Human dependence on new technologies. Why our obsession with technology is a job addiction

Technique and Internet 13.10.2021
Technique and Internet

The 21st century burst into our lives very quickly and brought with it the rapid development of computer technology and everything connected with them. We are used to the fact that all our phones and important contacts are recorded in phones, computers, laptops and other portable gadgets. We completely rely on technology, we are dependent on it. Count how many computers, monitors, phones you have at home! A lot of? There are probably more phones than the number of people in your family, and everyone probably has their own computer.

Why are we so dependent on modern technology and everything connected with it?


Development of addiction

Did you know that certain video games trigger the release of dopamine in the brain? Recall that dopamine is also released during sex and food, things that are considered necessary for the survival of man as a species. It turns out a vicious circle - games give an impulse for the release of dopamine, and dopamine is something like a hormone of pleasure (its narcotic analogues are amphetamine, methamphetamine, ephedrine), so later we want to get high from the game again and we sit down to play again.

But dopamine isn't only released when we play video games. Checking e-mail has exactly the same effect. Count how many times a day you check your inbox, even if there is nothing particularly important there? This is especially true of the sound signals that accompany the receipt of a new letter. You don't know if this message is important, but it's still itching to see what's in there, even if it's just another spam. It turns out directly dependence on signals and Pavlov's experiments with dogs come to mind.

As long as there were only desktop computers, the problem was not so big. But as soon as laptops, netbooks, smartphones and various gadgets like the iPad appeared, everything became much worse, because now you check your mail (twitter, facebook, vkontakte - underline as necessary) not only at home, but also in transport, in cafes, on picnic, wherever there is access to the Internet. And now here you can add mobile Internet and WiFi.

Information overload

We process three times as much information today as we did 50 years ago. And it becomes more and more. If earlier it took a lot of effort and time to print a book, now it is enough to sit down at a computer and put it on the net. Only now not only writers, journalists and various public figures write, but everyone who can write and read. Accordingly, now it is necessary to filter even more carefully and much larger amounts of information. And in spite of all this, we cannot spend even three days calmly without reading the news (especially those related to the world of technology), because we are afraid that we will miss something and will not catch up. As the black queen from "Through the Looking Glass" said - "In our world, my dear, to stay in place, you need to run, and to move, you need to run even faster."

Technology etiquette

In the past few years, "pocket" devices have been updated at a tremendous speed. Is it right to scribble empty even a short post on twitter while driving? I think no. But some do it anyway. In the same way, it will not be very polite to sit in the company of friends and bury your head on your smartphone and read the news feed there or check your mail. Please note that you are not required to respond to all messages immediately. Yes, there are cases when it is urgent, but all the same, hands reach out to check and answer. It's great when it's good news - share the positive with your friends, but if all this is not very pleasant, then you not only do not take a break from work, but also spoil the mood of the people around you.


So what can we do to stop constantly staring at screens and not spending weekends and evenings behind the console, and finally begin to see and hear the world around us and people?

Out of sight, out of mind

The usual scenario: you take your phone out of your pocket to check the time, at the same time you start checking your e-mail, this leads to a response to letters, etc. As a result, a simple and short operation “check the time” turns into a whole set of operations that takes 5 times more time. If you pulled out your phone to check the time, try to do just that and no more. If it’s very difficult to resist checking your mail, wear a watch on your hand.

You are not a multi-tasking machine

This does not mean that now all things need to be done separately. Listening to your favorite tracks while running can also be attributed to multitasking, but this is welcome. But an attempt to simultaneously watch a TV show or a movie and perform work at this time is not very welcome. You will not be able to properly concentrate on work and miss the most interesting part of the program. In the end, the constant combination of things will lead to the fact that you simply can no longer concentrate normally on only one thing. As a result, the work will not be done as well in a longer time. This also includes working on a computer on a project and simultaneously checking messages in instant messengers, twitter and social networks. For an experiment, try to turn off everything unnecessary and focus only on work. I think it will take you two times less time than with the included instant messengers and open social networks.

never apologize

How often do you apologize for not being able to pick up the phone because you were riding the subway/walking with your child/working out at the gym? First, you don't have to apologize for being unavailable after hours. Second, it shows your addiction to responding to messages immediately. Stop apologizing. You are human and just might not be able to do everything right now. Allow yourself the luxury of replying to a message when you have the opportunity and the mood to do so. Of course, this does not mean that you can safely ignore emails from clients during business hours. Otherwise, people may get the not-so-true feeling that you can answer calls and emails at any day and time of the day.

