International Day of Youth Solidarity. Experience of the institution 24 April Youth Solidarity Day events

Career and finance 26.06.2019
Career and finance

During youth, a person is most active. He builds a career, creates a family, achieves success in society, education, profession, creativity. This activity can be hindered by racial, religious, national, gender discrimination, imperfect legislation. To draw attention to such problems, to unite people, to strengthen the friendship of peoples, an international holiday has been created.

When does it pass

International Youth Solidarity Day is celebrated annually on 24 April. In 2017, the date is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

Who notes

The international holiday is celebrated by youth. The action is supported by activists of public funds, charities, political parties, officials of profile state structures.

History and traditions of the holiday

The idea of ​​the event belongs to the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY). The selected date of celebrations has symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the final session of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African Countries in 1955. In 1957, the first celebrations were held under the name "International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle against Colonialism, for Peaceful Coexistence". Later, they abandoned it and left the first 4 words.

The purpose of the holiday is to draw attention to social issues, the comprehensive protection of young people, to create conditions for their development and progress.

The events are of a pronounced propaganda nature, which spreads communist ideas. This day honors individuals who have achieved great success in strengthening international friendship, partnership, protecting rights and freedoms. Youth congresses, seminars, educational lectures, conferences are held. Reports are published on the pressing problems of society, international cooperation. Flash mobs, exhibitions creative works. Representatives of public organizations are preparing actions. Charitable foundations raise funds to support people in need, for medical and educational programs.

The World Federation of Democratic Youth supports the ideology of socialism and communism. Its active participants were representatives of the USSR. In 1985, it included more than 100 million people.

The youth of Russia occupies a leading place in terms of the proportion of those suffering from alcoholism and the number of deaths from ethanol. 80% of deaths are due to drug use.

Half of the world's population (about 3.7 billion people) is under 25 years old. One in five teenagers do not have access to education.

Humans make up about 18% of the world's population young age. To draw attention to the problems faced by young people, an international day of youth solidarity has been organized.

How easy is it to be young? The answer to this question depends on many nuances. After all, it is among young people that the largest percentage of the unemployed and drug addicts.

The history of the holiday begins in 1957, this year it was celebrated for the first time. The initiative to create a youth holiday belongs to the World Federation of Democratic Youth of the Planet (WFDY). The purpose of creating the holiday was to draw attention to the problems of social support for the younger generation, to provide the widest possible opportunities for education, leisure activities.

It was decided to celebrate the holiday April 24. The day of celebration is determined on the anniversary of the final meeting of the conference of countries of Africa and Asia. This event was aimed at combating the phenomena of colonialism, it took place in 1955.

WFDY actively draws attention to the problems of the young not only by government agencies, but also by the general public and the media. After all, it is no secret that most problems are not solved for years, because it is not customary to talk about them.

Another important purpose of the holiday is the need to unite all the young people of the planet to solve their problems. The youth should feel that, united, much can be done.

The holiday should serve to bring together young people from different countries. After all, despite the difference in languages, cultures and mentalities, the problems of young people are similar in almost all corners of the planet.

Unfortunately, the problems of youth cannot be solved by meetings at congresses alone. The pictures of the world that are drawn at these events are often strikingly different from reality. It is important that society understands that it is not necessary to decide for the young what literature to read to them, what songs to listen to and where to spend their leisure time. But at the same time, it did not let the youth policy take its course. It is necessary to try to find a compromise when young people would have the opportunity to fully realize their potential and become useful to society.

Of course, the state cannot solve the problems of youth without the active participation of young people themselves in this. Therefore, it is very important to show young people that they are an important part of society and their opinions are very important and valuable.

The history of the youth organization

WFDY is a public organization that was organized after the end of World War II. She is considered the successor and successor of the youth section of the Comintern.

WFDY has experienced ups and downs over the years of its existence, however, and in our time continues to function actively, gathering various youth associations from many countries under its auspices. Its central office is located in the capital of Hungary.

