Deep fish monsters. sea ​​monsters

Interesting 15.06.2019

As soon as the horror movie ends, we calm the thumping heart - it's all fiction, it's fake, it doesn't happen in life... Especially for you and only in the deep-sea issue of DARKER, in the arena of the underwater circus of nightmares - real creatures, creatures of the gloomy depths that are waiting your fleshy bodies!

Every time plunging into a pond, the author of these lines panics, he imagines death. Divers-maniacs (the legacy of the "Amsterdam Nightmare" viewed in childhood), algae, wet sliding over the body - the tentacles of an underwater creature, and further and deeper - waiting bloodthirsty sharks. But summer is coming. Swimming in the city is unbearable. Everyone will take a vacation or go on vacation. Off to the deep blue sea. When he gets tired of wallowing on the sand, he will dive into the cool waves. And there, and there...

goblin shark

Shark-goblin or scapanorhynchus (lat. Mitsukurina owstoni) is a deep-sea shark, the only representative of the genus shark-house sharks or scapanorhynchus (Mitsukurina), the only genus of the family Scapanorhynchus sharks (Mitsukurinidae). The muzzle ends in a long beak-like outgrowth, and the long jaws can be extended far. The color is close to pink (blood vessels show through the translucent skin). The largest known individual reached a length of 3.8 meters and weighed 210 kg. Found at depths of over 200 m worldwide from Australian Pacific waters to the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic.

Black sea devil

Cerate-shaped or, in a simple way, anglerfish. One of those creatures that you immediately think of when thinking about deep-sea monsters. Creepy grin. Damn flashlight decoy. And unusual shape bodies are the result of natural deformation: these fish live at great depths: from 1.5 to 3 kilometers. But as soon as they are brought to the surface ... they become even uglier: the difference between internal and external pressure puffs up their bodies.

giant squid

It was these animals that gave rise to legends about monsters that, with their powerful tentacles, drag sea vessels to the bottom. Frequent characters of old engravings on maritime theme. The inspiration behind the Kraken stories. For a long time they were considered mythical creatures. They were first described by the Danish zoologist Japetus Smith Steenstrup in 1857. But it took almost 100 years before their existence was documented by Norwegian researchers. The body of a mighty clam washed ashore. But almost half a century passed, until in 2004 the first pictures were taken by Japanese oceanologists. Giant squids feed on fish, other squids and octopuses. And their only natural enemy is the sperm whale! Talk about sunken ships - fairy tales? ..

mantis shrimp

Sea mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus) - I want to talk about this amazing animal a little longer. But, I see, he has already taken a fighting stance with his legs. There is a known case when this small (about 20 cm) crayfish broke an aquarium glass with one blow! And unlucky divers, fearing decompression sickness, hurried to surface closer to the hospital - to urgently sew on a finger. But this animal is worthy of the pen of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Pay attention to his unusual eyes. The marine mantis shrimp distinguishes 12 primary colors, focuses simultaneously on the foreground and background, sees in the infrared, ultraviolet spectrum, and even in polarized light.

giant isopod

Depth favors size. The force of gravity is compensated by the Archimedean force. That's why there are so many gigantic ones. Isopods or isopods are one of the most numerous and diverse groups of crayfish: from goats to those in the photo, the size of two palms of an adult male. Despite the fact that they are predators, giant isopods usually live in places where conditions do not indulge in good hunting. And therefore, it is worth descending the "ocean manna" in the form of carrion, as a hundred vile arthropods gather around the carcass of a dead whale or shark.



Even though the above image is computer work talented Ajdin Barucija from London, take a look at. Perhaps I will admire the work of an English artist and console myself with the fact that at least it is not real. The long-horned, or common saber-toothed, or needle-toothed (lat. Anoplogaster cornuta) is a predatory fish that lives in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. It reaches a length of 15 cm, the weight of an adult is about 120 g. This fish was recognized as one of the most terrible animals. And the ratio of teeth to the body of her fish is the largest.

