NGO "Club of Orthodox Patrons", Ufa

the beauty 31.07.2019
the beauty

Below is short information for companies whose leaders may be Merezhko Sergey Nikolaevich.

Data sources: Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), Unified State Register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities). All data posted on the site are open and publicly available in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8 of Article 6 of Federal Law 129-FZ of August 8, 2001 and Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 115N of December 5, 2013.


Region: Bashkortostan, republic
Legal address: 450047, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Guryevskaya street, 41A

Main activity: Activities of authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the regions of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions)
Head of the legal entity: Acting Head of Department - Chief State Inspector of the State Automobile Inspectorate Sergey Nikolayevich Merezhko.
TIN of the head: 027504833776.
Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 40 for the Republic of Bashkortostan.

For reserve colonel Sergei Merezhko, the outgoing year 2007 will remain memorable for life, because it was then that the regional branch of the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons (RKPM) in the Republic of Bashkortostan was formed in Ufa, which he headed. And this happened against the backdrop of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of such historical event, as a voluntary accession of Bashkiria to Russia. However, first things first...

Life twists and turns

Exactly 40 years ago, a boy was born in Orenburg, named Sergei - in honor of his heavenly patron, hegumen of the Russian land - St. Sergius Radonezh. True, in those unkind times for Orthodoxy, the family preferred not to mention it aloud. And only when the boy was 7 years old, his great-grandmothers - Matryona and Evdokia baptized him in the church, and the father himself became the godfather.
- In those years, I was childishly naive about faith, nevertheless - it's hard to explain - I always felt that the Lord does not allow this thin thread to break in my soul, - says Sergey Nikolayevich. - After leaving school, I entered the Orenburg Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile School and graduated in 1988 with the rank of lieutenant. My position was called platoon commander - teacher, and I began to train specialists for the air defense forces at the training center.
Gradually, the sprouts of faith in the soul of the young officer began to grow stronger. Once at the harvest, an unpleasant incident occurred - a skirmish between a group of military personnel and civilians. Merezhko, like other officers, was in big trouble, up to and including dismissal from the army. That Hard time the mother of one of the soldiers handed him a piece of paper with a handwritten prayer "Our Father": "Pray, son, and the Lord will settle everything." And indeed, Sergey recalls, everything ended well - without nervous shocks, and even more so - without any legal consequences. It was truly help from above, forcing the officer to think more and more seriously about the spiritual power of Orthodoxy. He began to go to church and then consciously put on a pectoral cross.
The collapse of the Union was approaching, and Sergey, by the will of fate, moved to Ufa, where he continued to serve. In 1992, the tax police began to be created in the Bashkir capital. The Department of Tax Investigations, where Captain Merezhko was sent, was created from seconded officers of the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces. At first, he served in the physical protection unit, in the anti-corruption department, as an investigator, then as an investigator for especially important cases (at that time he was already studying in absentia at the law faculty of the Bashkir State University).
- I was interested in working in law enforcement agencies, Sergey notes. - And in 1999 I was appointed head of the legal department of the tax police of the Republic of Bashkortostan. And three years later I was invited to work at the Federal Treasury, and I retired as a lieutenant colonel due to my seniority. I worked there for a year, and again a sharp turn - I ended up in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and again returned to the "shoulder straps". I am very grateful to fate that on its own life path I met such a wise teacher and mentor as Lieutenant General Engels Varisovich Kulmukhametov, the former head of the Bashkir tax police. At that moment he worked as the chief federal inspector for the Republic of Bashkortostan. And for the last four years I have been his pro bono chief legal adviser.
Such a serious and responsible life school taught Merezhko a lot. Last year he received the rank of colonel, and in mid-2007 he made a cardinal decision - to retire in order to devote himself entirely to work in the regional branch of the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons that had just opened in Ufa.
What is a patron?
“Everything happened by the will of God,” says Sergey Nikolayevich. - Andrey Poklonsky, Chairman of the Board of the RKPM, asked me to assist in obtaining a blessing for the opening of the Bashkir branch of the club from the Archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamak Nikon. During our meeting, I turned to Vladyka with a request from the club to also recommend someone to the position of the chairman of the department. “I have no other candidates besides you,” he suddenly said. I will not hide - I was inspired (after all, deep down I wanted the same!) And asked him to bless me to leave the public service and direct all my efforts to the development of this project.
Of course, the process of our formation is not easy: in March 2007 we registered. So far, there are not so many members of the branch, but a strong core of Orthodox entrepreneurs has already formed. In addition, there is such a thing as a friend of the club. So far, such people are looking at our affairs, carefully making contacts, and they can be understood - most likely, they have already “burned themselves” on various early maturing funds.
For example, I have an old comrade-in-arms in the army (now he is also in reserve) - a Muslim by faith. I suggested that he lead social projects together - after all, children or the elderly who need help should receive it, regardless of their belonging to a particular nationality or confession. “Russia is our common home, we have been living on the same land for more than one century,” I told him. “So let’s build our house together!”

