Delegates of the All-Russian and All-Union congresses of the Komsomol. 20th Congress of the Komsomol: we vote for perestroika 20th congress of the Komsomol

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ALL-UNION LENIN COMMUNIST YOUTH UNION(VLKSM), mass social-political. org-tion of the Soviet youth.

The Komsomol is an active assistant and reserve of the Communist Party. party of the Soviets. Union. The Komsomol helps the party to educate the youth in the spirit of communism, to involve them in practical activities. construction of a new society, to prepare a generation of comprehensively developed people who will live, work and manage societies, affairs under communism (see the Charter of the Komsomol, 1968, p. 3).

Commemorative banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, presented by the Central Committee of the Komsomol in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol. October 1968

Russian communist. Union of Youth (RKSM) was created at the 1st All-Russian. Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth 29 Oct. 1918. In July 1924, the RKSM was named after V. I. Lenin-Ross. Leninist communist. Youth Union (RLKSM). In connection with the formation of the USSR (1922), the Komsomol was renamed the All-Union Leninist Communist Party in March 1926. Youth Union (VLKSM).

According to the Charter of the Komsomol, young men and women aged 14 to 28 are admitted to the Komsomol. In 1971, St. 28 million young people of all nations and nationalities of the USSR. For 50 years, the Komsomol has been political. school more than 100 million owls. of people. VLKSM - reserve Communist. party: for 1918-971, St. 10 million Komsomol members. Ch. the task of the Komsomol is to help the party educate young men and women on the great ideas of Marxism-Leninism, on the heroic. revolutionary traditions. struggle, using the examples of the selfless labor of workers, collective farmers, the intelligentsia, to develop and strengthen among young people a class approach to all phenomena of society, life, to train staunch, highly educated, work-loving builders of communism. The sacred duty of the Komsomol is to prepare the youth for the defense of the socialist. Fatherland, to educate self-sacrificing patriots who are able to decide, rebuff the attack of any enemy. The Komsomol educates young men and women in the spirit of fidelity to the principles of passage, internationalism, and friendship among the youth of all countries, actively promotes the strengthening of ties with the fraternal youth unions, and the expansion of international. democratic youth movement. The principle of organization structure of the Komsomol is democratic centralism. Primary org-tion of the Komsomol are created at enterprises, collective farms, state farms, account. institutions, institutions, parts of the Soviet. Army and Navy. The supreme governing body of the Komsomol - All-Union Congress; All work of the Union between congresses is directed by the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, which elects the Bureau and the Secretariat. The VLKSM builds its work on the basis of strict observance of the Leninist principles of collective leadership, the all-round development of intra-Komsomol democracy, the broad initiative and initiative of all its members, criticism and self-criticism. Each member of the Komsomol considers it an honor to become a member of the CPSU and prepares with all his activities and studies to join its ranks.

Historical outline

The history of the Komsomol, span, youth movement is inextricably linked with the history of the revolution. struggle of the working class, all owls. people under the leadership of the Communist. party for building communism. The living conditions of the young workers, the fundamental class interests, the entire revolution. the situation in Russia prompted them to embark on the path of struggle against the tsarist regime and capitalism. The party followed the precepts of K. Marx, who taught that "... the most advanced workers are fully aware that the future of their class, and, consequently, of humanity, depends entirely on the upbringing of the rising working generation" (Marke K. and Engels F ., Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 16, p. 198).

Under the influence of the labor movement in con. 19 and early 20th century students have become more active in the country. traffic. Bolshevik organizations in higher education. institutions helped the party to rally democratic. students, promoted the ideas of Marxism.

Following the workers on the path of revolution. the struggle entered the peasantry. Noting this fact, V. I. Lenin wrote that "in the Russian village appeared new type- Conscious young peasant. He talked with the "strikers", he read the newspapers, he told the peasants about the events in the cities, he explained to the village comrades the significance of political demands, he called on them to fight against the big landowners, the nobility, against the priests and officials" (Poln, coll. op. , 5th ed., vol. 30, p. 316.) The merit of the Bolshevik Party, organization and protection of the interests of the young generation of workers.

V. I. Lenin constantly drew the attention of the party to the tasks of the revolution. education of youth. In the draft resolution of the 2nd Congress of the RSDLP "On the Attitude towards the Student Youth", written by Lenin, it was noted that the spontaneously developing youth movement needs help from the span, the revolutionaries, especially in the matter of educating "an integral and consistent socialist worldview." He feared that the ideologically weak youth might be carried away by pseudo-revolutionaryism or become infected with opportunism; Lenin warned against "false friends". During the Revolution of 1905-07 in Russia, he raised the question of the progressive youth as a reserve of the party. The Bolsheviks resolutely exposed the attempts of the bourgeoisie. and petty-bourgeois parties to distract the passage, youth from the revolution. fight. Lenin resolutely opposed the underestimation of the role of the youth, called for bolder and wider involvement in the revolution. fight, recruit into the ranks of the party. Dec. In 1916, Lenin's article "International Youth" was published, in which it was said that it was necessary to skillfully lead the "boiling", seething, searching youth, not to forget that the youth "... of necessity is forced to approach socialism in a different way, in the wrong way, not in the same form, not in the same environment as her fathers." Insisting on organizational independence of the Youth Union, Lenin emphasized that without this "... the youth will neither be able to develop good socialists out of themselves, nor be prepared to lead socialism forward" (ibid., p. 226). Speaking against petty guardianship and administration, Lenin noted the need for comradely criticism of the mistakes of the youth. "We must not flatter the youth" (ibid.).

The Bolsheviks carried out tireless work with the youth in factories and factories, in villages, in legal societies, Sunday schools, in soldiers' barracks, in illegal circles, fighting squads, in preparing a strike or demonstration - wherever there was the slightest opportunity for this, they involved her directly. struggle against oppression and exploitation, passed on to her the experience of old fighters. In the revolutionary battles, the young generation of the working class and the working peasantry was formed and strengthened. As a result of the activities of the Bolsheviks, a wide span, a youthful movement, was prepared. After the victory of Feb. bourgeois-democratic. revolutions of 1917 at the plants and factories of Petrograd, Moscow, and other prom. centers, circles, committees of working youth, and then unions began to arise. Young proletarians, uniting to continue the struggle for their political. and economic rights, rallied under the slogans of the Bolsheviks.

The bourgeoisie strove to subdue to its influence the emerging org-tions of the youth. With the assistance of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, nationalists, etc., with the help of such youthful organizations as "Mayak", "Labor and Light", "Earth and Freedom", "Jugend Bund", etc., the bourgeoisie tried to tear off the working people youth from the Bolsheviks, from the working class. The Bolsheviks tirelessly exposed all the falsity and futility of such associations. The young proletarians were convinced in practice that the Bolsheviks were right and expelled the bourgeois from their midst. agents and their supporters.

The Bolshevik Party provided constant assistance to the youth movement. On June 7 (20), 1917, Pravda published an exemplary charter for the Union of Working Youth of Russia, drawn up by N. K. Krupskaya.

An important role in the development of the youth movement was played by the 6th Congress of the RSDLP(b) (July - August 1917). In the resolution "On Youth Unions," the Congress called for the creation of independent organizations inextricably linked with the Party. In Petrograd. socialist. union of working youth was approx. 15 thousand people, in Moscow. union of working youth "3rd International" there were by October. 1917 2170 people Oct. 1917 mountains. conference in Kyiv approved the program and charter of the Socialist. Union of Working Youth "3rd International". In Baku, on the initiative of S. G. Shaumyan, the Internationalist Union of Youth was created. In Tbilisi, at a general youth meeting in Sept. In 1917, the foundation was laid for the "organization of young socialist internationalists" Spartak "", which was greatly assisted by M. G. Tskhakaya. Under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, youth unions were created in Kharkov, Rostov-on-Don, and Zlatoust. Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Lugansk. Under the influence of the working class, circles and unions of revolutionary-minded cross-poor youth began to spring up in Tula, Kharkov, Vologda, and other provinces (see Vol. Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth). Among the first organizers of the socialist. unions of working youth were - Vasily Alekseev, Oscar RYBKIN, Pyotr Smorodin (Petrograd), Pyotr Delyusin, Mikhail Dugachev, Nikolai Penkov (Moscow), Alexander Sitnichenko, Mikhail Ratmansky, Zakhar Taran (Ukraine), Rimma Yurovskaya, Pavel Zavialov (Urals), Suren Shaumyan, Jafar Babaev, Olga Shatunovskaya, Boris Dzneladze, Gukas Ghukasyan (Transcaucasia), Mar. tin Zakis (Latvia) and many others. others

Members of the Presidium of the 1st All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth (from left to right): M. Dugachev, M. Akhmanov, P. Forvin, L. Shatskin, A. Bezymensky, V. Popov, E. Zeitlin, O. RYBKIN, E. . Herr. Moscow. 1918.

Working and cross. youth actively participated in the Great Oct. socialist. revolution. Developing a plan Oct. armed uprising, Lenin pointed out the need to "Separate the most decisive elements (our" strikers "and working youth, as well as the best sailors) into small detachments for them to occupy all the most important points and for their participation everywhere, in all important operations ..." (there same, vol. 34, pp. 383-84). Petrograd to-t Socialist. Union of Working Youth did a great job of involving young proletarians in the ranks Red Guard. In the pre-October days of St. 5,000 young workers became Red Guards. Throughout the passage, the youth became an active participant in the revolution.

Great Oct. socialist. The revolution made a radical change in the destinies of the young generation of Russia. Owls. power for the first time in history provided ample opportunities for young proletarians in all spheres of society.-political. and socio-economic. life. Decrees of the Soviet power has been established 6-hour a working day for adolescents, the work of children under 14 years of age is prohibited, labor protection has been established, production has been introduced, training of young people at the expense of the state. The doors of secondary and higher schools were opened to the children of workers and working peasants.

Socialist the transformation of the country set before the party the task of creating a single youth org-tion, designed to involve the younger generation in the construction of socialism, to educate people of a new, communist. era. At the same time, youth unions sought to unite on the Bolshevik platform. To convene a congress of youth unions in August 1918 in Moscow, an Orgburo was formed, the appeal to which said: "... The revolutionary enthusiasm that gripped all the youth from the beginning of the revolution helped them find their friends in the struggle for socialism. We did not go with those who preached humility and conciliation We are fighters ... We all feel how weak our organizations are to prepare us for the construction of a new life But if we fail, if our attempts to build have not led to anything, then we will solve these tasks all together" ("Comrade Komsomol. Documents of congresses, conferences and the Central Committee of the Komsomol", vol. 1, 1969, p. 5-6).

1st All-Russian. The Congress of Unions of the Workers' and Crosses' Youth (October 29 - November 4, 1918) united the disparate unions into an all-Russian union. org-tion with a single center, working under the leadership of the RCP (b). At the congress, the main principles of the program and charter Ross, communist. Union of Youth (RKSM). The theses approved by the congress stated: "The aim of the Union is to spread the ideas of communism and to involve the youth of workers and peasants in the active construction of Soviet Russia" (ibid., p. 8).

A new type of youth organization was created for the first time - communist in goals and tasks, class in nature, amateur in terms of the principles of its activity, designed to ensure the role of a "drive belt" in the system of the dictatorship of the proletariat, linking the party with the widest sections of working youth, to be a conductor of the party influence on the masses, to play the role of a reserve of the Communist Party.

In connection with the formation of the Komsomol of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) in November. 1918 sent a circular letter to all parties, org-tions, in which it was indicated that the RKSM was a school preparing new consciousnesses. communist cadres. To strengthen the Komsomol, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) recommended that party members of Komsomol age join the RKSM and take an active part in the work of its orgs. 8th Congress of the RCP (b) (1919) adopted a special. resolution on work among the youth. The congress recognized the RKSM as an org-tion, performing a huge job of rallying and communistic. education of youth, involving the passage, youth in the construction of communism and organizing it for the defense of the Sov. Republic. The congress stressed the need for ideological and material support of the Komsomol from the party.

Exclusively great importance in the life of the RKSM, the Party Program adopted by the 8th Congress of the RCP (b) played - a program for the construction of socialism, which reflects the great attention of the party to young people, to creating conditions for their work, education and recreation. Practical the implementation of the decisions of the 8th Party Congress strengthened the Komsomol organizations, led to the creation of new communist detachments. Union of Youth, determined the vanguard position of the RKSM among the youth. At that time, the Komsomol was not the only youth organization in the country. Among other youth associations, the most numerous was the Union of Communist Students, numbering 8,000 people. 1st All-Russian. Congress of the Union of Communist Students (April 1919), at which Lenin spoke, spoke in favor of merging with the RKSM. The Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) approved the "Regulations", in which it was noted: "All work, both among the worker-peasant and student youth, should be united in the hands of the Russian Communist Youth Union" ("To the heirs of the revolution. Documents of the party on Komsomol and Youth", 1969, p. 53) According to the "Regulations", communist students were admitted to the RKSM on the recommendation of 2 members. RKP(b) or RKSM.

Komsomol grew and developed as a multinational. org-tion owls. youth, standing on the principles of span, internationalism. Already at its 1st congress, among the delegates were envoys from the occupied foreign countries. interventionists of the regions of Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus. After the congress, org-tions began to take shape in owls. socialist. republics. They united Komsomol members of all nationalities living in their territories, and were an integral part of the RKSM.

