What does the Soviet red five-pointed star mean. Symbols of war - star

Health 21.09.2019

The five-pointed star was first introduced into the symbolism of the Russian army by Nicholas I.

"Satanic" correspondence

In the fall of 2014, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky sent a letter to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, in which he raised the issue of forming army symbols for Orthodox Orthodox servicemen. The reason for the letter, judging from its content, was Zhirinovsky's trip to the farm of German Sterligov. The owner's son allegedly complained that he was serving in Russian army it cannot, because the five-pointed star in army symbols is associated with satanic symbols.

State Secretary of the Russian Ministry of Defense Nikolai Pankov responded to the head of the Liberal Democratic Party with a detailed letter stating that the linking of a five-pointed star to Satanism is unreasonable - for example, such a pentagram during the Roman Empire marked the transition from paganism to Christianity as the true faith. As for the history of the star in Russian and Soviet army, Satanism has never been here in sight.

This correspondence is indicative - in the post-Soviet period, attacks on Soviet symbols took on the character of uniform persecution, and its participants did not make it too difficult to substantiate their statements.

The red star, as a symbol of the Soviet army, got especially - they saw in it both Satanism, and Freemasonry, and militant Zionism, and much more. They saw everything, depending on the level of intellectual development.
Nicholas introduced French fashion

But what is true story the appearance of a star in general and a red star in particular in the armed forces of our country?

Like many other things, the five-pointed star came to Russia from abroad. At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, five-pointed stars appeared on the epaulettes and headdresses of officers and generals in the French army, which determined their rank. This tradition dates back to ancient rome, where the five-pointed star was a symbol of the god of war - Mars - and denoted the lily from which he was born.

In 1827 Russian emperor Nicholas I adopts the French experience and introduces stars on the epaulettes of officers and generals of the Russian army. We are talking about gold forged stars. 27 years later, in 1854, the same Nicholas I introduces shoulder straps into the Russian army, as well as sewn stars on them.

There is no consensus on how widely the five-pointed star was used in the Russian army. On the Internet you can find pictures of the famous Russian photographer Karl Bulla, in which he captured Russian military trains in 1904-1905, the cars of which are marked with five-pointed stars with a double-headed eagle inside. Opponents insist that this is a clever photomontage.

A five-pointed star with an eagle on a military train car, Russian Empire, photo by Viktor Bulla, 1905. Photo: Public Domain
Logic, and nothing but logic

After February Revolution royal insignia in the army were abolished. On April 21, 1917, by order No. 150 of the military and naval minister of the Provisional Government Alexander Guchkov, the epaulettes were replaced by sleeve insignia and a new cockade was introduced. On it, a five-pointed star was placed above the socket with an anchor.

The interim government could not completely solve the problem of revising military symbols due to the fact that it was in power for a very short time.

After October 1917, the same question had to be solved by the Bolsheviks, who were busy building a new workers' and peasants' army.

The five-pointed star as a symbol new army fit in many ways. Firstly, although it was used in the Russian army, it did not have a stable link to the institution of the monarchy. Secondly, she migrated to Russia from France, where she appeared in the army after the French Revolution, the leaders of which the Bolsheviks treated with great respect.

The answer to the question about the color of the star was also obvious - the red banners of the revolution and the Red Guard as the forerunner of the revolutionary army implied that new character will be red.

The uniform of fighters and commanders of the Taman army, the Red Army of the times civil war, 1919 Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org/Jp.negre
Five Continents of the Proletarian Revolution

Who first proposed the red five-pointed star as a symbol of the army is not exactly known. Most likely, such an idea arose from several people independently of each other. Among them are the commander of the Petrograd military district Eremeev, the commissar of the Moscow military district Polyansky. Be that as it may, this idea was supported by the Military Collegium for the organization of the Red Army.

