containers;

storage of chemicals and reagents;

warehouse of refractory products;

car weights;

special laundry (in the absence of the possibility of cooperation);

mechanized washing of special vehicles, containers and containers;

mechanical repair shop;


plant-wide facilities in accordance with the needs of the plant.

5.6. In the workshop for the thermal treatment of solid and pasty combustible waste, the following should be provided:

a bunker for receiving and intermediate storage of solid combustible waste with an overhead clamshell crane;

waste incinerators;

waste heat boilers for generating steam;

flue gas cleaning system from dust;

system of physico-chemical cleaning of flue gases (from hydrogen chloride and fluoride, sulfur oxides and other impurities);

ash and slag removal and storage system.

5.6.1. The project should provide for the grinding (before burning) of large fractions solid waste limited by the size of the inlet fitting of the dosing device of the furnace.

5.6.2. The design of furnaces should ensure the combustion of solid, liquid and pasty (usually in containers) waste. When designing furnace designs, one should take into account the possibility of a complete change in the composition of waste in the future.

5.6.3. Furnace feeders should be designed in such a way that various waste could enter the furnace continuously and evenly in terms of quantity and heat load of the furnace in order to achieve relatively uniform combustion of waste and the amount of steam produced in the waste heat boiler.

5.6.4. The temperature of waste incineration in the furnace should not be lower than 1000°С, in the presence of halogen-containing compounds - not lower than 1200°С.

5.6.5. Halogen-containing waste should be dosed into the furnace in such quantities that the emissions of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride into the atmosphere in each case do not exceed the maximum allowable allowance, taking into account background pollution, and the content of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride in flue gases does not exceed 0.1% by volume.

5.6.6. After the industrial waste incinerator, an afterburner should be provided in which, with an appropriate additional supply of fuel and air, with an appropriate high temperature and a long (at least 2.0 s) residence time, complete oxidation of the products of incomplete combustion is achieved.

5.6.7. The design of the afterburner and the location of the burners on it should be designed so as to ensure complete mixing of the flue gases coming from the furnace with the resulting flue gases in the afterburner.

5.6.8. The temperature of the flue gases at the outlet of the afterburner must be at least 1000°C, and in the presence of halogen-containing compounds - from 1200 to 1450°C.

5.6.9. Visual inspection of the flame in an industrial waste incinerator should normally be provided by a television camera.

5.6.10. The waste heat boiler installed behind the afterburner must meet the following operating conditions:

flue gas temperature at the inlet must be up to 1450°С;

stable, reliable operation of the boiler should be ensured with sharp fluctuations in the heat load (up to 30% in 1 min);

the temperature of the walls of the boiler pipes in contact with flue gases should be in the range of 150-350 ° C;

the flue gas temperature at the inlet to the convective surfaces of the boiler must not exceed 600°C (to prevent molten ash from settling on the surface and, therefore, to prevent corrosion);

flue gas temperature at the outlet of the boiler should be within 250-300°C;

the design of the boiler must provide access for inspection of heating surfaces;

the design of the boiler must be provided with devices for cleaning heating surfaces.

5.6.11. If industrial wastes supplied for incineration contain substances having high pressure vapors at temperatures from 150 to 300 ° C (oxides of arsenic, selenium, phosphorus, as well as chlorides of antimony, arsenic, iron, lead, cadmium, bismuth, etc.), a wet purification stage should be provided. The wet cleaning system must ensure the reduction of the content of these contaminants in flue gases discharged into the atmosphere to values ​​below the maximum allowable emissions.

5.6.12. Boiler and auxiliary equipment of waste heat boilers should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-35-76.

5.7. In the workshop for the thermal treatment of wastewater and liquid organochlorine waste, the following should be provided:

furnaces for thermal treatment of wastewater and liquid combustible waste with a system for cleaning flue gases from the entrainment of mineral salts and a system for removing a mixture of mineral salts in dry form;

furnaces for thermal neutralization of liquid organochlorine wastes with a system for utilizing hydrogen chloride from flue gases to produce calcium chloride or commercial of hydrochloric acid and an exhaust gas sanitation system.

5.7.1. During the thermal treatment of wastewater and liquid organic waste, the following conditions must be observed:

the temperature of exhaust gases in cyclone furnaces or furnaces of other types should be in the range of 950-1050 ° C;

neutralization of hydrogen chloride, oxides of sulfur and phosphorus formed as a result of oxidation of organic substances should be carried out in the volume of the furnace with caustic soda or sodium carbonate. The supply of caustic soda (sodium carbonate) into the volume of the furnace should be carried out with a 10% excess, together with wastewater;

the melt of a mixture of mineral salts formed in the cyclone furnace should be discharged into the cubic part of the scrubber-cooler;

the cooled gases should be purified from mineral salts in high-speed turbulent scrubbers, from where a weak solution of salts should be returned to the scrubber-cooler for concentration by evaporation due to physical heat of the high-temperature gases leaving the furnace. A concentrated salt solution should be continuously removed from the scrubber-cooler with a dry mixture of mineral salts fed into the separation system (drying, centrifugation, etc.).

Note. It is allowed to transfer the melt of a mixture of mineral salts from the cyclone furnace to the cooler-granulator to obtain salts in solid form, as well as to clean the pre-cooled flue gases in dry gas scrubbers, while complete evaporation apparatus should be used to cool the gases.

5.7.2. During thermal neutralization of liquid organochlorine waste, the following conditions must be observed:

their thermal neutralization should, as a rule, be carried out in a cyclone furnace at a temperature of 1200 to 1500°C;

hydrogen chloride formed during the combustion of waste should be disposed of with the production of hydrochloric acid or other chlorine-containing products;

when the heat load of the furnace is more than W (in the case of hydrochloric acid production), to cool the gaseous products of waste combustion before the hydrogen chloride absorption stage, it is necessary to provide for the use of a waste heat boiler in which heat is recovered with the generation of saturated steam at a pressure of 1.3 to 4.0 MPa ;

when burning organochlorine wastes with a content of organically bound chlorine over 70% by weight, provision should be made for preliminary mixing of the waste with liquid fuel (waste) in a ratio that ensures stable combustion of the mixture;

to feed waste into the furnace, as a rule, pneumatic-type nozzles with straightened channels along the waste path should be used in order to reduce the likelihood of nozzle clogging, as well as to enable quick mechanical cleaning without stopping the furnace;

air for burning waste should be supplied with an excess of at least 20%. The upper limit of excess air is limited by the content of unreacted oxygen in the gaseous combustion products, the amount of which, in order to avoid the formation of a large amount of chlorine, should not exceed 3.5% by volume. If necessary, to maintain the combustion temperature of the waste within 1200-1500 ° C, water, hydrochloric acid or steam can be injected into the furnace volume;

the absorption of hydrogen chloride from the gaseous products of waste combustion in the production of hydrochloric acid is preferably carried out in isothermal absorbers;

for sanitary purification of gases before their release into the atmosphere, alkaline washing is required using aqueous solution caustic soda or sodium carbonate. The concentration of the solution entering the gas washing, based on the condition for preventing the crystallization of the alkaline washing intermediate product - sodium bicarbonate, should not exceed 5% by weight;

after alkaline washing, a local site for the destruction of sodium hypochlorite, which is formed during alkaline gas washing and contained in the waste solution, should be provided.

Note. For sanitary cleaning of exhaust gases, the use of lime milk is allowed, provided that the use of three-phase system devices ensures reliable gas purification from hydrogen chloride and chlorine, while a local calcium hypochlorite destruction unit should be provided.

5.8. In the shop for physical and chemical neutralization of solid and liquid non-combustible wastes, the following should be provided:

a) installation for the neutralization of solid cyanide waste, including systems:

reception and grinding of waste;

preparing a suspension and converting cyanides to cyanates;

suspension filtration;

b) installation for the neutralization of waste from galvanic production, including:

recovery system and a solution of sulfuric acid and ferrous sulfate;

a system for the precipitation of heavy metal ions with milk of lime;

sludge filtration system;

c) an installation for the neutralization of arsenic-containing waste, including:

capacitive park for receiving waste;

a system for converting compounds of trivalent and trichloride arsenic into arsenic acid, sodium arsenate and nitrooxyphenyl - arosonic acid;

a system for precipitation of arsenic-containing compounds with milk of lime in the form of calcium arsenate;

sludge filtration system;

filtrate stripping system.

5.9. In the body for the disposal of damaged and unmarked cylinders, the following should be provided:

armor pits for undermining cylinders;

a system for washing and neutralizing armor and exhaust gases;

cellar for storage of explosives.

