When is the cheapest time to travel abroad? Where and at what time to relax: cheap destinations Where and when is it better to go on vacation

Family and relationships 09.09.2019
Family and relationships

Neither pre-booking nor last-minute tours will bring tangible savings if you travel at the “wrong” time. If you know which months are cheaper to relax, you can halve the cost of a vacation abroad.

Depending on the activity of vacationers, the tourist season is divided into high, low and dead. The last term appeared relatively recently and means a period of time when the number of tourists reaches a minimum. During such periods, airlines and hotels reduce prices as much as possible in order to avoid losses and fill empty seats.

It is obvious that for different directions the "dead" season begins in different time. The number of tourists depends on the weather, time of year, local holidays and other factors.

In countries such as Egypt, in July and August there is unbearable heat, which reduces the flow of those who want to spend their holidays without getting out of the hotel or from under the umbrella by the pool. In Thailand, the rainy season begins in June and lasts until October. Accordingly, if bad weather is not a hindrance, these will be the cheapest months for holidays in these countries.

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Local holidays and festivals

For example, a ticket to Los Angeles in the first week of December will cost a third less than in the last week of November. All because of Thanksgiving. for Christmas or New Year will cost twice as much as in mid-January. Carnival takes place in Venice in February, which significantly increases the cost of travel and housing. Therefore, when planning a trip, you should find out in advance about the availability of holidays and other events, and try to avoid these days.

"Internal" factors

If you do not take into account local features, traditionally, the flow of tourists increases in summer months(especially July and August), during school holidays, on New Year's and the May holidays. If you want to save money, try not to plan a trip during this time.

Cheap months for rest can be conditionally divided into 3 blocks:

  1. Second half of January and February (excluding Valentine's Day). At this time, people are still counting how much they have spent over the holidays and most are not up to traveling.
  2. September is considered one of the cheapest months to travel due to the start of the school year.
  3. The second half of November and the first half of December will cost less due to the fact that the most prudent are already starting to save money on.

Maximum savings can be achieved if the combination of all three factors is taken into account when choosing a time for rest. This will be the "off season", during which it is cheapest to go on vacation.

12 months rest

Vacation is a time of pleasant torment and reflection on where to go on vacation. It is very difficult to choose something suitable from the abundance of offers. Especially - if the vacation is expected not in the warm summer months, but in autumn, winter or spring. No matter what time of the year your well-deserved rest falls, the following information will be useful to you.

Vacation in winter

Winter period - great time tourism and pleasant sensations. In December, European ski resorts are in full swing. However, excursions to European countries will not be able to bring great joy because of the onset of winter. However, in China, India, Nepal, there are a huge number of ancient temples that will be interesting to see. Please note that at the end of the month, tickets will rise significantly.

January is not easy winter month, a a great opportunity have fun with your free time. Just be prepared for the fact that prices at the beginning of the month will be quite high. Of course, speaking of winter holidays, ski resorts come to mind first of all. By the way, recently the Turkish tourism business has been successfully moving in this direction. And the prices there are quite reasonable. Or you can go to the warm seas closer to the equator, where it almost always stands good weather. The Maldives is quite an interesting option for a person with a good income. Also in January, you can diversify your leisure time with excursions to the ancient cities of Europe, visit museums and ancient castles. In the second half of January prices are much lower.

In February, suitable for a beach holiday: Egypt, UAE, Morocco and Jordan. It should only be borne in mind that in Egypt during this period the weather can be quite windy, and it is better to relax in Jordan in February in the southern part of the country. If you go further on the map, then countries such as China, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cuba and the Dominican Republic will be able to give you a sunny tan and a great summer mood even in February. Ski resorts are available in Austria, Georgia and Ukraine. Bukovel is a fairly well-known ski resort and is relatively close.

spring holiday

March is not yet conducive to rest on the nearest sea coast. And distant countries at this time are already closing the season. In this case, Egypt will definitely be one of the best options this month. The winds have ended, and the sunny beaches are languishing in anticipation of the influx of vacationers. Countries that can also be visited in March: Philippines, Cuba or Kenya.

