Congratulations on the holiday of September 1, the day of knowledge. Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge: in verse, prose, SMS and pictures

Diets 29.06.2020

Here the summer has flown by
September has come again.
And solemnly the Day of Knowledge
Marks the whole world.

We wish you guys
Only fives in the diary
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in the head!


Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and learn. Ease in the new school year. Friendly atmosphere, interesting events, great marks and constant striving to be better than yesterday. Success, good luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!


more discoveries,
great events,
Patience, skill
For all moods.

For everything to work out
Dreams to come true.
And without testing
To study. The Day of Knowledge!


Know, remember everything in the world,
Think everything and understand everything
For everything in the world to be responsible -
We celebrate Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday, it means that it is needed,
And if there was a reason in September ...
Here the yellow leaf will spin again
Autumn day on the calendar.
When you need both intelligence and knowledge
... and therefore the soul is alive ...
The world will be born through trials
Hurrying stubbornly to wisdom!


There is not much knowledge
Let your mind keep them.
After all, without knowledge, nowhere -
Neither here nor there.

Don't be lazy, find out
Discover the secrets of the world.
And let every knowledge gram
Helps you in life.

Funny congratulations on the day of knowledge (September 1)


Happy Knowledge Day, with the beginning of achievements!
Good grades, create.
Clear puzzles, correct solutions,
Beautiful, confident life.

Strange projects, great achievements,
Worthy deeds, good.
May the year be full of fire, surprise.
It's time to learn.


Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1!
It's not worth wasting time
Strive for the New always
Now without knowledge - nowhere.
Smarter try to be faster
And listen to your teachers.


Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1!
Opened the doors of the native school,
Into the exciting world,
Where everything is mysterious and new.

So let the school year fly by
Without failures and stumbling
Let everyone find for themselves
Treasure of valuable knowledge and skills!


Autumn has come again
The school bell rang
He congratulates on the Day of Knowledge,
Invites you to a lesson.

All the kids have grown up
Gained strength over the summer
We want the academic year
Only brought joy!


I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!
Oh, it's mission season
tricky questions
So quizzes and surveys.
You study hard,
Don't be lazy in your studies
Try to be the first in everything
Open your reserves.
Strive for new knowledge
Rise up quickly
Get very smart!

September 1 - knowledge day 2019


Special day today -
Bright autumn has come
And boys and girls
I called out loud to school.

On "excellent" to study,
We give you guidance.
You are the granite of science challenging
Conquer every day.

Inspiration to you, talent,
Without obstacles on the way
To be interesting
Go to school in the morning!


Knowledge is power, learning is light!
That's what everyone has been saying for years.
The more we know, the easier life is,
The easier it is, the sooner we succeed!

Knowledge Day today! Holiday! Hooray!
I wish wisdom to everyone in the morning,
Treasures - do not lose knowledge
And every day new mind replenish!


The Day of Knowledge! Let every task
Brings success and the right solution.
In all efforts, only useful returns.
And amazing discoveries and accomplishments!


Today is a holiday of light, friendship, books,
Flowers, smiles, sometimes torments ...
So let every moment give you
Delight in acquiring new knowledge.

Learning is light. So don't be lazy
Discover your talents and callings.
And learn "excellently" without difficulty.
Today is your holiday. The Day of Knowledge!


The Day of Knowledge! With the start of the school year!
The road is already covered with golden leaves,
Leading to school, someone to college,
Where books and desks of students are waiting.

Let knowledge be an interesting path,
Without unnecessary absenteeism, workloads and stress.
Success, victories, conquering peaks,
As well as friends, and for the rest of your life.

Congratulations on September 1 - comic


The holidays are over
And summer is behind
Notebooks and textbooks
Rather, put it in a briefcase.

Get on the path of knowledge
Like a young explorer
Let the thirst for discoveries be in you
Burning uncontrollably.

I wish you success
On the future path
with good grades
To get to the finish line.


Happy knowledge day, we congratulate you guys,
And it's a great time and date
All roads are open ahead of you,
It's up to you to choose which way you go
You have so many discoveries, victories belong to you,
That is your wealth, that everything is ahead.
Learn, seek, create, dare,
And may good luck be with you!


Red day of the calendar -
It's a September holiday
For students, he is the main
State day of knowledge.

Let him bring you
Strength, good luck whole year,
Lots of new hobbies
Joyful moments!


The day of knowledge comes to us
Along with September.
I want to congratulate you
Happy first day of autumn!

May the new year be educational,
Will bring good luck
Good luck, inspiration
And creativity flight!


The calendar has been flipped
September has arrived!
The student quickly put on shoes,
I happily went to school.

After all, today is the holiday of Knowledge,
First joyful call!
And the beginning of all audacity
And a rich lesson.

Learn in a big way
To look for the answer to everything!
Let the fives be swoop
You fly into diaries!

Poems for knowledge day


Here comes the Day of Knowledge!
In the course of training launched!
With what I congratulate you
And, of course, I wish
More courage, patience,
Happiness, school fun.
Keep the path always forward!
It's time to win!


The cheerful bell rings
He is ready to lead the class,
School doors open
For all students.

Briefcases and bouquets,
Smiles all over your mouth
Let's say goodbye to summer
The school year has arrived.

And on this occasion
We would like to wish you
Only the best ratings
Get knowledge!


There is not much knowledge
The school welcomes us again.
Important day of the calendar
The main holiday of September.

School year ahead
There are many lessons waiting for you.
We wish you five
And congratulations on the day of knowledge!


Today since dawn
We hear the clatter of children,
Hurry elegant with flowers
To the threshold of the school they are!

Teachers are moving forward
And a crowd of high school students,
Today we meet together
Knowledge Day is a September holiday!

Let learning be a fairy tale
The one where dreams come true
Science will become visible
Laws and rules are clear.


Carries a september ray of sun
Day of knowledge around the planet,
Greet him happily
Both adults and children.

Opened the school door wide open
The bell is ringing, calling
Bows, smiles, sonorous laughter
And crowded with flowers.

I wish you to be successful
The new school year,
knowledge day school life letter
Let us turn over.

Congratulations on the start of the school year


Summer flew by quickly
The school year has arrived.
Everyone sat down at their desks boldly,
Many new things are waiting for you.

We wish you not to be lazy,
Remember everything quickly.
change to have fun,
And help friends in the lessons.


With the start of learning! Happy Knowledge Day guys!
After all, the school, dear, is embraced by love ...
A miracle is happening in it, knowledge is boiling in it,
They, believe me, will surprise you more than once!

I wish to study, you only get "five",
But you can, of course, still on the "four",
And less is not worth it ... Believe me, friends,
That school is your second home and family!


Today is Knowledge Day
We all celebrate
And knowledge is power
And this we know.

We are all knowledge
Both strong and strong.
So let's be true
Support of the country!


Study, study, study again
Not too late, not too early, always and everywhere.
And everyone needs to strive for new knowledge,
After all, knowledge is power, like a bright star!

And let the book be for you best friend,
You strive for something new without any complaints.
Let your head spin from luck,
The Day of Knowledge! And touch the mystery now.


Last warm summer day
Gone from the calendar
And autumn in golden leaves
Hurry to come into their own.

And I hasten to congratulate everyone,
Who seeks knowledge
With a bright holiday in the year -
Happy Knowledge Day.

Funny congratulations on September 1 in verse


Cool September holiday,
It's knowledge day, friends.
We are celebrating today
The best day of the calendar!

Let knowledge be given easily
Let dreams come true
May your efforts not be in vain
For the sake of beauty knowledge!


First holiday of September
We are celebrating for a reason!
This day of knowledge has come
He gathered all the students:

On the line and call
And then to the lesson.
We all need knowledge
After all, they are very important.

I wish you good luck
Everything is easy to solve problems,
All sciences to overcome
And succeed in many ways.


A joyful autumn day filled with smiles and flowers, a holiday for all children. Congratulations on the day of knowledge, with the new academic year! May this year bring many new discoveries. Let every day be bright, memorable, fruitful and filled with only positive results, new experience and good mood.


I congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
May he give many discoveries,
And there will be no insults, delays,
Just lots of fun stuff.

This holiday is decorated with flowers
And a happy smile on their faces
Let him be solemn himself
And will remain in our hearts for years!


Knowledge Day at school calls everyone,
And in it - flowers and children's laughter.
May the academic year bring
Many discoveries and success.

Let the baggage of knowledge grow
And your horizons will become wider.
Luck. And no complaints
No regrets and no quarrels!

Wishes for September 1


Do you hear? Another silver call
Calls you rather from summer to autumn,
A yellow leaf fell on the threshold,
Above the school of the Sun, the disk and the sky are blue.

The Day of Knowledge! Autumn flowers again
With a bright wave they hit the school on the shore,
Training New Year you meet
May it be successful and fun!