5.10. In the body for the disposal of mercury and fluorescent lamps, the following should be provided:

storage room for receiving lamps;

units for the neutralization of fluorescent and mercury lamps;

system for purification of process gases from mercury;

a system for cleaning wash water from mercury;

a warehouse for storing containers with mercury-containing waste sent for processing.

Note. The composition of the main technological buildings, auxiliary buildings and structures can be changed depending on the specific range of waste entering the landfill.

6. Landfill of toxic waste

6.1. Solid toxic waste is subject to burial at the site. The method of waste disposal depends on their toxicity (hazard class) and water solubility. Pasty waste containing water-soluble substances of hazard class I should be disposed of in metal containers.

6.2. Disposal of waste of various hazard classes is carried out separately in special maps located on the site.

6.3. The size of the maps and their number are determined depending on the amount of incoming waste and the estimated life of the site. Disposal of heterogeneous wastes in one map is allowed if, during joint burial, they do not form more toxic, explosive and flammable substances, and also if gas formation does not occur.

6.4. The sizes of maps for waste disposal are not regulated. The depth of the maps is calculated from the condition of the balance of earthworks, taking into account the requirements of clause 2.2. The volume of the map should ensure the acceptance of waste for disposal for no more than 2 years.

6.5. When placing maps for disposal of waste of hazard class IV in soil characterized by a filtration coefficient of not more than cm/s, no special measures are required for the installation of impervious screens. On more permeable soils, it is necessary to provide for the isolation of the bottom and slopes with a compacted layer of clay with a thickness of at least 0.5 m. The filtration coefficient of the clay layer in this case should be no more than cm / s.

6.6. When placing maps for the disposal of water-insoluble wastes of II and III hazard classes in soil characterized by a filtration coefficient of not more than cm / s, no special measures are required for the installation of impervious screens. On more permeable soils, it is necessary to provide a screen made of compacted clay with a filtration coefficient of not more than cm / s along the bottom and slopes with a layer of at least 1 m.

6.7. When placing maps for the disposal of water-insoluble wastes of hazard class I and water-soluble wastes of hazard classes II and III in soil characterized by a filtration coefficient of not more than cm / s, no special measures are required for the installation of impervious screens. On more permeable soils, it is necessary to provide a screen made of crumpled clay with a filtration coefficient of not more than cm / s along the bottom and slopes with a layer of at least 1 m.

6.8. Soil filtration coefficients in which toxic wastes of various hazard classes should be buried without special measures for the installation of impervious screens are given in Table. one .

6.9. In the absence of clays with filtration coefficients specified in paragraphs. 6.5-6.7, or their instability to waste, other designs of impervious screens of maps are allowed, subject to an appropriate feasibility study and subject to their durability and resistance to the aggressive effects of waste. Types of screens depending on the toxicity of the waste (hazard class) and their design are given in reference Appendix 2.

6.10. Dumping of waste of hazard class IV should be provided in layers with leveling and compaction of each layer. The level of waste in the center of the map should be taken above the crest of the embankment dams, and along the perimeter - 0.5 m below the crests of the dams. The slope of the surfaces from the middle to the perimeter should be no more than 10%. The waste-filled map should be insulated with a compacted layer of local soil 0.5 m thick with the addition of 10% vegetable soil in the top layer 0.2 m thick.

Table 1

6.11. Dumping of water-insoluble wastes of I, II and III hazard classes into the maps must be provided according to the principle "from oneself" immediately to full height. At the same time, the section of the excavation filled up to the design surface should immediately be covered with a protective layer of soil with a thickness of at least 0.5 m, along which further waste should be transported. The passage of vehicles should be provided for on a temporary flooring placed on a protective layer of soil. The highest level of said waste in the center of the map should be at least 0.5 m below the crest of the enclosing dam, and at the points where it meets the slopes of the map along the perimeter, it should be at least 2 m below the crest.

6.12. When burying pulverized waste, it is necessary to provide measures to ensure that these wastes are not carried by the wind at the time of unloading from vehicles and during burial.

6.13. Maps filled with water-insoluble waste of I, II and III hazard classes should be isolated with a layer of local soil, followed by processing of the upper part of this layer.

The thickness of the insulating layer is taken in each specific case depending on the properties of the pollutants based on the results of pilot tests, but should not be less than 2 m, including the initial protective layer.

The backfill must have a convex surface. In the middle of the map, the top of the backfill should rise at least 1.5 m above the crests of the dams, and along the contour - join them. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the treatment of the upper layer of the backfill with a thickness of at least 0.15 m with oil or bitumen with the simultaneous addition and mixing of cement and its compaction with smooth rollers. The amount of oil or bitumen, as well as the amount of active additives should be taken according to Table. 2. The insulating layer (screen) must extend beyond the dimensions of the pits (to the crests of the dams) by at least 2 m along the entire contour, including storm drains, arranged after the conservation of the pit. If there is no permanent passage between the cards, the insulating layer between adjacent cards should be provided as a single one.

table 2

Soil type Number
Oil consumption
or bitumen
cement lime
Sandy loam heavy

light and light

heavy and heavy

3-7 5-8 4-5 3-4 2-3
Note. The consumption of materials is given in the numerator in% by weight
cultivated soil, in the denominator - in kg / m2.

6.14. Burial of solid and pasty non-combustible water-soluble wastes of hazard class I should be provided in special sealed metal containers. The wall thickness of the container must be at least 10 mm. Containers must be exposed dual control for tightness - before and after filling with waste. The dimensions of containers are not regulated, the weight of a filled container should not exceed 2 tons.

The structural material of the container must be corrosion resistant to waste, the corrosion rate must not exceed 0.1 mm/year.

Waste containers should be buried in reinforced concrete bins with walls at least 0.4 m thick made of heavy concrete of compressive strength class B15, water resistance grade W6 with external shotcrete cement mortar and grouting at least 20 mm thick. The division of bunkers into compartments should be provided. The volume of each compartment must be able to accept waste containers for up to 2 years.

The bunker must have at least five compartments. In addition, waterproofing of the entire surface of the bunker in contact with the ground should be provided. The flooding of the bunker with groundwater is not allowed.

To protect the compartments from the ingress of rainwater, a canopy with a side fence should be provided over the entire bunker.

6.15. The highest level of storage of containers with waste in the compartments of the bunkers should be at least 2 m below the upper edge of these bunkers. Covering the filled compartments of the bunkers with reinforced concrete slabs should be provided, followed by backfilling with a layer of compacted soil 2 m thick, after which waterproof coatings should be provided, which should rise above the adjacent territory and go beyond the dimensions of the bunker by at least 2 m on each side.

6.16. The volume of finished pits and bins during the commissioning of the landfill and their further backlog should ensure the acceptance of waste for disposal in bins for 2 years, and in reinforced concrete bunkers - for 5 years.

6.17. Pesticides in the amount of up to 300 tons are allowed to be buried at landfills. Pesticides should be buried, depending on their hazard class, along with other waste.

7. Mechanization technological processes

7.1. In order to prevent the contact of working personnel with waste and protect the environment, the design of a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste should provide for:

acceptance of liquid waste into capacitive apparatuses with agitators;

supply of liquid waste for processing from capacitive apparatus by pumps or by squeezing inert gas through pipelines;

transportation of pasty combustible waste, usually in combustible containers;

loading the furnace with solid waste by an overhead crane with a multi-jaw grab, while the crane operator must have a view of the waste bins and the receiving hopper of the furnace (the view can also be provided using a television installation);

equipment of the furnace with dosing devices that ensure the continuity of the supply of solid waste, as well as a device for feeding paste-like waste in containers into the furnace.

7.2. When designing a waste disposal site, maximum mechanization of the unloading and distribution of waste in pits, and their conservation should be provided.

Transportation of waste of I, II and III hazard classes should be provided, as a rule, in special containers equipped with devices for remote unloading of waste into cards. For the pumping of rain and melt water from the pits at the time of construction, mobile motor pumps or pumps should be provided.

Along with machines and mechanisms for waste disposal, machines and mechanisms should be provided for the construction of new cards and waterproof coatings during the conservation of filled cards (excavators, bulldozers, graders, rollers, clay mixers, dump trucks, bitumen filling machines, disc harrows, etc.) .

8. Sanitary protection zones of landfills and environmental monitoring

8.1. The size of the sanitary protection zone of a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste with a capacity of 100 thousand tons or more of waste per year should be taken as 1000 m, for a plant with a capacity of less than 100 thousand tons - 500 m.

The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone of the plant in specific construction conditions must be specified by calculating the dispersion of harmful emissions in the atmosphere in accordance with the requirements of SN 369-74.

8.2. The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone of the garage of a specialized fleet of vehicles are accepted in accordance with SN 245-71.

