Elizaveta Babanova: “Beauty is the transmission of our emotional background to the outside world! “Lizochka, call me Vanechka - Elizaveta Babanova official.

Technique and Internet 19.09.2019
Technique and Internet
Real name: Elizaveta Babanova
Date and place of birth: August 17, Moscow, Russia
Zodiac sign: Leo
family status: Married
Occupation: coach, speaker, writer, psychologist
VC: https://vk.com/elizavetababanova
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizavetababanova/
Official website: https://elizavetababanova.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/elizavetababanova

The biography of Elizabeth Babanova is a storehouse of instructive thoughts, wise sayings and clear statements. The girl achieved success thanks to life experience and a distinctive mindset. I want to read it again and again, writing out phrases in separate notebooks with quotes. How she came to such a peak of popularity, read below.

Famous facts from the biography

Elizabeth constantly says that the age of a woman is not as important as her own feeling of how old you really are. That is why the writer does not talk about the exact age, confusing some with the unknown date of her birth. But the place where Elizabeth was born is known - not far from Moscow. But the year of birth, as always, is hidden from prying eyes.

Looking at the photo of Lisa, it becomes clear that the woman is caring for appearance, visits a beautician and follow the figure. With a height of 167 cm and a weight of 56 kg, the psychologist looks like an inch: just as fragile, sweet and radiant.

Programs and trainings

The official website of Elizabeth Babanova is full of variety. Here you will find trainings for every taste and color. The videos contain calming meditations that help to cope with anxiety and constant anxiety. YouTube is filled with tips and interviews from some of the top coaching professionals. In other words, there are a lot of videos on the sites, a lot of variations. It remains only to choose for yourself what you need and start browsing. Below are the main trainings that are popular with fans of the psychologist Babanova:

  1. "Secrets of spherical development".
  2. "To Zen in high heels."
  3. Club - pink flamingos.

In addition, Lisa gives amazing master classes and recommends reading her books. I plan to open my own school of education, to think about films on the topic of self-development. Babanova is popular with those who are desperate and looking for balance with their own body. They say that meditation from a psychologist helps to live and breathe calmly.

Compromise and exposure on the network

On the Internet, many can see negative reviews that Elizaveta Babanova's courses are a complete scam and fraud. The girl herself insists that this is written by ill-wishers who hype on her name. Like it or not, it's up to you, but do not forget that there are both negative and positive comments about the girl's courses.

Personal life

The psychologist's Instagram is full of photos related to her work. Also, the coach-trainer publishes pictures with her husband, whose name is Anton Kratasyuk. The man, by the way, positively looks at the efforts of his wife, constantly supports and helps her in everything. It is not known whether the couple has children, but I want to believe that there are still children together.

Recently, a contention has surfaced on the Internet that silence reigns between the spouses, hinting at an early divorce. Rumors should not be believed, since there is no gap.

Elizaveta Babanova plans to write a book about her biography, sharing moments from her own life with fans and supporters of her views. It would be really interesting to read the author's thoughts and reasoning.

: ⠀ 🔹🔹🔹 ⠀ Hello! My name is Elizabeth. Or Lisa. Relatives affectionately call me Lizonka, relatives - Lizavetka. ⠀ But in the USA, as soon as they didn’t call me. Elizabeth, Evie, Fox, Lizzy, Veta, Beta, Bes. The head of the hedge fund called me by the first letter of my name - "I". It would seem that there should be "E", but no - "I". ⠀ For every story I'm about to tell you, there's a proper name for it. Here, for example, is the story of how, as a teenager, I set fire to the priest's cassock during my sister's wedding. It's good that by chance and a church candle. This is Lizzie. And here is the story of how I put on roller skates for the first time and, before I learned to slow down, flew under the bus. This experience taught me nothing. When I started skiing, the first thing I did was climb to the top. On that day, along with skiing, I also mastered a full somersault - face into a snowdrift. This heroine, who needed evacuation, perhaps, could be called Lisets. ⠀ Why do you need my stories? And who is this book for? ⠀ This book is about how I, a notorious provincial girl, whom many considered a gray mouse, plucked up courage and at the age of 15 went after my first dream. And, of course, nothing went smoothly. There were periods of complete despair, lack of money, betrayal and pain. But at the same time, there were also victories. And it is my great hope that by learning the number of crushing failures that I experienced in my 20 formative years, you will receive a powerful boost of self-confidence. And the realization will come to you: “Well, if this woman could do something with her life, then I definitely can.” ⠀ Okay, Lisa, I'm glad you had interesting life but how does this relate to me? - you ask. I understand you are a busy woman. You don't have much time and you definitely have somewhere to spend it. But imagine that I am your crazy friend who has done a bunch of experiments and now sincerely shares my experience with you so that you don’t have to mock yourself like that. To save you time, effort and money. ⠀ 🔹🔹🔹 ⠀ continued in the nearest bookstore or via the link in @Elizavetababanova's profile in electronic format.

