Interesting marine life. Underwater world: inhabitants of the seas and oceans

Tourism and rest 01.07.2019
Tourism and rest

The sea is always a mystery. Infinite and deep, which mankind has been unraveling for centuries and cannot unravel in any way. ebb and flow, bermuda triangles and the nature of the storms is all, of course, a mystery. But more people interested and continue to be interested Marine life- from small fish to a huge whale. Each of the species of inhabitants of the underwater world is, in fact, a separate people, practicing their traditions and protecting their tribe in every possible way.

One has only to listen to the stories of divers: not even the most experienced of them keeps in mind some interesting fact about marine life and can spend hours describing amazing landscapes of the deep sea.

People entering the underwater kingdom or a specially equipped viewing aquarium are touched by everything: living corals, colorful baby fish (if you stay away from them) and even vicious sharks - some of them, as it turned out, are not at all bloodthirsty. But smart dolphins have been a hit of human sympathy for many years now.

Intelligent, sociable, capable of empathy

Oceanologists who know a lot about sea ​​creatures ah, they have long come to the conclusion: dolphins are the most perfect and unique of them. Firstly, none of the citizens of the underwater state is closer to a person. Moreover, dolphins are very similar to us: they love to have fun and come up with ways to diversify their underwater and above-water leisure activities (for example, they blow air bubbles and rings underwater using their blowhole as a tool); they feel responsible for weakened or distressed relatives, they will never leave an elderly or injured dolphin to the mercy of fate, they are always next to a female whose birth processes are complicated. In all these cases, they are not just present, but help and support.

Dolphin: doctor or medicine?

Dolphins are the friendliest for children, they can become swimming coaches, and nannies in the pool, and a cure for mental disorders, and a number of unpleasant diseases: cerebral palsy, autism, depression. By the way, now even adults are not shy about undergoing dolphin therapy: both pleasant and effective.

By mental ability among mammals, dolphins rank third.

In favor of the intellectual abilities of these cute mammals, their habit of using improvised means during hunting, for example, to protect their nose from prickly fish with a washcloth, speaks in favor.

In the mouth of a dolphin - a hundred small teeth, which he never uses for its intended purpose - dolphins only capture prey with their teeth, but never chew.

The height of a dolphin's jump above the water can reach 6 meters, and the depth of maximum immersion - up to 305 m, but only during hunting. Dolphins usually live at a depth of 2-10 m.

Miracle-yudo Fish-whale

No less remarkable are the largest marine inhabitants- whales. At the mere mention of these giants, many interesting facts about maxi-sized marine life emerge.

Just because a whale is huge doesn't mean it's clumsy. In the waves, the whales play and frolic like children, demonstrating graceful (almost graceful) diving.

Whales are capable of diving to great depths - up to 1000 m. And the pressure is strikingly different from the pressure on the surface. That's how whales adapt: ​​during the dive, their pulse slows down to ten beats per minute, ensuring that blood flows only to the heart and brain. The skin, fins and tail remain "disconnected" from the energy supply.

The pattern on a whale's tail is as individual as human fingerprints.

There are only two types of mammals in the world that can sing. This is a man and ... a whale. The shortest whale song is about six minutes long, and the longest is half an hour. Both males and females sing. At the same time, it was noticed that whales-“women” are more likely to sing, the songs are intended for their children. And what is most surprising is that whales have no vocal cords at all.

Another interesting fact about marine inhabitants-whales, which cannot be ignored: these giants are constantly busy analyzing the sounds made by the sea. They have a well-developed hearing, but there is no sense of smell and vision is atrophied.

"We are funny jellyfish"

Many representatives really have a very “cheerful” color, just the same carnival. With such a bright appearance, they cannot help but defend themselves, therefore they are poisonous.

Perhaps the following fact is not entirely interesting about marine life, but it is very instructive: when you get to exotic latitudes, you need to be wary of a jellyfish called sea ​​wasp Flecker. She is a killer. She has one fatality every year. Its venom acts as a powerful heart-paralytic agent. The only one effective method escape from a deadly substance - nylon tights. This piece of women's wardrobe is very popular among Queensland fishermen.

And in the Caribbean, farmers have learned to use jellyfish venom to great advantage - with its help they poison rats and other harmful rodents that damage the economy.

