Congratulations to the teacher of self-knowledge on the last call. Congratulations to teachers on the last call

Recipes 01.07.2020

A wonderful idea for congratulating teachers, invented by graduates, full of cheerful and kind humor and love for their school and teachers. Original congratulations for teachers at graduation or last call"Live roulette" gives teachers the opportunity to show their talents, give them prepared gifts and express gratitude in a light and unusual way. similar with the award of the nomination, you can look b in the script "Golden Bell"

The congratulations are organized in such a way that the presenters call the teachers in turn and offer to “start” the roulette. Next, the teachers are seated on a chair, the roulette stops at desired position, and "sector" (graduate), who was opposite the teacher, hands him an envelope with the text of the task in his teeth. After reading his text, the teacher is awarded a valuable gift (a box with the "hearts" of all the students in the class) and is taken to his place by the leaders.
In total, 8 texts are provided for "playing" teachers, one "musical pause" (small dance) and one ZERO - a prize, which is a "complaint" text (read by the head teacher).

Leading - 2 people;
"Live" roulette - 10 people with envelopes in their mouths;
"Roulette start lever" - 1 person;
Support and awards group - everyone else.

Congratulations scenario "Live roulette":

Sector 1 (to the director) "Repentance"

Dear kids! At this solemn moment, I want to tell you one terrible truth: I was not always right!
Today, in public, I apologize to all those who suffered, fell under my hot hand, were offended, humiliated, trampled, crucified and turned into dust.
It's time to admit that I gave inhuman tasks, constantly frightened and terrorized children with bad grades.
I assure you that all this was out of good intentions and for your own good. But what can you do if I did not always measure my requirements with your unprepared weakened heads.
Forgive me, good people!
Yours sincerely.... (name and patronymic).

Sector 2 (to the writer) "Declaration of love"

I love you, what more.
You are out now...
Why now words, sobs,
And the pain of a moment of parting.
Let's just smile
We believe we will be back here.
I love you ... And what is the result? -
Spacious roads await you.
And let love shine on your way
I wish you happiness, children!

Sector 3 (historian) "Statement"

I, (Full Name), I responsibly declare my disagreement about the departure .... of a class from the walls of ........ school N ... I demand to reconsider the decision of the teachers' council on the general admission of students of this class to the final exams. Attached is the list of arguments.
1. Currently not found worthy replacement the above class.
2. Absence ... of a class will lead to a violation of the general biorhythm of school life.
3. As a result of leaving ... the class, the cultural and intellectual level of the school will drop sharply.
4. We will all be terribly bored and sad, and we will all cry ...
(Wipe away a tear!)

Sector ZERO (head teacher) "Complaint"

Collective from ... class of release ... g.

We, the undersigned students ... of the class, protest against the intention of the administration ... of school N ... to "push" us out of the walls of our native school, thereby completely depriving us of our childhood.
We demand to leave us for the second year and provide a traditionally warm atmosphere, good attitude and great love.
We hope that our complaint will be resolved. We tearfully ask, we beg, we believe, we love, we kiss...
Always yours, students... class.

Sector 4 (chemist) "Oath"

(read solemnly)
I, (last name, first name, patronymic), solemnly swear in front of my colleagues that I will never forget either you or the lessons held in your class, after which the hair stood on end. I will forever remember your incomparable written works, inimitable oral answers, unique (no matter how hard you try) experiments.
I promise that all the canons of my science, with such diligence squeezed into your heads, will not change in the next 10 years and will not let you down in difficult times.
I swear that I conducted the lessons sincerely, selflessly, putting all my soul, heart and other organs into them.

Sector 5 (to foreigners) "Chastushka-chastushka"

(read sweetly)
Hello dear friend.
Today I will tell you a little story. There was a school. And then one day, little silly kids came into it. Why small and stupid? Because they came to school! Well, since they came, they began to study. They studied, studied, and completed their studies to the point that they became big and smart.
And everything would be fine, but suddenly, out of nowhere, the time has come for them to leave this school. But they just didn't want to leave. Because smart kids understand that school is good.
Well, that's the end of my little fairy tale. Don't rush out of school, baby.

Sector "Musical pause"(concert number - )

Sector 7 (physical instructors) "Instruction"

(read in duet)
Instruction manual... grade.
Clause 1: Operation of the ... class is prohibited.
Point 2: If you really want to exploit ... class, see point 1.
Item 3: Under conditions emergency operation ... of the class must not exceed the norm specified in paragraph 1.
Item 4: B Peaceful time it is allowed to operate ... class in accordance with paragraph 1 of this instruction.
Item 5: Look again at item 1 and wish... the class a safe journey!

Sector 8 (biologist) "Report on the experiment"

(read fluently)
As a result of a survey conducted in the period from ... to ..., it was established that there was an organic form of life in ... the school in the form of ... a class.
A series of experiments conducted by school teachers showed the high viability and adaptability of the mentioned community of organisms. Positive reflexes and reactions to external stimuli suggest that this species is suitable for existence in the external environment and can be released within the next month.
Head laboratory (last name, first name, patronymic).

