What is chamomile for? Chamomile flowers. Chamomile tea with honey.

Health 14.08.2018

There are many medicinal plants, widely known to man. Some of them are especially popular, they are actively used by ordinary average people, and doctors, and even real aces of traditional medicine. Just such cultures include the well-known to everyone, which can be found in many parts of our country - on the slopes of roads, in meadows, fields and in many other areas. Let's talk on www.site about what chamomile flowers are, beneficial features and what contraindications they have, as well as their use, we will consider.

It is characterized primarily by its high skin tolerance. But, more and more, it is being used to formulate delicate skin products such as baby products or aftercare products. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action and flavonoids: has excellent local and internal anti-inflammatory properties. This is due to some of the essential constituents present in its preparation, in particular alpha-bisabolol, guaazulene, camazulene and farnese, with the main component of flavonoids and matricins and deacetylmatrinarine lactones.

Why are chamomile flowers valued, what are their medicinal properties?

Chamomile is a popular medicinal raw material that is a source of significant amounts of essential oils, azulene, flavonoids, coumarins and sitosterol. In addition, such a plant contains a number of organic acids, choline and carotene. It is rich in bitterness, polysaccharides, vitamins and gums.

But this special property is undoubtedly largely due to flavonoids, which have a powerful antiphlogic effect, able to inhibit the action of enzymes that can produce inflammatory substances. In fact, their anti-inflammatory power with the same active principle compared with the anti-inflammatory ability of cortisone, but without side effects. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds that have 15 carbons, originate from the flavone, and all have specific properties.

Consumption of drugs based on chamomile color helps to cope with fermentation in the intestines, they have a good disinfectant, diaphoretic and analgesic effect. In general, the main qualities of chamomile are antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and carminative.

Medicines based on this culture are widely used to correct acute and chronic inflammatory lesions of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract (ulcers and gastritis). Such remedies help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, in addition, they have a healing effect.

These are mainly water-soluble substances present in the plant as glycosides, and on the same plant, a flavonoid aglycone can exist in combination with different sugars. Flavonoids are anti-inflammatory substances that have anti-spasmodic and immunomodulatory effects, are helpful in strengthening capillaries and may help prevent influenza. In fact, they have been shown to be effective in treating capillary fragility and have been found to minimize bruising that occurs in contact sports in people who are predisposed to hematoma and hyperthyroidism.

The anti-inflammatory qualities of chamomile color make it possible to use it for the treatment of many other diseases, including various other inflammations.

Such medicinal plant helps to cope with increased excitability, neuralgic and toothaches. Compositions based on it are indicated for patients with painful menstruation, uterine bleeding and diarrhea.

They act as antioxidants, protecting ascorbic acid and other plant components from oxidation. Flavonoids have a protective effect against ultraviolet radiation and in general against free radicals.

That is why they are used in the development of cosmetics that can protect the skin from various radical species and thus prevent skin aging.

Antiallergic action: It is able to reduce skin synthesis of itamine by immobilizing histamine in tissues by inhibiting the release of this substance by mast cells, cells that synthesize histamine. The presence of cutaneous histamine does not cause damage to the skin, but it only prevents it from leaking out of the cells. A study in rats to reduce epithelial pruritus found that the use of essential oil chamomile, applied to the skin of rats, significantly reduces itching without affecting the motor activity of animals.

Chamomile can also be used externally - in the form of lotions, baths and compresses. It is used for the treatment of hemorrhoids and for rinsing with sore throats. On the basis of the flowers of such a plant, inhalations are made, in addition, such raw materials are used in inflammation of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.

It is also worth noting that chamomile is widely used in cosmetology - for skin care. different type, including for tender and sensitive.

Collection and preparation of chamomile

This effect was similar to that of the two known anti-thymines, oxatomide and fexofenadine, and significantly enhanced its action.

Cosmetic use Chamomile is a real beauty product to think that the water of its decoction added to water has a relaxing effect and is also a wonderful soothing agent that can be used as a facial wrap when it is irritated or on the eyes if they are tired or blushed. It is these excellent properties associated with chamomile that thinkers think.

About how chamomile flowers are used (using them with recipes)

For the treatment of gastritis, colitis and enteritis, doctors advise preparing an infusion of chamomile. Brew a couple of teaspoons of the flowers of such a plant with one glass of boiled water only. Insist in a thermos for three hours, then strain. Take the prepared medicine warm in the amount of a quarter cup. It is best to take two to three times a day.

