The game is a journey through the natural areas of our homeland in elementary school. Lesson - competition "Journey through the natural areas of Russia Journey through the natural areas of the world

Auto 06.07.2019

Lesson type:

Updating previously acquired knowledge.

Class type:



Formation of a holistic view of the natural zones of Russia.


1) generalize children's knowledge about climatic conditions, characteristic of plants and animals, about environmental problems arising through the fault of man;
2) to cultivate ecological consciousness, a sense of patriotism, a culture of communication.
3) the ability to work in pairs, take into account the opinion of a partner.


When developing the presentation, photographic materials from Internet resources, illustrations from the Red Book of the Russian Federation, N.V. Kolomin "Education of the basics ecological culture in kindergarten."

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, slide show.


Laptop, screen, overhead projector, material for children's work.

Lesson progress:

The children stand next to the teacher.

Guess the riddle:

The riddle about the globe

On the table in front of me
The globe spun
Arctic, equator, pole,
Took all the land...
(The globe)

Do you love to travel?

Children's answers.

Let's go on a trip to natural areas. Imagine that we will fly on such an airplane. Let's start our journey from the most extreme point of the Earth. Attaches a picture of an airplane to the board.

I invite you to sit comfortably (children sit on chairs). Let's start our journey!

slide number 1

Where are we?

Answers of children (in the Arctic).

What is another name for this natural area?

Answers of children (the kingdom of ice and snow).

slide number 2

Why did she get such a name?

Children's answers (permafrost, very coldy, wind, there is aurora, 6 months - night, 6 months - day, people do not live there permanently).

How have animals adapted to the harsh climate of the Arctic?

Children's answers (thick fur, thick layer of fat).

- What kind environmental problems exist in the Arctic?

Answers of children (they kill animals because of the beautiful skin).

How is the issue of animal welfare handled?

Answers of children (reserves are created).

- And who will say what a reserve is?

Answers of children (reserves are huge territories where are protected by law rare plants and animals).

- Where are the most protected animals and plants that can disappear? Answers of children (in the Red Book).

Why is she red?

Answers of children (red color is a sign of alarm and danger. The book was called so to attract the attention of people and stop them).

What animals are included in the Red Book of the Arctic zone?

Children's answers (walruses, polar bears, seals, gulls).

– And now let's see some slides about the Arctic desert.

Slides #3, 4, 5, 6

So, our journey continues. And where will we go next, you tell me after you listen to the following poetic lines.

“White moss on the rock, and ice in the crevice.
The old snow is stale, it does not melt.

What is this natural area?

Answers of children (tundra).

What indicates that this is a tundra?

slide number 7

Children's responses (very Cold winter, strong cold winds, the sun almost warms the earth, there are many swamps).

How have animals and plants adapted to climate change?

Children's answers (deer rakes snow with their hooves and takes out moss-moss, deer help arctic foxes and partridges find food for themselves, wolves pursue herds of deer. They have thick fur and dense plumage, plants are low, grow close to the ground. So they escape from the cold wind) .

What are the environmental problems in this region?

Answers of children (people are engaged in poaching, protect reindeer pastures, take care of natural resources).

Who has been taken into custody?

Children's answers (deer, arctic fox, seal, red-throated goose, polar poppy). A few slides about the tundra.

Slides #8, 9

"Hello, forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?

Who guessed where we are?

Children's answers (in the forest zone).

slide number 10

One of the wonderful riches that our Motherland is endowed with is the forest.

What is the importance of the forest for humans and animals?

Answers of children (a house for plants and animals, a protector of air, water bodies, soils; a place for a person to rest, a source of berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, the source of wood, forest plants emit a huge amount of oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide).

- Name the environmental problems of the forest.

Children's answers (fires, deforestation).

- And what rules of conduct should a person follow in the forest?

Children's answers.

What plants and animals are included in the Red Book?

Children's answers.

slide number 11

- How are aspen, hare, wolf related?

Children's responses (food chain).

What tree is the symbol of Russia?

Answers of children (birch).

We got up and introduced ourselves as a birch. How are the branches of a birch? (Children raise their hands).

Answers of children (desert).

slide number 12

How have plants adapted to life in the desert?

Answers of children (plants have thorns instead of leaves, small leaves, long roots).

Why are plants rare in the desert? Children's answers (little water).

slide number 13

Where do animals hide from the heat?

Answers of children (in holes, in the shade of stones).

These animals are also listed in the Red Book.

slide number 14

This is where our journey ended.

Slide number 15, 16

- Well done boys! Did you enjoy traveling? Thank you!