“What will I reward you, Lord, as You have given me the grace to be born and raised in the Orthodox faith and the Church and in the dear, inestimable fatherland, Russia.”
St. John of Kronstadt.

I can say that recently in Ufa, following the example of the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons, a Club of Muslim Patrons was created. Now we have already implemented a joint action.
It's about about a charitable client-oriented training, which was held for Bashkir entrepreneurs by representatives of the RCPM from Moscow, the best specialists in management consulting. The funds collected from him were immediately sent to help orphans from an orphanage in Blagoveshchensk. Having learned what they specifically needed, we bought and delivered sportswear and equipment to the children, as well as a chainsaw for their future rafting trips). This action received coverage on local television and on the pages of the republican business magazine "Hype" - its participant and our information partner.
It seems to me that the concept of “philanthropist” should not be understood as follows: here came a certain moneybag with a tightly stuffed wallet, took out a wad of money, clapped: “Here, buy or build something there!” No, we are not such patrons! As for wealthy and rich people, we do not ask them for money, we provide them with the opportunity, as was the case with the participants of that very training, to benefit for their company by acquiring a modern intellectual product, joining modern methods management and training, and send the proceeds to charity.
I believe that a philanthropist is someone who, at the call of his soul and heart, consciously helps people: moreover, he does not have to be related to business people; a person of any profession is able to be useful - he can support with his administrative resources, rich life experience, intellect, professional background, and, of course, capital.
For example, in the RCPM there is a project “Gift of God”, which provides for the support of the most gifted children and the Orthodox education of children in general. How can a humble teacher help here? foreign languages or a musician with their meager salaries? The first can prepare a child from an orphanage with the makings of a future polyglot, the second can train a musically gifted child. There are many such examples...
We are also involved in the work of the diocese in the Orthodox upbringing of children and youth. Last summer, we helped organize an Orthodox youth camp near Ufa - we sent its participants on buses, organized some events, including the closing of the camp with fireworks, handed everyone a jar of Bashkir honey with the club's logo and other gifts. Now we dream of renting the land ourselves, putting up summer houses there and setting up our own camp for children under the auspices of our department.
Specifically for projects
Last summer, on one of the busy streets of Ufa, in the building of the former convent, the workshop "Measured Icon" was opened, where everyone can order for their child, themselves or their loved ones an icon of his heavenly patron or any other icon close to his heart. So, thanks to the regional branch of the RKPM, one of the club's priority projects came to Bashkiria.
If we talk about this project as a whole, then during its work, the most experienced icon painters, primarily in Moscow and the Moscow region, completely restored the special ancient technique of painting icons, collected the rarest images of saints.
- The revival of the Ufa icon-painting traditions in our country is carried out with the most ardent support of the Moscow workshop "Measured Icon", - Sergey Nikolayevich notes. - We started our project from scratch - we renovated the premises and began to look for craftsmen. Now we already have seven masters along with students. And people come: Orthodox and, interestingly, Muslims who order measured icons as gifts for the families of their Orthodox friends. We also make wooden crucifixes and icon cases. In principle, we want to unite here all the icon painters of Bashkiria and give new life our Ural school of icon painting.
Another area of ​​activity of the department is cooperation with the iconostasis workshop at the Exaltation of the Cross Church in Ufa. Actually, the workshop itself, headed by Dmitry Molev (now a member of the RKPM), has been operating for seven years, two dozen iconostases made by her adorn churches not only in Bashkiria, but also in other regions of Russia. Recently, a wonderful iconostasis was installed in the Nizhny Novgorod church, and now the brothers (as Dmitry calls his work team) are working on orders for Izhevsk and Kemerovo.
