Military equipment of the sun of the Russian Federation. The latest weapons of the Russian army: the best

Fashion & Style 09.07.2019
Fashion & Style

The situation in modern world such that the Russian Federation, in order to maintain its sovereignty and play key roles in the international arena, is forced to strengthen its combat capability. And what is the strengthening of combat capability? This is, first of all, strengthening the Russian army with new weapons - classified weapons, and those that Russia sells to other countries.

This article will discuss the latest developments in weapons in Russia. Some of these weapons are already being used by our troops, other new models are under development and testing, and should enter service with the Russian army in 2018-2019.

Here it should be said again that at present Russia is developing and testing many types of weapons of a new generation, moreover, the testing of new Russian weapons is a secret matter. For obvious reasons, nothing can be said about such weapons yet. In addition, within the framework of a separate article, it is simply impossible to talk about all the new developments, so we will only talk about some of the loudest samples. modern weapons Russia.

The latest weapons of Russia 2017-2018

Generally speaking, according to prominent weapons experts and politicians, in the coming years, the Russian armed forces should receive:

  • Over 600 aircraft different types: fighters, aircraft long range, strategic bombers, etc.;
  • More than 1000 latest helicopters;
  • Over 300 new super air defense systems;
  • Ballistic missiles of a new generation with nuclear warheads;
  • New nuclear weapon;
  • New precision weapons(bombs, missiles, etc.), as well as the latest guidance systems for such weapons, designed for high-precision shooting;
  • New weapons to destroy tanks and other ground vehicles;
  • The latest samples of small arms and military equipment;
  • Various military equipment of the new generation, as well as other products of domestic weapons enterprises.

In addition, the Armed Forces of Russia in the near future should receive troop control systems based on automation. Also developing new secret weapon Russia. According to some information, the development of the latest small arms in Russia is currently underway, the operation of which is supposed to be based on fundamentally new physical methods.

In addition, work continues on the creation of hypersonic missiles, which are supposed to be based not on the surface of the earth, but in airspace. It is assumed that the speed of such rockets will be 7-8 times higher than the speed of sound. This, for obvious reasons, will be Russia's latest secret weapon.

In addition, work is underway in Russia on other types of superweapons. Some of these samples of Russia's superweapons will be discussed below.

Russian nuclear weapons

It is known that the main shield of our country is strategic nuclear weapons. Until now, well-known domestic examples of strategic nuclear weapons"Voevoda" and "Sotka". However, they are already changing to more advanced models (Topol, Topol-M).

However, in addition to those listed, a new secret weapon of Russia, that is, new types of strategic missiles, is being actively and successfully developed and implemented. Here are just a few of them:

  • RS-24 Yars. The re-equipment of the Russian army with such missiles, in fact, is already underway. According to the Russian command, missiles of this type will replace obsolete strategic missiles. missile weapons(the same "Poplar" and "Topol - M");
  • RS-26 Frontier. This complex is intended for use by intercontinental ballistic missile with increased accuracy. In 2014, the complex entered service with the Russian army. It is assumed that this missile will replace Topol-M and Yars in the future;
  • BZHRK Barguzin. Since this type of weapon is not yet used in the Russian army (it is under development), there is little information about it. This new Russian secret weapon is expected to become operational in 2018;
  • Missile launcher "Vanguard". This is a fundamentally new weapon, its effectiveness compared to the same "Topol-M" can be 50 times higher. The warhead of this missile is capable of flying from 16,000 to 25,000 km. The rocket launcher is supposed to be put into service in 2018;
  • Missile bottom systems. This is, in fact, rocket launchers located on seabed and, accordingly, launching missiles from sea ​​depths. One of these complexes was named "Skif". The essence of the action of such a complex is as follows. The rocket located on the seabed is in constant standby mode. When the command is fired, the missile fires and hits a surface ship or any ground target. The water column serves as a kind of mine for the rocket. The first test launch of the rocket since the day White Sea was made back in 2013. The development of bottom missile systems is carried out to this day;
  • Mobile missile systems. Based on the name, such complexes can be moved from place to place, which is their considerable advantage compared to stationary complexes. Russia is currently working on the creation of railway and naval mobile missile systems. One of the test marine mobile missile systems was placed in an ordinary cargo container. A test launch of a rocket from such a complex had a considerable effect on observers and experts.

