Literary hour along the paths of summer. Ecological game travel: Along the forest paths

Helpful Hints 06.07.2019
Helpful Hints

Natalya Melentyeva
Project "On the Paths of Summer"

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 8"


"By the paths of summer» .

View project: creative, playful.

Relevance of the topic:

Native nature is a powerful source from which a child draws a lot of knowledge and impressions. Interest in the surrounding objects of inanimate and especially living nature manifests itself very early. Children notice everything: a hardworking ant on a forest path, a mobile bug on the mirror surface of the water, a tiny spider in the thick grass. The attention of children is attracted by seasonal changes in nature, the brightness of colors, the variety of sounds, smells. They discover a new world: they try to touch everything with their hands, examine, smell, if possible, taste.

Supporting the child's sincere interest in the environment, one should remember to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Summer is just a wonderful time! Everywhere is good, wherever went: to the forest, to the meadow, to the field, to the river or lake. But we also have kindergarten There are many such places where you can observe the inhabitants of our native land.

Target project: to arouse interest in the world around us, to form realistic ideas about nature, a more cognitive attitude towards it through acquaintance with the world of insects, plants and flowers. Create conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children.

Tasks project:

To acquaint children with the diversity of the world of insects, highlighting their distinctive common features;

Cultivate a good attitude towards small neighbors on the planet and careful attitude to the nature of his native land.

Develop creative abilities.

To form in children elementary ideas about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper, their structure, methods of movement;

To acquaint children with the features of life and development of plants.

To form the idea that a plant is a living organism and needs care.

Promote the development of cognitive activity in children.

Help your child learn the rules of behavior and communication with the natural world.

Build skills and abilities.

Promote the need environmental education preschoolers among parents.

Develop emotional responsiveness;

Develop communication skills;

Build research skills.

Members project: children 4 - 5 years old, educators; parents.

Duration project: average duration - 3 months

Basic forms of implementation project:


Reading fiction,

Didactic games;

Finger games;

Outdoor games;

productive activity.

Security project:

Logistics: Pictures; albums; costume elements; insect toys; bibs depicting insects, natural materials; equipment and materials for productive activities, books about insects.

Estimated result:

Children should know and name insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper);

have a basic understanding of certain features appearance(body shape, number of legs, presence of wings, methods of movement (jumping, flies, runs, sounds made (buzzes, chirps, where and how insects hibernate;

Know about the benefits or harm that people and plants bring;

Find similarities and differences;

Have a general concept "insects";

Compose descriptive story about an insect using a reference scheme;

Name the parts of a flower (stem, leaves, flower).

preliminary work:

Search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Insects";

familiarity with literary gworks: G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina", A. Bianchi "How the ant hurried home", "Spider - Pilot", G. Glushnev "Grasshopper and Grasshoppers", S. Mikhalkov "Academy of Sciences",G. Skrebitsky "Lucky Bug", V. Zotov from the book "Forest Mosaic" ("Ladybug", "Grasshopper", "Chafer", K. Ushinsky "Bees on exploration", K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha";

learning poems about insects "Centipede", "Song of the Beetle", "About the Butterfly", finger gymnastics "Beetle, dragonfly, wasps", « ladybugs» , guessing riddles, word creation (composition by children);

Listening to an audio recording by N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee", A. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers";

Watching cartoons "Luntik", "Maya the bee", "Winnie the Pooh", "Under the Mushroom".

Cooperation with family th:

Consultations "How to instill a love for nature", "First Aid for Insect Bites".

Making crafts from waste and natural materials for decorating the site.

Consultation "Child and Nature" (basics of safety for preschool children).

Invitation to participate in the competition "Waltz of the Flowers".

Wall newspaper design “Here it is, our summer!”.

Interaction with specialists:

Physical entertainment "On the meadow".

Product project activities : a story about an insect according to the scheme, a story recorded by parents with children's illustrations, didactic games, leisure photos, a collective application "On the meadow",

Product project activities:

Exhibition of works of children's creativity « amazing world insects"

Card file of mobile, didactic, finger games

Album "Insects"

Crafts from natural material

Exhibition of drawings "Insects-cockroaches".

Scenario KVN ;

Advice for parents "Insect Bites".

Presentation project:

KVN "Little inhabitants of planet Earth".

A long-term plan for the implementation of pedagogical project

"By the paths of summer» .

Week 1 "Fly, ladybug"

1. Conversation: "Six Legged Babies".

2. Watching a ladybug.

3. Reading a poem "Ladybug"

4. Reading a fairy tale "Ladybug"

5. Guessing riddles about a ladybug.

6. Finger games "Ladybugs"

7. P / i "Spider and Flies"

8. Riddles about insects

9. Singing "Good beetle" sl. E. Schwartz, music. Spadagvekia

10. Productive activity: origami "Ladybug"

11. Consultation for parents “Providing the first honey. help with insect bites.

12. Examination of illustrations about flowers (formation of emotional interest, show the variety of growing flowers).

13. Didactic game "Fold the Flower" (clarification of knowledge about the structure of a flower - stem, leaves of a flower).

2 weeks "Fly-fly, Tsokotuha"

1. Talk about mosquitoes and flies.

2. Observation of mosquitoes and flies.

3. Reading a fairy tale "Mosquito pushers".

4. Singing a song "About frogs and mosquitoes" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by Filippenko) .

5. Riddles, pestles, tongue twisters.

6. P / i "Hares and the wolf".

7. D / i "Who lives in the house"

3 week “There lived a good beetle in the world”

1. A conversation about the benefits and harms of beetles.

2. Observation of beetles.

3. Reading fairy tales "Woodcutter", "Ground beetle".

4. Dramatization of the poem "Strange Ishtoria".

5. Riddles, tongue twisters, pestles.

6. P / i “A bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

7. finger game "Bug".