Initially, the red star was considered as a badge. By order of the People's Commissar of the Republic of Leon Trotsky No. 321 dated May 7, 1918, it was approved as a sign that determines the identity of persons serving in the Red Army. However, the half-year experience of using the sign led to a change in its location. On November 15, 1918, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR No. 773, the star began to be worn on headdresses instead of royal cockades, and the wearing of red stars also extended to sailors.

Initially, the red star as a symbol of the Red Army was approved with the image of a plow and a hammer, personifying the solidarity of workers and peasants.

Like any heraldic symbol, the army red star had its own interpretation. In the first years of the existence of the Red Army, it meant the unity of the world proletariat of all five continents of the Earth: the five ends of a star are the five continents of the planet. Red is the color of the proletarian revolution, it was supposed to unite all five continents with a single goal and a single beginning. In more late period the red star was interpreted as a symbol of warriors standing guard over peaceful labor, protecting workers from hunger, war, poverty and slavery.
Ours are already in Washington!

Almost immediately from the moment the red star appeared, opponents of the Bolsheviks began to actively promote the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "satanic" nature of the symbol of the Red Army. This kind of propaganda had some success, and the Military Department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee published a leaflet “Look, comrade, here is the Red Star”, in which in detail, using the parable of Truth and Krivda, the true essence of this sign was told, extremely far from Satanism, and red the star was pathetically called the "star of truth."

There were also more objective critics who believed that the problem was that Russia simply did not have such rich history use of a five-pointed star, as in other countries. For example, such stars were widely used in the army of Japan, as well as other countries.

If you look even wider, then the five-pointed star, and it is red, can be found in very unexpected places. For example, the flag of the Deputy Commander of the US Navy has four, and the flag of the city of Washington has three.

Flag of Washington, USA. Photo: Public Domain

To whom is the star, and to whom is the cross

During the existence of the Red Army - the Soviet army - the red star has changed several times, changing the plow and hammer to a hammer and sickle.

The red star has become a symbol of military victories and the country's defense power.

In the post-Soviet period, the red five-pointed star became a symbol of the armed forces of Kazakhstan and Belarus. But in Ukraine, the military refused the five-pointed star - the cross became the symbol of the army there, resembling the symbols of the German Wehrmacht during the Second World War.

Concerning Armed Forces RF, then in 2014 they had a new logo - a red-white-blue five-pointed star. Experts debate whether new star a departure from Soviet traditions or, conversely, a return to them.

One thing can be said with certainty - Satanism and mysticism have nothing to do with it.

Andrey Sidorchik

Signs and symbols have always been in the attention of people. The main symbol of the USSR was the red five-pointed star, in which one ray is directed upwards. She was also the main symbol of totalitarian statehood.

Where does the red Soviet star begin its history?

After the Great October Revolution ended, there was a change not only in the state system, but also the disappearance of many signs and attributes. They began to form a new system of symbolism. Initially, there was an opinion that the star arose, as a symbol, thanks to the Masonic society. Since Freemasonry had a significant influence on revolutionary process in different places around the world (including in the Soviet Union). However, this fact has no real evidence.

In the USSR, the red star became the emblem of the Army of the Soviet Union. The exact author of the logo is currently unknown. Since some historians assume that it was created for the army by Polyansky N.A. (commissar of the military Moscow district). Other historians suggest that the creation of the red star was due to Eremeevna K.S. (commander of the army of the Petrograd district).

The beginning of the official history of the symbol is associated with the date April 18, 1918. This is the beginning of the red five-pointed star with a golden border and the image of a golden hammer and plow becoming the symbol of the USSR. She became a badge for the Workers 'and Peasants' troops of the USSR thanks to the order of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs. A star is a distinctive sign that divided people into “us” and “them”. Therefore, people who were not in the service of the Red Army did not have the right to wear this symbol. Violation of this act was punished by a tribunal.

What does the red star mean?

The red star is a heraldic sign, closely associated with the army of the USSR, and directly with the whole country. The flag and coat of arms of the Soviet Union were depicted with this sign.