RKSM was an active participant in the Civil. wars; he spent three All-Russian. mobilization to the front. The Komsomol organizations of the front line were wholly mobilized into the Red Army. According to incomplete data, the Komsomol sent in 1918-20 to the Red Army St. 75 thousand of its members. In total in the fight of owls. up to 200,000 Komsomol members took part against the interventionists, White Guards and bandits. They fought heroically against the enemies: 19-year-old commander of the 30th division Albert Lapin, future writers Nikolai Ostrovsky and Arkady Gaidar, armored train commander Lyudmila Makiyevskaya, commissars Alexander Kondratyev and Anatoly Popov, leader of the Far East. Komsomol member Vitaly Banevur, one of the organizers of the Uzbek. Komsomol Abdulla Nabiev and many others. etc. The Komsomol fought selflessly behind enemy lines. In Odessa, the Komsomol underground consisted of St. 300 people, in Riga - approx. 200 people, underground Komsomol groups operated in Yekaterinodar (Krasnodar), Simferopol, Rostov-on-Don, Nikolaev, Tbilisi, and others. revolution. In severe trials, the Komsomol got stronger and grew. Despite the huge sacrifices that he carried on the fronts, his numbers increased 20 times: in October. 1918 -22 100, Oct. 1920-482 000. In commemoration of military merits on the fronts of the Civil. wars in the period 1919-20 against the White Guard troops. generals Kolchak, Denikin, Yudenich, the White Poles and Wrangel, the Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner in 1928 by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

Departure of Komsomol members to the Southern Front. 1920.

Komsomol fought for the rallying of the international. labor youth movement. The 2nd Congress of the RKSM (October 1919) appealed to the youth of the whole world with an appeal to create Communist Youth International(KIM). With the active participation of the RKSM in November. 1919 in Berlin was convened by the International. youth congress, which was the Constituent Congress of KIM. Owls. Komsomol was its active member.

After the Citizenship war, the Komsomol was faced with the task of preparing a worker-cross. youth to the peaceful, builder. activities. Oct. 1920 the 3rd Congress of the RKSM was held. The most important theoretical Lenin's speech at the congress on October 2 was a program document, a guide for the activities of the party and the Komsomol. 1920 "The tasks of youth unions". Ch. Lenin saw the goal of the Komsomol in "... helping the party to build communism and helping the entire young generation to create a communist society" (Poli. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 41, p. 307). He called on young men and women to "study communism", linking "... every step of their teaching, upbringing, education... with participation in the common struggle of all the working people against the exploiters" (ibid., p. 314).

Lenin closely connected the tasks of the Komsomol with the general people. the cause of building socialism. The 3rd Congress of the RKSM was a turning point in the history of the Komsomol. The RKSM began to gradually restructure its work, concentrating its activities on the tasks of the socialist. construction and communist education of youth. Komsomol directed all efforts to restore the bunks destroyed during the war. x-va. Boys and girls participated in the restoration of factories in Petrograd, Moscow, the Urals, mines and factories in the Donbass, railway. country. In Sept. 1920 was held the first All-Russian. Youth Sabbath. The Komsomol members assisted the Soviets. authorities in the fight against speculation, wrecking, banditry. Parts of special purpose were formed from communists and Komsomol members. The Komsomol members of the village explained the decrees of the Soviets. authorities participated in the organization of partnerships for the joint cultivation of the land, promoted advanced methods of agriculture. The energy and enthusiasm of the Komsomol members were also manifested in the implementation of the cultural revolution. They fought for the elimination of illiteracy, for the eradication of religions. superstitions, remnants of the past in everyday life, with philistinism, private property. psychology, ravenous attitude to work. In the countryside, Komsomol members organized reading huts, clubs, distributed books, newspapers, magazines, posters, leaflets, and participated in political events. and cultural events of the Party and Sov. authorities. In 1920, on the initiative of the Komsomol, schools for factory apprenticeships were set up to train skilled workers and workers' faculties (workers' faculties) to prepare young workers for entering universities. In May 1922, a pioneer organization was created, the leadership of which was entrusted by the party to the Komsomol.

Komsomol members are sent to suppress the Kronstadt rebellion. Moscow. 1921.

In the 20s. The Komsomol resolutely opposed the Trotskyist opposition, which was striving to win the demagogic youth over to its side. ultra-left slogans and flattery ("student youth is the party's barometer"). The January (1924) plenum of the Central Committee of the RKSM, expressing the opinion of the entire Komsomol, condemned Trotskyism, without hesitation supported Gen. party line on building socialism in the USSR. The 6th Congress of the RKSM (July 1924) declared the complete defeat of Trotskyism in the youth movement. The congress, which took place after the death of Lenin, decided to call the Komsomol Leninsky, and it became known as the RLKSM. The congress called on the youth "to learn how to live, work and fight in the Leninist way, to carry out the precepts left to us by Lenin." During Lenin's call to the party only for Feb.-Apr. In 1924, the Komsomol transferred 25,600 of its best pupils to the RCP(b) and accepted 167,000 young workers and peasants into its ranks during the same time. The Komsomol actively promoted Leninism among the youth. A wide network of Komsomol political education was created. The country had St. 20 thousand circles. More than 100 thousand Komsomol members were engaged in the system of desks and education. The Komsomol press played an important role in the upbringing: the magazines of the Central Committee of the RLKSM "Young Communist", "Young Guard", "Change", "Journal of Peasant Youth", gas. "Komsomolskaya Pravda", as well as local newspapers.

In the fight against devastation, for the restoration of bunks. Komsomol members learned class vigilance, courage, perseverance in achieving goals, and fortitude in overcoming difficulties. The Komsomol got stronger, enriched with new experience, became a militant mass organization. The 7th Congress of the RLKSM (March 1926) mobilized the forces of the Komsomol to implement the decisions of the 14th Party Congress (1925), which focused the attention of the working people on the tasks of reconstructing the bunks. x-va. The congress was preceded by an acute political struggle. The Trotskyists, who opposed Lenin's plan to build socialism in the USSR, tried to use Leningrad in the fight against the party. org-tion of the RLKSM, the top of which swarm issued a resolution refusing to obey the decisions of the 14th Congress of the CPSU (b). But the Komsomol members of Leningrad did not follow the Trotskyites from Leningrad. provincial committee of the RLKSM. They defeated the oppositionists, declaring their selfless devotion to the Leninist party.

Following Lenin's precepts, the decisions of the 14th (1925) and 15th (1927) congresses of the CPSU (b), the 7th (March 1926; RLKSM was renamed the Komsomol) and the 8th (1928) congresses of the Komsomol put forward tasks for the Komsomol members struggle for the industrialization of the country, the socialist. reorganization with. x-va, for mastering science and technology. The Komsomol acted as the instigator of the socialist. competitions, in 1927 began a massive campaign for the rationalization of production, for increasing labor productivity. To Leningrad. enterprises - the plant "Red Triangle", the f-ke "Skorokhod", at a number of enterprises in Moscow, the Urals, Donbass, and others. centers created Komsomol youth shock brigades. In 1929, the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League conducted the Leninist recruitment of young people into shock brigades. Posted on 20 Jan. 1929 in "Pravda" Lenin's article "How to organize a competition" gas. Komsomolskaya Pravda (January 26) called on the youth to start the All-Union Socialist. competition. The Komsomol nominated tens of thousands of innovators and inventors from its ranks, organized all-Union end-to-end Komsomol control over the delivery of goods to the sponsored VLKSM building of the Ural-Kuzbass. The 9th Congress of the Komsomol (January 1931) declared the Komsomol a shock brigade of the 1st five-year plan (1929-32). In the fight against bureaucracy, mismanagement, and abuses, the Komsomol "light cavalry", which arose in 1928, played an important role. St. 200 thousand members of the Komsomol came to the construction sites on the basis of their org-tions. With the active participation of the Komsomol, the Dneproges, Mosk. and the Gorky Automobile Plant, the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant. combine, d. Turksib and others. Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on January 21. 1931 "for the initiative shown in the cause of shock work and socialist competition, ensuring the successful implementation of the five-year development plan National economy..." The Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. The role of Komsomol members in the collectivization of agriculture was significant. In the ranks of the village Komsomol in 1928 there were about 1 million young peasants. The 8th Congress of the Komsomol called on them to be "organizers and skirmishers of collectivization "and obliged every Komsomol member, an independent householder. To set an example for young peasants - to join the collective farm. The Komsomol put forward a number of effective forms of mobilization of the cross, youth: he held an All-Union campaign for the harvest," the month of the plow ", created" detachments of red plowmen "," agricultural intelligence "and others. Among the twenty-five thousandth workers who left for the village, more than 2 thousand people were members of the Komsomol. Komsomol members transferred to the village the experience of socialist competition and shock work, accumulated in industry and construction. Young workers helped in the repair of the village. inventory, launched a movement for the creation of Komsomol tractor columns, took an active part in the construction of machine and tractor stations (MTS). p!" - this slogan was one of the most popular in the village. On the recommendations of Komsomol cells, thousands of young collective farmers were sent to courses for tractor drivers and machine operators.

Komsomol metro builders. Moscow. 1934.

Construction of Magnitogorsk. Komsomol blast furnace? 2.

Socialist the transformation in the countryside took place in an atmosphere of fierce class struggle. Villages had to work in extremely difficult conditions. Komsomol members in the 20s - early. 30s The kulaks used material difficulties, a low level of culture, centuries-old traditions of piety and superstition, slander and public insults (the Komsomol girls especially suffered from them) against the Komsomol members. In bestial malice, the enemies of the Sov. the authorities were often beaten and killed from around the corner. Hundreds of Komsomol members, girls and boys, died in the struggle for new life villages.

Komsomol actively participated in the cultural revolution. The 8th Congress of the Komsomol announced the All-Union Cult Campaign to Eliminate Illiteracy. "Shock detachments for educational program" were created, thousands of Komsomol members joined the ranks of the "cult members". They taught the illiterate, created new educational programs, opened reading rooms and libraries. In 1930, the Komsomol took patronage of general education and initiated the creation of two-year evening schools for the semi-literate. During the years of the 1st Five-Year Plan, approx. 45 million people During the socialist construction, there were urgent problems of training qualifiers. personnel, the creation of a new, socialist. intelligentsia. The Komsomol announced a campaign of youth in science. In 1928-29, 15,000 people went to study at workers' schools on Komsomol vouchers, 20,000 went to preparatory courses for universities, and 30,000 to universities and technical schools. In 1934, the working stratum among students reached 47.9 percent. At the initiative of the Komsomol, a new, mass form of technical. training of workers - the technical minimum (in 1934, 814 thousand workers passed the technical minimum).

Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR on the patronage of the Komsomol over the Air Force. 1931.

In 1935, following the example of young workers: miner Alexei Stakhanov, locomotive driver Pyotr Krivonos, weavers Evdokia and Maria Vinogradovs, milling machine Ivan Gudov, and others, and young collective farmers Maria Demchenko, Praskovya Angelina, and others, a mass movement of Stakhanovites began. It marked new stage in the socialist competition. The Lenin Komsomol was the party's most active assistant in the development of the Stakhanov movement.

The 10th Congress of the Komsomol (April 1936) went down in history as a congress of young victors of socialism. Among the delegates were 135 order-bearers, hundreds of young innovators of industry and from. x-va. The congress assured the party of "... full readiness of everything Lenin Komsomol fulfill to the end their duties in building a communist society, in defending the socialist fatherland from the attacks of the enemies of socialism "(Tenth Congress of the Komsomol. Verbatim report, vol. 1, 1936, p. 10).

After the congress of the Komsomol, without weakening participation in the household. and Mrs. construction, which means that attention is paid to ideological. education of youth, organization of its education, physical education. development of boys and girls, preparing them for the defense of the socialist. conquests. The Komsomol devotes a lot of energy to the development of the defense industry and the industries associated with it, in particular ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and oil production. The envoys of the Komsomol participated in the creation of the "Second Baku", the construction of the Amurstal plant, the Komsomol patronizes the construction of new cruisers, submarines, destroyers, aircraft, tanks, etc., strengthens patronage ties with the Military.- sea (since 1922) and Voyen.-Vozd. (since 1931) fleets. The Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League conducted a massive military-technical. Komsomol exam. OK. 1 million members The VLKSM became "Voroshilov Strelka", more than 5 million passed the norms of air defense, anti-chemical defense, military. topography, etc. military. specialties. Only in 1936 the norms for the "Ready for Labor and Defense" badge passed approx. 4 million people On behalf of the party, the Komsomol was engaged in manning the military. schools. As of July 1, 1940, among the officers of the Red Army there were 56.4% communists and 22.1% Komsomol members. VLKSM did a lot of work in Kommuiistich. Youth International, striving to create a united front to fight fascism, against the threat of world war.

A severe test for all owls. people, his younger generation was the Great Fatherland, the war of 1941-45. Komsomol, all owls. youth by the call of the Communist. parties came out to fight German-fascist. invaders. Already in the first year of the war, approx. 2 million Komsomol members. Unprecedented courage, bravery, heroism were shown by Komsomol members, young men and women, defending Brest, Liepaja, Odessa, Sevastopol, Smolensk, Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Stalingrad, other cities and regions of the country from the enemy. Only the Komsomol organization of Moscow and the region in the first 5 months of the war sent St. 300 thousand people; 90% of Lenipgr members. org-tion VLKSM fought with German-Fash. invaders on the outskirts of the city of Lenin. Fearlessly, young partisans and underground fighters of Belarus, the occupied regions of the RSFSR, Ukraine, and the Baltic states acted behind enemy lines. Partiz. 30-45% of the detachments consisted of Komsomol members. Unparalleled heroism was shown by members of the underground Komsomol organizations - "Young guards"(Krasnodon), "Partisan spark"(Nikolaev region), Lyudinovskoy underground Komsomol group(Kaluga region), Komsomol underground members of the village. Obol (Vitebsk region), Khotyn (Bukovina), Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR), etc.