8. D / i "What is the first sound"

9. Productive activity-craft made from natural material "Bug".

10. Didactic game "World of Flowers" (clarify children's knowledge of garden and wild flowers).

4 week "Shaggy bumblebee"

1. A conversation about wasps and bumblebees.

2. Observation of wasps and bumblebees.

3. Reading a poem "Bumblebee" T. A. Shorygina.

4. Reading a fairy tale "Wasp - amophila".

5. Brief messages : "Bronzovka", "Bark beetle".

6. Riddles, proverbs and sayings.

7. Finger games.

8. Rhymes.

9. P/s "Don't get your feet wet".

10. P/s "Chamomile", "Spring Flowers"(stimulation of the natural process of development of motor abilities and qualities).

Week 1 "Golden Bee"

1. Conversation about the bee family. "Insects. What are they?

2. Observation of a bee, bumblebee, wasp.

3. Memorizing a poem "Bee".

4. Riddles, folk omens, Proverbs and sayings.

5. Finger "Hive", "Wasps", "Wasp".

6. Rhythm + sentences, tongue twisters.

7. D / i "The Fourth Extra"

9. P/s "Bear and bees"

10. Craft from natural material: "Bee"

11. Didactic game "Flower shop"(fix the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find desired flower among the others; teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets).

2 weeks "Ant, my dear"

1. Conversation "Poisonous Insects".

2. Watching an ant.

3. Storytelling "Ant".

4. Memorizing a poem "Ant's house"

5. Riddles.

6. P / i "Whoever is called, he catches the ball"

7. D / i "fourth extra".

8. Productive activity: drawing "Crawler House"

9. Work in the flower garden (caring for planted flowers, monitoring the development of plants).

3 week "In the grass Grasshopper sat"

1. A conversation about grasshoppers.

2. Observation of grasshoppers.

3. Reading a fairy tale "Grasshopper".

4. Poem "Grasshopper Serenade" (T. A. Shorygina).

5. Riddles, folk signs.

6. P / and with a rope .

7. Singing in the grass sitting grasshopper (words by N. Nosov, music by V. Shainsky) .

8. D / i "Guess the description".

9. Productive activity: button appliqué "Caterpillar".

10. reading and retelling (Russian folk tale "Tops and Roots", story by V. Kataev “Flower-semitsvetik”;

4 week "Beauty Butterflies"

1. A conversation about butterflies.

2. Watching butterflies.

3. Message: "Insect camouflage".

4. "Buzzing Words"

5. Unconventional drawing: "Butterflies".

6. Wall newspaper “Here it is, our summer!”.

7. Psycho-gymnastics "I am a plant"

The text plays in the background. Children perform the movements indicated in it.

“Imagine you are a baby plant. You were planted in black, which means fertile soil. You are still a very small sprout, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But someone's kind hands are watering you, wiping the dust, loosening the ground so that your roots breathe. You start growing. Your petals have grown, the stem is growing stronger, you are reaching for the light. It is so good for you to live together with other beautiful flowers.”

Did you enjoy being plants? Why? (We were cared for, we were cared for).

1. Watching a butterfly. (Program in kindergarten, p. 92)

2. Reading fairy tales "Admiral", "Apollo", Goldeneye, "Dawn"

3. Staged "Three Butterflies"

4. Riddles.

5. Finger gymnastics "Caterpillar", "Butterfly"

6. D / i "I know five names of insects".

7. P / i "Butterfly Catching"

8. Drawing "Beauty Butterfly" (monotype)

9. Finger gymnastics "Flowers"

2 weeks "Dragonfly Jumper"

1. A conversation about dragonflies.

2. Watching a dragonfly.

3. Reading I. A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant"

4. Staged "Dragonfly and Ant".

5. Riddles.

6. P / i "Who is the most accurate".

7. D / i "Knock and knock, find the word, dear friend".

8. Unconventional drawing "Dragonflies".

3 week "Spiders"

1. A conversation about arachnids.

2. Watching the spider.

3. Reading a fairy tale "Spider Tramp"

4. Poem "Spider" T. A. Shorygina.

5. Riddles, sentences.

6. P / i "Who will move the items faster".

7. D / i "Food Chains in the Forest".

8. Productive activity "Cardboard Boxes".

4 week "This buzzing, crawling, flying world»

1. Presentation "This buzzing, crawling, flying world»

2. D\u "Running, jumping, flies» .

3. P / s « flies, not flies»

4. D / i "Food Chains in the Meadow"

5. Competition of connoisseurs.

6. Napkin applique "Butterflies have arrived".

7. Dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha".

On July 12, a game-journey was held in the Shatura Lyceum for children attending summer health camps. Teams "Rainbow" from the Shatura Lyceum, "Solnyshko" from school No. 4 and "Tornado" from the "Academy of Success" took part in the game.

The teachers gave the children six stages. At the Animal Kingdom station, the teams had to solve riddles about animals, insert missing letters in the names of animals. At the Plant Kingdom station, the children solved riddles about plants and guessed at what time of the year they bloom. At the station "Kingdom of the Feathers", the teams correlated the images in the drawings with the names of birds. At the station "Kingdom of Mushrooms" the guys answered the questions of the quiz. At the Tvorcheskaya station, the teams packed a backpack, where they put the things necessary for the trip, made up the rules of conduct in the forest and drew environmental signs. AT " homework» the guys presented staged songs about funny animals.

The children not only had fun, but also acquired the skill of working in a team, and also learned more about nature.

