Juveniles in the grove. Lindulovskaya grove

Technique and Internet 30.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Lindulovskaya grove is located in the Roshchinka valley near the village of Roshchino (Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region). It received its name from the previous name of the river. In the past, the Roshchinka River was called Lentulovka. The grove is a significant botanical reserve.

This territory was taken under the protection of the state and UNESCO in order to protect the large number of Siberian larches planted here from time immemorial. This planting is considered the oldest of artificial plantations both in our country and on the European continent. The uniqueness of this natural object It also lies in the fact that larch grows in uncharacteristic conditions for it.

The grove was founded in 1738. By imperial order, larch seeds collected in the northern region of Russia were sown in the local agricultural lands. In subsequent years, the cultivation of trees was carried out on a continuous basis.

More than four thousand larches planted in the eighteenth century have survived to this day. The height of some trees reaches forty-two meters. The maximum trunk diameter is on average fifty centimeters, but there are specimens with a trunk diameter of up to a meter. High-value specimens are marked with plates with numbers.

In addition to larch, other species grow in these places. For example, there are coniferous trees such as pine, spruce, fir, cedar. Among the deciduous plants come across ash, alder, oak, elm.

Lindulovska grove is a quiet place where you can take a walk and admire the local scenery. However, it must be remembered that this protected area. Therefore, any actions that can harm nature are prohibited.

How to get there

On the train from the Finlyandsky railway station, you need to get to the Roschino station, switch to the left along the train (western), find an asphalt road there that runs parallel to the tracks (100 m), then go about 1.5 km. Or you can get there by car - 60 km along the Primorskoe highway.

Lindulovskaya grove is located in the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg and is a natural reserve - a place where artificially preserved certain types flora and fauna. The area of ​​the grove is 986 hectares. The management of the reserve pays key attention to the conservation of Siberian larch artificially planted outside its habitat.


The first trees were planted on the territory of the modern grove in 1738 by order of Peter I. The emperor planned to grow wood for the construction of ships at the shipyard in Kronstadt. Larch seeds were collected near Arkhangelsk. They were planted by the arborist Gabriel Fokel and his students Ivan Kipriyanov, Fedot Starostin and Pyotr Pavlov.

The name Lindulovskaya Grove was due to its location on the Lindulovka River (now Roshchinka). Over time, larch plantations grew, but several times they suffered greatly - during hurricanes, as well as in the Great Patriotic War. Trees were planted artificially in 1738-42, 1805-22, 1924-40.

The grove received the status of a reserved grove in 1976 - it is considered the year of its foundation. In 1990, it became part of the UNESCO heritage sites.

Flora and fauna of the grove

4,000 trees have been preserved from the original plantings, occupying an area of ​​23.5 hectares. The average height of one larch is 42 m, the trunk diameter is 52 cm.

In addition to larch, spruce, fir, pine, oak, ash, alder and elm grow in the grove. Part of the trees can be found only in the reserve - they do not occur in nature. Among the representatives of the fauna there are spotted woodpecker, squirrel, white hare, chaffinch, song thrush, bank vole and others.

The goals of the reserve since 1976 have remained the same:

  • preservation of the oldest artificial plantation of larch in Russia;
  • conservation of other tree species planted outside the habitat;
  • conservation of spawning grounds for Atlantic salmon;
  • preservation of other species of fauna and flora listed in the Red Book, as well as their habitats.

There are no entertainment facilities in the grove. Here you can only walk, enjoying nature and clean air. It is forbidden to make fires, fish, hunt and even just pick mushrooms and berries. Individual visits or organized group tours are possible.

How to get there

Tourists come to Lindulovskaya grove by car - there is convenient parking in front of the entrance. Navigator coordinates: 60°14′12″ s. sh. 29°32′12″ E d.

If you wish, you can also get to the reserve by train. You need to go from the Finlyandsky railway station to the Roschino station - the journey takes about an hour. After leaving the station, go to its right side, towards St. Petersburg and cross the railway tracks. Behind them, almost parallel to the rails, an asphalt road is laid, which gradually turns to the left. You will have to walk along it for about 3 km to the entrance to the grove, in front of which there is a large shield with a map of the reserve.