Sarcastic Bandedhead

Let's try to translate the English Sarcastic fringehead like this. We don’t know who they seemed “sarcastic” to. This fish is extremely aggressive. Defending its territory, it opens its mouth in an unusual, frightening mine. How can I not remember the series. It is worth noting that the imaginary increase in one's own size is a fairly common technique in the animal world. When two “bordered heads” grapple in a fight for territory or a female, they close their open mouths, as if in a passionate kiss. They live in the Pacific Ocean off the coast North America.

moray eel


Huge underwater "snakes" fascinate and frighten at the same time. They can grow up to 3 meters and weigh about 50 kilograms. An experienced diver will never get close to a moray eel. Moray eels are predatory fish and extremely dangerous. They attack with lightning speed and furiously. There are cases of people dying from the attack of moray eels. In ancient times, it was believed that their bite is poisonous. After all, with their appearance, moray eels are so reminiscent of snakes. The reality is harsher. In the blink of an eye, a moray eel can tear human flesh so hard that a diver bleeds to death.

Japanese spider crab

The legs of the Japanese spider crab (inhabitant from 150 to 800 meters deep) can reach 3 meters in length. He lives for about 100 years. This means that one individual can terrify several generations of arachnophobes. Still, Ray Bradbury was right in the story "A Matter of Taste" about the planet of huge intelligent spiders:

« - They are our friends!

— Oh my God, yes.

And again tremble, tremble, tremble.

“But we will never get anything done with them. They are just not human.».

Did you know that terrible creatures live at the bottom of the ocean? The truth is that we know more about our universe than we do about the oceans on our own planet. In fact, even to this day, we are discovering new creatures lurking in depths where the sunlight. To be honest, some of these deep sea dwellers are pretty creepy. Here are 25 scariest sea monsters you didn't know about!

25. Tongue Eating Crustacea

We'll start small. it terrible creature penetrates the fish through the gills, eats its tongue, and then sticks to the place where it used to be.

24. Chimera

Photo: wikimedia commons

The Rat Fish or Ghost Fish, the Chimera is known as one of the most ancient fish in existence today. They live very deep, in the dark, so the appearance of this monster is sure to be reflected in your nightmares. Just look at that face!

23. Corrugated Shark


With a triple row of sharp teeth, this deep sea ​​shark can damage anything it catches. Plus, she just looks creepy.

22. Terrible Claw Lobster


This lobster, discovered in 2007 off the coast of the Philippines, was named very accurately. Look at those claws! This guy could cut you into pieces like a cheese.

21. Water Bear


While most of the creatures on our list are quite large, these are quite tiny. Even... microscopic! What is strange about them is their durability. They can survive in almost any temperature and can also live without water for more than ten years!

20. Mola Mola


Also known as Sunfish or Moonfish, sounds good, doesn't it? But, think again, because she weighs over 900 kg! And while the fish won't attack you (it feeds on jellyfish), it can be quite intimidating when you see the fish with the heaviest bones coming towards you!

19. Giant squid

Photo: pixabay

These monsters can grow up to 18 meters in length. And their eyes are as big as beach balls! And yes, their food habits are as bad as you can imagine. They grab their prey with their tentacles and then stuff it into their beak. The squid then crushes it with its tooth-covered tongue before the food enters the esophagus. It is very similar to a meat grinder.

18. Pelagic bigmouth shark


Discovered in 1976, this huge shark attracts plankton with the light it emits from its mouth. Don't swim into the light!

17. Galper eel


Given that these marine creatures live at depths of thousands of meters, little is known about them. But, we know for sure that the huge jaws of the fish allow it to swallow prey as large as itself.

16 Goblin Shark


Just one look at this shark will make most of us shudder. What's more, the mouths of the truly terrifying creatures seem to detach during the hunt in order to grab their prey more quickly.

15. Grenadier


Although the Grenadier looks a little strange, the disgusting factor is not always commensurate with appearance. This deep sea fish emits a terrible odor due to the high levels of trimethylamine oxide it contains.

14. Pike blenny


Although this fish is practically harmless to humans, when the dog is in danger, it opens its huge mouth to scare off predators. Whether you're human or not, one look at this would make you get the hell out of there as soon as possible.

13 Giant Isopod


Found at depths of nearly 2,000 meters, these scavengers can grow up to 3 meters or more in length. Moreover, they existed even before the dinosaurs. How? They know how to survive. For four years, these creatures can go without food. Even if they won't eat you, just imagine that you stumble upon such a creature in the depths of the sea. In fact, it's just a sea cockroach, which more human to size. And we are afraid of cockroaches when they are only a few centimeters in length ....