It was believed that the star is a symbol created to unite the world proletariat. For example, 5 rays of a star meant 5 continents on which communism spread. In addition, it meant safety and security. The scarlet color meant the proletarian revolution, brotherhood and blood shed in the process of struggle for the rights of the proletariat.

Some scientists associate the red star with the ancient Roman god of war Mars, who protected and patronized the workers. Perhaps, some influential Soviet people had such an opinion.

The socialist countries depicted such a symbol on their coats of arms and flags. It was a symbol of unity of ideas and solidarity in the process of development. Many Soviet newspapers described the symbol of the red star in the struggle of the peasantry, who fought against poverty, hunger, war and slavery.

The plow and hammer are the complement of the symbol. On the badge of the USSR army, a plow and a hammer were also depicted. They are also a symbol of the union of peasants and workers. Later, the emblem was improved: the image of the sickle became a replacement for the painted plow. But the “hammer and sickle” emblem did not signify something else.

Initially, the image of the star was with two rays up. But Soviet people began to associate such an image with the "devilish" pentagram. And this is in a country with negative attitude to the Church and faith in God. Therefore, the star began to be depicted with two ends down. This symbol has not been changed since. In the Soviet Union, they even distributed leaflets with the title: "Look, comrade, here is the Red Star."

Star and its relation to the Great Patriotic War.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet symbol began to acquire other qualities. In 1943, the army regained its pre-revolutionary epaulettes and stars, by which it was possible to distinguish the ranks of the officers. In addition, the scarlet star becomes the basis of many orders and medals. For example, she was depicted on the Gold Star medal, the Order of Glory, the Order of the Red Star.

One way or another, the star is an ancient symbol used in various traditions. Some of them are still in use today. Thanks to this sign, a cult role in the society of the USSR was ensured.

The second most important symbol of the army after the banner is the identification mark of the armed forces of the state. This is the most concise and common symbol of the army. For the defenders of our Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, such signs were a star. In continuation of the conversation about the symbols of war - a story about the semantics of this sign and the history of its transformation into a symbol of our army

The second most important symbol of the army after the banner is the identification mark of the armed forces of the state. This is the most concise and common symbol of the army. First of all, it is necessary in order to distinguish your fighters and equipment from enemy ones at a glance and from afar. In addition, it is often used as the main element in the designation of military ranks, as well as on other insignia. It is present in all attributes of military uniforms, applied to weapons and documents, depicted "as a keepsake" in a conspicuous place.

For the defenders of our Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, such signs were a star. For the Nazis - the swastika (cross). The use of stars and crosses in the marking of paraphernalia has an ancient heraldic and sacred tradition. First, let's turn to the star and the history of its appearance in Russian military symbols.

Part 2. Red star - a sign of protection

From time immemorial, the stars of the night sky have attracted the gaze of man and directed his dreams. The dynamics of the constellations gave rise to a whole science, with the conclusions of which the leaders and commanders of the most different peoples. The figure denoting the star began to be used already by the ancient Sumerians three thousand years BC. It has also spread to many other cultures around the world. In 300-150 years. BC e. the five-pointed star (also called the "star of Solomon") was considered the official emblem of Jerusalem. five-pointed geometric figure was also known to the ancient Greeks - for them the pentagram (from the word pentagramos - five-linear) was a protective and defensive sign (amulet), symbolized the strength and strength of the spirit. Therefore, it was used very widely, from minting on coins to painting children's cradles. As an individual and collective amulet against disasters and external evil forces, the star served the Babylonians and Druids, who drew a pentagram over the entrance to the house and over the windows. Sometimes it was also drawn on the ground in front of the house, always directing the end away from the door. By the way, let us recall that Dr. Faust was guided by the same principle when he drew the five-pointed star of Solomon in order to block the path of Mephistopheles.

