Taxi with a squirrel. Common squirrel (sciurus vulgaris)

Fashion & Style 21.08.2019
Fashion & Style

Taxi driver Petr Pankratov the little squirrel came out when he served in the army. Now Masik lives in his car, plays with the children of passengers and even acts in films.

Petr Pankratov got a squirrel even before he started taxiing. The guy served in the army, and other soldiers brought him an unusual animal. Peter could not leave the sick little squirrel.

"On August 5, it will be two years since they brought him. He lay unconscious under a tree. In the morning they found him, and in the evening they brought him to me. He had worms in his mouth and right eye - I got them out. But after two weeks everything was already I fed him baby food and milk from a syringe for two weeks ... Then his teeth erupted and he began to eat on his own. Six months later I vaccinated him and registered him. Now he is listed in Maryina Gorka under my last name. "

The guy says that, despite the myth that a squirrel cannot become a pet, Masik quickly became completely tame.

"I just always took it with me. I went to work - with me, somewhere else - too. I got used to it. Masik has a standard route at home: he ate and slept. From the kitchen or under the covers, or in the closet," says Petr Pankratov: "He likes to sleep with me, near his neck. He is independent. There are no better animals."

The guy also does not worry about the fact that the squirrel wants to be free:

"He once ran away from me, but I went up to the tree - he returned. And recently I planted him on a tree - he is so afraid of him, he is shaking."

"I love animals very much," adds Peter. But this is understandable. The guy has a cat at home (there used to be two, but one had to be moved to the village - she didn’t succumb to training and hunted Masik all the time), there is also a 300-liter aquarium.

Peter admits that not every passenger in his car knows that he is traveling with a squirrel.

"I don't show it to everyone. What's the point? Why bother him all the time? If the children are already traveling, you can show them. But I constantly watch him."

The driver is calm about the hygienic aspects of hours-long trips of a squirrel in a car:

"If he sips, here's a rag. Because he can do it! A child after all!"

In general, Peter calls the only difficulty in keeping a squirrel in a car ... spring molt:

"Now it will peel off - and the whole problem. Otherwise, you see, he is half-red!"

It is strange that the company in which Petr Pankratov works did not even think about promoting themselves at the expense of an unusual taxi driver. But Belarusian filmmakers know who to turn to for a squirrel-actor. Only here the plots are chosen stereotyped.

“There, the devils first came to the guy from drinking, and then the “squirrel,” says Peter.

"I once posted pictures in Odnoklassniki. One woman began to write to me:" I will hand you over to the "green" for not keeping wild animals." "Yes, you certainly may. 8,000 vaccinations, 20 - a passport. They got vaccinated so that they would not be taken away. And even so, when you have a passport, there is more reliability.

This story began when an ordinary Pyotr Pankratov from Belarus discovered a tiny squirrel in the forest. Most likely, the baby was left without a mother, which meant certain death for him, but the Belarusian soldier simply could not pass by and decided to save the cub.

The squirrel just loves to lie on the pillow that is in Peter's car

For the first weeks, Peter had to feed the baby squirrel every four hours. The kid was severely malnourished, and for a long time his life was in danger. However, the man managed to get out of the little squirrel.

Peter took this photo on the day he found the squirrel

“Getting it out was quite difficult, because at the moment when I found the squirrel, I was still carrying military service. I had to return with the cub to the base and leave it there. Between duties, I constantly visited him to feed him with milk. The first weeks it seemed to me that I would not be able to leave the baby, as he was very weak, but the days passed, and gradually the little squirrel got stronger, ”recalls Peter.

For almost two years that Peter served, the little squirrel stayed with him. Now, when the term of service in the army came to an end, the man decided to take the animal with him to Minsk. During this time, the baby squirrel became completely tame, so it was impractical to release an unadapted animal into the wild.

“Now I work as a taxi driver in Minsk and almost always take the squirrel with me. He doesn't act like a hooligan and spends most of his time lying on his pillow, which I bought especially for him. Most passengers are delighted that a squirrel rides in the car with me. Children especially like the animal! ”Pyotr says.

As you can see, a cat and a squirrel can become friends!

Interestingly, in addition to the squirrel, a cat also lives in Peter's apartment. When asked by journalists what kind of relationships have been established among such different animals, Peter replies that everything is fine and the squirrel and the cat get along well with each other.