Komsomol members worked selflessly in the rear, providing the front with everything necessary. On the shoulders of the youth, who came to the enterprises in exchange for those drafted into the army, lay, therefore, part of the front-line orders. Komsomol members put forward the slogan: "Work for yourself and for a comrade who has gone to the front!" In youth collectives, a movement has unfolded for overfulfillment of production, tasks by 2-3 or more times (two-hundred, three-hundred, thousand, multi-machine). By the end of the war in the industry there was St. 154 thousand front-line Komsomol youth brigades. Due to work on Sundays, during overtime hours, young people contributed tens of millions of rubles to the country's defense fund. Boys and girls, teenagers, along with women, became the main. by force in x-ve. 70% prepared villages. machine operators at that time were young people.

In 1941-45, approx. 12 million boys and girls. Of the 7 thousand Heroes of the Owls. Union under the age of 30, 3.5 thousand are Komsomol members (of which 60 are twice Heroes of the Soviet Union), 3.5 million Komsomol members were awarded orders and medals. The names of members of the Komsomol who fell in the fight against fascist. invaders: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Chekalin, Lisa Chaikina, Alexander Matrosov, Yuri Smirnov, Viktor Talalikhin, Grigory Kagamlyk, Gafur Mamedov, Alexander Passar, Marita Melnikayte, Imant Sudmalis, Noah Adamiy, Theodosius Smolyachkov and many others. others - have become a symbol of courage, courage, heroism. For outstanding services to the Motherland during the years of the Great Fatherland, the war and for the great work in educating owls. youth in the spirit of selfless devotion to the socialist. Fatherland Komsomol Decree of the Presidium of the Upper. Council of the USSR June 14, 1945 was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Enormous work was invested by the Komsomol in the restoration of the destroyed German-Fash. the invaders x-va, in the construction of Minsk, Smolensk, Stalingrad, in the restoration of Leningrad, Kharkov, Kursk, Voronezh, Sevastopol, Odessa, Rostov-on-Don and many others. other cities, in the revival of industry and the cities of Donbass, Dneproges, collective farms, state farms and MTS. In 1948 alone, 6,200 villages were built and commissioned by the youth. power plants. The Komsomol showed great concern for the placement of children and adolescents left without parents, for expanding the network of orphanages and crafts. schools, construction of schools.

In the 40-50s. Komsomol helped to build large hydraulic engineering. structures (Volga-Don Canal), powerful hydroelectric stations (Volzhskaya named after Lenin, Kuibyshevskaya, Kakhovskaya, etc.). The innovative spirit of young workers, engineers and technicians was clearly manifested. Komsomol members Genrikh Bortkevich, Pavel Bykov, Serafima Kotova, Maria Volkova and many others. etc., combining in their work excellent skills and engineering. thought, boldly broke obsolete technical. norms, fought for increasing labor productivity, saving materials, reducing costs and producing above-plan products.

In 1948, the Komsomol celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. Oct 28 1948 Presidium Top. The Soviet of the USSR awarded the Komsomol with the second Order of Lenin.

The Komsomol took an active part in the implementation of measures developed by the party to raise the village. x-va. Thousands of young specialists, workers and employees, graduates of secondary schools were sent to state farms, collective farms, MTS. In 1954-55, on the Komsomol vouchers for the development of the virgin lands of Kazakhstan, Altai, and Siberia, St. 350 thousand young people. Their work was a real feat. Decree of the Presidium of the Top. Council of the USSR for active participation in the communist. construction and especially for the development of virgin lands of the Komsomol 5 Nov. 1956 was awarded the third Order of Lenin.

Volunteer students from Leningrad go to the front of the Great Patriotic War 1941-45.

Of great importance in the activities of the Komsomol were the 20th Congress of the CPSU (1956) and subsequent events of the Communist. parties and Soviet pr-va aimed at overcoming the personality cult of Stalin, alien to Marxism-Leninism, at the restoration of Leninist norms in the party, and social and political. life. The 20th Congress of the CPSU, noting the merits of the Komsomol, at the same time revealed serious shortcomings in ideological education. Komsomol work. The congress noted that "Komsomol organizations are sometimes unable to involve the youth in practical work, they replace live organizational work with resolutions, pomp and hype" ("CPSU in resolutions ...", 7th ed., Part 4, 1960. p. 142) . The 13th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (April 1958) worked out, on the basis of the decisions of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, measures for the activation of the Komsomol in the Communist Party. construction, to expand Komsomol democracy. Implementing the decision of the 13th Congress of the Komsomol, the Komsomol took patronage over the construction of ferrous metallurgy enterprises, chemical. prom-sti and the most important new buildings of the country. In 1958-61, on Komsomol vouchers, 800,000 young men and women went to the most important construction sites of the seven-year plan. During 1961-66, up to 1050 prom. objects.

A detachment of Crimean partisans, awarded the banner of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, during the liberation of Simferopol. April 1944.

At the end of 1958, the Komsomol members, together with the communists, became the initiators of the mass movement for the communist. work. The youth workshop of the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya depot was the first to be awarded the title of a communist collective. labor.

Komsomol organizations of the village directed their energy to the successful solution of the most important obshchenar. tasks - to create an abundance of agricultural products in the country. products. The youth showed initiative in the mechanization of livestock breeders. farms and improving the culture of agriculture.

Importance in the history of the Komsomol was the 22nd Congress of the CPSU (1961), which adopted a new Party Program. The congress gave great attention youth, highly appreciated the activities of the Komsomol. The program of the CPSU has become a combat program for the activities of the Komsomol, for all youth. The 14th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (April 1962) worked out concrete ways of solving the tasks of the Communist Party. construction.

The 15th Congress of the Komsomol (May 1966), based on the decisions of the 23rd Congress of the CPSU (1966), determined further tasks for the communist. education of youth, to implement a new five-year plan for the development of the people. x-va USSR for 1966-70.

The 16th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (May 1970) summed up the results of the work of the Komsomol in solving the tasks set, determined the direction of further activity in the education of young men and women in the spirit of Lenin's precepts. The 16th congress called on Komsomol members, all the youth of the USSR to take a massive part in scientific and technical. revolution, improving the organization of production and its management. The role of youth in politics is great. and owner the life of the country. Modern the country's young generation is a multimillion-strong army of skilled workers, builders, and rural workers. x-va, engineers, technicians, agronomists, scientists, workers of education, health care, culture, military personnel. Half of those working in trom-sti and construction, approx. 40% of peaks with. x-va is the youth. ZLKSM attracts her to work on increasing the efficiency of societies, production, development and implementation new technology, considering this as a specific task of the participation of the Komsomol in the implementation of economic. party politics. Significantly expanded the scope of the VLKSM in solving people's households. problems, in particular in the development of the wealth of Siberia, the Far East and the Far North, in the redistribution of the country's labor resources. In 1966-70 alone, the Komsomol sent 300,000 young volunteers to the most important new buildings. With the most active participation of the youth, approx. 1500 important facilities, including the largest in the world - the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, railway. the village of Abakan - Taishet, the Druzhba oil pipeline, etc. In 1970, the Komsomol sponsored 100 shock construction projects, including the development of unique oils. and gas wealth of the Tyumen and Tomsk regions, actively participated in chemicalization and land reclamation (among the country's reclamators in 1970, 100 thousand boys and girls), paid great attention to the service sector (where 200 thousand Komsomol members were sent in 1969).

Komsomol annually organizes reviews to find and use reserves of production: competitions for innovators and inventors; exhibitions of young innovators; competitions of young workers in professions for the title - the best turner, the best milling machine operator, the best plowman, etc. The Komsomol began a mass movement to master the latest achievements of science and technology. The number of participants in the All-Union review of technical. youth creativity - "Five-Year Plan - skill and search for the young" has grown from 2 million (1967) to 7 million (1970).

Student construction teams have become a tradition of university Komsomol members. The scale of their households. activities are expanding every year. 1 million students took part in four working semesters (1966-69). They completed the production, the program for the amount of St. 1.5 billion rubles New forms of youth participation in the management of production, in households have arisen. construction. Among them is the Komsomol Searchlight, which develops the best traditions of the Light Cavalry detachments, and conducts creative work. search for reserves of production. In 1968 ca. 4 million young enthusiasts became participants in the raid for savings and frugality. The work of young patriots is highly marked by the Motherland. 600,000 Komsomol members were awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor. In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of V. I. Lenin."

The cultural level of the Komsomol members has grown considerably. In 1970, in the ranks of the Komsomol, St. 1.8 million engineers and technicians, specialists from. x-va, scientists, workers of culture, health care, teachers. Among workers in science, 56% are people under the age of 30 (June 1, 1967). Komsomol, together with trade unions and cultural institutions, organizes the work of groups of arts, amateur performances, creative. associations, interest clubs. Tens of millions of boys and girls go in for sports, clubs and sections. On the initiative of the Komsomol, creative events are held. seminars for young writers, poets, playwrights, exhibitions of young artists, youth film screenings. Young talents are awarded annual prizes of the Lenin Komsomol: for the best achievements in the field of literature and art (established in March 1966), science and technology (established in June 1967), for active participation in scientific and technical. progress (established in May 1970).

All-Union shock Komsomol building Talnakh. October 1964

Komsomol is an active propagandist of the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, revolutionary, fighting, labor traditions of the Communist. parties, owls. people, is doing a lot of work on the education of young people on the example of the life and work of V. I. Lenin and his associates. Widespread received "Lenin's lessons", combining the study of theoretical. heritage of Lenin with the application of the acquired knowledge in practice. More than 7 million boys and girls in 1970 were engaged in the Komsomol political system. enlightenment. The Komsomol holds competitions for students. works on the problems of societies and sciences (in 1969-70, about 800 thousand students took part in it). In 1969-70, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Lenin, and in 1971, in honor of the 24th Congress of the CPSU, the Komsomol held the All-Union Lenin Test. Tens of millions of Komsomol members reported to the party, the people on how they study Lenin's theoretical. heritage, how Lenin's precepts are put into practice, how they participate in the communist. construction, increase their general education, cultural and technical. the level that the societies are doing, the work.

In 1971, the Komsomol had 226 youth, pioneer, and children's newspapers and magazines in 22 languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR. Center, bodies of the Central Committee of the Komsomol - gas. "TVNZ"(awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of the Fatherland, War of the 1st degree; from January 1, 1971, the circulation was 7.9 million copies) and gas. "Pionerskaya Pravda" (awarded the Order of Lenin, circulation 9.8 million copies). Center, magazines: "Komsomolskaya Zhizn" (1.39 million copies), "Young Communist" (860 thousand), "Rural Youth" (1.01 million), "Change" (1.0 million) , "Pioneer" (1.35 million), "Technology - Youth" (1.6 million), "Murzilka" (5.6 million), etc. The single circulation of all publications in 1970 was 63 million copies. The Central Committee of the Komsomol has a publishing house - "Young Guard", the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Ukraine - "Youth", the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Uzbekistan - "Yosh Guard". In 1966-70 "Young Guard" released approx. 1500 books (total circulation over 120 million copies). In 1970 there were 149 youth editorial offices for radio broadcasting and 125 for television.

The Komsomol is the initiator of all-Union campaigns to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory, in which millions of young men and women take part. The participants in these campaigns in 1966-69 created St. 60 thousand museums and halls of fame, installed approx. 40 thousand monuments, obelisks and plaques. The museums of A. Matrosov, L. Chaikina, the Young Guard, the Lyudin underground, and the defenders of the Caucasus were built.

In 1969-70, the Komsomol held the All-Union review of sports and defense mass work and an exam in physical education. and military-technical. youth training. The children's and youth competitions "Golden Puck", "Leather Ball", "Olympic Spring", "Neptune", etc., held by the Central Committee of the Komsomol, became truly massive. In 1966-1970, St. 23 million young athletes, and in the all-Union military-sports game "Zarnitsa" 21 million.

Komsomol participates in the management of the affairs of the Soviet. roc. Its representatives work in the state, trade union bodies, in the bodies of people. control, culture and sports. In the composition of the top. Council of the USSR in 1970 elected 281 deputies under the age of 30, 10% of all deputies. The Soviets of the Union and Autonomous Republics were made up of young people; there were more than 493 thousand young people under the age of 29 in the local Soviets of Working People's Deputies, of which St. 260 thousand - members of the Komsomol. VLKSM, expressing and defending the interests of the entire owls. youth, takes part in the development of laws and regulations on labor, education, recreation and life of youth. Of great importance is the creation (1968) of permanent deputy commissions for youth affairs in the Upper. Soviets of the USSR and republics, regional, regional, district, city and district Soviets of Working People's Deputies. In 1969, 65,000 deputies worked in 10,000 of these commissions. Komsomol committees are given the right, together with trade unions and households. bodies to participate in resolving issues related to the admission and dismissal of young people, bonuses for young workers, collective farmers, employees, labor protection for adolescents, the distribution of apartments, places in hostels, the use of funds intended. on the development of mass cultural and sports activities. Komsomol contributes to the development of the individuality of each young man seeks in its work to take into account the needs and interests of young people, the diversity of their personal qualities, inclinations, talents.