Teaching is light, not teaching is darkness,
Old as the world, as the truth is clear.
We wish you early September
To take a quick start to study is an enjoyable journey.

Knowledge Day will open your interest
To the lessons of new and school subjects.
Easy to learn, love your class
And be happy with your school!

We wish you easy
The right solutions for complex problems.
And may your lesson be happy
After all, knowledge is a continuation of our life!


First call
Golden September
Calls the children to school
Both first graders and graduates
I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge.
Science granite let it be easy,
Ratings will be great
Let the lessons be interesting
Merry change.
Let the baggage of knowledge be replenished,
Let the world reveal secrets
You grow up to be real people
I wish on Knowledge Day.


Here the summer has flown by
School doors open
And on the Day of Knowledge of all the kids
Invites you to your walls.

We missed school
They got a little more mature.
And elegant, with flowers
We are in a hurry to school.

Congratulations to all on the Day of Knowledge!
Let the teaching be given to you
And for many tasks.
There will be many solutions.


The Day of Knowledge! I wish to study
With great strength and vomit,
Opportunities of the best, without edge,
Opened the world of learning to you.

May it always be interesting
You know everything new.
Good luck with everything, everywhere.
Become big people!


Golden September is coming
And the Day of Knowledge with him,
Let miracles happen
We will create them ourselves!

Let it become brighter, cleaner
On this day beautiful world,
He who seeks will find
Your reliable guide.

Let inspiration come
Joy, new hopes,
With them - a lot of phenomena,
What we haven't seen before!


Knowledge Day is a universal holiday -
He is dear to all, we need him.
Knowledge Day - the day of kindness and childhood
With a smart word in half!

Congratulations to everyone, of course.
We wish you new frontiers
Go September to May
In the company of school days!


Here the summer has flown by
We have a knowledge day in the morning,
Student, get to work
It's time to pack your portfolio!

We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
Anyone who seeks knowledge
And with all our hearts we wish
On "excellent" all studies!


AT autumn time doors open -
Her Knowledge Day is wide open.
And all who are hungry for knowledge and skills
The school invites to its abode.

The path to the world of knowledge is open to all
And let it be light, be light.
All-all there is waiting for only success
And various puzzle tasks!

On the Day of Knowledge, only good for everyone,
Aspirations, achievements and success.
Let there be an instructive path
In which there is a lot of knowledge, a lot of light!


Here is the breath of autumn
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!

You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
For any question decision
Can you find it then?

And with any school task,
We know you can do it jokingly.
Rejoice in the merry years
They fly by fast!

First time, first class
We are going for the first time.
Holding mom's hand
And we're afraid to let go
Here is the school track
How will we live there?

A poem about autumn

Empty school yards
Empty playgrounds,
There are no screams and children's laughter,
The kids are just going to school.

The beach by the river is also empty,
Lonely stand a swing.
Who wanted to swim - he managed,
Who wanted to swing - they had time.

A flock of birds with chicks is not visible,
They grew up over the summer, ate hearty.
Apparently, it's time for them to go to school, too,
And they flew to study!

Comic (about a fifth grader)

5th grader doesn't want to go to school
He didn't have enough holidays.
Something saws, beats and sharpens,
After all, he likes crafts.

Dusty ruler and eraser
And notebooks in the far corner.
He dreams that he is already a master,
And studying is useless to him.

Let a suit sewn from a needle
New shoes - like a groom
Dad is happy to dress
Cheerfully stomping to class in the morning.

We go back to school
Slightly thoughtful...
And the autumn gray clouds stretch.
And sparrows frolic in carefree puddles,
Like on vacation
They live all their lives.

From first graders

The solemn asters are burning
And gladioli are full of
Today is such a beautiful day
For moms and dads, for all the kids.

With lush bows, all the girls
And there is no longing for summer days,
They go in a crowd with ringing laughter
Everyone to school, like a parade.

With a sad kind smile

Grandmothers look after them,
And the cranes in the unsteady fog
They send their autumn greetings.

Clusters of scarlet rowan
And a bouquet of burning asters,
And raspberry jam
Generous September has in store for us.

Everyone is ready for school
And briefcases in the hallway
Petit, Kolya, Nastya, Olya,
Even the cat on the fence.

Children forget summer
Those games and those games.
After the summer at school - a fairy tale,
Smells like dried paint.

Smells like wood from the desk
Travel cards.
At school, the whole world huddles,
He is magical, like the Firebird.

We've been waiting for him for so long
This is the first day of autumn.
There is no place for sadness in school
Everyone is in great spirits!

Oh school, school...

me for the first time
I'm going to eleventh grade!
Flowers again for teachers
Hello to all my friends!
Again that song: “They teach at school, they teach at school!”
And sadness overcomes me involuntarily.

I grew up here
All my enthusiasm
And the daring of childhood
They left their white mark.
I have the last year to study
He tried to hide his anxiety.

Just a year
Good luck, adversity
And with my youth then,
I'll say goodbye forever.
I went straight to the finish line
Eh, school, school, I already miss you ...

Again the first of September
It seems that the holiday is not new.
smiling teachers,
Native, familiar.

Summer passed quickly
Flew in a moment
The family reunited
And ready for accomplishments.

We can move mountains
And dispel the tsunami
You will change our path
You just need to believe in it.

hello school

Hello our school!
We have returned to you.
Tanning, unwinding -
Pulled off nicely.

Ready again now
To study hard.
We know in your classes
You won't die of boredom.

You give us knowledge
Skills, skills.
Also developing
Wisdom and patience.

Learn to think sensibly
Think logically.
So that the exam of life
It was handed over to "excellent".

We love you for it
We love, respect.
And friends to learn
We wish only here.

Leaf fall covers the paths,
Like flowers we open umbrellas
And the holidays will sum up for us
Essays about summer days.

We can't get past the puddle,
Why do we need boots then?
And we don't really need a briefcase,
After all, the kids care about the game.

Again we will go in a cheerful crowd,
Let's decorate the bright class with ourselves!
You're beautiful, elementary school!
Stay always the same!

The first day of autumn - what does it bring?
Friends are gathering again.
New school year is coming.
We can't be here without congratulations!

Congratulations! New autumn day
Let everyone bring their warmth.
We enjoy learning, no doubt.
May we all be lucky this year!

The leaves are yellow until they all fall off.
The rain is wet - it has not flooded everyone yet.
Congratulations! We met September.
We wish you more strength for your studies.

Congratulations and best wishes to science
Relentless, more fun to give!
In the school year, we will all walk without fear.
Let study lend itself to us again.

May luck not leave this.
After all, teaching is indispensable without it.
And we still want sunny days.
This academic year is like a blank slate.

There is a wonderful reason for the guys again
Gather for the autumn holiday.
September has come, we will meet it.
We will definitely meet him!

Let the autumn holiday remind you
How important is discipline in life?
And we will surely rediscover the volume
Even though he is very impressive.

We wish this academic year
More good times.
Summer days are gone now.
Let's go on an adventure!

Congratulations on the upcoming holiday!
Congratulations on September 1st!
We return to our schools.
It is impossible without teaching.

Congratulations! This holiday is bright
Reminds us of a special day.
And we will find all the answers.
And we are not too lazy to meet September!

Congratulations on the day of knowledge

I love this day
I go with flowers
Bye! I say
An upset mother.

And grandma waves
With a handkerchief following me,
Shouting: dear
Did you take lunch?

I love that holiday
Meeting my friends
Happy knowledge day to all
Congratulations on meeting.
so many girlfriends
I'll tell you everything...

Happy knowledge day, girlfriends,
I'm running to you!

On the day of knowledge, I feel a little sad,
On the day of knowledge, I'm a little lazy,
Get up again, but my head is so empty,
The teacher will say such crap again...

The alarm on my phone wakes me up again
And mom will say: quickly get up everyone!
And my great is now gathering dust on the balcony,
And in the summer I loved to drive like that.

The best holiday of September

The best holiday in September
Every year we meet
The first day all the kids
Notes friendly.
'Cause now you've grown up
Will you be doing
Will you read faster
And compete.
At school, life flows, boils,
And friends to help
Doubt, ask
The teacher knows a lot.
Don't sit in change
Run, beat the buckets
Discuss everything with friends
Listen in class.
In general, school time
It's a pleasure
The best holiday, kids,
Well, after your birthday!

Who is the first, who is the last time in his school goes.
Who is a lily of the valley, who carries a bouquet of roses to the teacher.
Who will be in the morning every day, with a smile at dawn,
Run faster to school, faster to come soon,
But we know for sure, we know for sure that everyone will come to school
And with tears in their eyes, after a year, they will leave.
Today is a day, a happy day, there is no room for tears.
There is only joy in it, only the light of many happy dreams.
Perhaps someone will be sad about the graduation past,
Perhaps someone will be sad about their garden.
But knowledge day, that glorious day that has already come to us,
It will set fire to the hearts of teachers and their students.
Today, students will enter the first class together
And teachers will be pleased with the smile.
And everyone will sit at the desk, at the school bench,
What will be the very first
For their new age.