Again, this is just a small part of missile weapons, adopted in 2017 or planned for entry into the Russian armed forces in the near future.

Anti-tank weapons

As for anti-tank weapons, there are also unique samples that have no analogues anywhere in the world. Here are just a few of these samples:

  • Missile complex Kornet-D. This is a very effective weapon for destroying enemy armored vehicles. Since the complex is a missile one, therefore, the destruction of enemy armored vehicles is carried out by missiles;
  • Hermes complex. Its first version, called "Hermes-A", was intended to be destroyed using helicopters. The complex is attached to a helicopter, and in this way fire is fired at enemy armored vehicles. Currently, work is underway to create new variants of anti-tank systems, which are designed to expand and diversify the use of weapons. In particular, it is known that in the near future, missiles fired from the Hermes complex should be used with anti-aircraft missile system"Pantsir-S1";
  • MGK BUR. In fact, this is a new improved type of grenade launcher, which has a reusable launcher and one shot. That is, after each shot, the grenade launcher must be reloaded, as it was in all previous versions of this type of weapon.

Other samples of anti-tank weapons that are currently being worked on are classified, and therefore there is no need to talk about them in detail.

New small arms

Speaking of “new weapons of Russia”, it is impossible to do without mentioning the new small arms produced in the country. Rockets, planes and ships are, of course, wonderful, but it is precisely weapon first of all, it is able to protect the most valuable thing - the life of a soldier. Here are just some of the new samples of Russian small arms:

  • Double medium ADS machine. This is a unique new small arms of Russia, which is capable of firing both outdoors and under water. In addition, the machine is designed in such a way that it can be fired from both the left and from right hand. The assault rifle began to be mass-produced in 2016, and it entered service with the Russian army in 2017;
  • SVLK-14S. Such a rifle is an extremely accurate Russian sniper weapon, which can effectively hit a target at a distance of up to 2 km. In addition, it is the most powerful small arms to date;
  • Lebedev pistol (PL-14). Domestic pistols - perhaps the most weakness our small arms. The famous "Makarov" has long been outdated - both in terms of its combat qualities, and in other senses, there are also complaints about other domestic pistols. Against this background, the new domestic pistol, developed by designer Lebedev, looks very attractive. The pistol is very light and thin, it can be fired both with the right and left hand, its recoil is small, the accuracy of fire and the rate of fire exceeds the available domestic counterparts. The gun should go into service with both the army and the police. In addition, the designers also promise a sports version of the PL-14.

Currently, several defense enterprises of the country are working on the creation of a fundamentally new small arms, in no way similar to the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle. In particular, it is already known that for such weapons the firing mechanism and buttstock will be located in the buttstock, and it is supposed to shoot from such weapons with specially designed (innovative) cartridges. Such cartridges will significantly increase the accuracy and range of fire, as well as lethal force. The first samples of such weapons have already arrived in this year to the Russian armed forces. Massively new small arms will begin to enter the army and special forces in 2020.

Robots as the newest weapon of Russia

It is clear that in the age of electronic technology, robots can also (and must) be weapons. What is actually happening. This year, Russia began to create special forces robots. According to the designers, such robots will be able to provide significant assistance to soldiers on the battlefield: help snipers in choosing a target, deliver ammunition, and also perform the functions of orderlies - that is, find the wounded, provide them with first aid and transport them to medical facilities. These robots are currently being tested.

Another combat robot (or rather, a robotic military complex), which was given the name "Nerekhta". It moves on caterpillars and is armed with a Kord machine gun. Initially, the robot was conceived as an artillery fire spotter, but soon the designers realized that being just a spotter for such a machine is not enough.

Currently, the Nerekhta robot can go on reconnaissance, quietly destroy an enemy pillbox, open fire from a machine gun and thereby support its fighters. The robot is able to move up to 30 km per hour, it is controlled by a remote control. Since the robot is equipped with an optoelectronic system, a thermal imager, a laser range finder and a ballistic computer, it is currently also successfully used as a guard of missile systems.

