I'm a guy and I want a guy what to do. What if I'm a guy and I want a guy

diets 01.07.2020

Good day. Maybe my question is inappropriate, but still worth a try. I am a guy and fell in love with a guy (named Yura). Although everything is fine with girls, but when I was a little younger, for me it was some kind of entertainment, and I didn’t take relationships with a guy seriously. But somehow I met a guy younger than me, he is very nice to me, and I didn’t notice it myself, as we had already been together for two months. And then I thought, what future awaits me, what will I do next. He is a guy, and so am I, what will I tell my parents, what kind of family will my children have? I broke up with him and tried not to remember, not to think, to completely forget the person. But somehow I decided to write, feelings aroused, and the person does not even want to hear me. I found myself a girlfriend (Julia), everything seems to be fine, we are together, but there is a “but”, I can’t tell her that I miss her, that I love her, that I feel good with her. Because I think about him and while my girlfriend is at home, I'm at work, I establish communication with him and I want to return the relationship. It seems that everything has been decided, but indecision comes again. Yes, I understand that I need to understand myself, I need to be alone with myself and firmly decide what is more important for me. But how many times I did it, somehow it was all in vain, I still think about Yura. Or do I just not want to forget it?

Artem, Minsk, 21 years old

Family Psychologist Answer:

Hello Artem.

He is a guy, and so am I, what will I tell my parents, what kind of family will my children have?

Artem, do you need to start a family and children right now? Hardly. And then, family, children - all this is possible in very different ways. But to begin with, you will still have to solve a much more global question: for whom do you want to live, for your parents, society, or, after all, for yourself? If the first, then with a high probability you will live a life that suits others, but at the same time you yourself will not live your own life. What is it like to live someone else's life, will you feel good in life just because your parents are happy - this big question. Can you live only with the praise of your parents and others (who, in general, don’t really care about your life)? After all, this is still a rather childish position: it seems that if parents and relatives approve, then everything is fine and right. However, over time, a moment comes in everyone's life when he understands: no, only the approval of loved ones is not enough for happiness. It is also very important to have your own, something that, perhaps, is not at all similar to parental expectations, but at the same time you need it, because you are a person who is different from your parents and may have other values, other guidelines .... Yes, and then, orientation is not something about which you can make a choice like this simply and easily.

Yes, I understand that I need to understand myself, I need to be alone with myself and firmly decide what is more important for me.

If you are, for example, a pronounced bisexual, you cannot simply decide this by willpower. You will probably have to spend time finding out who and for what reason is really suitable for you for a long-term partnership - men or women, and for this you need to communicate with both, do not forbid yourself from relationships. It turns out this is sometimes more than one year. In my practice, there were examples when a man, trying to "be good" and meet the expectations of others, got married and even had children, and then .... Then he realized that men were more suitable for him. Is it necessary to talk about how difficult it was in this case to sort things out with the family later? After all, you are still young, and you are not obliged to make any promises to anyone and make plans for many years to come and generally rush into this choice. Yes, and to do it consciously, I repeat, is impossible. One can only observe oneself and try to separate the true desires in oneself from what was imposed by someone, from illusions, fantasies, etc. And this process is not the case when it is worth rushing and making hasty decisions, both in one direction and the other. If you want to know about the nuances of the formation of orientation - on both of my sites (link here to Cleo in the profile) there is an article "Types of sexual orientation and its formation." Read, think. Perhaps you will understand better why everything is so and why these clarifications take time.

Sincerely, Nesvitsky Anton Mikhailovich.

I have such a story… I am now 21. From the age of 16, I realized that I like guys… Of course, I also had relationships with girls, but this happened after I broke up with my beloved girlfriend. I loved her very much, but still she betrayed me and cheated on me, and she herself told me about it ... After that, I could not meet with anyone and completely lost interest in girls. In terms of sex, they also ceased to suit me ... I have a friend, a guy whom I love and I don’t know what to do with it? All the time when we spend together my feelings for him more and more. Especially when he spends the night with me, I want to somehow have sex with him ... But I can’t even put it all in my head ... I’m also afraid of losing him as a friend, I’m afraid that he will reject me and won’t understand ... What to do in such a situation, Tell me please?

