Class hour “International Day of Peace. Class hour "day of peace" The purpose of the class hour is international day of peace

Auto 05.07.2019



Class: 3-B

Topic: Peace Day

Target: introduce students to the international celebration of the Day of Peace.


To introduce students to the tradition of celebrating the International Day of Peace;

Expand the horizons of students;

Cultivate a sense of collectivism, tolerance;

Correction of memory, fine motor skills.

Equipment: presentation, colored paper (white, yellow, orange),

scissors, PVA glue, stapler, sun, dove.

The course of the classroom.

    Introductory part.

The sun is shining over the earth

Children play on the grass

The river is blue, but -

The ship is sailing on it.

Here at home - straight to the sky!

Here are the flowers, and this is mom,

Next to her is my sister...

The word "peace" is drawn by me.

(Dina Mikhailova)

What is this poem about?

- This is a poem about the world.

Correctly. Today I want to talk to you about the world. How do you understand what "peace" is?

(children's answers)

For most people on planet Earth, peace is our life. Our streets are calm, children go to school, play. And the priceless gift of the world may not be noticed by anyone in particular. However, for too many people in modern world this gift is nothing more than a fabulous dream. They live in fear because of the war. In order to stop the wars on the entire planet for at least one day, September 21 is celebrated as the International Day of Peace. Accepted on this day throughout the globe stop hostilities. On this day, a minute of silence is held all over the planet in memory of all the dead, various actions are held. The whole school will participate in the "Drawing on Asphalt" campaign.

    Main part.

And in our lesson, I suggest you make symbols of Peace.

White bird, light bird,

dot over the sea circles and sits down

on the coast, bogged down in the sand.

Another one flies off the cliff towards her.

White birds, light birds!

The sea plays for them and sparkles,

birds fly in this big world,

in a beautiful world, in a happy world.


Who do you think is the symbol of Peace?

(children's answers)


"Shine on us, sun, shine"

Let the children laugh

On our blue planet.

Shine on us, sun, shine -

Let for nothing in the world

Do not know the children of black days

On dear planet.

Shine on us, sun, shine on us.

I wish you children:

May there be peace throughout the earth

And the sun is shining bright!

(I. Filchenko)

What do you think is the symbol of Peace?

(children's answers)


Today we will make the Dove of Peace and the sun using the palm appliqué technique. You will work in groups. One group will do the dove and the other the sun.

1 group. You need to circle your palms on sheets of white paper and cut them out. These will be feathers. Then we will fasten (glue) them with the finished front part. This will be our dove.

2 group. You need to circle your palms on sheets of yellow and orange paper and cut them out. These will be rays. Then we will fasten (glue) them with the finished front part. This will be our sun.

(production in groups of Peace symbols)

    Final part.

So what about International holiday did we talk in class today?

We learned about the International Day of Peace.

When it is celebrated.

What symbols of Peace have we made?

Sun and Dove of Peace.

I would like to finish our class hour with a poem by I. Kravchenko.

We need peace

On the blue planet

They want him

Both adults and children.

They want to wake up

at dawn,

Don't remember

Don't think about war!

We need the world to build


Plant trees and work in the field.

All people of good will want it.

We need peace

Forever! Forever and ever!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 104

Voroshilovsky district of the city of Rostov-on-Don

Classroom hour

"International Day of Peace"

prepared by Smirnova Natalya Aleksandrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature



Lesson Objectives:

    Provide historical information about international day peace.

    To form an understanding of the word "peace".

    Show the need to protect the world.

    Develop the ability to analyze, express your point of view.

    To form an active life position, the desire to see the good around.

    Cultivate an understanding of what the future depends on the thoughts and deeds of man.


    Beautiful transparent ball.

    Soft music.


    White paper drops.

    Blue colored fabric.

Lesson type: conversation.

Methods :

    "Mental Journey".

    "Modeling the Environment".

    The game.

Preparing for the lesson:

Before the lesson, select from the students and prepare the leader.