Currently, work is underway to improve the robot. So, this year, an improved version of Nerekhta-2 was tested. Such a robot will be a “squire” of a fighter, that is, he will carry his weapons and equipment behind the fighter. The robot can be controlled by voice and gestures. In addition, the robot will act in sync with the fighter it serves. For example, if a fighter took aim and fired at some target, then the robot from its weapon will also shoot at the same target - for reliability and safety.

In total, there are 78 foreign defense enterprises from 14 countries at the forum. National expositions were organized by Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Pakistan, Slovakia and South Africa.
The demonstration program, which unfolded on the territory of three clusters, involved more than 190 weapons, military and special equipment. Aviation is represented at the airfield in Kubinka, ground equipment - at the Alabino training ground. Here, on Lake Komsomolsk, there is a water cluster, where one of the main novelties is underwater robots. Small arms are displayed in the area of ​​the Multifunctional Fire Center.

SHF sniper rifle

© Press Service of the Kalashnikov Concern

The latest development for high-precision shooting. semi-automatic sniper rifle Chukavina (MW) is available in two calibers - 7.62 x 54 mm and 7.62 x 51 mm (the latter is also known as .308 Win, very popular in the world market). At the same time, in caliber 7.62 × 54 mm, it is compatible with magazines from SVD. In the basic configuration, the microwave is equipped with a telescopic butt with an adjustable cheek.
According to the general director of the Kalashnikov concern (part of Rostec) Alexei Krivoruchko, this development has a very great future, the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Guard, as well as export partners, are interested. There are great prospects in the civilian market. “We are already conducting part of the tests related to the civilian direction this year and we hope to start testing these rifles for law enforcement agencies in the near future,” he said in an interview with TASS.
The microwave oven differs from the usual small arms primarily in its layout. The designers decided to get away from the traditional scheme with receiver with a closed lid. The new layout simplifies the mounting of optics, collimator sights, night and thermal imaging nozzles and other sighting systems.

BMD-4M with the Sinitsa combat module

The combat module "Sinitsa" is an improved combat compartment of the infantry fighting vehicle - BMP-3, which has retained a powerful set of weapons consisting of a 100-mm cannon - 2A70 launcher, a 30-mm automatic cannon 2A72 and a PKTM 7.62 mm machine gun.

BMD-4M airborne combat vehicle with the Sinitsa combat module © Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

BMD-4M with "Tit" is designed to transport units of the Airborne Forces, conduct combat from a vehicle and provide fire support. Its total combat weight does not exceed 14.3 tons. The crew consists of three people, four paratroopers are allowed to be transported. BMD-4M can be parachuted with combat crew inside. The previously developed version of the BMD-4M was equipped with the Bakhcha-U fighting compartment.

Medical armored car "Tiger"

The military-industrial company (VPK) created a medical version of the armored car BMA "Tigr-Aibolit". This machine is made on an initiative basis.

Armored medical vehicle (BMA) "Tiger" © Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

Tank support combat vehicle "Terminator"

The machine was involved in demonstrations at the Alabino training ground. It became known at the forum that for the first time the Russian Ministry of Defense bought a tank support combat vehicle in the interests of the Ground Forces.

Tank support combat vehicle "Terminator-3" in Syria. @WaelAlHussaini

It was created taking into account the military operations that were conducted back in Afghanistan. BMPT based on the T-90 tank is able to identify a hidden threat and destroy it before the main tank is hit. Crew - five people. firepower provide two 30-mm automatic cannons, one machine gun, two AGS-30 grenade launchers and four Ataka-T anti-tank guided missiles.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-87

First presented at the exhibition. The new armored personnel carrier, designated BTR-87, was developed by the Military Industrial Company. He received a layout with a front engine, in which the landing and landing of troops is carried out through the aft doors. Something similar to the BTR-4 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Armored personnel carrier BTR-87 © Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS
BTR-4 Ladya (Ukraine)

“BTR-87 is an initiative development work. There may be a stern exit for paratroopers with a hinged door, as shown in the sample at the exhibition, or we can make a very convenient folding ramp, again in the stern. This is the main difference between the BTR-87 and the BTR-82A, where the troops land through hatches located in the sides of the hull, ”said Alexander Krasovitsky, general director of the military-industrial complex, to TASS.
The new vehicle is equipped with the undercarriage of the BTR-82A armored personnel carrier. The BTR-87 is a four-axle all-wheel drive floating vehicle with an 8 x 8 wheel formula. The BTR-87 received a combat module, the armament of which includes a 30-mm automatic cannon, a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, and four anti-tank guided missiles.
According to the developers, the BTR-87 has already passed a series of tests and is now being submitted by the Ministry of Defense to open development work in the interests of the military department.