The Komsomol shows great concern for the training and retraining of Komsomol cadres. Created in Feb. 1945 Center, Komsomol school in 1969 was reorganized into the Higher Komsomol School under the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, 22 zonal and rep. Komsomol schools. VLKSM has no state. subsidies. Its budget is formed from the receipt of membership dues, den. accumulations of youth publishing houses, magazines and newspapers, etc.

VLKSM is one of the most powerful combat units of the international. communist and democratic. youth movement. In 1970, the Komsomol and Soviets. youth organizations collaborated with international, regional, national. and local youth associations in 129 countries of the world. The VLKSM attaches paramount importance to the strengthening of fraternal relations with the youth unions of the socialist. countries. The VLKSM is developing ties with the advanced detachments of the capitalist youth. countries - communist. youth organizations, assists their peers in Asia, Africa and Lat. America, fighting against colonialism, for nat. independence, democracy and socialism. Komsomol pays great attention to strengthening and expanding the influence of the World Federation of Democratic. Youth and International student union. Between the 15th and 16th congresses of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League in the USSR, 42 international meetings were held. events, including the meeting "October and youth", the seminar "V. I. Lenin and modern world", scientific conferences "KIM, its revolutionary traditions and modernity", festivals, weeks of friendship between the youth of the USSR and the youth of many countries of the world. In 1971, at the suggestion of the Komsomol, a worldwide action "Youth exposes imperialism" was held. Youth opr-tions of the USSR (KMO USSR) - a public organization that promotes the further strengthening of friendship and cooperation between owls. youth with youth from other countries. On May 10, 1958, the Bureau of International youth tourism "Sputnik". As a result of his activities in 1966-69, more than 270 thousand boys and girls from foreign countries visited the USSR; OK. 200 thousand owls. boys and girls made tourism. trips abroad.

The Oath of the Youth of the USSR, adopted on September 11, 1966 on Red Square in Moscow.

In 1968 owls. The youth and all the people celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol. For outstanding services and a great contribution of Komsomol members to the formation and strengthening of the Sov. power, courage and heroism shown in battles with the enemies of the socialist. Fatherland, active participation in the construction of socialism, for fruitful work on the political. education of the younger generations in the spirit of devotion to the precepts of Lenin, the Komsomol was awarded by the Presidium of the Top. Council of the USSR Order of the October Revolution.

Questions of the work of the Komsomol were regularly discussed and are being discussed at congresses, party conferences, and plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In the Charter of the CPSU there is a special. section "Party and Komsomol". It defines the role of the Communist. party as the leader of the Komsomol and the role of the Komsomol as an assistant and reserve of the party. The resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol and the tasks of the communist education of youth" defines the main. areas of activity of the Komsomol in modern. stage, specific measures have been outlined to ensure an increase in the role and responsibility of the Komsomol in the household, cultural and state. construction.

The Central Committee of the CPSU formulated the tasks of the Komsomol in modern. conditions. They consist in preparing a generation of comprehensively developed, highly educated people, staunch and selfless fighters for the victory of communism, capable of directing the affairs of society and the state. To teach Komsomol members, all young men and women to creatively master the Marxist-Leninist theory, to form their scientific. materialistic worldview, to cultivate ideological conviction, a class approach to the phenomena of societies, life, devotion to the cause of the party. All owls. The youth should know the teachings of Lenin, be able to live and fight in the Leninist way. To educate the youth on the experience of the Communist. party, on the revolutionary, fighting and labor traditions of the people, tirelessly develop in it the feelings of owls. patriotism, indestructible fraternal friendship of the peoples of the USSR and span, internationalism, love for the socialist. Fatherland, constant readiness to defend the conquests of October with weapons in hand, to form communistic among boys and girls. attitude to work, socialist. ownership, high responsibility for the affairs of the collective and society, to ensure that they are clearly aware of the inseparable connection of personal ideals with the great goals of the people. To educate the younger generation in the spirit of the communist. morality and morality, collectivism and comradeship, intolerant attitude towards manifestations of selfishness, philistinism and private ownership. psychology, to violations of socialist norms. hostels and owls. laws. Raise revolution. the vigilance of Komsomol members and youth, to persistently instill in them intolerance towards the bourgeoisie. ideology and morality, to the attempts of the imperialist. propaganda to deceive the younger generation with false slogans of "class peace", mercilessly expose the anti-popular, reactionary. essence of capitalism. The 16th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League outlined ways to implement the tasks set by the party for the Soviets. youth.

After the 16th Congress, the Komsomol launched a major effort to mobilize the youth for the successful completion of the 8th Five-Year Plan. In connection with the 50th anniversary of V.I. Lenin's speech at the 3rd Congress of the RKSM, the All-Union Leninist lesson "Learning Communism in a Leninist Way" was held, in which approx. 42 million boys and girls. The Party constantly takes care of strengthening the parties, the nucleus in the Komsomol; the number of communists working in the Komsomol increased one and a half times.

Much attention was paid to the Komsomol by the 24th Congress of the CPSU (1971). The congress pointed to the growing role and importance of the Komsomol as a reserve and closest assistant to the party in the communist. educating the next generation and building a new society. In Apr. The 1971 plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, and after it the All-Union Komsomol Assembly, supported the mass patriotic. youth movement "Five-Year Plan - shock work, skill and search for the young".

The Komsomol takes an example from the CPSU, from the communists. To learn from the Party how to live and fight - this is the highest meaning of the activity of the Komsomol, the meaning of the life of every young man of the Owls. Union. During the period from the 23rd to the 24th congresses of the CPSU, 1,350,000 members joined the party. VLKSM, i.e. 45% of its replenishment.

Chairmen, first, general secretaries of the Komsomol Central Committee: 1918 Nov. - 1919, 9 Oct. - O. L. Rybkin; 1919, 10 Oct.-1922, 4 Apr. - L. A. Shatskin; 1922, 5 Apr. - 1924, July 18 - P. I. Smorodin; 1924, July 18-1928, May 16 - N. P. Chaplin; 1928, May 17 - 1929, April 24 - A. I. Milchakov; 1929, 24 Apr. -1938, 23 Nov. - A. V. Kosarev; 1938, 23 Nov. - 1952, 30 Oct. - N. A. Mikhailov; 1952, October 30-1958, March 28 - A. N. Shelepin; 1958, March 28 - 1959, March 25 - V. E. Semichastny; 1959, March 25 - 1968, June 12 - S. P. Pavlov; from June 12, 1968 - E. M. Tyazhelnikov.

The numerical composition of the Komsomol (at the beginning of the year)


Number of members


Number of members

1918 1

22 100


8 245 787

1919 2

96 000


10 387 852

1920 2

400 000


6 058 177


247 000


7 480 182


500 000


10 512385


1 140 706


18 617 532


2 317 358


19 095 064


4 547 186

1971 3

28 156 924

1 On 1 Oct. d On 1 Sept. a On 1 Apr.




1917 March- oct.- Creation of organizations of working youth in Moscow, Petrograd and other cities; 1918, Aug.- Creation of the Organizing Bureau to convene the 1st All-Russian. congress of unions of the workers and the cross, youth. Oct 29- Nov 4- 1st All-Russian. congress of unions of the workers and the cross, youth. The congress created Ross, a communist. Youth Union (RKSM). November- a circular letter of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), in which it was reported on the creation of the Komsomol and its tasks. Dec 15- publication of Lee 1 of the journal of the Central Committee of the RKSM "Young Communist"; 1919, Feb. 28- 1st congress of the Komsomol of Latvia. March 31- 2 Apr.- 1st Congress of the Komsomol of Georgia. March- the adoption by the 8th Congress of the RCP (b) of the resolution "On work among the youth." April- 1st All-Russian. The Congress of the Union of Communist Students decided to merge with the RKSM. At the convention on 17 April V. I. Lenin spoke. 22 May - Communist Youth Day in Moscow under the slogan "To the front!". May - 1st All-Russian. mobilization of RKSM to the East. front. June 26 - July 1- 1st Congress of the Komsomol of Ukraine. Oct 5 - 8 - 2nd All-Russian. congress of the RKSM. October- 2nd All-Russian. mobilization of RKSM to the South. front. Nov 20 -26- Establish. International youth congress in Berlin; foundation of KIM; 1920 Jan.- 1st Congress of Komsomol organizations of Turkestan. May - 3rd All-Russian. mobilization of RKSM in the West. front. July 16-19- 1st Congress of the Komsomol of Azerbaijan. four sept.- the first All-Russian. Youth Sabbath. 24 - 27 Sept.-1st congress of the Komsomol Belorus 1402 sept. September- Congress of Youth of the East (Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Khiva, Georgia, Armenia, Bukhara, Turkestan, Turkey, Iran). October 2-10 - 3rd Congress of the RKSM. Oct 2 V. I. Lenin delivered a speech at the congress entitled "The Tasks of Youth Unions." The congress formalized the entry of the RKSM into the KIM.

1921 - 1940

1921 March- The 10th Congress of the RCP (b) in the resolution "On the issues of parties, construction" singled out a special. section on working with the RKSM. June 1 - 6- 1st All-Russian. RKSM conference. July 7-13- 1st Vsekazakh. conference of Komsomol organizations. August 21 - 22 - 1st Congress of the Komsomol of Armenia. September 21 - 28 - 4th Congress of the RKSM; 1922 March- Apr.- adoption by the 11th Congress of the RCP(b) of the resolution "On the issue of the RKSM". May 16-19 - 2nd All-Russian. RKSM conference. 19 May - the day of the creation of the pioneer org-tions. September- 1st Congress of the Estonian Komsomol. October 11-19 - 5th Congress of the RKSM. 16 oct. - adoption by the congress of a decision on patronage of the Voen.-mor. the fleet of the republic; 1923, Jan.- Week of the Red Fleet, held by the Komsomol. April- adoption by the 12th Congress of the RCP(b) of the decision "On the work of the RKSM". June 25-30- 3rd All-Russian. RKSM conference; 1924, Jan.- post, plenum of the Central Committee of the RKSM on the assignment of the pioneer org-tsy named after V. I. Lenin. May - the adoption by the 13th Congress of the RCP (b) of the resolution "On work among the youth." 12 - 18 July- 6th Congress of the RKSM. The congress renamed the RKSM into Ross. Leninist communist. Youth Union (RLKSM). October 17-18- 1st congress of the Lithuanian Komsomol; 1925 March- the beginning of the release of gas. "Pioneer Truth". 1st Congress of the Komsomol of Turkmenistan. April- 1st Congress of the Komsomol of Uzbekistan. May 24 - exit? 1 gas. "TVNZ". May - 1st Congress of the Komsomol of Kyrgyzstan. 16 - June 23- 4th All-Russian. RLKSM conference. October- All-Tage. conference of Komsomol organizations. December- discussion by the 14th Congress of the CPSU(b) of the issue "On the work of the Komsomol"; 1926, March 11 - 22- 7th Congress of the RLKSM. The congress decided to rename the RLKSM into the All-Union Leninist Communist Party. Youth Union (VLKSM). 17 Sept.- the creation of workers-Komsomol members for Leningrad. the "Red Triangle" plant, one of the country's first shock brigades; 1927, March 24-31- 5th All-Union Conference of the Komsomol; Feb. 23, 1928- post. Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on the awarding of the Komsomol for courage and courage on the fronts of Citizenship. war with the Order of the Red Banner. May 5-16 - 8th Congress of the Komsomol; 1929, Jan 26- "Komsomolskaya Pravda" called on the working youth to develop the All-Union Socialist. competition, 17-24 June- 6th All-Union Conference of the Komsomol. Dec 23 - Post Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the participation of the Komsomol in economic construction": 1930, May 23- post. Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on the awarding gas. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Order of Lenin for active participation in the development of the socialist. competition and percussion. 1930 - The Komsomol took patronage over the construction of the Ural-Kuzbass; 1931, Jan 16-26-9th Congress of the Komsomol. The Komsomol took patronage over Voyen.-Vozd. the country's navy. 21 Jan. - post. Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on awarding the Komsomol with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the initiative in the cause of socialism. competition. 10 oct. - post. Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League on the introduction of a single Komsomol ticket; 1932 June- the beginning of construction in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. 1 - July 7- 7th conference of the Komsomol; 1933, sept.- mobilization of Moscow. org-tion VLKSM 10 thousand Komsomol members on the construction of Moscow. subway; 1936, 11 - 21 Apr.- 10th Congress of the Komsomol; 1939 March- The 18th Congress of the CPSU (b) supplemented the charter of the party special. section "Party and Komsomol". May - adoption of the Komsomol decision "On the training of 100,000 female tractor drivers on the job, as well as patronage over the construction of a large sea and ocean fleet, the Second Baku, the Kuibyshev hydroelectric complex, the Amur-Steel plant" and others; 1940 - in the composition of the Komsomol adopted: in august- Komsomol of Latvia, in October- Lithuania and Estonia.