12. Fanged fish

Photo: wikimedia commons

These bad guys live at a depth of 5000 meters. Here, the water pressure can crush a person. If you don't get squashed, get ready to be mashed to a pulp by your horrible teeth. In fact, this aptly named underwater monster boasts the largest teeth relative to its body size of any fish.

11. Crooked Tooth Fish

Photo: wikimedia commons

This creepy fish has hooked teeth that help it catch its prey. In addition, she lives at incredible depths where sunlight does not penetrate. So if you ever happen to see this terrifying creature, its glowing skin and nightmarish teeth are likely to leave you with terrible memories!

10. Black Dragonfish

Photo: wikimedia commons

With razor-sharp teeth, this alien-like fish lives deep in the ocean and generates its own light.

9 Giant Spider Crab


Sometimes we are just afraid of size. Having descended to a depth of 300 meters, you will find the largest crab on Earth. It can reach 4 meters!

8 Pacific Snakefish

Photo: wikimedia commons

Living miles below the surface of the ocean, these creatures boast teeth so big they can't even close their mouths.

7. Squid is a vampire


Its name, Vampyroteuthis infernalis, literally translates to "vampire squid from hell". Why? This underwater squid lives underwater where no sunlight can penetrate, and if you attack it, the squid will turn inside out, exposing dozens of thorny spines. What could be worse? Imagine if a person did this...

6. Drop fish


While this creature won't hurt you, it can make you want to go deep sea diving. The blobfish has even been called "the ugliest creature" and looking at this photo, it becomes clear why. She is so disgusting that it becomes scary!

5. Melanocet Johnson (Humpbacked angler)


This deep-sea monster lures its prey with a glowing stick that protrudes from its head.

4. Grimpoteuthys (Octopus Dumbo)

Photo: wikimedia commons

While they may look quite cute, these guys are known for wrapping their prey in frill-like "hands" before they eat it.

3. Eye-like-a-barrel fish (Ghost fish)

Photo: wikimedia commons

This completely crazy-looking deep-sea creature has a transparent head, allowing the fish to look up with its barrel-like eyes. Imagine that while you are swimming in the depths of the ocean, a transparent head with two disgusting eyes inside approaches you. Although this fish will not eat you, its disgusting appearance is enough to regret this meeting.

2. Stargazer fish


They burrow into the ocean floor, exposing their bulging eyes-balls. When an unfortunate fish swims up, they ... eat it.

1. Black Liver

Photo: wikimedia commons

Perhaps the most scary creature on our list, this fish can swallow prey more than twice its size and 10 times its weight.

The legends and myths of each country are full of various monsters living both on land and in water. Studies of the depths of the seas and oceans are still being carried out, but it was not possible to find any unknown creature.

However, in nature there are many animals, fish and unusual organisms that have. No, they are not a myth or a fairy tale. They are real. Is it possible that people once saw them? Is it possible that these creatures formed the basis of many stories? After all, where do all the horror stories come from.

In today's article, we will introduce you to the most creepy, truly frightening, and most importantly real.

Pike blenny

“A fish is like a fish,” you say. Not very pretty, but not terrible either. Yes, but only until she opens her mouth. The wrinkled cheeks hanging down the sides are not just folds of skin, they are a terrible mouth, ready to swallow everything that gets in its way.

Neoclinus blanchardi is a member of the henopsia family, or pike blennies. The fish are aggressive, capable of attacking even divers.

They live in the waters of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of North America: from San Francisco to the Mexican state of Baja California.

The depth at which sea monsters live reaches 70 meters.

The body of monsters is smooth, practically without scales. The length of the body is about 30 cm. Pike blennies are so flat that they can sometimes resemble conger eels.

But most interesting fact is how they use their huge mouth. Faced with fellow tribesmen, they open their mouths and seem to “kiss”. Whoever has the most, wins. Thus they fight for territory.

Looking at these creatures, I want to believe that they came to us from another planet. Unfortunately no. Sea flycatchers live in the deep canyons of California.