Photo by Sergey Korshunov.
#Our suburbs

Recording Along the Paths of Summer first appeared

Ecological game-journey for younger students "Along the forest paths"

Travel games are similar to a fairy tale, its development, miracles. A game-journey reflects real facts or events, and all this happens in the game, in game actions, becomes close to the child.

The purpose of the game is travel- to enhance the impression, to give the cognitive content a slightly fabulous unusualness, to draw the attention of children to what is nearby, but not noticed by them.

Travel games are always somewhat romantic. This is what arouses the interest and active participation of children in the development of the plot of the game and their desire to get a result: to learn something, to learn something. A game-journey is a game of actions, thoughts, feelings of a child, a form of satisfying his needs for knowledge.

In the name of the game, in the wording of the game task, there should be “calling words” that arouse the interest of children. The game-journey uses many ways of revealing cognitive content in combination with gaming activities: setting tasks, explaining how to solve them, developing travel routes, step-by-step problem solving, the joy of solving it, meaningful rest. The travel game sometimes includes songs, riddles, gifts, and more.

Travel Games- this is a study of any object of nature, a field of ecological knowledge, built as a "movement" of children in time and space. There is no competition in them, but there may be elements of a competitive nature. Travel games require independence and activity from children. Children have to choose the route themselves, select educational material, come up with tasks for groups. Getting ready for travel games, schoolchildren work with dictionaries, scientific and educational literature, look for the necessary material and formulate questions. In travel games big variety roles, which is important for the development of the subjectivity of children, to meet their needs for active work.

Conditions and requirements for organizing travel games:

The themes of games should meet the needs, interests, requests of children;

Every child should be given the opportunity to actively participate in the game;

It is preferable to organize travel games in groups in order, firstly, to cover all children, and secondly, to highlight different sides chosen topic;

The main thing in the game-journey is knowledge, not competition;

In travel games, a plot is desirable; inventing it develops the creativity of children.

Game for elementary school students "Along the forest paths"

The class is divided into two teams of 10-15 people. Each team has its own emblem.


Hello, forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

What are you making noise about?

Dark, stormy night?

What are you whispering at dawn,

All in dew, as in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, do not hide,

You see, we are ours!

Before us are two teams: "Birch" and "Herringbone". They are now embarking on a journey "Along the forest paths."

The commands are presented.


Under a wide dark spruce

Smells like last year's prelude.

You come up to her - needles

Glide under the soles

Indeed, in the custom of the Christmas tree

Change clothes all year round

Spruce is familiar to all of us since childhood. Without an elegant Christmas tree, there is no holiday. Spruce is green all year round, why? Yes, because the leaf-needle lives 2 - 3 years, and the needles do not fall off all at once, but gradually, throughout the year. Some needles fall, while others grow.

Spruce is loved by birds, And the bear most often builds its lair under the spruce. Spruce lives up to 200 years.


I love Russian birch

Either bright or sad

In a white sarafan

With handkerchiefs in pockets

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings.

The white-barreled beauty has long been loved by the Russian people. How many songs and poems have been written about her! Birch is one of the most beautiful trees Russia. Its white trunk remains cold even on hot days. Up to forty liters of birch sap gives one tree before bud break. Furniture and plywood are made from birch. And birch bark is a finished natural paper.

Leading. Let's move on to the "Team Warm-up" competition

The Elochka team needs to answer the following questions:

1. Name five species of deciduous trees.

2. Why conifer tree called larch?

Questions for the Beryozka team:

1. Name five species of conifers.

2. What is the difference between spruce and pine?

Competition "Mushroom meadow"


Who sits on a strong leg

AT brown leaves by the track?

Got a hat made of grass -

There is no head under the cap.

We take on a bow -

And rather on the road

Run across the meadow

Amanitas and grebes,

Ryzhik, mushrooms,

To lead you astray.

Tasks for teams: assemble edible mushrooms in a basket, and leave the inedible ones (mushrooms made of paper). Fans at this time answer the question: Why are mushrooms so called - chanterelles, boletus, boletus, boletus, fly agaric and others?

Competition of captains "Forest complaints"

Captains are asked to guess who the complaint is from.

Team "Herringbone"

Team "Birch"

“And everyone is afraid of me, so they tell so many stories about me. They do not like that I love darkness and rest upside down. I do not look like a bird or an animal, but I am a friend to man, not an enemy. Who am I?" (Bat)

Competition "Animal World of the Forest"

Everything in the world, everything in the world is needed.

And midges are no less needed than elephants.

You can't do without absurd monsters,

And even without predators, evil and ferocious.

We need everything in the world, we need everything in a row:

Who makes honey and who makes poison!

From the individual cut parts of the picture, you need to assemble a portrait of the animal. I invite one person from the team.

Teams make up the names of animals from the proposed letters. Fans at this time show scenes from the life of animals (you can stage fairy tales about animals).

Competition "Birds are our friends"


So much fun in the dense forest!

The birds are singing on the branches.

See the beauty of the forest

The feathered ones help us.

The Herringbone team writes down five names of wintering birds.

The Beryozka team writes down five names of migratory birds.

Competition "Do you know what? .."

Leading. For this competition, members of each team conducted research, which resulted in Interesting Facts from the life of nature. Now you will know that...

Team "Herringbone"

1. Did you know that the most powerful insect is the rhinoceros beetle? (picture) Himself weighing 14 g, and can drag a load of 1 kg 580 g.

