Congratulations on Tatyana's day to a woman are cool. Short funny congratulations on Tatyana's day for SMS and statuses in social networks

Career and finance 20.07.2020

Student's Day is approaching () - a holiday rooted in the distant XIII century.

It is not customary to congratulate dearly on professional holidays. Usually limited to symbolic gifts. However, congratulations on the student's day can be more interesting and non-trivial. For example, you can perform "Gaudeamus". Unless, of course, you know Latin. If you don't know, that's okay too. Present some necessary little thing - a flash drive, headphones, a monthly pass. A large steaming pizza would work too. A gift certificate, a trip to the bowling alley, new sneakers - just remember yourself as a student, if this time has already passed.

On this day, everyone who bears the name Tatyana is waiting for congratulations. If there are such in your environment, do not forget about them. You can limit yourself to flowers, a box of chocolates, a personalized cup. If your Tatyana respects numerology and horoscopes, take note that the number of the name is eight, and the color is blue. Cool congratulations on Tatyana's day, too, they may not be too lush, most importantly - from the heart. And if the congratulating Tatyana is a student, then you will kill two birds with one stone!

Tatyana knows a lot -
Cook, clean, wash!
She sows luck everywhere
You can't help but respect her!

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!
Pushkin himself wrote about you!
You are without a single flaw
God made you worthy!

And the poem is so beautiful
Remember, Tanya, forever!
May your day be clear!
And so that - many summers!

On Tatyana's day to you, beauty,
Let's get really lucky:
Let there be an easy walk
Manage to hit the jackpot in love,

Live and enjoy life
Know how to be friends, know how to forgive,
And never be wrong
To not know failures at all.

With this holiday, Tatyana
Congratulations from all of us
Always be kind blush
And beautiful as it is now!

For wishes to come true
In the very shortest possible time
For you to sing and laugh
Enjoyed life!

Congratulations and wish
So that your dreams come true!
To be more beautiful and happier
Everyone in the world was you!

Tanya, today is your holiday,
Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you!
And this is a mini-congratulation in verse
I'm sending you an SMS today.

I want to live and not grieve,
So that everything is OK and cool,
Treasure good friends
And enjoy every minute!

We picked a bunch of flowers
A bow tied on top
We are going to Tanya's party
And a gift in my pocket.
We are Tatyana at the table
Read a poem for everyone -
Let the beautiful Tanyusha
Remains the best
And a skilled hostess,
And a very faithful friend,
Good mother and wife
Bright, sweet, dear!

You are not Dasha, Masha and Svetlana,
Not Olesya, Katya and Oksana,
And not even Vasilisa, not Susanna.
Your name is the most beautiful of all - Tatyana!

On your Angel Day I wish you
So that everything you dream about comes true
So that you live happily, dear,
And everything you do, you succeeded!

You are full of charm
You are the light messenger of tenderness.
With a wonderful name - Tatyana,
Whom Onegin loved.

I wish you strength
And a light sweet female share.
Beloved, to be loved,
Who was worthy of you.

May your house be as bright as
And happiness and joy reigned in him.
You are the only one in the world.
May what you dreamed come true.

Hello! And congratulations right now!
On Tatyana's day I wish you
Good luck, happiness and kindness,
So that you are healthy

More often smiled and bloomed
You are long and long years.
And may all dreams come true
After all, you deserve it!

To my friend dear
On Tatyana's day I wish you well
Let peace live in the soul
And in the heart - a feeling of paradise.

Let dreams come true
And only the best will happen
I wish you beauty
Dissolve in beautiful love!

Tatyana's day has come to you,
And found many joys
I want to wish you good luck
Protect your love

Let there be many impressions
And a little sadness and doubt
So that happiness settles in the heart,
And all good things happened.

Let, Tanyusha, on this day
The lilac has not bloomed yet.
But you are like a rose bouquet
You bloom, there is no more beautiful than you.

Happy angel day to you, Tatyana,
You are good to everyone, Tanyusha -
There is not a single flaw in you:
Simple, kind soul.