With angina, inflammation of the gums, oral mucosa

There is no main raw material used in cosmetics. In fact, the use of chamomile preparations in topical applications provides exceptional dermatological properties, mainly related to the soothing, emollient, antimicrobial medicinal ability, as well as the pronounced offensive and soothing properties of its extracts, as well as their excellent skin tolerance characteristics. Chamomile extracts find wide and practical interest in dermocosmism without dose restrictions, especially in products for children and in products that are particularly sensitive and sensitive to the skin.

Chamomile infusion is an effective cure for various skin diseases (gout, eczema, neurodermatitis, pruritus,). To prepare such a medicine, you need to brew three tablespoons of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water. Wrap the container with the product and insist for an hour. Strained infusion should be abundantly moistened with a piece of gauze. Apply it for half an hour to an hour to the affected area.

They are widely used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin and oral cavity, oropharynx and to combat symptoms caused by insect bites and sunburn. The soothing properties are used in many products for very sensitive skin and are noted for couperose and gentle baby products. Flavonoids derived from apigenan and lutein, especially abundant in the lyophilized extract, are among the main factors responsible for the effective decongestant activity of the plant: significant anti-inflammatory efficacy is shown in experimental models of dermatitis, while apigenin in particular inhibits dose-dependent dermatitis caused by subcutaneous by injecting substances that produce free radicals, which have an interesting ability to protect the skin from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

A decoction of chamomile will help to cope with a sore throat. Brew a tablespoon of dry flower baskets with a glass of just boiled water. Add a little boric acid to the container (on the tip of a knife). Boil the chamomile on a fire of minimum power under a covered lid for five to seven minutes. Use the resulting decoction strained for gargling. By the way, the same decoction is great for external use in inflammatory skin lesions.

Finally, recent studies show that chamomile flavonoids act not only on the surface of the skin surface, but after topical application penetrates through the stratum corneum until it reaches the deeper layers of the skin. In addition, chamomile flavonoids are used in trichocosmosis. At the right concentration, when used in shampoo and after shampoo, they add shine and golden reflections to blonde and light brown hair. Essential oil components, especially alpha-bisabolol and camazulene, contribute significantly to the decongestant activity of chamomile.

A decoction of chamomile can be used to treat spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is prepared a little differently. A couple of tablespoons of dried flowers of this plant must be combined with half a liter of boiling water. Heat the medicine in a water bath for half an hour, then set aside for a quarter of an hour. Strain the finished product and drink it in a third of a glass twice a day.

In particular, camazulene has a pronounced antiradical activity, which, in combination with the effect of flavonoids, can contribute to the effective antioxidant activity observed after topical application of drug extraction preparations. Chamomile helps to restore the epidermis and dermis by stimulating skin microcirculation and fibroblast activity by promoting the synthesis of collagen, elastic fibers and hyaluronic acid. In addition, chamomile extracts inhibit the activity of the hyaluronidase enzyme, slowing down the destruction of the dermal nucleus.

For it is worth preparing a tincture based on chamomile color. Combine three tablespoons of such raw materials with one hundred grams of vodka. Infuse the remedy for one and a half weeks in a fairly dark and cool place. While the medicine is being prepared, shake it from time to time. Take ten drops in a small amount of water.

Homeopathic question explained. Dictionary of homeopathic clinical pharmacology. Clinic, Pharmacology, Therapeutic use. Homeopathic pharmacology. But the beneficial virtue chamomile does not stop of course, those of mild sleeping pills. Let's take a look at what is made from chamomile products that we can use for our natural treatments. We used to think that this flower is only in the form of herbal tea, but many of its active ingredients are rather concentrated in tinctures that we find in herbal medicine, with powerful anti-inflammatory drug virtues.

About whom chamomile flowers are dangerous, what are the contraindications for their use

It is worth noting that even such a medicinal plant as chamomile can harm the body. So excessive consumption of medicines based on it can cause depression of the central nervous system, headaches and weakness.

In addition, chamomile flowers are categorically contraindicated in patients with anacid gastritis, a tendency to diarrhea and individual intolerance.

It is obtained by soaking the whole flower of cold in pure alcohol. What diseases can we use chamomile mother tincture for? For example. Simply soak a cotton swab in the tincture and rub gently on the inflamed part. "Soothing and subsequent relief immediately, and if we perform" the action for several days, we will accelerate the healing process of wounds.

Very effective and healing even "essential oil out" intensively, can also be found in herbal medicine or pharmacy. For skin pathologies of an inflammatory nature, for example. We should use a few drops not pure, but mixed with other oils suitable for the skin, such as St. John's wort, and let sit for at least 20 minutes before rinsing.

Many doctors do not advise taking remedies from such a plant for mental disorders.
It is also worth noting that in rare cases, chamomile can cause allergic reactions, which are also a contraindication to its use.

Chamomile flowers are a common medicinal raw material that can be easily purchased at any pharmacy and used to improve the body, to prevent and treat many diseases.

