Experience of the institution. Youth Solidarity Day: cool congratulations, poems, SMS International Youth Solidarity Day in the year

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April 24 is a worldwide holiday - International Youth Solidarity Day. This event is celebrated annually on the day of decision-making at the final meeting of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African countries in 1955 as the International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle Against Colonialism and for Peaceful Existence.

By decision of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the holiday has been celebrated since 1957. To raise and solve the problems of social protection of youth, state youth policy, education, culture and leisure and declared the International Day of Youth Solidarity.

Young people today make up 18% of the world's population. About 85% of the world's youth are in developing countries. We can say that youth is a special age and social group which has always perceived cultural values ​​in its own way. It's in different times gave rise to youth slang and a large number of different subcultures. This is especially true today.

In Russia, the share of young people is about 39.6 million young citizens - this is 27% of the total Russian population. In our country, the category of youth is usually attributed to citizens aged 14 to 30 years.

One of the main problems of Russian youth can be called the high level of unemployment that exists today among young people. One more, no less acute problem, is to provide housing for young people and young families.

Whether it is easy to be young has always depended not only on the state, but also on the degree of unity of young people in solving their problems. During modern history one of the main problems of the public has been identified: a weak culture of interaction between authorities, political and public organizations, creative teams, the media, commercial structures, and ordinary citizens. And as a result - the lack of a field of social interaction, the low level of civil consolidation around socially significant problems, the weak civic activity of young residents of the country, the impossibility of socially active leisure and many other problems.

"Together we are strong" is a youth program. The main thing here is the call of young people to civil activity and solidarity in solving existing problems. Youth rights knowledge and advocacy healthy lifestyle life, young people's awareness of employment and training.

Foreign countries are getting closer every year, and April 24 - International Youth Solidarity Day - is the time to remember this. And for this it is not necessary to go on long trips.

At present, one of the main problems of the public is the weakness of the culture of interaction between the authorities, creative teams, public, political organizations, mass media, commercial structures and ordinary citizens. This leads to the absence of a field of social interaction. In addition, the consequence of this is not too strong civic activity of young residents of the state. Today's young people all over the world should be aware of their rights, should strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, receive enough information about employment and training.

The holiday of April 24, "International Youth Solidarity Day" contributes to the rapprochement of youth from different countries. Unfortunately, at present, many problems of modern youth remain unresolved. The future of the new generation remains unclear and raises many questions.

The youth of our country is no exception and also faces a large number of problems: education, social security, drugs, smoking and alcoholism, AIDS, etc.

These problems cannot be solved without solving problems modern society. However, there is also a feedback here, because the problems of society cannot be solved without the active participation of young people.

The International Day of Youth Solidarity is very important because can help draw public, government and media attention to youth issues. Society needs to show the position of today's youth. The reason for the unresolved many problems is their constant conscious silence. It turns out that not so much time is given to young people.

World Federation of Democratic Youth

As we said above, April 24, the International Day of Youth Solidarity, was adopted at a meeting of the World Federation of Democratic Youth.

WFDY is an international youth organization of the left.

This organization was founded in London in 1945. It is considered to be the successor of the Communist Youth International. This youth organization was a section of the Comintern and functioned from 1919 to 1943.

Its heyday came in 1985. After the collapse of the USSR, the organization went through a period of crisis. However, even today it remains active and unites a large number of youth organizations around the world. Its headquarters is located in Budapest.

It should be noted that WFDY is one of the organizers of the World Festival of Youth and Students. This irregular festival has been held since 1947.

Its program includes not only mass festivities and concerts, but also political seminars, discussions, and so on. The participants of this festival are high school students and students.

The first such festival was held in 1947 in Prague. Initially, the main objectives of this festival were the struggle for peace, the struggle against fascism, and military dictatorships. In addition, one of his goals was the active promotion of internationalism. Even representatives of radical leftist organizations were allowed to participate in this festival, among which were outlaws.

In 1957, the sixth festival was held in Moscow, which became the most massive in the history of this festival.

The WFDY considers the goal of its work to be the unification of various youth organizations of the world in a common struggle for peace, democracy and national independence. These organizations should advocate for the social, political and economic rights and interests of young people.

However, the real purpose of this organization was to counteract American foreign policy and conduct anti-American propaganda in third world countries.

Traditions for the holiday of April 24

On the International Day of Youth Solidarity, according to tradition, youth congresses, concerts and other festive events. But after the collapse Soviet Union holiday on April 24 lost its main sponsor. For this reason, they almost completely stopped celebrating it. At present, it is celebrated only sporadically, and this happens most often at the initiative of parties of a communist orientation.

