Animal world questions. Entertaining quizzes about animals

Family and relationships 02.09.2019

The animal world is mysterious and diverse. How much do you and your child know about him? I propose to test your knowledge and play an interesting, exciting and informative quiz about animals.

Questions for a quiz about animals (with answers)

1. Why don't they beat fur-bearing animals in spring?
(In the spring, fur-bearing animals molt, lose their thick and warm undercoat, this devalues ​​the fur. In addition, in the spring, the animals have cubs.)

2. Why does a horse start snorting with fright?
(A horse has a very keen sense of smell. By snorting, it clears its nose and can quickly determine what threatens it and from which side.)

3. Why moose can run relatively easily through swamps where any other animal of the same weight would get bogged down.
(An elk has two hooves on each leg, between which a membrane is stretched. When he runs, the hooves move apart, the membrane is stretched, the pressure of the animal's body is distributed over a relatively large area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, and the elk does not get stuck.)

4. Why do chickens, turkeys and some other grain-eating birds swallow small stones?
(The pebbles that the chicken swallows help it digest the grains better. Chickens and other granivorous birds have a special organ - a muscular stomach with very thick walls and powerful muscles. When the stomach contracts, the grains rub against the pebbles and are crushed. The stomach with pebbles replaces the chicken's teeth. )

5. Why do chickens pick feathers with their beak before it rains?
(In anticipation of rain, chickens smear their feathers with fat from the oil gland. This gland is placed under their tail.)

6. When is the white hare the most noticeable?
(When it fades to gray before the snow melts, or when the ground is bare before the hare fades.)

7. Will rabbits be born blind or sighted?
(Hares are born sighted.)

8. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run, from a mountain or uphill?
(Uphill. The front legs of a hare are short, the hind legs are long. Therefore, the hare runs uphill easily, and flies head over heels from a steep mountain.)

9. What terrible predatory beast loves raspberries very much?

10. Does a bear lie down in a den skinny or fat?
(Bold. Fat warms and nourishes the sleeping bear.)

11. What does “feet feed the wolf” mean?
(The wolf does not ambush its prey, like cats, but catches up with it by running.)

12. Which cow lives better: tailed or tailless?
(Tailed, because the cow drives insects away from itself with its tail while it nibbles grass. A tailless cow has nothing to brush off gadflies and flies. She has to constantly shake her head and move from place to place, so she eats less.)

13. Can elephants swim?
(They know how. They also know how to dive into the water, exposing the end of the trunk above its surface.)

14. Which animal will have babies in autumn?
(A hare has three offspring during the summer: the first is at the end of April and May, the second at the beginning of July, the third at the end of August and the beginning of September, when the leaves begin to fall from the trees. These latest hares are called leaf fallers.)

15. Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees?
(Squirrel. She plants mushrooms on the knots of trees, and in winter she finds them and eats them.)

16. Are the eyes of a cat the same day and night?
(Not the same. In the afternoon, at sunlight, the pupils of the cat are small, greatly dilated at night.)

17. What animals fly?
(Bats. A flying squirrel (flying squirrel), a squirrel living in our forests with leathery membranes between its legs, also flies a distance of several tens of meters.)

18. What animal sleeps upside down all winter?

19. About what animals can you say that they crawl out of their skin?
(Moulting snakes actually crawl out of old skin, squeezing between roots, stones, etc. By the time of molting, young skin has already formed.)

20. We often use the expression "... where the crayfish hibernate." Where do crabs really hibernate?
(Crayfish hibernate under water, in natural underwater burrows, or they dig such burrows themselves. They are not always idle in these burrows. Often, by sticking out a claw, the cancer grabs a fish swimming by.)

21. Does cancer always move backwards?
(Cancer really always swims backwards, but it always rushes forward towards food.)

22. What kind of fish takes care of their children while they grow up?

23. Which of our birds flies the fastest?

24. Which birds dig nest holes?
(Swallow, bee-eater, kingfisher and others.)

25. Which bird's chicks do not know their mother?
(Cuckoo chicks. She throws eggs and gives her chicks to feed other birds.)

26. In which birds are all fingers connected by a membrane?
(Cormorants and pelicans, ducks and gulls have only three fingers out of four.)