Collection of herbal to reduce the symptoms of menopause

Our skin will look brighter and more rejuvenated, and a little redness is eased. An infusion of chamomile is, dyspepsia gastritis, from swelling of acidity. Well known, then, the soothing power of chamomile, which induces sleep in young and old, is a little less well known for the soothing and anti-inflammatory on eye infections. If we are suffering from conjunctivitis or sty, we can speed up the healing process and relieve symptoms with chamomile warm compresses. If, however, our rather cosmetic problem, such as classic puffy eyes in the morning, we can reduce the filter bags that are used chamomile to apply cold eyes well.

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Hello, Dear friends! I'm glad new meeting with you! When chamomile blooms in meadows and forest clearings, everything around is covered entirely with a white carpet. But this plant, beloved by many, is also an excellent healer for many diseases. "Chamomile pharmacy, useful properties and contraindications" - this will be the topic of our discussion today.

Pharmacy chamomile from "internal" diseases ...

Time for the fourth d now our eyes will restore their normal brilliance! Chamomile, among the best known and used plants, has flowers similar to daisies, recognizable to their perfumes and noted for soothing and soothing qualities.

Chamomile essential oil

Since ancient times, it has been known for its properties. Even the ancient Egyptians used it to relieve headaches, rheumatism and fevers. In the Middle Ages, its use as a natural remedy for popular use became even more frequent.

The healing properties of chamomile are used in folk medicine, as well as in the traditional one. Scientists, doctors and traditional healers are well aware of its composition and beneficial properties.

How to collect medicinal chamomile

The most useful chamomile grows near the forest, away from city dust and highways. It is best to collect flowers in the morning, by dew. At this time, she has exclusively healing properties.

The most notable use of chamomile is as an herbal tea or infusion for body wraps and cleansing. The only contraindication to chamomile is hypersensitivity or allergy. It is not recommended for pregnancy because it may cause premature contraction. In children, it is good to follow the doses suggested by the pediatrician, because at a certain threshold, chamomile can have the exact opposite effect or make the child more nervous and difficult to fall asleep.

It has antispasmodic qualities that produce muscle relaxation and therefore can also help you sleep better and maintain an overall sense of well-being and calmness. It has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of mucus, very useful when there are problems with the stomach, intestines or other mucous membranes of the body. It has antipyretic, antibacterial, antifungal and analgesic properties. It contains a very fine essential oil that can be used by diffusion in cases of insomnia and nervousness, or diluted with vegetable oil for massage on dry or reddened skin. Chamomile is intended for internal use, useful for relieving nervousness, improving digestion, reducing intestinal inflammation and ensuring regular mobility, treating gastritis, esophagitis, colic in children and reducing cramps due to premenstrual syndrome. On the other hand, outer packs can be helpful in relieving rheumatic problems, skin rashes, hemorrhoids, minor wounds, burns, and redness in the eyes. Chamomile vapors can be used medicinally to relieve the symptoms of a cold, cough, or asthma. Simply pour boiling water from the dried flowers of this plant or a sachet of pre-made ones along with a spoonful of bicarbonate. An infusion of chamomile can also be used to create gargarism in case of gum problems or inflammation of the mouth, vaginal lavage or enemas. Some people use it after or in addition to shampoo to help make hair's natural blonde reflexes shinier. It is rich in flavonoids and has antioxidant properties. . In gel, cream or juice drink, then "Aloe Vera is a plant rich in healing properties for" the body is ideal for hair and skin care, and a great help to lose weight due to its detoxifying power, but there are some contraindications.

It has great importance WHEN you collect it: at the beginning or at the end of summer. The most effective properties are in flowers collected in early July.

The composition of chamomile and its beneficial properties

Chamomile contains a lot of unique components:

  • Farnezen - accelerates epithelialization and granulation of skin cells and mucous membranes;
  • Bezaboloxide - relieves muscle spasms, while being an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Gerniarin and en-indicycloether are also antispasmodic, reducing pain symptoms;
  • Chamazulene - has anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates tissue regeneration, weakens allergic reactions, relieves itching and swelling in conjunctivitis, intestinal colic and psoriasis.
  • Essential oil, which contains a lot of antioxidants: flavonoids, coumarins, triterpene alcohols, ascorbic acid, carotenoids.

The use of chamomile in traditional medicine

Functional disorders of the nervous system: Neurotic reactions (increased irritability, anxiety, troubles at work or at home, poor sleep and insomnia, pregnancy toxemia). In these cases, the internal use of decoctions, infusions, baths and massage with aromatic chamomile oil helps well.