- This is an amazing super-project of the club, uniting both the regions of Russia and the Slavic states, - Sergey Nikolaevich admires. - After all, it is aimed at attracting our compatriots to the Church, expanding the “territory of goodness and mercy” through the revival of the tradition of building ordinary (“one day”) churches in Russia. At the first stage, it is planned to build such a church in the spring of 2008 just in Kemerovo - the geographical center of Russia, at the second - in the capitals of Orthodox states - Moscow, Kyiv, Minsk, at the third - seven churches are being built in one day in seven federal districts of Russia.
“There is not much time left,” Merezhko says with concern, “and the pilot project prepared by us for Kemerovo (we took the model of a Russian temple of the 8th-9th centuries as a basis) is quite complicated. In the foundation, it is an octahedron (one side 4 meters long), symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem; the height to the cross is 17 meters, the area without an altar is 57 square meters, that is, the temple can accommodate just over 100 people. Now we are working on everything to the smallest detail, because - do not forget! - You need to build a temple in one day.
Of course, all our affairs (even just the opening of the Trapeza cafe in Ufa), Sergey Nikolaevich adds, we do with the blessing of Bishop Nikon, this outstanding pastor of the Russian Orthodox Church, who managed for 17 years of his service on the Bashkir land to build and restore from the ruins many dozens of temples and monasteries.
What gives army hardening
Talking about future development regional office and the club as a whole, Merezhko notes:
- We intend not to rest on our laurels, but with God's help to move forward, multiplying our good deeds. I have already spoken about some of our ideas. We want to show that money is not the main thing in life. When a person has faith and love for his neighbor, he will succeed.
It should also be borne in mind that the Republic of Bashkortostan is a strong region in itself. When I worked in the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation for the Volga Federal District and studied the analytics of the development of 15 subjects that make up the district, I was convinced that Bashkiria, developing not quite like other regions and continuing the traditions already established here, has a dynamic potential. This is a very interesting region for investments. Here good prospects growth, valuable resources, excellent personnel and a strong base for their training. I think that our regional branch of the RKPM has good soil, and the seeds sown in it will give abundant sprouts.
- And yet, - continues Sergei Nikolaevich, - I have often thought about what army hardening gives a person in our today's life. Many things from small to great. As a career officer, I am accustomed to value time very much, to fulfill any order or assignment on time and with high quality. And what is the experience in human relationships gained on military service! The elbow of a comrade, the readiness to come to the rescue has always been felt in the army, and this unites people.
The main thing has always been and remains: DEFEND THE MOTHERLAND, and this, believe me, is not a pompous slogan. After all, no matter how our country is called - Soviet, post-Soviet - it is the Motherland, which includes an island of your family, your land, your region ...
And we will overcome the severe trials sent to us by the Lord under the shadow of Orthodoxy. And a friend is known in trouble - this is also with us. All this is ours. Therefore, I love my Motherland and am happy that I live in Russia.
... 7-year-old Ivan Sergeevich goes to school, studies martial arts, goes to church, takes communion. And he, like his sisters Zhenya and Zhanna, is proud not only of his father’s army awards, but also of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, III degree, presented last summer by Bishop Nikon on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Merezhko Sr. on his 40th birthday.

The department designed to oversee the activities of motor transport and road facilities has existed in Bashkiria for 20 years. However, only recently the work of the republican Gosavtodornadzor has been seriously discussed. At the end of June 2010, Sergey Merezhko was appointed head of the Department of State Road Supervision for the Republic of Bashkortostan (UGDN for the Republic of Belarus). And delve into problems federal service on supervision in the field of transport, Sergei Nikolayevich began in February in the status of acting.