Just imagine: you are driving in a taxi, and in the pocket of the taxi driver, a squirrel is sniffing, curled up, well, or sleeping in a hood in the back seat. Don't believe? We didn't believe it at first! Only now the whole Minsk is buzzing that the squirrel is taxiing together with the owner. It didn’t take long to find the culprit of the city rumor: it turned out that one of the capital’s taxi companies really has such a miracle. We agreed to meet with the taxi driver Peter right at his entrance, as he was resting after the night shift.

- Where is the squirrel? - we got excited when we saw Peter without the little animal.

It didn’t take long to wait for an answer: first, shaggy ear tassels appeared from the pocket of the jacket, then shiny eyes, and in another moment - and a funny squirrel appeared on the young man’s shoulder.

Yes, I always carry it in my pocket: I go to the store with it, and to work, - Peter smiled.

The little squirrel turned out to be a boy named Masik. It turned out that Peter Pankratov found such a wonderful friend two years ago.

When I served in Maryina Gorka in the special forces as an ensign, the soldiers brought me a very weak squirrel. He was then the size of half a palm, tiny at all, unconscious. I took seven worms out of his mouth, and three more out of his eye. At first I fed him for two weeks with infant formula from a syringe every 4 hours, and then he got stronger and began to drink milk with a mixture from a spoon. A month later, he began to give him seeds without a shell, and then, when the teeth appeared, he himself began to click them. So we served together with him - he was always in my bosom.

- Where does he live at home, in a cage?

No, he doesn't have a cell. Sleep with me. He likes to curl up on his chest, or climb into the closet, into the hood, and sleep there. He also eats with me. Likes nuts, fruits, seeds, bread.

I just retired from the army in December, I have been working in a taxi for three months. And I always take it with me to work too. Otherwise, he goes wild. I also have a cat and fish, but the squirrel rules!

How are the passengers reacting?

Even when I first started posting photos of the squirrel on social networks, they tortured me there, they say, they will inform the green ones. I then took and made Masik a veterinary passport according to all requirements. Now he is a full citizen. And I don't show it to all passengers. Most often, Masik just sleeps in the back seat in a hood, or in my bosom. Here, for example, a passenger is driving, he is sad, and to him: “Do you want me to surprise you?” - and show the little squirrel. Everyone reacts very positively, especially children like it. Then they call the service and ask for a taxi with a squirrel.

- Does the boss scold you?

Yes. Especially at first. But I try not to inconvenience passengers. It often happens that clients do not even know that my partner is on duty in the form of a squirrel along with me on the shift. I rarely show it.

At first, the little squirrel served in the special forces together with the owner, and now he is a taxi driver

Just imagine: you are driving in a taxi, and in the pocket of the taxi driver, a squirrel is sniffing, curled up, well, or sleeping in a hood in the back seat. Don't believe? We didn't believe it at first! Only now the whole Minsk is buzzing that the squirrel is taxiing together with the owner. It didn’t take long to find the culprit of the city rumor: it turned out that one of the capital’s taxi companies really has such a miracle. We agreed to meet with the taxi driver Peter right at his entrance, as he was resting after the night shift.

- Where is the squirrel? - we got excited when we saw Peter without the little animal.

It didn’t take long to wait for an answer: first, shaggy ear tassels appeared from the pocket of the jacket, then shiny eyes, and in another moment - and a funny squirrel appeared on the young man’s shoulder.

Yes, I always carry it in my pocket: I go to the store with it, and to work, - Peter smiled.

The little squirrel turned out to be a boy named Masik. It turned out that Peter Pankratov found such a wonderful friend two years ago.

When I served in Maryina Gorka in the special forces as an ensign, the soldiers brought me a very weak squirrel. He was then the size of half a palm, tiny at all, unconscious. I took seven worms out of his mouth, and three more out of his eye. At first I fed him for two weeks with infant formula from a syringe every 4 hours, and then he got stronger and began to drink milk with a mixture from a spoon. A month later, he began to give him seeds without a shell, and then, when the teeth appeared, he himself began to click them. So we served together with him - he was always in my bosom.

- Where does he live at home, in a cage?

No, he doesn't have a cell. Sleep with me. He likes to curl up on his chest, or climb into the closet, into the hood, and sleep there. He also eats with me. Likes nuts, fruits, seeds, bread.

I just retired from the army in December, I have been working in a taxi for three months. And I always take it with me to work too. Otherwise, he goes wild. I also have a cat and fish, but the squirrel rules!