Their second name is "shells". They are predators, and their appearance resembles a carnivorous flycatcher plant.

Preferring depth, they are fixed at the bottom, waiting for their victims.

An unsuspecting organism floats past their glowing maw, and the tunicator grabs it in the blink of an eye.

As you already understood, sea flycatchers are not picky in food - you don’t have to choose.

Another unusual property of tunicates is the ability to reproduce without mating with other individuals, because the creatures are able to produce both sperm and eggs.

Speckled stargazer: fish attacking from below

Spotted stargazer - Astroscopus guttatus - a real sea monster. It would seem, why a monster, if the fish has such a romantic name. It turns out that not everything is so simple.

Stargazers have a massive lower jaw and huge bulging eyes, for which they received such unusual name.

Buried in mud or sand sea ​​creatures leave only the organs of vision to observe their victims.

The huge mouth, pointing upwards, is also adapted for an instant attack.

Speckled stargazers live in the Atlantic Ocean: the east coast of the United States, between 2 states - New York and North Carolina.

Fish attacking from below have one unpleasant feature: they like to shock their victims with an electric discharge.

Special organs located above the eyes emit electrical discharges. But unlike other electrical inhabitants of water bodies, speckled stargazers do not have electroreceptors, that is, they are not able to receive electrical signals from outside world.

To lay eggs, these fish also sink to the bottom, but the eggs themselves later float to the surface. And so it will continue until they turn into fry, the length of which is 15 mm. Then, darkening and growing special organs above the eyes, the stargazers again sink to the bottom, grow further.

A baggy creature from the order of ray-finned fish.

Iloglot adapted to life at great depths.

The sea monster has a huge mouth, which contrasts with the small body of the hygloglot.

They lack scales, ribs, swim bladder, pyloric appendages, pelvic and caudal fins.

Many bones of the skull are reduced or completely disappeared.

Thanks to all the modifications, it is difficult to compare the skeleton with other fish, and therefore it is almost impossible to establish a relationship.

Frightening and bewitching, are strong and dangerous inhabitants depths.

There are several types of moray eels, they differ in size and color. Small ones grow up to 15 cm. Large ones reach a length of 3 m and weigh about 50 kg.

Their skin does not have scales - it is completely covered with mucus, which can be poisonous in some species. Thanks to mucus, moray eels are protected from other predators and from bacteria. A person who touches this monster will receive powerful burns, if he survives at all.

Marine life have an extremely aggressive and violent disposition. Her sharp teeth pose a danger not only to predators, but also to humans. There are many cases of moray eels attacking a person, several of which were fatal.

Drop Fish

Another deep sea dweller seas - a drop fish.

Her unusual appearance is both frightening and pitiful at the same time. The fact is that close-set eyes and a huge mouth with down-turned corners make her sad, and resemble the face of a sad person.

The drop fish itself is unlikely to be sad about this. The body of an unusual creature has the shape of a gelatinous lump, the density of which is slightly less than the density of water. This allows the "sad" fish to cover long distances, eating everything in its path.

Unfortunately, like most unusual creatures, the blobfish is endangered. She lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania at a depth of up to 1.5 km, but sometimes comes across in fishing nets, after which she is usually sold as a souvenir.

Despite its appearance, the drop is a very caring fish. After spawning, she hatches it for a long time and carefully takes care of the fry. Trying to ensure the safety of their offspring, the fish is looking for uninhabited and deaf places.

Fish-Gunch - freshwater monster

The habitat of goonch fish is the Kali River, located between Nepal and India. The weight of the river giant reaches 140-150 kg.

It is believed that goonch is a lover of human meat. It can attack not only in a secluded place, but also with a large crowd of people. But why does this fish have such a craving for human flesh?

Legends say that it is customs local residents and turned the gooncha into a cannibal. Even in ancient times, the Kali River was used to bury the bodies of the dead. First, the rite of burning was performed, and then the corpses were thrown into the river.

The custom was preserved, and the gunch fish began to eat what the man himself gives it.

Stone-fish, or wart

The strangest and dangerous creature. The wart is one of the most poisonous fish in the world.

The sea monster lives in coral reefs in the shallow waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as in the waters of the Red Sea, off the coast of Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, the Marshall Islands, Samoa and Fiji.