The main thing is the drawing on the shell

The most incredible facts about marine life do not arise without human help. And it's not that he composes them - he even provokes them. In the good sense of the word.

For example, the heikegani crabs that live off the coast of Japan survived and developed their population only thanks to the pattern on the shell. He is very reminiscent of the stern face of an angry samurai.

When a crab with such a pattern fell into fishing nets, it was reverently set free, sincerely believing that a restless samurai soul settled in this creature.

Thanks to the belief of Japanese fishermen in reincarnation, an artificial selection mechanism was launched that saved the heikegani from extinction.

The shrimp wants to live too!

For some reason, anyone simultaneously received the status of yummy, is tied to culinary features: weight, amount of protein in milligrams, benefits for the body.

Even a child knows that the tiger shrimp is the largest. But how big is it? The length of the female reaches 36 centimeters, and the weight is 650 grams. Among tigers, there are also kilogram specimens.

Some of these marine crustaceans can kill fish with sound. They are called shooting shrimp and have a device on the claw that can make a loud click, deadly for fish swimming near.

The shrimp also hunts, also defends itself, and is very reluctant to end its life as a snack.

I'm a star!

The most beautiful sea creatures are the stars. Anyone who has seen the bottom covered with these bright creatures claims that all the most curious facts about marine life simply pale in front of this amazing sight.

For the sake of it, divers dive under water with cameras to reveal to the world the real stars of the deep sea.

We can safely state the uniqueness of starfish: they are not fish, because they cannot swim, but move along horizontal and vertical planes with the help of tenacious suction cups.

They are varied in color and shape, but all have the same "figure" - in the form five pointed star. But five rays is not the limit. Maximum - 50.

The star is the only sea ​​creature whose limbs are called hands. It reproduces in two ways: by throwing eggs and sperm into the water or by dividing one individual into parts.

Where do coral beads live?

Like all other types of marine life, corals have their own “zest”, which is interesting not only for researchers of the seas and oceans, but also for fashion boutique researchers.

Corals are thermophilic, therefore, an almost continuous line of reefs is located along the equator, almost along the entire circumference of the planet.

The sea kindly provides a person for observation and study different kinds sea ​​inhabitants. But there are some among them that are frankly scary and unpleasant to study.

The ugliest inhabitants of the ocean depths are recognized as sea devils, or anglers. They live at the greatest depths, as if hiding from prying eyes and realizing their unattractiveness.

The viper fish is also disgusting, before the meal it looks like a standard snake, and after it - like an inflated ball.

Fearsome creatures include the dragonfish, sabertooth fish, bigmouth fish and the Atlantic giant squid.

Interesting facts about marine life - horror stories came from the time of World War II, when surviving sailors from sunken ships spoke with horror about a huge monster that dragged their comrades to the depths.

They really look like people from and live in the darkest corners of the ocean, so meeting with such "fish" is a rarity, although you need to know about their existence. Just in case.

Sea animals are often especially popular - pictures for children depicting the inhabitants of the deep sea attract children, because they allow them to dive into the unexplored expanses of the oceans, reminiscent of magical kingdoms and fabulous far away kingdoms.

They will help the baby to learn the names of marine animals, pictures with names. For children who can read, these pictures can also be used for independent study of the topic. And children who have not yet mastered reading should be helped to remember new acquaintances. You can hold a thematic lesson dedicated to the inhabitants of the deep sea, and tell a few interesting facts about each of them:

Fish appeared before dinosaurs. They move even when they sleep.

The octopus has three hearts.

Fur seals practically do not get out of the water in winter and spring, but in summer and autumn they lie almost motionless on the shore, accumulating fat.

Seahorses can change their color like chameleons.

The sea urchin has five jaws.

Sea turtles breathe air, but during sleep they may not rise to the surface of the water for about seven hours.

Sea stars cannot swim. They move only by suction cups.

The walrus gets out of the water, clinging to the ice floes with its tusks. Therefore, in Latin, its name sounds like "a sea horse walking with the help of teeth."

The head of a jellyfish can reach a size of two meters or more, and tentacles - 20 meters or more.

Shrimp eggs can be stored for years in a dried form, but as soon as they get into the water, the cubs appear after a few hours.

The crab always breathes air dissolved in water. Even on land - for this he stores water in his gills.

Orca whale - the most large predator of those who feed their children with milk.