In Christian culture, the pentagram once symbolized the five wounds, or stigmata, of Christ, the five joys of the Virgin Mary, which brought her the perfection of her son Jesus. The Star of Bethlehem brought to the symbolism of this sign features associated with an indication of the source of salvation for all who follow it (in Russia, the Star of Bethlehem was seven-pointed).

The ancient tradition of using a mystical sign was also resorted to secret societies modern times, for example, Freemasons, who, depending on the context, depicted a star with a different number of rays. So, the five-pointed star meant five wounds of the Savior and five constituent parts human body, and also symbolized the struggle of the spirit with the darkness of matter and its victory over it. The six-pointed star personified the seal of King Solomon: six equal triangles meant the secret of the six-day creation of the world. In the language of Kabbalah, two triangles symbolize the dualistic nature of man, in which good fights evil, the spiritual principle with the physical (in particular, the upward pointing triangle symbolizes good deeds rising to heaven and causing a stream of grace). In ancient Hebrew (during the reign of King David), the name David consisted of three letters and was depicted as a triangle. King David used a six-pointed star as his signature. The six rays of the star symbolize for the Jews that God rules the world and protects them from all sides of the world, from above and below. According to legend, King David wore this symbol on his battle shield.

For a Muslim, the five-pointed star means the five pillars of Islam and the five daily prayers (in addition, in the Muslim world, not only the five-pointed star, but also the eight-pointed, seven-pointed and six-pointed star has circulation as a symbol).

mars star

In state military symbols, the soldiers of the French army first began to use the star - after the French Revolution, the heraldists of the republic, when choosing new symbols, turned to ancient mythology, where the five-pointed star symbolized the god of war Mars. According to legend, he was born from a lily, the bud of which is a five-pointed star (the so-called "lily martagon", i.e., who gave birth to Mars). Since then, the five-pointed star has been called the Mars Star and has been "adopted" by the armies of many countries of the world.

In the Russian army, the star came in the wake of the military reforms of Emperor Nicholas I - from January 1, 1827, forged five-pointed stars were introduced to designate ranks on generals and officers' epaulettes, and from April 29, 1854, already sewn stars appeared on newly established shoulder straps.

The star has also become a traditional element top awards Russian Empire- these were the eight-pointed stars of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, the Order of St. Catherine, the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky and others.

And in 1918, the Soviet government introduced the star as a distinctive emblem of the servicemen of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. At the same time, golden symbols of a plow and a hammer were added to the center of the Mars Star (and in some cases, as, for example, in the Order of the Red Banner, a bayonet was also added to them) - personifying the protection of peaceful labor. At the same time, in the first years of the godless power, the race was not oriented as it is now, with one end up, but vice versa, with two (this is how it still looks on the same Order of the Red Banner). However, such a symbol caused considerable rejection among the Red Army. So, at the conference of the 2nd Soviet (Ukrainian) division, held on February 11, 1919, the head of its political department, I.I. .". The position, two beams up - caused people to associate with the satanic tradition of depicting a pentagram. Taking into account the sharply negative attitude of the Bolsheviks towards the Church, the star was soon recognized as the "sign of the Antichrist." There is a version that the argument about the satanic origin of the star was an element of counter-revolutionary propaganda. As a result, the military department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee issued a mass edition of a special leaflet “Look, comrade, here is the Red Star”, where the symbolism of the revolutionary sign was explained in the form of a “Parable about Truth and Krivda”. Nevertheless, in the end, the frankly satanic orientation of the emblem was abandoned and the image of the star was officially approved with one ray up (such a pentagram symbolizes a positive beginning in magic). And after the return of pre-revolutionary epaulettes to the Red Army in 1943, the star returned with them - for junior officers a small one made of gilded brass, for a senior one - a large one, for generals, marshals and admirals - large ones embroidered with gilded and silver threads. It is curious that, according to the order of the People's Commissar of the Soviet Republic No. 321 dated May 7, 1918, a categorical ban was introduced (up to giving the court a revolutionary tribunal) the use of a star by persons who are not members of the Red Army. There is also evidence that in the early years of Soviet power, the Red Army was branded on the left hand in the form of a star.