GAMES OF THE FEMALE BRAIN ⠀ Here are 12 interesting facts about "our" brain. ⠀ Save to show off your erudition at the next party ⠀ A man's brain is 9% larger than a woman's. ⠀ We have the same number of brain cells, but they are packed denser ⠀ We have 11% more neurons responsible for communication. Men use an average of 7,000 words a day, women 20,000. ⠀ In the female brain, the area responsible for emotions is larger. Therefore, we thoroughly remember emotionally charged events. Depression is twice as common in women as in men. ⠀ For the female brain, survival is about building connections with your pack and getting their approval. ⠀ Our brain first of all wants communication and emotional unity. Male - solitude and achievements. ⠀ This does not mean that a woman does not want to be the center of attention. But she does it differently. She organizes her connections so as to be at the center of them. A woman gets almost the same dopamine surge when she's secretive as she gets from an orgasm. ⠀ When our loved one is not around, our biochemistry is disturbed just like a drug addict who was taken away from drugs. ⠀ When we are rejected, we feel it as physical pain, because the same parts of the brain are working. ⠀ Women are motivated, at the molecular and neurological level - to weaken and even prevent social conflicts. We are programmed for the main task - to keep the relationship at all costs. ⠀ If you didn’t notice anything from this list, congratulations, you are a man. ⠀ On Saturday 21.09 at 18 Moscow time I will give a free master class on the work of the female brain. ⠀ What traps does he drive us into and what to do about it 🤷‍♀️ ⠀ And on 28-29 I will conduct an intensive on how to stop stepping on a rake in a relationship. Both links are in the @elizavetababanova profile header. ⠀ What questions are you interested in sorting out?

MYTHS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS AND SURPRISE 🎁 ⠀ Judging by the reaction to the last post, there should be a master class on relationships! But that's not all. ⠀ Below are 9 statements 👇 ⠀ Write in the comments which of them are myths. ⠀ 1️⃣ If this is fate, then nothing will stop you from being together. ⠀ 2️⃣Official marriage is outdated, it's just a formality. Women are monogamous, men are polygamous. ⠀ 4️⃣When the relationship is right, it is always easy in them. ⠀ 5️⃣A child strengthens a marriage if it is on the verge of collapse. ⠀ 6️⃣ Conflicts destroy relationships. Happy couples don't clash. ⠀ 7️⃣If you don't make love at least 2 times a week, you have problems. ⠀ 8️⃣A person in a relationship does not change. ⠀ 9️⃣ Most disagreements at the level of values ​​in marriage cannot be resolved. ⠀ And now surprise 🎉 ⠀ On September 28-29, we spontaneously decided to hold a 2-day live relationship intensive. All the details in the profile header @elizavetababanova. ⠀ Among those who answer correctly in the comments, which of the 9 statements above are false, I will draw a ticket for the intensive! I'll be doing a live stream this week to announce the winner. ⠀ To receive a gift, you must participate in the broadcast. Follow the news 😘

“If you build a house, then with a large pool. And a closed area. So that you walk around the backyard and swim naked, ”said the husband. ⠀ For the last 2 weeks we have been living in a magical secluded house in Greece, where all my desires are fulfilled: amazing fruits and vegetables, I cook every day - soups, lentil cutlets for Anton, I bake fresh local fish for myself. I haven't cooked so much and happily for a long time. ⠀ Plenty of time for yourself and your practices. I have time to work, meditate, chat with my friends. And yes, swim, naked. ⠀ Nothing here annoys me. No fuss here, no traffic jams. Nor the energy black holes of the metropolis. ⠀ And a cat to boot, Stepan Petrovich. For several days I weaned him to demand food, meowing loudly. ⠀ Explained and encouraged: Meow - there will be no food. You sit and intelligently wait - please. Weaned from the old patterns. Gave him new ones. Almost silky. ⠀ I swim slowly. Back and forth. In the house, the husband is leading a meeting. Plays "It really is" Mindy Smith. Tapa is basking in the sun. ⠀ Life is so beautiful. ⠀ Inhale - joy. Exhale - gratitude. ⠀ Just think, some 6 years ago I thought that I would never succeed in a relationship. ⠀ That I will be alone all my life. And I told myself that, probably, loneliness is my way. ⠀ At first I was a Feminist. Then the Vedic wife. Then the tantric "awakened". Then I was thrown back for 3 years into sexual asceticism. ⠀ All this did not give me happiness. ⠀ Happiness came when I worked through my injuries. The main one is the departure of his father at 4 years old. ⠀ Secondary - mom's negative beliefs about men. All my childhood she drummed into my head that you can only rely on yourself and you can’t trust men at all. Where would I be if I didn't do this inner work? ⠀ Either with someone like Mason, or even worse. Who read, he remembers all these "worse". ⠀ I so want that as much as possible more women made this transition. From trauma to mental health. From destructive relationships to fulfilling dream relationships. Where is your husband - your soil and your sky at the same time. ⠀ From sadness to ⠀ Do you want a free master class on this topic? Who wants, put ➕