The sperm whale does not have organs that help to recognize odors.

Dolphins had legs a million years ago.

Squids can fly like flying fish.

The stingray does not see what he is eating: his eyes are on the upper half of the body, and his mouth is on the lower.

New shark teeth grow throughout their lives.

The children are interested in working with cards, which can be used printed on thick paper and cut pictures depicting sea animals.

Cards with drawn marine animals No. 1:

Cards with drawn marine animals №2

Cards with painted marine animals №3

Cards for children simplify the process of remembering names, since in working with them the baby uses the fingers on which he is big number nerve endings. By stimulating the work of the brain, the child turns on his memory and quickly learns new material. In addition, cards are convenient to use for playing simple games that will make the learning process more interesting.

Card games can be played using wall posters.

Let the kid pull out one picture, and then find the character depicted on it on the poster, and name it. If such an activity is held in a group, you can draw cards in turn and look for an animal among other sea animals.

When studying animals, you can use not only ready-made drawings, but also coloring pages: let the kid decide for himself how the marine life depicted on them will look like. Pictures for children that require coloring help to use motor memory, train the baby's hands, and dream up. Therefore, the use of such benefits is of great benefit.

Studying the underwater world, the child begins to feel like a part of a huge world community, and these are feelings of unity with natural world contributes to its development and formation as a mature personality.

Life on planet Earth originated in the ocean. It was from the water that the first animals came to land. The inhabitants of the seas and oceans are distinguished by a huge species diversity. All marine representatives of the organic world live in the water column and on the ocean floor. Scientists number more than 150 thousand inhabitants of the oceans and seas, including plant and animal organisms that inhabit the sea and ocean expanses of the planet.

Inhabitants of the seas and oceans: diversity and living conditions

Everyone knows that the aquatic environment is strikingly different from the ground-air environment. Significant depths are cut off by low temperatures, high blood pressure. The inhabitants of the seas and oceans, living at great depths, practically do not see sunlight, but, despite this diversity of life forms, it is amazing.

Almost all useful substances that are necessary for the life of the inhabitants of the deep sea are dissolved in water. The water space warms up very slowly, but heat transfer occurs for a long time. Of course, at considerable depths, the temperature changes almost imperceptibly.

An important component for all creatures in the water column is the presence of oxygen. In the absence of free oxygen, hydrogen sulfide is formed, this is typical for the Black Sea and the Arabian Sea.

The inhabitants of the seas and oceans for the full development need protein, which is contained in large quantities in

The flora of the oceans and seas

Marine plants contain chlorophyll, a green pigment. With the help of it, the energy of the sun is accumulated. Water splits into oxygen and hydrogen, then hydrogen enters into chemical reaction with carbon dioxide from the surrounding aquatic environment. This is followed by the formation of starch, sugar and proteins.

At relatively shallow depths, there is a rich vegetable world. The inhabitants of the sea depths of these "sea meadows" and find their livelihood.

One of the most common algae are kelp, their length can reach six meters. It is from this plant that iodine is obtained, they are also used as fertilizer for fields.

Another brightest inhabitants of the seas and oceans (mainly southern latitudes) are marine organisms, which received the name - But do not confuse them with plants, these are real animals. They live in large colonies, attaching to rocky surfaces.

Plants need sunshine, so plants are found at least 200 meters deep. Below, only the inhabitants of the seas and oceans live, who do not need the light of the sun.

Sea creatures

Previously, it was believed that no one lives below a six-kilometer depth due to high pressure, which is exerted by the water column on living beings. But scientists conducted deep-sea studies that confirmed the hypothesis that at great depths there are various (crustaceans, worms, etc.).

Some deep-sea inhabitants of the seas and oceans periodically rise to a depth of up to a thousand meters. They do not float above, because closer to the surface there are large differences in water temperature.

Many deep sea inhabitants who spend their whole lives at the bottom, there is no vision. But some parts of their body have special flashlights. They are needed to escape predators and to attract potential prey.

Animals of the seas and oceans feel comfortable in their environment, many of them do not need to adapt to seasonal changes in the environment.

The octopus is the most intelligent cephalopod

A special role in the life of many marine life is played by unicellular organisms, which are called plankton and move with the help of the current. Many fish feed on them, which constantly move after them. With increasing depth, the number of plankton decreases sharply.

