Lenin Komsomol: the birth of the Komsomol in the USSR. XX Congress of the Komsomol: we vote for perestroika Delegates of the 20th Congress of the Komsomol

Tourism and rest 02.09.2019


The collapse of the Komsomol: after 20 years.

Why did the VLKSM collapse? How did it happen that a giant youth organization uniting tens of millions of young men and women, possessing huge resources, having representation in the highest structures of state power, could not stand up for itself and crumbled like a house of cards? We are unlikely to get an unambiguous answer to such a question, but still it is worth trying to understand the essence of the processes of 20 years ago.
In the second half of the 1980s, a crisis broke out in the Komsomol, as an integral part of the entire Soviet system. Serious problems in the Komsomol organization were openly discussed not only in the primary organizations, but also at the highest level. So in April 1987, at the XX Congress of the Komsomol, the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee V.I. Mironenko publicly stated in his report that "deep contradictions have emerged between the democratic nature of the organization and the bureaucratic methods of leadership, between the desire of young people for something new and forms of work frozen for decades."
Among the causes of the crisis V.I. Mironenko singled out: “a slowdown in economic growth, silence of shortcomings, a residual principle of allocating funds for social needs, a kind of psychology and ideology of stagnation, a gap between word and deed.” Universal set. Today, almost a quarter of a century later, these problems are still relevant.
In a belated attempt to revive the activities of the Komsomol, the 20th Congress adopted a new Charter, which significantly expanded the rights of the primary Komsomol organizations, including in the economic sphere. In addition to this, in August 1988, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by its Decree, provided the Komsomol with serious tax benefits, which caused a rapid growth of self-supporting youth organizations. By March of the following 1989, about 30 such associations were already operating in the Smolensk region.
Thus, the Komsomol was among the first organizations and economic entities that switched to the principles of full cost accounting and self-financing. We can say that the Komsomol has become a testing ground for the market mechanism in the country. Cities began to create "innovative", as they would say today, platforms for working with youth - Youth Houses. One of them was opened in 1987 in Smolensk. At the same time, the Komsomol was granted the right to nominate its delegates to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In our region, the first secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol, Alexander Trudolyubov, became such.
It would seem that here it is - the democratic "perestroika" of the Komsomol, is in full swing. But she did not stop the crisis. Clear evidence of this was the inexorable reduction in the size of the Komsomol organization at all levels. From 1989 to 1990, the Union was reduced by almost 4 million people, in 1989, 58 thousand organizations did not accept a single person into the Komsomol. The ranks of the Smolensk regional organization of the Komsomol from 1986 to 1990, according to reports, decreased from 130.8 thousand to 68.6 thousand boys and girls. The real picture was even worse.
The first "swallow" of the direct collapse of the Komsomol was the Communist Youth Union of Lithuania, which in 1989 declared its independence. In the same year, the Estonian Komsomol separated. Further more. By 1990, the issue of organizational formalization of the now Russian Komsomol was on the agenda. As a result, at the first congress of the Komsomol organizations of the RSFSR, held in February 1990, the Komsomol of the RSFSR was formed, however, it is still part of the Komsomol.
But it has already been said from the podium that it is time to reorganize the “united and indivisible” VLKSM into a federation of independent Komsomol organizations, which was done two months later, at the 21st Extraordinary Congress. New model The Komsomol also demanded a change in the previous relationship with the party, and the VLKSM finally declared its full political independence. As a result, the Komsomol was far ahead of the Communist Party and many public organizations in the "democratization" of union work. V.M. was elected the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee at this congress. Zyukin.
During the preparation of the XXI Congress of the Komsomol, the Central Committee still believed that there were alternative ideas for the development of the Komsomol: in the form of a movement of political clubs, a movement of scientific and technical creativity of youth, youth housing complexes, student construction teams, an environmental movement, etc. But after the August events of 1991, the Central Committee abruptly took a course towards the liquidation of the youth Komsomol, as an All-Union organization.
Everything was decided at the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol, convened in Moscow in September 1991. According to the recollections of the participants, this congress was unlike any of the previous ones: "there were no orders, no white bust of Ilyich on the stage, no traditional pioneer greeting." In his report, V. M. Zyukin stated: “The old system has been destroyed, and together with it, the organization that was an element of the system must leave political existence. The existence of the Komsomol even in new clothes is objectively impossible.” The fate of the Komsomol was a foregone conclusion, although the argumentation of this conclusion was very unconvincing, and many things caused bewilderment.
The only issue that was actively discussed at the congress was further fate Komsomol property. The Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League proposed its own version: the subjects of the federation and local organizations become the legal successor of the Komsomol, among which most of the property is distributed. On this they agreed: reorganization through separation.
The real property of the Komsomol was transferred to the balance sheet of the Sodruzhestvo-91 enterprise for joint shared ownership and use by the labor collectives of enterprises, editorial offices, and organizations. Cash were distributed among 23 successors, based on the number of members of the youth union. The apparatus of the Central Committee was abolished. The Congress adopted the Agreement on the establishment of the Coordinating Council, which was instructed to conduct negotiations on cooperation between youth organizations for 10 months independent states with a view to the possible creation of an inter-republican youth structure. But no real action this has not been done.
The last attempt to save the Komsomol was made by the Russian delegates to the congress. They gathered in Moscow in October 1991 at the first conference of the Komsomol of Russia, at which it was decided to create a new, now non-political, non-governmental and non-profit organization on the basis of the Komsomol of the RSFSR, namely, the Russian Union of Youth. He became the legal successor of the Komsomol in Russia.
Thus ended the history of the All-Union Lenin Communist Union Youth, an organization whose name has been associated with the youth of many generations since 1918.

Valentin Semenov,
Head of the Museum of the History of the Youth Movement
at Soyuz DM LLC (Youth House)

I All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth
(29th of October -
November 4, 1918)

  • Golubev Alexander Vasilievich
  • Karmanov Sergey
  • Kislyakov* Vasily Ivanovich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Youth Union.
  • Kozulin* Mikhail Alekseevich- Delegate from the Vichug Youth Union.
  • Molkov* Boris Pavlovich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Youth Union.
  • Starostin* Petr Methodievich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Youth Union.
  • Tikhomirov* Ivan Vasilievich- Delegate from the Kineshma Youth Union.
  • Tsvetkov Andrey Grigorievich- Delegate from the Kineshma Youth Union.
  • Schegoleva* Varvara Nikolaevna- Delegate from the Kineshma Youth Union.

* Full list of delegates I All-Russian Congress Unions of working and peasant youth in Central Asia VLKSM have not been preserved. These delegates are included according to the testimonies of the congress participants, collected by M.A. Zhokhov.

