Rafael Bikbaev. Shymkent tour of the zhora of the Tashkent part 1

the beauty 20.06.2019
the beauty

Since October 2016, the employees of the organized crime unit of the Department of Internal Affairs of the South Kazakhstan region have been actively developing a criminal group under the leadership of the "authority" of the criminal environment Rafael Bikbaev, who had previously been repeatedly convicted for drug trafficking.

The organized criminal group headed by Bikbaev was engaged in extortion and raiding in the territory of the South Kazakhstan region.

In March of this year, police officers identified the injured citizen South Korea, which in 2014 built a factory for the processing of raw materials and carried out entrepreneurial activities. Bikbaev's criminal group, through threats, extortion and blackmail, rewrote the factory to one of its members.

At the end of June, operational groups in Shymkent simultaneously detained nine members of the criminal group, who confessed and testified against Bikbaev on the fact of illegal seizure (raiding) of the factory of a Korean citizen.

Bikbaev's involvement in other crimes has also been established, such as repeated extortion with the use of violence and a group of persons, hooliganism committed by a criminal group.

Currently, the issue of extradition of Bikbaev to Kazakhstan is being resolved.

The general public heard about Rafael Bikbaev in 2005, after a high-profile special operation by the South Kazakhstan Department of Internal Affairs.

The details of the secret operation successfully carried out by operatives from two departments at once - internal affairs and the KNB of the region - were shared by the head of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Department of Internal Affairs of the South Kazakhstan region (in 2005) Saken Aitbekov:

“At the beginning of July 2005, we became aware that major regional showdowns of criminal authorities were planned in Shymkent. We checked the information, several sources confirmed it at once. Moreover, it turned out that local bandits invited authoritative thieves in law, representatives of the all-Union thieves' community, Zhora Tashkentsky and Ilyukha Kutaissky, to the gathering, ”Saken Aitbekov said.

Local authority Rafael Bikbaev, nicknamed Rafik, accused the two leaders criminal communities in the waste of public money. Allegedly, instead of the so-called “heating up” of the zone (organizing the transfer of food, drugs, alcohol and bringing prostitutes to the colony), they spent money on restaurants and casinos.

The thieves' gathering took place in July 2005 in the city of Shymkent. The authorities gathered in the Arasan-1 sauna on the outskirts of the city. But there was no time to resolve the differences that had arisen. The staff of the Committee became aware of their gathering national security Kazakhstan and the police. All participants of the meeting, thirteen crime bosses, were detained. But then only Sorokin was arrested, who was found in possession of heroin and a TT pistol. Other participants of the meeting did not find anything illegal and they were released.

“Until 2007, the criminal situation in the South Kazakhstan region was presented in the best possible way for local law enforcement agencies. Organized criminal activity was represented by two groups. Them " godfathers"were Rafael Bikbaev and Zhusupbek Bartekeev, nicknamed Yoska. Under their control were dozens of medium and small criminal authorities - in the common people of the "sixes". Classical centralized mafia system. Local security officials were the least worried about this development of events. Realizing their own powerlessness in the face of crime, primarily financial, they decided that Yoska and his “competitor colleague”, the only people capable of keeping crime under control, should not be touched,” wrote the abiyev.kz portal in 2012.

Turns are very bizarre. Russian history, and with them the fate of compatriots. Sometimes the flashes of the past flicker very far from Russia, for example, in ultra-modern Canada of the 21st century. In Ottawa lives a descendant of the Nekrasov Cossacks, contemporaries of the great Peter, participants in the uprising of the early 18th century led by Kondraty Bulavin, who fled from persecution to Turkey. Almost 300 years have passed since the ancestors of the rector of the Holy Intercession Church in the Canadian capital, mitred archpriest Father Dmitry Sever left their homeland. He himself visited Russia for the first time in his seventies - the line of his fate turned out to be too tortuous.

Receiving an ITAR-TASS correspondent in his cozy house in Ottawa's Woodroffe district, Father Dmitry said that he was born in the Nekrasov community in the village of Korogel in Turkey in 1933. His mother, the daughter of a priest, was a teacher of the Law of God, the Church Slavonic language, and church music. Father is an Orthodox parishioner, a worker.

By the way, the descendants of the contemporaries of the Battle of Poltava retained their citizenship Russian empire up until 1917. Under Ataturk, they became citizens of Turkey: then-born Dmitry Seleznev received his Turkish surname- North.

During the epidemic in the late 30s, all 8 brothers and sisters of Dmitry's father died, and he remained only child in family. Through the efforts of his mother, his future was determined. life path- Ministry of the Church.