Scientists have long proved that the inhabitants of the seas and oceans live in all water layers. These animals and plants are distinguished by great species diversity, as well as unusual shapes and colours. You can endlessly admire various types of fish, corals and other marine life of the most bizarre forms that seem to be aliens from another planet and admire the perfection of nature.

In conclusion, I bring to your attention an unusually interesting documentary dedicated to various inhabitants of the seas and oceans titled "The Most Dangerous Animals. sea ​​depths". Look, it will be interesting!

And in more detail, with interesting representatives of the underwater world, you will be introduced to these articles:

State budget preschool educational institution Kindergarten №67 combined type Krasnoselsky district

G. St. Petersburg "The Magician".

Summary of the event on the theme "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans" for children of the middle group

Technologies: information and communication, gaming, health-saving

Compiled and conducted

Teacher Nikitina S.M.

St. Petersburg


Synopsis of the event on the topic:

"Inhabitants of the seas and oceans" for children of the middle group

Target: Expand, deepen and consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.


Continue to acquaint children with marine animals, some representatives (whale, shark, dolphin, sea turtle, crab, jellyfish, octopus, sea horse): their appearance, movement patterns, adaptability to life in aquatic environment, eating habits, behavior; to acquaint with some forms of protection of marine life.

To intensify cognitive activity: to cultivate a desire to learn more about marine life, to develop the curiosity of children.

Develop fine motor skills.

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife.

Preliminary work:acquaintance with the sea, its vastness, beauty, specificity; acquaintance with some marine inhabitants: fish, with the peculiarities of their appearance, diversity, beauty; a conversation with children on the topic “How I rested in the summer at sea” (a story from personal experience); watching the informative animated film "Inhabitants of the Seas and Oceans"; listening to music "Sounds of the sea"; work with puzzles maritime theme; looking at shells, sea soil (small pebbles); p / and "The sea is worried"; drawing a fish reading S. Sakharnov's stories "Whale", "Octopus", "Medusa", "Sea Urchin", "Pufferfish, or Fish - Hedgehog"; viewing illustrations of the sea and marine life.

Material: illustrations with marine animals; riddles on the marine theme; finger games; poem by V. Lanzetti "Colorful octopus"; red cardboard, a set of cardboard geometric shapes of different colors.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Today we will talk about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. What marine life do you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: Right. The seas are home to many different kinds of animals. And they are not exactly like animals living on earth. There are also sea cows, and fur seals, and starfish, sea ​​urchins, a fish - a needle, fish - butterflies, there are fish - clowns. There are animals that are safe for humans, and there are also dangerous ones. Let's get to know them better, shall we?

Well then, let's go on a trip! Let's get to know the marine life.

What will we travel on? (reasoning of children). Guess the riddle:

The palace floats on the waves,

Are people lucky?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, this is a ship.

We will now board our ship and set off!

(Children take their places on an improvised "ship" made up of chairs. The melody "Free Wind" sounds).

Are you seated? Please take your binoculars to make it easier to observe the expanses of the sea and its inhabitants. Connect the thumb with the rest of the fingers of the palm, folded together, and round them. Put the resulting "donuts" to your eyes, as if looking through binoculars.

What do you see? I see the endless expanses of the sea, it blue color- the sky is reflected in it, I see light waves.

Let's draw the sea and the waves. Bend your elbows in front of you, interlacing your fingers. Raise your elbows alternately, making wave-like movements.

While we were depicting waves, the first marine life appeared on the horizon. Listen to the riddle and try to determine who it is:

Island with water palm

Say hello to me!

He puffs offendedly:

"I'm not an island! I…”?

Children: Keith!

Teacher: That's right guys. This is a whale. Why was it compared in a riddle to an island?

Children: It's huge. If his back appears from the water - like a piece of land, an island.

Educator: And what is this "water palm tree" on his back?

Children: This is a fountain.

Educator: Where is this fountain from? - (children's reasoning).

Educator: These are the nostrils that are at the top of the head, and from them, when the animal breathes, a fountain of steam comes out. What else can you say about this wonderful marine life? - (children's statements)

Educator (clarifying and summarizing the statements): That's right. The whale is the largest animal in the world. (Shows an illustration). The body is slender, strongly elongated, rounded, smooth, instead of the front paws it has two fins, and instead of the back legs it has a large, fish-like tail. All this he needs in order to easily move in the water. The body color is dark gray with a bluish tint.