Today, unfortunately, does not give rise to enthusiastic exclamations about young people or optimistic confidence in the prospects for solving the numerous problems of their lives, studies, and social security.

There are more questions than answers... Which path will the new generation choose? What future is offered to him? Of course, the problems of youth in our country cannot be solved without solving the problems of society. But the problems of society cannot be solved without the active participation of young people. The holiday on April 24, International Youth Solidarity Day, can be a natural occasion to draw the attention of state bodies, society and the media to the most acute problems of youth.

It is important to show the society true position in which the younger generation is today. After all, many problems are not solved also because they are deliberately hushed up, and contenders for power remember the youth in the days of preparation for the next elections.

Combining the efforts of youth, public organizations, the general population, people who are not indifferent, who are rooting for the future of their children and grandchildren, will make it possible to tighten society's control over the observance of the rights of young people, to really improve the situation of the disadvantaged part of the youth, to increase the organization and creative activity of young people in the implementation of economic, social , scientific, technical and moral problems of society, educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, strengthening the continuity of generations, law and order, combating child homelessness, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, drunkenness, moral debauchery.

For each of us, one thing must be absolutely clear - we cannot, we have no right to stand aside from the solution of youth problems, for a further deepening of the youth crisis threatens with a national catastrophe.

Let's leave the problems and warmly congratulate everyone who is young in body and everyone who is young in soul on April 24, International Youth Solidarity Day! We wish young men and women maturity and activity, energy and optimism. Health to you and a happy future!

"International Youth Solidarity Day"- international youth date, which is celebrated throughout the planet every year, April 24. "Youth Solidarity Day" is not a non-working day if, depending on the year, it does not fall on a day off.

The initiative to hold the "International Day of Youth Solidarity" belongs to the World Federation of Democratic Youth - an international left-wing youth organization. As conceived by the organizers, this day should serve to draw the attention of the world community and politicians of all countries of the planet to the problems of social protection of youth, the need to create and implement a youth policy, assistance in obtaining education, as well as solving the problems of cultural education and leisure of youth.

The date of this international day was timed to coincide with the final meeting of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African Nations in 1955. For the first time, the "International Day of Youth Solidarity" was celebrated in 1957 and then it was called "International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle against Colonialism, for Peaceful Coexistence", but over time, only the first four words remained from the original name.

On the International Day of Youth Solidarity, youth congresses were held, concerts were organized, and festive events were held. After the collapse of the USSR, when this international day lost its main sponsor, the celebration of "MDSM", compared with the previous times, has practically disappeared.

Young people today make up 18% of the world's population. About 85% of the world's youth are in developing countries. We can say that young people are a special age and social group that has always perceived cultural values ​​in its own way. This at different times led to the emergence of youth slang and a large number of different subcultures. This is especially true today.

In Russia, the share of young people is about 39.6 million young citizens - this is 27% of the total Russian population. In our country, the category of youth is usually attributed to citizens aged 14 to 30 years.

One of the main problems of Russian youth can be called the high level of unemployment that exists today among young people. Another, no less acute problem is the provision of housing for young people and young families.

Whether it is easy to be young has always depended not only on the state, but also on the degree of unity of young people in solving their problems. In the course of modern history, one of the main problems of the public has been identified: a weak culture of interaction between authorities, political and public organizations, creative teams, the media, commercial structures, and ordinary citizens. And as a result - the lack of a field of social interaction, the low level of civil consolidation around socially significant problems, the weak civic activity of young residents of the country, the impossibility of socially active leisure and many other problems.

“Together we are strong” is a youth program. The main thing here is the call of young people to civil activity and solidarity in solving existing problems. Knowledge about the rights of young people and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, awareness of young people about employment and training.

Foreign countries are getting closer every year, and April 24 - International Day of Youth Solidarity It's time to remember this. And for this it is not necessary to go on long trips.

Holiday "International Day of Youth Solidarity" promotes rapprochement of youth from different countries. Unfortunately, at present, many problems of modern youth remain unresolved. The future of the new generation remains unclear and raises many questions.

The youth of our country is no exception and also faces a large number of problems: education, social security, drugs, smoking and alcoholism, AIDS, etc.

These problems cannot be solved without solving the problems of modern society. However, there is also a feedback here, because the problems of society cannot be solved without the active participation of young people. This holiday is very important, because. can help draw public, government and media attention to youth issues. Society needs to show the position of today's youth. The reason for the unresolved many problems is their constant conscious silence. It turns out that the authorities do not remember the youth very often.

World Federation of Democratic Youth

WFDY is an international youth organization of the left.

This organization was founded in London in 1945. It is considered to be the successor of the Communist Youth International. This youth organization was a section of the Comintern and functioned from 1919 to 1943.