Victory Star

During the Great Patriotic War, a number of military awards appeared dedicated to the star or based on this sign. In particular, the orders of Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Ushakov, Nakhimov appeared, on which a five-pointed star acted as a background.

In 1943, after a radical change during the Great Patriotic War, the country's leadership needed to establish a higher military order, to which particularly distinguished generals could be represented. Thus, the Order of Victory was established. They were awarded to the highest command staff of the Red Army for the successful conduct of military operations on the scale of several or one front, as a result of which the front-line situation changed in favor of the Red Army. The order had only 17 cavaliers, of which three were awarded twice, one was deprived of the award posthumously.

Medal "Gold Star"

The highest combat award during the Great Patriotic War was the Gold Star medal and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 11,635 soldiers of the army and navy, partisans and underground workers received this high rank. 115 people were awarded the title twice. Fighter pilots A.I. Pokryshkin, I.N. Kozhedub and Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov - four times. Total in war time in ground forces there were over 8 thousand Heroes of the Soviet Union, over 2400 in the Air Force, over 500 in the Navy, about 400 partisans, underground fighters, intelligence officers, over 150 border guards. 87 women became Heroes of the Soviet Union, the first of which was Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

Entire squads, crews, divisions and cities became heroes. The highest title of the Soviet country was awarded to more than 20 foreign citizens.

Order of Glory

In November 1943, the Order of Glory of three degrees was established, which became the Soviet analogue of the pre-revolutionary George Cross (the statutes of the orders completely coincided). They were awarded to privates, sergeants and junior officers.

In total, about a million badges of the Order of Glory III degree were issued for distinction during the Great Patriotic War, more than 46 thousand - II degree and 2631 - I degree.

Order of the Red Star

This is one of the first Soviet orders and the second of the military orders in time of approval. Initially, the order was worn on the left side of the chest, as was the symbol of the Red Army during the Civil War. Since 1943, like all orders attached to pins, it was moved to the right side of the chest. According to its Statute, the order was given for "outstanding activities that contribute to the major success of the troops in wartime, aimed at increasing the combat capability of the Red Army and strengthening the defense capability of the USSR"

During the Great Patriotic War, the Order of the Red Star became one of the most common awards: more than 2 million people were awarded 2,860,000 orders. Together with the Order of the Patriotic War of both degrees, the Order of the Red Star constituted the so-called “officer set”: a set of awards available to junior officers - platoon and company commanders. The order was awarded to 1740 units, formations and institutions of the Red Army and the rear, including 14 Czechoslovak and Polish units that fought on the territory of the USSR.

People at all times paid attention to signs and symbols. The five-pointed red star, one ray of which is directed upwards, thanks to the communists, has become one of the main symbols of the USSR. And for quite short period it has become one of the main symbols of totalitarian statehood. Let's find out how the red star became one of the main symbols of the USSR.

How did the history of the red Soviet star begin? After the Great October Revolution, not only the state system changed, but also many signs and attributes went into oblivion. This is how it began to form new system symbols. Initially, the emergence of a star as a symbol is associated with Masonic societies. Since the influence of Freemasonry on revolutionary activity in different parts of the world (including the USSR) was truly significant. However, genuine evidence this fact not available.

On the territory of the USSR, the scarlet star appeared as the emblem of the Soviet Army. Unfortunately, today it is not possible to give the exact name of the author of the emblem. So, some historians suggest that for the first time it was proposed for the army by N.A. Polyansky (commissar of the military Moscow district). Other historians associate the name of K.S. with the red star. Eremeevna (commander of the troops of the Petrograd district).