Knowledge Day today
We hear the call
The ringing bell calls us to the lesson.
And we are all filled with joy
I'm going to my school
Like a beautiful dream.
All full of happiness
All full of light
Let us enter this school with a satisfied smile.
And we will learn and we will grow wiser.
Our small world we will all protect.
We will honor our school
And we will respect all wise men.
A sage for us is one who teaches us wonderfully,
Great, great, great, wonderful.
Permanent teacher, native teacher,
You are very dear to us
We are always with you.

world learning day
Day of success, day of dreams,
The day of someone's becoming
The day you've been waiting for.
The day that brings us happiness
First-graders, knowledge day,
The graduate considers it important
Music blaring all day.
And for mom, a day of care,
Dad drags with a briefcase
School is like work for children
AT school world doors are open.

Summer is drawing to a close
Everything around is breathing in autumn!
The kids are all happy
The magic sound is already audible to them!

It will ring very soon
Gathered at the school porch.
The one that is called the school bell,
Fill your heart with joy!

We all learned in childhood at school,
We've been through it all
We, like you, our children,
Those gladioli carried.

The teacher will meet you all,
And smile softly.
And like the sun shines
And this is a good, bright sign!

Today you go to school
For you today will come alive
All cabinets, boards, desks,
They've been waiting for you all summer!

The children's textbooks have been waiting,
They gave them knowledge
To grow wiser year by year,
To grow up to be better people!

The bell rings, the kids are happy
They are excited now:
They have to go in pairs
Under the chime in the classroom.

The parents were a little upset.
They must have remembered:
As they themselves were babies,
And they went to school like they were going to a holiday!

Flowers, solemn speeches
Everything will calm down in a moment,
First lessons begin
The time of wise books will come

Learn well, students!
Storm the Hills of Knowledge!
We all believe in you, without a doubt,
After all, you are our future!

Happy knowledge day guys today
It's time to congratulate.
We want to learn freely
All knowledge, and do not grumble!

On the day of knowledge we repeat
Everything in the world is within our power!
We wish each other
Ignorance so that the whip has sunk.

Let the light light the way
And it is always available to us!
It's time for us to hunt
For knowledge! Hooray!

It's time for school!

We are not afraid of the rain -
We will open a new umbrella
And a friendly crowd
Let's go to school.

There is a good teacher waiting
And refreshed class
Through the efforts of parents
Repair will meet us.

Familiar to us desks
And the blackboard
Notebooks and textbooks -
Everything is new so far.

We crave fresh knowledge
We dream to be friends
merry crowd
So go to school!

At school, the holiday is familiar to us,
But he is always unique.
So nice after summer
Ask friends secrets
Surprise friend Misha -
He stood head and shoulders above!
Tell everything about everything
Happy September everyone!

On a holiday joyful, cheerful
We go to school.
And thirst for knowledge of grief
Congratulations on September 1:
Parents, native school,
And cheerful classmates
And dear teachers
Let's go to school quickly!

Knowledge Day goes along the roads of the country
On this day, everyone has long been in love since childhood
On this day, everyone gives flowers to the teacher
On this day, all the children walk to school
Everyone wants to open the line of celebration
Everyone dreams of being at the festival of knowledge.

September day came
A holiday that we appreciate.
We want it to bloom
Knowledge garden is boundless.

We wish that always
Everything was possible.
Congratulations! Let trouble
It won't work for all of us.

On an autumn day, do not forget
Congratulations to all of you.
Everyone learned - at least a little,
Time to arrange everything!

We all need knowledge
And we strive for them.
These meetings are so important!
We will make sure of that.

Fresh wishes for the first day of school

1. Cool congratulations on September 1
Today we composed, especially for you
We sincerely congratulate you and wish you more pure
And a bright and kind happy life!
You always smile, don't be picky about everyone
Cheerful and sparkling, live on a bright note
We congratulate you like this, and we will force you to celebrate!

2. We bring fresh flowers, new congratulations
So that all dreams come true - let's say how to cut off
We congratulate you on this day, you are very sincere,
Wishes to you, the most magical.
We will now say that the house is always full
Laughter, money and warmth to make your head spin
From big - Great love but you have to learn
To stand on your feet firmly, and all paths are open
Were in your life, with the very first of September!

3. Beautiful congratulations we address you
They are surprisingly full of magic words.
We will draw a message for you from a pure heart
Under your windows - our gift is ready!
September is the month of knowledge, learning and skills
And our wishes will cheer you up!

4. So many good things in the fresh morning
On this bright and festive day
The honor seemed very important to me
And I'm not too lazy to congratulate you
Freshness in the air, wind tangled up
And in your beautiful eyes
I see joy and faith in beauty
And miracles are coming soon
This miracle is one coincidence
How lucky this day was
And probably on the first day of autumn,
The stage of life opens!

5. In the autumn good morning
I hasten to congratulate
My verse - I will read from the heart
And I will arrange lilacs in a bouquet.

Leaves should fill the air
Mood from spicy flowers
I can't wait to congratulate
Be ready for new knowledge!

6. Beautiful words, especially for you
Happy first of September, very official!
So that on this day, everything was like in a fairy tale
Expand your teacher's horizons with a pointer!

7. I wish you all the best!
For the sake of mood, on such a fine day
So I want to tell you everything!
I congratulate you sincerely, and wish your loved one
And gentle and kind, beautiful and timid
And very very loud
Happy, useful learning
I wish you health, we grow big
Good luck, with the very first of September
Live always happily, always write beautifully!

8. Such congratulations will appear in the postcard:
Cheerful mood, be open to society,
Be kind and not evil, I wish you much, much
Health and success, and mischievous laughter
It will be happiness to congratulate you on my beautiful day!

9. Congratulations, let it be a juicy sip,
For you the first day of your training
Will be the main successful step
In this life and in truth magical!

10. Simple congratulations to you with a bouquet of roses
They will come surprisingly with laughter and seriously
You will be congratulated on this day by relatives and friends.
I congratulate you on the first of September!

New poems about the day of knowledge

1. September has come again,
Paved the path to the school.
Covered it with carpet
Our school is like a home.

Fun ringing bell
And he invites us to class.
To become literate
Find out everything in the world.

Mom waves to me
Like: “Run, my dear!”,
And in a briefcase on my back
Sandwich with sausage…

2. Congratulations! Congratulation! Here is autumn in the yard
Here are the yellow trees, they became immediately in September!
Who managed to miss already, on the training bench?
The very first day of autumn, it will bring you fun
It will bring new knowledge and excellent undertakings!

3. We will soon get new knowledge, because we never get bored with learning
Here it is, September, again knocked on our door!
New pens, notebooks and a satchel, a new proofreader - a ruler and a dance!
School is ready now!
Every kid will be happy to settle on a wide school bench
Each teacher will become dear to us, and our class is like a family!

4. New horizons on September 1, will open to us - here is the school
And our beloved teachers congratulate us, may our year not be difficult
We will immediately appreciate all the congratulations, and read a few words on stage
We will put on a uniform and go to school again, we are glad, we love
We appreciate, we remember, the school's native love!

5. Fresh knowledge is waiting for us, so September has come
We will be happy to start training, the school has a reliable berth!
We rested, in the mountains or on the sea, we returned from the dacha
And immediately soon, they came to school as always
We are very glad to learn and argue, we are glad to try
Don't think about spurs, happy to sit by the window
We are waiting for a call sometimes and will not hide
We are happy to run home
True, not for long, rest will suit us
The teacher is our school hero!

6. Cool congratulations on the first of September
Today my whole family reads to me
They want everything for me
Good luck, have fun, learn what I want
And bolder at the board, answer me brilliantly
And real knowledge!

7. Flowers - lots and lots of bouquets,
On the festive line, September - the school road,
And the first step, it is the key to new discoveries,
To everyone's surprise, you'll be happy to receive them
Happy congratulations!

8. New friends, new purchases
New congratulations, beautiful deeds
You bought a new satchel, bought a bouquet of flowers
And by September 1st now, you're fully prepared
Go to school soon and be always cheerful
Be always active there, learn positively!

9. The new year is educational, it has come so soon,
With new beginnings he illuminated my path
It's so nice at school, not involuntarily sitting
Sitting at a new desk, catching every word
Teachers stealthily, play hide-and-seek with a girlfriend
Run faster to the dining room and new congratulations
Rather get it, start learning!