On the initiative of the WFDY, youth festivals were held, to which active young people from different countries were invited. This event was first held in Prague in 1947. The motto of this mass event was the struggle for peace, the eradication of fascism, the propaganda of the ideas of international solidarity.

A decade after the Prague festival, a similar event was organized in Moscow. It was it that became the most crowded in the history of such events.

Celebration traditions

Over the years of the existence of the holiday, fairly stable traditions of its holding have developed. Various congresses, rallies, conferences were held on Youth Day. The main sponsor of the events was the USSR, therefore, after the collapse of the country, the holiday lost its former scope. Nowadays, it is usually celebrated with the support of left-wing parties.

However, the organization of festive events on this day should be entrusted to representatives of the youth, so as not to turn the holiday into a protocol event.

So, how is this holiday celebrated today? By the forces public associations various charitable events are organized, the proceeds from which are used to solve pressing youth problems: drug addiction treatment, promotion of safe sex, etc.

In addition, educational events are organized. Photo exhibitions, screenings documentaries allow young people to understand how their peers live in different countries.

The celebration of Youth Day is not complete without entertainment events. Various concerts, mass open-air discos, etc. are held on this day.

However, despite the abundance of entertainment events, this holiday has serious goals. Society must understand that silence on the problems of youth is a road to nowhere, because it is the young that are the future of the planet.

International Day of Youth Solidarity. It is celebrated annually on the day of decision-making at the final meeting of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African countries in 1955 as the International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle Against Colonialism and for a Peaceful Existence.

It has been celebrated since 1957 by decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. To raise and solve the problems of social protection of youth, state youth policy, education, culture and leisure and declared the International Day of Youth Solidarity.

Whether it is easy to be young has always depended not only on the state, but also on the degree of unity of young people in solving their problems.

During modern history one of the main problems of the public has been identified: a weak culture of interaction between authorities, political and public organizations, creative teams, the media, commercial structures, and ordinary citizens. And as a result - the lack of a field of social interaction, the low level of civil consolidation around socially significant problems, the weak civic activity of young residents of the country, the impossibility of socially active leisure and many other problems.

"Together we are strong" is a youth program. The main thing here is the call of young people to civil activity and solidarity in solving existing problems. Knowledge about the rights of young people and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, awareness of young people about employment and training.

Foreign countries are getting closer every year, and April 24 - International Youth Solidarity Day - is the time to remember this. And for this it is not necessary to go on long trips.

Today, unfortunately, does not give rise to enthusiastic exclamations about young people or optimistic confidence in the prospects for solving the numerous problems of their lives, studies, and social security.

There are more questions than answers... Which path will the new generation choose? What future is offered to him? Of course, the problems of youth in our country cannot be solved without solving the problems of society. But the problems of society cannot be solved without the active participation of young people. The Youth Festival can be a natural occasion to draw the attention of state bodies, society and the media to the most acute problems youth. It is important to show the society true position in which the younger generation is today. After all, many problems are not solved also because they are deliberately hushed up, and contenders for power remember the youth in the days of preparation for the next elections.

Combining the efforts of youth, public organizations, the general population, people who are not indifferent, who are rooting for the future of their children and grandchildren, will make it possible to tighten society's control over the observance of the rights of young people, to really improve the situation of the disadvantaged part of the youth, to increase the organization and creative activity of young people in the implementation of economic, social , scientific, technical and moral problems of society, educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, strengthening the continuity of generations, law and order, combating child homelessness, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, drunkenness, moral debauchery.

For each of us, one thing must be absolutely clear - we cannot, we have no right to stand aside from the solution of youth problems, for a further deepening of the youth crisis threatens with a national catastrophe.

Let's leave the problems and warmly congratulate all who are young and all who are young at heart on the International Day of Youth Solidarity! We wish young men and women courage and activity, energy and optimism.

It has been celebrated by the decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth every year since 1957.

This organization was founded in London in 1945. However, even today the World Federation of Democratic Youth remains active and unites a large number of youth organizations around the world. Its headquarters is located in Budapest.