During the classes


In 1981 at the 36th session General Assembly The UN established the International Day of Peace "in order to spread and root the ideals of peace both in relations within all states and peoples, and in relations between them." In 2002, the UN decided to celebrate this Day on September 21 every year and called on various organizations and individuals to "commemorate the International Day of Peace in an appropriate way, including through education in all its aspects."

On this Day, the UN calls on all countries to stop hostilities and stop shedding blood for at least 24 hours. Renunciation of violence and wars is not just big words, but a necessity for the further development of mankind. Only peaceful negotiations and the solution of existing problems through dialogue and compromise solutions can give truly tangible results and benefit for all mankind.


What is "peace"? How do you understand this word?

Children: When there is no war. When people are happy. When everything is calm in the family. When the sun shines bright When the sky is blue and the soul is joyful.

Leading: Why do people celebrate Peace Day?

Children: Peace is the most important thing in human life! The world is happiness! The world is life! The world is everything! This must not be forgotten!

Leading: Not all children in the world live well and joyfully. Many of them suffer, these children have a lot of sadness in their lives. It is necessary that peace come to suffering children too! What can be done for this? Where to begin? Where does it all begin? From us, our deeds, our hands. What can we do with these hands?

Children: Do good deeds, write, go to school, play the piano, eat, draw, etc.

Leading: We can do a lot of good things with these hands. And why does it turn out that people begin to do bad things with their hands, take up arms, create bombs?

Children: Because bad thoughts come to mind.

Leading: So, it all depends on what we think about and what thoughts we have. Thought has great power! I know that children have very good thoughts about the world, children know what a good world is, good and happy world. They can even teach many adults to think well. If a person has positive thoughts about the world, then they will surely reach other people and, in the end, become a reality. It's easy to check!

Do you like to fantasize? Let's try to imagine now better world, the world of goodness and happiness. Let's take a "mental journey" into such a world.

(Soothing music turns on.)

Imagine that you have a beautiful, sparkling ball in front of you. It is very light and shimmers in different colors. On this wonderful ball we will go on a journey. Imagine how you pass through the shell of this ball and find yourself inside. The ball easily lifts us into the air, and we fly, fly, fly ... The ball begins to descend ... We feel how it touched the ground. We've landed, it's time to leave. We pass through the shell of the ball ... Ah! What an amazing world around! We look around. … What do we see around in this wonderful world? What is the nature there?

Children: Beautiful nature. Beautiful. Net. Fresh. Amazing. Calm. Very light, the sun is shining. Everything is green around. No trash, etc.

Leading: We see the lake... Let's get closer... What is the water in it? We bend down and look into the water. Who is it? We see our own reflections! What am I like in the new world? What is my face? Eyes? What is my mood?

Children: I am joyful. Smart. Pleased. I smile. I am the same as now. Kind, etc.

Leading: We see children playing by the lake. What are they playing? How do they communicate? What words do they say to each other? What are their faces? How do they greet us? And how do we greet them in return? Let's make kids smile!

What a pity that our time is up, it's time for us to fly away. We sit in our balloon and return to our office, but we have saved the impressions of our trip. (Music turns off.)

Let's remember what words we called when we talked about a better world.

Children: Lovely, beautiful, clean, fresh, light, joyful, smart, smile, etc.

Leading: And where does all this come from in our world?

One child: From thought.

Leading: From whose thought?

Children: Of people. Human.

Leading: What kind of people? Where are these people?

One of the children said: "Here." Someone showed up.

Leading: We are the people who will bring it into the world, give it all to the world. Do you want to help the world?

Children: Yes!

Leading: To do this, we must always remember the good that we have, use it in our lives, in our words and deeds, give it to those who are close to us!

Let's play a little.

Game: The last person in each row receives a pencil. At the leader's signal, the children pass the pencil to the other end of the row. Then the pencil is passed back, but with love and good wishes to whom we give it.

Leading: Happened?

Children: Not really.

Leading: Was it difficult? Apparently, because we don’t train enough, we don’t show our best qualities every day. Let's do this more often. Then it will get better and better. Then we can really give something to the world. The world is very huge, but how much space does each of us occupy in it? Very little. Each of us is a small drop. But if every drop becomes pure and kind, then the water in the entire ocean of life will also become purer and purer. Do you agree?

