Youth Solidarity Day: funny congratulations, poems, sms. International Day of Youth Solidarity Day of Youth Solidarity form of the event

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International Day of Youth Solidarity

Emblem of WFDY

"International Youth Solidarity Day"- international youth date, which is celebrated throughout the planet annually, April 24. "Youth Solidarity Day" is not a non-working day if, depending on the year, it does not fall on a day off.

The initiative to international day Youth Solidarity” belongs to the World Federation of Democratic Youth, an international left-wing youth organization. As conceived by the organizers, this day should serve to draw the attention of the world community and politicians of all countries of the planet to the problems of social protection of youth, the need to create and implement a youth policy, assistance in obtaining education, as well as solving the problems of cultural education and leisure of youth.

The date for this celebration of this international day was timed to coincide with the final meeting of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African Nations in 1955. For the first time, the “International Day of Youth Solidarity” was celebrated in 1957 and then it was called “International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle against Colonialism, for Peaceful Coexistence”, however, over time, only the first four words remained from the original name.

On the International Day of Youth Solidarity, youth congresses were held, concerts were organized, festive events. After the collapse of the USSR, when this international day lost its main sponsor, the celebration of "MDSM", in comparison with previous times, practically disappeared. Currently, this date is celebrated sporadically, usually with the support of the communist parties.


see also

  • World Youth Day (WFDY) is another youth holiday initiated by WFDY, celebrated on November 10 (the day the organization was founded).


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Day of Professional Administrative Workers
  • World Theater Day

See what "International Youth Solidarity Day" is in other dictionaries:

    International Youth Day- (on others official languages UN: eng. International Youth Day, Spanish Día International de la Juventud, fr. la Journée internationale de la jeunesse) 12 August. In 1999 General Assembly UN resolution No. "A / RES ... ... Wikipedia

    International UN Day is an international commemorative day officially established by the UN. Mainly established by resolutions of the UN General Assembly. As a rule, every year for each international day a different theme of the day is chosen. Contents 1 January 2 February 3 March ... Wikipedia

    International Youth Day

    International Youth Day- (in other official languages ​​of the UN: English International Youth Day, Spanish Día International de la Juventud, French la Journée internationale de la jeunesse) August 12. In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly, in resolution No. ... ... Wikipedia

    International Youth Day- International Youth Day (in other official UN languages: English International Youth Day, Spanish Día International de la Juventud, French la Journée internationale de la jeunesse) August 12. In 1999, the General Assembly of the Organization ... ... Wikipedia

    Day (calendar date)- Day., calendar date dedicated to historical event, Labor Day, international solidarity and others. The following are established in the USSR: Date of establishment Date of celebration All-Union Day of the Railwayman July 28, 1936 August, the first Sunday ... ...

    Youth Day- Youth Day holiday: International Youth Day is celebrated on 12 August. World Youth Day: World Youth Day was established in 1986 catholic church, is celebrated every 2 3 years. World Youth Day ... ... Wikipedia

    Youth movement- the struggle of the youth (See Youth) for the satisfaction of their socio-economic and political demands, as well as their participation in the general political struggle. In M. d. in a class antagonistic society, there are various directions, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Day...- a calendar date dedicated to a historical event, a holiday of labor, international solidarity, etc. The following are established in the USSR: | | Date of mouth ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Youth Day- International Youth Day (in other official UN languages: English International Youth Day, Spanish Día International de la Juventud, French la Journée internationale de la jeunesse) August 12. In 1999, the General Assembly of the Organization ... ... Wikipedia

Competition of educational and methodical

materials "My pedagogical

piggy bank"




extracurricular activity:

Shulyakova Natalya Petrovna, classroom teacher 10th grade

S. Pavlo - Fedorovka

Youth Solidarity Day.

I. Introduction.

This date is celebrated annually on the day when, at the final meeting of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African Nations in 1955, it was decided to declare April 24 as the International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle against Colonialism and for a Peaceful Existence. This day has been widely celebrated since 1957 by the decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth to raise and solve the problems of social protection of youth, state youth policy, education, culture and leisure.

“Together we are strong” is a youth program. The purpose of the holiday is to attract the attention of government agencies, society, the media and various social institutions to the problems and achievements of young people around the world. It is important to show the society true position in which the younger generation is today. After all, many problems are not solved also because they are deliberately hushed up.

The list of difficulties that the next generation has to deal with on a daily basis can be long. Unavailability of education, low income of young professionals, loneliness, housing disorder, easy access to tobacco, alcohol, drugs... Young people do not always live easily and carefree.