April provides more variety in the choice of resorts than its predecessor. In distant lands it goes with might and main holiday season, and the nearest destinations are ready to start work. Turkey and Egypt open their doors to everyone who wants to have a good rest and improve their health. Also, the weather allows you to visit the UAE and Morocco. You can go to the countries of South Asia: India, Thailand. Or spend an exotic vacation on the most beautiful islands such as the Philippines, Mauritius and the Seychelles.

The May period is favorable for relaxing in southern countries Europe: Spain, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria. Tunisia, which is famous for its thalassotherapy, can also be visited in May. Long-distance destinations are also in demand - Madagascar, Mauritius or Bali.

Summer is a resort boom

In June, when it is already quite hot, and the prices for tours have not reached their maximum mark, it is good to visit Turkey or Egypt. The resorts of Croatia, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Italy are famous for their excellent service. And such heavenly places as Bali and Madagascar will provide an excellent opportunity for an exotic holiday this month.

In July, the peak of holidays begins. All the good places in the hotels are already taken, and the prices leave much to be desired. European resorts: Italy, Croatia, Spain and Greece - attract a more temperate climate in this hottest month. The Black Sea coast of Bulgaria also boasts quite warm, but not hot weather.

In August, it is best to go to Turkey or southern part Europe. The second half of the month can be spent on various excursions to European cities.

Resorts in autumn

In September, many are already returning from vacation. Prices are going down, there are free places in good hotels, and the weather is still quite warm for a seaside resort. All this creates good conditions to take a vacation right now. Near destinations are Egypt and Turkey; distant - Malta, Kenya, Bali.

October ends the sea season in most countries, both near and far. The weather temporarily improves, and it is still possible to sunbathe and swim in plenty. Egypt and Turkey are at your service for these purposes. You will also enjoy holidays in the UAE, Tunisia, Morocco. And India, Sri Lanka and Goa at this time just open the tourist season.

In November, the flow of tourists to South and Southeast Asia increases. Perhaps this is due to the unusual culture of the countries. Thailand alone attracts with its exoticism and originality, but there is more Ancient China shrouded in the mystery of the Great Wall. Indeed, it is worth seeing this wonder of the world with your own eyes. Ski resorts in Europe begin their work. The islands of Seychelles and Mauritius attract with good weather during this autumn season.

Wherever you rest, the main thing is to diversify your day. The beach, walks around the city, excursions - all this will help you to feel the culture and life of the country you have visited. You will get a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.

An extensive selection of places where you can cheaply go to rest in the summer of 2019 at sea thanks to low prices for tours and air tickets. Budget - up to 30,000 rubles per person.

Prices in the article are indicated in rubles for tours for two people for 7-14 nights with departure from Moscow(for tickets - for a round-trip flight with a departure from Moscow, including all fees) and are current at the time of publication.

Holidays in the summer by the sea. Tours & Tickets

Cheap sea tours in the summer of 2019

It is very inexpensive to go to the Black Sea in summer: in June 2019, tours to the resorts of the Russian south cost only 21 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights, from 38 thousand for 11 nights and from 43 thousand for 14 nights. In July, the cost of vouchers increases by 5-7 thousand rubles, in August - by 3-4 thousand. The choice of resorts is huge: this is Crimea (Balaklava, Yalta, Olenevka, Saki, Kerch, Alushta), and cities Krasnodar Territory(Anapa, etc.).

Cheap tickets to the sea

Fly in the summer season to the Russian resorts of the Black Sea (according to the situation on this moment) is somewhat cheaper than in Europe. The picture will change closer to the summer - there will be last-minute cheap charters for a number of European resorts. Well, for now...

The cheapest tickets to Crimea in summer can be found in June 2019 - from 5800 rubles. As for tickets to Adler (Sochi) for the summer of 2019, then prices start from 5500 rubles for flights in June, from 7000 rubles for flights in July and from 7600 in August.

Flights to Anapa and Krasnodar in summer they cost from 4000 and 6000 rubles. It is easy to get to any resort from Krasnodar Black Sea coast by bus or train.

There is a rocky bottom in Lazarevsky, so the water is transparent to a great depth on calm days (Photo © booking.com / Apartments on Odoevskogo, 87)

Where is the cheapest place to fly to the sea in summer?