In 1953-54, severe persecution of Christians took place in Turkey, and then the young man decided to leave this country and try to forget the Turkish language forever. By the way, until the end of this he did not succeed.

In the late 50s, he, together with his mother, Irina Gavrilovna Sever, moved to Germany, and his parents soon moved in with them. After graduating from locksmith courses and passing engineering training, Dmitry worked at the Krupps company, earned good money. "But," says Father Dmitry, "my parents missed everyday church life, they wanted to live among Russians." It was the time of Khrushchev's "thaw", when many "Nekrasovites" returned to their historical homeland. The Sever family also tried to do this, but at the Soviet embassy in Bonn they were given, to put it mildly, not a very cordial welcome, making it clear that they could only count on moving to virgin lands.

In the end, the choice was made on Canada, and for 40 years Father Dmitry has been living in the country maple leaf. He served as a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) in Montreal and then in Ottawa.

Here, in the Canadian capital, in order to somehow support the parish, the North opened a Bingo parlor. In 1970, he bought a small Protestant church, and - God gave him golden hands as well - with his own hands, together with his father, he repaired it.

However, the vigorous activity of Father Dmitry did not please Metropolitan Vitaly. The then First Hierarch of ROCOR, by the way, never had warm feelings for the USSR, and then for Russia, always acting as an opponent of the rapprochement of the Church Abroad with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Almost seventeen years ago in Ottawa, on the initiative of Archpriest Sever, and in fact with his money, the Holy Intercession Church was built. In 1999, the parish meeting supported its rector in his desire to join the Russian Orthodox Church. In September of the same year, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia signed a decree accepting the parish into the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church and appointing Dmitry Sever as its rector.

Father Dmitry was led by the idea of ​​unification Orthodox Church. From the very beginning of his life in Canada, this conviction was shared neither by Vladyka Vitaly nor by a number of the ROCOR Ottawa Church Committee. Detractors filed several lawsuits aimed at the return of the temple and operating under it. cultural center and schools, under the jurisdiction of ROCOR.

For several years now, the judicial machine has been making unhurried, creaking turns. Now, by a court decision, Father Dmitry is forbidden to serve in the church, and he has to rent premises that are completely unsuitable for this to fulfill his pastoral duty.

The priest and his parishioners filed retaliatory lawsuits in order to restore justice. They hope that the Canadian courts will eventually make an informed decision. Recently, the archpriest sent a letter asking for help and assistance to the Moscow Patriarchate.

The years go by. With heartache, but also hope, the elderly priest speaks of the temple taken from him and his flock. “Maybe there will be people in Russia who will help us?” said the descendant of the Don Cossacks.

A blond guy with radiant eyes and a charming smile in a short time managed to become the idol of millions of Russian girls. Having no musical education, he was the lead singer of a popular group and collected many awards. Dima Bikbaev went through a difficult path before becoming a famous actor and singer.

Academic years

Dmitry was born in Ussuriysk and until the age of 14 did not even think about leaving his native city. But as soon as he went to visit his older brother, he immediately decided to stay in Moscow. I had to live in a hostel at the Russian State Humanitarian University and share a room with my brother. This did not prevent him from graduating from school with a silver medal and entering GITIS. Four years later, he left the walls of the institute with a red diploma. But he was in no hurry to get into the theater. Having a good voice, Dima is thinking about a musical career.

"Star Factory"

Dima Bikbaev decided to go to the casting and try himself as a singer spontaneously. I saw an announcement about the recruitment of a new line-up and went to surprise Meladze with his talent. Konstantin appreciated the guy and accepted him into the ranks of the participants. Having a diploma from a theater institute, Dmitry was not embarrassed in front of the cameras and quickly acquired an army of fans.

Alive, mobile and incredibly hardworking, he was ready to rehearse for hours and bring his numbers to perfection. He happened to sing a duet with many stars who recognized him as a talented artist.

Step back and two forward

After the next concert, Dima Bikbaev gets into the nomination for departure and leaves the project a week later. This could have ended the singing career of a young artist, but the audience turned the tide of the game. The management was bombarded with letters asking him to return the talented young man to the show and give him the opportunity to open up. Meladze gives the guy a second chance, and Dmitry managed to justify his trust. The duet of Vlad Sokolovsky and Dima Bikbaev is becoming so popular that it rightfully takes third place. The song "Yours or Nobody", performed at the final concert, becomes a real hit.