8.3. Dimensions of the sanitary protection zone of the toxic industrial waste disposal site up to settlements and open reservoirs, as well as to objects used for cultural and recreational purposes, are established taking into account specific local conditions, but not less than 3000 m.

8.4. Landfill sites for toxic industrial waste should be located at a distance, m, not less than:

200 - from agricultural land and automobile and railways common network;

50 - from the boundaries of the forest and forest plantations not intended for recreational use.

8.5. AT sanitary protection zone a site for the disposal of toxic industrial waste, it is allowed to place a plant for the neutralization of these wastes, a garage for specialized vehicles and evaporators of polluted rain and drainage water.

8.6. In order to control the standing height of groundwater, their physical, chemical and bacteriological composition on the territory of the waste disposal site and in its sanitary protection zone, it is necessary to provide for observation wells. Each site must have at least two wells.

With a ground flow slope of less than 0.1%, cross-sections should be provided in all four directions. With a slope of more than 0.1%, control wells can be placed in three directions, excluding the upstream direction. If the length of the sides of the burial site is not more than 200 m, one control section should be provided for each side; with a longer length of the sides of the site, the alignments should be placed every 100-150 m.

The distance between the observation wells in the alignment should be within 50-100 m. One well in the alignment should be located on the territory of the burial site, the other - in the sanitary protection zone. The given distances can be reduced taking into account specific hydrogeological conditions.

Wells must be buried below the groundwater level by at least 5 m.

Similar control should be provided for evaporators of polluted rainwater and drainage water located outside the toxic industrial waste disposal site.

8.7. Sampling points should also be provided at the discharge of water from the annular canal.

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SNiP 2.01.28-85



SNiP 2.01.28-85. Landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste. Basic provisions for design / Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: - CITP Gosstroy USSR, 1985. - 16 p.

DEVELOPED by GosNIIchlorproekt of Minkhimprom (PhD N. Ya. Step; L N. Guralnik, V. A. Shevlyagin) and Kazvodokanalproekt of Gosstroy of the USSR (Yu. I. Tkachenko, V. I. Mirakov, Yu. A. Arseniev).

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR (Yu. V. Popyansky) and Glavgosexpertiza of the USSR State Construction Committee (V. I. Rudakov).

When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes in building codes and regulations and state standards published in the Bulletin of Construction Equipment magazine of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information indexState standards of the USSR "Gosstandart.

These standards apply to the design of landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste (hereinafter referred to as landfills).

The standards do not apply to the design of radioactive waste disposal sites, municipal solid waste sites and non-toxic industrial waste storage facilities.

The composition of the landfill project is established by a regulatory document on the composition, procedure for developing, coordinating and approving design estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Landfills are environmental structures and are designed for centralized collection, neutralization and disposal of toxic waste from industrial enterprises, research organizations and institutions.

The number and capacity of landfills are determined by feasibility studies for the construction of landfills.

1.2. Materials (technological regulations for the design of technological schemes, methods and organization of production processes for disposal, neutralization and disposal), depending on the types of toxic industrial waste, should be issued to the customer of the project by organizations:

USSR Mintsvetmet - arsenic-containing inorganic solid waste and sludge; mercury-containing waste; cyanide-containing wastewater and sludge; waste containing lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel, antimony, bismuth, cobalt and their compounds;

Minkhimprom - waste containing organometallic toxic compounds of tin, organohalogen and organosilicon compounds; wastes of alkali metals, organophosphorus compounds; sludge from the production of tetraethyl lead; used organic solvents (in accordance with the nomenclature of products assigned to the ministry); pesticides that have fallen into disrepair and are prohibited for use;

Mineral fertilizers - phosphorus-containing and fluorine-containing waste and sludge; pesticides that have fallen into disrepair and are prohibited for use;

Minavtoproma - waste from galvanic production (research work on the regeneration of waste from galvanic production is carried out with the involvement of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR);

Minneftekhimprom of the USSR - waste from oil refining, petrochemistry and shale chemical processing; used organic solvents;

Minchermet - chromium-containing waste; sludge and waste water; iron and nickel carbonyl waste.

The classification (list) and toxicity of waste (hazard class) are determined in accordance with the classifier of toxic industrial waste and guidelines for determining the toxicity of such waste, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health and the State Committee for Science and Technology.

1 . 3. The polygon should include:

a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste;

landfill site for toxic industrial waste;

a garage for specialized vehicles designed to transport toxic industrial waste.

Notes: 1. The plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste is designed for incineration and physical and chemical processing of waste in order to neutralize or reduce toxicity (hazard class), convert them into insoluble forms, dehydrate and reduce the volume of waste to be buried.

2. The landfill site for toxic industrial waste is a territory intended for the placement of specially equipped dumps (pits) in which toxic solid waste of various hazard classes is stored, as well as auxiliary buildings and structures.

1.4. Industrial toxic waste entering the landfill, according to its physical and chemical properties and methods of processing, are divided into groups, depending on which one or another method of neutralization and disposal is used. The list of waste groups and recommended methods for their processing is indicated in the recommended Appendix 1.

1.5. Only toxic industrial wastes of I, II, III and, if necessary, IV hazard classes are subject to admission to the landfill, the lists of which in each case are agreed with the authorities and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological and municipal services, the customer and the developer of the landfill project.

Solid industrial waste of hazard class IV, in agreement with the bodies and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological and municipal services, can be taken out to the landfills for storing municipal household waste and used as an insulating inert material in the middle and upper parts of the landfill maps. Acceptance of solid industrial waste of hazard class IV to the site of burial of toxic industrial waste is allowed with an appropriate feasibility study.

Liquid toxic industrial waste must be dehydrated at the enterprises before being taken to the landfill. It is allowed to accept liquid toxic waste to the landfill only from industrial enterprises, where, with an appropriate feasibility study, their dehydration is irrational.

The following types of waste are not subject to acceptance at the landfill:

a) waste for which effective methods for the extraction of metals or other substances have been developed (the absence of methods for the disposal and processing of waste in each specific case must be confirmed by the relevant ministries or departments);

b) radioactive waste;

c) oil products subject to regeneration.

Before sending an electronic application to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications in the field of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia filled in in accordance with the attached form are accepted for consideration.

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Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR





SNiP 2.01.28-85

Entry into force

Developed by the GosNIIchlorproekt of the Ministry of Chemical Industry (PhD N.Ya. Step; L.N. Guralnik, V.A. Shevlyagin) and Kazvodokanalproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee (Yu.I. Tkachenko, V.I. Mirakov, Yu.A. Arsenyev) .

Contributed by the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

Prepared for approval by the Glavtekhnormirovaniye of the Gosstroy of the USSR (Yu.V. Polyansky) and the Glavgosexpertiza of the Gosstroy of the USSR (V.I. Rudakov).

These standards apply to the design of landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste (hereinafter referred to as landfills).

The standards do not apply to the design of radioactive waste disposal sites, municipal solid waste sites and non-toxic industrial waste storage facilities.

The composition of the landfill project is established by a regulatory document on the composition, procedure for developing, coordinating and approving design estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.


1.1. Landfills are environmental structures and are designed for centralized collection, neutralization and disposal of toxic waste from industrial enterprises, research organizations and institutions.

The number and capacity of landfills are determined by feasibility studies for the construction of landfills.

1.2. Materials (technological regulations for the design of technological schemes, methods and organization of production processes for disposal, neutralization and disposal), depending on the types of toxic industrial waste, should be issued to the customer of the project by organizations:

USSR Mintsvetmet - arsenic-containing inorganic solid waste and sludge; mercury-containing waste; cyanide-containing wastewater and sludge; waste containing lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel, antimony, bismuth, cobalt and their compounds;

Minkhimprom - waste containing organometallic toxic compounds of tin, organohalogen and organosilicon compounds; waste of alkali metals, phosphorus of organic compounds; sludge from the production of tetraethyl lead; used organic solvents (in accordance with the nomenclature of products assigned to the ministry); pesticides that have fallen into disrepair and are prohibited for use;

Mineral fertilizers - phosphorus-containing and fluorine-containing waste and sludge; pesticides that have fallen into disrepair and are prohibited for use;

Minavtoproma - waste from galvanic production (research work on the regeneration of waste from galvanic production is carried out with the involvement of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR);

Minneftekhimprom of the USSR - waste from oil refining, petrochemistry and shale chemical processing; used organic solvents;

Minchermet - chromium-containing waste; sludge and waste water; iron and nickel carbonyl waste.

The classification (list) and toxicity of waste (hazard class) are determined in accordance with the Classifier of toxic industrial waste and guidelines for determining the toxicity of such waste, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health and the State Committee for Science and Technology.

1.3. The polygon should include:

a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste;

landfill site for toxic industrial waste;

a garage for specialized vehicles designed to transport toxic industrial waste.