Below we provide a list of destinations where you can go inexpensively in the summer of 2019 to the sea - within 30000 rubles per person. We indicate the cost of tours for two people when departing from Moscow (vouchers from other cities are usually more expensive).

Abkhazia: from 10,500 rubles per person

Swimming pool at the hotel, Gudauta (Photo © booking.com / Papa Hotel)

Bulgaria: from 12,500 rubles per person

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo / flickr.com)

Turkey: from 10200 rubles per person

Cirali Beach in Kemer, Turkey (Photo © s_wh / flickr.com)

Greece: from 11,500 rubles per person

Beach in Nea Moudania, Halkidiki (Photo © booking.com / Ikos Oceania)

Montenegro: from 14,000 rubles per person

Beach in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (Photo © travelata.ru / Riviera Resort Hotel)

Italy: from 16,500 rubles per person

Sardinia, Italy (Photo © emmequadro61 / flickr.com)

Cyprus: from 20,500 rubles per person

Cyprus is a great place to go on vacation at sea in the summer: flights are quite cheap, accommodation, food and entertainment are also not too expensive, the visa issue is resolved very simply online. Read .

Peyia - a small resort town in Cyprus (Photo © Tobiasvde / flickr.com)

Tunisia: from 17,500 rubles per person

Beach in Ariana, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhour Halawani / flickr.com)

Spain: from 13,500 rubles per person

Another beautiful place, where you can fly inexpensively to relax on the sea this summer - sunny Spain. The cheapest vouchers are for June 2019: from 27 thousand rubles for two for a week, from 37 thousand for 11 nights and from 51 thousand for 14 nights. In July and August, rest is usually more expensive. Find out more

Updated: 2019-2-28

Oleg Lazhechnikov


It has already happened more than once that our friends asked us for advice at different times of the year, but where is the best place to go now? And what about the rains now? What is the weather like in...? Well, and so on. To make life easier for myself and for all of you, I have collected here the most attractive destinations and countries where it is better to relax in each particular month.

The set of recommendations below is general, and for each country you must then look at the weather forecast separately and read the climate features of the place and beach where you are going. The information was collected based on reviews from the forums, because the websites of travel agencies and tour operators often contain complete nonsense, like that it is best to relax in Egypt in August (the heat is incredible there!)

I want to draw attention to the fact that there are such magical places, where you can relax all year round, for example, in Thailand in Pattaya, Cha-am, Hua Hin. Or in the Canaries on the island of Tenerife, where the weather is favorable all year round. Or so loved by all the beautiful Maldives. Therefore, I will not mention them every month.

Where is the best place to relax in January

If you want to sunbathe and swim in the sea, the best place is Asian beaches (Indonesia, Bali, Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, etc.), Malaysia, India, Goa, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles, UAE) or Caribbean beaches (Dominican Republic, Cuba, Tahiti, etc.)

You can also rush to Egypt or Tunisia, but keep in mind that it will be just comfortably warm there for walking, but not for swimming or sunbathing.

When planning your trip, don't forget that January is a holiday month and it's best to buy all your tickets in advance.

Where is the best place to relax in February

The hottest countries this month are Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Chang), Cambodia and their closest neighbors Myanmar, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Vietnam is also good, especially for surfers, because there are big waves. You can try to go to Bali, although there is still a risk of getting into the rainy season. You can also go to countries a little to the west, for example, the United Arab Emirates, Goa, Sri Lanka or the Maldives.

Starting in February, Europe is slowly opening its doors, and already in February you can arrange a sightseeing trip to the south of Italy.

And you can have a good rest in the Canary Islands. Or choose an even more western direction and relax in February in another hemisphere, for example, in the Caribbean.

Where is the best place to relax in March

Egypt is the most popular beach holiday destination in March. And although it may still be a little windy, it is already warm enough to bask on the beach and swim in the Red Sea. Also, it is not very hot this month in the UAE, the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean islands.

In March it also becomes possible to visit Chile, Brazil, Mexico.

The beaches of Asian countries and islands such as Thailand (O. Samui, O. Tao, O. Phangan), Vietnam (although there may be big waves), Singapore, Malaysia, Goa, Sri Lanka, Seychelles are still friendly for tourists. , Maldives. The real dry hot season begins in Bali.