2. Do you know that an owl kills up to 1000 mice over the summer and saves 1 ton of bread?

3. Did you know that 1 hectare of forest absorbs 250 kg of carbon dioxide per day and releases 200 kg of oxygen?

Beryozka team

1. Did you know that a cuckoo can eat 100 caterpillars in 1 hour?

2. Did you know that in order to collect 100 kg of honey, a bee needs to fly around 1,000,000 flowers?

3. Do you know what bat eats 200 malarial mosquitoes a night and saves people?

This competition can also be held in this order: one team asks the other team a question. For example: “How many mice do you think an owl destroys over the summer?” After the answer of the opponent, the team gives its detailed answer.

Leading. Now the teams will show you a jointly prepared performance "Protect Nature".

First child.

Tree, flower, grass and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Second child.

Animal burrows, bird's nest

We will never destroy.

Let the chicks and small animals

It's good to live next to us.

third child. Nature is dying and asking us for protection, many plants and animals have become rare. They are listed in the Red Book. It is called red because red is a danger signal. The International Red Book was created in 1966. It is stored in the Swiss city of Morges. The animals of our country are also recorded in it. In 1974, the Red Book was created in our country as well. It contains 52 species of animals and 65 species of birds. Fourth child.

Protected by the Red Book

So many rare animals and birds

To survive the many-sided space

For the light of the coming lightning.

So that the deserts do not dare to descend,

So that the souls do not become empty,

Beasts are guarded, snakes are guarded,

Even the flowers are protected.

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower.

If everything: me and you, if we pick flowers -

All glades will be empty and there will be no beauty.

In conclusion, a song about nature is performed (at the choice of the organizers).

MOU "Secondary School with. Novo-Zakharkino

The game is a journey

"On the paths of summer"


primary school teacher I qualifications

MOU "Secondary School with. Novo-Zakharkino

Dukhovnitsky district of the Saratov region»

Game - journey "On the paths of summer"

The summer holidays are approaching, which means the rest of our students in the camps, on the summer grounds. Our task is to captivate children with cognitive activities so that the time passes with benefit. Remembering psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to make their cognitive activity emotionally colored, accessible in presentation, colorfully designed, to give it elements of entertainment. All this is offered in this development of the game - travel.


    expand and deepen knowledge about the forest, about its inhabitants;

    cultivate a caring, respectful attitude towards nature.

Lesson progress

Stop "Here comes the summer"


    The sun bakes, the linden blossoms, the rye ripens. When does it happen? / Summer /

    name summer months. / June July August /

    Tell us how nature has changed with the onset of summer.

— The Hot Summer has begun to work. “Let everything in my picture be ripe, ripe,” it decided. The whole forest was painted by the Sun with lush greenery. Trees in the orchard were decorated with apples and pears, berries scattered under the bushes, looked into the meadows and started a fun haymaking there. The Red Sun looks and cannot stop admiring the picture of summer.

1 student:

June has come. "June, June!" —

Birds chirping in the garden...

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fall apart.

2 student:

Here comes the summer

Strawberry blushed:

Turns sideways to the sun -

Everything will be filled with scarlet juice.

In the field - a red carnation,

Red clover... look at this:

And wild rose hips in summer

All covered in red.

It can be seen people are not in vain

They call summer red!

3 student:

The rain fell down the garden path,

Drops on the branches hang like earrings.

You touch a birch - it will wake up

And laugh, laugh to tears.

4 student:

Clouds are thinning, melting ... midday time;

It stands like a ball, thick, heavy heat.

Coolness blows from the river. The boys rush to her

Their screams and careless laughter fly in all directions.

5 student:

Flames sparkle in splashes,

The noise and din are not silent,

Water runs in circles to the green banks.

And in the summer choir the consonants merge more friendly

And the sound of the river is clear, and the sonorous laughter of children.

6 student:

How much morning light outside the open window!

Summer walks on the ground, summer walks barefoot.

How much wind and space!

How many songs and flowers!

The distance of the fields and the rumble of motors,

Echoes of early trains.

How much summer. How much sun

How much greenery around!

Wake up with the birds.

Let's sing along with the birds.

7 student:

Summer smells very nice.

Grass warmed by the sun

Scarlet sweet strawberries

And steppe blackberries,

Tart, juicy foliage.

spicy cut grass,

Timid mushroom rain

And young dill.

Well, that's not the point!

The most important smell of summer

You will hear behind the village,

In a field of ripe wheat.

8 student:

It's good that it's summer again, the sun is high again,

That the water in the pond is heated like fresh milk.

It's good that thick blue rye drinks dew,

That flocks of birds meet us both in the field and in the forest.

9 student:

We harvest fruits in August.

A lot of people joy after all the work.

The sun stands over the spacious fields,

And the sunflower is stuffed with black seeds.

ABC folk wisdom

    If the sun rises in the fog in summer, it will be quiet and stuffy during the day.

    During sunrise there is stuffiness - in the evening it will rain.

    Sparrows fly in heaps - to dry and clear weather.

    A hot wind blew - to the rain.

    The spider strenuously weaves webs - to dry weather.

    Quiet bright night without dew - wait for the rain.

    Crowns around the sun - to the rain.

    Swifts fly low - portend rain.

    Flowers smell stronger before the rain.

creative work

Come up with a drawing for one of the signs, which is especially memorable.

Stop "Kingdom of the Feathers"


Dreaming of a worm at night

Miracle - Yudo on a bitch:

Long beak and two wings

Arrives - things are bad.

And who is the worm afraid of?

Guessed? It …. / bird /

And now we will remember a lot of interesting things about birds. Guess the riddles:

    Blind during the day, sighted at night, catches mice, not a cat. / Owl /

    Spins, chirps, fusses all day. / Magpie /

    Little boy in a gray coat

Snooping around the yards, collecting crumbs. / Sparrow /

What interesting things can you tell about these birds?