Notes. 1. The plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste is designed for incineration and physical and chemical processing of waste in order to neutralize or reduce toxicity (hazard class), convert them into insoluble forms, dehydrate and reduce the volume of waste to be buried.

2. A site for the disposal of toxic industrial wastes is a territory intended for the placement of specially equipped pits (pits) in which toxic solid wastes of various hazard classes are stored, as well as auxiliary buildings and structures.

1.4. Industrial toxic waste entering the landfill, according to its physical and chemical properties and methods of processing, are divided into groups, depending on which one or another method of neutralization and disposal is used. The list of waste groups and recommended methods for their processing is indicated in the recommended Annex 1.

1.5. Only toxic industrial wastes of I, II, III and, if necessary, IV hazard classes are subject to admission to the landfill, the lists of which in each case are agreed with the authorities and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological and municipal services, the customer and the developer of the landfill project.

Solid industrial waste of hazard class IV, in agreement with the bodies and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological and municipal services, can be taken out to the landfills for storing municipal household waste and used as an insulating inert material in the middle and upper parts of the landfill maps. Acceptance of solid industrial waste of hazard class IV to the site of burial of toxic industrial waste is allowed with an appropriate feasibility study.

Liquid toxic industrial waste must be dehydrated at the enterprises before being taken to the landfill. It is allowed to accept liquid toxic waste to the landfill only from industrial enterprises, where, with an appropriate feasibility study, their dehydration is irrational.

The following types of waste are not subject to acceptance at the landfill:

a) waste for which effective methods for the extraction of metals or other substances have been developed (the absence of methods for the disposal and processing of waste in each specific case must be confirmed by the relevant ministries or departments);

b) radioactive waste;

c) oil products subject to regeneration.

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SNiP 2.01.28-85



SNiP 2.01.28-85. Landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste. Basic provisions for design / Gosstroy of the USSR. - M .: - CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1985.

DEVELOPED by GosNIIchlorproekt of Minkhimprom (PhD N. Ya. Step; L N. Guralnik, V. A. Shevlyagin) and Kazvodokanalproekt of Gosstroy of the USSR (Yu. I. Tkachenko, V. I. Mirakov, Yu. A. Arseniev).

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Chemical Industry.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR (Yu. V. Polyansky) and Glavgosexpertiza of the USSR State Construction Committee (V. I. Rudakov).

When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes in building codes and regulations and state standards published in the Bulletin of Construction Equipment magazine of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information index "State standards of the USSR" Gosstandart.

These standards apply to the design of landfills for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste (hereinafter referred to as landfills).

The standards do not apply to the design of radioactive waste disposal sites, municipal solid waste sites and non-toxic industrial waste storage facilities.

The composition of the landfill project is established by a regulatory document on the composition, procedure for developing, coordinating and approving design estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.


1.1. Landfills are environmental structures and are designed for centralized collection, neutralization and disposal of toxic waste from industrial enterprises, research organizations and institutions.

The number and capacity of landfills are determined by feasibility studies for the construction of landfills.

1.2. Materials (technological regulations for the design of technological schemes, methods and organization of production processes for disposal, neutralization and disposal), depending on the types of toxic industrial waste, should be issued to the customer of the project by organizations:

USSR Mintsvetmet - arsenic-containing inorganic solid waste and sludge; mercury-containing waste; cyanide-containing wastewater and sludge; waste containing lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel, antimony, bismuth, cobalt and their compounds;

Minkhimprom - waste containing organometallic toxic compounds of tin, organohalogen and organosilicon compounds; wastes of alkali metals, organophosphorus compounds; sludge from the production of tetraethyl lead; used organic solvents (in accordance with the nomenclature of products assigned to the ministry); pesticides that have fallen into disrepair and are prohibited for use;

Mineral fertilizers - phosphorus-containing and fluorine-containing waste and sludge; pesticides that have fallen into disrepair and are prohibited for use;

Minavtoproma - waste from galvanic production (research work on the regeneration of waste from galvanic production is carried out with the involvement of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR);

Minneftekhimprom of the USSR - waste from oil refining, petrochemistry and shale chemical processing; used organic solvents;

Minchermet - chromium-containing waste; sludge and waste water; iron and nickel carbonyl waste.

The classification (list) and toxicity of waste (hazard class) are determined in accordance with the classifier of toxic industrial waste and guidelines for determining the toxicity of such waste, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health and the State Committee for Science and Technology.

1.3. The polygon should include:

a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste;

landfill site for toxic industrial waste;

a garage for specialized vehicles designed to transport toxic industrial waste.

Notes: 1. The plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste is designed for incineration and physical and chemical processing of waste in order to neutralize or reduce toxicity (hazard class), convert them into insoluble forms, dehydrate and reduce the volume of waste to be buried.

2. A site for the disposal of toxic industrial wastes is a territory intended for the placement of specially equipped pits (pits) in which toxic solid wastes of various hazard classes are stored, as well as auxiliary buildings and structures.

1.4. Industrial toxic waste entering the landfill, according to its physical and chemical properties and methods of processing, are divided into groups, depending on which one or another method of neutralization and disposal is used. The list of waste groups and recommended methods for their processing is indicated in the recommended Appendix 1.

1.5. Only toxic industrial wastes of I, II, III and, if necessary, IV hazard classes are subject to admission to the landfill, the lists of which in each case are agreed with the authorities and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological and municipal services, the customer and the developer of the landfill project.

Solid industrial waste of hazard class IV, in agreement with the bodies and institutions of the sanitary-epidemiological and municipal services, can be taken out to the landfills for storing municipal household waste and used as an insulating inert material in the middle and upper parts of the landfill maps. Acceptance of solid industrial waste of hazard class IV to the site of burial of toxic industrial waste is allowed with an appropriate feasibility study.

Liquid toxic industrial waste must be dehydrated at the enterprises before being taken to the landfill. It is allowed to accept liquid toxic waste to the landfill only from industrial enterprises, where, with an appropriate feasibility study, their dehydration is irrational.

The following types of waste are not subject to acceptance at the landfill:

a) waste for which effective methods for the extraction of metals or other substances have been developed (the absence of methods for the disposal and processing of waste in each specific case must be confirmed by the relevant ministries or departments);

b) radioactive waste;

c) oil products subject to regeneration.


2.1. The placement of landfills should be carried out according to the territorial principle and provided for in the development of schemes and projects for district planning.

2.2. Polygons should be placed:

at sites where it is possible to implement measures and engineering solutions that exclude environmental pollution;

on the leeward side (for prevailing winds) in relation to settlements and recreation areas;

below the places of drinking water intakes, fish farms, spawning places, mass feeding and wintering pits of fish;

on non-agricultural lands or unsuitable for agriculture, or on agricultural lands of poorer quality;

in accordance with hydrogeological conditions, as a rule, in areas with weakly filtering soils (clay, loam, shale), with groundwater occurrence at its greatest rise, taking into account the rise of water during the operation of the landfill at least 2 m from the lower level of buried waste.

Under unfavorable hydrogeological conditions at the selected site, it is necessary to provide for engineering measures to ensure the required decrease in the level of groundwater.

2.3. Polygons are not allowed:

on the areas of occurrence of minerals without agreement with the bodies of the State Mining Supervision;

in hazardous areas of rock dumps of coal and shale mines or processing plants;

in active karst zones;

in areas of landslides, mudflows and snow avalanches;

in wetlands;

in the feeding zone of underground sources of drinking water;

in the zones of sanitary protection of resorts;

in the green areas of cities;

on lands occupied or intended for occupation of forests, forest parks and other green spaces that perform protective and sanitary-hygienic functions and are a place recreation of the population;

in areas contaminated with organic and radioactive waste, before the expiration of the deadlines established by the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

2.4. The construction of landfills on subsiding soils is allowed provided that the subsiding properties of soils are completely eliminated.

2.7. Engineering survey materials must meet the requirements of SNiP II-9-78 and contain:

topographic plans of the landfill construction area within the allotted boundaries and scales established by the design organization;

engineering-geological characteristics of the soils (at the base of the burial maps) to the aquiclude with a depth of 3 m. workings should be specified according to the attached drainage scheme;

data on clay quarries or the presence of clays with recommendations for their processing in order to bring them to the required water tightness, as well as data on quarries of other materials (sand, gravel, stone);

hydrogeological characteristics, including a description of the regime of groundwater levels, soil filtration coefficients, areas of nutrition and areas of unloading of the groundwater flow, a forecast of the increase in the level of the groundwater flow and its chemical composition;

meteorological characteristics in the volume of a climatic essay indicating the temperature and wind regimes, snow cover, soil freezing, evaporation from the water surface and the availability of precipitation. In the presence of ravines passing through the site, their catchment area is established, the maximum flow rates of rain and melt water are determined.