Where is the best place to relax in April

April is over warm month and more and more countries are ready to accept tourists on their beaches. The Asian countries of Thailand (O.Samui, O.Tao, O.Phangan), Vietnam, Malaysia, the island of Bali are still friendly in terms of weather. One of best picks maybe Hainan Island in China. And the Maldives remain invariably favorable in terms of weather.

Rawai Beach, Thailand

In Goa, they say, the humidity is high, it's hot and there can be high waves, but the weather is good.

In Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, it is warm in April, but not yet hot, and in Israel (in Eilat), April is considered the peak of the season.

The sea in the Canaries and the Caribbean remains warm and friendly. From April you can also go to Malta, but keep in mind that at this time there is a peak tourist season.

Well, in April, bus tours around spring Europe are already actively starting to travel.

Where is the best place to relax in May

The most popular destinations are Turkey and Egypt, in these countries it is not hot yet, but it is already very good. The weather is about the same in Tunisia and Morocco.

From Asian countries The beaches of Thailand remain consistently good (O. Samui, O. Tao, O. Phangan), where it is hot, but still tolerable, the Seychelles, Singapore, Indonesia, Bali, Vietnam with clear weather and clear sea. An additional plus is that on May 25, all Buddhist countries celebrate Buddha's birthday beautifully and brightly.

You can go to the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean if you are not embarrassed by short-term tropical downpours. It's good on Tenerife, it's hot during the day and slightly cool in the evening, but the water in the ocean may seem cool.

In May, active flowering begins throughout Europe and this is an excellent period for traveling to any European country, especially beautifully spoken on the Cote d'Azur of France.

Where is the best place to relax in June

The most popular summer destination is Turkey and all kinds of beaches in Europe, such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain and nearby islands, such as Sicily, Mallorca, Malta. But on the Cote d'Azur, the sea is still cool this month, but you can just ride around the beautiful towns of France.

You can also suggest that you go to Greece with its islands of Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Zakynthos or Cyprus, but keep in mind that it can still be cold there.

From the East Asian countries, you can choose Bali, where in June it is not so humid and there is no rain, or Thailand (O. Samui, O. Tao, O. Koh Phangan). I would warn you against trips to other Asian and South African countries - it is too hot there during this period. As well as in the Caribbean, although many at this time still travel to the Dominican Republic.
And in Tunisia and Morocco, on the contrary, there may still not be enough warm sea.

Well, various parts of our homeland are gradually becoming available, and not only the Black Sea resorts, but also various places for hiking, such as the Caucasus, for example.

Where is the best place to relax in July

If you are a big fan of the heat, then in July it's time for you to go either to the European Mediterranean beaches in countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal or Greece with its islands of Crete, Kos, the Cyclades, Rhodes, Corfu, where due to the breeze is not so hot, either in Morocco or the Caribbean, for example in the Dominican Republic. The season in Tunisia also begins in July and, according to tourists, it is good in Bali and on the Thai islands of Koh Samui, Tao, Koh Phangan.

And do not forget the Mediterranean islands of Mallorca, Sicily, Malta, where it is hot, but the heat is not very felt.

Friends advised us to be sure to write that this month is very good on the Cote d'Azur in France, and the sea is already warm and the weather is great.

If you prefer a little calmer weather in terms of heat, then it's time for you to go to the Black Sea beaches of our country, Ukraine or Bulgaria, or soak up the sun by the Adriatic Sea in Montenegro and Croatia.

In July, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is already quite ready to receive tourists, and throughout Russia you can find a lot of cool places for wild recreation and hiking trips. They say that this month is the season in Karelia, for example.

Where is the best place to relax in August

August is the hottest month of the summer, and if you are not afraid of the heat, you can go on vacation to the Mediterranean beaches of Europe in Spain, Italy, France ( Cote d'Azur) or Greece, Cyprus and Crete, where, due to the dry air, the heat should be more bearable.

It should not be so hot at sea in Montenegro, Croatia and Bulgaria.

Good weather for a beach holiday in August in the United Arab Emirates and in Southeast Asia on the islands of Thailand - Koh Samui, Tao, Koh Phangan or in Indonesia on about. Bali. If you are not afraid of waves and strong currents, then you can go to Sri Lanka.