With the advent of a young and energetic leader, the department began a new life. Merezhko is really concerned about the observance of legislation in the field of motor transport and the road sector and requires compliance with legal norms from everyone, regardless of rank and position.

Route complaint book

43-year-old Sergei Merezhko, before being in the chair of the head of the transport inspectorate, managed to work in serious law enforcement agencies and came to the post of head of the UGDN for the Republic of Belarus with the rank of colonel of law enforcement agencies.

I am a lawyer in fact and by profession, - says Sergey Nikolaevich. “For me, keeping the law is paramount.

The duties of the head of the UGDN for the Republic of Belarus include monitoring compliance with security measures not only in transport, but also in the road sector. Gosavtodornadzor inspectors monitor the state of the road infrastructure on federal highways, and in the event of violations, such as spontaneous gravel ramps, they immediately issue orders to immediately put the highway in order.

Under the law, municipalities are given a deadline to eliminate deficiencies, and usually regional authorities meet this deadline, - says Mr. Merezhko. – Supervision and penalties of our department are taken seriously.

Sergei Merezhko decided to bring order to the passenger transportation market, believing that in this area the control of the State Automobile Inspectorate is necessary in the first place.

- Before you tried many, but did not work, we say.

But it is our job to ensure the safety of passengers, he says.

It is interesting that, according to Sergei Nikolaevich, passengers themselves contribute to the fact that in Ufa, and in many cities of Bashkiria, a wild passenger transportation market has developed.

If our citizens understood the risks of getting into technically imperfect cars of private carriers, probably, there would not be so many buses rushing through the streets who want to earn money on carriage, - says Mr. Merezhko. - And if the residents of the yards where buses of such carriers are parked at night reported these violations to the mayor's office or complained to us, then there would be less disorder on the roads. Because the overnight stay of a shuttle bus next to the driver’s entrance is a clear violation of the rules of road transportation, which assume that the provider of motor transport services has a garage, where they not only inspect the technical condition of the car before entering the line, but also check the driver’s health - whether his heart is naughty, not whether he drank too much in the evening.

Unfortunately, according to many experts, most car entrepreneurs prefer not to burden themselves with either excessive infrastructure, let alone technical and medical personnel. It is easier for them to earn money illegally, without paying taxes or mandatory fees from wages. According to some reports, the Bashkir "black" market of road transport "spins" 144 million dollars annually, and the state loses about 147 thousand dollars a year in unpaid taxes. In addition, many license holders do not have either Vehicle, no drivers in the state, but prefer to "sell" routes. According to rumors, the cost of "permission" to travel in one direction or another reaches 200 thousand rubles.

This is a fraud clean water, - Sergey Nikolaevich is sure. - In order for the bus to serve passengers on the line, it is necessary to participate in the competition for the distribution of routes and obtain permission from the mayor's office. License holders do not consider it necessary to enter into agreements with the administration, but they take upon themselves the legal services of such drivers - they say, if you are involved, contact us.

According to Mr. Merezhko, traffic lawyers will appeal against any action of the transport inspectorate, hoping to wear down the road guards with lawsuits - they say that next time they will be afraid to issue orders. At the same time, such entrepreneurs do not have special legal knowledge, they simply chose a tactic for themselves: the best defense is an attack.

But such businessmen cause significant damage to those businessmen who follow the rules of the game: they maintain a staff of drivers, production facilities and Maintenance- explains Sergey Nikolaevich. - A conscientious entrepreneur, fulfilling the conditions of the competition, serves this or that route all day long, even when there are no passengers, and goes to certain expenses. And the unscrupulous ones sleep during the day and leave only during peak hours to collect the cream from the routes on the main streets and deprive an honest businessman of funds. Yes, and the driver thinks: “Why do I need this fuss - with a return to the garage, a medical examination, strict technical control, a fixed number of shifts, getting up at four in the morning? After all, it’s easier to work on your own and there are no problems, the bus at the entrance, when it wanted to, then went to the line, and to the one where you can collect more money ... ”Such carriers that do not follow any civilized rules set the tone in the wild market, taking people out in the wrong field. And the "tentacles" of such Ufa entrepreneurs have already reached out to remote cities of the republic.

