Books that shaped my inner world. General work experience

Technique and Internet 04.06.2019

Graduated with honors from the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov with a degree in Economics and Management at the Enterprise. Hotel, restaurant and tourism industry.

Teaching activity

Readable courses ​:

"History of hospitality and tourism"

"Global hospitality industry"

"Hotel Management"

"State regulation in the hospitality and tourism industry"

General work experience

Works at the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov since 2010.

Advanced training / professional retraining

August 25, 2013 - September 8, 2013 issued a certificate of completion of training at the National Open University "INTUIT" on the course "Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law"

February 02 - March 27, 2012 issued a certificate of completion of the course of lectures of the scientific school Doctor of Economics, prof. Valentey Sergey Dmitrievich "Spatial factors of the economy of innovation"

December 05 - December 09, 2011 a certificate of short-term advanced training was issued at the International Public Organization "Academy of Management and Market" under the program "Marketing and Sales Management in Small Business"

Scientific research

2014 Research work on the theme "Development of a methodology for analyzing the number of rooms and evaluating the effectiveness of its use to improve the quality of services and the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise" in the framework of the won competition for research grants for students, graduate students and young scientists.

2012 Research work on the topic "Concept life cycle of the Hotel Product as a Tool for Ensuring the Competitiveness of Service Sector Enterprises” at the Department of Hotel and Tourism Business within the framework of the won competition for grants for research work of students, graduate students and young scientists.​

Additional Information

Early publications, including in non-indexed editions at the time of publication of the articles​:

1. O.A. Astafieva, G.M. Malysheva Shortcomings in quality management of service in hotel enterprises / O.A. Astafieva, G.M. Malysheva // Twenty-First International Plekhanov Readings (April 1 - 4, 2008): Abstracts of student reports. - M .: GOU VPO "REA im. G.V. Plekhanov", 2008. - 212 p. (0.06 p. l.).
2. Astafieva O.A. Information Technology management in the tourism business / O.A. Astafieva// I International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates, Masters and Young Scientists "Russian Economy: Post-Crisis Period". Volume I. - M .: GOU VPO "REA im. G.V. Plekhanov, 2010. (0.19 pp.).
3. Astafieva O.A., Popov L.A. Planning the costs of a hotel enterprise / Astafieva O.A., Popov L.A. // Twenty-third International Plekhanov Readings (April 19 - 23, 2010): student abstracts. - M .: GOU VPO "REA im. G.V. Plekhanov", 2010. - 448 p. (0.06 p. l.)
4. O.A. Astafieva The concept of the life cycle of a hotel product and the impact of the current economic crisis on it / O.A. Astafieva // Tourism Industry: Opportunities, Priorities, Problems, Prospects Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Student Conference. Issue 4. Part 2. - M .: MGIIT, 2010. (0.12 p. L.).
5. Astafieva O.A. The role of the concept of the life cycle of a hotel product in its management / O.A. Astafieva// Twenty-fourth International Plekhanov Readings (February 10 - 17, 2011): abstracts of postgraduate and undergraduate reports. - M .: GOU VPO "REU them. G.V. Plekhanov", 2011. - P. 154. (0.06 p. l.).
6. Astafieva O.A Results of investigation of hotel product life cycle / O.A Astafieva // Twenty-fourth International Plekhanov Readings (April 21, 2011): abstracts of postgraduate students and applicants for foreign languages. - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov, 2011. (0.19 pp.).
7. O.A. Astafieva International life cycle of goods in Japan, Russia and the USA / O.A. Astafieva // Tourism industry: opportunities, priorities, problems and prospects Collection of scientific articles and materials. International scientific and practical conference. Moscow, May 12-13, 2011 - Part 1. - M .: MGIIT, 2011. (0.37 p. L.).
8. Astafieva O.A. "Achilles' heel" of the concept of the product life cycle / O.A. Astafieva // Twenty-fifth International Plekhanov Readings. February 10 – 16, 2012: PhD student abstracts. - M .: FGBOU VPO "PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov”, 2012. (0.06 pp).
9. Astafieva O.A. On the issue of the income structure of hotel enterprises / O.A. Astafieva // Law, economics and management in the transition to sustainable development: Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, April 16-17, 2012, St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "KultInformPress", 2012. (0.1 pp.).
10. Astafieva O.A. Modeling the duration of the stage of product introduction to the market / O.A. Astafieva // Russia XXI century: project management, law, economics: Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, June 7-8, 2012, St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "KultInformPress", 2012. (0.2p. sheet).