WHY AM I SUCH A STUPID? ⠀ After yesterday's post, everyone almost unanimously decided - to Mason's bathhouse. ⠀ Yeah, of course😐 ⠀ Do you think I had enough evidence that he acted like an asshole? And now nothing serious can happen to him? ⠀ In vain🤦‍♀️ ⠀ I rushed about for more than 2 more years. And during this time I could get another higher education or learn how to dance tango. ⠀ And here is the question: ⠀ Why do we, women, see so well from the outside what does not work in pairs of our friends and acquaintances? ⠀ But when it comes to ourselves, we seem to go blind. ⠀ Sometimes we realize that this is not possible. But we can't do anything about it. ⠀ We... damn it... Lyuyuyuyuyubbiiiim 😭😭😭 ⠀ After the final chord with Mason, I learned to distinguish love from everything else for another 10 years. ⠀ Now I'm smarter, and I know that drama does not = passion. Passion is about polarity. And it's healthy and healthy. ⠀ And the reasons for the drama are generally different. In unhealthy. ⠀ Dear women, share your version of the answer to the question: ⠀ Why, if we are 100% responsible for the relationship, we remain in a destructive, toxic relationship for years, and someone for life. ⠀ If we can change everything, why can't most people do it? ⠀ Why are there so many unhappy people and couples? ⠀ Listening to you 👇

11 SEPTEMBER. A DAY I WILL NEVER FORGET. ⠀ That day I woke up around 9 am, took a shower and turned on the TV. ⠀ All channels showed only one thing - how the World Trade Center tower in Manhattan burned. ⠀ I called my boyfriend: - what's going on? ⠀ - Some extremists hijacked planes. ⠀ - Airplanes? A lot of? ⠀ I look at the screen and see how the second plane crashes into the second tower. ⠀ Icy cold fills everything inside of me. What's this? A monster dream? Horror? New World War? ⠀ Mason says: - I'll call you back, we have an evacuation. ⠀ My hands are shaking. Everything in my stomach tightened into a knot. I can't be alone. I call my friend Marina, she does not answer. I do not know what to do. ⠀ If this is the end, then I want to be near my mentor. I need to go to the university church. ⠀ I've never been so fast in my life. I didn't drive that fast. ⠀ I'm on campus in 18 minutes. I come to the dean, I ask - What's going on? We don't have any information other than what's on TV. But we cancel all classes. ⠀ I'm scared. I can't go home and be alone. The church is closed ⠀ Then everything is in a fog. I don't remember how I spent the day. I only remember begging Mason to come get me and comfort me. ⠀ He didn't want to. Because the day before we had a big fight. ⠀ - If on such a day you can't forget the insults and just be there .. what do we do together? I howled into the phone. ⠀ I was without family and close friends in a foreign country where a state of emergency had just been declared. ⠀ I was so scared and I needed a man's shoulder so much. I wanted to feel at least some support and security. ⠀ But I was alone. ⠀ And that was the moment when I realized very clearly - I don’t agree to such a relationship anymore. ⠀ * ⠀ What would you do if you were in my place? ⠀

But don't get attached to them.