Children are given small droplets of white paper. Everyone writes what he would like to give to the world. Droplets are attached to the blue fabric, symbolizing the ocean.

The children made inscriptions on the droplets: Joy, patience and beauty. Bravery and courage. Happiness and warmth of the soul. Spiritual purity of the heart. Lots of smiles. Freedom of choice. I want to give the world many joyful moments. Wisdom and care. Love and kindness. Light. So that there are no mistakes in all life. Loving family and good music. Warmth and good deeds. Purity. Freedom. Good luck. Hope.

Teacher: Look at the ocean. It has become almost clean from your kind droplets, but there are still dark spots. So we need to continue to give the world something good.

Used Internet resources

Give a historical background on the International Day of Peace.
To form an understanding of the word "peace".
Show the need to protect the world.
Develop the ability to analyze, express your point of view.
To form an active life position, the desire to see the good around.
Cultivate an understanding that the future depends on the thoughts and deeds of a person.


  • Beautiful transparent ball.
  • Soft music.
  • Pencils.
  • White paper drops.
  • Blue colored fabric.

Type of: conversation.


  • "Mental Journey".
  • "Modeling the Environment".
  • The game.


Before the lesson, choose from the students and prepare the leader.

During the classes


In 1981, at the 36th session of the UN General Assembly, the International Day of Peace was established "in order to spread and root the ideals of peace both in relations within all states and peoples, and in relations between them." In 2002, the UN decided to celebrate this Day on September 21 every year and called on various organizations and individuals to "commemorate the International Day of Peace in an appropriate way, including through education in all its aspects."

On this Day, the UN calls on all countries to stop hostilities and stop shedding blood for at least 24 hours. Renunciation of violence and wars is not just big words, but a necessity for the further development of mankind. Only peaceful negotiations and the solution of existing problems through dialogue and compromise solutions can give truly tangible results and benefit for all mankind.


What is "peace"? How do you understand this word?

Children: When there is no war. When people are happy. When everything is calm in the family. When the sun shines bright When the sky is blue and the soul is joyful.

Leading: Why do people celebrate Peace Day?

Children: Peace is the most important thing in human life! The world is happiness! The world is life! The world is everything! This must not be forgotten!

Leading: Not all children in the world live well and joyfully. Many of them suffer, these children have a lot of sadness in their lives. It is necessary that peace come to suffering children too! What can be done for this? Where to begin? Where does it all begin? From us, our deeds, our hands. What can we do with these hands?

Children: Do good deeds, write, go to school, play the piano, eat, draw, etc.

Leading: We can do a lot of good things with these hands. And why does it turn out that people begin to do bad things with their hands, take up arms, create bombs?

Children: Because bad thoughts come to mind.

Leading: So, it all depends on what we think about and what thoughts we have. Thought has great power! I know that children have very good thoughts about the world, children know what a good world is, a good and happy world. They can even teach many adults to think well. If a person has positive thoughts about the world, then they will surely reach other people and, in the end, become a reality. It's easy to check!

Do you like to fantasize? Let's now try to imagine in our minds a better world, a world of goodness and happiness. Let's take a "mental journey" into such a world.

(Soothing music turns on.)

Imagine that you have a beautiful, sparkling ball in front of you. It is very light and shimmers in different colors. On this wonderful ball we will go on a journey. Imagine how you pass through the shell of this ball and find yourself inside. The ball easily lifts us into the air, and we fly, fly, fly ... The ball begins to descend ... We feel how it touched the ground. We've landed, it's time to leave. We pass through the shell of the ball ... Ah! What an amazing world around! We look around. … What do we see around in this wonderful world? What is the nature there?

Children: Beautiful nature. Beautiful. Net. Fresh. Amazing. Calm. Very light, the sun is shining. Everything is green around. No trash, etc.

Leading: We see the lake... Let's get closer... What is the water in it? We bend down and look into the water. Who is it? We see our own reflections! What am I like in the new world? What is my face? Eyes? What is my mood?

Children: I am joyful. Smart. Pleased. I smile. I am the same as now. Kind, etc.