10. Words and instructions for September 1
Native teachers will read to you on the line
Then the director is strict, he will tell a lot
About the educational holiday, about the importance of laudatory
About the most boring books and about the successes of the best
He wishes you good luck, and easy solutions to the problem!
He will wish you patience for high aspirations!

Best congratulations on September 1

1.Best congratulations, let them sound today,
They will cheer up, the first of September,
We wish you guys, always and everywhere freely
To feel and do, loving any work!
We sincerely congratulate you
We wish you to go through
All the sorrows in a magical life,
And find happiness in the end!

2. It is better to congratulate, in front of everyone on the line
To light up, many eyes,
September, beautiful, September magical
Foliage burns very bright yellow,
For knowledge, children need a desire,
It takes effort and happiness in the eyes
Successful kids need attention
The kids at school are in good hands!

3. Best congratulations on the first of September,
I want to make fewer mistakes!
I wish you, the secret is not hidden,
Live only right, and never live falsely!
I wish you guys to always sail through life boldly,
So that you do your favorite work, as always, effortlessly skillfully!

4. Best congratulations, we are reading to you today,
On the first of September, we solemnly congratulate you,
We wish you good luck, we wish you smiles,
We wish you to always be brave and not make mistakes!

5. Congratulations on the first of September,
Best and kind - short
Them to you we, in truth,
They composed for a long time with dexterity,
Dear all teachers,
We are happy to learn from you
We smile thanks to you
Knowledge is useful in life!

6. On the first of September we will congratulate our
Hurry up, children, congratulations
All the best to you, easy learning for you,
Best grades to you, be cheerful to
We wish you more, joy, luck,
We wish you the best in life mood!

7. Best congratulations on September 1
To your surprise, I will read today,
And on the line of everyone, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Study, student diligently, read, create, write!
I wish you a teacher, always be the best in everything,
I wish you sadness, you passed the clouds,
I want to smile and enjoy life
I wish there were fewer, capricious students!

8. With the first of September, I will briefly say!
I congratulate all school friends,
I will show you the best successes,
I will become in a year, smarter and stronger!

9. Best congratulations on the first of September,
We congratulate adults and children,
Learn children, you always need
Read more good books!

10. Happy first of September, best congratulations,
Take care of the book, always listen to your mother!
You love school, it's very important
You grow big, smart and brave!

Humorous congratulations on September 1

Today you will start keeping a diary
Not about love, not even about the weather.
Keep a diary with grades carefully.
And show it to us by next summer.

We hope there will be only “5”,
And so that there are no deuces - we will check.
Learn, try to walk less,
You can do it, we believe in you from the bottom of our hearts.

When your colorful diary is full,
Show off - look at the fives.
Well, now - forward to your friendly class,
Run and laugh very, very loudly!

May we enjoy the academic year.
On this occasion, we have gathered again.
Outside the window - a beautiful autumn day,
So let's say this year "wake up"!

We wish that studies appear
Beautiful blooming dream
And so that such dreams come true in a row,
And everyone would be happy here, moreover.

We want to study well
Passing exams is easy.
Manage your memory in a practical way!
Study will become a bright beacon!

Get ready for this holiday
Accept simple congratulations.
We wish everyone to open again
Learning facets of change.

We want to relate to learning
As for the best and good days.
And on this holiday, let everyone be inspired
Will give rain, reviving the words.

We wish you never give up.
Tasks seem easier let.
Everyone has to learn something.
Good luck, don't leave anyone!

Today is a holiday - like a smile,
Just like a familiar dream came true.
We wish that without error
The study went like a standard.

We wish everyone a year of study
Perseverance in righteous work.
And everyone - health, by all means!
We wish you to be right everywhere!

We wish, without despondency
Strive for the best again.
We need this kind of education!
We wish you not to retreat.

The training bell rang again.
And we shouldn't miss it.
We want knowledge to flow
You could master with love.

We want every moment to be
Something interesting for everyone.
We want everyone to understand
What became the plot for the songs.

We want a textbook
For knowledge to take root.
And let the study be like this,
And it’s not for nothing that we met here!

September 1 - and gray rain
Everyone should show joy!
After all, his time of idleness has passed.
Time again granite science to gnaw.

We wish everyone that in an easy rhythm
Knowledge came to you in the academic year.
We wish that mistakes would go around,
And in this, of course, be lucky.

We also wish that the academic year
Bring more luck to all of us!
Let everything be remembered instantly
And let there not be a voice of reason!

You are smart beyond your years
In grade 1 - ready for a long time,
We can see very clearly
You'll make it to 100!

You know the letters from the garden,
familiar with mathematics
Let dreams come true
Great! We are going to school!

Nothing to watch, embarrassed
For many years now
School re-opening
Calls all the guys.

Every chance will get a new one.
Learning is the light.
Let the school be sensible
And there is no place for ignorance!

Let the leaf be gilded
Falls into the palm
This year, full of discoveries,
May every dream come true!

The doors of the school opened again today.
Again, smiles, like flashes, are visible here.
Congratulations! We believe that you are awake
And in the new year you will be smart again.

Our faith does not sway in the wind!
It gives us hope and strength.
Know, schoolchildren: there are still so many meters
At the ladder that leads to knowledge.

Congratulations and best wishes for your studies
To spark a burning interest in her.
And we wish today that
Everyone remembered why he is here now!

When this holiday comes again -
It turns blue, like hope, the sky is blue!
Despair and laziness suddenly recede,
Ignorance eclipse, leave everyone.

We wish you on the day of knowledge we study,
We wish to pass all control,
So that adults could not be proud in vain
The fact that they decided to collect you!

We wish you diligence stocks,
And let them not evaporate!
We wish you to realize this happiness,
When you are free to know everything in the world!

It's time to take it apart
The reigning mess in the head!
We wish you no parking
The study gave a hail of victories.

We wish you more success
Tasks to solve soon!
Let the school teach you too
Solve problems in life.

We want to smile more often
And this will solve all the problems.
And more often we wish you to gather,
And together we will win everything.

Knowledge Day is a holiday, like from childhood.
The guys have a lot of wishes.
But we wish them all together
In the study of joyful rewards!

We wish you children
There were fewer blots in life,
We wish you five new
Make us happy more often.

We wish you - let the school
Brings out the best in everyone.
And you will come back here again
May success accompany you.

Comic congratulations on September 1

In the eyes ripples from colors,
Yellow, blue, red and purple
Both adults and children are happy,
Director only one stands severely!

I didn’t rest, because school worries,
All summer he went around the property,
Oh, how reluctant he is to work,
But laziness overcame his director.

And we ask permission to congratulate
We are afraid of you a little, a little,
And on the first day of September we praise you,
Bless only for the lesson!

Our director is only arrogant on the outside,
Inside is so soft, and quite fluffy,
After all, give up slack, children will certainly
On the neck perched very quickly.

We sincerely want respect
Children, teachers, and everyone in a row,
And small, but obedience,
Good luck, well, and all kinds of awards!

Oh how hard it is to let go
From a native computer,
You have to take up studies
Reluctance, honestly,

We would like a video from YouTube
look, sip,
Well, we are the volumes of the cube
Forced to calculate.

The right word, teachers,
We are quite smart
This knowledge, anxiety
So come on everyone!

We certainly congratulate
From the heart and all that
Happiness and wish you all
But we won’t hide mother’s laziness.

Our best friend
Lives from birth
She would have a computer, a game, a pillow,
And learning can wait!

Okay, away empty dreams
Happy beginning of September everyone!
Our most loved ones
Dear Teachers!

I was blown away yesterday
Temperature again.
I can skip school
Will I dive at home with a cat?!

And mommy will believe us
And bring jam
laptop in your bed
Quietly sings a song.

And such excuses
Once a year they are successful
We spend these days in a fairy tale,
And they warm our souls.

Let's go to school day
On the very first day of knowledge,
Let's get sick together so that
Everyone is too lazy to study.

Allergy to flowers
All of a sudden it will open...
Happy first day of school. Dot.
Let everything pass without interference!

And the teacher will give again
The key to knowledge is golden,
Smile and congratulate
And help you live your dream!

Funny congratulations on September 1

Maybe it's going to rain today?
A celebration of past hot days...
Yes, summer can be incredible.
But today is autumn, without any fuss ...

Congratulations to everyone on a sad date.
September is rainy.
And the time has come - you need to study.
So that everyone gets a diploma!

It's time for consolation
It's hard for everyone to move forward.
I wish everyone, without a doubt,
Find your calling.

I wish you ordinary joys
Not to look far for them.
I wish everyone a personal life!
I want to keep up with it!

Everyone wants to think about studying!
We are so happy to be back at school.
After all, it's time to look for the people
A ray of knowledge on its way.

Congratulations! Let this holiday
Thunder strikes the stock we need
Positive and more light.
May luck not leave us!