The official history of the emblem begins on April 18, 1918. It was then that the red five-pointed star with a gold border, which depicts a golden hammer and a plow, was appointed by the order of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs as a badge for everything personnel Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA). It became a distinctive sign that allowed people to be divided into “us” and “them”. In this regard, an act was issued that forbade people who were not in the service of the Red Army to wear the emblem. Violation of this rule was punished by the tribunal.

The meaning of the red star. The scarlet star is a heraldic sign that is closely associated with both the Soviet army and directly with the USSR. This sign was depicted on the flag and emblem of the Soviet Union.

What is the meaning of this key symbol of the USSR? It was believed that the star is a symbol that was supposed to unite the world proletariat. So, for example, the 5 ends of a star were associated with 5 continents, on which communism spread. In addition, it is a symbol of security and protection. And the red color was associated with the proletarian revolution, was the color of brotherhood and blood shed in the struggle for the rights of the proletariat.

Also, some scientists associate the scarlet star with the god of war Mars (the ancient Roman god), who was considered the protector and patron of workers. It is possible that some Soviet powerful people guided by this theory.

The image of such a symbol on the flags and emblems of the socialist countries denoted the unity of ideologies and solidarity on the path of development. Many Soviet newspapers described that the red star characterizes the struggle of the peasantry, which was trying to free itself from poverty, hunger, war, and slavery.

Hammer and plow as an addition to the symbol. On the badge of the Soviet army, as described above, there was also an image of a plow and a hammer. They also symbolize the union of workers and peasants. Later, the image was slightly modified: instead of a plow, a sickle was placed on the sign for clarity. But the meaning of the emblem "" did not change from this.

It is also noteworthy that initially the star was depicted with two ends up. However, such an arrangement among the Soviet people was associated with the "satanic" pentagram. And this is in a country where they were treated negatively. So, the star began to be depicted with one end up and two ends down. And the position of the star never changed again. On this occasion, even a large circulation leaflet was issued in the USSR with the title: "Look, comrade, here is the Red Star."

Star and the Great Patriotic War. During the Second World War, this Soviet emblem began to acquire new qualities. In 1943, along with pre-revolutionary shoulder straps, the stars returned to the army, which helped to distinguish the ranks of officers. In addition, at the same time, the red star is taken as the basis in many orders and medals (for example, the Gold Star medal, the Order of Glory, the Order of the Red Star).

One way or another, the star is considered an ancient symbol that has been and is used in various traditions. Probably, this ensured the cult role of this sign in Soviet society.

what does the five-pointed star mean and where did it come from in Soviet symbols?

  1. The oldest symbol is a perfect person who owns all five senses.
    Find an image of the Vitruvian Man by Leonard da Vinci - also a five-pointed star, a holistic person
    In the USSR, the meaning was adjusted to the international - 5 continents
  2. Lev Davydovich Trotsky proposed, at one time, to introduce this ancient sign into Soviet symbols, and earlier the Masons brought the star to Russia. In particular, the Decembrists with a lodge
    - Polar Star.
  3. In 1918, as the emblem of the regular Red Army, he proposed
    K. S. Eremeev, the first commander of the troops of the Petrograd Military District.
    The five sharp corners of the five-pointed star mean: control over finances, the media, the Jewish brotherhood, Palestine, control over the masses, and the sixth point will be the conquest of the world - the coming of the Messiah (from Jewish symbolism - the star of David).
  4. Cut the apple (fruit of knowledge) across. A five-pointed star will be visible on the cut. If a circle of arbitrary radius is divided into five equal parts, we get the second radius. Using these two radii, you can build a DNA helix and a six-pointed star with a Necker cube in the center. You can also draw a diagram of the hydrogen atom.
  5. What actually represents such a symbol as a five-pointed star? In general, any image of a star is one of the oldest symbols of mankind, adopted in the heraldry of all peoples. The star as a concept initially served as a symbol of eternity, later it became a symbol of high aspirations and ideals. It is also used in our time as an emblem of guiding (the so-called Windrose), happiness (to be born under a lucky star).
    For the first time, in the spring of 1918, the military commissar of the Moscow Military District N. Polyansky proposed to introduce a new red star symbol as a distinctive sign of the military personnel of the first units of the Red Army. According to other sources, the emblem was proposed by the All-Russian Collegium for the Organization and Formation of the Red Army, formed on December 20, 1917, and in particular, the actual creator of this emblem was K. Yeremeev, the first Soviet commander of the troops of the Petrograd Military District, chairman of the Commission for the formation of the Red Army.
    The choice of this emblem for the Red Army was explained by the following reasons. Firstly, its shape was a pentagram, i.e. ancient symbol protection, defense.