July 21, 2012 at 22:08

I don't even know what to advise you. Do you want to be gay? Do you really want it? It’s better to consult a doctor, maybe something has gone wrong in your head against the background of the breakup.

August 2, 2012 at 03:33 pm

Hello, I have almost the same situation, I'm 32 and I never thought that I would start liking guys. A young guy got a job at our place, I'm just crazy about him, but he doesn't look at me the way I look at him. Well, I don’t even know how to even give a hint, I think I’ll try to make friends with him closer and there we can have some beer, but in your case, if he even spends the night with you, it’s already easier. Try it to a drunken tune, it is desirable that he drank more than you, put you in bed while he sleeps, you will at least have the opportunity to hug and kiss him, and in the morning tell him they said they went over yesterday and well, what did you pester me, hugged, said that I love and even kissed him on the cheek, well, you'll see how he reacts to this, and then you'll figure it out.

September 14, 2012 at 19:34

Yes, I understand you both, we have the same young guy working, whom I am crazy in love with and it's scary. I have a family, and you know, I'm chasing my colleague. I also want some kind of relationship. I love him very much, but he probably doesn’t have me because he’s straight, but I’ve never seen his girls. But most likely he is natural. Today we walked together, and he drove with a company of girls and most likely he will sleep with them or just take a walk, and I just left and it seems to me that he is happy about it. Therefore, we must pray in our hearts to at least somehow fall out of love with such guys and love our wife and children more. And so in life this guy is a very good colleague, because he respects women very much, and I sometimes hate them, they attract all the attention to themselves.

October 9, 2012 at 04:19 pm

Hello everyone! I also have the same situation, I like my friend, you can even say that I like him very much ... And I don’t know how to tell him that I can’t live without him ... When I’m with him, the world stops for me , and I would look at him for hours, but I can’t tell him everything that I feel ... I don’t want to tell him and our friendship will probably end ... I don’t want this because I can’t just live without him .. Thanks to him I live and for the first time I learned what a feeling like jealousy is ... So guys I can’t advise you anything, because I myself don’t know what to do .... Please excuse me if I said something wrong ...

January 8, 2013 at 22:01

Here I am 16 I love my friend who can be described as coming from the past since we did not communicate with him

Moreover, love is always conditioned by the fact that the efforts of both people in a couple are applied to it, otherwise (if everything goes by itself) this love will not last more than 3 years.

Rather, you all may simply have a neurosis caused by the fact that the realization of heterosexual intimacy is blocked by psychological reasons (Wikipedia).

Also think about why you need it. If love violates your "plans" for life, then imagine that you do not have a friend, now find the points of support on which you can bear the burden of what connects you with your friend, remember this and return to reality again. You no longer have to experience
such a strong attachment exclusively to this person (i.e. you should feel better).

May 23, 2013 at 05:31 pm

need to shake the balls

June 20, 2013 at 23:19

Hello! I have such a problem ... I am also in love with my friend, I have been friends with him for more than 9 years. But I can't tell him that I like him because I don't know if he's gay or straight. Sometimes he stays with me at night, we go to the cinema together, yesterday we went camping together, went skinny dipping, slept in the same tent, and all this time I was attracted to him. I so wanted to say that I love him, hug him, feel his unique, pleasant smell, but I don’t want to lose such a wonderful friend who supports me, helps me in my problems.
Please tell me what to do?
Thanks in advance!

June 24, 2013 at 23:20

kapets…. what, everyone is like that.

July 24, 2013 at 15:14

Hello guys, here you all write, I would get drunk (((whether ba hooked up.
Here I had a story, I’m straight, I had a friend who fell in love with me, I refused once twice, as a result, this eccentric cut his veins, now he’s in the hospital, of course I visit him, but what should I do now to sleep with him, I’m not eager ... I’m alone the thought of this is disgusting ... But I perceive him as a friend.
I just don’t understand one thing, well, if you are gay, why flatter us heterosexuals, why the hell do you need to spoil our lives.

July 27, 2013 at 22:11

July 31, 2013 at 20:35

yes it's hard. when you love and there's nothing to be done, it's somewhere inside you, like a magnet on iron. I hugged my friend by the waist and put my other hand on his tummy, and he put his on my shoulder. Is he gay or just like that? So we went home, he saw me off at night.