Leading: We see children playing by the lake. What are they playing? How do they communicate? What words do they say to each other? What are their faces? How do they greet us? And how do we greet them in return? Let's make kids smile!

What a pity that our time is up, it's time for us to fly away. We sit in our balloon and return to our office, but we have saved the impressions of our trip. (Music turns off.)

Let's remember what words we called when we talked about a better world.

Children: Lovely, beautiful, clean, fresh, light, joyful, smart, smile, etc.

Leading: And where does all this come from in our world?

One child: From thought.

Leading: From whose thought?

Children: Of people. Human.

Leading: What kind of people? Where are these people?

One of the children said: "Here." Someone showed up.

Leading: We are the people who will bring it into the world, give it all to the world. Do you want to help the world?

Children: Yes!

Leading: To do this, we must always remember the good that we have, use it in our lives, in our words and deeds, give it to those who are close to us!

Let's play a little.

Game: The last person in each row receives a pencil. At the leader's signal, the children pass the pencil to the other end of the row. Then the pencil is given back, but with love and good wishes to the one to whom we give it.

Leading: Happened?

Children: Not really.

Leading: Was it difficult? Apparently, because we don’t train enough, we don’t show our best qualities every day. Let's do this more often. Then it will get better and better. Then we can really give something to the world. The world is very huge, but how much space does each of us occupy in it? Very little. Each of us is a small drop. But if every drop becomes pure and kind, then the water in the entire ocean of life will also become purer and purer. Do you agree?

Children are given small droplets of white paper. Everyone writes what he would like to give to the world. Droplets are attached to the blue fabric, symbolizing the ocean.

The children made inscriptions on the droplets: Joy, patience and beauty. Bravery and courage. Happiness and warmth of the soul. Spiritual purity of the heart. Lots of smiles. Freedom of choice. I want to give the world many joyful moments. Wisdom and care. Love and kindness. Light. So that there are no mistakes in all life. Loving family and good music. Warmth and good deeds. Purity. Freedom. Good luck. Hope.

Teacher: Look at the ocean. It has become almost clean from your kind droplets, but there are still dark spots. So we need to continue to give the world something good.

Here is the breath of autumn

New calendar sheet.

The Day of Knowledge has come again -

The main holiday of September!

You are in a good mood

Go to school every day.

Solution for any question

Can you find it then?

And with any school task,

We know you can do it jokingly.

Rejoice in the merry years

They fly by fast!

Abstract of a class hour on the theme "International Day of Peace" among students of grade 7 as part of the International Day of Peace

In 1981, the UN General Assembly established the International Day of Peace, which was aimed at "spreading and rooting the ideals of peace both in relations within all states and peoples, and in relations between them."
This date is focused on the rejection of bloody wars and strive to reveal the full importance of a peaceful existence on Earth for the benefit of all mankind.
Due to the great significance of this date, on September 21, 2016, a class hour was held on the theme "International Day of Peace" among students of the 7th grade of MBOU secondary school No. 4 named after Tikeev Danis Sultanovich.
The event was attended by 10 people
Targets and goals:
Introduce children to the history of the International Day of Peace;
Define the meaning of the word "peace"
To form an active life position, the desire to do good, love life, the world, humanity
Develop the ability to analyze, express your point of view.
To reveal to children the understanding that the future of mankind depends only on the actions of the people themselves
white paper flower petals
Markers, pens
Audio player
Lesson type: conversation with elements of reasoning.
Relaxation, or a journey into the world of fantasy
Game moments
Preparatory stage:
At the preparatory stage, the guys were asked to answer the following question: How do they understand the concept of "world"?
The most interesting answers of children:
- "Peace is friendship!"
- "The world is happy smiles on the faces of children"!