We have one more task left with you, in which we will summarize our journey. Come to the table. Here are pictures of animals and plants of all natural zones. You place in the selected natural zone those animals and plants that correspond to them.

Work in pairs.


We connect all natural areas. It turned out Earth inhabited by animals and plants. We attach to the board.

And in parting, I want to give you tickets for the next trip. But these are not easy tickets. You can safely continue traveling to the land of knowledge.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Lesson number 2.

General lesson-game.

Topic: "Journey through the natural areas of Russia."

Target: Summarize the knowledge of students in the section "Nature of Russia".


1. Repeat and consolidate students' knowledge on the topic "Nature of Russia".

2. To develop cognitive interest and creative activity, speech, memory, attention, perception. Improve the ability to work with a geographical map.

3. Educate careful attitude to the nature of their native country and a sense of pride in their country.


    Geographic map and plates with names of natural areas; Aircraft drawing; Cards with the image of trees and animals. Crossword "Inhabitants of the Arctic" Grade 4 textbook, part number 1. Cut pictures for the game "Mosaic".

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

The long-awaited moment has come again -

It's time for us to go.

He calls us to a mysterious world,

The mysterious world of nature.

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson .

At: I invite you, friends, to travel by plane. We will travel to all natural areas of our country and recall the material of past lessons.

III. Kinesiology exercises.

    "Hooks"(1 minute) To perform this exercise, you must first cross your ankles. As convenient as it is, then cross your arms, interlace your fingers in a “lock” and turn them out. To do this, stretch your arms forward back sides palms to each other, and with the thumbs down, move one hand over the other, join the palms and take the fingers into the “lock”. Then lower your arms down and turn them inward at chest level so that your elbows are pointing down. While in this position, you should press your tongue against the hard palate for upper teeth. "Cross Steps" (10 times) This is a cross-lateral walking in place. When a person touches the left knee with the right elbow, and then the right knee with the left elbow.

IV. Knowledge update.

1.Individual work on cards.

Teacher: (Puts a drawing of an airplane on the board).

Boarding the plane is by ticket only. Take a ticket, answer the question and get on the plane.

This bird is known to all.

Her plumage is black and white, she lives next to a man.

For her actions, she received the nickname "thief".

Look at what -

Everything burns like gold.

Walks in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and large.

You saw a bird's nest. How are you

will you do?

Elk, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel, hedgehog, bear, sable - these are animals ... (which zone?)

A coniferous tree, do they celebrate the New Year near it?

A deciduous tree with white bark?

In the Tundra. What is redundant, why?

Dwarf birch, poplar, polar willow, moss, reindeer moss, cloudberry.

2 . The paws of a kangaroo, the body of a mouse, the ears of a donkey, and the tail of a lion(jerboa).

3 . I am the food of the ship of the deserts(camelthorn plant).

4. I am very beautiful, I have a big head, from enemies I will instantly bury myself in the sand


5 . What a miracle! That's such a miracle!

Above is a dish, below is a dish.

A miracle is walking along the road -

Head sticks out, yes legs(turtle).

At: Well done boys. Our plane is gaining altitude again, and we are flying further. But in flight you need to rest.

4. Physical education.

The wind is blowing icy Children waving their hands)

And he lifts up a cloud of snow.

He is tough and powerful. ( Children twist their hands)

Hares hide in the bushes.

Even the cunning fox

crouching and sitting, They squat for a few seconds and then get up)

Well, the snow is flying, flying. ( Waving their hands)

But the evil blizzard subsided,

The whole district became white. ( Stretches - arms to the sides.)

The sun is shining in the sky. ( Stretching - arms up)

A fox gallops across the field. ( jumping)

Well, let's walk a little Walking)

And we will return home. ( Children sit at desks)

5. Tundra zone.

a). Description of the zone.

At: You and I are flying over the next zone .

The climate of this zone is harsh: winter lasts longer than the school year, and summer is very short and cool. Cold winds blow all year round, and blizzards rage in winter. And under the snow - frozen ground. Even in summer, it thaws only by 10-15 cm, and the permafrost remains below. big plants they cannot grow here, they are all undersized. They try to cling to the ground, it is warmer there, and in winter the snow will completely cover them and protect them from frost.

At: Guys, in what zone will our plane land?

D: In the tundra.

At: Show on the map where the tundra zone is located. A Tundra card is attached to the map.

b). The game "Find the extra".

On the board are written columns of words with the names of animals and plants. In each column you need to find an animal or plant that is not suitable for the tundra.

cloudberry white partridge

In the next lessons we will study the nature of our region.