At the end of the performance, students take turns giving flowers to their teachers to the music of "The Little Prince".

Thank you dear teachers
For the time that was given to us.
For all our successes, achievements,
For your hard work and for your patience!

Bow to you low, to the ground
For the days that we all spent together.
Will always remain in my heart and memory
Teachers and school years.

Wherever the road takes us
And no matter how we winded along it,
We will remember you more than once, dear and strict,
Teachers who taught us with the soul,

Words are not enough to thank you
To the chime of the last call
In the deserted classroom, she froze beautifully,
Raising the pointer, hand in the air,

You have invested everything in us that you are rich in,
You gave us both wisdom and warmth,
And know that in our school all the guys
The teachers are very lucky!

Dear teachers, thank you for your patience and golden hearts! We have experienced a lot together during the years of study, we learned from you not only history, literature and physics, but also life. We have learned to think, communicate, feel confident in this world thanks to your experience, love for people, and sometimes a sense of humor! Good luck to you, good health and good students!

We wish you patience
Wisdom, warmth.
Happiness, strength and inspiration,
Joy, good.

For everyone to respect you
And victories in everything.
And for what you gave us -
Low bow to you!

"Z out - not for the student,
And for teachers,
You loved to repeat to us
But it's not like that now.

The last bell rang
Today is just for us
And you lead us on our way
And go back to class.

Thank you teachers
For knowledge and wisdom
Patience, humor, optimism,
For faith in us and sensitivity.

We want you to see
In his work bestowal,
May your students love you
And your item to boot.

May you enjoy a new day
great mood,
Recognition of your merits,
General respect.

We've been through a lot with you.
Many different things happened
But your love is always
You gave, teachers.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For the word, numbers, drawings,
For your wise origins
And very valuable lessons.

For your kind eyes
Sometimes the right words.
You have taught us everything.
Thank you for your warmth.

We wish you good luck
Solve all new problems
Health, profit and laughter
And career success.

Happiness and kind words
Diligent students in the class,
The best for the long term.
Today we have last call.

How many spiritual words sounded,
And we will repeat them again and again:
Congratulations teachers,
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For the fact that we were raised and taught,
Raised, sowed good,
Skills and knowledge invested
Gave understanding, warmth.
We wish you success and good luck,
Health, strength for many years,
Diligent and obedient students.
And we will never forget you!

For us, you have become closer and dearer,
Let us not always want to listen to you,
We spent many great days here:
Learned, argued, made friends and grew up.

We took a lot and succeeded a little,
They frayed their nerves and did what they wanted.
And now, when the last bell rings,
We want to take off our hats and kneel.

Thank you for your loyalty and patience
Let fate please you more often
May the new younger generation
It will be truly brilliant!

Thank you. Though this simple word
Will not express all the feelings of these years.
Thank you for being so patient with us.
And we endured so many troubles.

Today we're leaving - a relief.
But we see tears in your eyes.
For so many years, following our lives,
You still love us so much.

Having accepted us from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
You brought up, carrying knowledge.
Gave the eternal, reasonable, and also
They gave each of us ourselves.

Let me hug you, second mothers.
Those who showed the way of life.
Today we must say goodbye to you,
But we promise: we will visit.

It's not easy to teach us - we know
We say thank you!
And congratulations to you
With another call.

For some it is the last
So let him bring
Light, goodness, hope, faith,
Joyful sunrise of life.

We wish you patience
Fulfillment of dreams
In excellent mood
To learn and read!

Thank you teachers
For being with us
Always supported us
And gave so much knowledge!

May your life be like spring
Will be full of fun
Movement, joy, warmth,
Events, moods!

Good health, love,
We wish you happiness, light,
May all days be sunny
And summer lives in the heart!

Already today, on Friday - May 27, schools will celebrate the last bell 2016. This day is usually filled with a whole bunch of emotions: someone rejoices at the opportunity to go on a long-awaited vacation, but there are those who will wipe their tears, because the school bell 2016 will sound for them for the last time. In connection with the holiday of the last bell, we publish congratulations on so that our readers can congratulate their schoolchildren and their teachers, as well as postcards for the last bell, which will definitely come in handy on this holiday.


Congratulations on the last call

To begin with, we note that there are several types of congratulations on the last call: congratulations to the class teacher on the last call, congratulations to the first teacher on the last call, congratulations to the director on the last call, congratulations from parents to teachers on the last call, congratulations to graduates on the last call, congratulations to graduates from parents on the last call, congratulations to teachers on the last call Grade 11. Therefore, we consider each case separately.