At the end of the project, the producer takes the guys under his wing, and a new life begins for them. Hits follow one after another and break records in all charts. No one doubts that this couple will gather "Olympic", as their fan club is estimated at millions of fans. Love songs penetrate so deeply into young hearts that for two years the guys become the most popular artists on the Russian stage. At the same time, both carefully hide their personal lives, which gives fans a chance to take a place next to their idols.

Fire, water and copper pipes

Vlad from the first day on the project became a close friend of Dmitry. They were like two batteries - energy and youth carried a charge to everyone who touched their sparkling creativity.

In the biography of Dima Bikbaev, this man took his place. They went a long way together at the "Factory" and were able to become the best pop group in 2009. But they could not overcome the tests with copper pipes. After two years of working together, the team broke up. Vlad was the initiator. He decided that he was ripe for a solo project. There were no persuasions and disputes - the guys dispersed and went about their own business. However, until now, Dmitry cannot forgive a friend for the fact that this decision was made without his participation. He was put before the fact, and it was not the most pleasant moment in his life.


After the collapse of the BiS group, Dima Bikbaev immediately began to assemble his own team. He decided that from that moment on he would be his own producer and take over the leadership of the new team. In a short time, he gathers musicians and in two months presents his new project to the audience.

4POST plays rock music, which Dmitry dreamed about for so long, while he had to sing pop songs for little girls. New songs become hits. The next stage in creativity begins. In addition to concerts, the group records soundtracks for films and various programs. In 2012, the guys take part in the song selection, which should determine the performer from Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Personal life

Despite the popularity and close attention of the press, Dmitry managed to keep his relationship with the opposite sex secret. The only novel that received publicity was with the popular singer Victoria Daineko. Young people met at the "Factory", where they had a chance to perform in one room. They quickly found mutual language and after a couple of years they started dating. The novel was not hidden, and the artist even starred in a video with his beloved. True, he played a role there ex boyfriend and jealous. The fans, having found out about the changes in Dima Bikbaev's personal life, brought down all their anger on Victoria. They were not going to share their idol with the vociferous diva. However, the couple quickly broke up, as the restless fans predicted. coexistence two creative people rarely a successful union.


In 2010, Dmitry decides to start acting career, gets a job at the "Theater of the Moon" and after a few months puts on a play in which he plays leading role. For the first time he became a director, and his production was a great success with the audience. Critics praised Bikbaev for good musical accompaniment and beautifully performed dance parts. This success inspired young man, and he began to devote more time to the theater. There were many ideas and plans.


The film debut took place back in 2005, when Dmitry played a cameo role in Rublyovka Live. This was followed by several more series, including "Kadetstvo". At that time, he was still listed in the credits as Dmitry Berg. In 2012, the film "The Mistress of My Destiny" was released, where he got the role of the popular performer Roma. Dima Bikbaev has not yet played the main roles in films, but the actor is still very young and there are many interesting projects ahead.


2016 was a turning point in the artist's career. He updates his musical group with new members and gives it the name "Apostle". Dima Bikbaev explains these changes as a big step in the development of his creative way. The songs became more conscious, and the singer began to focus not on the broad masses, but on the true connoisseurs of his music. The performer himself says that this group is at a higher level than his previous projects. Clips Dmitry directs himself, each of them is a small film.

  • For many years, Bikbaev has been trying to quit smoking, but so far he has been losing the war to nicotine.
  • Favorite color is black.
  • Above all else in life, she values ​​friendship.
  • He still regrets that the connection with Vlad Sokolovsky was cut off.
  • He thinks it's better to have one good song and two fans than a bad one and millions of fans.
  • Dreams of change Russian show business own creativity.
  • Plans to make a film.
  • He was in love with a married woman and was very upset by the break in their relationship.

From his deathbed, a Kazakhstani who lived in Moscow Dato CHITRIKASHVILI(pictured), known in criminal circles as a thief in law, turned to the thieves' gathering of Russia with his last will: to bury him in the Almaty cemetery. As it turned out, having moved to Belokamennaya, Dato was chosen by his colleagues as “looking” at Central Asia, and in the late 90s, the crowned thief was the “shadow akim” of Almaty. Looking ahead, I will say that the funeral did not take place, although several influential businessmen tried to persuade the heads of law enforcement agencies not to oppose the last will of the thief in law and “turn a blind eye” to his magnificent farewell. However, the fighters against organized crime, through intermediaries, conveyed to the authorities: the funeral will be considered a criminal gathering, and everyone who comes to the cemetery will be tied up.