  • Bakulin Dmitry Ivanovich
  • Bekreneva*- Delegate from the Novo-Golchikhinsky cell of the RKSM.
  • Vozdvizhensky Sergey Alexandrovich- Chairman of the Shuya district organization of the RKSM.
  • Golubkin Vasily Andreevich- Chairman of the organization of the RKSM factory "Tomna" Kineshma district.
  • Gusev Stepan Petrovich- Chairman of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial organization of the RKSM.
  • Kopenin Alexander Georgievich
  • Kuznetsov Vasily Fyodorovich- Chairman of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the RKSM.
  • Levikova** Lyubov Nikolaevna- Delegate from Yuryevets city organization of the RKSM.
  • Muravyov Sergey Alexandrovich- Delegate from the Navolok organization of the RKSM of the Kineshma district.
  • Naumov Alexey Ivanovich- Delegate from the Seredsk district organization of the RKSM.
  • Osipov Sergey Alexandrovich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the RKSM.
  • Polyakov Alexander Fyodorovich- Delegate from the Kineshma district organization of the RKSM.
  • Shoshin Mikhail Dmitrievich- Chairman of the Yasnevskaya cell of the RKSM of the Vichug volost of the Kineshma district.

* The delegate's questionnaire has not been preserved, and only the surname is indicated in the mandate.
** Two asterisks indicate delegates with an advisory vote.

  • Karlov Vasily Arsenievich- head. military sports department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Kuzmin Ivan Mikhailovich
  • Skvortsov Alexander Kapitonovich- Delegate from the Rodnikovskaya organization of the RKSM.
  • Tarasov Efim Fedorovich- member of the bureau of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Tolkunov** Valerian Vasilievich
  • Chastukhin Mikhail Alexandrovich

According to the memoirs of E.F. Tarasov, the delegate of the congress with the right of an advisory vote was Ivan Utkin, who, having arrived in Moscow, fell ill and was sent to the hospital. The documents of the Central Committee of the Komsomol do not confirm his participation in the work of the congress.

  • Karlov Vasily Arsenievich- head. organizational department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Osipov Sergey Alexandrovich- Executive Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RKSM.
  • Penkin** Leonid Sergeevich- Secretary of the Yuryevets Uyezd Committee of the RKSM.
  • Romanov** Mikhail Konstantinovich- head. political education department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Timonin Alexander Mikhailovich- head. press department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM, editor of the provincial newspaper "Young Spartak".
  • Sharov** Petr Timofeevich- Member of the collegium of the organizational instructor department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Provincial Committee of the RKSM.
  • Zavyalov Vasily Petrovich- Secretary of the Vichug District Committee of the RKSM.
  • Nikitin Alexander Efimovich- Executive Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RKSM.
  • Serov Vasily Ivanovich- Deputy executive secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Tarasov** Alexey Fedorovich- Member of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk district committee of the RKSM.

At the V Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial Komsomol conference, A.F. Dolotov, but in the CA Komsomol he is not on the mandate lists, and there is no delegate form.

  • Abramov Dmitry Mikhailovich- head. agitprop department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial committee of the RLKSM.
  • Barsukov Petr Georgievich
  • Vasyutin Vasily Filippovich- an employee of the Central Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Gorshkov Alexander Petrovich- Secretary of the RLKSM committee of the Rodnikovsky melange plant.
  • Dolotov Arkady Fedorovich- Secretary of the Yuryevets Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Elizarov Alexander Konstantinovich- Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky city district committee of the RLKSM.
  • Zhelezov Vasily Ivanovich- Secretary of the Kineshma Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Zavyalov Vasily Petrovich
  • Kozlov** Fedor Flegontovich
  • Krylov** Alexander A.- Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Mednikov Anatoly Kharlampievich
  • Svistkov** Ivan Rodionovich
  • Sedyshev Pavel Iosifovich
  • Smirnov Pavel Vasilievich
  • Khudyakov** Alexey Mikhailovich- head. Department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Shkotov Sergey Nikitich- head. Department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Barsukov Petr Georgievich- head. Organizing department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Provincial Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Belov Alexander Antonovich
  • Zhelezov Vasily Ivanovich- Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Zaitsev Ivan Vasilievich- Delegate from the Yuryev-Polish organization of the RLKSM.
  • Zaitsev Nikolay Ivanovich- Delegate from the Rodnikovskaya organization of the RLKSM.
  • Inglikov Alexander Alexandrovich- Secretary of the Yuryev-Polsky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Isakov Alexey Alekseevich
  • Klyuev Alexey Petrovich- Secretary of the Shuisky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Krasovsky Gennady Sergeevich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the RLKSM.
  • Kondakov Nikolai Vasilievi h - a delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial organization of the RLKSM.
  • Lopatin Ivan Vasilievich- Delegate from the Yuryevets organization of the RLKSM.
  • Makarov Alexander Ivanovich- Delegate from the Kineshma organization of the RLKSM.
  • Molodkin Fedor Andreevich- Secretary of the Vichug District Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Molchanov Petr Nikolaevich- Secretary of the Yuzhsky factory team of the RLKSM.
  • Nazaretskaya** Olga Ivanovna- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the RLKSM.
  • Pankov Pavel Alekseevich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial organization of the RLKSM.
  • Potoskuev Georgy Alexandrovich- Secretary of the Posad district committee of the RLKSM of Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Semenov Arkady Fyodorovich- Secretary of the Teikovsky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Sennikov Vasily Efimovich- a delegate from the Posad regional organization of the RLKSM of Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Solovyov Ivan Dmitrievih- head. political enlightenment department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RLKSM.
  • Smyslov Pavel Andreevich- Secretary of the Seredsky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Sharagin Ivan Kirillovich- Delegate from the Teykovskaya organization of the RLKSM.
  • Yakovlev Nikolay Vasilievich- Secretary of the Makarievsky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Anikin** Ivan Vasilyevich- Delegate from the Yuryev-Polish organization of the Komsomol.
  • Antifoam** Maria Panfilovna- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the Komsomol.
  • Blokhnina* Claudia Ivanovna- a delegate from the Komsomol organization of the Petrishchevskaya factory in Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Volkova Antonina Mikhailovna- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial organization of the Komsomol.
  • Volkova Feliciata Vasilievna- Secretary of the Komsomol team of the factory named after the worker F. Zinoviev, Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Gotovkin Daniil Leontievich- Secretary of the Teikovsky Ukom. Komsomol.
  • Zhelezov Vasily Ivanovich- Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Provincial Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Zholdak Ivan Afanasyevich- student, delegate from the Central Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Queen Claudia Nikolaevna- a weaver, a delegate from the Seredskaya organization of the Komsomol.
  • Krainov** Alexander Arsentievich- Delegate from the Kineshma organization of the Komsomol.
  • Pankov Pavel Alekseevich- head. organizational department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the Komsomol.
  • Sidorova Elena Kuzminichna- weaver, delegate from the Kineshma organization of the Komsomol.
  • Solonnikov Sergey Ivanovich- Secretary of the Shuisky Ukom of the Komsomol.
  • Khatova Anna Arsenievna- warper, delegate from the Rodnikovskaya organization of the Komsomol.
  • Khrupolina Praskovya Kuzminichna- weaver, delegate from the Vichug organization of the Komsomol.

* According to the documents of PAIO - Balakhnin.