Congratulations to the first teacher on the last call: congratulations for teachers on the last call

Congratulations to the first teacher on the last call are always very touching, because it was this person who made the first contribution after his parents to the upbringing and education of once first-graders, and now adult graduates. Record congratulations to the first teacher on the last call.

You are our childhood, our memory,
You are our first lesson in life.
We want to glorify you in verses,
After all, you are our first teacher!

Loving, knowing, knowing a lot,
You taught us everything
Kindly answer with patience
To our "How?" and why?"

The last bell rings for us,
Today it rings in honor of you!
Accept the tribute
And congratulations from us!

You taught us from the very beginning
When they brought us to school.
We knew almost nothing
Not twice two, not the ABCs of the basics.

Thank you for this invaluable work
For tons of nerves, they can't be returned.
For education new generations,
And guidance on a bright path.

Toddlers unintelligent
They took us to first grade
And now we are adults
And taller than you.

you with school sciences
Teach us to be good
With maternal care
They took care of the kids.

Low bow to you for this,
Let the star shine for you.
We know the first teacher
We will always remember!

We remember our first lesson,
We were still very small.
Stepping over the threshold at that moment,
That very day you were loved.

For us, you are not just a teacher
Who taught everyone to be themselves
Study is our inspiration,
You made the school a family!

Our beloved first teacher,
Today we can't hold back the tears
You showed us a lot
We were taught to count and write.

All your words and orders
They will remain in our hearts.
May children give you joy
Coming back to first grade.

Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call

On the last bell, they congratulate the person who replaces the mother for the children at school. Therefore, we publish congratulations to the class teacher on the last call.

You are the most precious teacher for us,
After all, we fled to you with our misfortune and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when there was success,
And shattered our differences.

Saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing for us,
After all, so many years under your leadership
Our class learned friendship and work,
Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your great work.
Rest assured that it was not in vain.
We wish you strength for many years to come.
You are a leader by calling!

You spared no time for us
Sharing sorrow and joy with us.
With a smile they entered the bright class,
Forgive all antics and pranks.

You taught us to be friends and love,
They gave warmth and understanding.
We can never forget
Those days that we spent with you.

Second to my mom today
We want to say thank you.
We say goodbye to school life -
Ready to walk like an adult.

You gave us a lot
We rallied, we were able to make friends.
And the years that have passed here
We will keep in memory.

Thank you for your tenderness and kindness
Care, warmth and comfort.
Today we have become adults
Roads are waiting for us.

We will visit you often
Tell you about everything.
A little later than their children too
We will bring you to learn.

Our class leader
We want to wish you
Joy, great happiness,
We will miss you
The last bell rang
And lessons no more,
You were with us all the time
They gave us advice
Thank you for this
You helped us a lot,
Lots of kind words of support
You found for everyone!

Thank you for your kindness
For your knowledge, lessons, warmth,
For everything we've been taught
And that they were always in a hurry to see us!

You always tried to understand us
Forgiveness for stupidity and pranks,
Shared with us: joy and trouble,
And taught us to work and work.

We are so glad that life has connected us,
That we got, exactly, into your class.
We wish you: mental fun,
You always have a great mood!

Congratulations to the director on the last call

Also, do not forget about the director on the last call. Although many are afraid of him during their studies, the contribution of the headmaster and his influence on the formation of personality can hardly be overestimated. Write down congratulations to the director for the last call.

Like the captain of a caravel
You firmly stood at the helm.
Under your strict control
A strong family rallied.

We briskly walked into any storms,
Been through so many years.
And then the bells rang
We were all given a ticket for life.

Thank you school principal
For justice and supervision.
And what solved our disputes
You are the director of school life.

You once took us to school,
So that we can gain knowledge
Upon admission - we wished good luck,
And conscientiously learn all the lessons!

They said it would all come in handy.
That in life we ​​are nowhere without knowledge ...
And in the future, we will all be proud
That we got to school, to you, here!

Now we say: "You were right!",
Thank you for this blessing...
What are you, our director - we are very happy!
And school ... school is a pity to leave!

We wish you, director, patience,
Fortitude, good luck and faith.
In September, a new generation
Will test your nerves.

We want to tell you: "Thank you
For science, for faith, for wisdom,
For study, forgiveness of mistakes,
Per happy childhood and youth!

The director has a lot of worries,
Every day is hard in its own way.
But over the years
He will not forget his children.

Be forever young at heart
Well, schoolchildren as a sign of respect
Let them give you flowers every year
For your work and for your patience!

The bell rings from year to year -
He is farewell, the last.
And see off the graduates
The director comes back.

Reliable school You are a stronghold,
Like a rod, strong, strong.
And from the bottom of my heart for hard work
We say "thank you"!

Congratulations to teachers from parents on the last call Grade 9

For many, the school bell in the 9th grade will be the last, but there is so much to say, many I want to thank. But schoolchildren do not always have words, so parents get down to business. Write down congratulations to teachers from parents for the last call of grade 9.