August 3, 2013 at 04:02 pm

Aaaaaaaa what a delight! While I was reading everything, my nose almost bled! An overabundance of favors! *-* gays are so cute .. I would advise you boys to take it and confess everything! What if your friends also secretly feel the same way? But they are afraid to admit it .. And if not, I think they won’t leave you anyway)

August 4, 2013 at 11:58

August 13, 2013 at 21:40

Hi all! I love my friend too. We became friends at work and rent an apartment together, he was married. With his friends he goes to the girls. He is trying to find a girl, and hides all this from me (but everything is obvious) I love him to the point of madness, I forgive him everything. And he considers me just a brother. And we oust relations, bring each other on, yell at mats. I tell him that I love him, but he thinks that in a friendly way. I ask if I need to leave his life, he says no. He says that I am good, that it is comfortable with me. Soon he will move in with his parents. And I feel bad! I suffer, it hurts, I'm used to it. I want to live with him for the rest of my life. I don't even know what to do.

August 25, 2013 at 01:36

Hello everyone!) I also like one of my friends, we have known each other for almost a year. I try to communicate more and spend time together. I just feel good and pleasant in my soul when he is near, sometimes I want to hug him, take his hand. Every day I think about him and I am very jealous of everyone. But alas, I can’t speak directly about my feelings, I’m afraid that I’ll just lose a good person ...

August 26, 2013 at 10:38

oh no ... and so normal guys can be counted on the fingers, so let's start dating each other again :) Guys, don't try to take the guys away from us! Leave them to us please! ;)

September 18, 2013 at 23:55

September 27, 2013 at 22:39

Bliiiiin :) my God, how cute you are) I couldn’t even imagine this)) you all have problem situations, but in general they are similar, in fact, if a friend is really good, kind, always supports, then he will hardly understand will reject you, because it is not your fault! and if he rejects, then later he himself will realize that he did it in vain, the main thing is not to be afraid of your feelings, but you won’t be able to hide them for a long time either, in the end, you have to take the first step, albeit difficult, because it's better to do and regret than to regret what you never could do!))) good luck to you all!:***

September 30, 2013 at 04:16 pm

You are all just blue homosexuals. What are you? How can you feel the sexual feelings of a guy for a guy. I also love a friend, but these are completely different things. Loving a friend as a friend is okay, but being sexually attracted is disgusting.

October 7, 2013 at 05:38 pm

Hello dear, I'm 23, I'm not gay, I'm a psychologist, the state in which you are is not a disease, but not the norm ... I want to tell you the bad news, because no one can help you (this is how our world works - the guy is not how can you not fall in love with a guy), if there is, it's only you. now in our time it is your choice, to be gay and declare war on the whole world, or to be an ordinary straight man ... or maybe in the future it will be considered normal and they won’t torment you, but what can I wish you one thing - strong patience.

PS: I know that you are the same ordinary people like everyone else, and you also have all those feelings that others have.

Psychologist Armen Stepanyan

October 22, 2013 at 17:42

Armen, kill yourself against the wall, you are not a psychologist at all, you are just an uneducated chock, since you are carrying such anti-scientific heresy! A guy to love a guy and a girl to love a girl is the norm. This is quite common even in nature, and even among people ... You are a troll, I really hope so, otherwise such pseudo-psychologists should be driven away with filthy brooms, pissed rags, and hot stumps.
Guys don't fight yourself, don't blame yourself, accept yourself for who you are and live your life according to that.
Natualka without any show-off.

November 28, 2013 at 13:20

A person is born bi-sex su alom and throughout his life while growing up to a teenager is brought up in the atmosphere that parents want to see. I didn’t have a father from birth, I was raised by aunts, then school, since aunts raised me, I grabbed from them everything that my childish brain could. At school, because of the lack of male upbringing, I was not friends with the boys. In the end, who do you think I am? right, GAY.
I thought a military school would help me get rid of it, as a result I am a military officer and now I have been suffering all my life because I want a boyfriend, women do not interest me and I have not tried with them and I’m unlikely to try. There is only one conclusion, it all depends on the bookmark and attention in childhood, such desires themselves do not come

November 30, 2013 at 11:20 am

You just discovered a new feeling in yourself, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. You should even be glad that you have such a wide choice / around so many beautiful and single guys and girls. Use this, find out for yourself whether you really like guys, of course it would be nice with your lover, but not necessarily.
Life is one, do not miss a single opportunity to become happier than you are.