The reserve was created in order to preserve the oldest artificial plantation of larch in Russia and Europe, created for the needs of shipbuilding on the instructions of the Admiralty Board, in pursuance of the decree of Peter I in 1738-1750. Already in 1856, when everything more trees began to meet the requirements of shipbuilding, by the decision of the Department of ship forests, this grove became a protected area.

There are landings in the reserve four kinds larches - Arkhangelsk, or Sukachev, Kamchatka, Siberian and European. The first crops were made by forstmeister of His and Her Imperial Majesty F.G. Fockel with larch seeds collected in the Arkhangelsk province. Currently larch grove occupies about 300 hectares and consists of 4.5 thousand trees, which here reach a height of 40 (50) m with a trunk diameter of 0.5 to 1 m.

On the site of cultivated plantations, among larch trees, there are Siberian and white fir trees, as well as Balkan, Siberian cedar and twisted pines. Siberian pine also grows at the far end of the Lindulovskaya grove, along the left bank of the river. Roshchinka. On the slopes of the river there are plantings of a folded thuja, which stands out for its bluish openwork crown.

The fauna of the reserve is typical for spruce forests. On the river Roshchinka spawning grounds for Atlantic salmon, brown trout and lamprey are located; habitats of the European pearl mussel - a protected bivalve mollusk.

Walking through the Lindulovska grove is a real pleasure at any time of the year. Walking paths are laid here, the entrance to the reserve is decorated with antique-styled gates.

One of the most unexpected discoveries in the Leningrad region for me was the Lindulovskaya larch grove. When I first visited this place, I was hooked by this place. This is not just a forest park or forest nursery. Here is beautiful nature forest paths, a picturesque river, tall larches: Siberian, Daurskaya and Sukacheva. Not far from the city. And the main difference from other similar places in the Leningrad region is a well-maintained trail. It is very pleasant to be in Lindulovskoy grove. You can walk and relax with your soul, take awesome cool photos (if you guess the right time). The entrance is free. Play as much as you want.

Distance from the center of St. Petersburg to the parking place: about 75 km (via Sestroretsk)

Walking distance: 5-6 km

Coordinates where you can leave the car: 60°13"54.3"N 29°31"08.8"E

Lindulovska grove in summer

Gorgeous larches grow in the grove different types. Even the air here is special - healing, filled with subtle aromas of the forest, pine needles, freshness. I advise all nature lovers to visit here.

Don't forget to bring snacks and a thermos of tea! Sitting on the bank of a fast river with a sandwich or a piece of pizza in your hands is unforgettable. Moreover, on a full stomach and walks more pleasantly.

Still, I have an author's blog, so I want to tell you a little about our trip. I'll start from the very beginning. Before going directly to the grove, we decided to look at the pillboxes not far from locality Serovo. Right from the parking lot you can see a small mountain, only about 30 meters high, to which a sandy path leads. We climbed. There is a cache here called Death Mountain. Taking it, we wandered further along the forest path.

We found an interesting object - a pillbox from the times of the Second World War. It is notable for the fact that it looks very picturesque from the outside, all overgrown with moss.
The bunker itself, unfortunately, was not photographed. But I climbed onto its roof:

Then they found a second building, larger in size. There is nothing interesting inside, of course.

Moss formed a bright living carpet on the walls and roof of the building. Looks very cool.

I love looking at the bark on trees. Each tree is unique. My second passion is photographing trees. 🙂 Collecting my personal collection of "forest" photos.)

I also could not help but pay attention to the magnificent moss and photograph it. It is so bright that it looks unrealistic) Some kind of cosmic forest in these places ... I love to travel in a northerly direction from the city. Every time I walk, I remember Finland. These places are reminiscent of its nature.

With difficulty breaking away from contemplation natural resources and military installations, we returned to the car and drove towards Lindulovskoy grove. Still, dinner was already approaching, and we had plans to have a bite by the river in the reserve.

On the main trail, I was interested in giant anthills. They are really taller than me. I'm afraid to imagine how long it took the construction of such a mansion from workaholic ants.