I want to say a word from my parents,
About our kind and dear teachers,
Thank you so much you cordially
We have tears in our eyes!

May you work long and calmly,
And the students love you very much,
And they pay you, as you deserve it,
After all, for children you are like lighthouses!

We wish you good luck and patience
We love you and thank you all
And we consider you the best of the best,
At least we part with you for good!

The last bell rang

We are grateful to all teachers

Such an exciting and sad day
Our kids have grown up so fast.
Recently for the first class led children,
Today, the door to adulthood has been opened!

Thank you school and teachers
For wise, hard work.
You instilled good in the students
And they did not beat off the hunt for knowledge!

So let happiness smile on everyone:
For us, for the children, and for our beloved school.
Let's bless our children now
And let's release it into the expanses of life!

Excitement fills the soul
Can't hold back the tears
Thank you, dear teachers,
For your sensitivity and warmth.

That you became friends to our children,
And led by the hand into the world of science,
Among new discoveries and knowledge,
The boys have found their own identity.

And we wish you, graduates,
Do not be shy in front of a difficult problem,
And conquering new heights
Have perseverance and patience!

But one can say from the heart and beautifully not only in verse, but also in prose. Therefore, we publish congratulations from parents to teachers in prose for the last call.

Graduates, like birds, leave the school, spreading their wings, and rush into free flight. We, parents and teachers, are watching with delight and sadness how you fly out of the doors of your native school, and with it, in part, out of parental home. FROM today you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And the way your life will be depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think everything over clearly and balancedly, do not be led by other people's desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will definitely be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it is waiting for you outside the school!

Dear teachers, all these years you have tried, worked and worried about your students as if they were your children. You sought to give them as much knowledge as possible, using all your abilities for this. And now, at the celebration of the last call, we can thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your selfless work.

Congratulations to the graduates on the last call

Congratulations to graduates on the last bell are always with a touch of sadness, because for them the school bell sounds for the last time. You can wish good luck, say parting words and express affection and love with the help of congratulations to graduates from parents on the last call, congratulations from parents on the last call grade 11.

Oh, how fresh are the memories
The first call, a swarm of peanuts.
And the first homework
Above them tears in three streams at times ...

You have grown. Everyone, the doors are closing.
Last call. And rush forward
you life train. Let dreams come true!
Let the guys, you are always lucky

In studies, in friendship, in new endeavors,
In love, of course. Well, graduates
You have baggage - acquired knowledge,
And you already without a parental hand

Carry it, multiply it diligently,
Without making greasy blots.
We will definitely help you with advice.
Let everything work out! We believe in you!

The last bell rang
School, kids, it's time to say goodbye.
How childhood passed unnoticed
It's time for you to knock on the door of the adult world.

Let it be easy life way,
May great achievements await you ahead,
Let bold dreams come true
And don't let your doubts stop you.

Confidence, courage to dare,
After all, how beautiful the stage of youth is to come.
Go ahead guys! Never give up!
Only the one who walks can master the difficult road.

We are grateful to all teachers
Director for your tireless work.
We hope the graduates will glorify you,
His talent is bright, multifaceted.

Our dear children
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you that the stars were brighter
On your life path.

So that you do not doubt your abilities,
To try to achieve goals
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you do not meet troubles at all.

We also wish, dear, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw you away regret
And believe in your bright dreams!

How fast the kids grew up
And, seeing off on a serious journey,
We, your mothers and fathers,
We want to tell you through tears:

Difficult choice ahead
The roads are just opening up.
Where, and how, and with whom to go
Here you decide for years.

We wish you wholeheartedly
Go through all the storms and bad weather,
And may all of you all the way
Always accompanies happiness!

More recently with tears of happiness
We took you little ones to first grade,
Now proudly stand before us,
Not children - adults, graduates.

And we wish you an easier way
Find yourself and always be yourself
Go forward in life without being shy
And with a proudly raised head.

Congratulations to teachers on the last call Grade 11

Congratulations to graduates from teachers on the last call on this day sound special. No one else remembers grades and lessons not learned, only words of gratitude and parting words escape from the lips. P congratulations from the class teacher on the last call often causes tears.

More recently, hiding behind bouquets,
You entered the first class with excitement.
And now parting advice
The native school accompanies you.

Left childhood in the school corridors
The bells stopped, the noise and din subsided,
And only memories in conversations
They sound quiet everywhere, here and there.

And there is something to remember: ups and downs,
And, laughter and tears, friendship and love;
How the head "cracked" from learning,
And the enamel of the teeth was "erased on the granite".

You grew up, got stronger, matured,
Ready to move mountains on the way!
Your day has come! You've all been waiting for it.
Doubt away! Cheer up, good luck!

May good luck accompany you in everything,
And the cherished dream will come true
And even to an unsolvable task
There is always a solution!