27. Do our birds nest in the south?

28. What birds walk most of the way from the south?
(Crake, swamp chicken.)

29. How does a grasshopper chirp?
(There are notches on the leg of the grasshopper, on the wing there are hooks. The crack is obtained from rubbing the leg against the wing.)

30. Where is the grasshopper's ear?
(The organ of hearing in a grasshopper is placed in the shins of the front pair of legs.)

31. Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales?
(At the penguins.)

32. What beetles are named after the month in which they appear?
(May and June.)

33. Who will be born three times before becoming an adult?
(Many insects, such as butterflies: an egg, a caterpillar, from the chrysalis of which a butterfly emerges.)

34. Where do butterflies go in autumn?
(Most of them die with the first cold weather. Some climb into the cracks of trees, fences, houses, and overwinter there.)

35. What will happen to the bee after it stings?

36. What animal builds a nest on the grass and in the bushes?

37. What is the biggest monkey?

38. What animals sleep with open eyes?
(Fish - they have no eyelids, snakes - their eyelids have grown together.)

39. Is a whale a fish? Is a dolphin a fish?
(No, whale and dolphin are mammals.)

40. Some birds are said to have special "nurseries". Is it true or not?
Penguins have a “nursery”. When the babies are one month old, they gather in a tight circle and sit like that, warming each other while their parents forage. There are up to a thousand penguins in such “nurseries”, and it is very difficult for “caregivers” to keep track none escaped. A month later, the chicks change their "nursery" downy outfit for feathers and, together with adult birds, go to sea.)

41. Why do swallows fly low before rain?
(They fly after insects, which cold air nailed to the ground.)

Play with joy and pleasure! 🙂

Quiz "In the world of animals"

Warm up.

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about animals

Tasks: to teach to find an animal according to the description; bring up careful attitude to animals; develop interest.

Often, when we talk about some qualities of a person, we make comparisons with animals. For example, "sly as a fox" or "repeats like a parrot." Remember what other comparisons with animals you are familiar with.

(Hungry like a wolf; stubborn like a donkey; cowardly like a hare; healthy like a bull; clumsy like a bear; slow like a turtle; squeals like a pig; neighs like a horse, etc.)

The team captains are given one of the listed comparisons, which they must show with the help of pantomime so that the team guesses correctly.

1. Oral quiz questions.

Each team takes turns answering the question. If one team does not answer the proposed question, the question is transferred to another team.

King of beasts. (A lion.)

Desert King. (Camel.)

What is the hump of a camel made of? (From fat).

Was born in water, but lives on earth? (Frog).

Where do frogs go for the winter? (They burrow into the mud, silt, under the moss).

Does the penguin fly? (Not).

Does the polar bear hunt penguins? (No, they live at different poles).

Who is called the owner of the polar region? (Polar bear).

Which pet has teeth that grow throughout its life? (In rabbits).

Why do rabbits always chew on something? (To grind down teeth).

What is the name of the baby sheep and ram? (Lamb).

Who will be the tadpole in the future? (Frog).

Who is a hippopotamus? (Hippopotamus).

Which animal's skin must always be kept moist? (In frogs, toads, newts).

Which animal is more human-like? (A monkey).

Which legs are longer on a giraffe, front or back? (The same.)

What animals fly? (The bats.)

What animal sleeps upside down? (Bat.)

The largest lizards. (Little lizards.)

The largest animal in Russia. (Elk.)

What does a moose lose every winter? (Horns.)

The skin of which carnivorous animal is covered with stripes? (Tiger skin.)

Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel.)

The animal is a symbol of cunning and dexterity. (Fox.)

The most famous dam builder. (Beaver, or beaver.)

small rodent capable of stuffing half a glass of seeds into the cheek pouches. (Hamster.)

Large spotted cat with tufted ears. (Lynx.)

Where do crayfish hibernate? (In burrows along the banks of rivers).

2. "Who am I?" - writing assignment.

The teams are given several cards with the characteristics of animals, the names of which they are invited to guess.

“I am very large, about two meters tall, and my weight is 350 kg. I have brown hair, small ears and a tail. I can walk on my hind legs and climb trees in search of food. And I eat fish, berries, I can eat ants, worms and beetle larvae. I spend the whole winter hibernating, and in the spring I leave the lair thin, hungry and angry. (Bear.)