I didn’t take pictures of larches - I couldn’t find a suitable angle, and it’s much more interesting to see with my own eyes. UPD: Look for photos of larches below, in a winter and spring walk.

They are beautiful: straight as arrows, as high as the sky... Admiring the trees, we finally reached the river. We found a place for lunch. And we took some pictures. The river flowing here is called Roshchinka. On the opposite side of us, someone is preparing to raft down the river in an inflatable boat.

Looking at Roshchinka, I thought about how I want to live in nature, and not surrounded by box houses with millions of apartments.

Anton, as always, is looking for adventure: he decided to go to the island.

Well, how can you break away from the contemplation of such nature! Peace and quiet. The water is very clean in these places, and I am glad that such places are preserved and ennobled. I would sit here all day, but it's time to move on.

If you walk along the river to the very end of the route, you will come to a wooden platform. Then Roshchinka bends, goes around the corner. civilized road there is no, you have to go back: climb the stairs up into the forest. We walked here near the river, we will go back along a different path.

Panorama of Roshchinka from the observation deck:

We did not see any animals in the grove. But a variety of flora adorns our walk.

Sometimes the route is marked with such signs "Route continuation".

Trip summary: very interesting place, picturesque nature and fresh air. Spending the whole day here is relaxation for the soul, pleasure for the eyes and health for the lungs. Walking in the forest is also useful because the nerves return to normal, a person feels calm and peaceful, communicating with nature.

Coordinates: N 60°14′1″ E 29°31′17″

Lindulovskaya larch grove very close to Roschino, should be marked on all maps. Access by car is easy. The road is good, any car will pass.

I decided to supplement the page with photos of Lindulovskoy grove in winter. In the cold months it is no less beautiful here, especially when fluffy snow carefully covers every branch of every tree.

Are the paths cleaned in the winter in Lindulovskoy grove? The paths are not cleaned, but the paths are always there. The grove is visited by a large number of people every day, and you can be sure that you will hardly have to trail.

The entrance to the grove, which can be reached by car, then park it (or you can leave it earlier), and go on foot:

It's great when there's a lot of snow! In the photo you can see how thick the snow layer actually is:

Walking, we walk not only along the trodden paths. 🙂 These are the snowdrifts:

Such a beautiful, clean, bright and cozy forest!

Finally, I took photos of reserved larches. I shot on my phone, the distortion is a little noticeable. But the scale is transferred. 🙂 How do you like it?

I love this winter, how nature is transformed!

Another photo of chic larches:

Walking along the already familiar route, we go to the river. In winter, Roshchinka takes on a completely different look. In my opinion, it is even more interesting and beautiful here than in summer.

Complete privacy with nature.

The strong current keeps the river from freezing to the end. All the more interesting are the surroundings.

In winter, any forest acquires a touch of magic. But a walk through the grove is good because there are trails, a specially prepared route. And even if the trail is not maintained in winter, it is very pleasant to be here. I hope my photo story will help you decide whether to come for a walk here or not. If I were you, I would definitely go. 🙂

Walk through Lindulovskoy grove in spring

Spring comes into its own every year in a different way. Sometimes the snow begins to melt already in March, and in 2018 it stale right up to the first of May. We visited the grove on May 1st. The temperature is already positive, but there is still a lot of snow.

Winter does not want to leave, to give way to spring. Apparently, there was so much snow in winter that it will melt until summer.

And here are my favorite larch trees:

I have the Roshchinka River in each of the described seasons, compare. Now the snow is melting, and the island is completely submerged, and in summer you can walk on it.

Walking in the grove is pleasant at any time of the year. Tall graceful pine trees, singing birds, a fast river, fresh air - all these benefits are available all year round. I like to walk here, I can already follow the route of the grove blindfolded.

The snow is slowly melting, deep spring in the end. 🙂

Apparently, no one watches over the reserve in winter and spring. A tree fell on the path, we had to climb over.

Pebbles are still wearing snow caps. Let's already thaw faster, we want spring!

The mini-rapids on the river do not freeze even in deep winter, and even more turbulent streams run here during the flood.

It is very slippery to walk up the steps of this staircase if there is melted snow.