    Firstly, the red color symbolized the revolution, the revolutionary army. Naturally, the very concept of a star as a symbol of striving for high ideals also mattered when choosing this emblem. The crossed plow and hammer are the emblem of the unity of workers and peasants. Accordingly, the five-pointed star was also placed on other sleeve insignia of the Red Army. Since 1923, the symbol of the five-pointed star has been used in the coat of arms of the USSR as a badge (a type of curly motto denoting a certain individuality; a sign inherent only in an individual object of the region, a dynasty, a person) as a figurative addition to the motto Proletarians of all countries, unite! , because such a red star began to be considered an emblem international solidarity workers. True, the working people of other countries themselves hardly suspected this.
    As a result of the fact that the five-pointed, red star with a hammer and sickle was already the official military insignia and the emblem of the Red Army, it was understood that this symbol also had a place in the award system and should be placed on insignia. By the way, on the very first Soviet Order of the Red Banner, established on September 16, 1918, a five-pointed star turned upside down immediately catches the eye. Not only in meaning, as mentioned above, but also in terms of the artistic construction of the composition, this order is not very successful, although it was awarded for special bravery and courage shown in battles against the enemies of Soviet power, while defending the socialist Fatherland.

    Returning to the five-pointed star, we can state with confidence that this symbol is not related to the entire history of Russia, but belongs only to a small part of its history. Soviet Russia. Yes, five-pointed stars were present on shoulder straps and in tsarist army, but only as a rank insignia ( military ranks) ; stars appeared on shoulder straps only at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.

  6. Star of Solomon. What does it mean, no one knows. golden ratio and other crap. Like symmetry in VSM, a symbol of pseudo-perfection, a symbol of materialism in Masonic symbolism. Satanic sign, when viewed from the point of view Orthodox Church. On the bucks of these stars, there are generally 13 pieces. They think of Blavatsky as having introduced this symbolism into dollars, and she gave Hitler a swastika. She then one amerikos lemon bucks and bequeathed the house.
  7. The tip is directed to five sides. And if the enemy passes, then the inner edge will cut him anyway. Aggressive defense. In contrast to the circle, symbolizing passive defense.
  8. Hey
  9. A five-pointed star is a combination of three triangles.
    There is an episode in the Bible about this.

    A six-pointed star is a connection of two triangles.