"I live on Far North. I eat fish and seals. I love the sea very much. Thick layer of fat under the skin and long White wool keep me from getting cold. And my paws are like flippers, so I'm a good swimmer and I'm not afraid to swim far into the sea. ( Polar bear.)

“I have a sharp muzzle, erect ears, a very finely developed sense of smell. I am very greedy. I eat meat, attacking deer, elk, rodents, but sometimes, when I can’t find anything, I survive on plant food - berries. I like to hunt at night, alone. Sometimes I chase prey for hours, running not a single kilometer. But in winter, in order to feed ourselves, we gather in flocks. (Wolf.)

“I am a fat funny animal with sharp front teeth. My house is called a hut. I choose a small river or stream with running water as a place for my hut. I cut tree branches with my teeth and build a dam out of them to keep the water at a constant level and always have an underwater connection with the dwelling. There are two “rooms” in the hut: a bedroom and a pantry. (Beaver, or beaver.)

“My sense of smell is very acute. The biggest treat for me - field mice. A mouse squeaks a little - and I can hear it for a hundred meters, even in winter, when it hides under the snow. I can eat up to 20 of them a day. I hunt at night, and during the day I like to relax. Often they call me a red cheat. (Fox.)

“I live with my family in a burrow that I dug with my front paws and covered with soft grass and down. I am very careful. Before approaching the mink, I will make a few jumps to the side, then a few jumps to the other side, and only then do I jump into my house. In winter, in order to be invisible in the snow, I change my fur coat. (Hare.)

“I have very beautiful antlers, but every winter I have to shed them. The body is covered with beautiful small light specks. Wool protects well from frost, and wide hooves do not allow me to fall through the snow. I pride myself on good eyesight, and my hearing and sense of smell allow me to detect danger without much difficulty. (Deer.)

“I look like a clumsy fat mouse with big cheeks. I have round shiny eyes short legs and a pointed little tail. I build a mink at a depth of 1-2 meters underground, which consists of several "rooms": in one I sleep in the winter, and in the other I store supplies. Sometimes they keep me at home, in a cage.” (Hamster.)

“I, small and gray, build myself a mink either in a field or in a forest, under the roots of trees in a secluded place. My mink is like a bird's nest. Here I store seeds, berries, nuts, dry buds and roots of herbs and trees. In winter, I often go out of my mink to replenish my supplies. To do this, I dig special tunnels and move along them. (Mouse.)

“I, a kind fussy little animal, live everywhere. I have a long fluffy tail and beady eyes. tail, almost equal to the length my body (about 20 cm), serves as a pole and an umbrella for me, allowing me to maintain balance and jump on the branches. There are small tassels on the ears that protect my ears from frost. Into the strong frosty days I sit in a hollow and eat acorns, dry mushrooms, nuts. (Squirrel).

“I am a small animal with velvety dark gray fur. I have strong front paws, like large shoulder blades. Claws grow on them, with which I dig the earth and throw it back. I have eyes, but they are just tiny beads covered in fur and skin. I don't need eyes, as I constantly live underground in pitch darkness. But I have a great sense of smell. I smell earthworm for a few meters. (Mole.)

“My body is unusually heavy, it can weigh like a big truck. It is in order to hold such a weight that my legs are thick and look like huge columns. I have tusks with which I defend myself. The most remarkable part of my body is the trunk. I like to eat grass, fruits and leaves of trees. (Elephant.)

"I live in the thicket rainforest, where Sun rays thin strips break through the crowns of dense trees. Therefore, my skin is covered with stripes that look like these patches of light. I strong beast. I eat wild boars, deer, antelopes. To satisfy my hunger, I need about nine kilograms of meat a day.” (Tiger.)

“I am a strong animal. My roar is like thunder, and my mane gives me a menacing look. I live in warm countries, in sandy places, so my skin is sandy in color. During the day I sleep more often, and at night I hunt zebras, gazelles and antelopes. Although I am the king of animals, I am easy to train and can perform various numbers in the circus. (A lion.)

“My body is covered with tough, thick skin of gray color, which protects well from insect bites and from branches of bushes. On the feet are small hooves. I eat grass and young branches and leaves. But mine main feature- the famous horn on the forehead. When danger threatens me, I lower my head and strike with the horn.” (Rhinoceros.)