Thank you for the lesson.

Galina Babikova
GCD on the world around on the topic "Journey through natural areas"

GCD for around the world on the topic«»

Prepared and conducted by the teacher of the I quarter. category Babikova G. A.

Lesson type: actualization of previously acquired knowledge.

Class type: quiz lesson.

Target: formation of a holistic view of natural areas. Generalization and consolidation of children's ideas about the inhabitants natural areas: Arctic, Hot countries, Mixed forest.

Methodological techniques: conversation, game.

preliminary work: Reviewing encyclopedias, viewing presentations on the topic, conversation, didactic games.


Educational: to summarize the knowledge of children about the climatic conditions characteristic of plants and animals; reinforce previous knowledge. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Educational: develop verbal-logical thinking in children, reason, draw conclusions. Develop phonemic awareness

Educational: to cultivate a sense of goodwill, responsibility, cooperation, to form the skill of working in a team. Cultivate love for nature.

Funds: presentation « Journey through natural areas» , for display, split pictures (Arctic, letters, items for assembling layouts natural areas(Arctic, mixed forest, images of animals of Africa and Antarctica, hot countries, mixed forest, glue, napkins, music for entry. Envelopes for inserting tasks, emblems, score boards.

Quiz progress:

Children enter the hall to the music, take emblems from the box and are divided into teams. (on the screen slide number 1)

- Educator: Hello guys, girls and boys. I am glad that we are together again and do not stand in one place. You and I have no time to be bored, well, it's time to start the game. But before I start the game, I'll tell you about the rules. So:

1. For the team to win, work together, work together and not quarrel in a temper;

2. Do not answer questions together in chorus, do not shout, only answer one at a time;

3. Listen to each other, do not interrupt, be able to wait, and then supplement;

4. The jury is watching the game, oh, and they are strict, if the team answers correctly, they are awarded points, if they misbehave, they deduct points, but there are no points for an incorrect answer.

Team View "Snowflake" and "Sun"

Warm up.

caregiver: Guys, what is natural area? What kind natural areas you know?

Children's answers: Part of the earth with a certain climate, plants and animals; Desert, tropics, Arctic, Antarctica, mixed forest, tundra, …

caregiver: Well done! Our quiz begins at Journey through natural areas.

1. TASK: There are two natural zones Africa and Antarctica now you will have to populate these natural areas with animals, The snowflake team will populate Antarctica, and the sun team will populate Africa. Be careful, you have animals in envelopes that live in other natural areas, they must be left on the table and said why they are superfluous.

Children stick animals on easels to the music natural areas.

Explain which animals they did not stick, justify the answer.

caregiver: Well done with the task, we move on.

2. Task. Hide and Seek.

caregiver: -And now the animals have decided to play hide and seek with you now, hidden animals will appear on the screen, and you must guess who is shown on the screen. (Slides with disguised animals)

3. Riddles

caregiver: The third brain competition, you need to think with your head, whoever guesses the riddles gets points.

Here are the horses, all in stripes,

Maybe they are in sailor suits

No, they are the same color.

Guess who is it? (Zebras)

In the zoo I will find

This animal is in the pond.

If he comes ashore,

Becomes very clumsy. (Hippopotamus)

hatched from the shell,

He has big teeth

He is not very nice in temperament,

Likes to dive into the Nile. (Crocodile)

Enjoy quickly!

Before you is the king of beasts,

A miracle mane stirred,

Silky and beautiful. (A lion)

The shell is not a shirt,

It's a house, it's not scary.

And the hostess looks proudly -

I am calm in a solid house! (Turtle)

Here is a living crane

Inhabitant of hot countries.

From the trunks of multi-storey

Tears both leaves and banana. (Giraffe)

Nose-hose giant

Washes like a shower.

This inhabitant of hot countries

All the largest on land. (Elephant)

Came from hot countries

There she lived among the vines

And, hanging on them by the tail,

I ate a banana. (A monkey)

4. Movable.

caregiver: And now let's move our animals a little

hungry and begged for food. To do this, you need to quickly collect

fruits for them. Each team member, take only one fruit,

put it in the basket, the team that collects the fruit faster wins.

caregiver: -Well, well done, all the animals were full and satisfied.

And now it's time to think with your head and answer my questions: Question one team: What features of animals help them survive in hot climates?

Answers of children - they can do without water for a long time, they have no wool, thin skin, etc.

caregiver: Question to the second team Could these animals live in the north?

Children's answers no

Educator Why?