Wipe the snot quickly
And pack your portfolio
Don't delay your friends
Don't be late for school!

Here comes the alarm clock
You still snore
Grandma is already yelling
You make her angry, baby!

Put on your crosses quickly
Eat the sandwich
Tired my friends
You are a dick, you know!

Notebooks are prepared
And we have a diary,
The cat is sleeping on the briefcase
Student looking out the window

beautiful picture,
Rowan blushed,
And on the water procedure
Pigeons fell asleep in a puddle.

The school is visible
She invites us to visit:
“Come quickly!
I love children!”

They give us a lot of knowledge at school,
This foundation is no fun
All lazy people are taught for free,
They want to grow up as a man!

Thank you school for your patience
Forgive the lazy, hooligans,
Forgive us all for the behavior
We'll understand, I know.

You are a school giving us lessons,
Not only how to write, count,
After all, we are not alone in school,
You teach how to become friends.

We spend half our lives in school
It's interesting, it's fun
Who is in the drama circle, who is just in the choir,
Who is near the neighborhood.

Thank you school
We are again
Come and fight again
You accept all the guys
How good with you!

Short congratulations on September 1

1. On the morning of the first day, the school is full again
In early September, a lot of joy, warmth
Congratulations read, children and teachers!

2.Short congratulations, such official
The principal of the school will say again
He loves everyone at school, and the dance song
Already all the children are calling to dance again
Our school holiday is back in September
Gathers everyone in the big yard
Dressy girls and guys
Remember those days with a smile!

3. Short congratulations on September 1
They sound like the anthem of learning, drop your anchors!
Swim children to the shores of knowledge
School doors are open for you
All books of knowledge are full for you!

4. Happy first of September guys! - Briefly said by the teacher
You will congratulate him in return, you definitely want to,
Wish you health, happiness, and more smart children
Wish you frequent success, and less noisy lessons
So that always only a smile, when checking all the notebooks
So that there are no mistakes, it’s more gratifying to work
Gathered as a holiday - all teachers teacher
Children, you will definitely want to congratulate him!

5. Short congratulations on September 1
Everyone in life received, these days of the calendar
Children, school teaches life, teaches not to make mistakes
Even my grandmother wanted to become a graduate
We wish you guys to live this year
So that every day you learn how to be friends
To teach you how to succeed
All at once, sing and jump, sew, write, dance!

6. Short and kind, my congratulations to you
In a beautiful autumn, wonderful first day
The simplest poems will cheer you up
I'm not too lazy to read them for you!
I congratulate you on the first of September
May your eyes always shine
Learning will always be easy for you
Sorrow and sadness let them be far away
Guys you have become very big
I congratulate you with simple verses!

7. Happy first of September, congratulations are short
We will answer your first call
Slender boys are standing, meek girls are standing
A little more - soon to the lesson
There are a lot of flowers today, beautiful, very different
The teacher is the most strict, cheered up for the holiday
And the school is again full of children
Congratulations on the first of September, guys!
I want more holiday news!

8. I will briefly say today,
On a solemn magical day
I will read you congratulations
To make the holiday spiritual!
There is so much sadness in September
We will let go of the summer days!
I wish children knowledge,
And successful undertakings
You study well
Be humble and decent
Be happy playful
And, of course, happy!

9. Short congratulations, on the first of September
We wish you luck, learn with a bang!
We wish teachers the brightest children
You guys learn, don't upset your mom!

10. Short congratulations, I will read to schoolchildren
Short congratulations on September 1
I heartily congratulate you, openly congratulate you
I wish you peace, health and warmth!

My classmate, how are you?
Today is September 1st!
I wish to be not a sucker in the class,
And let the study go well!

12. Briefly for the day of knowledge

Friend hello
Let's go for a walk!
And celebrate the day of knowledge!

Congratulations on September 1 in short verses

1. In verses we can do a lot:
Congratulations, good luck
In verse we can say goodbye
And we can confess our love
And congratulations on September 1,
Become universal then
They want to say thank you
They want to say beautifully
About the fact that school is in our life,
One of the main places has
So in verse we will say to the school,
Thanks for everything! We appreciate everything!

2. In verse, we will congratulate you on the first of September,
Dear to the heart of teachers, presenting a bouquet
We wish on this day that you be happier, wiser,
We wish you health, look at your life more fun!

3. From the first of September, children read poetry
They congratulate us, they have their victories
They just came to study at our school,
We wish them soon, five in the diploma,
Let this whole year be happiness for the school,
Let him bring success to children often,
We wish the whole school to study more fun!

4. We rested for three months, and again it's time for us to go to school,
A good director will congratulate us, on our line in the morning
He wishes us success, and we wish him smart children
Happy and kind smiles, more good ideas!
We read poems like this so that we have fun,
Let every child with a smile return to their own class!

5. Congratulations in verse, I'll read it to you on Ah,
I congratulate you today, I wish you success,
Wish to be live happily, good luck to everyone fair!
Happy September 1, guys, everyone, get your notebooks ready soon!

6. Congratulations on the first of September,
I specially prepared for you
I write in verse, to tell the truth
All the good things that come to mind.

7. I congratulate you in verse,
And with flowers in my hands
Our first call again
School class reopened!
I wish you not to mess up
Best to write, read,
Gain knowledge in the school
For successful undertakings!

8. In verse and from a pure heart,
I congratulate you on the first of September
I wish you success
I'll send a memory card
I really wanted to go to school
Carefree days to remember
And I really wanted to fill the diary as soon as possible!

9. With the first of September, I say in verse today,
Everyone on the line is dressed in the latest fashion.
The girls stand with bows, the boys have a tie
Here is the training in September, the year has begun again!

10. Poems from the first of September,
For children to learn
So that the graduate tries,
Everyone in the school is a student!
You study well, so that success comes to you!

Poems for the day of knowledge dedicated to school, teachers and for schoolchildren

11. Beautiful poems for the day of knowledge

The septembers are circling in a waltz,
Gladiolus and asters
We're all like first class
It's a pity we don't have September very often!
Don't look at the girls
Snow-white butterflies in braids,
And the autumn leaf sings a song
Brings hope and happiness!
Ah, September, the beginning of studies,
Hard work, but so necessary for us,
We wish everyone a happy
This year has flown by, and now,
We will give dear and beloved
Flowers from the heart to teachers,
And the whole year, like today, beautiful
The school will be, and we are happy!
Let's stop arguing,
And we will learn a lesson more often,
All of a sudden, we'll all smarten up, maybe
Happy Schoolboy and Teacher!

12. Poems for the day of knowledge for schoolchildren

The air keeps us cool
The world woke up, vanity,
On the day of September we are glad
School, childhood, and dream!
And hope it gets better
How do we get to study?
This time we will teach the brain
And we'll do without the doubles.
We will not mumble at the blackboard,
Smart books to read
And forget about the cold
We will know all the answers.
Remove toys from computer
Internet helps everyone
And on the old woman's bench
With admiration following us
They say, they say, children are a miracle,
The smart ones are gone now,
Any question will be answered
And they will tell you, just class!
Congratulations on September's day
All achievements and victories,
We glorify our school today,
Better, more beautiful - just not!

13. Poems for the class on the day of knowledge

I didn't sleep half the night
Wrote poetry
To congratulate friends
Now you could!
Dedicated to the class
Girls, boys,
I love you guys
I will not offend you!
Let's make a memory
Let's distribute the photos
So that in years
Remember this day...

14. First graders

Pressed skirts, snow-white bows,
They go to school, first-graders, stumbling along the way!
Anxious moms and grannies here and there
Around cute first graders
So carefully scurry around!

Didn't sleep tonight
Have we collected everything in a portfolio?
snack apple,
It's a long day at school!

flustered moms
And grannies with Corvalol,
First graders -
Everyone is going to school today!

15. 1st grade

You are on the threshold of school today,
And look with surprised eyes
Let the teacher come across to you not strict,
And he will go through all the difficulties with you.

First graders, are you at school today,
In a bright classroom, at a beautiful desk,
And the teacher will be very kind,
And reliable, like your mother!

16. Happy knowledge day!

Funny poems for September 1

About students

traffic is blocked,
You just look
After all, small bandits
The students are coming!

funny six year olds,
Serious conversation,
toys and sweets
Alien and strange yard.

To them this word: School,
Instilled from an early age
And now they are ready
Say hello to all of us.

And we are already dashing
We've been adults for a long time
And now everyone is cool
And tomorrow - oh, ho ...

It's so hard to get up
With an alarm clock again
And eternal care
Learn, read, write...

But we do not lose heart
We are ready for battle
We wish teachers
We are beauty in everything.

Someone said a long time ago
What should be great
And thoughts, and clothes ...
So that everything, in short, is cool.