  • Andronikov Lev Nikolaevich- Secretary of the Kostroma city committee of the Komsomol *.
  • Bazhenov Alexey Ivanovich- Secretary of the Kineshma city district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Baranova Anna Fedorovna- weaver. Karabanovsky factory named after the "III International".
  • Baturin Matvei Georgievich- Secretary of the Shuisky city district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Bystroumov** Yuri Vasilievich- soldier.
  • Vezbin Grigory Borisovi h - mechanical engineer of the Kovrov Tool Plant No. 2.
  • Vorobieva** Maria Vasilievna- Secretary of the VLKSM team of the Sobinsk spinning factory "Komavangard".
  • Voronov** Vasily Vasilyevich- head of the propaganda group of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, a delegate from the Yaroslavl city Komsomol organization.
  • Gerasimov Nikolai Grigorievi h - secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region (IPO).
  • Gorokhova Yulia Alexandrovna- shock worker, delegate from the Stalinist district committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Demensky Alexander Ivanovich- Secretary of the Yaroslavl city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Ivanova Anna Ivanovna- banker, delegate from the Komsomol organization of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Kalinin Pavel Konstantinovich- Technician of the Kovrov Tool Plant.
  • Kamensky Gennady Ivanovich- Delegate from the Komsomol organization of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Knyazev Mikhail Andreevich- member of the bureau of the Kolchuginsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kotlyarov Nikolay Ivanovich- Chairman of the regional bureau of the children's communist movement of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Kudryakova** Lidia Mikhailovich- Collective farmer of the Myshkinsky district.
  • Kuznetsov Mikhail Dmitrievich- head. Department of Education of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Ivanovo Industrial Region.
  • Lisenkov** Pavel Vasilievich- Secretary of the Tutaevsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Lukyanova Anna Ivanovna- head. Department of Theory and Propaganda of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Ivanovo Industrial Region.
  • Makashov Mikhail Egorovich- Secretary of the Vyaznikovsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Mulyun Semyon Ivanovich- Secretary of the Stalinist district committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Prikhodko Nikolay Ivanovy h - member of the bureau, regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Prokhorova** Zoya Kapitonovna- Delegate from the Rostov organization of the Komsomol.
  • Rozov Konstantin Alexandrovi h - soldier.
  • Roshchin** Nikolai Nikolaevich- Secretary of Ivanovo-Voznesensky, city district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Severyanova Anna Alekseevna- First secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Semenov Leonid Sergeevich- head. organizational department of the regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Skvortsova** Zinaida Nikolaevna- Secretary of the Teikovsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Smirnov Alexander Pavlovich- Secretary of the Rybinsk city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Smirnova Olga Egorovna- secretary of the workshop cell of the Komsomol of the Vichug factory ***.
  • Solovieva Ekaterina Dmitrievna- secretary of the workshop cell of the Komsomol of the Nizhne-Seredskaya factory.
  • Tanaev** Ivan Nikitovich- Member of the plenum of the regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Fadeev Yury Fedorovi h - secretary of the Makaryevsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kholodova Kapitolina Tikhonovna- tsevochnik Kostroma factory named after Lenin.
  • Khromova Anna Mikhailovna- secretary of the workshop cell of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Chekunov Dmitry Nikolaevich- head. economic-mass department of the regional committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Chistova Vera Pavlovna- tenant of the Shuya factory ***.
  • Yulin Alexander Pavlovich- Secretary of the Gus-Khrustalny district committee of the Komsomol.

* From 1929 to 1936, the Ivanovo industrial region (IPO) united the territory of the present Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. In 1936, the IPO was divided into Ivanovo and Yaroslavl regions, in 1944 from Ivanovo region stood out Vladimir region, from Yaroslavl - Kostroma.
*** The name of the factory was not indicated in the questionnaire.