There are many legends about Dato Chitrikashvili, but there is little official information about him: even the UBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only knows that he came to Kazakhstan immediately after the collapse Soviet Union, having become, by decision of the thieves' gathering, "looking" in Almaty. Having settled in a mansion on the outskirts of the city, Dato immediately launched a stormy activity: he organized the so-called “warming up” in zones, often acted as an arbitrator in showdowns between criminal gangs. According to investigators, the thief in law was seen surrounded by some well-known businessmen. There was talk that a lot of money came from them to the thieves' common fund, "watching" for which Dato was. But several businessmen interrogated about this did not confirm these rumors, evasively stating that they had transferred money to charity ...

In early 2000, Chitrikashvili went to live in Moscow, but often appeared in Almaty. And when the thief in law died, the Russian gathering instructed the Almaty authorities to organize the funeral of Dato.
“We expected that walkers from among the merchants sponsoring criminals would come to us,” an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told the Vremya newspaper on condition of complete anonymity. - They began to ask our leadership not to interfere with the organization of the funeral, but we could not allow the gathering of criminals ...
According to operatives, the criminal authorities decided not to take risks and buried Dato in Moscow. Later, a criminal authority became his successor in Almaty Abdurashit NASYROV, better known in certain circles as Abram. At the beginning of December last year, he was detained on suspicion of possession of drugs (see “”, “Vremya” dated December 2, 2008). To justify his new criminal status, Abram established contacts with Russian thieves in law and began to continue Dato's activities. According to the Department for Organized Crime Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, part of the proceeds from the drug and weapons trade, car theft, burglaries and other areas of criminal business began to flow into the city common fund. Even some legal entertainment establishments preferred to regularly “check in” with Abram. The police say that Abram got burned on the fact that in recent times I was too carried away by holding gatherings of Russian and Georgian thieves in law in Almaty. It was the envoys of sunny Georgia who, with the tacit consent of Nasyrov, began to dictate their conditions to the Kazakh criminals. Two Georgian guest performers - Bino and Zurab - were arrested by our security forces on September 27, 2007 in Almaty. Later, both were convicted (see “ ”, “Vremya” dated 2. 10. 2007).

Abdurashit Nasyrov is really a criminal authority, - says the head of the Organized Crime Control Department of the Department of Internal Affairs of Almaty Valery KOZLOV. - In criminal circles, he is considered the holder of the Almaty obshchak and concurrently - "looking" in Almaty. Although Abram is now sitting in a pre-trial detention center awaiting a court verdict, he still has connections in the criminal world. Nevertheless, there are no criminal communities that have merged with state structures in Almaty today. There are young strong guys from distant villages who come to the metropolis in pursuit of easy money: they put one on the “counter”, the other is robbed at the exchange office. But these are not organized bandits. Once in the zone, they adopt thieves' traditions and, after being released, they try to put together their own brigade in order to take control of the wholesale market or gas station. Such people do not stay long in the wild: having committed another crime, they leave by stage.
According to Colonel Kozlov, today only three organized crime groups remain registered with the Organized Crime Control Department, but there are no representatives of them in the city.

Since the beginning of the year, 39 leaders of various groups and one criminal authority nicknamed Kurka have been detained, continues Valery Kozlov. - Information about this through the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs got into the media. Criminals carefully read newspapers and watch the news, especially the crime chronicle. They know perfectly well that they will go to jail as soon as they try to “load” a businessman or organize a gathering to redistribute spheres of influence to shadow business. Therefore, many preferred to leave for more peaceful regions of the country. After the arrest of Abram, a criminal authority from Shymkent, Rafael BIKBAEV, better known by the nickname Rafik, tried to become a “watcher” in Almaty. But he was arrested for illegal drug possession...

Valery Vitalievich, you say that there is no organized crime in the city. However, according to our information, the criminal authorities are making a lot of efforts to arrange their people in law enforcement agencies, including your administration.
- Any bandit wants to know what military operations are being developed against him. Therefore, according to the principle of community or kinship relations, they go to existing employees and try to make “moles” out of them. But we immediately stop these attempts. Any operative from the police department who wants to transfer to the Organized Crime Control Department undergoes the most thorough check, and if even the slightest connection of a candidate with criminals is revealed, he will not work with us.
- But can't criminal authorities come to an agreement with your own subordinates, offering, for example, a good increase to the opera's modest salary or fitting him a good foreign car?
- An ordinary operative does not always have the information necessary for criminals, and he will not be able to help the bandits with all his desire. Well, random people are not appointed heads of departments and departments of the Department of Internal Affairs ...