It's sad if you fell overboard
And there is no lifeline nearby.
It's sad... Our ship will return to the port,
And we will continue to live without each other.
out of place here beautiful words,
But parting is worse than a tsunami!
I give you islands as a keepsake,
Barely visible in the sea mist.
And this lonely moon
A lighthouse burning with a little hope
I give you a noisy wave,
And the farewell call of snow-white seagulls.
It is pleasant for us to breathe earthly air,
And only vague anxiety torments.
And someone will get back on the road,
But they have a different path.

Your time has flown by very quickly.
And only recently the first call was
And now you all have matured a lot,
And the last school lesson in my life passed.
Do not forget in a year you school life,
You will never forget your classmates or teachers.
And let sadness come to us involuntarily at this hour,
A new door will open before you.

Happy and easy assignments to you,
Wonderful finds and new victories!
Congratulations on your graduation from school
Great accomplishments and life without troubles!
The country entrusts the steering wheel of fate to you,
You will be able to hold the earth's axis,
We wish you love and health,
To have a beautiful, fun life!

You have already achieved a lot
More is waiting for you ahead.
The whole world is open for you, other trials await you,
It's time to say goodbye, and you lead the fate.
Lead forward, lead, giving strength and hope,
Opening the curtain of future barriers and experiences.
Have a good trip to you, and good luck, let it stay between,
Your dreams and successes of wealth.

Congratulations from first graders on the last call

Probably the cutest ever touching congratulations with the last call they come from first-graders who hardly pronounce memorized lines. Record congratulations from first graders on the last call. This verse can be divided into several people, so that everyone recites a column and it is not difficult to memorize.

1. You have become very big:
Uncles, aunts - that's it!
And I am glad to congratulate you now
First grader squad.

2. At breaks you walked,
We didn't notice at all.
But now we gave the word,
We are ready to congratulate you!

3. Just so you don't worry!
We will tell you wishes!
Well, if you want
And advice is free ladies

4. No, it's better for me - advice,
After all, I'm not smarter!
For you to be happy
We must always love everything!

5. Love to study, love friends!
Remember teachers!
And do not be cowardly and do not lie!
Honestly walk the earth!

6. Find a matter to your heart's content,
Have a big family
And when the kids grow up
Let them go to our school!

7. And everything will start again,
And we will wait for them at school.
And you won't forget school
How will moms and dads go here!

8. Better yet, return as teachers!
And we will meet again all of you!
And the school won't miss you
Together we will welcome you with love!

9. Do you offer them to become teachers?
Do you know more professions?

10. Ministers, important directors,
Film actors, professors,
Let them become presidents
It's not important, my friend understand!

11. It is more important that you remain honest,
I met with friends and school more often.
So that their teachers are not forgotten,
May you be brave, kind in life!
(so that you were the pride of the school in life)

12. So that the fire always trembles in the heart,
To choose your own path.
And so that luck always helps,
And so that hope does not fade away.

13. Let the big one be more lucky in life,
The straight path to the dream will lead.
What if it's a failure? Don't know the answer?
Come to us, we will give valuable advice!

Postcards for the last call

We also publish bright postcards for the last bell, with which you can congratulate schoolchildren and graduates on their holiday.

Partner news

The last call is a long tradition of Soviet and now Russian schools which has become a real holiday for schoolchildren. Graduation day is the most joyful and at the same time the saddest day for every graduate. For some students, he foreshadows holidays, and for graduates, the beginning of new working weeks - preparation for graduate exams and admission to universities. But, in any case, the last call is a long-awaited event and the school always solemnly sees off its graduates. Time flies by unnoticed, leaving carefree school years, and ahead is waiting for an adult and independent life.

We have prepared for you the most beautiful and touching congratulations on the last call for graduates, for teachers. These are congratulations for graduates from the principal of the school, and from the first teacher, and from the class teacher and from the parents.

Congratulations and wishes for the last bell at school

Let them say that time heals
That the circle will not open for days,
However, the evening comes
And everything is changing...
The candle will drop the cooled trail
With a strange silence in tune
And suddenly you want in the palm of your hand
Catch a Fallen Star:
And between the future and the past
Dream and childhood behind
Like a fragile bridge thrown over
Tonight is graduation night!

Congratulations to school graduates from the director

Oh, the last lesson is over. We are entering the summer season.
Today is the last call, guys, we congratulate you!
You have become adults now, and it's time to say goodbye to school,
The door of life is open to you, let the peaks submit to you!

Today you are a little anxious,
A little bit happy today
And you can understand, of course,
After all, you have a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the track be remembered
That she took me to school every day! Graduates, you are our pride and joy!
Today is your holiday, you are rightfully honored,
We are all extremely happy with the last call,
And now you carry the banner of adult life!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness,
For many years to come, that would be enough.
Let bad weather remain behind
To have love and respect.