December 10, 2013 at 16:22

December 13, 2013 at 12:26 pm

I will not name a problem, but also this garbage. I study at the lyceum, get a profession - I have to travel to another city every day.
At first, I began to notice him at the bus stop. Nothing special. Inconspicuous, it is clear that he is not much older than me. You look into his eyes, and he looks at you. It feels like he wants to tell me something, but is silent. I'm not gay and I'm not much disgusted. He's definitely natural. But as soon as I'm at school, I always look for him on the floors and in the smoking room. Just to see him. Something becomes easier. But a moment later, a feeling of disgust that I am gay and a feeling of love struggle in me. this crazy love for a guy.
I don't know... I just want to hug him tightly. and the fear of it all

December 17, 2013 at 03:03

I have such a story. I fell in love with my friend, then moved to him, generally lived with him. And then he comes up to me and hugs me from behind. So a couple of times he came up and persuaded me to lie down with him. Actually lay down. And it was great at night. He in different poses me, yes so long.

January 11, 2014 at 01:50

I didn't read the reviews, but in my opinion: run, run boy from this place. the new one will be better. If you're not gay, don't ruin your life. It is very difficult. It's good if a friend reciprocates!, and if not! Write down how you did it. But in my opinion, it is best to change the whole environment-place, or it will be an escape ... If you are attracted to girls, you will find it! Well, if to the guys - then a friend. That's why he's a friend!

February 13, 2014 at 06:34

Just be more secluded. Get over and endure the breakup with your girlfriend. Get to know the end of the other, with whom you will forget about the one that cheated on you. And do not take what is written above as advice. Time will pass and the wounds from the first love will heal. And the fact that you blindly fell in love with your friend is stupid. So better take a friend. Friends are worth their weight in gold these days. And don't show your feelings. Time will pass and everything will pass.

February 20, 2014 at 23:08

I am 17. A new boy has come to our class. Well, we joked with friends that I like him, it was just stupid, empty jokes. But now I understand that I LOVE HIM. I do not know what to do. I don't want to be gay and if he finds out he will laugh at me....

March 16, 2014 at 04:11

Yeah ... I read all this, looked at myself from the side and wanted to die quietly in the corner ...
I have experienced this, I know that it is all painful and unpleasant. I can say one thing - when I finished studying, I decided it would be easier (you don’t need to mow school so as not to see the same one ... but ... the same thing happened at work ... Result: I quit my job (I gave 6 years to the company), in a week I’m flying to Spain with a friend , and don’t care about money, work, and so on ... I don’t want to see anyone, hear, think a hundred times a day how and what my friend does, shed a mean tear when I drink too much, graze him on social networks and generally live only for him ...
I just know - I'm running away from myself and only ...
In general, I miss the times when guys are friendship, girls are love ...
I apologize for the monologue, there is no one to tell everything to the end ... The friend with whom we are flying likes it too ...
That's such a tin... And it will only get worse...
I found one cure for this, only it is slowly destroying me ...

March 16, 2014 at 21:23

What if a guy loves his boyfriend?
I have such a story… I am now 21. From the age of 16, I realized that I like guys… Of course, I also had relationships with girls, but this happened after I broke up with my beloved girlfriend. I am her

I'm a guy, I want a guy

Good day to all! I'm 19 years old. Actually, I have already named my problem and voiced it! I'm a guy and I want a guy. BUT! As a friend! I'm not going to have sex with him, because I think it's nasty between guys, especially if it's my friend, then even more so! I want to pat his hair, hug him, maybe kiss him somewhere.

I am not satisfied with this superficial communication that I have with others now. Talking about the weather, empty questions, the same answers to them, like: “How are you? - All is good." I do not like it. I do not feel the fullness of life, sometimes it seems to me that I do not live at all, but just like that, I roll by inertia. There is no one to speak out, no one to tell about their problems, sometimes you even want to cry, but there is no such friend nearby.