The ability to disguise itself as a stone allows the fish to remain unnoticed until a human foot steps on it.

It is possible that this step will be the last.

Stone-fish has a powerful poison, and its bite leads to lethal outcome.

Moreover, death will not come instantly: a person will suffer, since signs of intoxication persist for a long time.


Mackerel hydrolic is more commonly known as vampire fish or dog fish.

Ray-finned fish, cynodont order. Lives in the Paragua, Churun, and other rivers of Venezuela.

Most people think that piranhas are the most bloodthirsty fish, but they are not.

The body length of this creature is 1 meter, and the weight can exceed 17 kg.

Two pairs of fangs, considered distinctive features fish, located in the lower jaw and can grow up to 15 cm in length.

In the upper jaw of the vampire fish, there are two holes that allow the lower fangs not to pierce the upper jaw.

Surprisingly, rauaga is the only species that can cope with piranha. But, in general, hydrolic feeds on any fish.

Attacking from above, he pierces the victim with fangs, after which he swallows it whole.

anglerfish, or monkfish

The name "monkfish" is reminiscent of some fabulous creature. However, this monster really exists.

The anglerfish is one of the rarest deep-sea animals. The first meeting with him took place in 1891.

This fish has no scales at all, the body is covered with growths and bumps. The mouth is masked by rags of skin that resemble algae. The dark coloring makes it almost invisible at a depth where there is a minimum of light.

On the head of the angler there is a long process ending in a luminous gland. It acts as a bait, luring passing fish. The essence of his hunt is to make the victim swim into his mouth, and then swallow.

The huge appetite of the fish makes them hunt even larger creatures, which often ends in the death of both.

Huge sea monsters - mesonychoteutis

Periodically from different parts information reaches us. What is it: another fiction or real sea monsters?

You will be surprised, but scientists have officially recognized mesonychoteutis.

Its body, completely streamlined, helps to develop greater speed.

The diameter of the eye can reach 60 centimeters with a body size of 4-5 m, and a tentacle length of 1.5 meters.

It was first discovered and described in 1925. Fishermen found its tentacles in the stomach of a captured sperm whale.

Also, one of these mollusks washed up on the shores of Japan. Examination of the carcass showed that it was not an adult.

Experts studying marine giants, including squid, believe that the body weight of some squid of this species can reach 200 kilograms.


Cephalopods - Bathynomus giganteus - genus Bathynomus. They live in the Atlantic Ocean, preferring a depth of 170-2500 m.

The body length of the isopod is about 1.5 meters, weight is more than 1.5 kg. These sea monsters are a great example of deep-sea gigantism.

These crayfish were first described in 1879, initially mistaking them for wood lice.

Zoologist Alphonse Milne-Edwards fished a young male from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, thereby making a massive discovery: the ocean depths are not lifeless.

Their entire body is covered with movable hard plates for protection.

When threatened, they curl up into a ball.

Isopods lead a solitary lifestyle.

Almost all their life they do not move, and they are fed by passing small fish, carrion or sea cucumbers.

Scientists have found that they can go without food for about 8 weeks. Such inconveniences are caused by the depth chosen for the place of residence: there is not so much food in pitch darkness.

From time immemorial, people have been fascinated by the beauty and power of the ocean. The bottomless waters of the seas have always kept some secret and danger. Stories and legends speak of monsters living in the depths of the sea.

Do you believe in them? Let's talk about the most famous of them.

Loch Ness monster

The most famous sea monster, which, by and large, is freshwater and not marine, but it is possible that it can live in salt water.

He is also often referred to as Nessie.

This unknown creature was first discovered in 1933, and there is still no clear evidence that it existed or exists.

His photographs appear in the press from time to time, but the scientific communities of all countries doubt their authenticity.

However, it remains one of the most popular legendary creatures, and many researchers are still trying to find evidence of its existence.

Although most scientists do not believe in Nessie, they admit that if it exists, it is a descendant of a “dinosaur” with a long neck and webbed feet.

They say that the animal is completely harmless and prefers to eat only fish.

The name Iku-Turso is translated as "thousand-horned" or "having a thousand tentacles." In modern Finnish, his name can be translated as "octopus"

In Finnish mythology, there is a mention of the malevolent Iku-Turso, who is also called the eternal Turso.