    Which bird flies the highest? / Eagle /

    What is the smallest bird in our country? / Kinglet /

    And what is the largest in the world? / ostrich /

    When is the body temperature of a sparrow lower: in winter or summer? / Same /

    Which bird has the longest tongue? / Woodpecker /

    When are geese especially angry? / When they have goslings /

    Which of the forest birds is called both a forest cat and a forest flute? / Oriole - she makes such sounds /

    Which bird has chicks in winter? / At the cross /

    What bird is called the water sparrow? /Olyapka/

    Why is it forbidden to shout loudly in the forest? / June is the month of silence: birds sit on their nests /

Do you know proverbs?

Leading: Remember the proverbs that mention the titmouse, sparrow, sandpiper. Explain their meaning.

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it.

    Every sandpiper praises his swamp.

Competition for the best knowledge of fairy tales

Leading: Remember the names of fairy tales, the heroes of which are birds. Who is their author?

    Galchonok from the book by E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat"

    Parrot from G. Oster's book "Exercising for the tail"

    Nightingale from H.K. Andersen's book "The Nightingale"

    Goose from the book by S. Lagerlof "Niels' wonderful journey with wild geese"

    Cockerel from A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

    Raven and crow from H.K. Andersen's book " The Snow Queen»

    Owl from the book by A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"

    Swallow from H.K. Andersen's book "Thumbelina"

    Fire is a bird from P. Ershov's book "Humpbacked Horse"

    Sparrow from the book by K.I. Chukovsky "Cockroach"

    Duckling from H.K. Andersen's book "The Ugly Duckling"

And you know that...

    An owl kills about 1,000 rodents a year. If we take into account that each mouse can eat 1 kg of grain per year, then one owl will save 1 ton of bread per year.

    A cuckoo eats 100 caterpillars in an hour.

Ecological situation

    You were walking through the forest and on the path you saw a chick that fell out of its nest. How will you do it?

    Why should birds be protected?

Draw a poster with prohibition signs.

    Where would you hang these posters?

Stop "Plant Kingdom"

Leading: It's time to go to travel along the forest paths. There are many secrets in the forest. And only he will discover miracles who knows how to observe, to be attentive.

Hello, forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

What are you making noise about?

On a dark stormy night?

What are you whispering at dawn,

All in dew, as in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, do not hide:

You see - we are ours!

Mikhail Prishvin, a wonderful writer and great lover of nature, wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a pantry of the sun with great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest and mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Why are we friends with the forest,

Why do people need it?

Student: This is the green dress of our planet. The forest gives fresh air. The forest is home to animals and birds. The forest is a pantry, generously giving its gifts - nuts, berries, mushrooms.

Competition "Flower meadow"

Leading: Summer has come, and spring flowers are being replaced by summer ones. What forest flowers do you know?

Guess the riddles:

    On a high fragile leg

The ball has grown by the track.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled the hat - the ball.

/ Dandelion /

    Forever dark under the spruce,

Smells damp and musty.

Under her shaggy paw

White lamps shine.

/ Lily of the valley /

    On one plant

Blue, blue, purple flowers.

/ lungwort /

The game "Who is faster"

Divide the names of flowers into two groups: forest and field:

cornflower, chamomile, snowdrop, violet, poppy, lily of the valley.

Who knows which of these plants are medicinal?

    Chamomile: Taken for colds and coughs. A decoction of chamomile at night helps to fall asleep - sleep will be strong and calm.

    Lily of the valley: made into drops that soothe a strong heartbeat.

Game "For the most attentive"

Before you are images of forest flowers. They bloom in different time. Try to determine when: spring, summer, autumn.

    Primrose (c), chamomile (l), forest carnation (l), snowdrop (c), immortelle (o), bluebell (l), St. -stepmother (c), sleep - grass (c), heather (o), lungwort (c).

Competition "Berry - Raspberry"

When berries ripen in the forest, prepare a larger basket. What berries are we talking about?

    In the taiga, the bear ate lingonberries, bone berries, and veselika. Which of these berries does not exist? / Veselika /

    What berries can be picked in winter? / Rowan, wild rose, viburnum, dogwood /

    Tea brewed with this berry is fragrant, thick, tasty and healthy. / Rose hip /

    Two sisters are green in summer, and by autumn one turns red and the other turns black.

/ Currant /

    The names of these berries correspond to their color. / Blueberries, blueberries /

    An evergreen plant, it remains green even under the snow. And the berries are also not afraid of frost or snow. They are red and delicious. / Cowberry /

Competition "Grass - Ant"

There is a lot of grass in the forest, but you will learn about which one will be discussed:

    I'm a prickly ball, I stick to everyone,

I grow along the road, in front of everyone.

A passer-by is afraid to hurt me with a dress.

Is it possible to at least make friends with you, friends?

/ burdock /

    A green bush grows

Touch - bite.

/ nettle /

    Which plant is named after its leaves?

outside - dark, smooth, cold,

and from the inside - warm, soft, tender?

/ Coltsfoot /

    What kind of doctor is Aibolit

Is everything on the road?

/ Plantain /

    The tincture of this plant is very fond of cats,

It is also called cat grass.

/ Valerian /

    Which of these herbs are medicinal? What can you tell about them?

Competition "Grandfather Tree"

What trees grow in the forest? What are the different forests called?

Listen to their description and name.