In Turkey, the heat subsides by the end of August, and the sea will still be just as warm. Although Egypt remains popular, it will be very difficult to relax there because of the scorching sun. Just like in Cuba and the Dominican Republic, where it is very hot and humid and the rainy season may already begin.

In September it is comfortable in the Canary Islands, although the water there may not be very warm.

And the most expanse for hikers begins in Russia. This month you can go on a hiking trip to the Altai Mountains, go to Baikal, the Urals, or you can just have a great time on Lake Seliger.

Where is the best place to relax in September

The most popular destination in September will be Turkey, where it is not so hot anymore, and the water in the sea is still very warm. The same weather is in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.

It is better to go to the European beaches of Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro in the first half of September, because then it may start to rain and it will be already cold. But in Italy, Greece, Cyprus, the weather will still be very good. September is generally considered best month to visit Cyprus. In Spain, you can visit Mallorca, Malaguf. If it rains there, it will be mainly in the second half of September and will be short-lived for the time being.

The velvet season this month is also in Sicily, even if it's raining the sea is still warm.

September is the high season for Bali, during this time the weather is great there and it is no longer hot in the Canaries, although the sea may seem cold.

You can still relax on the resorts of Ukraine and Russia, the weather there is still warm too.

Where is the best place to relax in October

In October, you can perfectly relax in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, it will not be hot anymore, but the water is still pleasantly warm. The same can be said about Israel and Jordan.

It is also still possible to go to Turkey, although it can be cool in the evenings.

In Greece (especially on the islands of Crete, Rhodes) it is still warm, but it may already be strong winds. But in Cyprus Nice weather in October.

From the European islands, one can cautiously suggest Sicily, Malta. The sea there is not as warm as before, but you can still swim.

Opens its doors East Asia, October is considered the best time to relax in the UAE, you can already swim in China on about. Hainan, and in Goa, and in Thailand (Puket, Krabi, Pi Pi, Koh Chang, Pattaya, Koh Samet) ends the main rainy season.

Where is the best place to relax in November

In Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia from November begins the Velvet season, but this does not mean that it will be cold, just not so hot during the day, and cool in the evenings. Mauritius or Maidera (Portugal) is also suitable for a holiday in November.

In the Canary Islands and Cyprus remains bathing season, although it may also seem a little cool.

But the real season opens in the countries and islands of East Asia: in the UAE, the Maldives and the Seychelles it is no longer hot, but comfortably warm. In the south of Vietnam, the dry season begins, in Malaysia it is best to go to the western islands, there is almost no rain, just like in Cambodia. In Thailand, visit the islands of Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Lanta, Ranong, Phang Nga, Satun, Chang and Samet in November.

November is best time for holidays in India, Goa, Sri Lanka, where the water temperature is almost the same as the air temperature.

In Mexico and in the Caribbean (Cuba, Dominican Republic), the dry season begins, although short-term showers are still possible.

Where is the best place to relax in December

In usually choose those places where it is warmest of all this month. And this is undoubtedly East Asia. In Goa in December, the high season, you can go to Sri Lanka or one of the islands of Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi, Chang, Samet, etc.). No less warm in neighboring countries - Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia. Vietnam is also warm, but the ocean is a little restless.

Many choose United United Arab Emirates, but be aware that the water can already be cool in December. Egypt and the Canary Islands are like a roulette this month, the weather can be normal, or it can be windy and cold.

In the Caribbean (Cuba, Dominican Republic) in December it is warm and mostly dry, although it may rain for a short time.

P.S. If you have any interesting and useful information on the topic of where it is better to relax in each month, I will be glad for any of your feedback and comments.

P.P.S. Remember that depending on the country, you need to use various systems hotel reservations, one in Europe, another in Asia. But prices in all systems at once for the same hotel can be found in the metasearch engine, a very convenient joke.

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    Atlanta travel blog






    Maria Anashina


It doesn't matter what time of year you have your vacation. There are enough places on our planet to choose the right resort for you and for this particular season. The main thing is to decide how you imagine your vacation: stormy and cheerful, calm and respectable, cognitive or active.