It should be noted that WFDY is one of the organizers of the World Festival of Youth and Students. This irregular festival has been held since 1947. Its program included not only mass festivities and concerts, but also political seminars, discussions, and so on. The participants of this festival were high school students and students. The first such festival was held in 1947 in Prague. Initially, the main objectives of this festival were the struggle for peace, the struggle against fascism, and military dictatorships. In addition, one of his goals was the active promotion of internationalism.

In 1957, the sixth festival was held in Moscow, which became the most massive in the history of this festival. The heyday of the World Federation of Democratic Youth came in 1985. This year there was another largest festival in Moscow. The WFDY considers the goal of its work to be the unification of various youth organizations of the world in a common struggle for peace, democracy and national independence. These organizations are called upon to defend the social, political and economic rights and interests of young people.

"Together we are strong" is a youth program. The main thing here is the call of young people to civil activity and solidarity in solving existing problems. Knowledge about the rights of young people and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, awareness of young people about employment and training.

Traditions for the holiday International Day of Youth Solidarity.

Once this day was celebrated all over the world very widely. Youth congresses, concerts and other festive events, young production teams got together. The program was carefully thought out. All festive events were aimed at emphasizing the lofty goal of friendly unification of peoples, collectivism, strengthening the unity of nations, demonstrating their desire to unite efforts in the struggle for the rights of young people, and unite young people to solve their problems.

In modern life, the existence of such holidays can be found out only by accidentally hitting the page of a calendar. What changed? Have problems disappeared or have young people lost faith that such organizations and associations can help them overcome the state of instability and insecurity? The generation has changed - the outlook on life has changed. Intuitively, people always strive to be inside some group, community, inside a certain structure in order to feel more confident and stronger. But today the slogan about international solidarity young people no longer work. Today gives more questions than answers ... Which path will the new generation choose?

Young people today make up 18% of the world's population. About 85% of the world's youth are in developing countries. We can say that youth is a special age and social group which has always perceived cultural values ​​in its own way. It's in different times gave rise to youth slang and a large number of different subcultures. This is especially true today.

In Russia, the share of young people is about 39.6 million young citizens - this is 27% of the total Russian population. In our country, the category of youth is usually attributed to citizens aged 14 to 30 years.

Today, quite often one can hear the arguments of representatives of the older generation that, they say, young people are “bad”, “do not want to work and study”, “loafers”, “badly brought up”, “immoral”, etc.

We fundamentally disagree with this. Our youth, for the most part, is wonderful, but they don’t want to see this, because they don’t want to help, because it’s much easier to “give up everything”, “disown” the problems of modern young people who need support from the state, public organizations, funds mass media. We want young people to be socially active, creative, lead healthy lifestyle life, went in for sports, studied, but so far we do little for this.

International Day of Youth Solidarity- an excellent occasion to pay attention to this social group, to their problems, to take at least some steps towards bridging the gap between generations. It is necessary to rally the youth and allow them to take part in determining their future, to give the young people the opportunity to realize their civic activity. The enthusiasm of the young created Metrostroy, Dneproges, Magnitogorsk, mastered virgin soil and Far East, BAM was built ... You say, the youth was different? No, society was different!

Whether it is easy to be young has always depended not only on the state, but also on the degree of unity of young people in solving their problems.

Unfortunately, at present, many problems of modern youth remain unresolved: education, unemployment, social security, drugs, smoking and alcoholism, AIDS, etc.

These problems cannot be solved without solving problems modern society. However, there is also a feedback here, because the problems of society cannot be solved without the active participation of young people.

April 24 - International Day of Youth Solidarity- it's time to unite the efforts of youth, public organizations, the general population, people who are not indifferent, who care about the future of their children and grandchildren, which will serve to increase the organization and creative activity of young people in the implementation of economic, social, scientific, technical and moral problems of society, the education of young people in the spirit of patriotism, strengthening the continuity of generations, law and order, the fight against child homelessness, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, drunkenness, moral licentiousness.