1941 - 1950

1941, March 15-16- 1st Congress of the Komsomol of Moldova. June 23- post. Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League "On measures for military work in the Komsomol". June- Komsomol pilots P. Kharitonov, S. Zdorovtsev and M. Zhukov used a ram in air combat and were the first in Vel. Fatherland, the war received the title of Hero of the Owls. Union. July- the emergence of the two-hundred movement among the Komsomol members. 1941, Aug. - 1942, Nov.- acted in the Kaluga region. Ludinovskaya underground organization of the Komsomol. 28 sept.- creation of Antifash. to-ta owls. youth. September October- the beginning of the competition of front-line youth brigades at the Ural heavy engineering plant named after. Ordzhonikidze and the Gorky Automobile Plant. November- heroic the feat of the Komsomol partisan Zon Kosmodemyanskaya; 1941, Nov. - 1943, aug.-operated at st. Obol, Vitebsk region underground org-tsya of the Komsomol; 1941, Dec. - 1943, Feb.- acted in the Nikolaev region. the underground organization of the Komsomol "Partisan spark"; 1942, Sept. - 1943, Jan.- the underground organization of the Komsomol "Young Guard" operated in Krasnodon; 1942, Oct. -1944, March- an underground organizing committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League was operating in Kaunas; Feb. 23, 1943- heroic the feat of a member of the Komsomol Guards Private Alexander Matrosov; 1944 - mobilization of 100 thousand Komsomol members to work in the village. x-ve; 1945 Feb.- Creation of the Center, the Komsomol school under the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. May - rewarding gas. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Order of the Fatherland, War of the 1st degree. June 14- Decree of the Presidium Top. Council of the USSR on awarding the Komsomol with the Order of Lenin for outstanding services to the Motherland during the years of the Great Fatherland, the war. Nov 10- Formation of the World Federation of Democratic. youth (WFDY) with the participation of owls. delegations to the 1st world conference youth (London); 1946, Aug.- Creation of the International students' union (MSS); 1947 July- Aug.- participation of the delegation of owls. youth in the 1st Intern. democratic festival. youth and students in Prague; 1948, Oct. 28 - Decree of the Presidium of the Upper. Council of the USSR on awarding the Komsomol in connection with the 30th anniversary of the Order of Lenin; 1949, March 29- 8 Apr. 11th Congress of the Komsomol. August-participation of the delegation of owls. youth at the 2nd World Festival of Youth and Students in Budapest; 1950 May- awarding the Order of Lenin gas. "Pionerskaya Pravda" in connection with the 25th anniversary. June- awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Labor gas. "TVNZ".

1951 - 1960

1951, Aug.- participation of the delegation of owls. youth at the 3rd World Festival of Youth and Students in Berlin; 1953, Aug.- participation of the delegation of owls. youth in the 4th World Festival of Youth and Students in Bucharest; 1954, March 19-27- 12th Congress of the Komsomol; 1955 July- Aug.- participating in the delegation of owls. youth in the 5th World Festival of Youth and Students in Warsaw; 1956, Apr.- adoption by the 5th plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the decision "On the tasks of the Komsomol organizations in connection with the decisions of the XX Congress of the CPSU" (February 1956). May 18 - The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR appealed to young people to go to the construction sites of the east. and sowing regions of the country and in the Donbass. July- Antifash. set of owls. youth was reorganized into the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR. Nov 5- Decree of the Presidium Top. Council on awarding the Komsomol Order of Lenin for great services in the socialist. construction, and especially in the successful development of virgin and fallow lands; 1957 July- Aug.- 6th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. Dec 6 - Decree of the Presidium Top. Council of the USSR on the awarding of gas. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in connection with the release of 10 thousand. numbers; Feb 7, 1958- Decree of the Presidium Top. Council of the USSR on the establishment of the Day of owls. youth. 15-18 Apr. 13th Congress of the Komsomol. November- on the initiative of the Communists and Komsomol members of the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya depot, a movement of collectives and shock workers of communist labor began in the country; 1959 July- Aug.- participation of a delegation of Soviet youth in the 7th World Festival of Youth and Students in Vienna; 1960, 27 - May 30- All-Union Conference in the Kremlin leaders of the competition for the title of brigades and shock workers of communist labor, convened by the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

1961 - 1971

1961 July- Aug.- The World Youth Forum in Moscow (800 representatives from 106 countries), which discussed the problems of peace and friendship between peoples; 1962. 16-20 April - 14th Congress of the Komsomol. July August- participation of the delegation of owls. youth at the 8th World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki; 1963. Jan.- the decision of the Central Committee of the Komsomol on the public appeal of young people to the most important construction sites of the country. April - post. The Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League on strengthening the role of Komsomol organizations in the work of trade enterprises and societies, catering. September- a rally of young builders of the All-Union shock Komsomol construction projects in Siberia and the Far East; 1965 Feb.- post. Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League on the participation of Komsomol organizations in the development of oil. and gas fields Zap. Siberia and the Mangyshlak Peninsula. September- 1st All-Union meeting of the winners of tourism. campaign of youth in places of military glory of owls. people; 1966 March- The Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League established the Honorary Badge of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League and the annual Lenin Komsomol Prize for the best production. in areas literature and art. May 17 - 21 - 15th Congress of the Komsomol; 1967, Apr.- The Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League announced the patronage of the youth over the construction and reconstruction of the city of Ulyanovsk. July-Aug.- Intern. youth meeting in Leningrad, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. December- the plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League considered the issue "On the work of the Komsomol organizations of universities for the communist education of youth"; 1968 June- All-Union military-sport. game "Zarnitsa". July August- participation of owls. delegations at the 9th World Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia. Oct 3 - post. Central Committee of the CPSU "On the 50th Anniversary of the Komsomol and the Tasks of the Communist Education of Youth". 25 October - solemn plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol. Decree of the Presidium Top. Council of the USSR on awarding the Komsomol Order of the October Revolution and awarding orders to many others. Komsomol organizations of the country. December- by decision of the 5th session Top. The Council of the USSR created Permanent Commissions for Youth Affairs under the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities. Permanent commissions for youth affairs were established at the sessions of the Top. Councils of Union Republics, local Soviets; 1969 March 27- Decree of the Presidium Top. Council of the USSR on awarding the publishing house of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "Young Guard" with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for fruitful work on the communist. education of children and youth, active participation in the development of Soviet literature. March- 5th All-Union Conference of Young Writers; 1970 April 10- All-Union Komsomol meeting "To work, study and live like Lenin." It was attended by 54,236,780 Komsomol members, boys and girls, party and Komsomol veterans, participants in the October Revolution, the Civil and Patriotic Wars, party., Sov. and owner workers. May 26-30 - 16th Congress of the Komsomol; 1971, 3 - 10 May- All-Union Komsomol meeting "On the results of the 24th Congress of the CPSU and the tasks of Komsomol organizations in the implementation of its decisions."

Lit.: The heirs of the revolution. Documents of the party about the Komsomol and youth, [M.], 1969; Comrade Komsomol. Documents of congresses, conferences and the Central Committee of the Komsomol 1918 - 1968, vol. 1 - 2, M., 1969; 50 years of the Komsomol. Documents and materials, M., 1969; In the ring of fronts. Youth during the Civil War. Sat. documents, M., 1963; March of shock brigades. Youth in the years of the restoration of the national economy and socialist construction. 1921 -1941 Sat. documents, M., 1965; fiery years. Youth during the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union 1941 - 1945 Sat. documents, [M.], 1965; Lenin V.I., O youth, M., 1966; Kalinin M.I., On communist education, M., 1958; Kirov S. M., O youth, M., 1969; Krupskaya N. K., Questions of the communist education of youth, 2nd ed., M., 1966; Lunacharsky A.V., Lenin and youth, in his book: Silhouettes, M., 1965; Lenin Komsomol. Essays on the history of the Komsomol, vol. 1 (1918 - 1941), M., 1969; Combat relay of generations. Essays and documents on the heroic deeds of the Komsomol members of the army and navy, M., 1963; Atsarkin A.N., Life and struggle of working youth in Russia (1901 - Oct. 1917), M., 1965; Tra and n and and A. S., The Bolshevik Party - the leader of the revolutionary movement of working youth in 1917, Krasnodar, 1965; Trushchenko N.V., Party and Komsomol. 1918 - 1920, Gorky, 1966; History of the Komsomol. Living chronicle, notebook 1 - 3, M., 1966 - 68; The glorious path of the Lenin Komsomol. Index of Literature, M., 1965. B. A. Balashov, V. V. Lutsky.

The Komsomol is a mass patriotic organization of the Soviet youth. There are no other examples in history of a youth movement that would reach more than 160 million people over the years of its existence and could boast of real achievements. Civil war, labor five-year plans, heroism during the Great Patriotic War, virgin lands, Komsomol shock construction projects - all this is the Komsomol. The birth of the Komsomol is not an act implanted from above, it is the unification of the energy and fervor of the hearts of young people who dream of being useful to their homeland.


The initiator and ideologist of the organizational completion of attempts to create numerous youth groups was V. I. Lenin. And they were created before the revolution. At first, youth primary organizations were formed within the party and united workers and students. It was the students who were the most revolutionary class of that time. During the period of Dual Power (February-October 1917), when history could unfold both towards the bourgeois and towards the socialist system, N. K. Krupskaya and V. I. Lenin developed a program of revolutionary youth associations.

In large cities, organizations were created that became the basis for creating a structure of an all-Russian scale. For example, the SSRM (Union of Socialist Working Youth) in Petrograd, approaching the birthday of the Komsomol.

Congress of Workers' and Peasants' Youth

At the height of the Civil War (1918), the first congress of delegates from disparate youth organizations countrywide. 176 people arrived from everywhere: from territories captured by the White Guards, as well as by the German army (Ukraine, Poland); from breakaway Finland and the self-proclaimed Baltic republics, as well as from Japanese-occupied Vladivostok. They were united by the desire to create a new power built on the principles of justice. The opening day of the congress (October 29) will go down in history as the birthday of the Komsomol, which united more than 22 thousand people.

In the adopted charter and program all-Russian organization it was said that it is independent, but operates under the leadership of the Communist Party, which determined its ideological orientation. The main speaker was Lazar Abramovich Shatskin, the author of the program. His name is little known in the country, because in years he will be shot for accusations of Trotskyism. Like many other first secretaries of the Central Committee, who headed the organization until

Symbols of the RKSM

The lists of delegates to the first congress have not been preserved even in the archives. Later, the task arose of identifying belonging to an organization that was called the RKSM (Russian Communist Youth Union). Already in 1919, Komsomol tickets appeared. In the conditions of the civil war, during which the Central Committee announced three mobilizations, they were kept and protected at the cost of their lives. A little later, the first icons appeared. Their release, at first in insufficient quantities, was handled by the Komsomol itself. The birth of the Komsomol was immortalized with four letters RKSM against the background of a flag with a star. Badges were also awarded to the best representatives of the organization.

Since 1922, a new uniform form has been approved with the abbreviation KIM, meaning youth. The form will also change in 1947, acquiring its final form only in 1956. It will already be handed over to all those joining the ranks of the organization along with a Komsomol ticket.

Tasks of the Komsomol

In 1920, the Civil War was still going on, but it became clear that the Red Army was winning. This set serious tasks for the Bolshevik Party to restore the destroyed economy, create the country's energy base and create a new society. The state needed competent personnel, so 2.10. 1920 at the next (III) congress of the Komsomol, V.I. Lenin, who defined the mission of the newly created organization: to study communism. It already included 482 thousand people.

In the year of the birth of the Komsomol, it was important to win, but now it was necessary to form the generation that was to live in different social conditions. The military front was to be replaced by the labor front. Grandiose accomplishments in the prewar years became possible thanks to the participation of working youth in collectivization, Komsomol construction projects, patronage of universal education, the movement of "thousanders" (who fulfilled the plan by 1000%) and the receipt of higher vocational education(workers' faculty). Many Western analysts believed that the success of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War became possible thanks to the upbringing of a person of a new formation, who puts the interests of the country above personal ones, in which the Komsomol succeeded.

The birth of the Komsomol: the name of V. I. Lenin

In January 1924, the country was shocked by the news of the death of V. I. Lenin, the leader of the world proletariat and the leader of the country. In the summer of the same year, the Congress (VI) of the RKSM was held, at which the issue of assigning the name of V. I. Lenin to the Komsomol was decided. The appeal spoke of a firm determination to live, fight and work in the Leninist way. His little book "The Tasks of Youth Unions" became a desktop for every Komsomol member.

The birthday of the Leninist Komsomol (July 12) added the letter "L" to the abbreviation of the name of the organization, and over the next two years it was referred to as the RLKSM.

Status of the all-Union organization

The date is 12/30/1922, when four republics became part of the union state: the RSFSR, the Byelorussian SSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Transcaucasian SFSR. The status of the All-Union Komsomol organization received in 1926 at the VII Congress. The birthday of the Komsomol of the USSR is March 11, while the Komsomol of all union republics was preserved. Such a structure existed until the Komsomol was alive. The birth of the Komsomol in 1918 ended with its self-dissolution in September 1991, which is associated with the collapse of the Union. Despite the emergence of organizations that consider themselves the legal successors of the Komsomol - the Komsomol of the Russian Federation, the RKSM, the RKSM (b), there is no longer such a mass structure in the history of the country. In 1977, its members were 36 million people, almost the entire population of the country from 14 to 28 years old.