Motorcycle for special forces

The presentation of a silent motorcycle designed for was held as part of the forum.

IZH motorcycle for special forces © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

According to the head of the company, the range of motorcycles produced by the concern will be very wide. “We will make different models, different classes, but the emphasis will be on electric motorcycles,” he explained. The plans include the production of other electric vehicles.
As previously reported, the concern has developed an electric motorcycle for the traffic police and police departments. The power reserve for charging such a machine is 150 km. Maximum power - 15 kW. The first samples will be handed over to the Metropolitan Police at the end of August.

Armored communication vehicle "Tigr-US"

First presented at the exhibition. This machine will be able to transform into a control and intelligence center, a secure communications node or a mobile data processing center.

Tiger-US armored vehicle © Alexey Panshin/TASS

According to Alexander Davydov, General Director of Voentelecom, the system has unprecedented characteristics and is capable of replacing up to 70% of bulky and diverse command and staff vehicles and complex communications equipment, while providing much richer functionality and significantly improved performance characteristics with a multiple reduction in the cost of purchase and service.
It also became known that at the level of the concept, Voentelecom considers this communication and control vehicle as an unmanned vehicle controlled by artificial intelligence, which independently determines the route based on the situation in the theater of operations.

Buggy "Chaborz" M-6

Aeromobile multi-purpose all-terrain vehicle (buggy) Chaborz M-6 © Marina Lystseva/TASS

The new six-seat buggy "Chaborz" M-6 presented Training Center special forces of Chechnya.

It is primarily intended for military use and has a wide range of cargo transportation and installation capabilities. additional equipment. Serial production of all-terrain vehicles at the Chechenavto plant will begin after the presentation at the Army-2017 forum.
Today's volume serial production is 30 cars per month. The car is universal and adapts to various military and civilian needs.

Combat module using neural network technologies

For the first time in the pavilion of the Kalashnikov Concern, a new combat module using neural network technologies allowing him to recognize goals and make decisions.

A neural network is a fast learning system that is able to act not only in accordance with a given algorithm, but also on the basis of previously used experience. It also became known that this combat module can go into series in 2018 and can be installed on any equipment.

"Shotgun" to combat drones

The electromagnetic "gun" "Stupor" was created by the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to suppress unmanned aerial vehicles.

Electromagnetic "gun" "Stupor" © Dmitry Reshetnikov/TASS

The complex is designed to suppress unmanned aerial vehicles, including drones, used on the ground and water surface, at a line-of-sight range. In addition, it can suppress the navigation and transmission channels of drones, as well as their photo and video cameras in the optoelectronic range.
The “gun” emits electromagnetic pulses and is primarily intended to suppress the control channel of the drone, which, under the influence of radiation, loses contact with the operator, which leads to uncontrolled flight and a fall.
"Stupor" operates at a distance of 2 km in a 20-degree sector. It can be charged both from the mains and from a car battery.

The Russian Federation as the legal successor of the collapsed Soviet Union today, many European states are seen as a potential adversary. Therefore, when creating military doctrines, emphasis is placed on a possible military confrontation. The doctrine of the United States of America is somewhat different. According to experts, of all states, it is the United States that strives for world domination. The Russian Federation is forced to respond symmetrically. In this regard, it is quite understandable why many people compare the military equipment of the United States and Russia. According to experts, the military potential of the two states is not inferior to each other. Information about the weapons and military equipment of Russia is contained in the article.


Formation of the armed forces Russian Federation took place in 1992. At that time, there were only 288,000 people in the Armed Forces. Today, the number has reached 1 million. According to experts, Russia's military equipment is modern and highly developed. The country has weapons of mass destruction and a lot of nuclear stocks. According to experts, the Russian army does not use weapons brought from abroad. Everything necessary for the needs of the army is made on the territory of the state. Gunsmiths and the defense industry are developing a new military equipment. To date, the Armed Forces are equipped with the most modern weapons. Modernizing the army, the state had to spend more than 19 trillion rubles. Experts suggest that by 2020, samples of new Russian military equipment will amount to at least 70%.