Let everything work out, Tanyusha,
Love, hope and dream
Just listen to your heart
Don't forget your friends!

On the day of the Angel, I wish you, dear Tatyana, to catch the bird of happiness. Let it bring to your house a snow whirlwind of all kindness, fun, pleasant meetings, great achievements, banknotes. If only your beauty, kindness and decency remained the same.

Today is a merry holiday - Tatyana's day,
I congratulate you, as always!
Our ritual is constant all the time:
Let's raise a toast, my movie star!

Tanyusha, may you be lucky:
There will be no grief and trouble,
Let life run at a gallop
And you hold on tight in the saddle,

Don't give in to the years
Let the stars fall at your feet
And may you be your saint
Always protects from troubles.

Beautiful Tanya! On the Day of your kind angel, I wish you to be certainly bright and sonorous, mysterious and fabulous, magical and wonderful, gentle and calm, light and airy.

I wish you on St. Tatyana's Day,
So that there are pockets full of money,
To allow everything that the soul wants,
And so that there is always enough urine for everything!

I wish you happiness, Tanya:
Dine only in a restaurant
Go to the sea in winter
And do not get upset in vain,

Let there be frequent gifts
To make your eyes shine bright.
Always have peace in my soul,
And close to you.

Tatyana's Day is a symbol of beauty and femininity! Tanya, may your sincere soul always be open to new experiences. Appreciate life, rejoice and admire!

On Tatyana's day, student, don't yawn:
Celebrate, congratulate everyone around,
May Tatyana bring good luck
Well, the session - without retaking!

Happy Tatyana's Day, Tanechka!
Be very happy!
Happy days to you
Good dreams at night!

radiant sun,
cool mood,
And everything you want
Light, beautiful!

It's good that you are not Masha, not Polina and not Sveta! After all, your name is more beautiful, it suits you better, and most importantly, thanks to him, I can congratulate you today! Happy holiday, sparkling and perky mood, immense and incredible happiness!

On Tatyana's day, I wish you
Smiles, light and kindness,
Prosperity, good health
And always be happy!

I won't hide my intention.
I want to congratulate Tatyana.
Let them not be similar to Larina,
But I'm not Onegin either.

On the name day, Tatyana, listen:
I wish you, Tanyusha,
Walk in a crimson beret
And be the most beautiful in the world.

Tanya! May a beautiful guardian angel protect your life and give you joyful moments every day. May your path be strewn with flowers and your path be fabulously bright.

Alina Ogonyok

There are many Tatyans in the world,
But you are the best of them all!
I'm sure everywhere
You are going to be a complete success.
And on Tatyana's day to you,
What happened today
I give poems, because they
In honor of you, I composed.
Here I wrote and thought,
What I wish you...
Realized - in verse in any way
This cannot be described.
This holiday is so simple
We can note that
To be remembered forever
This holiday is in the middle of winter.

Tanya, Tanechka, Tanya
And Tatyana, finally.
Today is your day, friend!
Congratulations, well done!
Everything is fine at work.
At home, as always, OK!
Just want to discharge:
Bowling, sauna, bobsleigh?..

If it's January outside,
Snow lies, frosts,
You look at the calendar -
25 seems...
What day is today, huh?
Why fun?
Name day of all Tatyana!
Holiday for all students!

Well, Tatyana, you give,
Very cool you live!
As a student and as a lady
You only recognize smart people.
And you are not so lazy
Have fun on this day.
You cast a shadow on the wattle fence
You are already a day.
You walk and eat
And you don't get tired at all.
And they walk with you
All students are two hundred years old.

A day full of sunshine
The holiday of many of the girls.
Your gaze is unusually languid,
Stars shine in the eyes.
Makeup - a little chic,
Slightly beautiful diamond glare,
And the pendant that was given to them -
It got pretty bright.
But the dawn is your smile
A waterfall of thick curls -
Uncork drinks
Makes everyone go faster.
To congratulate you
To get drunk on your words.
And glorify Tatyana's day,
And Tatyana - and drink - for them.