11. Astafieva O.A. "Saddle" in the product life cycle and its modeling / O.A. Astafieva // Models economic development in crisis conditions: sociology, law, management, ecology, education: Collection of scientific articles following the results of the international scientific and practical conference, September 24-25, 2012, St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "KultInformPress", 2012. (0.19 pp.).

12. Astafieva O.A. The role of the life cycle of a hotel product in the management of the product range and the choice of strategy by a hotel enterprise / O.A. Astafieva // Step into science-2012: articles of reports of the winners of the competition of research grants for postgraduate students and young scientists. - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov", 2012. - S. 4-12. (0.56 p. l.).
13. Astafieva O.A. Effective competitive strategies at the stage of introducing the product to the market / O.A. Astafieva // Economics, pedagogy, jurisprudence, ecology, project management, sociology of the 21st century: problems and development prospects: Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, October 30-31, 2012, St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "KultInformPress", 2012. - S. 25-26. (0.13 p. l.).
14. Astafieva O.A. The relationship between the life cycle of a hotel product and the hotel's competitive strategy / O.A. Astafieva // Twenty-sixth International Plekhanov Readings. February 18 – 21, 2013: PhD student abstracts. - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov", 2013. - P. 59. (0.06 p. l.).

15. Astafieva O.A. Hotel product: essence and approaches to understanding / O.A. Astafieva // Tourism Industry: Opportunities, Priorities, Problems, Prospects Collection of articles of the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference. Issue 7. Part 1. - M .: MGIIT, 2013. - 296 p. (0.25 p. l.).
16. Astafieva O.A. The hotel market in Russia: the cost of building accommodation facilities / O.A. Astafieva // Socio-economic problems of the modern Russian economy: a collective monograph / edited by N.A. Adamova. - M: Publishing house "Economic newspaper", 2013. - 702 p. (0.87 p. l.).
17. Astafieva O.A. Improving the competitiveness of hotel enterprises through service management / O.A. Astafieva // Twenty-seventh International Plekhanov Readings. February 6, 2014: PhD student abstracts. - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov", 2014. - S. 221-222. (0.06 p. l.).

18. Astafieva O.A. Levels of influence of the product life cycle on the choice of enterprise strategy / O.A. Astafieva // Problems of improving the efficiency of economics and management in Russia: Collection of scientific articles based on the results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Volgograd, April 28-29, 2014 / Ed. Doctor of Economics, prof. I.E. Belsky. - Volgograd: Volgograd scientific publishing house, 2014. - P. 7-8. (0.06 p. l.)

19. Astafieva O.A. Analysis of the hotel room stock / O.A. Astafieva // Step into science-2014: a collection of articles of the winners of the competition for research grants for postgraduate students and young scientists. - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov”, 2014. – 120 pages​ (0.31 p.s.)

20. Astafieva O.A. Analysis of the state of the room fund as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise / O.A. Astafieva // Twenty-Eighth International Plekhanov Readings. February 10, 2015: collection of postgraduate papers. - Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov", 2015. - 292 p. - S. 182-184. (0.06 p.l.)



Recently, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Olga Nikolaevna Astafieva turned 50 years old. She has finally reached full maturity, and the “tail” (5 years, during which we have been closely collaborating with her on magazine and scientific matters) has added stability and confidence in our common professional future. We were glad to congratulate her personally on this holiday. But it would be completely wrong not to say a few kind words about her on the pages of our magazine. I have known Olga Nikolaevna well since the mid-1990s. Even then, she impressed me with her excellent work style, readiness for cooperation, organization and efficiency. Unlike me, she easily and naturally comes into contact with people, both very young and people of respectable age, showing them benevolence, attention and respect.

Olga Nikolaevna has many advantages, you can’t list them all. But I would like to dwell on some of them separately. Back in the 1990s, while working at one of the universities in Moscow, I got acquainted with the then fashionable formula used to assess the business and personal qualities of people. This is the formula of 3 Ps (professionalism, decency and prestige). I think that these 3 Ps will not be enough when we are talking about such a multifaceted personality as Olga Nikolaevna. You can safely add a few more qualities to them: attractiveness and friendliness, popularity and usefulness, fertility (creative, of course) and punctuality. I'll start with the first points.

Professionalism Olga Nikolaevna cannot help but catch the eye. She is a well-known specialist in the field of cultural studies and cultural policy. She owns dozens of books - monographs and manuals. An excellent teacher who great attention to their students and graduate students. An excellent and experienced organizer of science. His professional qualities are noted by everyone who works with her. It remains only to understand when she manages to do all this. And how can one combine qualities that are so scarce today in one person?