How are the passengers reacting?

Even when I first started posting photos of the squirrel on social networks, they tortured me there, they say, they will inform the green ones. I then took and made Masik a veterinary passport according to all requirements. Now he is a full citizen. And I don't show it to all passengers. Most often, Masik just sleeps in the back seat in a hood, or in my bosom. Here, for example, a passenger is driving, sad, and to him: "Do you want me to surprise you?" - and show the little squirrel. Everyone reacts very positively, especially children like it. Then they call the service and ask for a taxi with a squirrel.

- Does the boss scold you?

Yes. Especially at first. But I try not to inconvenience passengers. It often happens that clients do not even know that my partner is on duty in the form of a squirrel along with me on the shift. I rarely show it.

June 7, 2012, 21:07

At first, the little squirrel served in the special forces together with the owner, and now he is a taxi driver Just imagine: you are driving in a taxi, and in the pocket of the taxi driver, a squirrel is sniffing, curled up, well, or sleeping in a hood in the back seat. Don't believe? We didn't believe it at first! Only now the whole Minsk is buzzing that the squirrel is taxiing together with the owner.
It didn’t take long to find the culprit of the city rumor: it turned out that one of the capital’s taxi companies really has such a miracle. We agreed to meet with the taxi driver Peter right at his entrance, as he was resting after the night shift. - Where is the squirrel?- we got excited when we saw Peter without the little animal. It didn’t take long to wait for an answer: first, shaggy ear tassels appeared from the pocket of the jacket, then shiny eyes, and in another moment - and a funny squirrel appeared on the young man’s shoulder. - Yes, I always carry it in my pocket: I go to the store with it, and to work, - Peter smiled. The little squirrel turned out to be a boy named Masik. It turned out that Peter Pankratov found such a wonderful friend two years ago. - When I served in Maryina Gorka in the special forces as an ensign, the soldiers brought me a very weak squirrel. He was then the size of half a palm, tiny at all, unconscious. I took seven worms out of his mouth, and three more out of his eye. At first I fed him for two weeks with infant formula from a syringe every 4 hours, and then he got stronger and began to drink milk with a mixture from a spoon.
Squirrel in infancy A month later, he began to give him seeds without a shell, and then, when the teeth erupted, he himself began to click them. So we served together with him - he was always in my bosom. The guy says that, despite the myth that a squirrel cannot become a pet, Masik quickly became completely tame. "I just always took it with me. I went to work - with me, somewhere else - too. I got used to it. Masik has a standard route at home: he ate and slept. From the kitchen or under the covers, or in the closet," says Peter Pankratov. He is independent. There are no better animals."
- Where does he live at home, in a cage?- No, he doesn't have a cage. Sleep with me. He likes to curl up on his chest, or climb into the closet, into the hood, and sleep there. He also eats with me. Likes nuts, fruits, seeds, bread.
After the shift, it would be nice to have a rest ... Photo: from the archive of Petr Pankratov - And then with you to work?- I just retired from the army in December, I have been working in a taxi for three months. And I always take it with me to work too. Otherwise, he goes wild. I also have a cat and fish, but the squirrel rules! How are the passengers reacting?- Even when I started posting photos of the little squirrel in social networks, they tortured me there, they say, they will inform the green ones. I then took and made Masik a veterinary passport according to all requirements. Now he is a full citizen. And I don't show it to all passengers. Most often, Masik just sleeps in the back seat in a hood, or in my bosom. Here, for example, a passenger is driving, he is sad, and to him: “Do you want me to surprise you?” - and show the little squirrel. Everyone reacts very positively, especially children like it. Then they call the service and ask for a taxi with a squirrel. - Does the boss scold you?- Yes. Especially at first. But I try not to inconvenience passengers. It often happens that clients do not even know that my partner is on duty in the form of a squirrel along with me on the shift. I rarely show it.
Customers specifically call 135 and order a taxi with a squirrel
Masik will find mutual language with everyone, even with a cat
Oh, how sweet it is to sleep on a spetsnaz beret! Updated on 07/06/12 21:10Updated on 07/06/12 21:12: Updated on 07/06/12 21:16: Updated on 07/06/12 21:30: Peter calls the only difficulty in keeping a squirrel in the car ... spring molting: "Now it will peel off - and the whole problem. Otherwise, you see, he is half-red!"

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