“Everyone knows me. I look like a man, but unlike him, I have a tail with which I hold on to branches while I pick fruits with my hands and bring them to my mouth with my feet. My favorite pastime is making faces.” (A monkey.)

“The ancient Greeks called me the “river horse.” Firstly, I spend a lot of time in the water, and secondly, I resemble a horse. I have such big wide nostrils and small ears. I am a very large animal: 4 meters long and 3.5 tons in weight. I eat river grass. (Hippopotamus.)

“My height can reach a height of six meters. On the head there are ears and funny little horns covered with leather. I don't have fangs or claws. But there is an unusually long tongue, sometimes reaching 45 cm. With this tongue, I deftly pluck leaves from thorny plants without even pricking myself. Although my front legs are longer than my hind legs, I run fast, I can overtake a horse. I sleep standing up and drink water with my legs wide apart, because my long neck does not bend at all. (Giraffe.)

“I have thick gray skin, a small head with ears sticking up, very long and strong hind legs and small front legs. I am a rather big animal (about two meters in height), but I jump like a grasshopper - far and high. The most remarkable thing about me is the bag, which is located in the lower abdomen, between the legs. My image is on the coat of arms of Australia. (Kangaroo.)

“I am like a little horse: I have hooves, a mane, a tail. I run fast. I have excellent eyesight and good memory. But the color is striped. I have many enemies: tigers, lions, hyenas and other predators. To protect ourselves from enemies, I and my other relatives unite in groups. I am listed in the Red Book. (Zebra.)

“I feel quite well where other animals would die of hunger and thirst. I carry my food and drink with me in my humps. Before starting the next trip, I eat and drink a few days. Then only one of my hump can weigh 45 kilograms! But towards the end of the journey, my hump becomes empty and falls to one side. (Camel.)

Novomikhaylovskaya secondary school


in 2nd grade

"In the animal world"

Conducted by: Mogunova V.V.

Yana Glebova
Quiz "In the world of animals" for children 6-7 years old





Target: generalize children's knowledge about the animals of Africa and the Arctic, expand and activate vocabulary, develop the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.


clarify the names of animals, their habitat;

learn to agree nouns with adjectives;

choose adjectives for nouns;

exercise in word formation;

exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns;

develop speech, attention, memory, thinking;

to instill love for animals;

cultivate goodwill, cooperation skills.

Equipment: multimedia screen, laptop, logos with team names, tokens, “Expert in the World” medals, animal illustrations, “In the World of Animals” audio recording, magnetic board, camera, cap.

Preliminary work: looking at and reading books of encyclopedic content, looking at illustrations and photographs of animals, reading fiction on the topic, preparation (together with parents) short messages about the animals of Africa and the Arctic, poems.

Game progress:

Children enter the hall to the music (2 teams).

Educator: A ray of sun blinds and teases us, We are having fun in the morning today. Winter gives us a ringing holiday And the main guest on it is the game! She is our big and smart friend, Will not let you get bored and discouraged, Starts a cheerful, noisy argument, Helps you learn new things!

You know a lot about animals, and the quiz game "In the world of animals" will help us test your knowledge, which will be dedicated to animals living in hot Africa and the cold Arctic. Two teams participate in the game: - the team that protects the animals of Africa is called "The Sun" and your motto is: "Shine always, shine everywhere and help friends in need!", - The team that protects the animals of the Arctic is called "Snowflakes", your motto is: " We, snowflakes, are simply class. Win, try us!"

Our game has rules: answer questions and complete tasks, and for each correct answer, teams will receive tokens.

Are the teams ready? We start our quiz "In the animal world".

Guys, why are animals called that? (They are alive; move, breathe, eat, multiply, grow). - Team "Sun" name the animals of Africa. - Team "Snowflakes" name the animals of the Arctic. (Children name animals)


Task: each team is given riddles, for the correct answer - a token. (Guesses appear on the multimedia screen).