By the way, I don't have girls either. Since I have not made a single friend in my entire life, therefore a friend is more important for me now, and then I will look for a girl when someone is already around. I want to hug him, feel his strong shoulder, hear a kind word. I know that what I write here will be perceived by you as a mockery, but I don't care. I don't see you, you see me. Someone will think that I'm gay. God forbid!

Although his life turned out in such a way that there were no real reasons for joy, they were always overshadowed by a shadow of sadness. My father left us, and in fact, he did not care for me at all. I really need a friend. Sometimes I watched gay porn, but every time I finished it, I was terribly disgusted by it. I find my viewing that I need a real friend. If I had close person male, alive, with whom you can meet, chat, then I would have abandoned all this crap.

Actually, I don't know. Life is empty I see no reason to live on. It seems that I communicate with people, but they are all just acquaintances, comrades. And there is no friend. And so I want love, warmth. And at first it was from Him, and not from Her. I don't even know anymore. If it wasn't for my mom, I would just committed suicide and so I feel sorry for her. I'm just dying from loneliness, from live communication, there is no intimacy, no one will understand you ... that ... the meaning of all this?

Why am I writing all this?

And what is so not good then? He retired, well, okay. Perhaps it’s stupid to look for these souls here.

Why stupid? I think it would not be stupid to talk to me

Well, if you think - let's try to chat. What is your box?)

God ... how can I understand you ... I even seem to know why you have it .. this problem is close to me

Uh-huh, bisexuals do not exist, and those who have been researching this topic have not understood anything. You made a discovery: there is only hetero and homo. Bravo, I bow to you

Dear, back in Ancient Egypt recognized gays. And besides, I don't consider myself gay.
But what about Ancient Egypt:

The worldview of the ancient Egyptians was no less sophisticated than that of the Indians. The inhabitants of Ta-Kemet divided all people not only into two polar sexes, but also into 64 sexes, polar and completely independent of each other. Today it is believed that this 64-hollow matrix is ​​based on the structure of the DNA molecule. The Egyptians also considered 4 main types of "sexual orientation": male, female, bisexual and neutral. These types are divided by poles. Male pole: masculine heterosexual and masculine homosexual. Female heterosexual and female homosexual. Bisexual pole: male body and female body. Neutral: a neutral male body and a neutral female body. It turns out 8 primary sexual samples. Thus, the Egyptians viewed man not only as one single body - they perceived each person as eight different personalities.

The personality of a person is formed by the upbringing of parents. In this case the guy grew up without a father - of course it's hard for him to find mutual language both with their own sex and with the opposite. There is no model of behavior laid down by the father. There are homosexual inclinations, but they psychological kind, not physiological, so they will pass. Most likely, the guy is looking for a friend, a mentor, from whom he will gain experience in communication, behavior. When growing up, any person needs love and encouragement from the older generation, from peers. a friend who would replace him. Many teenagers have gone through this. You are physically healthy, but mentally not very good. Tell me, would you like to meet a girl? What kind of appearance do you imagine her to be? Would you like to kiss her?

Yes, I would not mind meeting a girl.
If this is still relevant, write to me: [email protected] For me, this is relevant.

I understand you friend! I have a similar situation, I have many friends, and best friend one. I always have fun with him, I can talk absolutely on any topic, he is the only one who knows how to get me out of a stressful state, depression, a cheerful, positive friend, with whom I really enjoy life (don't think vulgarly) ... in the sense that he is always with him cheerful and so funny, and his laughter is so contagious that even if the joke is not funny, you will involuntarily laugh all the same. Everything is fine with my family, with the girls, but with a friend if I don’t see each other for more than 3 days ... I start to get bored kapets .... I miss it as a friend, no intimate thoughts arose, even such thoughts with him are disgusting to me.

I wish I had such a friend ... like you))) To miss me just the same ...

Hope you already met. =)

hello german,
how are you doing?

I also have the same problem ... I'm already 29, and I still don't know what friendship is, but most likely the fact that there are no friends is all about us, maybe we are just idealists and demand too much from this imperfect world and imperfect people? I would really like a friend who can be trusted with everything, but I'm afraid that this probably does not exist (

Vladimir, are you from Moscow?