Walking, we noticed and picked up a coniferous branch lying on the ground. The needles are soft and fragrant. They took it home and put it on a shelf in a vase.

I tried to take a picture of the reflections of the trees, but it didn’t work out very well. The phone does not transmit what I wanted.

Unusual moss:

Dear readers of my small blog, walk in nature, love it and do not offend. She gives you her benefits, and in return you treat her with respect: do not leave garbage and take someone else's with you if possible.

Lindulovskaya deciduous grove in the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region extends over 986 hectares. It is under the protection of UNESCO.

A corner of untouched nature - a magical place

A walk among the unusual size of the local larches, spruces, pines and firs is amazing. Some of them are over three hundred years old. And it seems that their peaks pierce the sky, which is reminiscent of a journey in the land of giants from the fairy tale by Jonathan Swift.

You can also find cedar, ash, alder, oak, elm, hazel. In addition to them, elms, maples, lindens grow here. The most interesting thing is that some of these trees cannot be found in the Leningrad region, but here, please.

The main character of the fairy forest

But the queen of the grove is a luxurious larch. Siberian larch and its sisters have taken root far from their usual habitat in the valley of the Roshchinka River. Initially, it bore the name Lintulovka, from where the real name of the reserve came from. locals The deciduous park was called the ship forest. And it is no coincidence.

Larch belongs to the genus of deciduous coniferous trees. Its wood is ideal for building ships. And, as the legends say, Peter the Great was looking for a place to land a ship deciduous forest not far from the capital. They say he found it. But official data refute this fact.

Valiant history

Moreover, there is an opinion that Peter the Great himself planted trees here. The king stood at the origins of the creation of the grove by issuing a corresponding decree. According to this sovereign document, in 1738, alas, after the death of the great king, larch seeds were collected in the Arkhangelsk province and planted on the site of a real grove and former arable land.

And the chosen place for the grove was the arborist and forest master from Germany, Ferdinand Gabriel Fockel. Subsequently, he and his students planted in the grove two plots of the most unique and oldest larches - Siberian and Dahurian. Overseeding has been carried out since the foundation of the grove on an ongoing basis and to this day.

Inspection of the pearl of domestic forestry business

The guests of the reserve are solemnly greeted by a sign with an important message about the value of this object, in which the reserve regime has been introduced since 1976. The grove is likened to the pearl of domestic silviculture. It also speaks of its many virtues and the achievements made by foresters throughout the history of its existence.

The entrance gate invites travelers to a thicket full of pristine beauty and exotic mysteries. The forest air makes you dizzy, and the walk itself resembles the sacrament of unity with nature. Everything around is dotted with needles, under the trees there is a great herbage: thickets of lily of the valley, blueberries, ferns. When you see a mighty tree, you immediately want to hug it. But it is difficult to do this, because the diameter of the trunks of individual residents of the reserve reaches a meter or more.

What forest can be without animals? There are also many of them, as well as birds. Some are so rare that they are listed in the Red Book. Cozy forest paths lead their guests further and further. From time to time there are anthills in the forest. They say that here they are taller than human growth.

Tired visitors relax on the picturesque benches and enjoy listening to the birds singing. The relief of the park does not let you get bored: sometimes the path stretches in an even ribbon, often winding and meandering with ups and downs. And sometimes you come across such a windbreak that it's time to take part in the fairy-tale quests of Wilhelm Hauff.

Features of visiting the reserve

Visitors who decide to explore the entire park end up on the banks of the Roshchinka River at the end of their journey. The relief of the reservoir changes every few meters. A calm current often manifests itself as stormy rifts and rapids shallows.

Huge coastal rocks and thickets of reeds become a popular place for photo shoots. This quiet corner of nature is created for lovers of comfortable secluded relaxation. Here you can have a small picnic, but you can’t fry kebabs. Campfires are prohibited by the rules of the reserve. It is better to arrange a halt with a meal in a specially equipped area.

For adults and children, the Lindulovskaya grove causes sincere delight and a feeling of closeness with nature. The visit to the park is free. There is a parking lot next to the entrance to the reserve.

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