Tatiana! You walk and eat
And you don't get tired at all.
And they walk with you
All students are two hundred years old.

Tatyana's day - students' holiday,
It brings joy and positivity.
The prankster student hurries to walk
I forgot about couples for a while.

You can safely on student day
Do not open textbooks
Today the student has a case -
Tatyana's holiday to celebrate!

I love it when winters are cold and snowy.
And I love Tanya cheerful and tender.
She is beautiful and smart,
Slow down the horse and kiss so cool.
Oh, winter-winter, my Tatyanochka is strict -
As it gives a frying pan, so there is a dimple on the top of the head.
The snow is covered with everything and delights with beauty,
And the Tanyas of all the earth celebrate Tatyana's day!

Cool poems about Tatyana for adults


On another name, on this
He might have stopped...
But Tatiana is chosen as a poet,
As a confession: Tanya is a mystery.

Tanya is melting snow
Bright spring turmoil,
Rainbow laughing from the sky
Heralding a moment of transformation.

Tanya is a golden pattern on the fabric.
Tanya is the shadow of a burning chestnut.
Guiding light in the mist
Endowed with the power of a talisman.

Tanya is like the heartbeat of a dance,
Angel's imperishable breath,
Because of happiness, it may be,
So the poet wished his Tatyana.

This name is incomparable to others,
Not to take away and not to kill in a poet.
It is not in vain that he glorified your name -
The most beautiful thing in the world.

I don't want hookah
And I don't want an accordion.
I'll call Tatyana
With her sadness, I'm flying.

Come to me Tatyana
Stay right here.
Without you I'm a monkey
And with you I am a man!

If it was Tatyana's day
In the middle of summer
I would verse a fathom long
Wrote about it.

On the green in the meadow
Where are the flowers around
In rhyme they run merrily
Happy lines.

And when it's white all around
And the frosts are cracking
On paper, unfortunately
Only prose flies.

Well, what is the cold now fierce?
Feelings are permanent.
I still love you all

There is a sign - if happiness is hunting,
It is necessary instead of breaking button accordions,
For something good to happen
Fall in love with Tatyana on student day

And since I'm stubborn to happiness,
This Tuesday evening, after the bath,
As always, on the day of St. Tatiana,
For the purpose of sex, I will visit Tanya

Where will I get the desired individual?
That's my exclusive secret
But flattered by a naive question,
I will open up to you. As if by chance

The fact is that in the beautiful far away,
Having bothered to search for harlots,
And without any other background,
I happened to get married on Tanka

And since then, sending everyone to hell,
I am confident and calm
On a student day, I know for sure
That Tanyukha is always at hand

So, in order to avoid annexations,
Every year, at its best,
I don't just enjoy sex
And forge your difficult happiness

And why did not congratulate Tanya,
This I, of course, in vain.
Nothing, then congratulations -
Since February 23.

Erases time faces, names
Over the years, memory can change,
But, only Tatyana I always remember -
Forget it when you married her..

Which day I do not sleep,
Though sober, even drunk drunk.
Maybe I just love
What is your name Tatyana.

Tatyana - Russian soul,
I closed my eyes, you are in front of me.
She's damn good
Charming, I will not hide!

Your gaze makes me shiver
The fire of passions burns in me.
I want to love, already unbearable,
And this feeling breaks!

High pitch, great style
From line to line.
I throw the pen, there is no strength,
It's time to put an end...

There are many women in the world
Whose names are like the sound of a stream:
Marina, Ira, Olya, Alla,
Olesya, Sarah, Zulfiya,

Natasha, Lena, Lisa, Raya,
Oksana, Katya and...Akhmet (?...!!!)
I remember by tattoos
Traces of their past victories.

Their names to me in gray everyday life,
Like a ray - Light through a blizzard.
In my soul I keep Faith,
I keep hope in my heart.

And forgive me this rhyme,
But still I care about the blood
Dream of Rome at dawn
And pre-sunset Love.

But there is one more among them,
Which, like a thief of the night
Zealous heart stole,
Forever stealing my peace.