About heavy weapons

According to experts, in the production of self-propelled artillery systems salvo fire Russia is four times larger than the US. The Russian army has weapons that have no analogues in Western countries and, according to experts, will not appear in the near future. For example, the Russian Federation has a severe flamethrower system"Solntsepek" and a system that provides salvo fire, "Tornado". In Russia, the names of military equipment are quite original. For example, in the UK, a self-propelled artillery mount is listed as "Archer", an American howitzer - "Paladin". In Russia for self-propelled howitzers, mortars and cannons, the names of colors are used: "Carnation", "Acacia", "Tulip", "Hyacinth", "Peony". For anti-tank missiles 9M14M and 9M123, the names "Baby" and "Chrysanthemum" were used.


The main defense of the state is provided by strategic nuclear weapons. It is represented by a whole complex of ammunition, carriers, management systems and Vehicle. This weapon uses nuclear energy, which is obtained by fission and fusion of nuclei. To date, the new Russian nuclear weapon is considered to be the RS-24 Yars.

It began to be created back in the years of the Soviet Union, after the collapse of which Russia became the owner of all design developments. The workers of the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant are assembling nuclear complexes. The missile deployment took place in 2009. Soon, on the basis of Yars, engineers created a similar complex, which is known as Topol-M.


It is a fifth-generation multirole fighter. A new military equipment of Russia has been developed in the Sukhoi Design Bureau. The crew of the aircraft consists of one pilot. The length of the fighter is 19.7 m. The height is 4.8 m. The plane weighs 18,500 kg. The rate of climb is 330 m/s. For the takeoff run, the T-50 needs at least 350 m. The flight range is in the range from 4300 to 5500 km. The fighter is designed for a maximum combat load of up to 9400 kg. It rises to a height of up to 20 thousand km. The flight duration indicator does not exceed 5.8 hours.


It is a strategic supersonic missile bomber. Military equipment was developed in Russia by employees of the Tupolev Experimental Design Bureau. The crew of the aircraft is 4 people. The Tu-160 weighs 118 thousand kg. The aviation model is designed for a maximum combat load of up to 40,000 kg. The combat load indicator does not exceed 9 thousand kg. The aircraft is moving from maximum speed 2200 and cruising 850 km/h. The Tu-160 needs 2,000 meters to take off. The time spent in the air is limited to 15 hours. Bomber without built-in weapons. Used to transport thermonuclear and conventional bombs, min.


This aircraft model belongs to the type of interceptors. Produced in OKB "MiG". The crew consists of one pilot. The aviation unit weighs 20 thousand kg. For the aircraft, a combat load of up to 1800 kg is provided. Develops a speed of 3 thousand km / h. It is equipped with four R-40RD and R-40TD missiles. Aircraft without built-in cannon weapons. The interceptor is equipped with a Sapphire-25 radar system and a TP-23Sh1 heat direction finder.

T-14 "Armata"

This sample of Russian military equipment is the main tank. Produced in design office UralVagonZavod. There are three people in the crew of the tank. The combat weight of one combat unit is 57 thousand kg. The tank is equipped with a 12-cylinder X-shaped diesel turbo piston engine A-85-3A. In order to save the motor resources of "Armata" power power plant from 1500 hp lowered to 1200. On a flat surface, the T-14 is capable of moving at a speed of 70 km / h. The Armata is armed with a 125mm 2A82 smoothbore gun. Guided missiles are used as projectiles.

In addition, this military equipment of Russia is equipped with one 7.62 mm modernized Kalashnikov tank machine gun and one Kord machine gun of 12.7 mm caliber as additional weapons. Main and secondary weapons with remote digital control. The cannon has 45 rounds. Of these, 32 are located in the charging machine. Ammunition for the Kalashnikov machine gun consists of 2 thousand rounds. Of these, 1 thousand are on alert. Another thousand are located in special belts. For Korda, 300 ammunition is provided. They are kept in boxes. Charging is done automatically. The Armata can detect a target at a distance of 5 thousand meters. The defeat is carried out at a distance of up to 7 thousand meters. The tank uses a universal tracked platform, in the creation of which the best practices of such models as the Black Eagle and T-95 are applied. The peculiarity of "Armata" is the presence of an uninhabited tower. In the manufacture of armor, high-quality steel 44S-SV-Sh and additional ceramic and composite layers were used.