In Russia, according to the latest data, there are 39.6 million young people. This is 27% of the total number of Russians. Youth Solidarity Day is an international holiday and has been celebrated annually since 1957, based on the decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. This day is associated with the struggle against colonialism, and stands for the peaceful existence of the people. The main purpose of this holiday is to raise the state youth policy, solve the problems of social protection of youth, organization of culture and leisure.

The main problem public is a poorly developed culture between authorities, the media, creative teams, public and political organizations, ordinary citizens, commercial organizations. Thus, the relationship between structures is lost, which leads to a low level of activity of the younger generation, the inability to conduct active public leisure and the emergence of many problems.

So, 1957. The initiative to hold the "International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle Against Colonialism and for Peaceful Coexistence" was initiated by the World Federation of Democratic Youth. This organization was founded in London, has a reputation for extreme left youth organization and is considered the successor of the Communist Youth International.

Representatives of the World Federation of Democratic Youth identified the main purpose of the holiday to attract public attention to the problems of youth. The lofty slogans of the Bandung Conference on the fight against anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism were only a loud excuse to expose the problems of youth. The organization wanted to be heard, people talked about the need to introduce a youth policy, help in obtaining education and cultural education of young people.

They were right in their choice of approach: the youth needed not only to be brought together, but also to be puzzled by a common cause. A young man with a clear look and a girl with faith in victory for a just cause are the personification of righteousness.

Despite the absence of the USSR among the participants in the Bandung Conference, the Land of Soviets supported this holiday in every possible way. Luxurious events related to the International Day of Youth Solidarity were organized annually. On April 24, youth holidays were organized, the main task of which was to unite the youth and educate a new generation of communists, ready to fight for a just cause.

    Show presentation:

International Day of Youth Solidarity has been celebrated annually since 1957 by decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth

During the existence of the USSR, concerts were held on this day, public events, and various congresses. But with the collapse of the allied states, this holiday has lost its original meaning.

Youth Solidarity Day is a way to draw attention to the lives and needs of young people, government agencies, and the media. Each of us should take part in solving youth problems, because our future depends on it.

This Day is declared to raise and solve the problems of social protection of youth, state youth policy, education, culture and leisure

Combining the efforts of youth public organizations, broad sections of the population, people who are not indifferent, who are rooting for the future of their children and grandchildren, will strengthen society's control over the observance of the rights of young people, increase the organization and creative activity of young people in the implementation of economic, social, scientific, technical and moral problems of society, strengthen the continuity of generations, law and order.

On this day, the protection of the rights of the younger generation, ensuring their intellectual and cultural development, and protecting the health of children and adolescents are especially actively discussed. Also, this holiday calls on the youth of the whole world to unite in an attempt to preserve the world's cultural heritage.

Is it easy to be young modern society being young is not easy, it depends not only on the country in which a person lives, but also on the unification of the efforts of young people to solve various social problems and the degree of youth cohesion

There is a certain youth program “Together we are strong”, the main idea of ​​which is aimed at solving existing problems by calling the younger generation to civic activity. Young people should know their rights, lead a healthy lifestyle, be informed and employed.

For each of us, one thing must be absolutely clear - we cannot, we have no right to stand aside from the solution of youth problems, for a further deepening of the youth crisis threatens with a national catastrophe.

Let's leave the problems and warmly congratulate all who are young and all who are young at heart. We wish the young men and women of activity, energy and optimism.

May your youth be eternal

Scatter the sun sadness smoke

Today, young, brave,

We will give the warmth of hearts!

May happiness come to your soul,

And your holiday will be wide,

Friends in life are wonderful to you,

In the affairs of any, so that the good comes out!

Today is your day, youth.

Don't miss this opportunity

You disturb the public

And tell the whole world about the problems.

You speak, you don't be silent

About what you want and dream

You do not look for easy ways,

To achieve the goal, you need to fight

And you know it!

Everyone is considered young

Who is young in spirit and has not fallen.

Who does not waste energy

Who is strong and strong, like a crystal.

Our youth are the future

This is progress and a trace in memory.

After all, you need to strive for the best

And don't forget about the past!

Happy International Youth Solidarity Day!

Happy International Youth Solidarity Day!

    Holding contests:

To play the game, the participants are divided into two teams. The facilitator simulates the situation and gives the task.