Initial manifestations of psycho-somatic diseases:

  • Often, stress leads not only to neuroses, but also to functional disorders of internal organs. On the part of the intestines, these can be biliary dyskinesias, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • From the side of cardio-vascular system- rise in blood pressure, stabbing pains in the region of the heart.
  • : coldness and increased sweating of the hands and feet, headaches and dizziness, low arterial pressure, intolerance to transport, stuffy rooms, baths with a steam room.
  • The beneficial properties of chamomile help a lot in these cases. Decoctions and infusions, chamomile herbal baths, massage of the collar zone with rubbing the essential oil of this plant, steam inhalations are used.

Preventive treatment of organic diseases:Peptic ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, coronary heart disease, pain syndrome in osteochondrosis.

Chamomile is included in the complex treatment as a symptomatic remedy. But its importance increases when the patient is in remission. It provides peace to the nervous system, prevents muscle spasms, the development of pain, strengthens the immune system, prevents colds, being an antibacterial defender of the body.

Pediatric uses of chamomile: There are few plants that are unconditionally allowed to be used to treat children. Chamomile is such a wonderful herbal remedy. It can be used already in infancy. So, with increased nervous, poor falling asleep, eczema, diaper rash, it is recommended to take baths with chamomile decoction. After a year, chamomile is used orally for biliary dyskinesia, helminthic invasions, neuroses, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Chamomile for external use: Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic, soothing, antipruritic properties of chamomile are used. It is used as baths, rubbing, compresses, lotions for dermatitis and inflammation of the mucous membranes, for frostbite, insect bites, bruising.

For inflammation in the mouth: Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis are used in the form of rinses, applications on the gums.

For infections of the upper respiratory tract: With nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, steam inhalations with a decoction of flowers are widely used. Filmed inflammatory process, bacteria are destroyed, sputum discharge improves.

Chamomile in cosmetology: To strengthen and grow hair, it is recommended to add 2-3 drops of chamomile essential oil to the shampoo. This helps to strengthen and grow hair, relieve itching, and treat dandruff. There are a great many creams for the face, hands and feet based on chamomile. They are united by the intended use. First of all, they are intended for any inflammatory changes on the skin: pimples, cuts, wounds, insect bites.

Chamomile in traditional medicine recipes

Acne, pruritus: 10 teaspoons of raw materials are poured with boiled water at normal temperature and insisted all night. They make lotions to accelerate the maturation of pustules, reduce inflammation and regenerate scars.

Furuncles, purulent wounds on the skin: Medical alcohol is added to 2 tablespoons of dried and crushed flowers. He should barely cover them. Insist in the dark for 7 or 8 days. Now you can lubricate the diseased surface of the body until the condition improves.

Rheumatoid joint damage, bruises, bruising: A little boiling water is added to 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers until a slurry is formed. Transfer to a clean cloth, then wrap the sore spot for several hours.

Chronic cystitis, pyelonephritis: Add boiling water (250 ml) to a tablespoon of dry, crushed flowers. Leave wrapped in a warm towel for 3 hours. Take orally 30 ml three times a day, regardless of food.

Colds, sore throats: Fresh or dry crushed flowers (1 tbsp) are poured with boiling water, as usual, 250 ml. Infused in heat for half an hour. After that, strain the solution and gargle more often. At least not less than 4 times. In addition to rinsing, the infusion should be drunk like tea, adding honey and lemon.

Peptic ulcer of the duodenum 12: Pour chamomile flowers with two glasses of boiling water, taking them in the amount of two tablespoons, after grinding them. Keep warm for 5-6 hours. Strain the solution. Consume half a glass an hour before each main meal. The course usually lasts from 4 to 6 months. The ulcer heals well and may not bother a person for many years.

Stomatitis, gingivitis: You should take 15-20 grams of plant flowers and pour 250 ml of ordinary boiled water. Leave for about 3 hours. Add 4 grams of boric acid to the filtered infusion. Rinse your mouth 4-5 times a day. Excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Healing of mucous membranes occurs in 2 to 4 days.

Contraindications for the use of chamomile

The plant is contraindicated for people with high sensitivity or allergy to plants belonging to the Aster family (ragweed, aster, chrysanthemum).

Humble chamomile flowers are a unique and common remedy for the treatment of many diseases. Thanks to chamomile, ailments are alleviated and treated, the body's defenses and immunity are strengthened.

Chamomile pharmacy (useful properties and contraindications) are known to every person. Decoctions and infusions are made from flowers, which are used for health and beauty. The antiseptic effect of the plant is appreciated for all kinds of inflammations. Relaxing and analgesic - for intestinal spasms and colic. Indications for its use are very wide.

And what do you know about marsh cinquefoil, because it is no less valuable medicinal plant. Read this and you will learn how to use this herb for joint pain and many other benefits.

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