2.5. The size of the landfill site for toxic industrial waste is determined based on the waste accumulation period of 20-25 years.

2.6. The initial data for designing a landfill should include recommendations for protecting disposal maps from ground and surface waters, information about allocated water discharge sites, and engineering survey materials.

2.8. Locations for drilling exploratory wells should be recorded on the plan, and measures for their plugging should also be indicated.

2.9. The facilities of the landfill for the neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste should, as a rule, be located:

plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste - at the shortest possible distance from the enterprise - the main supplier of waste;

waste disposal site - in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2;

garage of specialized vehicles, - as a rule, next to a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste.

Note. It is allowed to place all the objects of the landfill on one site if there is no territory in the industrial hub of the city for placing a backwater and a garage.


3.1. The building density of a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste should be taken at least 30%.

3.2. The waste disposal area along the perimeter should have a 2.4 m high barbed wire fence with an automatic security alarm device.

At the disposal site for toxic industrial waste along its perimeter, starting from the fence, the following should be placed in sequence:

annular channel;

ring embankment 1.5 m high and 3 m wide at the top;

ring road with improved capital surface and entrances to maps;

storm drains along the road or ditches lined with concrete slabs.

3.3. The outer annular channel should be designed for a flow rate of 1% of the flood probability from the adjacent catchment area. Water drainage should be provided to the nearest watercourse.

If it is necessary to divert the drainage channel from the landfill site, the estimated water flow of the bypass canal should be taken with a 0.1% security.

3.4. The project should provide for the division of the site for the disposal of toxic industrial waste into production and auxiliary zones. The distance between the buildings and structures of the zones should be at least 25 m.

3.5. In the production zone of the site, maps are placed taking into account the separate disposal of waste of various hazard classes, control and regulation ponds for rain and drainage water, and, if necessary, evaporation ponds.

3.6. In the auxiliary zone, it is necessary to provide:

administrative premises, laboratory;

a platform with a canopy for parking special vehicles and mechanisms;

a workshop for the current repair of special vehicles and mechanisms;

storage of fuel and lubricants;

warehouse for storage of materials intended for the installation of waterproof coatings during conservation of cards;

boiler room with fuel storage;

facility for cleaning, washing and neutralization of special vehicles and containers;

car weights;


Notes: 1. It is allowed to provide for the construction of a boiler house in the absence of other sources of heat supply.

2. When a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste and a waste disposal site are located on the same site, administrative and amenity premises, laboratories, a platform with a canopy for parking special vehicles and mechanisms, auto scales, facilities for cleaning, washing and neutralizing special vehicles and containers, a fuel and lubricants warehouse materials, as a rule, should be shared.

3.7. The drainage of internal rain and melt water should be provided for in control and regulation ponds, consisting of two sections. The capacity of each section of the pond should be calculated on the volume of the maximum daily rainfall with a repeatability of once every 10 years. Clarified water after control should be sent: clean - for production needs, in the absence of a consumer - into the annular channel; polluted - to the evaporation pond, if it is impossible to install it - to the plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste.

3.8. The area of ​​the evaporation pond is determined based on the possible pollution of 10% of the average annual estimated runoff of rain and melt water from the territory of the disposal site.

3.9. If, due to climatic conditions, the installation of a natural evaporator is impossible, then the design should provide for a regulating pond to ensure a uniform supply of effluents to the plant for the disposal of toxic industrial waste.

3.10. Evaporating ponds, control and regulating ponds and regulating ponds must have impervious screens or curtains in accordance with the hazard class of the effluents.

Designs of impervious screens and their application are given in reference Appendix 2. The hazard class of polluted rain and groundwater should be taken according to the most toxic substance (or the sum of substances of one class) in the waste stored in the cards, if its (their) content in the waste is at least 10% by weight.

3.11. If it is necessary to locate a waste disposal site in an area with a high groundwater level (less than 2 m from the bottom of the maps, taking into account the expected increase in the level during operation) with a soil filtration coefficient of at least 10 -3 cm / s, drainage should be provided with water drainage in the control drainage water control ponds.

3.12. If the drainage water inflow is more than 0.1 m 3 /s and there is an aquiclude from the earth's surface at a distance of up to 25 m along the contour of the area under the annular dike, an impervious curtain should be provided - a clay diaphragm with a thickness of at least 0.6 m with a pressure gradient of not more than 15.

It is allowed to provide a head diaphragm from three sides, when it is necessary to isolate the feeding zone, while a decrease in the level of groundwater can be provided without additional drainage, which should be justified by hydrogeological calculations.

3.13. In the case of base soils with a filtration coefficient of less than 10 -3 cm/s and an interbedded lithological structure (loams, sandy loams, fine sands), when horizontal or vertical tubular drainages are ineffective, formation drainage should be provided under the screens at the bottom of the maps with water drained from it to the control - regulating ponds of drainage waters.

3.14. In the projects of control and regulating ponds of rain and melt water, it should be possible to switch the reception of polluted runoff to one of the sections.

3.15. Facilities for cleaning, washing and neutralizing special vehicles and containers should be located at the exit from the production area of ​​the landfill at a distance of at least 50 m from administrative buildings.

3.16. Access roads and the production area of ​​the waste disposal site must have artificial lighting. The illumination of working maps and access roads should be taken as 5 lux.

3.17. When designing landfill facilities, the second category of power supply reliability should be taken into account.

3.18. The landfill facilities must have a telephone connection between themselves and with waste suppliers.

3.19. Off-site water supply and sewerage of the landfill facilities are solved in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02-84 and SNiP 2.04.03-85.

3.20. Hydraulic structures in the landfill should be attributed to class II capital.


4.1. The capacity of the landfill is determined by the amount of toxic waste (thousand tons) that can be taken to the landfill within one year, including those entering the plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste and the waste disposal site. The amount of waste to be disposed of in containers is determined taking into account the weight of the containers.

4.2. When determining the required capacity of the pits at the waste disposal site, in addition to waste coming directly to the disposal from industrial enterprises, it is also necessary to take into account solid toxic waste generated at the waste disposal plant.


5.1. Liquid non-combustible waste entering the landfill should be dehydrated before disposal and, if technically possible, neutralized (decrease in the valence of some metals, conversion to insoluble compounds).

5.2. Liquid, solid and pasty combustible waste entering the landfill should be incinerated in furnaces, if possible, with the utilization of the physical heat of the combustion products, followed by the purification of exhaust gases from secondary harmful substances.

5.3. Solid and pasty non-combustible wastes containing soluble substances of hazard class I, as a rule, if technically possible before disposal, are subject to partial neutralization, which consists in the conversion of toxic substances into insoluble compounds. Direct burial of solid and pasty non-combustible wastes containing soluble substances of hazard class I is allowed, subject to an appropriate feasibility study, in sealed metal containers (see clause 6.14).

5.4. Recycling of waste entering the landfill should be carried out at a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste.

The development of the technological part of the plant project should be carried out on the basis of the initial data obtained as a result of research and experimental work on models with real waste, and taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 1.2 and 2.7.

5.5. As part of the plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste, the following should be provided:

administrative and amenity premises, a laboratory, a central control room for control and monitoring of technological processes, a first-aid post and a canteen;

shop for thermal treatment of solid and pasty combustible waste;

shop for thermal treatment of wastewater and liquid organochlorine waste;

workshop for physical and chemical neutralization of solid and liquid non-combustible waste;

workshop for the disposal of damaged and unmarked cylinders;

workshop for the neutralization of mercury and fluorescent lamps;

workshop for preparation of milk of lime;

warehouse for flammable and combustible liquids with a pumping station;

open storage under a canopy for waste in containers;

storage of chemicals and reagents;

warehouse of refractory products;

car weights;

special laundry (in the absence of the possibility of cooperation);

mechanized washing of special vehicles, containers and containers;

mechanical repair shop;


plant-wide facilities in accordance with the needs of the plant.

5.6. In the workshop for the thermal treatment of solid and pasty combustible waste, the following should be provided:

a bunker for receiving and intermediate storage of solid combustible waste with an overhead clamshell crane;

waste incinerators;

waste heat boilers for generating steam;

flue gas cleaning system from dust;

system of physico-chemical cleaning of flue gases (from hydrogen chloride and fluoride, sulfur oxides and other impurities);

ash and slag removal and storage system.

5.6.1. The project should provide for the grinding (before burning) of large fractions of solid waste, limited by the size of the inlet fitting of the dosing device of the furnace.

5.6.2. The design of furnaces should ensure the combustion of solid, liquid and pasty (usually in containers) waste. When designing furnace designs, one should take into account the possibility of a complete change in the composition of waste in the future.