Where is Rostransnadzor looking? the reader will ask.

The fact is that state departments can check entrepreneurs only once every three years, or at the request of citizens, if the appeal indicates that the carrier has created a threat to the life and health of citizens.

We are obliged to ensure that the lives of the inhabitants of Bashkiria are not endangered, - Sergey Nikolayevich explains. - The task of our department is to oversee the legality in the motor transport sector, and we, in my opinion, are fulfilling it. Carriers are well aware that we cannot stop their activities, if there are no serious reasons. And if we had complaints regarding certain violators, we could take specific measures - go to court in the interests of people or issue orders to eliminate violations.

In the near future, the head of the Bashkir Department of State Avtodornadzor is planning to place boxes at some terminal stops to collect complaints from the population about poor-quality motor transport services. UGADN for the Republic of Belarus also plans to distribute public transport questionnaires where the passenger could indicate the pros and cons of a particular carrier.

Usually a person goes dissatisfied in a minibus, notes how the driver exceeds the speed limit, slips through a red light, but, once at home, waves his hand at these problems - he got there and it’s good, - Sergey Nikolayevich explains the psychology of the passenger. - And now such a dissatisfied citizen will be able to complain to our department right at the bus stop.

Sergei Merezhko assures that it is not so easy to bring the violating carrier to justice - you need to prove that he really worked on the line, and did not go, for example, to a car wash, that he went on a flight without actually passing a medical examination, and for this you need to find a doctor who issued a fake certificate. And complaints from the population indicating the numbers of buses that violate the rules of transportation will help inspectors to restore order on the roads.

It's a difficult area, he explains. – Operational work is needed to gather together the evidence base. But we try to do it before going to court with a lawsuit.

- You have taken on heavy work,- we say to Mr. Merezheko. - There are not many people in the administration. Are you ready for the flood of complaints that will fall on you?

This is our job,” he shrugs.

To issue licenses for the right to transport, a “single window” was opened in the Bashkir UGDN. And, according to the inspectors, "according to the law, 45 days are allotted for paperwork, but if all the necessary requirements are met, the necessary papers can be obtained in a shorter time."

It's not enough to give out permits, - Sergey Nikolaevich is sure. – In order to be sure of the safe operation of hauliers, it is important to constantly monitor them. For example, they provide contracts for pre-trip examinations of drivers, but such a medical institution does not exist. Or they enter into a contract for the maintenance of buses with a garage, where they have not heard of such a document.

It is curious that Mr. Merezhko prefers to call private traders who left to earn extra money on personal GAZelles not "illegals", but "unscrupulous" carriers.

Formally, they are not illegal immigrants, - Sergey Nikolayevich explains. – Most often they have vouchers issued by license holders right at the final stop. And in the license issued, by the way, by our department, it is said that the owner of such paper has the right to carry out passenger transportation on the territory of the Russian Federation. Unscrupulous bus owners take advantage of this blurring of the definition and put their cars on any route that seems especially profitable to them. And such actions are regulated by law - the carrier who won this route in the mayor's office should not tolerate infringement on his business and go to court. And we will help conscientious participants in the car market to achieve justice.

Sergei Merezhko assures that he is in favor of competition in the trucking market.

But only those carriers who thoroughly follow the rules of the game should enter the routes, - he says. - And, therefore, they are responsible for the safety of passengers.

Sergey Nikolayevich believes that today he can help in the fight against unscrupulous carriers new article 263.1 of the Criminal Code, which entered into force in July 2010, "Failure to comply with the requirements for ensuring transport security." Now, according to the new criminal law, in the event of an accident with one victim or major damage (about a million rubles), an entrepreneur or a person who is entrusted with the duty to monitor the technical condition of the car can go to jail for three years. If a person dies in an accident, then the mechanic or businessman who owns the buses may be imprisoned for five years, and in the event of the death of two or more people, those responsible for the release of the bus on the line may end up on bunk beds for seven years. Moreover, the mechanic must have attestation documents confirming his right to provide such a service. This is just the case when not only the driver, but also the one who issued him the ticket, must answer for the accident, - Sergey Nikolayevich says harshly. – And, I hope, the new legislation will make many hotheads come to their senses, who believe that there is easy money in the road transportation market.