The answers of the children in the north are cold, and these animals do not have warm fur, they will have nothing to eat.

5. Well done, and now attention to the game screen, who is superfluous and why?

6. Collect the word Africa and the North.

7. Blitz survey for team captains each captain will be asked questions to answer quickly, without hesitation, the answer must be YES or NO for each correct answer 1 point

Blitz questions

1. Is the lion a predatory animal? (YES)

2. Polar bear live in Africa?

3. In hot countries almost every day snowing? (NO)

4. Do giraffes, elephants and hippos live in hot countries? (YES)

5. Can a camel go without water for a long time? (YES)

6. Lives in the Arctic Brown bear? (NO)

7. Is the house of the wolf a hollow? (NO)

8. Does the polar bear eat raspberries? (NO)

9. Are the animals of the north protected from the cold? (YES)

10. Is a tiger a big cat? (YES)

11. Does a crocodile live in water? (YES)

12. Do monkeys eat bananas? (YES)

You did a great job

8. Homework Mini-story about an animal.

Well done, and now let's listen to the jury members, they will say how many points each team scored.

Jury report


Oh what good fellows

Everyone worked hard

And now the turn has come

Reward everyone who played!

Winner's reward ceremony.

Related publications:

Good afternoon, Dear friends, colleagues and guests of the page! It is already spring outside the windows, but I would like to remember the outgoing winter, because it brought.

Targets: Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon. Educational objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge of the characteristic.

Synopsis of GCD around the world "Luntik's Journey to the Khvalynsky Reserve" Purpose: to introduce children to the Khvalynsky reserves; develop a responsible and caring attitude towards native nature; educate children.

Theme: "Vegetables". Goals: - consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, clarify their name, color, shape, learn to distinguish by appearance; - expand.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

opening speech teachers. ( slide 1)

Our work begins.

I think it will be interesting.

By nature, we will walk native

Observe, analyze, reason.

We have studied the natural areas of our vast country. Based on my knowledge and observations, I suggest you once again go on a virtual journey through your native nature.

II. Journey through natural areas.

And what kind of natural zones we studied, we will remember, recognizing the zone from the description. Word to the conductors.

Launch videos with stories. Students show each zone on the map.(slide 2). I ask them how they guessed the natural zone.

1. Video message

This is a vast expanse of the Arctic Ocean, with seas and islands. The sun is shining here, but not warm. And on a polar night, only the moon, stars and the Northern Lights illuminate the darkness. The temperature drops to -60 degrees. Around only ice and snow. (Arctic)

2. Video message

Here the winter lasts longer than the school year, and the summer is very cool and short. Blow all year round strong winds, and a blizzard rages in winter. You can walk on snow without falling through. And under the snow - frozen ground. Even in summer, it thaws only by 10-15 centimeters. (Tundra)

3. Video message

This zone is located south of the tundra. natural conditions softer. All 4 seasons are pronounced. rich in vegetable and animal world. This natural zone is the largest in Russia. (Forest zone)

4. Video message

This zone stretches along the southwestern border of Russia. Summer is long, dry and sunny. average temperature+ 22-23 degrees, in some places up to 40 degrees of heat. Livni. Winter is short, but with frosts down to -20-30 degrees. (Steppes)

5. Video message

This amazing area occupies a very small area. It is located on the coast. On the one hand - the Caucasus Mountains, and on the other the Black Sea. ( Black Sea coast Caucasus)

6. Video message

This zone is located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Summer is hot: the earth heats up to +70, and in the shade above 40 degrees. Sometimes during the summer not a drop of rain falls, and the summer lasts 5 months. (Desert)

Now name all the natural areas in order. How do they change? (from North to South). What zone did we explore most recently? According to what plan did we study each zone? (A poster is posted.) What features of this zone do you remember? Perform test). Examination.

We will repeat all other zones in group work.

Set match.

(each group is given a table that they fill out by opening an envelope with data on the natural zone. At the end of the work, each group presents its result).

Summary of work:

Pay attention to what a huge territory these natural zones occupy. People live throughout the area. Let's fantasize about this. Imagine that I received several letters. Listen to them and try to guess what profession a person wrote them and where he lives. As soon as it becomes clear to you where this news comes from, you will show a signal card with this number.

Recording on the board.

1 - arctic desert zone;
2 - tundra;
3 - forest zone;
4 - steppe;
5 - desert;

6 - subtropics.

First letter:

“… this is amazing country: rivers without mouths, trees without leaves. Dry rains that do not wet the surface of the earth. The sun bakes mercilessly. Around the dunes, like the waves of a frozen sea. These roads are difficult to drive, but I try not to give in to difficulties.”