5.6.3. Furnace charging devices should be designed in such a way that various wastes can enter the furnace continuously and evenly in quantity and heat load of the furnace in order to achieve relatively uniform waste combustion and the amount of steam produced in the waste heat boiler.

5.6.4. The temperature of waste incineration in the furnace should not be lower than 1000 °C, in the presence of halogen-containing compounds - not lower than 1200 °C.

5.6.5. Halogen-containing waste should be dosed into the furnace in such quantities that emissions of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride into the atmosphere in each case do not exceed the maximum allowable allowance, taking into account background pollution, and the content of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride in flue gases does not exceed 0.1% by volume.

5.6.6. After the industrial waste incinerator, an afterburner should be provided in which, with an appropriate additional supply of fuel and air at an appropriate high temperature and a long (at least 2.0 s) residence time, complete oxidation of the products of incomplete combustion is achieved.

5.6.7. The design of the afterburner and the location of the burners on it should be designed so as to ensure complete mixing of the flue gases coming from the furnace with the resulting flue gases in the afterburner.

5.6.8. The temperature of the flue gases at the outlet of the afterburner must be at least 1000 °C, and in the presence of halogen-containing compounds - from 1200 to 1450 °C.

5.6.9. Visual inspection of the flame in an industrial waste incinerator should normally be provided by a television camera.

5.6.10. The waste heat boiler installed behind the afterburner must meet the following operating conditions:

flue gas temperature at the inlet must be up to 1450 °C;

stable, reliable operation of the boiler should be ensured with sharp fluctuations in the heat load (up to 30% in 1 min);

the temperature of the walls of the boiler pipes in contact with flue gases must be in the range of 150 - 350 ° C;

the flue gas temperature at the inlet to the convective surfaces of the boiler must not exceed 600 °C (to prevent molten ash from settling on the surface and, therefore, to prevent corrosion);

flue gas temperature at the outlet of the boiler must be within 250 - 300 °C;

the design of the boiler must provide access for inspection of heating surfaces;

the design of the boiler must be provided with devices for cleaning heating surfaces.

5.6.11. If industrial wastes supplied for incineration contain substances having a high vapor pressure at temperatures from 150 to 300 ° C (oxides of arsenic, selenium, phosphorus, as well as chlorides of antimony, arsenic, iron, lead, cadmium, bismuth, etc.) , a wet cleaning step should be provided. The wet cleaning system must ensure the reduction of the content of these contaminants in flue gases discharged into the atmosphere to values ​​below the maximum allowable emissions.

5.6.12. Boiler and auxiliary equipment of waste heat boilers should be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-35-76.

5.7. In the workshop for the thermal treatment of wastewater and liquid organochlorine waste, the following should be provided:

furnaces for thermal treatment of wastewater and liquid combustible waste with a system for cleaning flue gases from the entrainment of mineral salts and a system for removing a mixture of mineral salts in dry form;

furnaces for thermal neutralization of liquid organochlorine wastes with a system for utilizing hydrogen chloride from flue gases to produce calcium chloride or commercial hydrochloric acid and a system for sanitary cleaning of exhaust gases.

5.7.1. During the thermal treatment of wastewater and liquid organic waste, the following conditions must be observed:

the temperature of exhaust gases in cyclone furnaces or furnaces of other types should be in the range of 950-1050 ° C;

neutralization of hydrogen chloride, oxides of sulfur and phosphorus formed as a result of oxidation of organic substances should be carried out in the volume of the furnace with caustic soda or sodium carbonate. The supply of caustic soda (sodium carbonate) into the volume of the furnace should be carried out with a 10% excess, together with wastewater;

the melt of a mixture of mineral salts formed in the cyclone furnace should be discharged into the cubic part of the scrubber-cooler;

the cooled gases should be purified from mineral salts in high-speed turbulent scrubbers, from where a weak solution of salts should be returned to the scrubber-cooler for concentration by evaporation due to physical heat of the high-temperature gases leaving the furnace. A concentrated salt solution should be continuously removed from the scrubber-cooler with a dry mixture of mineral salts fed into the separation system (drying, centrifugation, etc.).

Note. It is allowed to transfer the melt of a mixture of mineral salts from the cyclone furnace to the cooler-granulator to obtain salts in solid form, as well as to clean the pre-cooled flue gases in dry gas scrubbers, while complete evaporation apparatus should be used to cool the gases.

5.7.2. During thermal neutralization of liquid organochlorine waste, the following conditions must be observed:

their thermal neutralization should, as a rule, be carried out in a cyclone furnace at a temperature of 1200 to 1500 °C;

hydrogen chloride formed during the combustion of waste should be disposed of with the production of hydrochloric acid or other chlorine-containing products;

at a furnace heat load of more than 7 10 6 W (in the case of hydrochloric acid production), to cool the gaseous products of waste combustion before the hydrogen chloride absorption stage, it is necessary to provide for the use of a waste heat boiler in which heat is recovered with the production of saturated steam at a pressure of 1.3 to 4.0 MPa;

when burning organochlorine wastes with a content of organically bound chlorine over 70% by weight, provision should be made for preliminary mixing of the waste with liquid fuel (waste) in a ratio that ensures stable combustion of the mixture;

to feed waste into the furnace, as a rule, pneumatic-type nozzles with straightened channels along the waste path should be used in order to reduce the likelihood of nozzle clogging, as well as to enable quick mechanical cleaning without stopping the furnace;

air for combustion of waste should be supplied with an excess of at least 20%. The upper limit of excess air is limited by the content of unreacted oxygen in the gaseous combustion products, the amount of which, in order to avoid the formation of a large amount of chlorine, should not exceed 3.5% by volume. If necessary, to maintain the combustion temperature of the waste within 1200 - 1500 ° C, water, hydrochloric acid or steam can be injected into the furnace volume;

the absorption of hydrogen chloride from the gaseous products of waste combustion in the production of hydrochloric acid is preferably carried out in isothermal absorbers;

for sanitary cleaning of gases before their release into the atmosphere, alkaline washing is required using an aqueous solution of caustic soda or sodium carbonate. The concentration of the solution supplied for gas washing, based on the condition for preventing crystallization of the intermediate product of alkaline washing - sodium bicarbonate, should not exceed 5% by weight;

after alkaline washing, a local site for the destruction of sodium hypochlorite, which is formed during alkaline gas washing and contained in the waste solution, should be provided.

Note. For sanitary cleaning of exhaust gases, the use of lime milk is allowed, provided that the use of three-phase system devices ensures reliable gas purification from hydrogen chloride and chlorine, while a local calcium hypochlorite destruction unit should be provided.

5.8. In the shop for physical and chemical neutralization of solid and liquid non-combustible wastes, the following should be provided:

a) installation for the neutralization of solid cyanide waste, including systems:

reception and grinding of waste;

preparing a suspension and converting cyanides to cyanates;

suspension filtration;

b) installation for the neutralization of waste from galvanic production, including:

a recovery system for Cr +6 and Mn +7 with a solution of sulfuric acid and ferrous sulfate;

a system for the precipitation of heavy metal ions with milk of lime;

sludge filtration system;

c) an installation for the neutralization of arsenic-containing waste, including:

capacitive park for receiving waste;

a system for converting compounds of trivalent and trichloride arsenic into arsenic acid, sodium arsenate and nitrooxyphenyl-arosonic acid;

a system for precipitation of arsenic-containing compounds with milk of lime in the form of calcium arsenate;

sludge filtration system;

filtrate stripping system.

5.9. In the body for the disposal of damaged and unmarked cylinders, the following should be provided:

armor pits for undermining cylinders;

a system for washing and neutralizing armor and exhaust gases;

cellar for storage of explosives.

5.10. In the body for the disposal of mercury and fluorescent lamps, the following should be provided:

storage room for receiving lamps;

units for the neutralization of fluorescent and mercury lamps;

system for purification of process gases from mercury;

a system for cleaning wash water from mercury;

storage room for storage of containers with mercury-containing wastes sent for non-recycling.

Note. The composition of the main technological buildings, auxiliary buildings and structures can be changed depending on the specific range of waste entering the landfill.


6.1. Solid toxic waste is subject to burial at the site. The method of waste disposal depends on their toxicity (hazard class) and water solubility. Pasty waste containing water-soluble substances of hazard class I should be disposed of in metal containers.

6.2. Disposal of waste of various hazard classes is carried out separately in special maps located on the site.

6.3. The size of the maps and their number are determined depending on the amount of incoming waste and the estimated life of the site. Disposal of heterogeneous wastes in one map is allowed if, during joint burial, they do not form more toxic, explosive and flammable substances, and also if gas formation does not occur.