Tell me, please, is the whale a fish or not? - (children's statements).

Educator: Whales are not fish. They, like fish, live in water, but breathe air, floating to the surface of the sea. They feed their young with milk. There are such huge whales that they weigh as much as 25 elephants or more. Some whales have teeth, others don't. Toothless people have mustaches instead of teeth. Such whales feed on small crustaceans, krill. They are eaten in large quantities, as they are large - they require a lot of food. They swallow a large amount of water with various small living creatures, then the water seeps through the mustache, as if through a sieve, and the prey remains in the mouth.

In general, whales are very diverse: there are hulks, and there are relatively small ones.

Now take your binoculars back and see if the next sea dweller has appeared on the horizon?

I see, guess who:

He is a real circus performer -

Kicks the ball with his nose.

They know both the French and the Finn:

Likes to play..?

Children: Dolphin!

Teacher: That's right guys. (Shows an illustration).

What do you know about dolphins? - (children's statements).

Educator (specifying and summarizing the statements): They are one of the smartest and most useful animals for humans. A man teaches them to find sunken ships, drive fish into the net, dolphins protect people from sharks, save drowning people. And for the ability to jump high out of the water and deftly perform various tricks, they were nicknamed "sea acrobats". This is a very friendly animal, it, like a person, breathes with lungs. Dolphins are a type of toothed whale and, unlike fish, cannot breathe underwater. They breathe air, rising to the surface from time to time. They can stay under water for a long time due to the fact that they can hold their breath for a long time. Dolphins are very playful, like whales, they live and hunt in a flock, help each other and do not quarrel with their relatives.

And what do they eat? - (children's answers: eat fish)


Guys, let's draw whales and dolphins. Jump into the water! First you are whales: interlace your fingers, stretch your arms in front of you and round them. Swim, whales! (Children run after each other around the perimeter of the group room, depicting a "whale").

And now you are dolphins: put your hands together with your palms, stretch your arms forward, connect your thumbs and set them aside - this is the fin of a dolphin. Make wave-like movements with your hands left - right, up - down, showing how the dolphin swims. Swim, dolphins!

Educator: Well done. Swim and go again. To the ship!

Look through binoculars. Guess who I saw this time?

This fish is an evil predator,

Everyone will be swallowed up.

Showing her teeth, she yawned

And went to the bottom...?

Children: Shark.

Educator: Of course, this is a shark. (Shows an illustration).

What do you know about sharks? - (children's statements).

Educator (specifying and summarizing): Sharks are large, fast, toothy fish. Their teeth grow in several rows and are sharp as a saw. They breathe under water thanks to the gills with air dissolved in water. They are very greedy and mobile.

Let's take a look through the binoculars again. Don't you see anyone? Then guess what next marine life I discovered:

For myself at the bottom of the sea

He builds a house with claws.

Round shell, ten paws.

Guessed? It..?

Children: Crab.

Educator: Right. (Shows an illustration).

What can you say about this animal? - (children's statements).

Educator (specifying and summarizing): The body of this animal resembles a smooth thick cake with small eyes and short antennae. The crab does not know how to swim, but quickly runs sideways, walks along the bottom of the sea. He has 10 legs: 8 serve to move, and the two front turned into claws. With their help, he defends himself from enemies and cuts his food into pieces, then sending it to his mouth.

Crabs collect garbage, clean the seabed.

Traveling along the bottom, crabs are forced to hide from predators and disguise themselves. They put on pieces of seaweed, often picking up everything that gets into their claws - empty shells, glass shards, fish heads - and puts it on their backs. Such "decorations" perfectly mask the crab. When a crab is in danger, it exposes its back to the predator with rubbish.

So, what's on the horizon again? Ready for the next riddle?

Pear with long legs

Settled in the ocean.

As many as eight arms and legs!

Is it a miracle..?

Children: Octopus.

Teacher: That's right guys. This is an octopus. (Shows an illustration). Why do you think it was called an octopus? - (children's statements).