O decency and prestige I know Olga Nikolaevna firsthand. I have been repeatedly convinced of her honesty and deep decency. And the point is not only that you can always rely on it and, as they say, feel safe. Olga Nikolaevna never crosses the established boundaries in relations with other people and does not allow this to be done in relation to herself. Her decency is also manifested in the ability to keep her word and take responsibility. I can say with confidence that everything is in order with her prestige. She occupies sufficiently prestigious positions and positions to satisfy her less pronounced sense of vanity and make a very appropriate impression on others.

I can assume, watching Olga Nikolaevna for quite a long time, that nothing human is alien to her. To be honest, we all love not only to impress others with our deeds, but also to receive the necessary resonant effect from what has been done. Olga Nikolaevna is no stranger to this either. Her business is not only successful, but also with the necessary prestige. In her Academy, she is in front of everyone, enjoying well-deserved authority and recognition. She is known and appreciated in the scientific community and in many regions of Russia and abroad. And wherever O. N. participates, she makes keynote presentations at conferences and proposes projects. Last year, Olga Nikolaevna organized and headed the Moscow Society of Culturologists. Since this year, she has taken up the duties of the editor-in-chief of our magazine. And further. Where Olga Nikolaevna works, one can safely speak of high prestige and sustainable success.

And now I will pass to points not less pleasant. Attractiveness and friendliness of O.N. These undoubted qualities are worth revealing in a little more detail. Already they alone are enough for a woman leading an active and business lifestyle to be satisfied. But I will say more, for happiness, she lacks quite a bit - to believe that she already has all this and can continue to live in peace. Olga Nikolaevna knows how to be attractive, leading a strict, although not a monastic lifestyle. You can't refuse her this. She always gives the impression of style and thoughtfulness (to the smallest detail) of her appearance and outfits. Attention to detail and a sense of harmony is a special feature of her lifestyle. In addition, she is smiling and damn friendly, which causes a mixed feeling of delight, appreciation and admiration in the people around her.

Popularity and utility O.N. delight her friends and disarm her ill-wishers. And we are talking about a very expensive popularity, won by the extraordinary diligence, determination and constancy of Olga Nikolaevna. One can only dream of such popularity. matters for mercantile natures, to which I include myself to some extent. It's a pleasure to do business with her. And it is even more pleasant to receive advice from her and, of course, gifts. After all, we all have a child in our hearts. I really love and look forward to her gifts. It is a pity that there are so few reasons to receive them in a year.

And, finally, it is impossible not to mention the extraordinary creative fertility, combined with the same extraordinary capacity for work, composure and punctuality Olga Nikolaevna. In her notebook, everything is scheduled for 1 month ahead with an accuracy of up to 10 minutes. Therefore, you can meet her only by getting into her book. Olga Nikolaevna appoints all business meetings herself. And woe to those who did not get into this cherished little book. He just got unlucky.

So, using the example of Olga Nikolaevna Astafieva, I came up with new recipe human happiness. It turns out that you need quite a bit - compliance with the 9 P formula. And then your life will flow like a milky river, bringing self-satisfaction to a person, respect from other people, and well-being and prosperity for family and loved ones. Let's wish Olga Nikolaevna in her post-anniversary period to remain as young, smart, wonderful and inspired as she was, starting from the age of 5.

On behalf of the editorial board Y. Reznik

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.


About myself

In 2006 I graduated from the Vladimir State Pedagogical University. From 2006 to 2007 she worked in the MOU DOD DYuTs "Club" as a teacher of additional education. Since September 2007, she has been employed at the MOU secondary school No. 15 as a teacher primary school. Work experience in MOU secondary school No. 15 - 6 years. General experience teaching activity for 7 years. During this time, I have been constantly engaged in self-education by getting acquainted with the latest pedagogical literature, periodicals for primary school teachers, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

My pedagogical activity I carry out on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and in accordance with the goals and objectives of the school, which works as part of an experiment on the topic "Development of social and personal competencies of the subjects of the educational process in the conditions of the educational space school-university".

I consider the purpose of my work to be the creation of conditions that ensure the formation of a person and a citizen who owns key competencies that ensure personal growth and preparation for full and effective participation in public and professional life in an information society. To achieve this goal, I chose the student-oriented educational system "School - 2100".

Books that shaped my inner world

M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

My view of the world

My achievements

My portfolio

Education seems to be difficult only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else. If you understand that we can educate others only through ourselves, then the question of education is abolished and only one question remains: how should one live oneself?

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the angelic rank. We ourselves can crawl into any hole we like, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere worthy of their rank. You can’t be obscene with impunity in their presence... you can’t make them the plaything of your mood: now gently kiss, now madly stomp your feet on them...

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