Riddle for the "Sun" team 1. With a nose-hose, the giant washes like in the shower. This resident of hot countries is the largest on land. (elephant)

Riddle for the team "Snowflakes"

2. He is slow, fanged. His paws are like flippers, And in the pool of the zoo, the northern beast is hot. (walrus)

Riddle for the team "Sunshine"

3. Here is live crane, Inhabitant of hot countries, From the trunks of multi-story Tears and leaves and a banana. (giraffe)

Riddle for the team "Snowflakes" 4. Flies silently, Around the head, Polar, white Bird (owl)

Riddle for the "Sun" team 5. Sitting on an ice block, I catch fish for breakfast. Snow-white I have a reputation And I live in the north. (polar bear)

Riddle for the Snowflake team 6. I am a horse, but not the one that runs in a harness. I am from nose to tail - In a fur vest. (zebra)

2 COMPETITION "Question - answer"

Task: each team is asked questions, after consulting you are responsible, for the correct answer you get a token.

1) Which animal has the longest neck? (giraffe) Why does a giraffe have a long neck?

2) What northern bird can turn its head back? (Owl)

3) What bird can swim well but cannot fly? (penguin)

4) Who is called the king of beasts? (lion) Why?

5) What African bird cannot fly? (ostrich) Why do you think an ostrich can't fly? 6) What animal is called the ship of the desert? (camel) Why?

3 COMPETITION "Count the cubs"

Task: name the baby animals with the number two and five. (for example: 2 owlets - five owls, etc.)

And now for you a motor minute: let's turn into animals and show what they are. (using the multimedia screen)

Dily-dily-dily - crocodiles appeared. (Children portray a crocodile.)

Motes-motes-motes - hippos appeared. (They show how hippos walk, how wide they open their mouths.)

Afa-afy-afy - giraffes chew leaves. (Children stretch up, depicting giraffes.)

We-we-we - elephants splash water. (They puff out their cheeks, as if taking in water, then they splash.)

4 COMPETITION "Tell me about the animal"

Task: one child from each team is descriptive story about the animal.


it reindeer. He lives in the North. The deer has a thick, gray coat. Long, branched horns. Him strong legs, cloven hooves. The deer has a small short tail. People use deer as a means of transportation. Clothes are sewn from deer skins, its meat is eaten.

Guys, what did you learn from this story about the reindeer?

This is a zebra. She lives in Africa. The zebra has a striped skin, a stiff mane. She has strong legs with hard hooves, they run fast. Zebras big ears upright and large eyes. strong teeth with which she chews grass.

Guys, what did you learn from this story about the zebra?

5 COMPETITION "Pick a sign"

Task: teams look at pictures of an animal and answer the question “which one” using adjectives.

- Elephant, what (Huge, mighty, hefty, giant, strong, big, big-eared, long-nosed, calm, hardy, herbivorous)

– Hippo, what (Big, fat, short-legged, sedentary, lazy, big-headed, herbivorous)

- Giraffe, what (Tall, spotted, long-legged, calm, long-necked, herbivorous)

- Leo, which one? (Strong, big-maned, evil, lazy, formidable, predatory)

- Elephant, hippopotamus and giraffe - what are these animals? (herbivores) What does herbivores mean? (Children's answers) - And what kind of animal is a lion? (This is a predatory animal.) What does this mean? (This means that the lion eats meat and hunts animals)

PHYSMINUTE "JOURNEY" 6 COMPETITION "The fourth extra" Task: name one of the four animals that is extra, and explain why.

Lion, tiger, walrus, zebra. (Walrus) A picture appears

Camel, zebra, lion, giraffe. (LEV) A picture appears

Rhino, hippopotamus, tiger, wolf. (WOLF) A picture appears

Owl, ostrich, penguin, polar bear. (OSTRICH) A picture appears

Teacher: Do you like surprises? (children's answers)

And to make it happen, you need to close your eyes. (The teacher puts on a cap, a camera)

Photographer: Do you know who I am? (children's answers) Quite right, I am a photographer and I love to travel. I was in Africa and the Arctic, photographed various animals, these photos (shows illustrations of animals, here is a family of animals, but I just forgot what they are called. You know everything about animals, help me, name the animal family.

7 CONTEST "Name the family" Task: Look at the pictures of animals and name the animal family.

Tigress - tiger cub

baby elephant

She-bear cubs

Lion lioness cubs

Summarizing. - What did you like about our game? What task was the most difficult? Interesting?

Counting tokens shows us that friendship, ingenuity, resourcefulness have won, you are awarded medals "Connoisseurs of the surrounding world." - "Protect birds, animals and always help them." All the best!