  • Admiralskaya** Zinaida Alekseevna
  • Alekseeva Olga Ivanovna a - Secretary of the Vladimir District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Boytsova** Nadezhda Alekseevna- Secretary of the Puchezhsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Vinogradova Evdokia Viktorovna a
  • Kashanov Fedor Andreevi h - head of the school of the FZU of the Kovrov Tool Plant.
  • Kuznetsov Dmitry Evgenievich- Editor of the regional newspaper "Leninets".
  • Kurkin** Leonid Vladimirovich- head. department of pioneer work of the Ivanovo regional committee of the Komsomol.
  • Nikulina Serafima Ivanovna- link collective farm named after Voroshilov, Yuryevets district.
  • Odintsova Tatyana Ivanovna
  • Osipov Nikolai Fyodorovich
  • Pavlov Nikolay Dmitrievich- Deputy Chairman of the Ivanovo Regional Council of OSOAVIAKhIM.
  • Pariser Viktor Semenovich
  • Pykhova Vera Efimovna- Secretary of the Kineshma city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Roshchin Nikolay Nikolaevich- head. Department of Komsomol organizations of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Rykunova Elena Nikolaevna- spinner of the Krasnaya Talka factory in Ivanovo.
  • Cherepkov** Mikhail Alexandrovich- Secretary of the VLKSM cell Vyaznikovskaya high school named after Lenin.
  • Varzina Nina Nikolaevna
  • Guryleva Evdokia Ivanovna
  • Kurbatova Maria Yakovlevna- team farm Ankovsky district.
  • Leshukova Kamilla Timofeevna- student of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute.
  • Malyanov Alexey Grigorievich
  • Lesser Valentina Timofeevna- Lecturer at the Kineshma Planning and Economic College.
  • Molkova Alexandra Abramovna- Secretary of the workshop bureau of the Komsomol of the spinning factory of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Permyakov Vasily Egorovich- soldier.
  • Semenov Vladimir Iosifovich- resp. editor of the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda".
  • Sinotova Antonina Pavlovna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Taganov Nikolay Vasilievich- head. the press sector of the propaganda department of the Ivanovo regional committee of the CPSU (b).
  • Tikhomirova Olga Ivanovna- Secretary of the VLKSM committee of vocational school No. 12 in Vichugi.
  • Andreev Petr Vasilievich- Deputy Head of the Department of Schools and Pioneers of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.
  • Bulkina Kaleria Alexandrovna- Komsomol organizer of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Golubeva Alevtina Konstantinovna- pig farm of the collective farm named after Michurin, Yuryevets district.
  • - First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kovaleva Maria Ivanovna- Secretary of the Shuya district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kravtsev Igor Ivanovich- soldier.
  • Melentiev Stanislav Vasilievich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Smirnova Galina Petrovna- weaver Kineshma factory number 2.
  • Shorina Valentina Nikolaevna- History teacher at secondary school No. 8 in Furmanova.
  • Yablokova Natalia Anatolievna- a student of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 2 in Privolzhsk.
  • Bobkova Nelli Ksenofontovna- 4th year student of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute.
  • Zavyalova Lyubov Alexandrovna- Deputy Head of the Department of Komsomol Organizations of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League for the RSFSR.
  • Kuzmin Veniamin Borisovich- combine operator of the Petrovo-Gorodishchenskaya MTS of the Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Kurbatova Rosa Alekseevna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Morozova Ekaterina Nikitichna- Secretary of the Shuisky city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Pisanova Olga Grigorievna- assistant foreman of the Kineshma factory No. 1.
  • Pozdneeva Tamara Mikhailovna- weaver Furmanovskaya factory number 1.
  • Srednova Alla Evlampievna- master of the factory named after Dzerzhinsky, Ivanov.
  • Filina Evgenia Konstantinovna- a milkmaid of the collective farm "Red Worker" of the Ivanovo region.
  • Akhmadshina Minzuer Mubarakshevna
  • Barabashova Lidia Nikitichna- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Furmanov factory No. 1.
  • Bravaya Polina Nikonorovna- weaver of the Vichug factory named after Krasin.
  • Vinogradov Vasily Alexandrovich- tractor driver of the collective farm named after Frunze, Yuzhsky district.
  • Gamazina Svetlana Nikolaevna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Gorshkova Valentina Ivanovna- master of SMU No. 3 of the Frunzensky district of Ivanov.
  • Demidov Adolf Georgievich- Second Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Zubina Liya Nikolaevna- weaver of the Puchezhskaya flax factory.
  • Zueva Nina Ivanovna- Instructor of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the CPSU.
  • Queen Lyudmila Ivanovna- a milkmaid of the state farm "Polkovsky" Savinsky district.
  • Kostrov Vladimir Vasilievich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kutin Yury Ivanovich- master of the plant "Ivtekmash" Ivanov.
  • Lebedev Alexander Vasilievich- soldier.
  • Lokteva Valentina Mikhailovna- Poultry farm "Porzdnevsky" Lukhsky district.
  • Morozova Vera Mikhailovna- senior pioneer leader of the Shchennikovskaya secondary school in the Ilyinsky district.
  • Ovchinnikova Nina Alexandrovna- 4th year student of the Ivanovo Textile Institute.
  • Panyushkin Ivan Petrovich- First Secretary of the Zavolzhsky District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Porosenkova Albina Pavlovna- pig farm named after Dzerzhinsky Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Samokhina Valentina Kuzminichna
  • Smirnov Evgeny Alexandrovich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Privolzhskaya Kommuna plant in Navoloki
  • Sokolova Valentina Vasilievna- a teacher at a boarding school in Komsomolsk.
  • Titova Alevtina Nikolaevna- Head of the farm of the collective farm named after Zhdanov, Teikovsky district.
  • Upadysheva Tamara Mikhailovna- weaver of the Kokhomsky cotton mill.
  • Fedotov Arkady Vasilievich- Deputy chairman of the collective farm named after Sokolov, Sokolsky district.
  • Khrenov Alexander Semenovich- First Secretary of the Volga District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Khokhlova Maria Pavlovna- a reed worker of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Baskakova Svetlana Petrovna- Weaver of the Vichug factory named after Nogin.
  • Bogorodsky Evgeny Alexandrovich
  • Bilenko Dmitry Ivanovich- soldier.
  • Vysotina Albina Viktorovna- senior salesman of department store No. 4 in Kineshma.
  • Demidov Adolf Georgievich- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Dobysh Zoya Ivanovna- a student of GPTU No. 11 in Shui.
  • Efimova Elvira Ivanovna- spinner of the Kineshma factory "Krasnaya Vetka".
  • Izgorodin Anatoly Kuzmich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo Textile Institute.
  • Kasatkin Vladimir Ilyich- First secretary of the Shuisky city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Klopova Raisa Vasilievna- Head of the dyeing and brewing shop of the BIM factory named after Varentsova, Ivanov.
  • Knyazev Yuriy Alexandrovy h - the first secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kravchenko Viktor Petrovich- soldier.
  • Kobelkov Valery Georgievich- foreman of the tractor brigade of the collective farm named after Arseny Shuisky district.
  • Kolodiy Ivan Ivanovich- soldier.
  • Kuznetsova Valentina Mikhailovna- livestock specialist of the collective farm "Trud" of the Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Kuzmina Valentina Mikhailovna- instructor of industrial training of the Yakovlevsky flax mill in the city of Privolzhsk, Furmanovsky district.
  • Kuleshova Natalya Kharitonovna- spinner of the Furmanov factory No. 2.
  • Kustov Boris Alexandrovich
  • Leportov Viktor Egorovich- First Secretary of the Vichug District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Moskaleva Nadezhda Nikolaevna- teacher of secondary school No. 4 in Teikov.
  • Orlova Lidia Nikolaevna- a milkmaid of the Rastilkovsky state farm in the Ivanovo region.
  • Roshina Ludmila Alekseevna- plasterer SMU No. 9 of the Frunzensky district of Ivanov.
  • Rudnev Vladimir Alexandrovich- locksmith of the plant "Ivtekmash" Ivanov.
  • Smirnova Valentina Ivanovna
  • Solodukhina Nadezhda Nikolaevna- weaver of the Bolshevik Rodnikovsky combine.
  • Tikhonova Zinaida Nikolaevna- livestock specialist of the collective farm "Druzhba" of the Kineshma region.
  • Fedorov Vasily Alexandrovich- artist of the Palekh art workshops.
  • Shuvarina Alevtina Anatolievna- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Akulinina Galina Fedorovna - laboratory assistant of the chemical plant named after Frunze, Zavolzhsky district.
  • Barulina Tatyana Vasilievna
  • Bashmakov Vladimir Petrovich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo Worsted Combine.
  • Bashlykova Anna Grigorievna- worker, foreman of the vegetable-growing brigade of the state farm "Ivanovsky" of the Ivanovsky district.
  • Bogachev Nikolay Nikolaevich- tractor driver, foreman of the tractor brigade of the Dimitrov collective farm of the Komsomolsk region.
  • Beketova Lidia Sergeevna- spinner of the factory "Shuisky proletarian" in Shui.
  • Barulina Tatyana Vasilievna- operator of the Yuryevets communication center.
  • Vlasova Lyubov Viktorovna- the seller of the store number 11 of the Ivanovo City Industry and Trade.
  • Voronova Ludmila Mikhailovna- Painter SMU No. 5, Kineshma.
  • Demidov Adolf Georgievich- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Dokolina Vera Grigorievna- agronomist of the collective farm "Trud" Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Zamyatina Raisa Ivanovna- Technological engineer of workshop No. 1 of the Savinsky garment factory.
  • Zamyshlyaeva Galina Valentinovna- weaver Furmanovskaya factory number 2.
  • Ivankov Grigory Leonovich- soldier.
  • Ivanova Maria Fedorovna- weaver of the Rodnikovsky cotton mill "Bolshevik".
  • Kiseleva Nadezhda Borisovna- a student of vocational school No. 4 of the Shuisky district.
  • Kochupalov Alexey Dmitrievich - main artist Palekh branch of the Art Fund of the RSFSR.
  • Kokurin Viktor Ivanovich- tractor driver of the collective farm "Russia" Lukhsky district.
  • Kuznetsov Nikolai Grigorievich- soldier.
  • Lvova Galina Yakovlevna- weaver of the Yuzhskaya spinning and weaving factory
  • Mikhailov Genrikh Alexandrovich- Editor of the regional youth newspaper "Leninets".
  • Moroz Gennady Ivanovich- First Secretary of the Vichug city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Potapov Evgeny Dmitrievich- Deputy Dean of the Technological Faculty of the Ivanovo Textile Institute.
  • Rodionova Lyubov Alexandrovna- senior, pioneer leader of secondary school No. 1 in Teykov.
  • Romanova Ludmila Mikhailovna- foreman of the Kineshma ceramic factory.
  • Sorokina Galina Anatolievna- plasterer of the construction department of finishing works in Ivanov.
  • Surkova Tatyana Alexandrovna- a milkmaid of the Chapaev collective farm in the Sokolsky district.
  • Sukhova Natalya Lvovna- 2nd year student of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute named after Furmanov.
  • Tikhomirov Sergey Galaktionovich- turner of the peat machine building plant in Ivanovo.