Its heyday came in 1985. After the collapse of the USSR, the organization went through a period of crisis. However, even today it remains active and unites a large number of youth organizations around the world. Its headquarters is located in Budapest.

It should be noted that WFDY is one of the organizers of the World Festival of Youth and Students. This irregular festival has been held since 1947.

Its program includes not only mass festivities and concerts, but also political seminars, discussions, and so on. The participants of this festival are high school students and students.

The first such festival was held in 1947 in Prague. Initially, the main objectives of this festival were the struggle for peace, the struggle against fascism, and military dictatorships. In addition, one of his goals was the active promotion of internationalism. Even representatives of radical leftist organizations were allowed to participate in this festival, among which were outlaws.

In 1957, the sixth festival was held in Moscow, which became the most massive in the history of this festival. The WFDY considers the goal of its work to be the unification of various youth organizations of the world in a common struggle for peace, democracy and national independence. These organizations should advocate for the social, political and economic rights and interests of young people. However, the real purpose of this organization was to counteract American foreign policy and conduct anti-American propaganda in third world countries.

During youth, a person is most active. He builds a career, creates a family, achieves success in society, education, profession, creativity. This activity can be hindered by racial, religious, national, gender discrimination, imperfect legislation. To draw attention to such problems, to unite people, to strengthen the friendship of peoples, an international holiday has been created.

When does it pass

International Youth Solidarity Day is celebrated annually on 24 April. In 2017, the date is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

Who notes

The international holiday is celebrated by youth. The action is supported by activists of public funds, charities, political parties, officials of profile state structures.

History and traditions of the holiday

The idea of ​​the event belongs to the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY). The selected date of celebrations has symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the final session of the Bandung Conference of Asian and African Countries in 1955. In 1957, the first celebrations were held under the name "International Day of Youth Solidarity in the Struggle against Colonialism, for Peaceful Coexistence". Later, they abandoned it and left the first 4 words.

The purpose of the holiday is to draw attention to social issues, the comprehensive protection of young people, to create conditions for their development and progress.

The events are of a pronounced propaganda nature, which spreads communist ideas. This day honors individuals who have achieved great success in strengthening international friendship, partnership, protecting rights and freedoms. Youth congresses, seminars, educational lectures, conferences are held. Reports are published on the pressing problems of society, international cooperation. Flash mobs, exhibitions creative works. Representatives of public organizations are preparing actions. Charitable foundations raise funds to support people in need, for medical and educational programs.

The World Federation of Democratic Youth supports the ideology of socialism and communism. Its active participants were representatives of the USSR. In 1985, it included more than 100 million people.

The youth of Russia occupies a leading place in terms of the proportion of those suffering from alcoholism and the number of deaths from ethanol. 80% of deaths are due to drug use.

Half of the world's population (about 3.7 billion people) is under 25 years old. One in five teenagers do not have access to education.

Today is youth solidarity day. What is solidarity, what is it eaten with, I went in the footsteps Lenin Komsomol and decided to find out if the youth has solidarity and whether it is needed!

Maria. Arkhangelsk.

I believe that today the country needs what it lost many years ago. Common goals of people who want to develop their country. Solidarity is necessary so that young people are not a disparate group of multidirectional movements, but a single team that lives for one big goal - to live in a worthy country

Paul. Arkhangelsk.

Solidarity is from solid, as far as I understand, i.e. cohesion. Every member of society should just be a good person, interesting personality whose aspirations are selfish, but at the same time move society forward. For example, someone whose vocation is a janitor should be extremely pleased and comfortable when everything around is clean. He will sweep even where people do not walk, because he is pleased with cleanliness. However, the purity it produces is beneficial to society. Therefore, solidarity is a nonsense invented by the ideologists of communism as a means of popularizing their movement among the youth.

2. Pavel

Mark. Arkhangelsk (now Moscow)

In modern Russian society disunity prevails, a sharp polarity of opinions prevails.

There are many examples in the literature that demonstrate the danger of this state of affairs: breaking the broom a little boy he couldn’t, but on a twig he broke an armful into one-two-three; similarly, Genghis Khan broke the arrows one at a time, while the bunch was not given to him; Swan, Cancer and Pike quarreled, but did not budge. Discord leads to stagnation and weakens society.

There are not many cures for such a problem. One of them is to fill the information field with the judgments and interests of the “golden mean”.

The other is to rally people around common interests. So it will be easier for them to make their position in society more comfortable, to realize themselves.

If there are a sufficient number of such conditionally independent groups, they will be able, having united, to represent the interests of the whole society.

Young people have many common interests: access to a great life, obtaining high-quality and necessary knowledge in a convenient form, the army, creativity, earnings, languages, recreation ... All this and much more can be turned towards youth. If only she would show solidarity.