Educator: An amazing cephalopod: a head and eight legs (arms, tentacles). The octopus has suction cups on its tentacles, so it can hold any little thing. It crawls using tentacles and suckers. Often prefers to sit in a shelter, in order to avoid the attack of a predator. They settle on the rocky bottom, where there are many caves in which you can hide. They feed on small marine animals. They can change their color, disguise themselves as the surrounding area. (Demonstrates the phenomenon of masking: he applies a geometric figures different colors, it turns out that figures of the same color are better “camouflaged” on a red background).

And he can also let paint (ink) escape from the pursuer.

By the color of the octopus, you can determine its mood: a very frightened octopus is white, at the moment of anger, rage it acquires a reddish tint.


Get down to the sea. We all turn into octopuses. Let's move our tentacles:

I don't recognize myself

I never get tired of changing my color.

Was in polka dots an hour ago

And now I'm striped.

I swim up to the corals -

I become scarlet - scarlet.

Here I am a clown - an octopus -

Eight colorful legs!

I can become blacker than the night -

Turn off the light. Goodnight!

(Children portray octopuses)

Educator: And now we return to the ship. And here's another riddle for you:

Stone shell - shirt.

And in a shirt..?

Children: Turtle.

The teacher shows the illustration and asks: What can you say about the sea turtle? - (children's statements).

Educator: There are land turtles, and there are marine ones. They are fully adapted to life in the water. Their paws turned into flippers, and the shell became much smaller and lighter. A sea turtle cannot hide in it, like a land turtle in its own. In the water they are mobile and graceful, but on land they move slowly. Sea turtle babies hatch from eggs that mother turtles lay in the sand on the seashore.

Listen to the following riddle:

Guess what kind of horses

Rushing into the sea from the chase?

I could hide in the algae

Little marine..?

Children: Skate.

The teacher shows an illustration and asks: Why was it called a skate? - (reasoning of children: it looks like a chess piece of a horse).

Educator: Seahorses live in thickets of sea grass. Hiding in it. Each mouth is a tube. They are good parents: dads have bags on their stomachs, a little danger, the fry - yurk, yurk in them - and hid.

And here is the final riddle:

A transparent umbrella floats.

"I'll burn it! - threatens. - Do not touch!

She has paws and a belly.

What is her name?

Children: Medusa.

Educator: (Shows an illustration). What can you say about jellyfish? - (children's statements).

Educator: These are gelatinous creatures. There are a wide variety of shapes and colors, but the body is almost always transparent and very delicate. Meet very poisonous species. They feed on small marine animals.

Well, we're on our way back home. Let's wave to the marine life and promise to meet them again.

Once again we will look through binoculars, admire the expanses of the sea. (Turn on music).

Educator: Well, here we are at home. You can get off the ship. Did you enjoy the trip?

What marine life did we meet today? - (children's answers).

What do you remember the most? - (children's answers).

Would you like to continue to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the sea? - (children's answers).

The oceans are home to several million species of amazing sea creatures. Given this vast biodiversity, it's no surprise that these marine life come in every possible shape, color, and size. Some of them, especially the deep-sea inhabitants, look scary and disgusting, but appearance others are simply breathtaking. Today we will take a closer look.

1. Mandarin Fish(Synchiropus splendidus)

Found in the tropical waters of the western part Pacific Ocean, mandarin duck is a small coral fish up to 6 cm long, known for its strange shape and beautiful intense coloration.

(Cerianthus membranaceus)


Found in various locations in subtropical waters, the pipe anemone comes in many different fluorescent colors and color combinations, making it a popular aquarium animal.

photo: Philippe Portallier

3 Flamingo Tongue(Cyphoma gibbosa)

Native to various Caribbean and Atlantic coral reefs, this colorful snail feeds on coral polyps.

4. Blue surgeon(Paracanthurus hepatus)

photo: Aaron Gilcrease

The fish is famous for its sharp spikes on its tail, which are said to resemble a surgeon's scalpels.

5. Mantis shrimp(Stomatopoda)


The waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans became the home for mantis shrimp. These are some of the most fascinating and colorful creatures in the sea. These beautiful crustaceans have the most complex eyes in the world.

6. French angel(Pomacanthus paru)

photo: Paul Asman

Native to the western Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, the French angel is an amazing tropical fish with a dark color that is perfectly complemented by yellow stripes.

7. Seahorse-rag-picker(Phycodurus eques)

photo: Dmytro Kochetov

This seahorse found in the waters of Australia is one of the most unusual and fascinating sea creatures. Reaches up to 20 cm in length. He also falls into 25 most amazing sea creatures.