  • Tikhomirov Vladislav Nikolaevich- Second Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Tolkachev Gennady Pavlovich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Tyugin Nikolai Alexandrovich- First Secretary of the Puchezhsky District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Shaposhnikova Galina Alexandrovna- a weaver of the Krupskaya factory in Ivanov.
  • Balabanova Nina Petrovna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Burmistrov Vitaly Petrovich- mason SMU No. 1 of the Ivgorstroy trust.
  • Volchonkova Nina Nikolaevna- assistant foreman of vegetable growers of the state farm "Kineshma" Kineshma district.
  • Voronov Yuri Mikhailovich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Gusev Alexander Borisovich- a student of vocational school in the city of Teykov.
  • Gribkova Nina Mikhailovna- weaver factory named after Balashov, Ivanov.
  • Zvezdkina Valentina Kapitonovna- teacher of the Ankovskaya secondary school of the Ilyinsky district.
  • Zvezdkina Tatyana Vitalievna- Seamstress-mechanic of the factory named after Lenin Komsomol Ivanova.
  • Zumakulov Boris Mustafaevich- First Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin.
  • Erofeeva Anastasia Fedorovna- spinner of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Zhizhanova Natalia Nikolaevna- Farm cook. "Kokhomsky" Ivanovsky district.
  • Kasatkina Anna Andreevna 1999-1999 - mechanic farm "Verny Put" Palekh region.
  • Kotova Nadezhda Pavlovna- First secretary of the Furmanov city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kruglov Evgeniy Gennadievich- foreman of the weaving workshop of the Bolshevik Rodnikovsky Combine.
  • Krylov Mikhail Pavlovich- 5th year student of the Ivanovo Energy Institute named after Lenin.
  • Lukyanova Zinaida-Vasilievna- Weaver of the Vichug factory named after Nogin.
  • Maslova Olga Mikhailovna- a worker of a dairy plant, the village of Savino, Shuisky district.
  • Marov Vyacheslav Alekseevich- First Secretary of the Gavrilovo-Posad district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Mitrofanova Alexandra Sergeevna- spinner of the Kineshma factory "Krasnaya Vetka".
  • Moshnenko Ludmila Dmitrievna
  • Pavlova Antonina Alekseevna- senior pioneer leader of secondary school No. 1 in Ivanov.
  • Pivtsaev Anatoly. Petrovich- foreman of the tractor brigade of the poultry farm in the Shuisky district.
  • Prytchikova Tatyana Viktorovna- Head of the farm of the collective farm "Red Banner" of the Yuryevets district.
  • Sapozhkov Viktor Pavlovich- livestock specialist of the state farm "Staro-Vichugsky" of the Vichugsky district.
  • Serov Vladimir Ivanovich- electric welder of the Frunze Shuisky plant.
  • Sivokhin Alexander Alexandrovich- Engineer at IvGRES, Komsomolsk.
  • Solodov Pavel Semenovich- a student of the 9th grade of the Pokrovskaya secondary school of the Lukhsky district.
  • Starova Nina Maksimovna- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Kineshma Factory No. 2.
  • Tropkin Mikhail Pavlovich- 1st assistant to the master of the preparatory weaving workshop of the Yakovlevsky linen mill in the city of Privolzhsk.
  • Cherepanov Petr Efimovich- soldier.
  • Andryushina Galina Ivanovna- a student of GPTU No. 22 in Ivanov.
  • Astafieva Galina Askoldovna- Foreman of the collective farm named after Lenin, Puchezhsky district.
  • Baranov Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Vopilova Ekaterina Vasilievna- Seamstress-minder of the Shuya garment factory.
  • Gnezdilova Tatyana Viktorovna- senior pioneer leader Pestyakovskaya secondary school.
  • - Weaver of the Ivanovo Worsted Mill named after Lenin, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Gradusov Vladimir Nikolaevich- Assistant of the Department of Urban Electric Transport of the Ivanovo Energy Institute named after Lenin.
  • Gribkov Alexander Gennadievich- grinder of the Kineshma plant "Avtoagregat".
  • Gunyaeva Valentina Anatolievna- painter SUOR trust "Ivgorstroy".
  • Kalmykova Irina Borisovna
  • - spinner of the factory named after Dzerzhinsky, Ivanov.
  • Komarova Valentina Ivanovna- Secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Furmanov factory No. 2.
  • Korobov Yury Sergeevich- mechanical engineer of the motor transport plant in Privolzhsk.
  • Metelkova Alevtina Mikhailovna- a spinner at the Privolzhskaya Kommuna plant in Navoloki, Kineshma district.
  • Ovchinnikova Ekaterina Gennadievna- head of the section of the store number 2 Yuryevets auction.
  • Putyatin Sergei Valentinovich- machine operator of the state farm "Voskresensky" Savinsky district.
  • Rogacheva Daria Porfirievna- Weaver of the Vichug factory named after Nogin.
  • Rusin Viktor Yurievich- Chairman of the collective farm "Lenin's Way" Vichugsky district.
  • Selivanova Elena Mikhailovna- 4th year student of Ivanovo State University.
  • Sokolov Sergey Matveevich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Solovyov Alexander Vitalievich- master of spinning production of the Rodnikovsky cotton mill "Bolshevik".
  • Sorokin Fedor Pavlovich- First Secretary of the Kineshma city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Stepanov Alexander Gennadievich- tractor driver of the state farm "Gavrilovo-Posadsky" Gavrilovo-Posadsky district.
  • Fedyashina Galina Nikolaevna- a milkmaid of the collective farm "Our Life" in the Shuisky district.
  • Khasbulatova Olga Anatolievna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Tsyganov Mikhail Mikhailovich- soldier.
  • Chirkina Olga Anatolievna- a student of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 1 in Ivanov.
  • Yashin Nikolai Alexandrovich- foreman of the complex brigade of the Sokolsky MPMK.
  • Aleksandrov Andrey Yurievich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Blyudov Vasily Alexandrovich- a student of the 9th grade of the Voskresensky secondary school of the Savinsky district.
  • Bulagova Ekaterina Alexandrovna- Weaver of the Vichug factory named after Nogin.
  • Vislova Nina Leonidovna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Golubeva Valentina Nikolaevna- Weaver of the Ivanovo Worsted Mill named after Lenin, Hero of Socialist Labor, member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Elovsky Alexey Arkadievich- head of the spinning shop of the Kineshma factory No. 2.
  • Zavyalova Lyubov Mikhailovna- Technician of the Kineshma factory of individual tailoring.
  • Kamardin Boris Ivanovich- artist of the Palekh art and production workshops of the Art Fund of the USSR.
  • Kaplenkova Valentina Mikhailovna- spinner of the factory named after Dzerzhinsky, Ivanov.
  • Klyuev Mikhail Vasilievich- Associate Professor of the Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, Ivanovo State University.
  • Kolobov Sergey Valentinovich- machine operator of the state farm "Kolshevsky" Zavolzhsky district.
  • Korneva Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Korotkova Maria Evgenievna- 3rd year student of the Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology.
  • Mikhailenko Ludmila Igorevna- spinner at the Furmanov spinning and weaving factory No. 1.
  • Novozhilov Vladimir Anatolievich- Chairman of the collective farm named after Kalinin, Sokolsky district.
  • Osokin Yury Borisovich- a student of vocational school No. 4 in Shui.
  • Samarina Ludmila Venerovna- the seller of the store No. 77 in Shui.
  • Sgibnev Gennady Filippovich- soldier.
  • Smirnov Nikolai Fyodorovich- assistant master of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Smirnova Lyubov Alexandrovna- weaver factory named after March 8, Ivanov.
  • Solovyov Alexey Yurievich- miller. Ivanovo machine-tool production association named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR.
  • Sotskova Ekaterina Alexandrovna- painter-finisher of the SUOR trust "Ivgorstroy".
  • Torutev Alexander Alexandrovich- Bricklayer-installer PMK No. 1320 of the trust "Ivselstroy" of the Teikovsky district.
  • Udalova Tatyana Sergeevna- First Secretary of the Rodnikovsky District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Chistyakova Valentina Ivanovna- milkmaid of the collective farm "Kommunar" Furmanovsky district.
  • Andreev Sergey Pavlinovich- First Secretary of the Yuryevets District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Borokina Oksana Stanislavovna- a student of the 9th grade of Sokolskaya secondary school.
  • Vorontsova Tatyana Sergeevna- student of vocational school No. 12 named after E.V. Vinogradova, Vichugi.
  • Gordeeva Elena Evgenievna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Zazulina Natalya Ivanovna- weaver of the Furmanov spinning and weaving factory No. 2.
  • Zastrozhina Olga Nikolaevna- spinner of the Ivanovo Worsted Mill named after Lenin.
  • Zakharchenko Sergey Mikhailovich- 3rd year student of the Ivanovo Textile Institute.
  • Ivanova Irina Valentinovna- a weaver of the Krasnovolzhsky cotton mill in the city of Kineshma.
  • Kaplenkova Valentina Mikhailovna- spinner of the spinning and weaving factory named after Dzerzhinsky, Ivanov.
  • Kuznetsov Yury Alexandrovich- soldier.
  • Lotkova Elena Viktorovna- a milkmaid of the collective farm named after Dzerzhinsky Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Maslovsky Alexander Yurievich- engineer of the organizational and technological department of NPKO "Stankosistema" of the Ivanovo machine-tool production association named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR.
  • Pakina Vera Nikolaevna- the seller of the Yunost store in Ivgorpromtorg, Ivanovo.
  • Polyakova Alexander Konstantinovich- soldier.
  • Populov Evgeny Anatolievich- artist of lacquer miniatures of the Palekh art and production workshops of the Art Fund of the USSR.
  • Pupochkina Tatyana Alekseevna- First Secretary of the Oktyabrsky District Committee of the Komsomol in Ivanov.
  • Rassadin Fedor Alexandrovich- Director of the state farm "Alekhinskiy" Pestyakovsky district.
  • Rodnukhina Svetlana Vladimirovna- a weaver of the Yakovlevsky flax mill in the city of Privolzhsk.
  • Sokolova Olga Anatolievna- organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of the secondary school with. Kitovo, Shuisky district
  • Sorokin Viktor Yurievich 1999 - 1998 - machine operator of the collective farm "Leninsky Way" of the Puchezhsky district.
  • Terentyeva Natalya Vasilievna- master vegetable grower of the Teplichny state farm in the Ivanovo region.
  • Chudakov Evgeny Mikhailovich- driver of the locomotive depot of the Ivanovo station of the Northern Railway.
  • Veselov Lev Stanislavovich- Chairman of the collective farm "Vostok" Rodnikovsky district.
  • Korshunov Alexander Sergeevich- cadet of the Ivanovo fire-technical school.
  • Lipatov Timofey Leonidovich- First Secretary of the Verkhnelandekhovsky District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Mulov Sergey Alexandrovich- Chairman of the MZhK Teykovskogo production cotton association.
  • Ptitsyna Natalya Alekseevna- First secretary of the Ivanovo district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Ryasin Vladimir Igorevich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo Energy Institute.
  • Sodonina Lyubov Alexandrovna- organizer of extracurricular activities at Furmanov secondary school No. 1.
  • Shagivaleev Raif Idrisovich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo Civil Engineering Institute.
  • Shadrinov Sergey Yurievich- First Secretary of the Vichug city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Perov Alexander Ivanovich- First Secretary of the Ivanovo OK Komsomol of the RSFSR.
  • Shlykov Vadim Borisovich- First Secretary of the Shuisky GK LKSM of the RSFSR.