Mentally retarded schoolchildren have a poor understanding of the nature and phenomena of the surrounding world. Therefore, for students in classes with a complex defect, the school curriculum includes such subjects as the world of animals and the world of plants. The purpose of these subjects is to teach schoolchildren to classify animals and plants by species, to consolidate and expand knowledge about animals and plants, instilling interest in the animal and plant world.

Students get acquainted with the life of animals and plants at subject lessons, excursions, and practical exercises. Children observe the life of plants and animals, changes in nature. It is necessary to study the most typical representatives of the flora and fauna. Lessons built on direct acquaintance with living objects and natural phenomena arouse interest in mentally retarded children and stimulate activity. And also contribute to the correction of the personality of the student.

Quiz lessons stimulate mentally retarded students to learn,

Target: holding a tournament on the subject "Animal World".

Event objectives:

- to test and deepen children's knowledge of wildlife;
- help children remember already known animals, fish, birds.
- help children remember the features of animals; fish, birds.
- develop intelligence, quick reaction, fantasy;


  1. Computer technology.
  2. Presentations.
  3. 3 posters with drawings of nature (river, air, forest).
  4. Pictures of animals, fish, birds.
  5. Red book suit.
  6. Fish application.
  7. TV layout.

Event progress


Leading: Hello, we are starting a friendly tournament in a subject called “animal world”. 2013 is declared the Year of the Environment. And today we will once again remember how diverse and amazing the animal world of our region is. And that we are also part of nature. And our task is to preserve and protect nature.

Children are divided into 2 teams (predators, herbivores).

1st competition "Earth".

Leading: Name wild animals.

  • “I am very large, about two meters tall, and my weight is 350 kg. I have brown hair, small ears and a tail. I can walk on my hind legs and climb trees in search of food. And I eat fish, berries, I can eat ants, worms and beetle larvae. I spend the whole winter hibernating, and in the spring I leave the den thin, hungry and angry.” (Bear.)
  • “I have a sharp muzzle, erect ears, a very finely developed sense of smell. I am very greedy. I eat meat, attacking deer, elk, rodents, but sometimes, when I can’t find anything, I survive on plant food - berries. I like to hunt at night, alone. Sometimes I chase prey for hours, running not a single kilometer. But in winter, to feed ourselves, we gather in flocks.” (Wolf.)
  • “I am a fat funny animal with sharp front teeth. My house is called a hut. I choose a small river or stream with running water as a place for my hut. I cut tree branches with my teeth and build a dam out of them to keep the water at a constant level and always have an underwater connection with the dwelling. There are two “rooms” in the hut: a bedroom and a pantry.” (Beaver, or beaver.)
  • “My sense of smell is very sharp. The biggest delicacy for me is field mice. A mouse squeaks a little - and I can hear it for a hundred meters, even in winter, when it hides under the snow. I can eat up to 20 of them a day. I hunt at night, and during the day I like to relax. Often they call me a red cheat.” (Fox.)
  • “I live with my family in a burrow that I dug with my front paws and lined with soft grass and down. I am very careful. Before approaching the mink, I will make a few jumps to the side, then a few jumps to the other side, and only then do I jump into my house. In winter, in order to be invisible in the snow, I change my fur coat.” (Hare.)
  • “I, small and gray, build myself a mink either in a field or in a forest, under the roots of trees in a secluded place. My mink is like a bird's nest. Here I store seeds, berries, nuts, dry buds and roots of herbs and trees. In winter, I often go out of my mink to replenish my supplies. To do this, I dig special tunnels and move along them.” (Mouse.)
  • “I, a kind fussy little animal, live everywhere. I have a long fluffy tail and beady eyes. The tail, almost equal to the length of my body (about 20 cm), serves as a pole and an umbrella for me, allowing me to maintain balance and jump along the branches. There are small tassels on the ears that protect my ears from frost. On severe frosty days, I sit in a hollow and eat acorns, dry mushrooms, nuts. Squirrel.
  • You can call me a forest giant. My ears are large and mobile. I have a well developed ear. I like to eat herbs, leaves of shrubs and trees, mosses and mushrooms. I even love fly agaric, but I do not advise you to eat it. I have very beautiful antlers, but once a year I have to shed them. (Elk)
  • I have fangs, .. I can hear perfectly and have a fine sense of smell, but my sight is relatively bad, so with a headwind you can quietly approach me at a very short distance, but they see moving objects perfectly. I love nuts; acorns, roots. A bit like a pig. (Boar)

Leading: Now there are very few species of animals left in nature, such animals are listed in the Red Book, what is the Red Book. We invited her to visit and she will tell us about everything.