    A large area of ​​forest, and birch trees grow all over it. What is the name of this forest? / Birch Grove /

    This forest is always dark. Spreading dense branches of fir trees do not let through sunlight. This forest is called.... / Elnik /

    Wow, these trees can't even see the tops. Small pines race with all their might up to the light. That is why the trees in this forest are tall and slender. If you look up - as if the columns are standing, and a carpet is thrown over them. What is the name of this forest? / Pinery /

    But the forest giant spread mighty branches. Oak is one of the forest centenarians. He lives up to two thousand years. Acorns - favorite treat many animals. The forest in which oaks grow is called ... / Oak forest /

It is interesting

Previously, in Russia, everything was made of wood: houses, fortifications, sheds, baths, wells, boats, ships, furniture. good craftsmen were in Russia, they could “weave lace” out of wood - decorations of houses. Dishes, implements and tools were made from wood - rakes, planes, plows, harrows, carts, sledges, icons, shoes (bast shoes made of bark), barrels, tueski (cans) were made from birch bark for picking berries and storing honey. Water in tuesas does not spoil for a long time and remains cold. Wood was used to make musical instruments (balalaikas, pipes, horns), toys, boxes. In Russia, chapels and churches were built entirely of wood, without a single nail.

Rules of conduct in the forest

In order for forests to rustle on earth, flowers to bloom, birds to sing, nature must be protected. This is for both adults and children. The preservation of nature depends on each of us. Now we will all together draw up rules of conduct in the forest and draw environmental signs. (On a sheet of drawing paper, children write down the rules and draw signs calling for conservation of nature.)

    The main rule of the friends of the forest: a lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant.

Ecological situation

In a forest clearing, you saw a brightly flowering plant. How will you do it?

creative work

    Tell me what you saw in the forest.

    Come up with a dialogue of plants: “On one amazing morning, the plants started talking to each other ...”

    Draw what you especially liked about the forest journey.

Stop "Kingdom of Mushrooms"

What a good day: sunny, warm!

We take a basket with you -

And rather on the road - the track.

We walk along a narrow path, then turned into the forest,

Where tall pines touch the sky,

Where fir trees, birches and oaks whisper fairy tales,

Where the berries ripened and mushrooms grew.

On our journey we will meet interesting inhabitants the woods. Guess what?

Under the pine along the path

Who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boots,

There is a hat - no head.

/ Mushrooms /


    Which mushroom is considered the most valuable? Why is it called white?

/ Borovik. His broken leg does not darken, remains white /

    Which mushroom caps are wet in any weather? / Butter /

    Remember mushrooms, whose names come from the names of trees?

/ Boletus, boletus, oak /

    What mushrooms are called red sisters?

/ Chanterelles /

    What mushroom heals?

/ Chaga. This mushroom grows on birches. They treat stomach ulcers, some tumors /

The game "Find out by description"

    This mushroom appears in August, grows in moss under the Christmas tree. It crunches the loudest in pickling. These mushrooms grow in heaps - heaps, where their name comes from. / breast /

    I the most beautiful the most kind, the most helpful. Beautiful because my leg is thin, slender. She has a carved napkin on it, and there’s nothing to say about the hat: I have it red, with white dots. I am kind because I am flying moose, and useful because I am driving away flies. Here I am wonderful. / fly agaric /

    These mushrooms live on stumps big family. Sometimes you can immediately collect a whole basket of this family. / Honey mushrooms /

It is interesting

Guess what kind of mushroom:

There are many white legs along the forest paths,

In multi-colored hats, conspicuous from a distance.

Collect, do not hesitate, this is ... / russula /

They got their name for the fact that when salted, they are ready for use in a day. The world of mushrooms is amazing. They amaze with their shape and color. But among vast world mushrooms are the most colorful - russula. Russula is chosen in the forest Beautiful places. Like multi-colored confetti, tiny russula are scattered among old spruce needles. In the swamp, on a green moss carpet, there are strong yellow, crimson. Brown mushrooms. Russula grows everywhere: in coniferous and deciduous forests, in the swamps.

I'll go in the morning

In the grassy valleys

Russula will dial

Full basket

colorful, young,

The most - the most different:

Under the oaks - blue,

Under the pine - red,

And under the maples - green,

Under the aspen - blue.

Let the mushrooms not be expensive

But beautiful ones!

Game "Be Careful"

Listen carefully to the poem and name the mushrooms in the order in which they were named.

Multi-colored grebes themselves climb into the clearings.

We do not need any, we bypass them.

A bug-eyed fly agaric sat sideways on a slope.

Let's not go to the slope - we do not need fly agaric.

Next to the needles mushrooms under the trees -

Neither small nor large and lie like nickels.

And in the moss, as on a pillow,

Some white ear.

This is a load - you need to take it,

And five more behind him.

Under the aspens on a hummock

Mushroom in a raspberry scarf

Call the boletus -

And you have to take it.

Here is the boletus mushroom!

He is handsome and great

In a thick hat on one side,

The leg is strong as a stump.

And you know that...

    Squirrel harvests up to 600 grams of dry mushrooms for the winter.

    Boletus mushrooms grow faster than all tubular mushrooms - 4-5 cm per day.

    Every year, more than 2 tons of needles, leaves, cones, and bark fall on a hectare of forest. All this is processed by mushrooms, mainly raincoats.

Mushroom ditties

    chocolate papakha,

White silk uniform.

Looking, the honey agaric gasped:

Real commander!

    How old are you, freak?

You look like an old man.

The fungus surprised me:

- My age is only two days!

    Don't play you bastards

Until dark with Vanyusha hide and seek,

Do Vanya the honor -

There is a place in the box!


    What forest plants can replace meat?

/ Mushrooms. In terms of nutritional value, white and champignons are the most valuable /

    Can a mushroom eat a house?

/ Maybe. It can make house fungus, which destroys wood /

    What birds eat mushrooms?

/ Capercaillie /

    Which mushrooms appear first?

/ Morels, lines /

Stop "Kingdom of animals"

The forest is a big house. Who lives in it? Now we will go to the thicket of the forest and learn about its inhabitants.