Part of the material in this issue is devoted to the recently held XX Congress of the Komsomol. The fact that it was spoken and argued about the most acute problems of youth and ways to solve them, in our opinion, testifies to the processes of democratization in the Komsomol.

At the congress, a resolution was adopted on the Report of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, a new version of the Charter of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League was adopted by an overwhelming majority (2 delegates voted against, and 4 abstained - this, by the way, was reported by the BBC radio station as a sensation).

There were changes in the leadership of the Komsomol - the composition of the Central Committee was updated by more than 90%, including 4 new secretaries of the Central Committee were elected. V. Mironenko was elected the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee.

Below we present excerpts from some speeches at the congress, as well as interviews that our correspondent took from the delegates of the congress.

M. ASTAFUROVA, foreman of machine milking at the Maisky state farm in the Vologda region:

I WORK at a large livestock complex, one of the most advanced and developed farms in the Vologda region. Our milk yields are quite high, on average, about 5,000 kg of milk is produced per cow. It would seem that there is more to wish for, especially since I love my work.

Most of you are probably familiar with this situation. He will outline the leadership of someone from the team and begin to create an artificial "beacon" from him. He has the most favorable conditions, the best food for the group is imported, the feeding is individual. All attention to him. You look, and went uphill in this group of milk yield. Here, they say, you "beacon". Look up to him.

And from this competition there is no benefit, but only harm. We raised this issue very sharply with the authorities. We do not need inflated "lighthouses". And among themselves have agreed: to anybody greenhouse conditions.

Now we have a new concern - somehow figured out the numbers and thought: why do we have such a high cost of milk? It turns out that we have a large number of unproductive cows that eat like cows, and give less milk than a goat. So why not send these cows to a meat-packing plant, not feed promising cows to the full? After all, food is expensive.

Where does the high cost of feed come from? Well, everything is already in front of our eyes. You look at how our tractor drivers on the T-150 or Kirovets drive back and forth empty, it immediately becomes clear where the cheats come from.

Since such a powerful technique is chasing empty, if the tractor operators are of little concern, it means that the economic mechanism does not work. This means that it is necessary to make sure that the same economist not only receives his money, but earns. So that his payment was closely dependent on the results of our work.

People say: "For whichever finger you bite, it hurts everyone." So in agriculture All industries are interconnected. And all the troubles come from negligence in the work of either a specialist or a worker. And not from what we usually call objective reasons, to which we usually attribute the shortage of personnel, especially specialists. I personally do not understand what it is, this lack. After all, every eighth worker is a specialist. But what are they doing? They sit in the office all day, shifting papers from one end of the table to the other. And if there was an electronic computer in the region, it could replace hundreds of such specialists.