Organize your time

We usually talk more about organizing our time than we actually do it. Start with mail! Many email clients offer you very handy tools for this business (folders, shortcuts, etc.). " " from Google will come in handy for dividing your posts into just "important" and "very important". At the moment there is only a beta version available not for everyone.

In any case, getting out of the habit of always and everywhere being inseparable from your devices and staying without communication for a long time does not go painlessly. Get ready, you're going to have a breakdown anyway and a little panic that you've missed something. But it's worth it. You will feel much freer and the state of "always connected" gives only visible freedom, actually tying us tightly to the technology and places of "residence" of the Internet.

Does the introduction of new technologies affect a person? and got the best answer

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Are you talking about Nano technology ?? ?
well written
With the constant development of computer technologies, both the number of people actively using a computer for work purposes and those who are overly fond of computer games and using the Internet, the so-called computer addicts (by the term addict, we will mean dependent users), is growing. Like everything innovative, the younger generation (10-30 years old) is more susceptible to the influence of new technologies.
In Western countries there is an official term "pathological computer use". Currently, this term (“pathological computer use”) is used for the category of persons who use the computer in general pathologically, including non-social uses. Although the existence of psychological dependence on computer games and the use of the Internet is still in doubt, both among specialists and people themselves who are fond of modern computer technologies.
Basically, dependence on modern computer technologies is expressed in two main forms:
Internet addiction (Internet addiction)
overindulgence in computer games.
These two forms have both common features and differences.
Common features of computer addiction are a characteristic series of psychological and physical symptoms that are closely related:
Psychological symptoms:
good health or euphoria at the computer;
inability to stop;
increase in the amount of time spent at the computer;
neglect of family and friends;
feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation not at the computer;
lying to employers or family members about their activities;
problems with work or school.
Physical symptoms:
carpal tunnel syndrome (tunnel lesion of the nerve trunks of the arm associated with prolonged muscle strain);
dryness in the eyes;
migraine-type headaches;
back pain;
irregular meals, skipping meals;
neglect of personal hygiene;
sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns.
The pathological use of a computer may not be as dangerous in its effect on a person as, for example, alcoholism or drug addiction (chemical addictions). However, it is obvious that computer addiction still negatively affects a person's personality.
Source: internet

Answer from WHO ARE WE[active]
And how!! 111

Answer from My name is Alina[guru]
so he implements them!

Answer from **********[guru]
Absolutely rightly noticed, a person becomes a prisoner of laziness ...

Answer from Elena Ross[guru]
of course --- began to communicate more)

Answer from Yessey[guru]
yes, for the worse.

Answer from Boo[guru]
Certainly affects, especially those who use them. For example, my grandfather picked up a wireless phone for the first time and is crazy :)) New technologies make it clear how important speed, mobility, compactness, ergonomics, and more are important. others in our lives.

Answer from Vyacheslav Vytrishkov[active]
But what about a cell phone, an elementary confirmation of this, imagine what life was like without them some 10 years ago and what prospects opened up with their appearance.

Answer from Almighty God[expert]
If this is perfect...

Today, more than ever, people are actively discussing the possible dependence of people on technology. Technology companies were even forced to build special counters and limits into their software products that would make us think about the time we use smartphones. Doctors are addicted to computer games, and it's hard to even imagine what will happen next. But is it really that serious?