D. Desert, driver. Card 5.(slides 3,4)

U. What do people living in this zone do?

The oldest occupation of the desert population is animal husbandry. Numerous herds of sheep, goats, and camels graze on scarce pastures. Especially valuable breeds sheep give beautiful skins - the world-famous karakul. Cotton is grown on irrigated lands.

Second letter:

“… life goes on in the cold waters of the sea. Heads of seals with dark shining eyes look out of the water. Herds of baleen walruses swim north. My friends and I supply our scientific polar stations with everything necessary. Flights to mainland and go back one by one. A big hello to you…”

D. Sailor - the zone of the Arctic deserts. Card 1.(Slides 5,6)

U. Tell us about the occupations of the population in this natural area.

People have been studying the harsh nature for a long time Far North. Scientific polar stations have been set up on many islands, where weather and ocean life are monitored. The population living on the northern islands is engaged in hunting sea animals and fishing.

Third letter:

“…What expanse, expanse! No mountains, no forests. Wherever you look, a smooth plain stretches to the horizon. And how many flowers: and scarlet carnations, and purple panicles of sage, and poppies, and many, many others. The school where I work is on the edge of the village. And the guys and I often admire this beauty.”

D. The teacher is the steppe. Card 4.(slides 7,8)

U. Tell us about the occupations of the population of this natural zone.

The steppe belt is the main supplier of bread for our entire country. Therefore, the main occupation of the population in the steppe zone is agriculture. People grow here not only wheat, but also corn, sugar beet, sunflower. Large areas are occupied by melons, vegetable gardens and orchards. Animal husbandry is also well developed.

Fourth letter:

“…Here is very long harsh winter and a very short summer. But summer is special: the sun shines day and night. Therefore, you have to go to bed in the bright light of the sun. And if you wait for darkness, you will have to not sleep for more than two months. The people here are hardened and hardy, they get sick a little, but you still don’t have to sit without work.”

D. The doctor is a tundra. Card 2(slides 9,10,11)

U. Tell us about the occupations of the population of the tundra zone.

The main occupation of the tundra population is reindeer herding. A reindeer for a tundra dweller is both transport, food, and material for housing, clothing, and footwear. In addition, the population is engaged in hunting, fishing, and mining.

Fifth letter:

“…Here is a mighty handsome oak, a white-trunked birch, an aspen with trembling leaves, a sprawling linden. Pine and spruce branches often form a dense canopy, and below there is an undergrowth of hazel and other shrubs. It's summer now, and Seryozha and I have one concern - to save this wealth from the fire.

D. Forester - a forest zone. Card 3.(slides 12,13)

U. What do people in the forest belt do?

In the forest zone, the main wealth is the forest, so the population of these areas is engaged in forestry, logging and processing, harvesting furs, mushrooms, and berries. Animal husbandry and agriculture also occupy a large place in people's lives. In addition, there are many large cities whose population is employed in industry.

U. We remembered what the population of each natural zone is doing.

What determines the type of activity of the population?

D. from natural conditions.

U. What is the population of our region doing?

III. Summary of the lesson.

Our journey has come to an end. Share your impressions, dreams. Where would you like to go in reality and why?

Homework: - prepare for verification work;

Describe the stages of work on the project;

Prepare a message about the nature reserve of your region.

My land is my land

Native spaces!
My land, how great you are!
From border to border
And a fast train straight ahead
Doesn't fit in a week.
And a fast flying plane
It flies relentlessly.
He carries books to the North
And apples from the Crimea.

2. What a miracle - miracles:

The skies are on fire!

Oh, it burns - the flame burns

Above sparkling ice!

Who lit the wonderful fire,

Heavenly golden bonfire?

There is no one behind the cloud.

It's light pouring from the sky.

3. You ride through the wide tundra day and night;

But nowhere you will find a forest or a grove,

Only snowdrifts stick out along the marsh bumps.

Yes, in the snow, the bush rinses a furrow.

4. There is nothing nicer than wandering and thinking here.

Heal, warm, feed the Russian forest.

Rowan, nuts and flowers are waiting for us in the forest,

Fragrant raspberries on thick bushes.

Life seems different, and the heart does not hurt,

When overhead, like eternity, the forest rustles.

5. On all sides of the steppe:

No forest, no mountains!

boundless surface,

Boundless space!

6. Sunny, hot yellow stream

It pours in the desert on the yellow sand.

In the air yellow and dense as ice,

The yellow bird swims inaudibly.

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