But, it is clear that no matter how enthusiastic the new head of the Bashkir UGADN possesses, neither he nor his subordinates alone can cope with the wild market of road transportation. In order for the fight against unscrupulous carriers to be successful, it is necessary that representatives of other authorities and departments sincerely worry about this field.

We are limited by our powers, - says Mr. Merezhko. – Our inspectors are obliged to monitor the work and rest regime of drivers and their compliance with license requirements and safety rules. Stop the bus, which may violate the rules of transportation, can only traffic police officers. And, accordingly, only employees of the mayor's office have the right to ask on what basis this carrier ended up on a particular route - after all, the issuance of route cards is carried out in accordance with local legislation, and we have the right to control only the federal one.

- Maybe it is worth conducting raids, as in Kazan, where not only officials and state traffic inspectors, but also tax authorities and Rospotrebnadzor participated in the checks of carriers?

To put things in order, all means are good, - Sergey Merezhko agrees. - I believe that those who seek to work and earn money in this market will one day come to the conclusion that it is easier to comply with all requirements and work according to the rules than to break the law. I understand that this will take time, but the time of the spontaneous market is over, entrepreneurs will either have to obey the law or leave this business.

At the end of June 2010, Sergey Merezhko was appointed head of the Department of State Road Supervision for the Republic of Bashkortostan (UGDN for the Republic of Belarus). Moreover, Sergey Nikolayevich began to delve into the problems of the federal service for supervision in the field of transport back in February in the status of acting.

With the advent of a young and energetic leader, the department began a new life. Merezhko is really concerned about the observance of legislation in the field of motor transport and the road sector and requires compliance with legal norms from everyone, regardless of rank and position.

Route complaint book

43-year-old Sergei Merezhko, before being in the chair of the head of the transport inspectorate, managed to work in serious law enforcement agencies and came to the post of head of the UGDN for the Republic of Belarus with the rank of colonel of law enforcement agencies.
“I am a lawyer in essence and by profession,” says Sergei Nikolayevich. For me, following the law is paramount.

The duties of the head of the UGDN for the Republic of Belarus include monitoring compliance with security measures not only in transport, but also in the road sector. Gosavtodornadzor inspectors monitor the state of the road infrastructure on federal highways, and in the event of violations, such as spontaneous gravel ramps, they immediately issue orders to immediately put the highway in order.

- According to the law, municipalities are given a period to eliminate shortcomings, and usually the district authorities meet this period, - says Mr. Merezhko. — Supervision and penalties of our department are taken seriously.

Sergei Merezhko decided to bring order to the passenger transportation market, believing that in this area the control of the State Automobile Inspectorate is necessary in the first place.
“Many have tried before you, but it didn’t work,” we say.
“But it's our job to keep the passengers safe,” he says.

It is interesting that, according to Sergei Nikolaevich, passengers themselves contribute to the fact that in Ufa, and in many cities of Bashkiria, a wild passenger transportation market has developed.

“If our citizens understood the risks of getting into technically imperfect cars of private carriers, there would probably not be so many buses rushing through the streets who want to make money on carts,” says Mr. Merezhko. “And if the residents of the yards where buses of such carriers park at night reported these violations to the mayor's office or complained to us, then there would be less disorder on the roads. Because the overnight stay of a shuttle bus next to the driver's entrance is a clear violation of the rules of road transport, which assume that the provider of motor transport services has a garage, where they not only inspect the technical condition of the car before entering the line, but also check the health of the driver - whether his heart is naughty, not whether he drank too much in the evening.

Unfortunately, according to many experts, most car entrepreneurs prefer not to burden themselves with either excessive infrastructure, let alone technical and medical personnel. It is easier for them to earn money illegally, without paying taxes or mandatory fees from wages. According to some reports, the Bashkir "black" market of road transport "spins" 144 million dollars annually, and the state loses about 147 thousand dollars a year in unpaid taxes. In addition, many license holders do not have vehicles or drivers in the state, and prefer to "sell" routes. According to rumors, the cost of "permission" to travel in one direction or another reaches 200 thousand rubles.