For each of us, one thing should be absolutely clear - we cannot, we have no right to stand aside from solving youth problems.

Itzhak Calderon Adizes, a well-known theorist and practitioner of management, in one of his interviews said that today's youth should be considered successful only if they have real experience in public organizations. Adizes emphasizes that today's youth take great care of themselves, love themselves very much and therefore demand respect from the world, despite the fact that nothing has been done yet. Accept young man to higher educational institution is possible only if he is definitely ready to work for the good of society. The proof of such readiness is the experience of activity in public organizations. This is the opinion of an authoritative person recognized in the world. Every sane person will join this opinion, because the future belongs to young people.

Once upon a time, construction teams gave a start in life to the most active, creative and purposeful part of the youth of our country. The experience of working in a team, administrative experience was gained there. Without it, it would be impossible immediately after the Universities to boldly make decisions and take responsibility! Volunteering is being talked about a lot and actively at all levels. Youth is your chance! Be useful to yourself, family, society!

And yet, let's leave the problems and warmly congratulate all who are young and all who are young at heart with
International Day of Youth Solidarity!

We wish young men and women maturity and activity, energy and optimism.



The Soviet government and its head comrade. Stalin instructed me to make the following statement:

Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities - Zhitomir, Kyiv - from their aircraft. , Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others, more than two hundred people were killed and wounded. Enemy aircraft raids and artillery shelling were also carried out from Romanian and Finnish territory.

This unheard-of attack on our country is treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that a non-aggression pact was concluded between the USSR and Germany and the Soviet government fulfilled all the conditions of this pact in all good faith. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that during the entire period of the validity of this treaty the German government could never make a single claim against the USSR regarding the implementation of the treaty. The entire responsibility for this predatory attack on the Soviet Union falls entirely on the German fascist rulers.

Already after the attack, the German ambassador in Moscow, Schulenburg, at 5:30 in the morning, made me, as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, a statement on behalf of his government that the German government had decided to go to war against the USSR in connection with the concentration of Red Army units near the eastern German border.

In response to this, on behalf of the Soviet government, I stated that until the last minute the German government did not present any claims against the Soviet government, that Germany attacked the USSR, despite the peace-loving position Soviet Union, and that thereby fascist Germany is the attacking side.

On behalf of the government of the Soviet Union, I must also state that at no point did our troops and our aviation allow the border to be violated, and therefore the statement made by the Romanian radio this morning that the Soviet aviation allegedly fired on Romanian airfields is a complete lie and provocation. Hitler's entire declaration today is just as much a lie and a provocation, trying to concoct, retroactively, accusatory material about the Soviet Union's non-compliance with the Soviet-German pact.

Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already taken place, the Soviet government has given our troops an order to repulse the piratical attack and drive the German troops out of the territory of our homeland. This war was imposed on us not by the German people, not by the German workers, peasants and intelligentsia, whose sufferings we understand very well, but by a clique of bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany who enslaved the French, Czechs, Poles, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other peoples .

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its unshakable confidence that our valiant army and navy and the brave falcons of Soviet aviation will honorably fulfill their duty to their homeland, to the Soviet people, and deal a crushing blow to the aggressor.

This is not the first time our people have had to deal with an attacking arrogant enemy. At one time, our people responded to Napoleon's campaign in Russia with a Patriotic War, and Napoleon was defeated and came to his own collapse. The same will happen to the arrogant Hitler, who has announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all our people will again lead the victorious patriotic war for the motherland, for honor, for freedom.

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its firm conviction that the entire population of our country, all workers, peasants and intelligentsia, men and women, will treat their duties and their work with due conscience. All our people must now be united and united as never before. Each of us must demand from ourselves and others discipline, organization, selflessness, worthy of a true Soviet patriot, in order to provide for all the needs of the Red Army, fleet and aviation, in order to ensure victory over the enemy.

The government calls on you, citizens of the Soviet Union, to rally your ranks still more closely around our glorious Bolshevik Party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader, Comrade. Stalin.

Our cause is right. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

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