May the year give strength
Wagon with a cart of knowledge,
And let there be an idyll
With mutual understanding!

The first day of September is filled
Rays of sun and warmth
Let's say tender words now
We wish you peace and good!

Beautiful covers for textbooks
We bought a long time ago
Happy, a little excited
After all, September looked out the window.

How will it be, maybe smarter,
Suddenly we will all become, but perhaps not,
And the soul of the teacher is sick,
After all, in learning, it seems, there is only light.

Don't worry, it will be clear
School, home, lessons, sound sleep,
From textbooks tired gait,
And everyone is inspired by learning.

And some fives in the diaries,
And there will be notebooks without blots,
Fight computers, and books only in the hands ...
Why not dream of a miracle?!

We wish you less hours
Get more pay
And from us the answer: always ready!
In the middle of the night, at least call us to the blackboard!

Congratulations to teachers

The desks seem to be washed by the rain,
And the board shines like that - a feast for the eyes,
And we'll wait to write on it,
And everywhere is vanity, revival.

First-graders scurry around the yard,
And the girls are all like princesses,
The first day will give us a dream
Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, very honestly:

We love you, good and evil,
And grouchy, and even angry,
We will add gray hair to you,
But forgive the bandits for that.

Our gang is always childish,
It will be brave, bravely fight,
Let laziness win the dream
And let the door open to the world of knowledge!

Gladiolus, roses and asters,
We give from the heart, with the soul,
Let us be harmful often ...
The school yard is covered in leaves.

And a little anxious, and sad,
And summer is over
We congratulate you tenderly and with feeling,
Teachers - health, love!

A little tanned
And with joy in my heart,
Growing up over the summer
And smart already.

And on an autumn day from a clean
Let's start the life of the leaf
From the radiant sun
A dream is born!

Teachers, beloved
We hasten to congratulate you
elegant, beautiful,
Now we want to say.

That we will be good
Let's learn like this
What about our cramming
We'll only get a nickel.

We want a little from you
Don't scold us
And the road to knowledge
Will open now.

And the beloved schoolyard,
strewn with leaves,
Native and cute
And the most expensive!

Happy First September!

Summer has slipped by
Like a wonderful dream
Autumn has come
Yellow leaves ringing.

And it's time to learn
Already came for us
Strive for knowledge
Let's all now.

The teachers seem to
Everything from the magazine
An important word they say
And for beauty
Can't compare to you
world stars,
In this temple of knowledge

We won't flatter, we know
It won't go away
We'll all be better
The school year is waiting.

Miscellaneous items
We will grind
And always answers
Wear in your head.

Just softer.
Be sometimes
The heavy load is dragging
Your kid.

Do the lessons
Less than an hour
Don't look too hard
You are on us now.

Smiles suit you
And cheerful laughter
We love you dearly
Very, very - Everyone!


The autumn time has come
And we stand before you
Full of admiration
With flowers and bows.

Everyone has a school year ahead,
Which of us is more difficult
Who is not in a hurry to the lessons,
Or who is sick with a soul?!

We want to promise now
What will we learn
We will not let you down, relatives,
And strive for knowledge.

Cotangent, radius in a dream,
Will appear often
Teaching, no doubt
Give us light, happiness.

And we will teach Pushkin
And even Lermontov,
And the theorems to cram,
We do not mind, to be honest.

Newton and Einstein will be amazed
Looking at us from portraits...
We will stop fighting
And only five in the notebook...

All these are humble desires,
Ruler, all hopes are full,
And our expectations too
You justify, and dreams!

Forget about the deuce for a year,
We agree on three, so be it,
And open the door to the Knowledge world for us,
Let's live together for the whole year!

About Masha

Today is knowledge day
And after the "line"
Sitting again with Masha
On the school bench.

She, as usual,
"The raven counts"
And I don't care -
I'm in love with Masha...

I draw a heart
I'm Masha in a notebook,
Why do I need Masha
Receive again.

She will blush
And will move me in the forehead,
And I'm not offended -
Let me hit.

Beloved girl
I will solve everything
For this, Masha
I'll sleep at home!

Summer has flown by

Autumn light breeze
And the summer flew by
Let's go to class today
Let's get down to business.

In the flowerbeds everything burns with fire,
magic bloom,
Happy school day everyone, happy first day,
School has a birthday!

There is a first-grader standing,
And the bow corrects
And quietly sniffs with his nose,
And wipes away tears.

The kid goes and drags the satchel,
And he leads his mother by the hand,
He's a first grader, that means
What a fairy tale will happen to him.

And let the cars and the computer
Leave it at home, no problem.
After all, the school has a cooler miracle,
Guys, desks - beauty!

And we have long been all in the subject,
And we know a lot, we know
Get rid of laziness
which we often suffer.

I will finish the speech, I will say: relatives,
Favorite teachers,
You are the best, you are golden!
And all of you with the first of September!

Autumn wove a carpet
colorful and beautiful,
Our beautiful schoolyard
You are so cuddly, sweetheart.

The school shines with joy
The windows glow with warmth
Congratulations on the day of study,
Happy amazing day!

New white apron
Seen from afar
And the girls look tenderly
And a little high.

After all, such queens
It's even scary to approach
For a pigtail, of course,
We will take you along the way.

And our teacher
So beautiful and sweet
After all, there is no more beautiful in the world,
And how smart she is.

Give advice, always support
And show you the right path
We love you, just like before
And even a little stronger!

On the porch the director is important,
Keeps his word like a king
We even congratulate him
At least we're afraid. Away with sadness

Happy school day, only smiles,
And cheerful sonorous laughter,
We'll fix all the mistakes
Awaits only joy and success!

mini verse

Everything is ready, everything is bought,
They put the necessary things in the satchel.
Uniform, shift, haircut, sneakers,
Bank to take lunch.
Maybe they forgot something
Just don't want to go to school...

Congratulations on the new school year

Summer flew by again
Autumn is in the yard again
The new year will become academic
So helpful for kids.

Congratulations guys
And we wish you success
So that fives and fours
Everyone had it this year.

This New Year's Eve
Brings a lot of knowledge
Well, to our first-graders
The first year is always lucky!

Happy new school year students

Again we are at the school threshold,
The school was lonely.
And now he welcomes us
How much new knowledge will give us!
There will be many happy days here
Oh, let's learn everything now!

The new school year

I go to school with a new backpack
I walk like a first grader
After all, my school is like a house,
September is a holiday.

I will meet my beloved friends,
I will tell them so much.
Can't wait to see everyone
At the school doorstep.

The teacher will meet kind us
Give congratulations,
And we sit in the classroom
In a great mood!

Congratulations for the new school year

September again gathers children
Everyone had time to relax!
With new meetings of old friends,
They grew up, got better.

Books on a desk, a beautiful diary,
Here is the first lesson
We give a positive attitude
Learn to do everything on time.

Listen carefully,
Stop yawning
So be conscious

Don't leave it for later
School doesn't like lazy people
Live without training tails
I wish everyone to become an excellent student!

new year educational

Let the new year be educational
Starts with victories
May it be very generous
And we’ll say to deuces: “No!”

Let it be fair
Academic year.
To tears and resentment
He won't take us.

I wish all the guys
Smiles and kindness
And remember that school
The best time...

On the day of knowledge, I want to wish
So that in life everything was "five".
To find their way in the future,
And to save science.

Teachers to be respected
And in life honor so as not to lose.
The road was bright
And the spark of happiness lived.

Happy knowledge day to all students
We congratulate now
Let learning be a joy
Let the forces be in reserve!

Don't let the lessons get boring
New knowledge will give
Learn with pleasure
Although study is work!

Dear students, I congratulate you on the holiday of science and knowledge. Let this academic year open new horizons and opportunities for you. I wish that all the material is easily assimilated in your smart little heads and will certainly come in handy in life in the future. Let this academic year be filled with discoveries, pleasant events, joyful emotions and positive communication with interesting people.

Congratulations, guys, on the Day of Knowledge!
May this year bring success
Goes without complaint
Achievement will increase.

Everything will work out for you
Don't worry about it for nothing.
Let your parents be proud of you
Praise teachers more often!

Happy Knowledge Day guys!
There are many different things waiting for you.
Try to learn how to:
Take care of your friends.

You will always need science
To fulfill dreams as soon as possible -
This is worth learning for.
Embodying millions of ideas!

So the summer flew by
A warm rest is dreamed of by many,
Again the school awaits with the dawn
All on the stone threshold.

On this joyful day of knowledge
I wish everyone easy everyday life,
Less tears and delays
And study the most wonderful!

Autumn came quickly
They came to school again.
Impressions a whole satchel
You brought back from vacation.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge,
May the year be successful
Only excellent marks
May it bring you all.