About the T-72B tank

The Ural Carriage Works became the developer of military equipment in Russia. The design of the tank began in 1985. The crew of the combat transport unit consists of three people. The tank weighs 42.5 tons. T-72B with anti-shell combined armor. In addition, hinged dynamic protection is provided for the equipment. Equipped with a 125 mm 2A46M gun. The function of additional weapons is performed by a Kalashnikov tank machine gun and an anti-aircraft NSVT of 7.62 and 12.7 mm calibers.

In addition, the T-72B is equipped with the 9K120 Svir system, which is fired with anti-tank guided missiles. Index maximum range firing from the main gun is 4 thousand m. The projectile weighs no more than 23 kg. The combat set of the main gun consists of 45, ATGM - 4 shells, Kalashnikov machine gun - 2 thousand rounds, NSVT - 300. power unit represented by a V-84-1 diesel engine with an HP 840 power. On a flat surface, the tank moves at a speed of 60 km/h. The rough terrain runs at 35 km/h. The T-72B is equipped with the R-173 radio station, the R-174 intercom, the GPK-59 navigation equipment, the TDA smoke screen, and the TKN-3V sighting system. In addition, the tank has fire-fighting equipment ZETs13 "Hoarfrost" and freon cylinders. T-72B - a tank with a katana and cast steel armor. The body is made by welding. In production, rolled armor parts with various thicknesses and designs are used.


It is a launcher that is equipped with the S-300PS complex. The preparation and launch of missiles is provided by a special container, autonomous power supply - the 5S18A system. In combat calculation - four people. The fire is conducted by anti-aircraft guided missiles 5V55R. There are 4 rounds in the ammunition load. It takes 5 minutes to deploy the complex. The target is destroyed at a range of 47 thousand meters at an altitude of up to 2 km. Index maximum height rocket flight is 30 km. The projectile flies at a speed of 1.2 m/s. When arranging the chassis, the MAZ-54ZM chassis was used. The complex is capable of reaching a maximum speed of up to 60 km / h.

A-222 "Coast"

Military equipment is a 130 mm artillery mount. Crew size - 8 people. Weight exceeds 43 tons. The unit is equipped with a D-12A-525A diesel engine with a capacity of 525 horsepower. On a flat surface, the vehicle moves at a maximum speed of 60 km / h. The installation was equipped with one 130 mm caliber gun. Shooting from it is carried out at a target located no further than 23 thousand meters. The barrel has a muzzle brake and an ejector. Military equipment is completed high-explosive shells F-44 in the amount of 48 pcs. One ammunition weighs 33.4 kg. He moves towards the target at a speed of 850 km / h. Within one minute, 14 shots can be fired from the complex. The task of this military equipment is to provide defense on the coast. The crew of the A-222 "Bereg" fires at ships, aircraft and cruise missiles enemy. In addition to the ACS, the complex has a BR-136 "Feed" management system and an on-duty fighting machine. In the production of the A-222, the MAZ-543M chassis is used, the mass of which is 21 tons. The installation uses a ballistic computer, a laser rangefinder and an optoelectronic command sight, thanks to which, in the event of a breakdown in the BR-136 control system, fire is fired at the target automatically.


It is a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser, with a displacement of 55,000 to 67,500 tons. It moves at a speed of 30 nautical knots. The cruiser is equipped with boilers (8 pcs.), GTZA (4 pcs.) and four propellers. The power plant capacity reaches 200 thousand liters. With. The crew is 2590 people. The cruiser transports 626 aviation units. "Eagle" is armed with 12th launchers P-700 "Granite", anti-aircraft missile systems"Dagger" (4 units) and "Dagger" (8 units). In addition, the cruiser has two RKPTZ "Udav-1M", the ammunition load of which consists of the RSL-120 (60 units), Su-33 (24 missiles) and Ka-27 (18 units).