3. Mark ( mark_y )

Alexei. Arkhangelsk.

Solidarity is needed, probably, the main thing is that it does not turn into "herd"

4. Alexey

Elizabeth. Arkhangelsk.

To be honest, this question puzzled me a little, since personally I never thought about youth solidarity and its necessity. Probably, in my life there was no situation that would make me pay attention to this problem. I can talk about women's solidarity for a long time. And the youth... Well, I don't know. I do not see any serious restrictions or infringements on the rights of young people. There are a lot of opportunities, the main thing is not to sit in the back seat evenly. Yes, there are problems. The same, for example, low scholarships, bad hostels, inaccessibility of housing. But here it is necessary not to talk about the solidarity of young people, but about the social sphere as a whole. As for youth policy. Be in solidarity with her? Well, it seems that today the state supports this sphere, educating young politicians from its own circle. To be in solidarity with the culture and education of young people? It also sounds kind of weird. My problem is that I don't understand in the current context what "youth solidarity" means. Well, in honor of the holiday there will be some rallies, events, actions. So what? Nice, of course, but no one needs it. IMHO. Young people today are smart, active and purposeful (no matter what anyone says), able to set goals and achieve them (of course, there are different people, but I judge by those around me). In my opinion, today in Russia it is necessary to be in solidarity with Man in a broad sense. With this, in my opinion, we have problems.

P.s. But if, out of solidarity with young people, they stop giving kickbacks, cutting budgets and repairing the "thousander" in Arkhangelsk from and to, I don't mind

5. Elizabeth

Sergey. Severodvinsk.

Well, if you simply decipher this concept out of your head, then young people need solidarity for closer communication, for the exchange of views, for discussing common interests. And if we turn to the scientific disclosure of the meaning of the word "Solidarity", then in addition to all of the above, there is also sympathy for one's peers, providing them with all possible assistance, support with a word, advice, communication, as well as a social and patriotic position!

In general, I believe that the solidarity of young people is needed to be more tolerant of each other, more responsive, more attentive ... And through communication with each other, knowledge of the concept of humanity, and respect for the country in which we live - Sociality and patriotism.

6. Sergey

Konstantin. Severodvinsk.

Solidarity is needed, I think, in order for adults to sleep better. Youth solidarity just did not need. I think 90 percent do not even know the meaning of this word. In general, solidarity, patriotism and similar other buzzwords are management tools for the state, because directing millions in the right direction is not an easy task, moreover, young people are very stupid and quickly succumb to various bad things. That is why the promotion of solidarity and unanimity is so important for the state.

7. Constantine

Youth is a "golden" period in a person's life, its foundation for laying a future career, family, a time of creative and educational success. Unfortunately, prejudices of racial, gender, religious, ethnic, age and other discrimination, the imperfection of the legislative framework of individual states and property qualifications often prevent all this from being revealed. This international event was organized to draw attention to this whole range of problems.

History reference.

For the first time, the "International Day of Youth Solidarity" in its current format was celebrated back in 1957. The event was timed to coincide with the Bandung Conference of Asian and African States that had just begun to free themselves from colonial dependence. The organizer of the action was the organizing committee of the event from the World Federation of Democratic Youth.

Who is celebrating and how.

This day cannot be called a professional event, rather it is of a propaganda nature. On this day, all over the world, "not indifferent" young people, and persons whose activities are directly related to this hyper-active social stratum, arrange various (often quite provocative and ending in clashes with law enforcement agencies) public events by type of rallies and processions (which is especially typical for developing countries), as well as a variety of thematic international conferences and round tables where young people can freely communicate and learn from the experience of their peers from different countries.

There are also various flash mobs, creative exhibitions and installations where young authors willingly share their vision of the world around them.

Various publications publish acute social materials on the topic, and the air of radio, television and online media is filled with documentary and artistic content, watching which, the older generation is nostalgic about the past youth, and the youth finds practical knowledge and advice for their turbulent and difficult life.

Interesting facts:

  • Half of the world's current population is under the age of 25. One in five of whom do not have direct access to education;
  • In Russia, in total, there are more than 33 million young people (according to data for 2018, up to 35 people are recognized as such full years);
  • Young citizens of the Russian Federation, on average, are 10% more likely to marry, and 20% more likely to divorce in relation to the global average;
  • According to the latest data, Russian young people are among the most educated on the planet. According to statistics, over 70% of all Russians under 35 have or are receiving higher education.
  • Also, our young people are traditionally considered one of the recognized leaders of various world youth competitions: from sports and mastering the skills of working specialties (WorldSkills), to scientific and technical Olympiads, and competitions among programmers.

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