And the situation on the farm is not the best, although the Komsomol organizations of the region send 600 people a year to animal husbandry. For 10 years, almost 2 times more has been directed than is required today. However, to this day average age livestock farmers remains critical. Young people who came on Komsomol vouchers to animal husbandry do not stay longer than a year or two. There is, of course, the wine of the Komsomol here, but we believe that the reason for such a "personnel pipeline" in animal husbandry lies elsewhere. In order to attract young people to complexes and farms, it is necessary to take care of the mechanization and automation of production.

They say to me: "You work at a modern complex ..." And I think, why is it modern? Yes, there is so much manual labor here that strong men, having worked their shift, can barely drag their feet.

Sometimes foreign farms are shown on TV. Look and see. But are we any worse? We have opportunities, we even have a special Ministry of Mechanical Engineering for animal husbandry and fodder production. So I want to ask the minister, L. I. Khitrun: how long will we carry 50-kilogram bags and roll heavy wheelbarrows with feed?

A. MASLOVSKY, engineer of the Ivanovo machine-tool production association named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR:

YOU KNOW, I'm an engineer, just the simple engineer that tales and anecdotes tell about. It is about us that they say that an engineer in the family is a family grief.

The decline in the prestige of engineering, of course, has many roots. But the fact that this problem exists, in my opinion, is also the "merit" of the Komsomol.

I think it is necessary to break a kind of discriminatory approach to a young specialist, a Komsomol engineer, that has developed in the Komsomol. As soon as a guy who has graduated from a university switches to a working specialty, he has the opportunity to travel on a preferential ticket to Sputnik, his portrait can be seen on the pages of the youth press. If he remains an engineer, it becomes almost impossible for him.

And look, from whom the Komsomol cadres and assets are mainly formed - from young production specialists. Isn't this infringement often the cause of failures in the work of some Komsomol organizations?

Today, at our plant, anyone can tell a rather entertaining incident that happened at one of the international engineering fairs. Representatives of a well-known company, having examined our machine, remarked admiringly: "Well, yes, the Japanese, as always, are on top." Our guys at first shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment - what do the Japanese have to do with it? And in a minute everyone understood and burst out laughing. It turns out that the nameplate "Ivanovo" is hanging on the machine, written in Russian letters. So, if you read this in Latin transcription, it sounds like "Uba-hobo."

And these machines were created by young guys, who, by the way, represented them at international exhibition which also rarely happens. These guys graduated from our Ivanovo universities.

The administration of the plant made a bet on the youth, and it was the young people who brought to life the Ivanov method of creating machines, when the machine goes from the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits creation to manufacturing in the assembly shop a little more than a year long - instead of the traditional five to six years. And in this work, engineering authority was born, because nothing tests the independence and viability of an engineer like a machine created according to his drawings.

I support the proposal that we need to determine the role and place of the Komsomol in the management of production. But we don't have to wait idly for laws and regulations to be passed. At our association, at almost every workplace, from the director's office to the designer's drawing board, there is an extract from the circular of the Marine Technical Committee dated November 29, 1910. Here is what it says: "No instruction can enumerate all the duties official, to foresee all individual cases and give appropriate instructions in advance, and therefore engineers must take the initiative and, guided by the knowledge of their specialty and the usefulness of the case, make every effort to justify their appointment. "In my opinion, this applies not only to engineers, this applies to us and you.

S. ROMANOV, First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol:

FOR A LONG TIME, Komsomol work drew strength and ideas not from the youth environment, but from the quiet of the classrooms. With amazing perseverance ideas moved as if from top to bottom. The pernicious habit of giving instructions to everyone indiscriminately gave rise to passivity, weaned Komsomol members and activists to think independently, make decisions, and take responsibility for themselves.

The only way out of this vicious circle is through the development of democracy and initiative from below. And correctly, the draft Charter of the Komsomol provides for the right of Komsomol organizations to be independent in choosing the forms and methods of work. However, in order for this statutory provision to operate in practice, a serious psychological restructuring is needed for many Komsomol workers, and above all for the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.

Drawing lessons from the past, we must also see the valuable, useful that we have managed to acquire for recent times. Take, for example, the Leningrad territorial and sectoral program "Intensification-90". Today we have thoroughly taken up the solution of acute issues related to the transfer of the region's industry to a multi-shift regime. Not so long ago, the regional committee of the party supported the idea of ​​​​creating in Leningrad a Komsomol youth trust MZhK-stroy, which was entrusted to lead the young.

These and other examples, including those cited at the congress, confirm that the Young Communist League is capable of participating much more actively than before in social and economic transformations.

The Komsomol must actively intervene in planning at all levels, including the national level. For the time being, the Central Committee of the Komsomol stands on the sidelines. How else can it be explained that in the Main Directions of the Development of the Country for the Five-Year Plan, in the State Plan for 1987, even the most important All-Union shock Komsomol construction projects are not mentioned?

In our opinion, without sufficient participation of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, important bills are being prepared. Take, for example, a recent example - the draft Law on State Enterprise (Association). It does not clearly trace the role of the Komsomol organization. I am sure that these issues will definitely be included in the Law on Youth in the future.

Here is one of them. For two decades, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions have been zealously guarding the statute on workers' housing from change. Today it has clearly come into conflict with life and placed 32,000 young families in Leningrad dormitories, in fact, in an illegal position. Probably, not only in Leningrad, the entrance to some hostels resembles a checkpoint on the state border. And the announcements are hung out the most appropriate: "The admission of husbands - from 18 to 23 hours strictly according to passports."

Seems to be relevant central authorities are waiting for the year 2000, when each family will have a separate apartment. But today this slowness translates into disorder and often leads to the breakup of young families.

In many Komsomol organizations, there is a lack of bright, socially significant cases that can captivate the young. And in response, more and more so-called "informal associations" appear. Most committees of the Komsomol do not have clear positions in relation to them, not to mention a well-thought-out system of work. It must be self-critically admitted that this also applies to the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol. Proof of this - spontaneous rallies in defense of the destruction of the hotel "Angleterre" on St. Isaac's Square. These events showed once again that most associations are created out of the best of intentions. But among them there are those who are far from harmless in nature.

Under these conditions and Central Committee Komsomol can no longer remain silent, remaining an outside observer. Many amateur associations, not without the help, of course, of the central newspapers, radio and television, have already received all-Union registration. Here and there appear "metalheads", "fans", "rockers", it is not known who else will be tomorrow. They evaluate the Komsomol in their own way. But it is time, finally, for the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League to give them a politically balanced assessment. It is necessary to arm the Komsomol organizations with the strategy and tactics of working with them.

The frank report convinces that the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League correctly assesses the state of affairs in the Komsomol and sees ways to solve pressing problems.

MAYA CHIBURDANIDZE, World Chess Champion

CORR. Chess is known intellectual game. Maya, do you think that the fact that both men's and women's chess has become so widespread in our country that we hold the palm in these sports is like a reflection of the intellectual potential of our country or is it pure coincidence?

CHIBURDANIDZE. Indeed, in our country, chess, like nowhere else, has become a national hobby. It is difficult for me to name the reasons for this: maybe the fact is that in the post-war period, when the country was rising from ruin and there were not enough funds for the development of sports, the construction of sports facilities was not enough, chess, for which nothing was needed but a board and a table, received the most widespread as the most accessible view sports that do not require any special devices, structures, shells. Or maybe the fact is that our country is generally rich in talents - and that is why we have so many chess talents.