Unfortunately, no, I live in Stavropol, but I will not refuse correspondence) Yes, and if it suits you to communicate with a person who is 29 years old, I can leave the box or leave it).

Unfortunately not, I live in Stavropol, but I would not refuse pen pals if it suits you. I'm 29, if you want, I can write a box, or you write)

As a person who is 26 years old, it suits me))
[email protected]

It's amazing that I came across this site. I see no one has commented for a long time. I am also very concerned about the topic of friendship, sincere and very close. I'm very glad, it turns out I'm not alone in this. If anyone is interested please reply.

Hello) Yes, not so long ago, but still) Tell us about yourself, how old are you, what are your hobbies?)

Hello. Are you that Vladimir from Stavropol? I am from the Voronezh region, I am 26 years old. Interested in esotericism foreign languages, well… and I like to think about different things.

Oh, how interesting) I also like to think) in general, I like to talk about a lot of things))) In esotericism, I am also quite well-read)

What esoteric reading did you read?

Hello, Yes, I'm interested

Mostly Papus, a bit of Blavatsky, the Tree of Life, Kabbalah, the author is also Papus, the original Kabbalah (with a Jewish text, of course with Russian explanations). Yes, in general, it’s a long time to list, there were a lot of books, from modern Brennon, W. Hewitt.

Serious works, and I read C. Leadbeater, R. Garifzyanov and L. Panova. My favorite series of books is L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova. I am currently reading a book by these authors, The Laws of the Universe.

Andrei, let me ask you a question, does the word Otto remind you of anything?

Absolutely nothing. Why this question? Messages are sent for a very long time, you have to wait. I think that's enough for today.

Yes, I just knew one guy from the Voronezh region, with a similar age, name and hobbies. Ok, write if anything, I'll be glad to talk)

Do you want to chat by mail? I can provide the address, or you specify.

Let's talk) write a box)

Guy, before it's too late - go to a psychiatrist. There are no non-gays who want to kiss other men.

Anything can happen in life, I personally knew a man who loved only girls, he has a wife, but at the same time he could kiss a friend in a fit of feelings. And as for the psychiatrist, here he will not help in any way, if a person is gay, this is not treated, because this is not a disease at all - this is a natural alternative that is found in many insects, mammals and birds. If everything in this world were as simple as most people think ... This is not some kind of whim dictated by the desire to be with guys, just think for yourself: what kind of person in their right mind, if they can love girls, will specifically date guys in order to at the same time, he was rotten in society, humiliated, considered a subhuman, spat on him ... and all this for the sake of an idiotic whim to be different from everyone else? Here the dog is buried much deeper than just a stupid desire “let me love guys” ...

Greetings. Vladimir, everything said to the very point.

You know, I'll tell you so. Here… love and Love are different things! The love of the soul for the soul - this is genuine, Christian love, this is the brotherhood of souls, when a person loves a person like a brother. And completely different - lust and passion, which people sometimes call "love." The latter is not love, but the latter is capable of destroying many things.

Yes, it turns out I'm not the only one! There's a whole guild here. I always thought it was normal to miss a friend. If you enjoy being with someone, that's fine! True, I also failed to find real friends by the age of 23. And the soul asks!

You have been brainwashed with church morality, who then is a person, if not an animal? Man is a reasonable animal, but an animal, he also pees, sorry and poops) And about the American, again hooked on propaganda? Do you think ordinary Americans dream of destroying Russia? Do you think they care about certain countries at all? Yes, they wanted to shit on everything, as long as everything was fine at their house. Cognitive dissonances will be picked up ... The aggressor is the American government, by the way, like the Russian one, but not the American people, which should be distinguished. The simple American people do not wish harm to anyone, it's only cattle, that the Russians, that the Americans give the enemy to whom you can push sins. No need to label people and generalize. And yet I am waiting for an answer to the question, if a person is not an animal, then ... who?

Come on, blame it on the gays! It's only them, probably to blame for all the mess that's going on in the world ... and of course the Americans: D and you are all white and fluffy ...