6.4. The sizes of maps for waste disposal are not regulated. The depth of the maps is calculated from the condition of the balance of earthworks, taking into account the requirements of clause 2.2. The volume of the map should ensure the acceptance of waste for disposal for no more than 2 years.

6.5. When placing maps for disposal of waste of hazard class IV in soil characterized by a filtration coefficient of not more than 10 -5 cm / s, no special measures are required for the installation of impervious screens. On more permeable soils, it is necessary to provide for the isolation of the bottom and slopes with a compacted layer of clay with a thickness of at least 0.5 m. The filtration coefficient of the clay layer in this case should be no more than 10 -7 cm / s.

6.6. When placing maps for the disposal of water-insoluble wastes of II and III hazard classes in soil characterized by a filtration coefficient of not more than 10 -7 cm / s, no special measures are required for the installation of impervious screens. On more permeable soils, it is necessary to provide a screen made of compacted clay with a filtration coefficient of not more than 10 -7 cm / s along the bottom and slopes with a layer of at least 1 m.

6.7. When placing maps for the disposal of water-insoluble wastes of hazard class I and water-soluble wastes of hazard classes II and III in soil characterized by a filtration coefficient of not more than 10 -8 cm / s, no special measures are required for the installation of impervious screens. On more permeable soils, it is necessary to provide a screen made of crumpled clay with a filtration coefficient of not more than 10 -8 cm / s along the bottom and slopes with a layer of at least 1 m.

6.8. Soil filtration coefficients in which toxic wastes of various hazard classes should be buried without special measures for the installation of impervious screens are given in Table. one.

6.9. In the absence of clays with filtration coefficients specified in paragraphs. 6.5-6.7, or if they are not resistant to waste, other designs of impervious screens of the cards are allowed, subject to an appropriate feasibility study and subject to their durability and resistance to the aggressive effects of waste. Types of screens depending on the toxicity of the waste (hazard class) and their design are given in reference Appendix 2.

6.10. Dumping of waste of hazard class IV should be provided in layers with leveling and compaction of each layer. The level of waste in the center of the map should be taken above the crest of the embankment dams, and along the perimeter - 0.5 m below the crests of the dams. The slope of the surfaces from the middle to the perimeter should be no more than 10%. The waste-filled map should be insulated with a compacted layer of local soil 0.5 m thick with the addition of 10% vegetable soil in the top layer 0.2 m thick.

Table 1

6.11. The dumping of water-insoluble wastes of I, II and III hazard classes into the maps must be provided according to the principle “from oneself” immediately to full height. to which further transport of waste should be carried out.The passage of vehicles should be provided for on a temporary flooring placed on a protective layer of soil.The highest level of the specified waste in the center of the map should be at least 0.5 m below the crest of the enclosing dam, and in places where it mates with the slopes of the map along the perimeter should be at least 2 m below the ridge.

6.12. When burying pulverized waste, it is necessary to provide measures to ensure that these wastes are not carried by the wind at the time of unloading from vehicles and during burial.

6.13. Maps filled with water-insoluble waste of I, II and III hazard classes should be isolated with a layer of local soil, followed by processing of the upper part of this layer.

The thickness of the insulating layer is taken in each specific case depending on the properties of the pollutants based on the results of pilot tests, but should not be less than 2 m, including the initial protective layer.

The backfill must have a convex surface. In the middle of the map, the top of the backfill should rise at least 1.5 m above the crests of the dams, and along the contour - join them. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the treatment of the upper layer of the backfill with a thickness of at least 0.15 m with oil or bitumen with the simultaneous addition and mixing of cement and its compaction with smooth rollers. The amount of oil or bitumen, as well as the amount of active additives should be taken according to Table. 2. The insulating layer (screen) must extend beyond the dimensions of the pits (to the crests of the dams) by at least 2 m along the entire contour, including storm drains, arranged after the conservation of the pit. If there is no permanent passage between the cards, the insulating layer between adjacent cards should be provided as a single one.

table 2

Soil type

Plasticity number

Oil or bitumen consumption

Number of active additives

without active additives

with active additives

active lime (CaO)

Sandy loam heavy silty


light and light dusty

heavy and heavy dusty

Note. The consumption of materials is given in the numerator in% to the mass of the treated soil, in the denominator - in kg / m 2.

6.14. Burial of solid and pasty non-combustible water-soluble wastes of hazard class I should be provided in special sealed metal containers. The wall thickness of the container must be at least 10 mm. Containers should be double tested for tightness - before and after filling with waste. The dimensions of containers are not regulated, the weight of a filled container should not exceed 2 tons.

The structural material of the container must be corrosion resistant to waste, the corrosion rate must not exceed 0.1 mm/year.

Waste containers should be buried in reinforced concrete bins with walls at least 0.4 m thick made of heavy concrete of compressive strength class B15, water resistance grade W6 with external shotcrete cement mortar and grouting at least 20 mm thick. The division of bunkers into compartments should be provided. The volume of each compartment must be able to accept waste containers for up to 2 years.

The bunker must have at least five compartments. In addition, waterproofing of the entire surface of the bunker in contact with the ground should be provided. The flooding of the bunker with groundwater is not allowed.

To protect the compartments from the ingress of rainwater, a canopy with a side fence should be provided over the entire bunker.

6.15. The highest level of storage of containers with waste in the compartments of the bunkers should be at least 2 m below the upper edge of these bunkers. Covering the filled compartments of the bunkers with reinforced concrete slabs should be provided, followed by backfilling with a layer of compacted soil 2 m thick, after which waterproof coatings should be provided, which should rise above the adjacent territory and go beyond the dimensions of the bunker by at least 2 m on each side.

6.16. The volume of finished pits and bins during the commissioning of the landfill and their further backlog should ensure the acceptance of waste for disposal in bins for 2 years, and in reinforced concrete bunkers - for 5 years.

6.17. Pesticides in the amount of up to 300 tons are allowed to be buried at landfills. Pesticides should be buried, depending on their hazard class, along with other waste.


7.1. In order to prevent the contact of working personnel with waste and protect the environment, the design of a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste should provide for:

acceptance of liquid waste into capacitive apparatuses with agitators;

supply of liquid waste for processing from capacitive apparatus by pumps or by squeezing with inert gas through pipelines;

transportation of pasty combustible waste, usually in combustible containers;

loading the furnace with solid waste by an overhead crane with a multi-jaw grab, while the crane operator must have a view of the waste bins and the receiving hopper of the furnace (the view can also be provided using a television installation);

equipment of the furnace with dosing devices that ensure the continuity of the supply of solid waste, as well as a device for feeding paste-like waste in containers into the furnace.

7.2. When designing a waste disposal site, maximum mechanization of the unloading and distribution of waste in pits, their conservation should be provided.

Transportation of waste of I, II and III hazard classes should be provided, as a rule, in special containers equipped with devices for remote unloading of waste into cards. For the pumping of rain and melt water from the pits at the time of construction, mobile motor pumps or pumps should be provided.

Along with machines and mechanisms for waste disposal, machines and mechanisms should be provided for the construction of new cards and waterproof coatings during the conservation of filled cards (excavators, bulldozers, graders, rollers, clay mixers, dump trucks, bitumen filling machines, disc harrows, etc.) .


8.1. The size of the sanitary protection zone of a plant for the neutralization of toxic industrial waste with a capacity of 100 thousand tons or more of waste per year should be taken as 1000 m, for a plant with a capacity of less than 100 thousand tons - 500 m.

The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone of the plant in specific construction conditions must be specified by calculating the dispersion of harmful emissions in the atmosphere in accordance with the requirements of SN 369-74.

8.2. The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone of the garage of a specialized fleet of vehicles are accepted in accordance with SN 245-71.

8.3. The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone of the toxic industrial waste disposal site to settlements and open water bodies, as well as to objects used for cultural and recreational purposes, are established taking into account specific local conditions, but not less than 3000 m.

8.4. Landfill sites for toxic industrial waste should be located at a distance, m, not less than:

200 - from agricultural land and roads and railways of the general network;

50 - from the boundaries of the forest and forest plantations not intended for recreational use.

8.5. In the sanitary protection zone of a site for the disposal of toxic industrial waste, it is allowed to place a plant for the neutralization of these wastes, a garage for specialized vehicles and evaporators of polluted rain and drainage water.

8.6. In order to control the standing height of groundwater, their physical, chemical and bacteriological composition on the territory of the waste disposal site and in its sanitary protection zone, it is necessary to provide for observation wells. Each site must have at least two wells.

With a ground flow slope of less than 0.1%, cross-sections should be provided in all four directions. With a slope of more than 0.1%, control wells can be placed in three directions, excluding the direction upstream. If the length of the sides of the burial site is not more than 200 m, one control section should be provided for each side; with a longer length of the sides of the site, the alignments should be placed every 100-150 m.