CORR. Do you agree with G. Kasparov's point of view on professionalism in sports, which he expressed at the XVIII Congress of Trade Unions, or do you think otherwise?

CHIBURDANIDZE. I think sport requires professionalism. I am for professionalism.

CORR. You have so many things to do - as a deputy, and a member of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Georgia, and the editor of a chess magazine, and a delegate to the XX Congress of the Komsomol. Doesn't it all come down to an ordinary "representation"?

CHIBURDANIDZE. Well, what are you, I'm doing business! As a deputy, he has to deal with various everyday problems - housing, employment of people. My main job is in the parliamentary commission on youth affairs, where I promote sports. This is also included in the editorial duties, for which, however, there is very little time left, because everyone is occupied with chess.

SERGEY STADLER, violinist, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize

CORR. Sergey, of course, you have heard about the so-called "metalheads", for whom rock music has become not just a favorite musical genre, but also a means of self-expression and even a way of protest, as the "metalheads" themselves claim, against double morality, the hypocrisy of many adults. It turns out that music has focused many ideological moments. What do you think about it?

STADLER. In general, I agree with you - some currents of rock music, in a sense, lost touch with music as such, became demonstrative, defiant and, apparently, expressed some kind of ideology. For the same "metalheads", for example, rock music dictates a certain style of behavior and clothing, and even, perhaps, a certain worldview. No matter how we feel about it, it is, it is objective reality and must be taken into account.

CORR. Why do you think the majority of young people prefer rock to the classics? Why is classical music becoming elitist?

STADLER. In order to sit at a concert where, say, Beethoven's works are performed, a certain tension is needed - in this sense, the word "leisure" does not fully reflect such a pastime. To listen to rock, tension is not required; maybe that's the point?

CORR. How do you think it is possible to restore the popularity of classical music? Perhaps it should be presented, as the Moscow Virtuosi ensemble under the direction of V. Spivakov does - in an entertaining manner? Or is it our mistake that we ineptly create advertisements for classical music performers, opera singers? After all, at one time there was a kind of "cult" of I. Kozlovsky, S. Lemeshev, there were even detachments of "Lemeshists", countless admirers of Kozlovsky ...

STADLER. I cannot say that the excitement around the names of these singers was created artificially; it wasn't. It is probably quite natural that the currents of musical culture at any given moment of time are represented by several people, the most talented and therefore of interest to the public; such people were at one time Lemeshev and Kozlovsky.

CORR. But, apparently, the reasons for the decline in the popularity of classical music are not only this?

STADLER. There is a whole range of reasons, the most important of which I think is the fact that we have a lot of low-quality, unprofessional performers; I am not always satisfied with the sheer percentage of concerts of pop and classical music - there is a lot of variety, few classics - and yet these concerts today represent our art. Apparently, to change this state of affairs means to help restore the popularity of classical music. Incidentally, the Moscow Virtuosos ensemble you mentioned is a perfect example of the fact that not only pop singers, but also serious classical musicians can enjoy popularity and recognition.

I don't think that our young people have completely lost their taste for classical music. Let me give you an example: according to my observations, recently many people have become interested in early music ensembles like "Chordus Musicus". I know quite a few informal youth associations in Leningrad - and these associations are not only with a "minus" sign, but also with a "plus" sign - whose members gather and play ancient music on ancient instruments.

I have a wonderful book:

XXth Congress of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union, April 15 - 18, 1987: Verbatim report. - Moscow: Mol. guard, 1987. In 2 vols.

FROM transcripts of meetings, debates, documents adopted by the congress, complete lists delegates and guests of the congress.

AT the first volume has 378 pages of content, the second 205 (by content I mean all the pages except for the appended lists at the end of each volume). A total of 13 sessions.

I I've been reading it for a month now and can't get enough of it. This is the first congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, at which the need was clearly identified and the immediate prospects for perestroika were outlined. The book is bright, light, polemical.

H A week ago, at home, we started guessing on it. All predictions come true. And there was never a need to excel in interpretation. I am guessing fundamentally by paragraph: they are capacious, short, always to the point.

P I will give examples (I will list really all questions that we asked the Congress):

1. Masha asked if it was worth asking Santa Claus for a Baby Bon doll, which can urinate and drink on its own. Please, vol. 2, p. 10, 6th line from the top: "Recently, the products of Baku machine builders have been subjected to sharp but fair criticism more than once, but the struggle for quality has not yet become an internal need of every Komsomol member, every young worker". And the child understands everything: a Chinese-made doll for one and a half thousand rubles is not so good as a gift for New Year's Eve.

2. The day before yesterday there were two cathedral birthdays of our young employees born in December. Before that, I specified in the book how the feast would go. And so, v. 2, p. 89, line 5 from the top: “In a word, at the beginning of the year, the evening regional committee began its work in Novosibirsk. Many things fall into place. A member of the regional committee does not represent, but does a specific thing, and not invented in the office, but prompted by life itself, coming from the youth. The apparatus does not usurp power, but helps those who are entrusted to use it.. And indeed: in the evening we sat down as it should, many things fell into place. The head of the department did a specific thing during the holiday: a session of manual therapy for the birthday boy, which saved him from osteochondrosis suffering, and then he no longer usurped power, but allocated funds for additional youth initiatives, and we went to the store a couple of times.

3. Today my wife asked if she could get a job somewhere in the new year. And please: vol. 2, p. 187, 9th line from the top: "The primary Komsomol organization accepts new members to the Komsomol, bears responsibility to the Komsomol for worthy replenishment of its ranks".

4. My wife's brother young man, a 26-year-old Baptist, already has four children. Every year, a child is added. We asked the book two weeks ago, “Will S. have a baby next year?” And here is the response of the 20th Congress: "The 20th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union completes its work". And the day before yesterday, a message that S. left for the North, finally to his passion, a free broken girl, love with school years by making some strong gestures to burn the bridges here. He also lit a cigarette and drank, for which he was expelled from the members of the Assembly in the Prayer House. Well done! "Bring out the banners!"- so ends the quoted paragraph on page 200 of the second volume, 14th line from the bottom.

P The first volume, by the way, is not bad either, I quote something from the second, because there we left bookmarks on the decisions so as not to forget to check the implementation of the fateful decisions. From the first volume I remember the following decree-prediction: “Today, more than ever, our ideological opponents are trying to speculate on the difficult pages of our history, hoping for the loss of the revolutionary spirit of the Soviet youth, their optimism, their readiness to fight. They are looking for a mythical opposition in its ranks. They want to identify the struggle of the new with the old with the conflict of generations.. Vol. 1, p. 95, line 130 from the bottom. This was the response of the Congress to my question about how the defense of my dissertation would go.

To For the New Year, I would like to make some gifts for all my friends. As you understand, the 20th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League somehow turns out to be prophetic. I suggest that anyone until December 31, until 24:00, until the last battle of the Chimes, tell fortunes on this book. Ask a question, say volume and page and line, above or below. Lines on page 41-on. I do not promise that immediately upon receipt of the question to the Presidium you will receive a resolution of the Congress, but you will definitely receive one before the evening of December 31st (I am not always online). The advantage, of course, is given

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