And from love mortally drunk
I drop the words, as if in delirium:
“As long as there are Tatyanas in the world,
Everyone else can wait!"

Everyone in life sooner or later
somehow connected with the name Tatyana.
Look at the world with an inquisitive eye,
how many Tanya are with us everywhere!
From childhood, we got used to hearing with our ears,
how the girl Tanyusha sobs.
Why is she crying silly
if the ball does not sink in the river?
So as not to be responsible for this crying,
pity her with all your heart,
and in return with a charming business card
her smile brightens the world.
Every year in January frosts
roses bloom from under the snow,
and again against the blizzard
her day will be filled with joy.
We repeat Tanechka, Tatiana...
Daughter, wife, sister, mother to someone.
Let adversity not touch you all,
God bless you through the years.
For someone and the road to the Temple
coincides with the name Tatyana.
And has been healing souls for centuries
the one whom the great Pushkin sang.

On the surface of the reservoir
Tanya looks laughing.
'Cause they don't drown there
Eight thousand one hundred and three balls.

May summer tango plays
buds give birth to a gentle sound.
A slender girl walks -
pours heels spring knock
girl in a white dress,
Tanechka, Tanya, Tatyana,
Gentle, smart, brave,
A girl without a flaw.
Lilac blooms. fragrant heat,
fragrant all around
And everyone admires you
Tatyana, dear good friend.
girl in a white dress,
There are no flaws in her.
Gentle, smart, brave...
Tanya, Tanya, Tatiana.
In the midst of summer, apple trees songs -
the most delicate pink foray,
I want to be with you so much
Hear silver laughter
September covered all the alleys,
maple leaf burns with a carpet,
but I'm still numb -
seeing you in a dress.
And in December, a snowy path
I went home thoughtful
and meet me in white, tender
Tatyana, in a fur coat ...
Girl in a white coat
There are no flaws in her.
Gentle, smart, brave...
Tanya, Tanya, Tatiana.

Tatyana has her own shades
And differences from all:
All - in a row and entirely - students,
If the former - not a sin.

All Tatianas are so beautiful
So reliable and smart
Drink champagne like beer
Waiting for Spring.

I hear a scream from the TV screen:
- “Tatyana's Day is one in a year:
Interplanetary Day of Tatyana!!!”…
And when is "Day Ding", "Day Zin"?

And when is Katya's Day, Vali?
Leads? Luby? There is no their day?!
Remembered everyone who missed
On my calendar...

On this day, ALL: Zoya - "Tanya",
Luda - "Tanya" and ... Assol,
Even - Sanya, even - Manya -
Perform "Tanya" role!

I read many Tatyan,
I met them in bookstores *
And from them "did not make legs",
I read to them about my berth ...

I will not spill salt on the wounds
And calm as metal
Because Tatiana's Day
Coincided with Volodin's Day!

I am decisive in a naval way -
A holiday on weekdays is like a battering ram:

I've been all day, as if an awl in the "g",
I run down the freezing boulevards.
To see today in a negligee
Some Tanya ... It's not without reason

January gives us a holiday for Tanyuh.
And the whole male mass is at the limit,
Sends problems and worries to yuh,
To find Tatyana really!!!

Boutique... Subway... Cellar of rare wines...
I'm circling the department for women's underwear ...
Found seventeen Len, heels Marin
One hundred and twenty-three Natasha and Angela...

And with one Tamara, God forgive me,
For 100 "Baku" made a deal:
She will gloriously mow under Tanya
And that means we hammer the arrow into the night ...

I somehow have no time on Tatyana's day
According to the worker's schedule, gossip.
And at night the fairy of sweet services
With me will tatyanit until the morning ...

Tanya was good
There was no more beautiful in the village,
I did not walk along the edges,
Didn't fly on a broomstick.

They were crazy about her:
For a single gentle look
The guys were digging the ground ... with something -
Anyone was happy to serve.

With a slightly naive simplicity,
(Oh, the insidious female sex!)
Throwing a sports ball into the river,
She gave birth to ... "waterpolo".

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