    The first scene is fantastic. Those present must imagine themselves as astronauts on the space station. A new batch of state-of-the-art suits has arrived, with an unimaginable amount of built-in equipment, as a result of which the dimensions of the helmets of these suits have become very large. Now go out to outer space only those astronauts who have a sufficiently large head volume will be able to. The task for the teams is to line up in order of increasing head volume and find the most worthy astronaut, with the largest head.

    Scene two is sports. A prestigious fitness club is looking for a masseuse in the men's room or a masseur in the women's. The teams are given the task - to line up in order of increasing palm.

    The third scene is military. Garrison, parade ground, roll call of recruits. Participants of the competition on a team must line up in alphabetical order of their names, surnames. Alternatively, the construction can take place in reverse order. And, in conclusion, the host’s command: “Pay for the first or second!”

    Scene four - detective. A maniac has appeared in the city, he wanders around the city, looking for new victims, the police and volunteers cannot cope with him. There is only one way out - to catch him on live bait. Volunteers are offered to line up in a row according to the size of the neck, whoever has the longest neck is the future hero.

    The fifth scene is a masquerade. An amazing fairy-tale palace, a masquerade ball is in full swing, but a mysterious guest loses his mask, embroidered with gold and adorned with diamonds. Who is he? Participants in the game, applying for a mask, are invited to line up in ascending order of the size of their eyes and the level of their impudence.

    The sixth scene is prosaic. Shoe shop, the number of shoes handed over for repair is so great that the shoemaker is in difficulty: to whom and what pair he should give. Players must line up in order of increasing foot size.

    Discussion of youth problems. (Children write on pieces of paper what problems young people face and discuss them with the involvement of adult teachers).

    Musical chair.



    The Soviet government and its head comrade. Stalin instructed me to make the following statement:

    Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities - Zhitomir, Kyiv - from their aircraft. , Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others, more than two hundred people were killed and wounded. Enemy aircraft raids and artillery shelling were also carried out from Romanian and Finnish territory.

    This unheard-of attack on our country is treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that a non-aggression pact was concluded between the USSR and Germany and the Soviet government fulfilled all the conditions of this pact in all good faith. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that during the entire period of the validity of this treaty the German government could never make a single claim against the USSR regarding the implementation of the treaty. The entire responsibility for this predatory attack on the Soviet Union falls entirely on the German fascist rulers.

    Already after the attack, the German ambassador in Moscow, Schulenburg, at 5:30 in the morning, made me, as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, a statement on behalf of his government that the German government had decided to go to war against the USSR in connection with the concentration of Red Army units near the eastern German border.

    In response to this, on behalf of the Soviet government, I stated that until the last minute the German government did not present any claims against the Soviet government, that Germany attacked the USSR, despite the peace-loving position Soviet Union, and that thereby fascist Germany is the attacking side.

    On behalf of the government of the Soviet Union, I must also state that at no point did our troops and our aviation allow the border to be violated, and therefore the statement made by the Romanian radio this morning that the Soviet aviation allegedly fired on Romanian airfields is a complete lie and provocation. Hitler's entire declaration today is just as much a lie and a provocation, trying to concoct, retroactively, accusatory material about the Soviet Union's non-compliance with the Soviet-German pact.

    Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already taken place, the Soviet government has given our troops an order to repulse the piratical attack and drive the German troops out of the territory of our homeland. This war was imposed on us not by the German people, not by the German workers, peasants and intelligentsia, whose sufferings we understand very well, but by a clique of bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany who enslaved the French, Czechs, Poles, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other peoples .

    The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its unshakable confidence that our valiant army and navy and the brave falcons of Soviet aviation will honorably fulfill their duty to their homeland, to the Soviet people, and deal a crushing blow to the aggressor.

    This is not the first time our people have had to deal with an attacking arrogant enemy. At one time, our people responded to Napoleon's campaign in Russia with a Patriotic War, and Napoleon was defeated and came to his own collapse. The same will happen to the arrogant Hitler, who has announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all our people will again lead the victorious patriotic war for the motherland, for honor, for freedom.

    The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its firm conviction that the entire population of our country, all workers, peasants and intelligentsia, men and women, will treat their duties and their work with due conscience. All our people must now be united and united as never before. Each of us must demand from ourselves and others discipline, organization, selflessness, worthy of a true Soviet patriot, in order to provide for all the needs of the Red Army, fleet and aviation, in order to ensure victory over the enemy.

    The government calls on you, citizens of the Soviet Union, to rally your ranks still more closely around our glorious Bolshevik Party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader, Comrade. Stalin.