Why are you nervous?) Logical arguments are running out? And why are we demagogy here: “If I was brainwashed with gay propaganda, then you need a church!!”? Ay-ay-ay 🙂
If you READ my comments, then you will not find ACCUSATIONS against "gays". ACCUSATIONS against HOMOSEXUALISM - yes, but not the "gays" themselves. But let's not write with a touch of tolerance :)).
Just understand that you are wrong. Man is a descendant of animals only in the PHYSIOLOGICAL sense, and his mind, his "inventions" in the form of morality, honor, LOVE, etc. - truly human traits, which NEVER include the occurrence of homosexuality in nature among swans. As history proves, there are good directions and there are bad ones and homosexuality is not good - it cripples and kills souls and bodies. Everything that your thinking has built regarding these issues is destructive ANTI-HUMAN nonsense.

At least. I repeat once again that it’s stupid to waste your time on a staunch gay, so this is not a video for you, but how would I express the fact that I’m laughing at you uncontrollably. Good to you :))

In nature, homosexuality is not only as dominance, read articles about black swans. Such pairs just drive away the real parents of the eggs and raise them themselves, and the survival rate increases from such upbringing and protection of two males.

It seems to me that a conversation about hemosexuality can be carried on endlessly, like a conversation about God. And everyone will have their own truth. The only sad thing is that most people want to get into someone else's life and really don't like it when someone lives differently.
Hermann! If you're interested, I'm not averse to finding a friend, you can write to me at tengonewadress(dog)mail.ru, I'll talk again.

Honestly, I deleted my box a long time ago. To avoid the temptation to look here. I just remembered his address, besides, the topic was created by me, so the site "remembered" me. Tell me from some city you are, and perhaps I will not create a new box ...

I'm afraid we have different cities. I am from Kursk, although it seems to me that this is not a hindrance to communication at all. Well, you can create a temporary mailbox if you're afraid of spam.

Ideally, relations between a man and a woman are formed on the initiative of the strong half. But sometimes women simply do not have the patience to wait for the cherished "I love you" or "Marry me."

In this case, the temptation is great to take everything into your own hands and begin to actively accelerate events. More often than not, this behavior leads to failure. Therefore, you should definitely think about how to explain to a man that I want to be with him, but at the same time not scare him away with your perseverance.

Play the Snow Queen

If your relationship has already existed for more than six months, you feel good together, but the guy still does not want to take a decisive step, you can speed up the approach of the offer by becoming cold to him for a while. Disappear from his life, "left on a business trip" or "ill". You can also show that while you are a free girl, you remain the object of increased interest from other guys. You don't have to go on dates with them, but you can demand that he not be jealous if young people call you or invite you for a cup of coffee. This may spur him to legitimize your relationship so that only he can manage such a treasure. And the thought: “I want to be with a man” will cease to torment you.

You won't be forced to be nice

If you know that a man is categorically against serious relationship, at least at this stage, it is useless to try to convey to him that you want to be with him. After all, over time, even if you start dating or getting married, he will feel relative freedom from you, believing that he didn’t drag you on the lasso, which means he didn’t force you to marry such a womanizer like him.

If a man is ready to connect his life with his beloved woman, you don’t have to come up with any pretexts to drag him to the wedding palace. But excessive pressure on your part can deprive him of the pleasure of courting you, he will lose hunting interest, or maybe even run away. Therefore, forget all your attempts to directly confess your love to him, and act gradually, presenting everything in such a way that he conquers you, and not vice versa. As for sex, you shouldn't have it until he gets married.

Everything has its time

Agree that it’s stupid after a week of dating to announce that you can’t live without him. It takes quite a long period to understand how you feel about each other. For some it takes months, for others it takes years. Every couple has their own relationship dynamics. Why run ahead of the horse? Enjoy candy-bouquet period, then all this romance can evaporate.

Flirt with the man you like

If you are still not together - he does not notice you or treats you like a friend, it's time to turn on the female charm and tricks. Find an excuse to have lunch with him, and he should offer it to you. Conduct reconnaissance in combat. Say that you want to dine at a cafe, but don't know where is better. If a guy is ready to communicate, he will gladly grab the opportunity to drink coffee in the company of such a pretty girl. And then it's a matter of technology.

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