I All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth
(29th of October -
November 4, 1918)

  • Golubev Alexander Vasilievich
  • Karmanov Sergey
  • Kislyakov* Vasily Ivanovich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Youth Union.
  • Kozulin* Mikhail Alekseevich- Delegate from the Vichug Youth Union.
  • Molkov* Boris Pavlovich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Youth Union.
  • Starostin* Petr Methodievich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Youth Union.
  • Tikhomirov* Ivan Vasilievich- Delegate from the Kineshma Youth Union.
  • Tsvetkov Andrey Grigorievich- Delegate from the Kineshma Youth Union.
  • Schegoleva* Varvara Nikolaevna- Delegate from the Kineshma Youth Union.

* Full list There were no delegates of the First All-Russian Congress of the Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth in Central Asia of the Komsomol. These delegates are included according to the testimonies of the congress participants, collected by M.A. Zhokhov.

  • Bakulin Dmitry Ivanovich
  • Bekreneva*- Delegate from the Novo-Golchikhinsky cell of the RKSM.
  • Vozdvizhensky Sergey Alexandrovich- Chairman of the Shuya district organization of the RKSM.
  • Golubkin Vasily Andreevich- Chairman of the organization of the RKSM factory "Tomna" Kineshma district.
  • Gusev Stepan Petrovich- Chairman of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial organization of the RKSM.
  • Kopenin Alexander Georgievich
  • Kuznetsov Vasily Fyodorovich- Chairman of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the RKSM.
  • Levikova** Lyubov Nikolaevna- Delegate from Yuryevets city organization of the RKSM.
  • Muravyov Sergey Alexandrovich- Delegate from the Navolok organization of the RKSM of the Kineshma district.
  • Naumov Alexey Ivanovich- Delegate from the Seredsk district organization of the RKSM.
  • Osipov Sergey Alexandrovich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the RKSM.
  • Polyakov Alexander Fyodorovich- Delegate from the Kineshma district organization of the RKSM.
  • Shoshin Mikhail Dmitrievich- Chairman of the Yasnevskaya cell of the RKSM of the Vichug volost of the Kineshma district.

* The delegate's questionnaire has not been preserved, and only the surname is indicated in the mandate.
** Two asterisks indicate delegates with an advisory vote.

  • Karlov Vasily Arsenievich- head. military sports department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Kuzmin Ivan Mikhailovich
  • Skvortsov Alexander Kapitonovich- Delegate from the Rodnikovskaya organization of the RKSM.
  • Tarasov Efim Fedorovich- member of the bureau of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Tolkunov** Valerian Vasilievich
  • Chastukhin Mikhail Alexandrovich

According to the memoirs of E.F. Tarasov, the delegate of the congress with the right of an advisory vote was Ivan Utkin, who, having arrived in Moscow, fell ill and was sent to the hospital. The documents of the Central Committee of the Komsomol do not confirm his participation in the work of the congress.

  • Karlov Vasily Arsenievich- head. organizational department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Osipov Sergey Alexandrovich- Executive Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RKSM.
  • Penkin** Leonid Sergeevich- Secretary of the Yuryevets Uyezd Committee of the RKSM.
  • Romanov** Mikhail Konstantinovich- head. political education department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Timonin Alexander Mikhailovich- head. press department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM, editor of the provincial newspaper "Young Spartak".
  • Sharov** Petr Timofeevich- Member of the collegium of the organizational instructor department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Provincial Committee of the RKSM.
  • Zavyalov Vasily Petrovich- Secretary of the Vichug District Committee of the RKSM.
  • Nikitin Alexander Efimovich- Executive Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RKSM.
  • Serov Vasily Ivanovich- Deputy executive secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RKSM.
  • Tarasov** Alexey Fedorovich- Member of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk district committee of the RKSM.

At the V Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial Komsomol conference, A.F. Dolotov, but in the CA Komsomol he is not on the mandate lists, and there is no delegate form.

  • Abramov Dmitry Mikhailovich- head. agitprop department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial committee of the RLKSM.
  • Barsukov Petr Georgievich
  • Vasyutin Vasily Filippovich- an employee of the Central Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Gorshkov Alexander Petrovich- Secretary of the RLKSM committee of the Rodnikovsky melange plant.
  • Dolotov Arkady Fedorovich- Secretary of the Yuryevets Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Elizarov Alexander Konstantinovich- Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky city district committee of the RLKSM.
  • Zhelezov Vasily Ivanovich- Secretary of the Kineshma Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Zavyalov Vasily Petrovich
  • Kozlov** Fedor Flegontovich
  • Krylov** Alexander A.- Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Mednikov Anatoly Kharlampievich
  • Svistkov** Ivan Rodionovich
  • Sedyshev Pavel Iosifovich
  • Smirnov Pavel Vasilievich
  • Khudyakov** Alexey Mikhailovich- head. Department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Shkotov Sergey Nikitich- head. Department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Barsukov Petr Georgievich- head. Organizing department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Provincial Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Belov Alexander Antonovich
  • Zhelezov Vasily Ivanovich- Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Zaitsev Ivan Vasilievich- Delegate from the Yuryev-Polish organization of the RLKSM.
  • Zaitsev Nikolay Ivanovich- Delegate from the Rodnikovskaya organization of the RLKSM.
  • Inglikov Alexander Alexandrovich- Secretary of the Yuryev-Polsky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Isakov Alexey Alekseevich
  • Klyuev Alexey Petrovich- Secretary of the Shuisky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Krasovsky Gennady Sergeevich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the RLKSM.
  • Kondakov Nikolai Vasilievi h - a delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial organization of the RLKSM.
  • Lopatin Ivan Vasilievich- Delegate from the Yuryevets organization of the RLKSM.
  • Makarov Alexander Ivanovich- Delegate from the Kineshma organization of the RLKSM.
  • Molodkin Fedor Andreevich- Secretary of the Vichug District Committee of the RLKSM.
  • Molchanov Petr Nikolaevich- Secretary of the Yuzhsky factory team of the RLKSM.
  • Nazaretskaya** Olga Ivanovna- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the RLKSM.
  • Pankov Pavel Alekseevich- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial organization of the RLKSM.
  • Potoskuev Georgy Alexandrovich- Secretary of the Posad district committee of the RLKSM of Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Semenov Arkady Fyodorovich- Secretary of the Teikovsky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Sennikov Vasily Efimovich- a delegate from the Posad regional organization of the RLKSM of Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Solovyov Ivan Dmitrievih- head. political enlightenment department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the RLKSM.
  • Smyslov Pavel Andreevich- Secretary of the Seredsky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Sharagin Ivan Kirillovich- Delegate from the Teykovskaya organization of the RLKSM.
  • Yakovlev Nikolay Vasilievich- Secretary of the Makarievsky Ukom of the RLKSM.
  • Anikin** Ivan Vasilyevich- Delegate from the Yuryev-Polish organization of the Komsomol.
  • Antifoam** Maria Panfilovna- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk city organization of the Komsomol.
  • Blokhnina* Claudia Ivanovna- a delegate from the Komsomol organization of the Petrishchevskaya factory in Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Volkova Antonina Mikhailovna- Delegate from the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial organization of the Komsomol.
  • Volkova Feliciata Vasilievna- Secretary of the Komsomol team of the factory named after the worker F. Zinoviev, Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Gotovkin Daniil Leontievich- Secretary of the Teikovsky Ukom. Komsomol.
  • Zhelezov Vasily Ivanovich- Secretary of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Provincial Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Zholdak Ivan Afanasyevich- student, delegate from the Central Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Queen Claudia Nikolaevna- a weaver, a delegate from the Seredskaya organization of the Komsomol.
  • Krainov** Alexander Arsentievich- Delegate from the Kineshma organization of the Komsomol.
  • Pankov Pavel Alekseevich- head. organizational department of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky provincial committee of the Komsomol.
  • Sidorova Elena Kuzminichna- weaver, delegate from the Kineshma organization of the Komsomol.
  • Solonnikov Sergey Ivanovich- Secretary of the Shuisky Ukom of the Komsomol.
  • Khatova Anna Arsenievna- warper, delegate from the Rodnikovskaya organization of the Komsomol.
  • Khrupolina Praskovya Kuzminichna- weaver, delegate from the Vichug organization of the Komsomol.

* According to the documents of PAIO - Balakhnin.

  • Andronikov Lev Nikolaevich- Secretary of the Kostroma city committee of the Komsomol *.
  • Bazhenov Alexey Ivanovich- Secretary of the Kineshma city district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Baranova Anna Fedorovna- weaver. Karabanovsky factory named after the "III International".
  • Baturin Matvei Georgievich- Secretary of the Shuisky city district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Bystroumov** Yuri Vasilievich- soldier.
  • Vezbin Grigory Borisovi h - mechanical engineer of the Kovrov Tool Plant No. 2.
  • Vorobieva** Maria Vasilievna- Secretary of the VLKSM team of the Sobinsk spinning factory "Komavangard".
  • Voronov** Vasily Vasilyevich- head of the propaganda group of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, a delegate from the Yaroslavl city Komsomol organization.
  • Gerasimov Nikolai Grigorievi h - secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region (IPO).
  • Gorokhova Yulia Alexandrovna- shock worker, delegate from the Stalinist district committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Demensky Alexander Ivanovich- Secretary of the Yaroslavl city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Ivanova Anna Ivanovna- banker, delegate from the Komsomol organization of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Kalinin Pavel Konstantinovich- Technician of the Kovrov Tool Plant.
  • Kamensky Gennady Ivanovich- Delegate from the Komsomol organization of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Knyazev Mikhail Andreevich- member of the bureau of the Kolchuginsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kotlyarov Nikolay Ivanovich- Chairman of the regional bureau of the children's communist movement of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Kudryakova** Lidia Mikhailovich- Collective farmer of the Myshkinsky district.
  • Kuznetsov Mikhail Dmitrievich- head. Department of Education of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Ivanovo Industrial Region.
  • Lisenkov** Pavel Vasilievich- Secretary of the Tutaevsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Lukyanova Anna Ivanovna- head. Department of Theory and Propaganda of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Ivanovo Industrial Region.
  • Makashov Mikhail Egorovich- Secretary of the Vyaznikovsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Mulyun Semyon Ivanovich- Secretary of the Stalinist district committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
  • Prikhodko Nikolay Ivanovy h - member of the bureau, regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Prokhorova** Zoya Kapitonovna- Delegate from the Rostov organization of the Komsomol.
  • Rozov Konstantin Alexandrovi h - soldier.
  • Roshchin** Nikolai Nikolaevich- Secretary of Ivanovo-Voznesensky, city district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Severyanova Anna Alekseevna- First secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Semenov Leonid Sergeevich- head. organizational department of the regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Skvortsova** Zinaida Nikolaevna- Secretary of the Teikovsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Smirnov Alexander Pavlovich- Secretary of the Rybinsk city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Smirnova Olga Egorovna- secretary of the workshop cell of the Komsomol of the Vichug factory ***.
  • Solovieva Ekaterina Dmitrievna- secretary of the workshop cell of the Komsomol of the Nizhne-Seredskaya factory.
  • Tanaev** Ivan Nikitovich- Member of the plenum of the regional committee of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Fadeev Yury Fedorovi h - secretary of the Makaryevsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kholodova Kapitolina Tikhonovna- tsevochnik Kostroma factory named after Lenin.
  • Khromova Anna Mikhailovna- secretary of the workshop cell of the Komsomol of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Chekunov Dmitry Nikolaevich- head. economic-mass department of the regional committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Ivanovo industrial region.
  • Chistova Vera Pavlovna- tenant of the Shuya factory ***.
  • Yulin Alexander Pavlovich- Secretary of the Gus-Khrustalny district committee of the Komsomol.

* From 1929 to 1936, the Ivanovo industrial region (IPO) united the territory of the present Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. In 1936, the IPO was divided into Ivanovo and Yaroslavl regions, in 1944 from Ivanovo region the Vladimir region stood out, from the Yaroslavl - Kostroma.
*** The name of the factory was not indicated in the questionnaire.