Sports fans probably know better than all tour operators where and when they can find the best ski slopes, the right wind for surfing or the most beautiful undersea world... And where should Russian tourists go on vacation, who systematically explore more and more new horizons in search of unforgettable experiences? And how to spend a vacation without disappointment, without spoiling your mood with rain, cool sea or sweltering heat? Everything has its place and time!

Where to find the sun in January and February?

At the beginning of the year, a hot vacation is guaranteed on the Caribbean islands, among which the most popular for Russian tourists are Cuba and Dominican Republic. They attract our compatriots with a visa-free entry regime, relatively inexpensive accommodation prices, a fun, relaxed atmosphere, loved by the all-inclusive system.

However, other islands are also in demand: Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Jamaica, Cayman and Bermuda and many others. Each of the islands is different unique landscape, luxury hotels and offers a variety of entertainment for every taste.

Warm currents and sunny weather will delight tourists in Florida.

In January-February, the dry (without heavy prolonged rains) season in Southeast Asia is quite suitable for a pleasant holiday. Discover the original world of Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia.

The height of winter is the time to go to Thailand, India or Cambodia. The monsoon season is over, the sun and exotic countries with a rich culture will captivate lovers of outdoor activities and beach holidays.

Turn your gaze to the southern hemisphere. When we have winter, summer reigns there. Therefore, in winter you will have a great rest in Australia, Chile, in the south of Brazil and in the north of Argentina.

Not the best choice
In winter, you should refrain from traveling to the north of China. Worthy ski resorts you will not find it there, and a notable frost is guaranteed. The southern coast of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Morocco) at this time will surely seem too gray and bleak to you. It can be quite chilly in the UAE for swimming. And in Egypt it is quite windy, especially in the evenings. But the prices are an order of magnitude lower, so draw your own conclusions.

Tours or the beach? Rest in March-April

At the beginning of spring in Europe it is still quite cool. But for those who are less interested in the sea and the beach than cultural treasures, this is the perfect time for tours of European cities. During this period, prices are affordable, there are no long queues at museums, and you can enjoy walking along the quiet streets of the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Hungary...

If you have already missed the heat unbearably over the long winter and dream of the sea, go to the beaches of your almost native Egypt, as well as Thailand, Goa or Sri Lanka.

You are also waiting for a paradise vacation in the Maldives and the Philippines. Idyllic nature, diving and amazing tranquility will not leave you indifferent.

Holidays on Hainan Island will delight you with decent service, beautiful beaches and warm sea.

In March, you can enjoy a relatively inexpensive beach holiday in Tunisia, combining it with an excursion to the desert. However, do not forget about a windbreaker and a sweater, it is still cool there in the evenings.

Looking for adventure? South America ready to offer you unforgettable vacation in the countries of the Inca Empire of Peru and Bolivia.

During these months, tourists will be especially hospitably greeted by the cheerful Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Caribbean islands are still waiting for their tourists. Pay Special attention to Antillo. The south of Australia and Chile also remains a very attractive place for a beach holiday.

Not the best choice
Reunion Island, Papua New Guinea at this time of the year will not please the weather. Disappointing inhospitable climate and the Atlantic coast (Spain, Morocco).

Thirst for the sun before summer: holidays in May and June

The end of spring and the beginning of summer are quite a good time for a vacation. The choice of beach destinations is quite large, but the prices are still low. And there is no mass influx of tourists. Besides, it will good opportunity for trips on excursions, as it is not too hot yet.

In May-June, the Mediterranean islands are perfect for relaxing: Greek Crete and Corfu, Italian Ischia and Sicily, the island of Cyprus. Good weather on the Thai island of Koh Samui.

Nice prices in May beach holiday in Spain. In addition, this is a great opportunity to visit Barcelona that is not overcrowded with tourists.

An excellent choice would also be the Canary Islands, Jordan and Israel with many attractions and shrines, Morocco.

A trip to Malta in June will give you the pleasure of nature, which at this time blooms with all its colors, and the opportunity to attend local holidays that are frequent for this time.

Exotic lovers can indulge themselves with a holiday in the Seychelles, Bali or Japan.

In June it will be quite comfortable on the Adriatic coast of Croatia or Montenegro. If the main purpose of the trip for you is the sea, then you should not go there earlier.