Guess riddles about them:

    Cunning cheat, red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty! And her name is ... / fox /

    Hump-nosed, long-legged

branchy giant

Eats grass, shoots of bushes,

It's hard to compete with him on the run.

When this happened

See, know: this is .... / elk /

    He, like a Christmas tree, is covered in needles,

Catch boldly terrible snakes.

And although he is very sharp,

Don't you dare insult him!

He lives in the forest, but

And the gardens are valiant…. / hedgehog /

    In a pine - a hollow, in a hollow - warm.

And who lives in a hollow in warmth? / squirrel /

    The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,

And in winter under the snowy howl

Sleeping in a snow hut. / bear /

    Near the oak with a sharp snout

Busily he dug the earth -

Apparently, he was looking for acorns.

I didn't scare him.

My Polkan didn't frighten me either -

It was very formidable ... / wild boar /

    Less than a tiger, but a little

More than a large red cat.

On a bitch she usually

Hiding, waiting for prey.

Don't be shy, but beware

In the forest where ... / lynx /

Contest "Think Slowly"

    Who has the strongest claws?

    At the bear

    Anteater (he tears apart trees with his claws, destroys termite mounds, digs the ground, tears up roots)

    At the lion

    Why do animals lick their wounds?

    To heal faster

    To make the pain go away (saliva kills microorganisms and wounds heal faster. A protein has been found in saliva that stimulates the reproduction of skin cells)

    For hygienic purposes

    Why does a squirrel have a fluffy tail?

    To cover your tracks

    For beauty

    To keep warm (in very coldy the squirrel closes the entrance to the hollow with its tail, and it is not afraid of blizzards)

    Why do rabbits have long ears?

    To hear better

    In order not to overheat (the hare sweats with them. He sits on a summer day under a bush, and he doesn’t feel like drinking at all. Excess heat disappears through large thin hare ears)

    To brake on turns

Photo contest "Recognize by portrait"

For the quiz, you need to pick up unusual pictures of animals.

Competition "Living Synonyms"

Remember how and about whom we speak among the people.

Angry like... /wolf/

Sly as ... / fox /

Cowardly, like ... / hare /

Quiet as... /mouse/

Clubfoot, like ... / bear /

Fast as ... / deer /

Spitting like ... / camel /

Squeals like ... / piglet /

Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

The leader is chosen - a bear, the rest - mushroom pickers. Children approach the bear with the words: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries. And the bear does not sleep, everything growls at us "

Mushroom pickers run away, the bear catches up with them.

Competition "Literary quiz"

Name the works in which the characters are animals.

Game "Plants - animals"

Continue with plant names

    Wolf ... / bast /

    Snapdragon /

    Bearish ... / ear /

    Goose … / paws /

    Camelthorn plant /

    Hare ... / cabbage /

    Mouse ... / peas /

    Horse ... / sorrel, chestnut /

Creative work "Guess who it is?"

In a few minutes, each group of students writes a story about an animal without naming it. The opposing team must guess who it is.

Rules of conduct in the forest

Let's repeat the rules that every person must follow while being in nature.

    Various situations that can occur are discussed.


We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear rivers slow speech ...

All this is called nature,

Let's always take care of it!

In meadows of sunny chamomile

Such that it is brighter in the world to live ...

All this is called nature.

Let's be friends with nature!

Flying, ringing, raindrops from the sky,

Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog ...

All this is called nature,

Let's give her our hearts!

A beautiful waltz dances with the summer wind,

An evening star trembles in the window ...

It's all called nature.

Let's love her forever!

Summing up the game.

The date: 20.06.16.

Lesson type : The game is a journey.

Topic: "On the Paths of Summer"

Goals: expand and deepen knowledge about the forest, about its inhabitants;

develop memory, thinking, imagination; encourage children to use knowledge about the surrounding life more widely in the game;cultivate a caring, respectful attitude towards nature.

Means of education : ideal (word), written descriptions of objects and phenomena.


Cognitive UUD: build speech statements orally;

Regulatory UUD: plan your action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher.

Communicative UUD: take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate various positions in cooperation; negotiate and bring common decision in joint activities.

Personal UUD: knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation towards their implementation.

Lesson progress

- The sun bakes, the linden blossoms, the rye ripens.

When does it happen?

Name the summer months.

Tell us how nature has changed with the onset of summer.

1 student:

June has come. "June, June!" -

Birds chirping in the garden...

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fall apart.

2 student:

Here comes the summer

Strawberry blushed:

Turns sideways to the sun -

Everything will be filled with scarlet juice.

In the field - a red carnation,

Red clover... look at this:

And wild rose hips in summer

All covered in red.

It can be seen people are not in vain

They call summer red!

3 student:

The rain fell down the garden path,

Drops on the branches hang like earrings.

You touch a birch - it will wake up

And laugh, laugh to tears.

Let's get acquainted with the "ABC of folk wisdom"

ABC of folk wisdom (Slide 1)

If the sun rises in the fog in summer, it will be quiet and stuffy during the day.

During sunrise there is stuffiness - in the evening it will rain.

Sparrows fly in heaps - to dry and clear weather.

A hot wind blew - to the rain.

The spider strenuously weaves webs - to dry weather.

Quiet bright night without dew - wait for the rain.

Crowns around the sun - to the rain.

Swifts fly low - portend rain.

Flowers smell stronger before the rain


June July August /

Express their opinion.

Read prepared poems.

Get to know the alphabet.

2. Conducting quizzes.

Stop "Kingdom of the Feathers"

Host (Slide 2)

Dreaming of a worm at night

Miracle - Yudo on a bitch:

Long beak and two wings

Arrives - things are bad.