The distance between the observation wells in the alignment should be within 50-100 m. One well in the alignment should be located on the territory of the burial site, the other - in the sanitary protection zone. The given distances can be reduced taking into account specific hydrogeological conditions.

Wells must be buried below the groundwater level by at least 5 m.

Similar control should be provided for evaporators of polluted rainwater and drainage water located outside the toxic industrial waste disposal site.

8.7. Sampling points should also be provided at the discharge of water from the annular canal.


Waste group number

Waste composition

State of aggregation

Processing and disposal methods

Galvanic productions 1

Weakly acidic or alkaline, containing metal salts or their hydroxides

Liquid moisture 80-95% by weight

Physico-chemical processing method, which consists in lowering the valence of some metals (Cr +6, Mn +7), neutralization, precipitation of hydroxides and other insoluble salts, filtration. Precipitation after filtration is transported to disposal in special cards, and the filtrate is sent for treatment

Sludge from sewage treatment plants 1

Liquid moisture 80-90% by weight

a) liquid

Arsenic and arsenic anhydrides and other arsenic compounds mixed with other salts

Liquid moisture 85-98% by weight

Physico-chemical processing method, which consists in the conversion of arsenic compounds into calcium arsenide, sedimentation and filtration. The sludge after filtration is transported to disposal in special cards, and the filtrate is sent to the evaporation

b) hard and resinous

Arsenic salts

Packing in sealed containers and burial in special cards

Cyanic compounds and other salts

Solid, liquid

Physico-chemical processing method, which consists in crushing solid waste and mixing it with liquid waste (or water), converting cyanides to cyanates, settling and filtering. The sludge after filtration is transported to disposal in special cards, and the filtrate is sent to local treatment facilities

organic combustibles:

a) solid

Cleaning materials; contaminated sawdust; rags; contaminated wooden containers; hard resins; mastic; oiled paper and packaging; cuttings of plastics, plexiglass; leftovers paintwork materials; pesticides

Thermal neutralization with exhaust gas heat recovery to generate steam of energy parameters in waste heat boilers and with a system for cleaning exhaust gases from entrainment of dust and vapors of hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and sulfur oxides. Ash and slag generated during waste incineration are transported to disposal in special maps (in the absence of an agreement on disposal with construction or agricultural organizations)

b) liquid

Liquid petroleum products not subject to regeneration; oils; contaminated solvents; contaminated gasoline, kerosene, oil and fuel oil

c) pasty

Contaminated paste varnishes, enamels, resins, paints, oils and greases

Pasty moisture up to 10% by weight

Liquid organic combustibles containing chlorine (not less than 40%)

Contaminated solvents, bottoms

Liquid moisture up to 15% by weight

Thermal neutralization with waste heat recovery to generate steam in waste heat boilers and with a system for utilizing hydrogen chloride in the form of a solution of hydrochloric acid, calcium chloride or other salts

Wastewater (only wastewater that technically cannot be neutralized by existing physical, chemical and biological methods)

Slightly acidic or alkaline solutions containing organic and mineral salts or substances

Liquid moisture 80-98% by weight

Thermal neutralization with subsequent purification from salt entrainment. A mixture of mineral salts formed as a result of thermal neutralization is removed from the process by filtration (drying) and transported to disposal in special maps

Galvanic productions

Mixture of metal salts or their hydroxides

Solid moisture 10-15% by weight

Transported to burial in special cards

Faulty mercury arc and fluorescent lamps

Demercurization of lamps with utilization of mercury and other valuable metals

Sand contaminated with oil products

Sand and oil products

Solid moisture up to 10% by weight

Calcination with sand utilization and subsequent cleaning of flue gases from entrainment of sand and impurities of harmful substances

molding earth

Land polluted with organic matter

Calcination with land utilization and subsequent cleaning of flue gases from earth entrainment and impurities of harmful substances

Damaged and unmarked cylinders

Damaged cylinders with residues of substances

Explosion of cylinders in a special chamber and subsequent washing and neutralization. Rinse water is sent for physical-chemical or thermal treatment

Potent toxic substances

Arsenic and arsenic anhydrides, sublimate, salts of hydrocyanic acid, salts of nitrilacrylic acid

Solid, pasty

Packing in sealed containers and burial in special cards

1 Only for enterprises where, with an appropriate feasibility study, it is irrational to neutralize and dehydrate waste.

2 Dehydrated waste from galvanic production is transported to a landfill only if there are no effective methods for extracting valuable metals from it.



Types and designs of screens

Screen Applications

when dumping dry waste

in the evaporators of storm drainage water from the landfill

by hazard class

In, IIp, IIIp

A. Ground

1. Clay single layer

1 2 K f= 10 -7 - 10 -8 cm/s; 3

2. Clay two-layer with a drainage layer

1 - a protective layer of 20 cm from sandy loam soil; 2 - crumpled clay with a layer of 50-80 cm, K f= 10 -7 - 10 -8 cm/s; 3 - sand with a layer of 50 cm, K f= 10 -2 cm/s; 4 - leveled, etched and compacted base

3. Ground-bitumen-concrete

1 - soil with a layer of 50 cm (loam, sandy loam, sand), etched to a depth of 20 cm and treated with oil or hot bitumen and cement; 2 - leveled, etched and compacted base

B. Concrete and reinforced concrete

4. From reinforced concrete slabs

1 - prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs made of heavy concrete of W8 water resistance grade, 15 cm thick; 2 - sand or gravel-sand mixture with a layer of 15 cm; 3 - leveled, etched and compacted base.

When using monolithic reinforced concrete slabs on a sandy base, preparation is made from lean concrete grade M75 with a layer of 10 cm

5. Polymer concrete

1 - polymer concrete reinforced with a layer of 8-15 cm; 2 - concrete preparation grade M75, layer 10 cm; 3 - sand or gravel-sand mixture with a layer of 10-15 cm; 4

6. Concrete film

1 - prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs of heavy concrete grade for water resistance W6 - W8, 8-15 cm thick; 2 - polyethylene film in one or two layers, stabilized with soot, covered with kraft paper on top; 3 - sand with a fraction of not more than 3 mm, a layer of 10-15 cm; 4 - leveled, etched and compacted base

B. Asphalt concrete

7. Single layer with bituminous coating

1 - coating with hot bitumen with a layer of 2-4 mm with a protective layer of sand 10 mm; 2 3

8. Two-layer with a drainage layer

1 - coating with hot bitumen 4-6 mm with a protective layer of sand 10 mm; 2 - fine-grained asphalt concrete with a layer of 5-8 cm; 3 - gravel with a layer of 20-40 cm, treated with bitumen by 15 cm; 4 - etched and treated with bitumen and cement soil (see screen 3)

9. Coated with bituminous latex emulsion

1 - a protective layer of sand or loam 30 cm thick; 2 - bitumen-latex emulsion with a layer of 4-6 mm; 3 - fine-grained asphalt concrete with a layer of 5-8 cm; 4 - ground bituminous concrete (see screen 3)

G. Asphalt polymer concrete

10. Structurally, asphalt polymer concrete screens are made in the same way as asphalt concrete screens. The difference lies in the fact that asphalt polymer concrete screens are made on a bitumen binder, and asphalt polymer concrete screens are made on a modified binder consisting of bitumen with the addition of rubber or other polymers in an amount of 10-20% of the bitumen mass, which gives them increased frost resistance, elasticity and reduces water resistance

D. Film

11. Made of carbon black stabilized polyethylene film, single layer

1 - a protective layer of 50-80 cm from fine-grained soil with a fraction of not more than 3 mm (sand, sandy loam, loam); 2 - film; 3 - preparation from the material used for the protective layer 10 cm thick; 4 - planned base (laying slopes not steeper than 1:3.5)

12. Made of carbon black stabilized polyethylene film, two-layer with a drainage layer

1 - protective layer 50-80 cm (see screen 1); 2 - film; 3 - sand layer 20-30 cm K f= 10 -2 cm/s; 4 - preparation from the material used for the protective layer 10 cm thick; 5 - planned and etched base (laying slopes not steeper than 1:3.5)

When installing film screens, it is necessary to follow the instructions of CH 551-82

Notes: 1. I-n - insoluble hazard class I waste; II-р - soluble wastes of II hazard class; similar designations for wastes of hazard class III (IIIн, IIIр).

2. The sign "+" means that the use of the screen is allowed, the sign "-" - is not allowed.

3. Under the influence of some chemical solutions, clay can decompact, so its use in screens must be justified by appropriate laboratory tests of water extracts of waste to be disposed of.

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