Congratulations on the last call from the class teacher (Grade 11)

My dear, dear graduates!
Now you are standing on the threshold of adulthood, one more step and you will say goodbye to childhood. What your life will be like next depends largely on the decisions you make in the near future. Try to think everything over clearly and balancedly, do not be led by other people's desires and fantasies, believe in yourself, boldly go towards your goal, do not be afraid, try and do not give up! Believe in a bright future, it is waiting for you outside the school! Remember, school doors are always open for you! Know that I love you very much and am always glad to see you! Everyone was striving for the last call,
The school path seemed boring.
So why the point
Smeared a crystal tear?
Saying goodbye isn't easy
after all, childhood is at school
Rocked on a swing for so many years
But there is no escape from time:
A ticket has already been handed into adult life.
Let the beginnings be successful
Each plan is crowned with victory,
Tricky tasks are solved
Only excellent! Happiness, children, to you! Eleven years have gone by
You have matured and learned a lot.
You can answer without a doubt
Many questions - for that and medals!

Thanks folks for making it through
You are difficult paths, do not be afraid.
For finding a loophole in science,
And they were kind and gentle.

May your path be bright and joyful,
Now, like birds, in free flight
You rushed up, and gladly let
On the adult path you will boldly go!

Congratulations from the class teacher (grade 9)

Dear ninth graders!
The time has come when the last bell will ring for you. The school was
it is easy for you to get in, it will be a little more difficult to get out of it: exams are ahead of you.
For many, the moment of parting with school is long-awaited: after all, perhaps each of you wants to feel like an adult, become independent, enter a technical school. But at the same time, this sad moment: for 9 years of study we got used to each other, became friends, rallied. Let's not forget school and each other, my dears!
I want to believe that in life each of you will find your own path. Strive to get an education, find for yourself interesting work and start your own family.
The school gave you a start to a new life, taught you the sciences, culture and
ethics to turn you into smart, literate, successful, independent, moral personalities.
You must take out of school and implement wisely only what is useful. And
do not forget the main thing: we build our own life!
At this point, I would like to quote the lines of the poet Eduard Asadov:
Always be cheerful
Never be sad.
It will be difficult - be strong,
There will be a wind - do not rot,
It will hurt, don't cry
Do not hide your eyes in the palm of your hand.
If there are thunderstorms, go
If tears are wiped off
If you're scared, hold on.
Remember, life is life!

Congratulations and wishes to graduates from the first teacher

My dear children!
Congratulations on successful ending 9 (11) class!
It may not always work out for you, but this is only the beginning of the whole life.
And many problems were not solved, but every day you went forward bolder.
I know studying is hard for some of you
But the most important thing is that you become people every day and hour.
Let only a smooth road be your life path.
I wish only happiness, do not turn off the right path. Dear Guys!
We met with you - there was the first call,
Foliage colors and the first lesson.
Eyes shone, hands stretched up,
I to you, and you smiled at me for the first time.
We were friends, you studied hard,
They excelled both in class and in school affairs.
Sometimes they fought, but they fell in love more,
They were inspired by the desire for a cherished dream.

Like a moment, those four years flew by,
The victories remained, the adversities disappeared.
Then others taught you the sciences,
To them, just as to me, you have become dear.

You grew up, got stronger, matured,
Ready to move mountains on the way!
Your day has come!
You've all been waiting for it.
Doubt away!
Cheer up, good luck!
May good luck accompany you in everything,
And the cherished dream will come true
And even to an unsolvable task
There is always a solution.

Guys, I wish you to successfully pass the exams and choose the right future life path.
Break a leg!

Congratulations on the last call from parents to children (Grade 11)

Dear children!
11 years ago we brought you in holding your little hands in our
hands to our school. And today is a significant day: you say goodbye
with your school. You almost passed the 11-year exam. Left
just a little: to sum it up. All this time we were with you,
your parents and teachers. Our dear children, you are dearer than anyone in the world!
With deuces and validol, but we finished school.
How many we did not sleep with you, we wrote essays.
And sometimes there was a lot of crying in the house from the task.
We didn’t scold you much, we helped you as much as we could.
There is no greater joy for us than the successes of our own children. Guys! The day of farewell to school has come! These years have flown by
surprisingly fast. They taught you a lot. Everything was there, but
I want to remember the years spent at school, only
pleasant and sweet memories. Let's not be sad. Let your
life will be cheerful and sonorous, like a school bell. Our beloved children!
You have grown up and many of you
They will leave school and their favorite class ...
And, fluttering out of the school nest,
You may never return...
I hurry after fathers and mothers
Words of parting words to say to you today:
- Dare! Everything will work out for you
After all, they gave you a reserve of solid knowledge!
And if a difficult choice confuses you,
There is a sure way to get out of trouble!
How to proceed? Moms and dads have advice
Ask mentally - and you will get an answer!
So that later, in moments of rare meetings,
Look into the eyes of your parents calmly.
And we are with great hope and joy
We will look forward to welcoming you home!
And for those who remain, everything is in time:
And in friendship, and in studies to succeed,
Find the right path among the many
And do not leave the chosen course! You were born, raised
Once brought to school
Believe me, we did not know then
that children could grow up
So fast. Our dear ones
You do not lose face,
Achieve everything, relatives,
To make mother and father proud.