8 Sea Spiders(Pantopoda)

Completely unrelated to the common spiders we are used to, sea spiders are much simpler in form and function, but almost as common as their terrestrial namesakes. With over 1,300 species, these tiny marine arthropods can be found in most parts of the world.

9. Medusa flower hat(Olindias formosa)

photo: Josh More

Highly rare view, which belongs to the Hydrozoa class, while true jellyfish belong to the Scyphozoa class. The flower cap can be found in the Western Pacific at southern japan, and has a painful sting.

10 Harlequin Crab(Lissocarcinus laevis)

photo: Rene Cazalens

Among 25 most amazing sea creatures a stunning harlequin crab that is found along with sea anemones and pipe anemones, not far from coastlines corals and rocky reefs.

11. Apogon tulle(Pterapogon kauderni)

Wonderful tropical fish with silver coloration and vertical black stripes. An endangered species, which is found only in a relatively small area around the island of Banggai in Indonesia.

(Aetobatus narinari)

photo: Xabier Mina

Reaching a width of up to 3 m, spotted bracken is an active swimmer and predator known to feed on invertebrates and small fish.

13. Clownfish(Amphiprion percula)

photo: Jun Ushiki

The bright orange color with the characteristic three white stripes of the clown fish is one of the most recognizable and popular among all reef dwellers. The fish reaches approximately 11 cm in length.

14. Harlequin Shrimp(Hymenocera picta)


Like many other bright views in 25 most amazing sea creatures, the harlequin shrimp is a popular aquarium inhabitant. This species has a white body with large spots. Males are slightly smaller than females.

15. Blue dragon(Glaucus atlanticus)

Also known as blue glaucus and is a poisonous mollusc. With a length of up to 3 cm, this curious animal is found in all temperate and tropical waters.

16. Discus fish(Symphysodon)

photo: Vera Le Bail

Native to the Amazon River discus fish is one of the most beautiful tropical fish in the world. Because of its distinctive shape and bright coloring, it is called the "king of the aquarium".

17. Venus anemone - sea anemone(Actinoscyphia aurelia)


Venus anemone, named after the Venus flytrap plant due to its resemblance and feeding mechanism. This sea anemone is a large deep-sea creature that feeds by trapping food in its "trap mouth".

18. Royal starfish(Astropectenarticulatus)

One of the most remarkable representatives of the genus, royal starfish - starfish, which most often lives on the middle continental shelf of about 20-30 m in the western Atlantic. It is a carnivore that feeds on shellfish.

19. ClamBerghia Coerulescens

photo: Rodrigo Pascual

A species of sea slug that can be found in the Central and Western Mediterranean, as well as in the North Atlantic Ocean. This stunningly colorful creature reaches up to 7 cm in length.

20. Zebra Lionfish(Pterois volitans)

One of the most iconic tropical fish, a popular delicacy in some parts of the world, but much more valued as an aquarium inhabitant.

21. Long-snouted European seahorse(Hippocampus hippocampus)

endemic mediterranean sea and parts of the North Atlantic, the long-snouted European seahorse is a medium-sized species, up to 13 cm high, that lives in shallow muddy waters, in estuaries or in seagrass meadows. Disappearing view.

22. Painted triggerfish, or prickly rinekant(Rhinecanthus aculeatus)

photo: Joachim S. Müller

25 most amazing sea creatures represents a wonderful tropical fish found on reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. The painted triggerfish feeds mainly on reef and algae. In the diet of fish there are small crustaceans, worms, sea urchins and snails.

23. Green sea turtle(Chelónia mýdas)

The green turtle is a large, heavy sea turtle with a broad, smooth shell. Weighing up to 320 kg, the green sea turtle is one of the largest sea turtles in the world.

24. Clam Phyllidia Babai

photo: Iain Fraser

A species of nudibranch that is found in several areas of the Pacific Ocean such as Papua New Guinea, South Korea and Australia.

25. Crown of thorns, or acanthaster(Acanthaster planci)

photo: Joey Jojo

A starfish that is found in the Indo-Pacific region. Despite their beautiful appearance, the crown of thorns is often considered a pest, as large numbers of these creatures pose a significant threat to coral reefs, especially the Great Barrier Reef.

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