“This is pure fraud,” Sergey Nikolayevich is sure. - In order for the bus to serve passengers on the line, it is necessary to participate in the competition for the distribution of routes and obtain permission from the mayor's office. License holders do not consider it necessary to enter into agreements with the administration, but they take upon themselves the legal services of such drivers - they say, if you are involved, contact us.

According to Mr. Merezhko, traffic lawyers will appeal against any action of the traffic inspectorate, hoping to wear down the road guards with lawsuits - they say, next time they will be afraid to issue orders. At the same time, such entrepreneurs do not have special legal knowledge, they simply chose a tactic for themselves: the best defense is an attack.

“But such businessmen cause significant damage to those businessmen who follow the rules of the game: they maintain a staff of drivers, production facilities and maintenance,” explains Sergey Nikolayevich. - A conscientious entrepreneur, fulfilling the conditions of the competition, serves this or that route all day long, even when there are no passengers, and goes to certain expenses. And the unscrupulous ones sleep during the day and leave only during peak hours to collect the cream from the routes on the main streets and deprive an honest businessman of funds. Yes, and the driver thinks: “Why do I need this fuss - with a return to the garage, a medical examination, strict technical control, a fixed number of shifts, getting up at four in the morning? After all, it’s easier to work on your own and there are no problems, the bus at the entrance, when it wanted to, then went to the line, and to the one where you can collect more money ... ”Such carriers that do not follow any civilized rules set the tone in the wild market, taking people out in the wrong field. And the "tentacles" of such Ufa entrepreneurs have already reached out to remote cities of the republic.

Where is Rostransnadzor looking? the reader will ask.
The fact is that state departments can check entrepreneurs only once every three years, or at the request of citizens, if the appeal indicates that the carrier has created a threat to the life and health of citizens.

“We are obliged to ensure that the lives of the inhabitants of Bashkiria are not endangered,” explains Sergey Nikolayevich. - The task of our department is to oversee the rule of law in the motor transport sector, and we, in my opinion, are fulfilling it. Carriers are well aware that we cannot stop their activities, if there are no serious reasons. And if we had complaints regarding certain violators, we could take specific measures - go to court in the interests of people or issue orders to eliminate violations.

In the near future, the head of the Bashkir Department of State Avtodornadzor is planning to place boxes at some terminal stops to collect complaints from the population about poor-quality motor transport services. UGADN for the Republic of Belarus also plans to distribute questionnaires in public transport, where the passenger could indicate the pros and cons of a particular carrier.

“Usually a person is dissatisfied in a minibus, notes how the driver exceeds the speed limit, slips through a red light, but, once at home, waves his hand at these problems - he got there and it’s good,” Sergey Nikolayevich explains the psychology of the passenger. “And now such a dissatisfied citizen will be able to complain to our department right at the bus stop.

Sergei Merezhko assures that it is not so easy to bring the violating carrier to justice - you need to prove that he really worked on the line, and did not go, for example, to a car wash, that he went on a flight without actually passing a medical examination, and for this you need to find a doctor who issued a fake certificate. And complaints from the population indicating the numbers of buses that violate the rules of transportation will help inspectors to restore order on the roads.

“This is a difficult area,” he explains. — Operational work is needed to gather together the evidence base. But we try to do it before going to court with a lawsuit.
- You have taken on unbearable work, - we say to Mr. Merezheko. “There are not many people in the administration. Are you ready for the flood of complaints that will fall on you?
“That's our job,” he shrugs.

To issue licenses for the right to transport, a “single window” was opened in the Bashkir UGDN. And, according to the inspectors, "according to the law, 45 days are allotted for paperwork, but if all the necessary requirements are met, the necessary papers can be obtained in a shorter time."

“It is not enough to issue permits,” Sergey Nikolayevich is sure. — In order to be confident in the safe operation of hauliers, it is important to constantly monitor them. For example, they provide contracts for pre-trip examinations of drivers, but such a medical institution does not exist. Or they enter into a contract for the maintenance of buses with a garage, where they have not heard of such a document.