  10. A star with five ends is a man with arms outstretched, check it fits easily (I would like to joke that since he is in a house, God himself ordered this symbol to be placed on the flag of the USSR), in turn, in an inverted position, this is a goat, that is, Satan. In Soviet symbolism, she, the star, appeared because the red top was seriously fascinated by mysticism.
  11. The five-pointed star, or pentacle, has been known since ancient times as a symbol of protection, protection and security, used in their totems and ritual drawings by primitive people, as well as representatives of the earliest civilizations in the territories of modern Turkey, Greece, Iran and Iraq. It was also a revered emblem among the Japanese and American Indians. Among the Saami of Russian Lapland, the five-pointed star was considered a universal amulet that protected deer, the basis of the lifestyle of most northerners. AT North Karelia back in the middle of the 19th century, the fact of honoring the five-pointed star by Karelian hunters was attested. Stumbling in winter forest on a connecting rod bear, the hunter quickly drew three five-pointed stars in a row on the snow and retreated behind them. It was believed that the bear would not be able to cross this line.
    Archaeologists suggest that at the dawn of civilization, they tried to symbolically depict the heraldic figure of the Big Bird, which allegedly created the world with a spit from its beak. The Pentacle was presented to our ancestors as consisting of five triangles of signs of the Eternal Sky, where the Gods live. The number five is generally symbolic: after all, there are five fingers on our hands and feet. Five appendages protrude from our torso, two arms, two legs and a head. In the drawing of the genius Leonardo da Vinci, the ideal person, having widely spaced them to the sides, himself resembles a five-pointed star. And later people learned that the planet itself consists of five main continents.
    The ancients noticed this phenomenon and were so shocked that Venus and her pentacle became symbols of love and beauty. That is why the ancient Greeks arranged Olympic Games once every eight years, and centuries later, during the revival of the Olympic movement, the five-pointed star almost became their main symbol at the very last moment, under pressure from the Church, it was replaced with five rings, since the priests considered the five-pointed star a symbol of paganism and, to put it mildly, did not favor .
    In the Middle Ages, the inverted five-pointed star acquired a different meaning: evil and sinister, it resembled the muzzle of a horned goat used in the rituals of witches and sorcerers, or even the mask of Satan himself. Moreover, such witches' stars were red, since ancient times, red color symbolized not only beauty, but also rebellion, revolution, independence with a willingness to shed blood for all this. Psychologists note that red is the most aggressive color. It always catches the eye, it seems visually closer. The red color in clothes is also a kind of indicator of energy consumption: they say that a woman in red is easier to seduce. As a result, the five-pointed red star became a symbol of the element in which either one who challenged the old world was to be born. new order, or complete chaos, depending on where its rays look.
    However, in Russia until 1917, five-pointed stars as a symbol were used infrequently as the top on Christmas trees or decorations on wrapping paper for gifts, occasionally on embroideries of peasant towels. Even at the turn of the 20th century, small five-pointed stars appeared on the shoulder straps of Russian officers. But the Bolsheviks who came to power, to the ground destroying old world, urgently needed new symbols, and here the red pentacle came in handy more than ever!
    According to some data, in the first spring of 1918, the military commissar of the Moscow Military District, Nikolai Polyansky, proposed to introduce a five-pointed star as a distinctive sign of the Red Army. According to another father of our five-pointed star, Konstantin Yeremeev became the first Soviet commander of the troops of the Petrograd Military District, chairman of the Commission for the Formation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. And finally she was adopted by one of the Bolshevik leaders of the Bolsheviks, Lev Trotsky.
  12. Judging by the fact that I managed to recognize the five-pointed star, or the pentacle is a symbol of the perfection of progress towards knowledge, knowledge of the world. The lower 4 ends mean 4 elements, 4 elements; it is fire, water, earth, air. 4 energies that unite into 5 element, ether or spirit. In Taoist practices the highest degree enlightenment is the connection of the 4 energies with the higher spirit of man. As a result of this, a person comes to enlightenment, knowledge, a connection with the universe opens. Simply put, any abilities open up. Also, the pentacle is associated with human feelings. 5 senses that serve us in this material world. Accordingly, the 6th sense is already a magical aspect. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the pentacle is a symbol that helps a person in moving towards spiritual development. Having balanced and taken control of all 5 senses, or 5 elements within oneself, a person comes to a spiritual transformation, which in turn opens the way for him to the secrets of the universe.
  13. The five-pointed star is the star of Lucifer. In other words, a pentagram. Used by Masons, Jews, Satanists, etc.
  14. to be honest, I don’t know where it comes from, but it seems to me like the solar plexus is drawn, and that is, it seems to me that this is a person on the one hand 🙂 it seems to me that this is a kind of symbol of Life ... but that's just my imagination 🙂

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