    Our cause is right. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

    Good day! The eternal problem fathers and children is reflected in the official international calendar. Starting April 24, 1957, the Day of Solidarity of Youth is celebrated - generations of people who will determine the development of our planet in the coming decades. One of the main ideas of creating this day is to draw attention to the problems of today's young society, as well as adequate coverage of the processes taking place within this society.

    Everyone is well versed in the problems of a young society, but only when they themselves cease to be this same society. Therefore, it is important that decisions related to the upbringing and maturation of the younger generation are made by the young people themselves. In order to be able to manage a modern young society, various political and public youth organizations are being created. Many countries have already realized that the course towards rejuvenation of power is the right decision. Congratulations on the Day of Youth Solidarity in poetry, prose and - April 24.

    Congratulations on the Day of Youth Solidarity

    It's great to be young
    When all life boils like a river,
    And make plans and dreams
    Let's be with you, friend!
    Today is our holiday,
    We celebrate Youth Day!
    Goodness, love, with you now
    Let's wish each other together!

    We have a road for young people everywhere,
    Everyone has known this for a long time
    Young people have a lot to do
    Their hearts are like a fiery engine!
    They have no rest, they are always on the move,
    And work, and study, and family,
    Youth all I am today, no doubt
    Congratulations on the holiday, friends!

    Congratulations to our youth
    We are Happy Solidarity Day today!
    You won't find more beautiful in the world
    Our youth. May the Lord
    Grace will always be with you
    May health and love be in abundance
    Will be. And sometimes he gets upset
    Know we love you all guys!

    We stand in solidarity with you, young people!
    We are proud of you, we appreciate you, we respect you.
    As you grow and get stronger, we notice
    How interesting, you live right.
    We wish you bold creative ideas,
    Love, good luck, we wish you joy!
    We promise our support in business,
    And understanding full of power.

    Today is your day, youth.
    Don't miss this opportunity
    You disturb the public
    And tell the whole world about the problems.
    You speak, you don't be silent
    About what you want and dream
    You do not look for easy ways,
    To achieve the goal, you need to fight
    And you know it!

    Cool congratulations on the Day of Youth Solidarity

    Hurry up to live, because youth is not eternal.
    Do a lot of good, bright deeds.
    May your every day be flawless.
    And dreams have a limit.
    Accept a wonderful day congratulations
    Happy day of solidarity active, young.
    Love, good luck, and torment, and burning.
    Successes, unearthly achievements.

    Solidarity Day for Youth today.
    We congratulate those who are young and hot.
    Everyone who looks like a perpetual motion machine,
    Who in life catches a series of successes.
    You do not slow down your pace for a moment,
    Make the most of everything.
    Create, and burn, and dare,
    After all, youth will not come back to you.

    You are young, active, energetic,
    You still have so much ahead of you.
    Good luck in your business and personal life,
    And sweet languor in the chest.
    May there be endless luck
    And let the joy of victories not fade.
    April 24th means
    Today is your international day.

    A typical spring day is beautiful.
    Solidarity Day for Youth today.
    What do you wish for this holiday?
    Let your dashing crew rush forward
    To accomplishments, good luck and victories.
    Do not know defeat and trouble.
    Love, accomplishments, creative discoveries
    And many significant events.

    Everyone is considered young
    Who is young in spirit and has not fallen.
    Who does not waste energy
    Who is strong and strong, like a crystal.
    Our youth are the future
    This is progress and a trace in memory.
    After all, you need to strive for the best
    And don't forget about the past!
    Happy International Youth Solidarity Day!

    Congratulations on the Holiday "Youth Day" in verse

    Who has a holiday today?
    Students, pupils,
    Graduate students, janitors,
    At the miner, at the juggler,
    Conductor and trainee
    At the director of the savings bank
    Also, apparently, a holiday!
    Who is so young and strong?
    Who is so cheerful and in love?
    Young - in line, equal!
    Calculate in order:
    The youth of all countries in the world
    And in the ranks is a veteran,
    Orders, put on yours, -
    Today is youth day!

    Let's have some fun today
    And you have to enjoy it.
    Today is the holiday of youth
    Plus, it's international.

    And I hasten to congratulate
    All youth and I ask you.
    Today and always do not lose heart,
    And the youth should not forget the day.

    But I will say at this hour,
    I am writing a poem for you.
    So that you are always happy
    And they called you loved ones.

    Youth Day is on the planet!
    Let's congratulate the youth all together!
    We know that young men, children -
    This is what countries all need!

    Grow, develop
    You become wiser
    Ask - do not be shy
    We will help you soon!