Psychologist Christopher Ferguson believes that many of the claims about the impact of technology on the human brain and body are completely unworthy of attention. What's more, he's willing to debunk a few myths for us based on his experience with families, teenagers, and their attitudes towards technology, games, and addictions.

Many say that the use of technology activates the same pleasure centers in the brain as drugs do. This may be true, but these same pleasure centers are not necessarily activated by something harmful. Any entertainment leads to an increase in dopamine levels. This list may include delicious food, sports or pleasant conversation.

Pleasant activities increase dopamine levels by 50-100 percent. Narcotic substances increase it by 200-350 percent. With that in mind, comparing computer games to drugs is like comparing a raindrop to a waterfall.

Technology addiction is not a mental illness

The World Health Organization has added video game addiction to its list of diseases. Christopher Ferguson believes that the people responsible for this decision do not take into account the possibility that gambling addiction may be a symptom of other psychological disorders.

There are a huge number of contradictions that do not allow us to consider technology addiction as an independent disorder. Many doctors recognize this. In addition, people who are described as tech addicts tend to be able to recover from their disorders more easily than those with mental illness. Gets along without treatment.

Technology addiction is not caused by technology

Usually in discussions it is argued that people are attracted to the technology itself. Christopher Ferguson believes that people are starting to turn their attention to technology due to depression, anxiety and other problems. After all, no one thinks that people who are depressed and spend all day in bed have bed addiction.

With this in mind, it is worth paying attention to ways to treat technology addiction. If it is a symptom, then it is not necessary to treat it, but a real disease.

Technology is not the only focus

At this point, Ferguson draws attention to the fact that people devote no less time to other activities. For example, you can get involved in yoga or dancing. You can get so carried away that it also becomes like an addiction. By the way, you can find several scientific articles about dance addiction. It is difficult to provide evidence that technology is more addictive than dancing.

The use of technology does not lead to suicide

As evidence that the world of modern technology brings us problems, some experts have provided data on the increase in the number of suicides among female adolescents. What is not taken into account is that the suicide rate has increased for all age groups. Growth began in 2008 during the financial crisis. Perhaps there is a more serious problem in society that is not noticed in the heat of the fight against technology.

Scientists sometimes make scary claims based on little data. You might as well say that eating potatoes and suicide are somehow connected. Certain statistics can be attached to this statement.

Of course, there can be problems with the use of technology. But many simply cannot imagine their work today without computers and smartphones, with pleasure resting from them later. There is a tiny kernel of truth in the discussion of problems and dependence on technology. However, there is no evidence that there has been some kind of technology-related crisis.

Today, more than ever, people are actively discussing the possible dependence of people on technology. Technology companies were even forced to build special counters and limits into their software products that would make us think about the time we use smartphones. Doctors recognize the addiction to computer games, and it's hard to even imagine what will happen next. But is it really that serious?

Psychologist Christopher Ferguson believes that many of the claims about the impact of technology on the human brain and body are completely unworthy of attention. What's more, he's willing to debunk a few myths for us based on his experience with families, teenagers, and their attitudes towards technology, games, and addictions.

Many say that the use of technology activates the same pleasure centers in the brain as drugs do. This may be true, but these same pleasure centers are not necessarily activated by something harmful. Any entertainment leads to an increase in dopamine levels. This list may include delicious food, sports or pleasant conversation.

Pleasant activities increase dopamine levels by 50-100 percent. Narcotic substances increase it by 200-350 percent. With that in mind, comparing computer games to drugs is like comparing a raindrop to a waterfall.

Technology addiction is not a mental illness

The World Health Organization has added video game addiction to its list of diseases. Christopher Ferguson believes that the people responsible for this decision do not take into account the possibility that gambling addiction may be a symptom of other psychological disorders.

There are a huge number of contradictions that do not allow us to consider technology addiction as an independent disorder. Many doctors recognize this. In addition, people who are described as tech addicts tend to be able to recover from their disorders more easily than those with mental illness. Gets along without treatment.