- “Peace is prosperity human civilization»!
- The world is our future!
- "Peace is when there are no wars and children do not cry"!
Daniel reads to the children a little information about the history of the Day of Peace:

Further classroom teacher Asked the children to think about the following questions:
“Guys, our world is so arranged that not everything and not always is perfect in it, there are happy moments in people’s lives, but there are also sad, difficult ones when you want to cry. It is especially sad when smiles disappear from the faces of children, when tears appear in their eyes. They cry because sorrows and sorrows happen in their lives. And I would like to wish peace to come to these children. What can we do, where can we start? And it all starts with good deeds, with deeds that we do with our hands. What can we do to make the world a better place?
The responses of the children were varied, for example, such as:
- "Help the elders"
- "Do not offend the younger"
- "Make good deeds help others"

The children were asked to imagine in their minds an ideal world, where there are no tears and sadness, where only happiness and good reign. To this end, the class teacher goes to the world of fantasy, to the world of beauty and goodness:
“Guys, imagine that in front of you is a multi-colored, huge, but at the same time very light balloon. The balloon in which we will travel. To the wonderful world of friendship and kindness. The ball easily lifts us into the air, and we fly. And we fly among the air clouds, we fly along blue sky. And soon we begin to gradually, quietly and smoothly descend to the ground ... And here we are on the ground. And what a beauty around! What a wonderful world! Guys take a closer look at this amazing world. What do we see around? What kind of nature is there?
The children share their thoughts:
- Beautiful nature
- Clean and fresh air
- Perfect cleanliness reigns everywhere
- The sun shines brightly and cheerfully
- Beautiful flowers grow in the clearing and forest animals walk calmly.
Classroom teacher: And then we come to the river. Guys, describe it. Yes, that's right, it's clean and transparent. Now let's look at the reflection of the water. Who do we see there? This is our reflection! And what are we like there, in our new, clean and beautiful world? What are our eyes? And the mood?
The guys describe themselves, their mood:
- "I'm funny
- I am happy and joyful
- I am kind
Classroom teacher: Now, guys, let's see who is next to us? Quite right - these are our classmates, these are our friends! Let's smile at each other and extend our hands to our friends and greet.
Classroom teacher: Guys, we are those people who should bring happiness and goodness to this world, make it better and warmer.
Then the guys play. The essence of the game was that the extreme person of each row receives a pen. On a signal, the guys begin to pass the pen to their neighbor on the desk. The main condition is to hand over the pen sincerely and with good wishes.

At the end of the class hour, the children were asked to write on paper petals what they would like to give and wish the world.
Children's inscriptions on the petals:
- Happiness and success
- generosity and responsiveness
- good and positive
- Have a good mood
- kindness
- Love
- Peace and tranquility
- Relatives and friends

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 104

Voroshilovsky district of the city of Rostov-on-Don

Classroom hour

"International Day of Peace"

prepared by Smirnova Natalya Aleksandrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature



Lesson Objectives:

    Give a historical background on the International Day of Peace.

    To form an understanding of the word "peace".

    Show the need to protect the world.

    Develop the ability to analyze, express your point of view.

    To form an active life position, the desire to see the good around.

    Cultivate an understanding of what the future depends on the thoughts and deeds of man.


    Beautiful transparent ball.

    Soft music.


    White paper drops.

    Blue colored fabric.

Lesson type: conversation.

Methods :

    "Mental Journey".

    "Modeling the Environment".

    The game.

Preparing for the lesson:

Before the lesson, select from the students and prepare the leader.

During the classes


In 1981, at the 36th session of the UN General Assembly, the International Day of Peace was established "in order to spread and root the ideals of peace both in relations within all states and peoples, and in relations between them." In 2002, the UN decided to celebrate this Day on September 21 every year and called on various organizations and individuals to "commemorate the International Day of Peace in an appropriate way, including through education in all its aspects."

On this Day, the UN calls on all countries to stop hostilities and stop shedding blood for at least 24 hours. Renunciation of violence and wars is not just big words, but a necessity for the further development of mankind. Only peaceful negotiations and the solution of existing problems through dialogue and compromise solutions can give truly tangible results and benefit for all mankind.


What is "peace"? How do you understand this word?

Children: When there is no war. When people are happy. When everything is calm in the family. When the sun shines bright When the sky is blue and the soul is joyful.

Leading: Why do people celebrate Peace Day?