    Today we celebrate youth day.
    And we want to congratulate all the young hearts.
    We wish you to become a reliable replacement for us.
    So that your spirit is steadfast and invincible.

    From the bottom of our hearts we wish you success,
    In matters of achievement and in families of goodness.
    Let the house be full of merry laughter
    May your hearts please your children.

    On this hot summer day
    Everyone is too lazy to get out of bed.
    Learn by heart
    This poignant verse:

    world youth day
    Let it affect you too.
    At this age young
    Trouble - down!

    Be yourself ... Trite?
    Take it literally.
    You are on the bright side!
    Don't be like everyone else!

    Congratulations on the Day of Youth Solidarity in verse

    What's happening? Look around!
    Around boils, sparkles life.
    We will have fun too
    AT international holiday youth!
    Good luck creative ideas
    Saturated happy days
    And true loyal friends!
    Let the wishes be for the future
    What did this verse convey to you!

    For youth, international day
    How bright colors host
    And a truly national holiday
    It's like you're having a vivid dream!

    So I could only have fun in my youth,
    Without sadness, from the heart and with a song!
    Take the young, rhyme.
    And make your life more interesting!

    FROM international day youth you!
    You are young and must know
    What is your goal - work and family,
    Also friends you don't give a damn about!

    You will grow up and remember the years
    When you finished school.
    Forget failures and hardships
    And fulfill all your dreams!

    Everywhere the road of youth!
    They're getting ready to take
    Country! They think it's possible
    That she will flourish!
    Congratulations to the young guys
    And we wish them victories!
    Let their life be only sweet
    And let them leave a trace in the country!

    There are balloons, candy and fireworks on the streets.
    The children are happy, running, singing.
    They shout, they dance, they have fun.
    Now their holiday will begin.

    Performance of artists and singers,
    And rewarding all our fellows.
    Medals, certificates, prizes -
    All this will be - just wait.

    Take a poem from the city
    Then I will add,
    That there is no brighter holiday
    What a holiday for the youth of our days!

    International Day of Youth Solidarity. It is celebrated annually on the day of decision-making at the final meeting of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African countries in 1955 as the International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle Against Colonialism and for a Peaceful Existence.

    It has been celebrated since 1957 by decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. To raise and solve the problems of social protection of youth, state youth policy, education, culture and leisure, the International Day of Youth Solidarity has been declared.

    Whether it is easy to be young has always depended not only on the state, but also on the degree of unity of young people in solving their problems.

    During modern history one of the main problems of the public has been identified: a weak culture of interaction between authorities, political and public organizations, creative teams, the media, commercial structures, and ordinary citizens. And as a result - the lack of a field of social interaction, the low level of civil consolidation around socially significant problems, the weak civic activity of young residents of the country, the impossibility of socially active leisure and many other problems.

    "Together we are strong" is a youth program. The main thing here is the call of young people to civil activity and solidarity in solving existing problems. Youth rights knowledge and advocacy healthy lifestyle life, young people's awareness of employment and training.

    Foreign countries are getting closer every year, and April 24 - International Youth Solidarity Day - is the time to remember this. And for this it is not necessary to go on long trips.

    Today, unfortunately, does not give rise to enthusiastic exclamations about young people or optimistic confidence in the prospects for solving the numerous problems of their lives, studies, and social security.

    There are more questions than answers... Which path will the new generation choose? What future is offered to him? Of course, the problems of youth in our country cannot be solved without solving the problems of society. But the problems of society cannot be solved without the active participation of young people. The Youth Festival can be a natural occasion to draw the attention of state bodies, society and the media to the most acute problems youth. It is important to show society the true position of the younger generation today. After all, many problems are not solved also because they are deliberately hushed up, and contenders for power remember the youth in the days of preparation for the next elections.

    Combining the efforts of youth, public organizations, the general population, people who are not indifferent, who are rooting for the future of their children and grandchildren, will make it possible to tighten society's control over the observance of the rights of young people, to really improve the situation of the disadvantaged part of the youth, to increase the organization and creative activity of young people in the implementation of economic, social , scientific, technical and moral problems of society, educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, strengthening the continuity of generations, law and order, combating child homelessness, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, drunkenness, moral debauchery.

    For each of us, one thing must be absolutely clear - we cannot, we have no right to stand aside from the solution of youth problems, for a further deepening of the youth crisis threatens with a national catastrophe.

    Let's leave the problems and warmly congratulate all who are young and all who are young at heart on the International Day of Youth Solidarity! We wish young men and women courage and activity, energy and optimism.

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