Let the forces be, desire
Gnawing the granite of science to you.
Let there be achievements
Mom, dad, like a balm.

So the Knowledge Day has come,
And again you are at school
We wish you well
Start a new year for you!

Let study give you
solid foundation,
To strive to know
Again the world and again!

May it never be
Bored in class
Starting September
All is well!

On this first day of autumn
Congratulations guys
And I wish that study,
It was good for the soul.

And good luck on the tests,
And the ratings are only "excellent",
I wish you of course
To dream endlessly!

Meets school time again.
Happy knowledge day, the first of September!
Congratulations, students
May you enjoy happy days.

Let your diaries blush
Only from fives, not otherwise.
Let knowledge fly to you willingly,
And the days are happy interesting find.

Happy knowledge day, students!
So that the steps are all easy.
Defeat them hard
Show your mind well.

successfully develop it.
To replenish the cohort of smart ones,
Participate in the project with
With the title: "I want to know everything!"

On the first day of autumn, September 1, Knowledge Day is celebrated all over the world. On this holiday, a solemn line is traditionally held, at which teachers, parents and schoolchildren congratulate each other on the beginning of the school year. This year, preparations for the First Bell have already begun, and schoolchildren are already looking for cool and beautiful congratulations from September 1 to teachers in verse and prose. The teachers themselves prepare calendar plans and notes for the next academic year and make solemn congratulations on the end summer vacation colleagues in your own words. Our site contains the best short and beautiful congratulations for September 1 to the teacher from parents, colleagues and students, which will ideally fit into the scenario of the First Call. Also here you will find beautiful postcards with congratulations on September 1 for the teacher from current and former students.

Beautiful congratulations from September 1, 2018 in verse to teachers from students

Undoubtedly, summer holidays are the most favorite time of all schoolchildren, because in the summer you can take a break from lessons and daily homework. But many schoolchildren already in the second half of the summer begin to miss their native school, their favorite teachers and classmates. They dream that the 2018-2019 school year will start as soon as possible, so they are happy to complete the task for the summer and prepare on the line, dedicated to the Day knowledge, solemnly read touching congratulations from September 1, 2018 in verse.

A selection of touching congratulations from September 1 to teachers in verse

You again lead to the light of knowledge

Big and small kids.

You give your soul to work

For which you are all thankful!

We wish you an easy start

And happy school days

So that everything is fulfilled with success,

Life became brighter.

You, our lovely teachers!

Good luck to you for the whole year,

So that there is always comfort in the soul!

Patience to never end

Salary so as not to "bite".

Lessons so that they are carried out,

So that everyone sits at their desks in an instant!

So that the leadership praises you,

Always worthily appreciated you,

Respected for your work

For all merits - awarded!

May the first day filled with flowers

And the joy of long-awaited meetings,

In the soul stays longer with you,

To save the mood.

May your faces shine with joy

And the children happily rush to school,

We wish you to study with them -

Discoveries will only then be made.

Let the fire of creativity burn brightly

Will make you think and look for the answer,

Let it only be hot in the field of truth,

Let everyone be touched by knowledge light!

We hope that in the summer

Managed to rest.

It's time to get to work

Dive desperately.

The academic year has begun

And fight, teachers!

On you, in fact,

The whole earth is holding.

Therefore, we wish

You stamina and strength,

To family and school

Calm and peace reigned!

Knowledge Day today

And he is rightfully yours

For noble work

We will tell you: "Bravo!"

We wish you strength

Patience and will

We congratulate you

Within the walls of our school.

decent salary,

From all respect,

Winged dreams

All-all performance.

Postcards with congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers from former students

Unlike schoolchildren, most of whom dream that summer never ends, graduates recall their carefree school days and favorite teachers with nostalgia and warm sadness. Therefore, on Knowledge Day, many of them congratulate their teachers personally or send postcards with congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers high school and my first teacher. And it is doubly pleasant for teachers to receive such postcards and congratulations, because they are once again convinced that grown-up students appreciate their work and remember them with warmth.

Touching to tears congratulations in pictures on Knowledge Day to teachers from former students

Touching congratulations in prose from September 1, 2018 to teachers

In addition to the congratulations that sound at the solemn line in honor of the Day of Knowledge for all teachers of the school, many teachers hear other congratulations - congratulations from their beloved students. Many children sincerely love teachers who treat them with all their hearts, therefore, by the First Call, they are looking for beautiful and touching congratulations from September 1, 2018 in prose to their favorite subject teachers, as well as to their primary school teacher.

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 for teachers in prose

Dear teachers, today I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you diligent students, moral stability and strength, health and optimism. You faithful guardians knowledge passed down from generation to generation. May your work be valued and respected. Blessings to each of you. Good luck to the new school year!

Our dear and respected teachers, here you are again at the start of the annual school run. Let this year be fruitful, productive, informative and interesting. We wish you steel patience, granite health, radiant happiness and silk students.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. With all our hearts we wish you incredible strength, interesting ideas, exciting activities and respect. Be healthy, strong, successful and happy. Let it always turn out to carry out everything planned, prosperity to you and good luck.

Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the day of knowledge! An exciting day, the start of a new school year. We will solemnly meet first-graders, we wish easy study to students. Let every teacher be proud of his work. Joy to you, knowledge, Have a good mood, great achievements and smart students! Happy holiday!

Happy knowledge day, our dear teachers. Let the new academic year bring a lot of positive emotions and excellent marks. May school life be full of bright events and grandiose achievements. Beloved teachers, health to you, happiness, well-being and a cheerful mood.

Short funny and funny congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers

Friends and relatives of educators are sure to congratulate them on the end of their summer vacation and the start of the school year. And often they send short funny SMS congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers, in a joking way expressing sympathy for the end of the vacation and wishing mental strength and patience in the academic year 2018-2019. And such funny SMS congratulations from friends can cheer up all teachers and give them a smile on the first day of autumn.

A selection of cool SMS congratulations from September 1 to teachers

Happy knowledge Day. I wish that knowledge easily and simply flies into the head, like files on a USB flash drive, I wish that the adventures on the ass are the most interesting and fun. May you never be bored, may your teeth never break on the strong granite of science.

Hooray! Back to school today

Again the call meets you,

The teacher is stately and cheerful,

Bring everyone back to class!

May this year be filled

Mystery, knowledge magic,

May the days be joyful

And the world is filled with witchcraft!

For three whole weeks the whole country

I bought uniforms, diaries and satchels,

And the kids were going to school,

Throwing bathing suits and slates in the closet.

You came to school early today

After all, the new school year has begun.

We wish it to be successful

In the cycle of work concerns.

Chrysanthemum tenderness,

violet love

And pink joy to you,

To bloom all year round!

For children to listen

And always appreciated

The way you are with your soul

They were well taught.

And among the flowers, confessions

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!

None other than wizards

I should call you

After all, you give with textbooks

An invaluable gift: to know.

And on the Day of Knowledge

I wish this year:

Let more cognitive

Everyone will take it into their own mind.

Let the work be easy

Let the children listen

The days will seem short

May will come soon.

Beautiful solemn congratulations from September 1, 2018 to the teacher from the parents

The script of the solemn line in honor of the first bell necessarily includes congratulations from September 1, 2018 to the teacher from the parents. Moms and dads of schoolchildren on this day are no less worried than the children themselves, because the holidays are over, and their children will now spend a lot of time at school, learning science under the guidance of teachers. On Knowledge Day, as a rule, parents wish teachers creative inspiration, patience and strength for their hard work.

Collection of congratulations on the Day of Knowledge to the teacher from parents in verse and prose

Happy Knowledge Day dear teachers,

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you,

Don't be too hard on our kids

Although they are, of course, tomboys with us!

We wish you success and good luck,

Thank you for your hard work

Solve difficult problems with ease

Let there be only joy ahead!

For us, parents, today is a holiday too,

Congratulations to teachers and children!

We cannot hide our excitement,

We wish you success and ideas.

We wish you to plunge into the sea of ​​knowledge,

Always strive upwards and forward,

Discoveries to you, ideas and undertakings,

Let the school year pass with benefit!

"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness",

Wise and even very relevant

The words once spoken by the classic,

Knowledge Day is a holiday of new expectations.

He promises a new year, a school year,

Truly hard work

And invites you to go forward,

He does not want to turn off the path.

From parents on knowledge day

congratulations for you,

We want excellent students

More for each class.

May you be successful and successful

This school year will be

Let the bell ring - the day of knowledge

Started a new countdown.

On Knowledge Day, parents would like to wish their children good health, disobedience, determination, love and understanding, perseverance and good mood. And for teachers to leave wishes for patience and manifestations of kindness, love and respect, success and good luck, well-being and strong moral and physical strength.