Technology addiction is not caused by technology

Usually in discussions it is argued that people are attracted to the technology itself. Christopher Ferguson believes that people are starting to turn their attention to technology due to depression, anxiety and other problems. After all, no one thinks that people who are depressed and spend all day in bed have bed addiction.

With this in mind, it is worth paying attention to ways to treat technology addiction. If it is a symptom, then it is not necessary to treat it, but a real disease.

Technology is not the only focus

At this point, Ferguson draws attention to the fact that people devote no less time to other activities. For example, you can get involved in yoga or dancing. You can get so carried away that it also becomes like an addiction. By the way, you can find several scientific articles about dance addiction. It is difficult to provide evidence that technology is more addictive than dancing.

The use of technology does not lead to suicide

As evidence that the world of modern technology brings us problems, some experts have provided data on the increase in the number of suicides among female adolescents. What is not taken into account is that the suicide rate has increased for all age groups. Growth began in 2008 during the financial crisis. Perhaps there is a more serious problem in society that is not noticed in the heat of the fight against technology.

Scientists sometimes make scary claims based on little data. You might as well say that eating potatoes and suicide are somehow connected. Certain statistics can be attached to this statement.

Of course, there can be problems with the use of technology. But many simply cannot imagine their work today without computers and smartphones, with pleasure resting from them later. There is a tiny kernel of truth in the discussion of problems and dependence on technology. However, there is no evidence that there has been some kind of technology-related crisis.


How many devices do you currently have on hand? How often in the last hour have you checked your social media accounts? When was the last time you played video games? It may seem that the answers to these questions are not related, but dependence on technology is becoming more and more real, and can have dire consequences. According to a study published in magazine PLoS ONE, people who are addicted to the Internet may there are chemical changes in the brain, similar to those that occur in alcoholics and drug addicts. And that's just on the internet - think of all the other technologies we succumb to every day.

So, the "diseases" associated with technology.

1. Phantom Vibration Syndrome

Have you ever grabbed your cell phone with complete confidence, as if you felt it vibrate, only to find that it didn't buzz at all? This is what many call "phantom vibration syndrome". Those suffering from the syndrome feel the vibration even when their devices are in a completely different room. The name is most likely borrowed from Phantom Limb Syndrome, a condition in which someone who has lost a limb experiences sensory hallucinations as if it were still functioning. A similar thing happens with the phantom vibration syndrome, when a person perceives phones as an extension of himself. According to a book by a professor of psychology Larry Rosen iDisorder, 70 percent of those who actively use mobile devices experience phantom vibrations.

2. Internet addiction

Internet addiction or Internet addiction is an indispensable desire to use the Internet in such a way that it begins to interfere with everyday life. Research shows that Internet addiction can lead to the same type of social problems as other established addictions, such as gambling. It is important to note, however, that internet addiction is not yet recognized as a disorder. In 2008, in an editorial in American Journal of Psychiatry Dr. Gerald J. Block wrote that Internet addiction can be characterized by excessive use of the Web, withdrawal after abrupt cessation of use, and negative consequences such as fatigue. Pathological internet use can also lead to major depression.

3. Addiction to social media

Considered a subset of internet addiction, social media addiction is probably one of the most common technology addictions of recent times. Researchers from the University of Chicago interviewed 250 people. They received more than eight thousand reports about the daily desires of the respondents and their interaction with devices. According to the study, it is much more difficult to refuse to check and update a page on social networks than to give up an addiction to alcohol or tobacco.

In Norway, researchers have proposed a method called the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale to help users find out if they are suffering from social addiction. The test is based on six main criteria. With it, you can find out how dependent a person is on social networks.

4. Gaming Addiction

Gaming addiction, like Internet addiction, is characterized by the interference of games in aspects of life, and along with it is not yet officially considered a disorder. However, excessive The use of video games is already leading to dire consequences.. The fatal outcome of such an addiction has already been registered - in July 2011, a 20-year-old programmer died of deep vein thrombosis due to the fact that he led a sedentary lifestyle for too long.

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