Red Book:

I am the Red Book.
Red color - a signal of prohibition,
understood by people all over the world.
Stop, man!
Plant a tree, save a bird.
Hear those who call for help.
I will help you with this - “The Red Book”.

2nd competition - "Water".

Leading: What kind features fish (the body is covered with scales, they cannot live without water, they breathe with gills, they use fins and a tail to move).

Name as many freshwater fish in turn as you can.

(Ruff, carp, crucian carp, bream, catfish, pike, perch.)

Leading: Well done, now populate the reservoir with fish. (Students stick pictures with images of fish on a piece of paper on which a river is drawn.)

Now let's create an application goldfish”, which fulfills desires and populate it in our reservoir. (Students make an application out of paper and stick it also on whatman paper.)

Game with spectators.

Leading: Now we will check your attention and rest a little. When you hear the name of the birds, you will have to wave your hands.

The rooks are flying, they are trumpeting all over Russia: "Chu-choo-choo - we are calling spring."
Cranes are flying, shouting to all Russia: "Gu, gu, gu - no one can catch up."
Pigs are flying, squealing all over Russia: "Oink-oink-oink - we are tired of the barn."
The tits are flying, shouting to all Russia: “dzu-dzu-dzu - no one can catch it.”
The cubs are flying. The fat heels are flying: "ru-ru-ru - we are tired of in the forest."

3rd competition - "Air".

Leading: What are the characteristics of birds. (The body is covered with feathers, they can fly, there are wings, the presence of a beak.)

Leading: Each team, in turn, solves riddles and finds a picture with a bird, and sticks it on paper.

1. All migratory birds are black
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump across the arable land all day long.
And the bird is called ... .. (rook).

2 She has big eyes,
Predatory beak - always crochet.
She flies at night
Sleeps on a tree only during the day. ( Owl.)

3. Coloring - grayish,
The habit is thieving.
hoarse screamer -
Famous person.
It... ( Crow.)

4. The back is greenish,
yellowish belly,
little black cap
And a striped tie. ( Tit.)

6. He arrives every year
Where the house is waiting for him.
Knows how to sing other people's songs
And yet it has its own voice. ( Starling.)

8. Came to us at last
Our best singer.
Days and nights through
He sings, sings, sings. ( Nightingale.)

9. Grey-backed, red-breasted,
Lives in winter groves
He is not afraid of a cold,
Arrives with the first snow. ( Bullfinch.)

10. Who is in a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket.
He doesn't look at me
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. ( Woodpecker.)

Game with spectators.

Leading: Name - fairy tales or stories in which the main characters are animals

(Gingerbread Man, Teremok, Masha and the Bear, Turnip, Wolf and Fox; Cat, Thrush and Rooster; The Frog Princess, By Pike's Command, Golden Cockerel, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.)

Leading: And now the program "In the world of animals"

Transfer "In the world of animals".

Hello, - Dima.

On the air, the program "In the world of animals" - Tanya.

With you Tatyana - Dima.

And Dmitry - Tanya.

Amazing news in the animal world - Dima.

Squirrels always grow teeth - Tanya.

Frogs sleep with their eyes open. - Dima.

The snail is the most toothy animal. - Tanya.

The badger is the cleanest animal. - Dima.

The elk is the largest animal in Russia. - Tanya.

The dragonfly is the most voracious insect. - Dima.

This was amazing news in the animal world. - Tanya.

See you again. - Dima.

Leading: Nature plays a very important role in our life. Today we remembered a small part of the animal world. All animals need our protection. Protect the environment! Thank you for your attention.

The best of the best…

    Which bird has the most a long tail. (Magpie)

    Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift. 160-170km/h.

    The speed of which bird, when attacking prey, is 350 km / h, at other times it moves in the air more slowly than about 100 km / h (Peregrine Falcon)

    Name the biggest couch potato? (Badger. Sleeps all day in summer, and day and night in winter)

    Which animal lives the longest? (Elephant turtle. Its life expectancy is 175 years)

    What is the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth? (Blue whale. Its mass reaches 150 tons)

    Who is the largest land predator? (Polar bear (length from 2.5 to 3.5 m., weight from 600 to 900 kg.)