Words of gratitude to teachers from the parents of graduates

Our glorious teachers
Thank you for your hard work and patience.
You are on the school ship
Raised another generation.
And today, raising the sails,
Turning to their horizons,
Look the graduates in the eye
Smile to each other, saying goodbye! Dear, our beloved teachers! So our series with you, the series that we and you wrote together, has come to an end. Everything was in it: joy, and sorrow, and happiness, and resentment, and love, and much more. We are grateful to you that everything turned out so well in the end. You got graduates - we got literate children. Thank you for what you have done. Thank you for your work, which helps everyone in life. Without you, without teachers, everything in the world would be different! Once again we thank you!
Well, you guys, don't forget school and your teachers. No matter how much
they had students, your attention will never be superfluous.

Congratulations to school graduates from first graders

Dear graduates!
Congratulations on your last call!
We got a little sad guys
That you are leaving the school house soon.
We look at you with great admiration,
You are the pride of our school, without embellishment!
And with a wonderful mood today
Congratulations on the last day of school!
And you were once babies
And also entered the first class,
Probably, it seems to every mother today,
That you were all like us.
You were also very worried
When they came to their first lesson,
It happened that the problems were not solved
And you were waiting impatiently for the call.
You also ran at school breaks,
They squealed and screamed from the heart,
And you were knee-deep for high school students ...
Now you are not babies at all.
You are solid and mature people,
Exams are waiting for you ahead of you.
Someday we'll be the same
And the kids will come to congratulate us.
Guys! We wish you success
After all, you deserve the highest praise!
And you will succeed, we know!
And your graduation ball will be the best! Always be good, always be beautiful,
Be always cheerful, kind, glorious, sweet.
Do not meet grief and do not be sad,
Smile more often, in a word, be happy! Let everyone be proud of your success -
Parents, friends, teachers,
After all, you can do better, more beautiful
A planet called Earth!

Wish to teachers from school graduates

My dear teacher!
Happy and bright life to you! May you never meet naughty and harmful children! Children's radiant sincere smiles to you, so that the notebooks are error-free, so that the lessons are calm, useful and fruitful!
We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. To
The mood has always been high. Let the family be warm and cozy.
Success, good luck, luck and full satisfaction from work. Thank you for your noble and glorious work! Our dear (name of the class teacher)!
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to tell you that we love you very much! Thank you for always supporting us, helping in everything, taking great care of us and becoming a second mother to us. We are so used to you that we can’t even imagine how we will continue without you. After all, you were always ready to stand up for us when we “mowed” somewhere, always supported us and said words that helped us a lot to believe in ourselves and move forward again, to our victory, and never rest on our laurels. And thanks to We have become you real family.
We wish you all the very best: health, happiness,
love, success in work. We also wish you obedient children, whom you will raise again as your own.
And we have grown. It's a pity, of course, that we have to leave, but we promise that
we will visit you and also easily and interestingly communicate with you. And know that these (*) people who have become a family will never betray you, they will never forget you, they will never say bad things about you. We have only bright and bright memories of our school life with you.
(Name Middle name of the teacher), we love you very much! Thank you for everything!
Your 11th (*) grade.

Beautiful poems for teachers on the last call

Thank you teachers!
We receive not only knowledge at school,
We are getting stronger and smarter here,
We walk into a big life together with her,
Let's grow up with her!
When the puzzles are over, the equations.
And we will know a lot by heart,
We will write all dictations, essays,
Then for a moment we will be seized by sadness ...
But we know that there is no need to be sad at all!
And thank you from the bottom of my heart
Those who taught us knowledge and friendship,
Taught to laugh, to believe, to love life!
Thank you, dear teachers!
You have done so much for us...
Let the graduation party make a merry whirlwind,
But we will never forget you! Our dear, beloved,
Dear teachers!
About your sincere, eternal love
We cannot be silent today!
You have done a lot for us
How much effort has been invested in us, work!
We declare to you honestly and directly:
We will never forget you!

Congratulations on the last call and graduation from classmates

We studied together for many years!
I wish you, friends, joyful victories!
So that we do not study in vain,
For knowledge to be useful
To be on the way to your destiny
We only met good people!
Dear and dear classmates!
I wish everyone to find love
So that your soul burns clear
And so that the blood boils with passion.
To love and be faithful
They gave birth to many children,
In the heart to live hope, honesty
And may you live many days.
Longevity to you, joy,
And let it be marmalade in life,
And so that from this sweetness
My heart has always been happy! Finished the last lesson
Silenced vociferous call,
And bright sadness and sadness
They fly into the distance.
And tomorrow is waiting new life:
Don't be afraid of her. Hold on!
Your mind and work
Our Russian home will rise.
And flare up, proud of greatness,
Above the Motherland of happiness is a star!