  • Admiralskaya** Zinaida Alekseevna
  • Alekseeva Olga Ivanovna a - Secretary of the Vladimir District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Boytsova** Nadezhda Alekseevna- Secretary of the Puchezhsky district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Vinogradova Evdokia Viktorovna a
  • Kashanov Fedor Andreevi h - head of the school of the FZU of the Kovrov Tool Plant.
  • Kuznetsov Dmitry Evgenievich- Editor of the regional newspaper "Leninets".
  • Kurkin** Leonid Vladimirovich- head. department of pioneer work of the Ivanovo regional committee of the Komsomol.
  • Nikulina Serafima Ivanovna- link collective farm named after Voroshilov, Yuryevets district.
  • Odintsova Tatyana Ivanovna
  • Osipov Nikolai Fyodorovich
  • Pavlov Nikolay Dmitrievich- Deputy Chairman of the Ivanovo Regional Council of OSOAVIAKhIM.
  • Pariser Viktor Semenovich
  • Pykhova Vera Efimovna- Secretary of the Kineshma city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Roshchin Nikolay Nikolaevich- head. Department of Komsomol organizations of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Rykunova Elena Nikolaevna- spinner of the Krasnaya Talka factory in Ivanovo.
  • Cherepkov** Mikhail Alexandrovich- Secretary of the VLKSM cell Vyaznikovskaya high school named after Lenin.
  • Varzina Nina Nikolaevna
  • Guryleva Evdokia Ivanovna
  • Kurbatova Maria Yakovlevna- team farm Ankovsky district.
  • Leshukova Kamilla Timofeevna- student of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute.
  • Malyanov Alexey Grigorievich
  • Lesser Valentina Timofeevna- Lecturer at the Kineshma Planning and Economic College.
  • Molkova Alexandra Abramovna- Secretary of the workshop bureau of the Komsomol of the spinning factory of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Permyakov Vasily Egorovich- soldier.
  • Semenov Vladimir Iosifovich- resp. editor of the newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda".
  • Sinotova Antonina Pavlovna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Taganov Nikolay Vasilievich- head. the press sector of the propaganda department of the Ivanovo regional committee of the CPSU (b).
  • Tikhomirova Olga Ivanovna- Secretary of the VLKSM committee of vocational school No. 12 in Vichugi.
  • Andreev Petr Vasilievich- Deputy Head of the Department of Schools and Pioneers of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.
  • Bulkina Kaleria Alexandrovna- Komsomol organizer of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Golubeva Alevtina Konstantinovna- pig farm of the collective farm named after Michurin, Yuryevets district.
  • - First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kovaleva Maria Ivanovna- Secretary of the Shuya district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kravtsev Igor Ivanovich- soldier.
  • Melentiev Stanislav Vasilievich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Smirnova Galina Petrovna- weaver Kineshma factory number 2.
  • Shorina Valentina Nikolaevna- History teacher at secondary school No. 8 in Furmanova.
  • Yablokova Natalia Anatolievna- a student of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 2 in Privolzhsk.
  • Bobkova Nelli Ksenofontovna- 4th year student of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute.
  • Zavyalova Lyubov Alexandrovna- Deputy Head of the Department of Komsomol Organizations of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League for the RSFSR.
  • Kuzmin Veniamin Borisovich- combine operator of the Petrovo-Gorodishchenskaya MTS of the Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Kurbatova Rosa Alekseevna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Morozova Ekaterina Nikitichna- Secretary of the Shuisky city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Pisanova Olga Grigorievna- assistant foreman of the Kineshma factory No. 1.
  • Pozdneeva Tamara Mikhailovna- weaver Furmanovskaya factory number 1.
  • Srednova Alla Evlampievna- master of the factory named after Dzerzhinsky, Ivanov.
  • Filina Evgenia Konstantinovna- a milkmaid of the collective farm "Red Worker" of the Ivanovo region.
  • Akhmadshina Minzuer Mubarakshevna
  • Barabashova Lidia Nikitichna- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Furmanov factory No. 1.
  • Bravaya Polina Nikonorovna- weaver of the Vichug factory named after Krasin.
  • Vinogradov Vasily Alexandrovich- tractor driver of the collective farm named after Frunze, Yuzhsky district.
  • Gamazina Svetlana Nikolaevna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Gorshkova Valentina Ivanovna- master of SMU No. 3 of the Frunzensky district of Ivanov.
  • Demidov Adolf Georgievich- Second Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Zubina Liya Nikolaevna- weaver of the Puchezhskaya flax factory.
  • Zueva Nina Ivanovna- Instructor of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the CPSU.
  • Queen Lyudmila Ivanovna- a milkmaid of the state farm "Polkovsky" Savinsky district.
  • Kostrov Vladimir Vasilievich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kutin Yury Ivanovich- master of the plant "Ivtekmash" Ivanov.
  • Lebedev Alexander Vasilievich- soldier.
  • Lokteva Valentina Mikhailovna- Poultry farm "Porzdnevsky" Lukhsky district.
  • Morozova Vera Mikhailovna- senior pioneer leader of the Shchennikovskaya secondary school in the Ilyinsky district.
  • Ovchinnikova Nina Alexandrovna- 4th year student of the Ivanovo Textile Institute.
  • Panyushkin Ivan Petrovich- First Secretary of the Zavolzhsky District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Porosenkova Albina Pavlovna- pig farm named after Dzerzhinsky Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Samokhina Valentina Kuzminichna
  • Smirnov Evgeny Alexandrovich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Privolzhskaya Kommuna plant in Navoloki
  • Sokolova Valentina Vasilievna- a teacher at a boarding school in Komsomolsk.
  • Titova Alevtina Nikolaevna- Head of the farm of the collective farm named after Zhdanov, Teikovsky district.
  • Upadysheva Tamara Mikhailovna- weaver of the Kokhomsky cotton mill.
  • Fedotov Arkady Vasilievich- Deputy chairman of the collective farm named after Sokolov, Sokolsky district.
  • Khrenov Alexander Semenovich- First Secretary of the Volga District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Khokhlova Maria Pavlovna- a reed worker of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Baskakova Svetlana Petrovna- Weaver of the Vichug factory named after Nogin.
  • Bogorodsky Evgeny Alexandrovich
  • Bilenko Dmitry Ivanovich- soldier.
  • Vysotina Albina Viktorovna- senior salesman of department store No. 4 in Kineshma.
  • Demidov Adolf Georgievich- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Dobysh Zoya Ivanovna- a student of GPTU No. 11 in Shui.
  • Efimova Elvira Ivanovna- spinner of the Kineshma factory "Krasnaya Vetka".
  • Izgorodin Anatoly Kuzmich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo Textile Institute.
  • Kasatkin Vladimir Ilyich- First secretary of the Shuisky city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Klopova Raisa Vasilievna- Head of the dyeing and brewing shop of the BIM factory named after Varentsova, Ivanov.
  • Knyazev Yuriy Alexandrovy h - the first secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kravchenko Viktor Petrovich- soldier.
  • Kobelkov Valery Georgievich- foreman of the tractor brigade of the collective farm named after Arseny Shuisky district.
  • Kolodiy Ivan Ivanovich- soldier.
  • Kuznetsova Valentina Mikhailovna- livestock specialist of the collective farm "Trud" of the Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Kuzmina Valentina Mikhailovna- instructor of industrial training of the Yakovlevsky flax mill in the city of Privolzhsk, Furmanovsky district.
  • Kuleshova Natalya Kharitonovna- spinner of the Furmanov factory No. 2.
  • Kustov Boris Alexandrovich
  • Leportov Viktor Egorovich- First Secretary of the Vichug District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Moskaleva Nadezhda Nikolaevna- teacher of secondary school No. 4 in Teikov.
  • Orlova Lidia Nikolaevna- a milkmaid of the Rastilkovsky state farm in the Ivanovo region.
  • Roshina Ludmila Alekseevna- plasterer SMU No. 9 of the Frunzensky district of Ivanov.
  • Rudnev Vladimir Alexandrovich- locksmith of the plant "Ivtekmash" Ivanov.
  • Smirnova Valentina Ivanovna
  • Solodukhina Nadezhda Nikolaevna- weaver of the Bolshevik Rodnikovsky combine.
  • Tikhonova Zinaida Nikolaevna- livestock specialist of the collective farm "Druzhba" of the Kineshma region.
  • Fedorov Vasily Alexandrovich- artist of the Palekh art workshops.
  • Shuvarina Alevtina Anatolievna- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Akulinina Galina Fedorovna - laboratory assistant of the chemical plant named after Frunze, Zavolzhsky district.
  • Barulina Tatyana Vasilievna
  • Bashmakov Vladimir Petrovich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo Worsted Combine.
  • Bashlykova Anna Grigorievna- worker, foreman of the vegetable-growing brigade of the state farm "Ivanovsky" of the Ivanovsky district.
  • Bogachev Nikolay Nikolaevich- tractor driver, foreman of the tractor brigade of the Dimitrov collective farm of the Komsomolsk region.
  • Beketova Lidia Sergeevna- spinner of the factory "Shuisky proletarian" in Shui.
  • Barulina Tatyana Vasilievna- operator of the Yuryevets communication center.
  • Vlasova Lyubov Viktorovna- the seller of the store number 11 of the Ivanovo City Industry and Trade.
  • Voronova Ludmila Mikhailovna- Painter SMU No. 5, Kineshma.
  • Demidov Adolf Georgievich- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Dokolina Vera Grigorievna- agronomist of the collective farm "Trud" Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Zamyatina Raisa Ivanovna- Technological engineer of workshop No. 1 of the Savinsky garment factory.
  • Zamyshlyaeva Galina Valentinovna- weaver Furmanovskaya factory number 2.
  • Ivankov Grigory Leonovich- soldier.
  • Ivanova Maria Fedorovna- weaver of the Rodnikovsky cotton mill "Bolshevik".
  • Kiseleva Nadezhda Borisovna- a student of vocational school No. 4 of the Shuisky district.
  • Kochupalov Alexey Dmitrievich- chief artist of the Palekh branch of the Art Fund of the RSFSR.
  • Kokurin Viktor Ivanovich- tractor driver of the collective farm "Russia" Lukhsky district.
  • Kuznetsov Nikolai Grigorievich- soldier.
  • Lvova Galina Yakovlevna- weaver of the Yuzhskaya spinning and weaving factory
  • Mikhailov Genrikh Alexandrovich- Editor of the regional youth newspaper "Leninets".
  • Moroz Gennady Ivanovich- First Secretary of the Vichug city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Potapov Evgeny Dmitrievich- Deputy Dean of the Technological Faculty of the Ivanovo Textile Institute.
  • Rodionova Lyubov Alexandrovna- senior, pioneer leader of secondary school No. 1 in Teykov.
  • Romanova Ludmila Mikhailovna- foreman of the Kineshma ceramic factory.
  • Sorokina Galina Anatolievna- plasterer of the construction department of finishing works in Ivanov.
  • Surkova Tatyana Alexandrovna- a milkmaid of the Chapaev collective farm in the Sokolsky district.
  • Sukhova Natalya Lvovna- 2nd year student of the Ivanovo Pedagogical Institute named after Furmanov.
  • Tikhomirov Sergey Galaktionovich- turner of the peat machine building plant in Ivanovo.
  • Tikhomirov Vladislav Nikolaevich- Second Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Tolkachev Gennady Pavlovich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Tyugin Nikolai Alexandrovich- First Secretary of the Puchezhsky District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Shaposhnikova Galina Alexandrovna- a weaver of the Krupskaya factory in Ivanov.
  • Balabanova Nina Petrovna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Burmistrov Vitaly Petrovich- mason SMU No. 1 of the Ivgorstroy trust.
  • Volchonkova Nina Nikolaevna- assistant foreman of vegetable growers of the state farm "Kineshma" Kineshma district.
  • Voronov Yuri Mikhailovich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Gusev Alexander Borisovich- a student of vocational school in the city of Teykov.
  • Gribkova Nina Mikhailovna- weaver factory named after Balashov, Ivanov.
  • Zvezdkina Valentina Kapitonovna- teacher of the Ankovskaya secondary school of the Ilyinsky district.
  • Zvezdkina Tatyana Vitalievna- seamstress-minder factory named after Lenin Komsomol in Ivanov.
  • Zumakulov Boris Mustafaevich- First Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin.
  • Erofeeva Anastasia Fedorovna- spinner of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Zhizhanova Natalia Nikolaevna- Farm cook. "Kokhomsky" Ivanovsky district.
  • Kasatkina Anna Andreevna 1999-1999 - mechanic farm "Verny Put" Palekh region.
  • Kotova Nadezhda Pavlovna- First secretary of the Furmanov city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Kruglov Evgeniy Gennadievich- foreman of the weaving workshop of the Bolshevik Rodnikovsky Combine.
  • Krylov Mikhail Pavlovich- 5th year student of the Ivanovo Energy Institute named after Lenin.
  • Lukyanova Zinaida-Vasilievna- Weaver of the Vichug factory named after Nogin.
  • Maslova Olga Mikhailovna- a worker of a dairy plant, the village of Savino, Shuisky district.
  • Marov Vyacheslav Alekseevich- First Secretary of the Gavrilovo-Posad district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Mitrofanova Alexandra Sergeevna- spinner of the Kineshma factory "Krasnaya Vetka".
  • Moshnenko Ludmila Dmitrievna
  • Pavlova Antonina Alekseevna- senior pioneer leader of secondary school No. 1 in Ivanov.
  • Pivtsaev Anatoly. Petrovich- foreman of the tractor brigade of the poultry farm in the Shuisky district.
  • Prytchikova Tatyana Viktorovna- Head of the farm of the collective farm "Red Banner" of the Yuryevets district.
  • Sapozhkov Viktor Pavlovich- livestock specialist of the state farm "Staro-Vichugsky" of the Vichugsky district.
  • Serov Vladimir Ivanovich- electric welder of the Frunze Shuisky plant.
  • Sivokhin Alexander Alexandrovich- Engineer at IvGRES, Komsomolsk.
  • Solodov Pavel Semenovich- a student of the 9th grade of the Pokrovskaya secondary school of the Lukhsky district.
  • Starova Nina Maksimovna- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Kineshma Factory No. 2.
  • Tropkin Mikhail Pavlovich- 1st assistant to the master of the preparatory weaving workshop of the Yakovlevsky linen mill in the city of Privolzhsk.
  • Cherepanov Petr Efimovich- soldier.
  • Andryushina Galina Ivanovna- a student of GPTU No. 22 in Ivanov.
  • Astafieva Galina Askoldovna- Foreman of the collective farm named after Lenin, Puchezhsky district.
  • Baranov Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Vopilova Ekaterina Vasilievna- Seamstress-minder of the Shuya garment factory.
  • Gnezdilova Tatyana Viktorovna- senior pioneer leader Pestyakovskaya secondary school.
  • - Weaver of the Ivanovo Worsted Mill named after Lenin, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Gradusov Vladimir Nikolaevich- Assistant of the Department of Urban Electric Transport of the Ivanovo Energy Institute named after Lenin.
  • Gribkov Alexander Gennadievich- grinder of the Kineshma plant "Avtoagregat".
  • Gunyaeva Valentina Anatolievna- painter SUOR trust "Ivgorstroy".
  • Kalmykova Irina Borisovna
  • - spinner of the factory named after Dzerzhinsky, Ivanov.
  • Komarova Valentina Ivanovna- Secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Furmanov factory No. 2.
  • Korobov Yury Sergeevich- mechanical engineer of the motor transport plant in Privolzhsk.
  • Metelkova Alevtina Mikhailovna- a spinner at the Privolzhskaya Kommuna plant in Navoloki, Kineshma district.
  • Ovchinnikova Ekaterina Gennadievna- head of the section of the store number 2 Yuryevets auction.
  • Putyatin Sergei Valentinovich- machine operator of the state farm "Voskresensky" Savinsky district.
  • Rogacheva Daria Porfirievna- Weaver of the Vichug factory named after Nogin.
  • Rusin Viktor Yurievich- Chairman of the collective farm "Lenin's Way" Vichugsky district.
  • Selivanova Elena Mikhailovna- 4th year student of Ivanovo State University.
  • Sokolov Sergey Matveevich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Solovyov Alexander Vitalievich- master of spinning production of the Rodnikovsky cotton mill "Bolshevik".
  • Sorokin Fedor Pavlovich- First Secretary of the Kineshma city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Stepanov Alexander Gennadievich- tractor driver of the state farm "Gavrilovo-Posadsky" Gavrilovo-Posadsky district.
  • Fedyashina Galina Nikolaevna- a milkmaid of the collective farm "Our Life" in the Shuisky district.
  • Khasbulatova Olga Anatolievna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Tsyganov Mikhail Mikhailovich- soldier.
  • Chirkina Olga Anatolievna- a student of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 1 in Ivanov.
  • Yashin Nikolai Alexandrovich- foreman of the complex brigade of the Sokolsky MPMK.
  • Aleksandrov Andrey Yurievich- First secretary of the Ivanovo city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Blyudov Vasily Alexandrovich- a student of the 9th grade of the Voskresensky secondary school of the Savinsky district.
  • Bulagova Ekaterina Alexandrovna- Weaver of the Vichug factory named after Nogin.
  • Vislova Nina Leonidovna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Golubeva Valentina Nikolaevna- Weaver of the Ivanovo Worsted Mill named after Lenin, Hero of Socialist Labor, member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Elovsky Alexey Arkadievich- head of the spinning shop of the Kineshma factory No. 2.
  • Zavyalova Lyubov Mikhailovna- Technician of the Kineshma factory of individual tailoring.
  • Kamardin Boris Ivanovich- artist of the Palekh art and production workshops of the Art Fund of the USSR.
  • Kaplenkova Valentina Mikhailovna- spinner of the factory named after Dzerzhinsky, Ivanov.
  • Klyuev Mikhail Vasilievich- Associate Professor of the Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, Ivanovo State University.
  • Kolobov Sergey Valentinovich- machine operator of the state farm "Kolshevsky" Zavolzhsky district.
  • Korneva Natalia Nikolaevna
  • Korotkova Maria Evgenievna- 3rd year student of the Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology.
  • Mikhailenko Ludmila Igorevna- spinner at the Furmanov spinning and weaving factory No. 1.
  • Novozhilov Vladimir Anatolievich- Chairman of the collective farm named after Kalinin, Sokolsky district.
  • Osokin Yury Borisovich- a student of vocational school No. 4 in Shui.
  • Samarina Ludmila Venerovna- the seller of the store No. 77 in Shui.
  • Sgibnev Gennady Filippovich- soldier.
  • Smirnov Nikolai Fyodorovich- assistant master of the Ivanovo melange plant named after Frolov.
  • Smirnova Lyubov Alexandrovna- weaver factory named after March 8, Ivanov.
  • Solovyov Alexey Yurievich- miller. Ivanovo machine-tool production association named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR.
  • Sotskova Ekaterina Alexandrovna- painter-finisher of the SUOR trust "Ivgorstroy".
  • Torutev Alexander Alexandrovich- Bricklayer-installer PMK No. 1320 of the trust "Ivselstroy" of the Teikovsky district.
  • Udalova Tatyana Sergeevna- First Secretary of the Rodnikovsky District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Chistyakova Valentina Ivanovna- milkmaid of the collective farm "Kommunar" Furmanovsky district.
  • Andreev Sergey Pavlinovich- First Secretary of the Yuryevets District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Borokina Oksana Stanislavovna- a student of the 9th grade of Sokolskaya secondary school.
  • Vorontsova Tatyana Sergeevna- student of vocational school No. 12 named after E.V. Vinogradova, Vichugi.
  • Gordeeva Elena Evgenievna- First Secretary of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Zazulina Natalya Ivanovna- weaver of the Furmanov spinning and weaving factory No. 2.
  • Zastrozhina Olga Nikolaevna- spinner of the Ivanovo Worsted Mill named after Lenin.
  • Zakharchenko Sergey Mikhailovich- 3rd year student of the Ivanovo Textile Institute.
  • Ivanova Irina Valentinovna- a weaver of the Krasnovolzhsky cotton mill in the city of Kineshma.
  • Kaplenkova Valentina Mikhailovna- spinner of the spinning and weaving factory named after Dzerzhinsky, Ivanov.
  • Kuznetsov Yury Alexandrovich- soldier.
  • Lotkova Elena Viktorovna- a milkmaid of the collective farm named after Dzerzhinsky Gavrilovo-Posad district.
  • Maslovsky Alexander Yurievich- engineer of the organizational and technological department of NPKO "Stankosistema" of the Ivanovo machine-tool production association named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR.
  • Pakina Vera Nikolaevna- the seller of the Yunost store in Ivgorpromtorg, Ivanovo.
  • Polyakova Alexander Konstantinovich- soldier.
  • Populov Evgeny Anatolievich- artist of lacquer miniatures of the Palekh art and production workshops of the Art Fund of the USSR.
  • Pupochkina Tatyana Alekseevna- First Secretary of the Oktyabrsky District Committee of the Komsomol in Ivanov.
  • Rassadin Fedor Alexandrovich- Director of the state farm "Alekhinskiy" Pestyakovsky district.
  • Rodnukhina Svetlana Vladimirovna- a weaver of the Yakovlevsky flax mill in the city of Privolzhsk.
  • Sokolova Olga Anatolievna- organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of the secondary school with. Kitovo, Shuisky district
  • Sorokin Viktor Yurievich 1999 - 1998 - machine operator of the collective farm "Leninsky Way" of the Puchezhsky district.
  • Terentyeva Natalya Vasilievna- master vegetable grower of the Teplichny state farm in the Ivanovo region.
  • Chudakov Evgeny Mikhailovich- driver of the locomotive depot of the Ivanovo station of the Northern Railway.
  • Veselov Lev Stanislavovich- Chairman of the collective farm "Vostok" Rodnikovsky district.
  • Korshunov Alexander Sergeevich- cadet of the Ivanovo fire-technical school.
  • Lipatov Timofey Leonidovich- First Secretary of the Verkhnelandekhovsky District Committee of the Komsomol.
  • Mulov Sergey Alexandrovich- Chairman of the MZhK Teykovskogo production cotton association.
  • Ptitsyna Natalya Alekseevna- First secretary of the Ivanovo district committee of the Komsomol.
  • Ryasin Vladimir Igorevich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo Energy Institute.
  • Sodonina Lyubov Alexandrovna- organizer of extracurricular activities at Furmanov secondary school No. 1.
  • Shagivaleev Raif Idrisovich- Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Ivanovo Civil Engineering Institute.
  • Shadrinov Sergey Yurievich- First Secretary of the Vichug city committee of the Komsomol.
  • Perov Alexander Ivanovich- First Secretary of the Ivanovo OK Komsomol of the RSFSR.
  • Shlykov Vadim Borisovich- First Secretary of the Shuisky GK LKSM of the RSFSR.