Tokhniyaz KUCHUKOV, photo courtesy of UBOP DIA, Almaty


He did not come to the attention of Russian policemen by chance, but after their Kazakhstani colleagues put him on the interstate wanted list on August 2. What was possible thanks to the testimony of previously detained associates of the crime boss.

The boss was contacted after the arrest of subordinates

The official report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named the main reason why Bikbaev was handcuffed: “Since October 2016, the employees of the organized crime unit of the Department of Internal Affairs of the South Kazakhstan region have been actively developing a criminal group under the leadership of the authority of the criminal environment Rafael Bikbaev, who had previously been repeatedly convicted of drug trafficking. The organized crime group headed by Bikbaev was engaged in extortion and raiding in the territory of the South Kazakhstan region”.

In mid-March 2017, operatives from the Organized Crime Department (UBOP) of the Department of Internal Affairs of the South Kazakhstan region identified the victim. It turned out to be a foreigner, a citizen of South Korea, and also an investor.

In 2014, he built a factory in South Kazakhstan and began processing local raw materials. When the enterprise gained enough momentum, some citizens paid a visit to the successful foreigner. Right from the doorstep they presented the owner with an ultimatum: it was yours, it will be ours! And with bright strokes they painted the sad future that awaits the merchant in case of refusal. According to the investigation, the entrepreneur was forced to re-register the enterprise to one of the uninvited guests. The question is, how exactly did the opera come to Bikbaev? So, having identified the victim, the police accepted his statement about the raider seizure of the factory, and, judging by official information, after the arrest, nine suspects did not remain silent as partisans. So, the UBOP officers found out the name of their boss. It should be noted that there are two large organized crime groups in the South Kazakhstan region. One of them is commanded by Rafik Chimkentsky.

A few facts from an authoritative biography

Who is he - Rafik Chimkentsky? And why does the media write about him as if he had just appeared in the criminal firmament? At least it's weird.

Rafael Bikbaev is a well-known criminal authority, whom they even wanted to crown as a thief in law, the leader of an organized criminal group, who has close ties with representatives of the criminal-criminal environment of the Russian Federation and other CIS republics. He has been convicted many times. Here are just a few facts from his rich biography.

On February 8, 2005, operatives of the Organized Crime Control Department, with the support of SOBR fighters of the South Kazakhstan Department of Internal Affairs, detained the authority in his own house in the village of Abay. With him, a Makarov pistol with six rounds of ammunition was allegedly found in the magazine, and more than a kilogram of heroin was found in the trunk of an Audi A8 car. Another 7 grams of the same drug was found in the detainee's pocket. But Bikbaev, of course, did not plead guilty, but stated that all these prohibited items and substances did not belong to him. And at that time, the investigation could not prove the guilt of the suspect. Therefore, after some time he was released from custody.

Immediately after his release, he made claims to two crime bosses. Allegedly, they poorly “warmed up” the zones - they were not transferred to places of deprivation of liberty from the common fund Money, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and food.

But since all three authorities, according to the criminal alignment, were in the same rank, a well-known thief in law in the CIS was invited to resolve the conflict,. He arrived. But the dispute could not be resolved, since the mood of the participants of the gathering, which took place on July 8, 2005 in the Arasan-1 sauna in Shymkent, was spoiled by the KNB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They detained all 13 authorities. Later, 12 had to be released, as there was nothing to show them. Only Zhora Tashkentsky was arrested, in whose pocket the opera found some heroin and a TT pistol. Before this gathering, Bikbaev also had some disagreements with the well-known Kazakh thief in law Serik Golova.

September 15, 2008 - new detention. Bikbaev, together with his acquaintance, went to Shymkent in a Mercedes S 600, but police officers tried to stop him at the Kyzyltu checkpoint in the Kazygurt district of the South Kazakhstan region. Trying to get away, he turned the car around and hit one of them. During the chase, his Mercedes went into a ditch and overturned. The authority and his passenger, who received various injuries, were detained and hospitalized. Heroin was found in one of them's purse. Although Bikbaev claimed that the drugs were not his, the court sentenced the authority to 8 years of strict regime. First, he served time in the institution-156/15 of the city of Semey, and then he was transferred to the institution ETs-166/18 of the city of Stepnogorsk.

After his release, Rafik Chimkentsky left Kazakhstan and went to Russia. However, he did not leave his affairs unattended. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he tried to organize a steady supply of Afghan heroin to the Russian Federation. Which is not surprising, since he used to be one of the main curators of transnational drug trafficking. The issue is currently being resolved.

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