And who is the worm afraid of?

Guessed? It ….

And now we will remember a lot of interesting things about birds. Guess the riddles:

Blind during the day, sighted at night, catches mice, not a cat.

Spins, chirps, fusses all day.

A little boy in a gray coat.

Snooping around the yards, collecting crumbs.

What interesting things can you tell about these birds?


1. Which bird flies the highest?

2. What is the smallest bird in our country?

3. And what is the largest in the world?

4. When is the body temperature of a sparrow lower: in winter or summer?

5. Which bird has the longest tongue?

6. When are geese especially angry?

7. Which of the forest birds is called both a forest cat and a forest flute?

8. Which bird has chicks in winter?

9. What bird is called a water sparrow?

10. Why is it impossible to shout loudly in the forest?

Competition for the best knowledge of fairy tales (Slide 3-11)

Leading: Remember the names of fairy tales, the heroes of which are birds. Who is their author?

Galchonok from the book by E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat"

Parrot from G. Oster's book "Exercising for the tail"

Goose from the book by S. Lagerlof "Niels' wonderful journey with wild geese"

Cockerel from A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

Raven and crow from H.K. Andersen's book "The Snow Queen"

Owl from the book by A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"

Swallow from H.K. Andersen's book "Thumbelina"

Fire is a bird from P. Ershov's book "Humpbacked Horse"

Duckling from H.K. Andersen's book "The Ugly Duckling"

And you know that...

An owl kills about 1,000 rodents a year. If we take into account that each mouse can eat 1 kg of grain per year, then one owl will save 1 ton of bread per year.

A cuckoo eats 100 caterpillars in an hour.

Stop "Plant Kingdom"

Leading: It's time to go to travel along the forest paths. There are many secrets in the forest. And only he will discover miracles who knows how to observe, to be attentive.

(Slide 12)

Mikhail Prishvin, a wonderful writer and great lover of nature, wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a pantry of the sun with great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest and mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Why are we friends with the forest,

Why do people need it?

Competition "Flower meadow"

Leading: Summer has come, and spring flowers are being replaced by summer ones. What forest flowers do you know?

Guess the riddles: (Slide 13)

On a high fragile leg

The ball has grown by the track.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled the hat - the ball.

(Slide 14)

Forever dark under the spruce,

Smells damp and musty.

Under her shaggy paw

White lamps shine.

(Slide 15)

On one plant

Blue, blue, purple flowers.

The game "Who is faster"

Divide the names of flowers into two groups: forest and field:

cornflower, chamomile, snowdrop, violet, poppy, lily of the valley.

Who knows which of these plants are medicinal?

The game "For the most attentive" (Slide 16-17)

Before you are images of forest flowers. They bloom at different times. Try to determine when: spring, summer, autumn.

Primrose (c), chamomile (l), forest carnation (l), snowdrop (c), bluebell (l), St.

Competition "Berry - Raspberry"

When berries ripen in the forest, prepare a larger basket. What berries are we talking about?

In the taiga, the bear ate lingonberries, bone berries, and veselika. Which of these berries does not exist?

What berries can be picked in winter?

Tea brewed with this berry is fragrant, thick, tasty and healthy.

Two sisters are green in summer, and by autumn one turns red and the other turns black.

The names of these berries correspond to their color.

An evergreen plant, it remains green even under the snow. And the berries are also not afraid of frost or snow. They are red and delicious.

Competition "Grass - Ant"

There is a lot of grass in the forest, but you will learn about which one will be discussed:

I'm a prickly ball, I stick to everyone,

I grow along the road, in front of everyone.

A passer-by is afraid to hurt me with a dress.

Is it possible to at least make friends with you, friends?

A green bush grows

Touch - bite.

Which plant is named after its leaves?

outside - dark, smooth, cold,

and from the inside - warm, soft, tender?

What kind of doctor is Aibolit

Is everything on the road?

The tincture of this plant is very fond of cats,

It is also called cat grass.

It is interesting

Previously, in Russia, everything was made of wood: houses, fortifications, sheds, baths, wells, boats, ships, furniture. There were good craftsmen in Russia, they could “weave lace” out of wood - decorations of houses. Dishes, implements and tools were made from wood - rakes, planes, plows, harrows, carts, sledges, icons, shoes (bast shoes made of bark), barrels, tueski (cans) were made from birch bark for picking berries and storing honey. Water in tuesas does not spoil for a long time and remains cold. Wood was used to make musical instruments (balalaikas, pipes, horns), toys, boxes. In Russia, chapels and churches were built entirely of wood, without a single nail.













When they have goslings

Oriole - she makes such sounds

At the crossbill


June is the month of silence: birds sit on nests

Listen carefully

Listen carefully

This is the green dress of our planet. The forest provides clean air. The forest is home to animals and birds. The forest is a pantry, generously giving its gifts - nuts, berries, mushrooms.


Lily of the valley


Distributed into groups:

Forest: snowdrop, violet, lily of the valley.

Field: cornflower, chamomile, poppy. Chamomile: Taken for colds and coughs. A decoction of chamomile at night helps to fall asleep - sleep will be strong and calm.

Lily of the valley: made into drops that soothe a strong heartbeat.


Rowan, wild rose, viburnum, dogwood

Rose hip


Blueberries, blueberries







3. Summing up

Let's sum up our today's event.

Please count the flowers that you earned in the process of quizzes.

Summing up.

4. Reflection

Which plant got its name from its leaves?

What was used to make everything in Russia? Tell me about it?

How many mice does an owl destroy in a year?


They answer the questions asked.


Practice leader: __________________


We recommend reading