On the conservation of military equipment in Russia

According to experts, there are secret strategic military bases in the country designed to store various pieces of military equipment: vehicles, mobile command posts, S-300 systems, engineering and radar. For most combat units, the wheelbases of MAZs and KRAZs are used. Judging by the reviews, some of the equipment is rather worn out. However, there are models in the hangars that were sent for conservation after successful sea trials. If necessary, they are suitable for combat missions.

What budget money is spent on, spending on defense spending can be seen by looking at the changes in the Russian army in recent years. The latest species armaments have already begun to flow into various units of the Russian army. On February 23, we prepared an overview of the most effective military Russian technology.

1. "Typhoon"

The first batch of ultra-protected Typhoon trucks entered the Russian armed forces for testing in 2014. Each vehicle uses combined ceramic plate armor. No major damage or death personnel, "Typhoon" withstands an explosion of up to 8 kg of TNT under the wheel or bottom. The machines also have an information and control system GALS-D1M.

2. "Defender" Su-34

The first Su-34s entered service in 2014 in the amount of 16 units. According to its classification, the aircraft is a fighter-bomber. According to NATO classification, it passes as Fullback and belongs to the 4+ generation of aircraft. It was created on the basis of the Su-27. The aircraft can strike at ground and surface targets. It can also carry nuclear weapons.

3. Monomakh

In December 2014, a new nuclear submarine cruiser "Vladimir Monomakh" was launched and put into service with the Russian Navy. Today it is one of the best submarines in the world. Armed with a new complex intercontinental missiles"Mace".

4. "White Swan"

Two years ago, deliveries of upgraded Tu-160M ​​strategic bombers began to the RF Armed Forces. For the most part, engineers worked to improve the flight performance of the machine, in particular, the latest flight and navigation system was installed. The aircraft can reach speeds up to 2000 km/h. Without refueling overcomes ¼ of the earth's equator.

5. "Bakhcha"

BMD-4M "Bakhcha" completed military tests and began to enter service. This is a new maneuverable, airmobile, amphibious vehicle with high firepower designed for use by troops. The first batch of 64 vehicles was delivered in 2015.

6. S-400 "Triumph"

To date, the S-400 "Triumph" is only 7 units in the army, but in the future this machine will become a new standard for air defense. The S-400 Triumph station can simultaneously fire at 36 targets with up to 72 missiles aimed at them.

7. "Tornado"

Multiple rocket launchers MLRS "Tornado-G" of the latest model began to replenish the Russian army in early 2014. "Tornado" is a modification of the MLRS "Grad", has an increased rate of fire and a greater effective range. The installation can hit objects at a distance of up to 40 km.

8. MiG-31BM

Modernized MiG-31BM fighter-interceptors began to enter the army in 2014. Aircraft in the course of modernization received the latest control system. The target detection range was increased to 320 km and the engagement range to 280 km. The interceptor can hit up to 6 targets and "target" up to 10.

Any technique becomes obsolete over time, more advanced units and devices come to replace some mechanisms. Traditionally, the army not only does not stay away from innovations, but its modernization is one of the priority tasks. modern Russia. International competition in question technical equipment troops forces to introduce new technologies in the production of equipment for the armed forces. Today we will talk about the current equipment and weapons of the Russian army, as well as what combat units will replenish the military arsenal of our country in 2018.


It is known that, starting from 2017, Russia has also been modernizing the technical equipment of the army. In the next three years, at least 70 percent of the equipment and military equipment of the armed forces of the Russian Federation will be replaced with more advanced and powerful units.

This year, a part of the grandiose set of measures has been almost completely completed (several large deliveries of new military equipment are also expected in December). Since January, the Russian defense industry has produced and improved about 3,500 combat units of equipment for ground forces and fleet, including:

  • 16 new warships;
  • 190 modernized units of aircraft and helicopters;
  • about 800 units of tanks and armored vehicles built;
  • over 150 anti-aircraft missile systems;
  • about 2,000 units of automotive equipment for multi-purpose use.

Let us consider in more detail the sections of technology, consisting of this moment in service and undergoing modernization in 2017, and also get acquainted with the novelties of the Russian army, which are planned to be released in 2018.