Cool congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers and colleagues in your own words

Returning from vacation, teachers congratulate colleagues on the start of the new academic year, share their plans and rejoice at the return to the team that has become familiar over the years of work. Since teachers always support each other and work closely with other teachers as part of the educational process, for many of them the team really becomes a second family. And congratulations on September 1, 2018 to teachers and colleagues, expressed in their own words, always sound touching and sincere.

Funny congratulations on Knowledge Day in your own words to teachers from colleagues

Dear colleagues, today is a wonderful day that symbolizes the beginning of a new interesting life in the field of education! May this school year be easy and successful for all of us and our students. Strength of spirit, patience and inspiration to us. Without this, our work is nowhere! The Day of Knowledge!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I wish that responsiveness and understanding are more common in our work, that difficulties are bypassed, and the educational process goes easily and naturally. May every day please you with success and achievements, both your own and our wards. I wish you health, strength, excellent mood and great prospects!

My dear colleagues, I congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge. I wish us all plenty of time, patience and strength, success in both work and personal plans, respect for children and their parents, great love from your loved ones and eternal love for life from you.

Dear colleagues, Happy Holidays! The Day of Knowledge! May September 1 be a return of memory to the past and at the same time a step into the future for everyone in their hearts. I wish to remember the main thing: that there will always be a place for knowledge, wisdom, kindness. Let the happy faces of students make you smile, remember yourself, help you cope with all the difficulties and enthusiastically enter the school year, full of new achievements, discoveries, victories!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. May this academic year be successful and favorable, may it bring a lot of pleasure, high successes, great achievements, joy, fun activities, unusually interesting activities, smiles and joy.

Beautiful SMS congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers and colleagues

Since every year educators interact more and more often with colleagues from other schools as part of their work, it is not surprising that teachers working in different educational institutions and even cities, are friends with each other. Therefore, on the Day of Knowledge, they will definitely send Greeting Cards or SMS congratulations from September 1, 2018 to teachers and colleagues who cannot be congratulated personally.

The best SMS congratulations on September 1 for colleagues

Colleagues, back to battle,

Educational and decisive!

Happy knowledge day, first day,

Here's a congratulations.

We wish you patience

To captivate kids

With nice mood

Light up the stars!

Well, girls, congratulations,

More power in the new year!

I wish smart students

So that everyone catches on the fly!

Let the days fly by in circles

Good luck in your school affairs,

Let only large banknotes

Stored in your wallets!

I congratulate you, colleagues,

Happy first day of school.

Celebrating knowledge day

Today we are magical.

I wish you patience

Good health.

Prepare for what won't

A whole year of rest.

On the day of knowledge, I want to wish my colleagues patience with a large margin, health and respect. May the new academic year be easy and fruitful. May each of us realize all our plans. I wish you all happiness, love, prosperity and great luck.

fellow teachers,

We celebrate the holiday

Today I want you

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,

Let knowledge day give

Smiles and warmth

I wish teachers

Everything was always lucky!

Everyone needs beautiful congratulations on the Day of Knowledge. While the Network was discussing what to give to teachers on September 1, a question that is relevant to everyone has matured. And we are happy to share them.

Congratulations on September 1 leaves an indelible mark and pleasant memories in your soul. Congratulations on Knowledge Day in verse, as well as short congratulations on September 1, are most often sought by parents of first-graders and just schoolchildren to learn by heart for a solemn line or write as congratulations on postcards or on social networks.

And everyone needs to strive for new knowledge, After all, in knowledge there is strength, like in a bright star! Study, study, study again It's not too late, not too early, always and everywhere.

Let your head spin from luck, Happy Knowledge Day! And let the book be your best friend, You strive for the new without any complaints. *** A special day today Bright autumn has come, And the boys and girls In unison called to school. And touch the mystery now.

Since there is a holiday, it means that it is needed, And there would be a reason in September ... *** To know, remember everything in the world, Think about everything and understand everything, Be responsible for everything in the world - We celebrate the Day of Knowledge again! When you need both mind and knowledge ... Here is a yellow leaf again spinning Autumn day in the calendar. The world will be born, through trials Persistently hurrying to wisdom! and therefore the soul is alive ... *** The September sun ray carries the Day of Knowledge around the planet, It is joyfully greeted by both adults and children.

*** And again, autumn beckons with aromas - This is how fresh notebook sheets smell: Science, dahlias and asters, Drawing strict lines and simple ones. I wish that the Academic New Year was successful, the Day of Knowledge of School Life let the sheet turn over to us.

Take note of interesting options. We also picked up congratulations on September 1 in prose so that our readers have a choice cool congratulations from September 1, from beautiful words whom you could sincerely congratulate your beloved schoolchildren, each other (if you still attend classes).

This is a great occasion to gather your thoughts and plunge into the bottomless ocean of science. *** Knowledge Day is a symbol of purity, kindness, the beginning of the school year! New discoveries and impressions to you in this new educational year! Let the new training a year will pass happy and productive for both students and teachers.

September 1 is the Day of Knowledge and the start of the new academic year. *** That day has come. High grades, easy control, interesting lessons and true friends, with whom everything that has already been said will easily come true! I would like to wish this day not to be a cause of sadness, but to be remembered by long-awaited cheerful meetings, fervent and ringing laughter, new interesting acquaintances and awakening of a thirst for knowledge, so that there will be enough strength and patience for the whole coming year! Let there be many interesting things ahead, every lesson gives discoveries, and the academic year will be successful, teachers help to comprehend the secrets of science, bright minds show their talents brightly. *** Happy knowledge Day! Effort, diligence, patience, good luck! I wish that one of the most important, very first days in September will be remembered by cheerful excitement, smiles, and the joy of anticipation of novelty. I wish you all steely patience and energy, wisdom and prudence, self-confidence and a genuine interest in knowledge. *** Happy knowledge Day! *** Strong immunity to troubles and infections, optimism and conquering peaks in the new academic year!

I want to wish you happy and successful everyday life, joyful and exciting weekends, great success and unique abilities, dedication and true knowledge, good health and good mood. Happy knowledge Day.

On this day, for some, the school bell will sound for the first time, and for graduates, this Day of Knowledge will be the last. The importance of September 1 is undeniable. Next, read congratulations on September 1 to teachers, congratulations on September 1 to parents, congratulations to first-graders on September 1. Therefore, there are so many congratulations on the Web for the holiday from a variety of addressers.

Parents! *** Autumn day, as a symbol of knowledge, Let it bring only good things. Congratulations, we wish you more joy.

*** Again behind the holidays and summer And the bell for the desk again calls the guys. I wish that the day of knowledge Become a new start for you, And a successful year, So that there is study. Time to study school subjects - Knowledge useful to them will not hurt.

It's a tough time for you right now. What do we wish you, dear parents? Remember that children take an example from you. Be patient, do not lose vigilance.

Good luck to you for the whole year, so that there is always comfort in your soul! *** Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1 to you, our dear teachers!

Lessons so that they were held, So that everyone sat down at their desks in an instant! Patience so that it does not end, Salary so that it does not “bite”.

You give them generously to children. *** Teachers, Happy Knowledge Day to you! We wish you that the Fire in the soul that shines brightly does not go out.

Congratulations on your holiday today, Happy Knowledge Day! *** You are our dear teachers, So kind, so dear to us! So that there will never be sorrows, So that you will always be loved! We sincerely wish you In the soul of warmth, and in the heart - kindness, Always only positive, beauty.

*** Dressy! *** An important day, you have been waiting for it for a long time, Finally today has come, First graders, we wish you good luck, Joy, health, a lot of strength, May study give you joy, Knowledge and success will bring, We are happy to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge, May everything you will always be lucky! In the hands of huge bouquets. Eyes are on fire! But no, not kids are standing, From now on, this is first-graders.

The school opens doors for you. We congratulate you, friends! *** Who's walking to school? Will tell everything from A to Z And most true friend will become. Who is walking so cheerful? There is a briefcase and there is a bouquet. There is my answer to this.

New expectations are full of Their uneven noisy system. First-graders at the friendly school stand in a crowd.

We congratulate you on Knowledge Day, Productive school years! We wish diligence and victories to the first-graders. I wish you, first-graders, to study well, so that you can easily become excellent students, so that your parents can be proud of your success, and the school taught you to know and know everything. *** With the first school holiday I congratulate the first graders, the Day of Knowledge opens the doors in front of you, Yesterday's kids - Girls and boys The School accepts into its family today.

Pictures for this holiday will help create a festive atmosphere of the day when schoolchildren with bows and school uniform they will go to conquer the heights of knowledge and gnaw at the granite of science. On September 1, the first bell will ring. Therefore, we recommend that you keep cool pictures from September 1.

Also see hairstyle options for all ages on September 1st. Happy Holidays!

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