Lives in the Atlantic Ocean, wreaking havoc wherever it appears.

Its appearance is quite interesting. He is depicted as a horned and bearded monster, which, judging by his appearance, obviously not eating fish.

They say that he used to be very dangerous, but the Finnish epic "Kalevala" says that one day Iku-Turso was captured and gave his word in exchange for the freedom to behave well.

Now he lives only in the ocean, and does not appear on land.

In Japanese folk tales, there is a character named Umibozu.

It is said that when the priest drowned, his spirit was filled with the power of the ocean and turned into a huge dark-headed creature that looked like a man.

However, Umibozu is not only the soul of a drowned priest.

This word is now called any restless souls of the dead.

Attempts to communicate with them cause a storm, and the ships sink.

Sometimes Umibozu asks the sailors to give him a barrel, but if you do, he will immediately grab you and drown you in the same barrel.

Hydra protects lakes and oceans, it can live in both salty and fresh water.

The Hydra is huge and almost impossible to kill.

If one head is cut off, two new ones will grow in its place.

The Greek hero Hercules, who for some reason is often called Hercules, ultimately defeated her.

He was helped in this by his nephew, who noticed that if one head is cut off and cauterized by fire, new heads will not appear.

So, the Hydra was defeated by two brave Greeks, but the fact that even Hercules, known for his incredible strength, needed help to fight her, speaks of how powerful she is.

Any huge one is called Leviathan, but did you know that it is also mentioned in the Bible?

The Book of Job tells about him and describes him as a powerful fire-breathing creature of incredible size.

They say that it was impossible to kill him, and the monster died by itself from old age.

Most illustrations of the monster show it as a snake or whale with a long, thick body.

The powerful body, huge teeth and the evil nature of the Leviathan terrify all sailors who are forced to surf the oceans.

The sea monster lives in ocean waters off the coast of Norway and Greenland.

He is depicted as a giant squid or a man who has squid tentacles instead of arms.

The only thing that is constant about his appearance is his size. The Kraken is huge! Even the legendary gods and heroes are lost against its background.

Everyone who cares about life will beware of him if he moves by sea to Norway. This villain hates people and will do everything possible to destroy them.

Beware of it! However, he is not the most terrible. Scarier, bigger and more powerful than him...

Jörmungandr is a character in Norse mythology, also called Jörmungandr, Midgardsorm, the Midgard Serpent or the World Serpent.

Jörmungandr is so huge that it can easily embrace the entire Earth.

Have you heard of the Scandinavian god Thor, the incredibly powerful lord of lightning? So Jörmungandr will poison him to death during the end of the world, or Ragnarök.

Imagine, Jörmungandr also has poison! It would seem that its size alone is enough to easily deal with anyone.

Jörmungandr is the most dangerous and huge sea monster, which has no equal.

It turns out that sharks in the ocean are not the worst thing. There is a whole bunch of sea monsters, in comparison with which, even a large White shark seems like a harmless bastard.

Surely many have heard, and someone has seen photos of sea monsters. However, most people consider them fiction, a kind of "horror story." Is it really? We will talk about this in our article.

prehistoric sea monsters

We will begin our conversation with acquaintance with animals that have already disappeared from our planet. Millions of years ago, huge sea monsters lived in the depths of the seas and oceans. One of them is a dacosaurus. His remains were first discovered in Germany. Then they were found on a fairly vast territory - from Russia to Argentina.

Sometimes it is compared with a modern crocodile, with the only difference being that the Dacosaurus reached five meters in length. Its powerful teeth and jaws have given researchers reason to believe that it was the main marine predator of its time.


These sea monsters were slightly smaller than the Dacosaurus. Their bodies did not exceed four meters in length. But Nothosaurus was also a formidable and aggressive predator. His main weapon was outwardly directed teeth. The diet of these animals consisted of fish and squid. Scientists claim that notosaurs attacked their prey from an ambush. Possessing the smooth body of a reptile, they sneaked up on their prey silently, attacked and ate it. Nothosaurs were close relatives of pliosaurs (a kind of deep sea predators). As a result of the study of fossil remains, it became obvious that these sea monsters lived in the Triassic period.

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