Tanks and armored vehicles

Among tank vehicles, the T-90 model traditionally stands out, having undergone more than one degree of modernization and is a leader in terms of combat characteristics. However, this year the state order included the improvement of the T-72BZ tanks. Thanks to the work done on the modernization of the model (additional armor, new system fire control and automatic transmission), these tanks received a "second life" and in some respects are able to compete with the famous T-90.

In the category of armored vehicles, the armed forces of the Russian Federation in 2017 received improved BMP-3 (the model almost completely replaced the BMP-2 in service) and BTR-82A (anti-fragmentation synthetic protection was installed on the upgraded units). Also, the ranks of the airborne equipment were replenished with several copies of the BDM-4M and BTR-MDM ( distinctive feature of these machines is the fact that they can be landed immediately with the crew on board).

Aerospace Force

The defense of the country's aerospace space is a priority and most urgent task, therefore, the armament of the Aerospace Forces is given Special attention. Definitely the highlight recent years production began with the subsequent delivery to the troops of the new generation Su35S universal fighter (4 ++), which is by far the most advanced air vehicle in service with the Russian army.

In addition to the main "star", the Su-30SM and Su-34 (modernized for "ground work") continue to be supplied to the Aerospace Forces. The latter, by the way, are planned to be produced as part of government orders until 2020.

In addition, the flow of improved models of MiG-31BM interceptors continues, on which tremendous work has been done - in the new aircraft, the on-board equipment and systems responsible for controlling weapons equipment have been replaced.

As for the modernization of the helicopter fleet, the production of Mi-28N impact devices is expected next year. These helicopters are distinguished by high stealth from enemy radars, advanced armor and powerful weapons capable of inflicting pinpoint strikes against ground targets. Also in 2018, it is planned to supply unique Ka-52 vehicles - "Alligators" can hit enemy tanks, artillery and helicopters. The largest mass-produced helicopter in the world did not go unnoticed either - the Mi-26 was also upgraded and entered into the disposal of the Aerospace Forces updated.

In addition to the above pieces of equipment, some military units of the Russian Aerospace Forces have been replenished with weapons in the form of special complexes equipped with Grusha, Granat and Outpost drones.

Strategic missiles

In such an important and very relevant category of equipping the army as nuclear weapons, the process of gradual modernization and updating of equipment is also going on. In particular, in 2018 it is planned to produce a completely new type of weapon - a railway missile system under the working name "Barguzin". Also, as part of the campaign to improve the nuclear military potential of Russia until 2020, the commissioning of such pieces of equipment as:

  • RS-24 Yars(created to replace the RS-18 and RS-20 ICBM complexes in the country's arsenal);
  • RS-26 Frontier(produced since 2014 and gradually adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces; in the future, it is planned to replace the famous Topoli with this complex);
  • RS-28 Sarmat(in 2015, the production of the first elements of the complex was launched, at the moment the project is in the state of implementation).

Anti-tank weapons

The modernization and elements of anti-tank weapons did not bypass. This includes both vehicle complexes and individual means of destroying enemy tanks. To date, there is a gradual change of technical equipment with the commissioning of the following advanced modules:

  • Kornet-D complex(anti-tank installation based on a car);
  • Hermes complex(produced for arming the Ka-52 and Mi-28N helicopters; in addition, this complex is being produced jointly with the Pantsir S1 air defense system);
  • MGK BUR(individual anti-tank grenade launcher);
  • RPG-32 Hashim.

small arms

While not all possible military battles are fought through aerospace, individual small arms are still relevant, and there is room for improvement.

In particular, great attention chains an ADS machine to itself. The uniqueness of this model is that shooting from this weapon can be carried out with equal success both on land and under water. It is also necessary to note the versatility of the machine gun - the shooter can fire equally from both shoulders. In addition, as part of the project to modernize the technical equipment of the Russian army until 2020, it is planned to put into operation the following types of sniper small arms:

  • SVLK-14S(high-precision sniper rifle capable of hitting a target at a distance of up to 2,000 meters);
  • complex 6S8(Of the advantages of this sniper complex, it is worth highlighting the ease of design, its compactness and firing range up to 1,500 meters).

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