    Name the most small mammal in the world. (Long-nosed bat (length 30mm. weight 1.7g)

    Name the most large mammal in the world. (Blue whale (length up to 30m, weight 170t.)

    Which of the mammals on Earth is the fastest? (Cheetah. (speeds up over 100 km / h)

    Name the largest bird. (African ostrich (height up to 2.7 m., weight up to 150 kg.

    Name the smallest bird. (Hummingbird (length 57mm, weight 1.7g)

    The slowest animal in the world. (Sloth. The speed of his movement is 1 m. for 4 - 5 minutes.)

    We used to think that dogs are the best watchmen. But there is another creature that no one will pass unnoticed even at night. Who is it? (Goose. Recall the story that the geese saved Rome by waking the guards with their cackle when the Gauls stormed.)

    A bird that cannot fly, but can dive to a depth of 225m. and jumps to a height of up to 1.8m. (Penguin)

    An animal that has a beaver tail, otter or frog paws, duck nose, mole skin. He has teeth, he lays eggs, but feeds his cubs with milk. (Australian platypus)

    The ears of this animal consist of 27 muscles that can "move" independently of each other. (Cat)

    An animal that almost never drinks water, content with the juice of eucalyptus leaves. (Koala)

    What kind of animal that has the head of a hare, the torso and front paws of a mouse, the hind legs of a bird, the tail of a lion. (Jerboa)

    Best swimming speed 65km/h (Kasatka)

    An insect that jumps 60 times its own height (Bloch) is the leader among long jump record holders.

    The only animal with four knees. (Elephant)

    What insect can lift and move a load 50 times its own weight? (Ant - leaf cutter)

    The only mammal (other than humans) that can stand on its head (Elephant)

    The only bird that can swim but cannot fly. (Penguin)

    The animal that can go without drinking the longest. (Rat)

    Zebra - white with black stripes or vice versa? (White with black stripes)

    What do wasps build their nests from? (From paper. Wasps have the ability to produce it from wood pulp)

    when do polar bears have cubs? (winter during sleep)

    Do fish sleep? (Yes, with the onset of night, the fish go to bed, some even lie on their side, but their eyes remain open.)

    What animal is the most "vociferous"? (Crocodile, then hippopotamus and lion)

    Is a whale a fish? (No, a mammal)

    What kind of fish builds a nest? (Smelt)

    What bird can run along the bottom of a pond? (Dipper)

    Which tongue is longer than the body? (Chameleon)

    Home of the penguins. (Antarctica)

    The male of which bird incubates the offspring. (Penguin)

    Where is the most big nature reserve on the planet. (Antarctica)

    They are the first to fly to warm lands ... .. (Starlings)

    What is a pride? (This is the lion family)

    Do rabbits have a permanent home? (no, in winter they make temporary beds in the snow, and in the summer in the grass)

    This animal knows how to get rid of fleas in a completely amazing way. He takes a piece of wool in his teeth and enters the water, but not immediately, but carefully and gradually, step by step. Fleas do not like water, they climb from their paws onto their heads, backs, and stomachs. The animal has already plunged into the water, only a piece of wool in its teeth sticks out above the water. Fleas get over to him, the animal releases a piece of wool from his teeth, and he swims away with all the flea people. What is this mammal? (Fox)

    What does the saying "feet feed the wolf" mean? (The wolf does not ambush the prey, but catches up with it)

    What does a badger eat in winter? (Nothing, in winter he sleeps)

    What birds eat mushrooms? (Capercaillie)

    Which bird is a symbol of homesickness? (Crane)

    Why do lone wolves howl at the moon? (This howl warns other packs to leave their territory)

    What animal skins are used to make the robes of kings? (Ermine)

    Why are moose called "moose"? (Sukhaty from the word "plough". Strong, curved elk horns are very reminiscent of this famous agricultural tool)

    How do moose escape from mosquitoes and midges? (They climb into the water so that only the nose and eyes are visible)

    What bird is considered by the people as a harbinger of trouble? (Crow)

    With the arrival of what birds do we associate the beginning of spring? (Rooks)

    Whose paws are turned outward? (At a mole)

    Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

    Who sings, inflating air bubbles. (Frog)

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