The collapse of the Komsomol: after 20 years.

Why did the VLKSM collapse? How did it happen that a giant youth organization uniting tens of millions of young men and women, possessing huge resources, having representation in the highest structures of state power, could not stand up for itself and crumbled like a house of cards? We are unlikely to get an unambiguous answer to such a question, but still it is worth trying to understand the essence of the processes of 20 years ago.
In the second half of the 1980s, a crisis broke out in the Komsomol, as an integral part of the entire Soviet system. Serious problems in the Komsomol organization were openly discussed not only in the primary organizations, but also at the highest level. So in April 1987, at the XX Congress of the Komsomol, the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee V.I. Mironenko publicly stated in his report that "deep contradictions have emerged between the democratic nature of the organization and the bureaucratic methods of leadership, between the desire of young people for something new and forms of work frozen for decades."
Among the causes of the crisis V.I. Mironenko singled out: “a slowdown in economic growth, silence of shortcomings, a residual principle of allocating funds for social needs, a kind of psychology and ideology of stagnation, a gap between word and deed.” Universal set. Today, almost a quarter of a century later, these problems are still relevant.
In a belated attempt to revive the activities of the Komsomol, the 20th Congress adopted a new Charter, which significantly expanded the rights of the primary Komsomol organizations, including in the economic sphere. In addition to this, in August 1988, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by its Decree, provided the Komsomol with serious tax benefits, which caused a rapid growth of self-supporting youth organizations. By March of the following 1989, about 30 such associations were already operating in the Smolensk region.
Thus, the Komsomol was among the first organizations and economic entities that switched to the principles of full cost accounting and self-financing. We can say that the Komsomol has become a testing ground for the market mechanism in the country. Cities began to create "innovative", as they would say today, platforms for working with youth - Youth Houses. One of them was opened in 1987 in Smolensk. At the same time, the Komsomol was granted the right to nominate its delegates to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In our region, the first secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol, Alexander Trudolyubov, became such.
It would seem that here it is - the democratic "perestroika" of the Komsomol, is in full swing. But she did not stop the crisis. Clear evidence of this was the inexorable reduction in the size of the Komsomol organization at all levels. From 1989 to 1990, the Union was reduced by almost 4 million people, in 1989, 58 thousand organizations did not accept a single person into the Komsomol. The ranks of the Smolensk regional organization of the Komsomol from 1986 to 1990, according to reports, decreased from 130.8 thousand to 68.6 thousand boys and girls. The real picture was even worse.
The first "swallow" of the direct collapse of the Komsomol was the Communist Youth Union of Lithuania, which in 1989 declared its independence. In the same year, the Estonian Komsomol separated. Further more. By 1990, the issue of organizational formalization of the now Russian Komsomol was on the agenda. As a result, at the first congress of the Komsomol organizations of the RSFSR, held in February 1990, the Komsomol of the RSFSR was formed, however, it is still part of the Komsomol.
But it has already been said from the podium that it is time to reorganize the “united and indivisible” VLKSM into a federation of independent Komsomol organizations, which was done two months later, at the 21st Extraordinary Congress. New model The Komsomol also demanded a change in the previous relationship with the party, and the VLKSM finally declared its full political independence. As a result, the Komsomol was far ahead of the Communist Party and many public organizations in the "democratization" of union work. V.M. was elected the first secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee at this congress. Zyukin.
During the preparation of the XXI Congress of the Komsomol Central Committee still believed that there were alternative ideas for the development of the Komsomol: in the form of a movement of political clubs, a movement of scientific and technical creativity of youth, youth housing complexes, student construction teams, an environmental movement, etc. But after the August events of 1991, the Central Committee sharply headed for the liquidation of the youth Komsomol, as an all-Union organization.
Everything was decided at the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol, convened in Moscow in September 1991. According to the recollections of the participants, this congress was unlike any of the previous ones: "there were no orders, no white bust of Ilyich on the stage, no traditional pioneer greeting." In his report, V. M. Zyukin stated: “The old system has been destroyed, and together with it, the organization that was an element of the system must leave political existence. The existence of the Komsomol even in new clothes is objectively impossible.” The fate of the Komsomol was a foregone conclusion, although the argumentation of this conclusion was very unconvincing, and many things caused bewilderment.
The only issue that was actively discussed at the congress was further fate Komsomol property. The Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League proposed its own version: the subjects of the federation and local organizations become the legal successor of the Komsomol, among which most of the property is distributed. On this they agreed: reorganization through separation.
The real property of the Komsomol was transferred to the balance sheet of the Sodruzhestvo-91 enterprise for joint shared ownership and use by the labor collectives of enterprises, editorial offices, and organizations. Cash were distributed among 23 successors, based on the number of members of the youth union. The apparatus of the Central Committee was abolished. The Congress adopted the Agreement on the establishment of the Coordinating Council, which was instructed to conduct negotiations on cooperation between youth organizations for 10 months independent states with a view to the possible creation of an inter-republican youth structure. But no real action this has not been done.
The last attempt to save the Komsomol was made by the Russian delegates to the congress. They gathered in Moscow in October 1991 at the first conference of the Komsomol of Russia, at which it was decided to create a new, now non-political, non-governmental and non-profit organization on the basis of the Komsomol of the RSFSR, namely, the Russian Union of Youth. He became the legal successor of the Komsomol in Russia.
Thus ended the history of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union, an organization whose name has been associated with the youth of many generations since 1918.

Valentin Semenov,
Head of the Museum of the History of the Youth Movement
at Soyuz DM LLC (Youth House)

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