It is curious that Mr. Merezhko prefers to call private traders who left to earn extra money on personal GAZelles not "illegals", but "unscrupulous" carriers.
“Formally, they are not illegal immigrants,” Sergey Nikolayevich explains. - Most often they have vouchers issued by license holders right at the final stop. And in the license issued, by the way, by our department, it is said that the owner of such paper has the right to carry out passenger transportation on the territory of the Russian Federation. Unscrupulous bus owners take advantage of this blurring of the definition and put their cars on any route that seems especially profitable to them. And such actions are regulated by law - the carrier that won this route in the mayor's office should not tolerate infringement on its business and go to court. And we will help conscientious participants in the car market to achieve justice.

Sergei Merezhko assures that he is in favor of competition in the trucking market.
“But only those carriers who thoroughly follow the rules of the game should enter the routes,” he says. - And, therefore, they are responsible for the safety of passengers.

Sergei Nikolayevich believes that a new article 263.1 of the Criminal Code, which came into force in July 2010, "Failure to comply with transport security requirements," can help today in the fight against unscrupulous carriers. Now, according to the new criminal law, in the event of an accident with one victim or major damage (about a million rubles), an entrepreneur or a person who is entrusted with the duty to monitor the technical condition of the car can go to jail for three years. If a person dies in an accident, then the mechanic or businessman who owns the buses may be imprisoned for five years, and in the event of the death of two or more people, those responsible for the release of the bus on the line may end up on bunk beds for seven years. Moreover, the mechanic must have attestation documents confirming his right to provide such a service.

- The current novelty of the criminal law will make those who issue fake vouchers think. After all, if an unprepared driver, who only yesterday decided to earn money by driving and bought a waybill, makes an accident where people suffer, both the mechanic and the entrepreneur, whose signatures are on waybill. We believe that this innovation will greatly facilitate the supervision of unscrupulous carriers, and we will do our best to make this article work.
According to Sergei Merezhko, the other day one of these drivers in Ufa knocked down a woman on October Avenue near house number 80.

“This is exactly the case when not only the driver, but also the one who issued him a ticket, should be responsible for the accident,” Sergey Nikolayevich says harshly. — And, I hope, the new legislation will make many hotheads come to their senses, who believe that there is easy money in the trucking market.

But it is clear that no matter how enthusiastic the new head of the Bashkir UGADN possesses, neither he nor his subordinates alone can cope with the wild market of road transportation. In order for the fight against unscrupulous carriers to be successful, it is necessary that representatives of other authorities and departments sincerely worry about this field.

“We are limited by our powers,” Mr. Merezhko says. “Our inspectors are required to monitor the work and rest regime of drivers and their compliance with license requirements and safety rules. Stop the bus, which may violate the rules of transportation, can only traffic police officers. And, accordingly, only employees of the mayor's office have the right to ask on what basis this carrier ended up on a particular route - after all, the issuance of route cards is carried out in accordance with local legislation, and we have the right to control only the federal one.

- Maybe it is worth conducting raids, as in Kazan, where not only officials and state traffic inspectors, but also tax authorities and Rospotrebnadzor participated in the checks of carriers?
- To restore order, all means are good, - agrees Sergei Merezhko. — I believe that those who seek to work and earn money in this market will one day come to the conclusion that it is easier to comply with all requirements and work according to the rules than to break the law. I understand that this will take time, but the time of the spontaneous market is over, entrepreneurs will either have to obey the law or leave this business.

Presumably, Merezhko Sergey Nikolaevich is the head of the companies, the list of which you see below. Please be reminded that the companies listed below may be managed by different people(same family). This information was obtained based on the analysis of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, may be outdated and does not violate 152-FZ "On Personal Data" in accordance with Art. 6 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".


Jur. address: 450022, UFA, st. Zlobina, 31

Regulation and promotion of effective management economic activity, activities in the field of regional, national and youth policy

Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for the SOVIET district of the city of UFA of the Republic of BASHKORTOSTAN


Region: Bashkortostan, republic

Jur. address: 450000, UFA, st. COMMUNIST, 45/3

Activities of others public organizations not included in other groups

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