Beautiful congratulations for school graduates

Time flew by unnoticed
You have grown up for serious matters.
A glorious path awaits
and victorious
And others - a simple earthly destiny.
You will scatter across the wide world,
But all of you will have
Forever this last call,
And your friendly class will be remembered.
I would like to wish you so much:
And goodness, and happiness, and victories,
Without bumps in life's road,
With the benefit of lived beautiful,
Also, so that you can calmly
Look into your own eyes
Live life beautifully and with dignity,
Be lucky in your destiny.
Also, so you don't forget
Dear classmates,
To call, invite guests,
They spared no time for them.
And also, to remember the minutes,
The ones we all spent together
And more than once flew from everywhere
From different corners of the big Earth. Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And boldly go into a big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead! From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world
Which step - the decision is yours
Whether to continue studying
Whether to go to work
You are in control of your own destiny.
Just one wish:
Everything needs effort
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now find a way
To comprehend the main thing in life! Do not be sad that you will not return to school,
Youth is a wonderful time
We only wish
Happiness to you, peace and kindness.

Last call

This holiday will not spoil the weather,
A wreath soars into the sky...
So the school years are over
Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the end of a painful period
Girls, boys, with the release!
At school today is the last call.
Rejoice! No more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
A bell chimes unanimously for you:
At school today is the last call.
They won't ask you homework,
Don't wake up for the first lesson
It just made something sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now in the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
The school will be remembered only by the good.
At school today is the last call. Good luck, graduate
Good fortune and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magic spring
It will help you solve all problems!
Let the dream become available
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
Let life please, beauty
And the calling will be found!

We invite you to watch and download for free to congratulate graduates on graduation.

Today the very last bell rings for us, we will no longer sit at our desks and will not go out to the board to answer homework. This day is both joyful and sad for us at the same time, because we say goodbye to the school and to you, our dear teachers. We congratulate you on the Last Call and want to tell you " thank you very much for the fact that all these years you have been fighting for our education, instructing us on the right path and supporting us in every possible way. We wish you good health, patience and an endless stream of enthusiasm for raising more than one generation of educated and purposeful children. All the best to you, dear, bright sun in your soul and cheerful mood.

Our dear and respected teachers, leaving the walls of the school, we want to express our deepest gratitude to you for the strong knowledge you have received, your caring, assistance, and wise instructions. We wish you grateful talented students, health, creative upsurge, inspiration and happiness!

Today we are graduates
So it's time for us to say goodbye
How are those school days
Could you have gone so fast?

We on this day, teachers,
Thank you very much!
What a pity, with the beginning of September
We won't go back to our class!

May success always await you
We wish you smart kids!
Thanks again for your hard work
From all girls and boys!

Thank you teachers
For teaching us everything!
You are the captains of the ship
On which we all sailed!

But it's time for us to get off it
And find yourself in the world!
And we wish you that on the way
There were only good children!

Let the work bring you
Only joy, light and inspiration!
Every day, year after year
Give children education!

Thank you teachers
What have we been taught for so many years!
You definitely learned not in vain,
After all, our class learned a lot!

We wish you always
You were happy, successful,
And fruitful work
We wish you, of course!

Let all the guys in our school
You are appreciated, loved, respected!
And, alas, we need to say goodbye,
The institutions are waiting for us!

School years go by
They fly like a whirlwind
We leave teachers
And we thank you all.

Because you forgave us
Everyone understood and loved
Psychologists and friends
You have always been with us.

We wish you nice, long years,
Good and happiness, prosperity,
Always let wings give you
Your beautiful calling.

Dear our teachers,
We've been together for quite a few years
But now the roads diverge
And there is no way back.

You scolded us and praised us,
They put their hearts into us
They taught the wisdom of life,
Lights were lit in the souls.

Sincerely we ask for forgiveness
Thank you sincerely for everything.
May fate bring you good luck
Lots of happiness, vivacity and strength!

Everything, our school path is completed
And sadness lurks in my heart!
We say goodbye to our school,
We are reaching out to teachers:

Thank you for what you taught
For what they put into our heads and souls!
We will miss school very much.
We will remember the lessons with you!

On this May sunny day,
When the last bell rings
We say thank you to those
Who's following us today!

We are grateful to you, teachers,
For all the lessons, books and care.
All this is very important, it's not in vain,
Great, hard work!

We wish you good luck and success,
Health to you and creative ideas.
Kind smiles, joy and laughter,
Good and talented children!

congratulations today
From the bottom of my heart, teachers
You are on the schooner of our knowledge
Were firmly at the helm.

Thank you for your help
We wish you happiness
Let work be a joy.
Glory to all teachers!

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