From June the resorts of Italy and Bulgaria will also be ready for the beach season.

Do not forget about the most popular resorts among Russian tourists in Turkey and Egypt.

Not the best choice
In Thailand, India, Kenya, Cambodia and Oman, the rainy season begins. Uncomfortable weather for recreation also in West Africa(Mali, Burkina Faso) and the Philippines.

Midsummer and holiday season: July and August

It is not for nothing that July and August are considered the “high” season in almost all beach areas. This means that at this time the greatest demand for tours and, accordingly, the highest prices. All cities and resorts in Europe are at your service. At this time, various festivals, colorful shows and holidays are often held here.

Well in July-August in Croatia and Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece, especially on the islands, as well as in Cyprus and Malta.

It's time to go to the islands Atlantic coast: Madeira, Cape Verde or Canary Islands.

From exotic destinations with comfortable weather, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia (in August there is a minimum amount of precipitation), Vietnam, Bahamas, Fiji are suitable.

Anyone interested in safari will be interested in getting to Tanzania at this time, where the “dry” season begins.

Not the best choice
The popular resorts of Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia will meet with sweltering heat and crowded beaches. And prices will remain high. In July-August, the weather is not always good: rains can interfere with holidays in Thailand, New Zealand, Peru, India, the Philippines, Sri Lanka.

Velvet season: September and October

Summer is over, but enjoy the sunny weather and warm sea not too late. The wave of tourists subsided, the intense heat subsided, it's time to spend the velvet season by the sea. Temperature mediterranean sea quite suitable for swimming.

Holidays in Greece (best in Crete, as it can be windy on small islands), Italy, Cyprus, as well as in North Africa (Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt) are especially pleasant at this time of the year.

It is better to go to Turkey in September, but October, despite low prices, can upset rainy weather.

One of the best places during these months it is the United Arab Emirates. October in the UAE is considered the high season. However, keep in mind that most of the month falls on Ramadan, when there are strict restrictions on any entertainment and alcoholic drinks.

Do you want to combine a beach holiday and a rich excursion program? Choose Israel (in particular Eilat) or Jordan. In addition, you can heal and spend unforgettable days at the Dead Sea.

September and October are great for sightseeing trips around Europe.

The beginning of autumn is a great time to visit the islands of Madagascar and Reunion, Lebanon, or Oman.

Not the best choice
It is better not to go to Spain, especially southern Spain, from mid-autumn. Cold currents and the beginning of the rainy season can ruin your mood. If you are not a fan of extreme weather, including storms, strong winds and heavy rains, then you should not relax in the Caribbean and the countries of Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos ...) in September-October.

Worthy completion of the year: rest in November and December

If you want a Christmas fairy tale, go to one of the cities in Europe. Elegant streets, numerous fairs, festivals and shows, moderate frost, cozy hotels and decent service will create a pleasant mood during the holidays.

You will get children's delight from the New Year or Christmas holidays in Finland, making a trip to the village of Santa Claus, riding a reindeer sleigh and feeling all the delights of a frosty winter: skis, skates, snowmobiles ... And then, of course, a hot sauna. Holidays are also fun on ferries plying between northern countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark).

In search of the summer sun, you can go to cheerful noisy Brazil, carefree Cuba or respectable Dominican Republic.

A relaxing holiday in a pleasant exotic atmosphere will give you the Maldives.

History buffs can take a trip to Mexico in the footsteps of the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations.

The end of the year is the beginning of the tourist season in Southeast Asia. Great time to visit Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos.

The rainy season is coming to an end in India. The beaches of Goa will welcome you with warm dry weather, beautiful hotels and vibrant life.

For those who are not afraid of long flights and are eager for new experiences, this time is ideal for relaxing in southern Australia, where spring reigns.

Egypt has become almost a classic holiday option at the end and beginning of the year. Despite the cool and windy evenings, during the day it is quite possible to sunbathe and swim in the beautiful Red Sea.

Not the best choice
It is unlikely that you will get the maximum pleasure from Europe during these months. Dullness and cold will not give you a complete picture of beautiful cities. Vietnam despite warm weather, may disappoint the restless ocean. The water temperature in the UAE is also not very pleasant for swimming.

Svetlana Apreleva

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