Children: Peace is the most important thing in human life! The world is happiness! The world is life! The world is everything! This must not be forgotten!

Leading: Not all children in the world live well and joyfully. Many of them suffer, these children have a lot of sadness in their lives. It is necessary that peace come to suffering children too! What can be done for this? Where to begin? Where does it all begin? From us, our deeds, our hands. What can we do with these hands?

Children: Do good deeds, write, go to school, play the piano, eat, draw, etc.

Leading: We can do a lot of good things with these hands. And why does it turn out that people begin to do bad things with their hands, take up arms, create bombs?

Children: Because bad thoughts come to mind.

Leading: So, it all depends on what we think about and what thoughts we have. Thought has great power! I know that children have very good thoughts about the world, children know what a good world is, a good and happy world. They can even teach many adults to think well. If a person has positive thoughts about the world, then they will surely reach other people and, in the end, become a reality. It's easy to check!

Do you like to fantasize? Let's now try to imagine in our minds a better world, a world of goodness and happiness. Let's take a "mental journey" into such a world.

(Soothing music turns on.)

Imagine that you have a beautiful, sparkling ball in front of you. It is very light and shimmers in different colors. On this wonderful ball we will go on a journey. Imagine how you pass through the shell of this ball and find yourself inside. The ball easily lifts us into the air, and we fly, fly, fly ... The ball begins to descend ... We feel how it touched the ground. We've landed, it's time to leave. We pass through the shell of the ball ... Ah! What an amazing world around! We look around. … What do we see around in this wonderful world? What is the nature there?

Children: Beautiful nature. Beautiful. Net. Fresh. Amazing. Calm. Very light, the sun is shining. Everything is green around. No trash, etc.

Leading: We see the lake... Let's get closer... What is the water in it? We bend down and look into the water. Who is it? We see our own reflections! What am I like in the new world? What is my face? Eyes? What is my mood?

Children: I am joyful. Smart. Pleased. I smile. I am the same as now. Kind, etc.

Leading: We see children playing by the lake. What are they playing? How do they communicate? What words do they say to each other? What are their faces? How do they greet us? And how do we greet them in return? Let's make kids smile!

What a pity that our time is up, it's time for us to fly away. We sit in our balloon and return to our office, but we have saved the impressions of our trip. (Music turns off.)

Let's remember what words we called when we talked about a better world.

Children: Lovely, beautiful, clean, fresh, light, joyful, smart, smile, etc.

Leading: And where does all this come from in our world?

One child: From thought.

Leading: From whose thought?

Children: Of people. Human.

Leading: What kind of people? Where are these people?

One of the children said: "Here." Someone showed up.

Leading: We are the people who will bring it into the world, give it all to the world. Do you want to help the world?

Children: Yes!

Leading: To do this, we must always remember the good that we have, use it in our lives, in our words and deeds, give it to those who are close to us!

Let's play a little.

Game: The last person in each row receives a pencil. At the leader's signal, the children pass the pencil to the other end of the row. Then the pencil is given back, but with love and good wishes to the one to whom we give it.

Leading: Happened?

Children: Not really.

Leading: Was it difficult? Apparently, because we don’t train enough, we don’t show our best qualities every day. Let's do this more often. Then it will get better and better. Then we can really give something to the world. The world is very huge, but how much space does each of us occupy in it? Very little. Each of us is a small drop. But if every drop becomes pure and kind, then the water in the entire ocean of life will also become purer and purer. Do you agree?

Children are given small droplets of white paper. Everyone writes what he would like to give to the world. Droplets are attached to the blue fabric, symbolizing the ocean.

The children made inscriptions on the droplets: Joy, patience and beauty. Bravery and courage. Happiness and warmth of the soul. Spiritual purity of the heart. Lots of smiles. Freedom of choice. I want to give the world many joyful moments. Wisdom and care. Love and kindness. Light. So that there are no mistakes in all life. Loving family and good music. Warmth and good deeds. Purity. Freedom. Good luck. Hope.

Teacher: Look at the ocean. It has become almost clean from your kind droplets, but there are still dark spots. So we need to continue to give the world something good.

Used Internet resources

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