  • Farewell, farewell, farewell to your friends and enemies. You are not perfect, so forgive others for their imperfections.
  • Spend at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air, and even better - 30-60 minutes.
  • Don't drink after meals.
  • Avoid negative environments.
  • If you still find yourself in a destructive environment, learn “from the opposite”, i.e. what "not to be".
  • Be true to your dream.
  • surround yourself worthy people that will help you realize.
  • Do sports every day.
  • In times of crisis, follow the minimum program.
  • Learn from a professional mentor who will help you accelerate your professional growth.
  • Work while enjoying.
  • If you don’t like the job, but it is necessary for growth and brings you closer to the goal, keep doing it.
  • If you don't like the job and don't get closer to your goal, leave it.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Breathe deeply as often as possible throughout the day.
  • Pray or meditate every day, cleanse your soul.
  • Regularly update the playlist of your favorite songs, listen to them when you need an energy boost.
  • Find the best teachers in every area of ​​life and learn from them.
  • Give 10% of your income to charity.
  • Do not skimp on praise, especially for your team.
  • Be emotional in praise and restrained and delicate in criticism.
  • Remember: no matter how good you do, someone will always be dissatisfied. It's unavoidable.
  • In success, be grateful for the victory. In defeat, be grateful for the experience.
  • Be a child sometimes, let yourself be fooled.
  • Remember that .
  • Apply as often as possible the principle of "two in one" (simultaneous exercise and listening to audio books, morning marathon and motivational video).
  • To experience happiness from work, think only about the return, and not about how much money you will earn as a result.
  • Strive for growth, do not be afraid of obstacles.
  • Remember, it takes at least 10,000 hours of hard work to achieve excellence in anything.
  • Small daily improvements lead to big success.
  • Greet people first and smile at them. only strong and successful person can afford to be the first to show goodwill.
  • The only worthy standard is the best.
  • Delicately say goodbye to those people who do not contribute to the realization of your potential.
  • If they are your relatives, love them and accept them for who they are. They will most likely never change.
  • Don't try to change anyone at all. Trying to change the people around you is the surest way to unhappiness.
  • Inspiration comes from the right lifestyle. The worse the food and the less mobile you are, the less desire and passion in work.
  • Be an "elevator" for the people around you. Pick them up.
  • Treat critics with understanding. These are unrealized people who have no greater pleasure than expressing their disapproval.
  • If the critic is qualified and speaks from the heart, make him a friend. Let him help you become better, and you, in turn, find a way to compensate him for his contribution to your success.
  • What is behind in your life and what is ahead of you is a mirror image of what you have in it now.
  • Motivation must come from within. If it is not there, then there can be only two reasons: either there is no energy, or you are doing the wrong thing.
  • Never make any vital decisions in bad mood. First enter a positive peak state, then decide how to live on.
  • Read mail, Twitter and Facebook 2 times a day. Maximum.
  • Words inspire and words destroy. Choose them with sensitivity and love.
  • To love a person is to help him realize himself. Even if it is to the detriment of your own desires.
  • Enjoy being alone.
  • It's never too late to start a new business, introduce a new habit, or pick up a new hobby. Keep looking for something that will broaden your horizons.
  • The ability and ability to inspire others to realize their potential - highest award of those that exist.
  • Keep a diary of success, especially in the categories you work on the most.
  • Fulfill agreements. To do this, do not promise anything if you are not 100% sure that you can do it.
  • Avoid gossip.
  • Follow the news, politics, the economy, develop spherically.
  • But remember that the meaning of life lies elsewhere - in a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and following them.
  • This will lead to happiness.
  • “Of the active and smart, the active ones win. And among the active - the smartest. Combine mind and activity.
  • Analyze every significant event in your life. What lesson did you take from it?
  • Stop doing things that are not conducive to your fulfillment.
  • Eat as many alkalizing foods as possible raw vegetables) and healthy fats (avocados, vegetable oils, nuts).
  • The better physical health, the more energy, which means the more benefits you will bring to this world.
  • My home is where I live.
  • Break the chains of attachment. Be independent and give complete freedom to those you love.
  • Once a week, allow yourself to do nothing. Most likely, these will be the happiest, most fulfilling and productive days of your life.
  • Do important creative work in peak condition.
  • While doing creative work, do not get distracted by urgent but not important things.
  • Remember the balance of spiritual and material. Don't get carried away with one while forgetting about the other.
  • Study the lives of great people.
  • Surround yourself with the most talented and happy people that you can only find.
  • Never take anything from a person if you are not ready to give what he needs from you.
  • If you've been betrayed, it's your fault.
  • The steeper the climb, the more painful the defeat that follows. Be ready for it (create a rear and a reliable team).
  • Defeats are inevitable. These are your main teachers. Love them.
  • The stronger the fall, the more seriously you need to work for the next victory. It is from the deepest defeat to the next upswing that true success is measured.
  • Be open with people close to you in spirit, and closed to those who are far from your values.
  • Always record all agreements in writing. Sometimes people forget them, and sometimes they “forget”.
  • Be generous with generous people. With greedy - greedy. Then you will not violate the law of energy interchange.
  • To give a lot to people, you need to take a lot and qualitatively from life. It can be quality food, quality rest, sports, sauna, swimming, sun, communication.
  • Remember that often in life “the black stripe becomes a take-off”.
  • Strive for nobility in all respects.
  • Cultivate inner grace - the combination of wisdom, dignity and kindness.
  • Pay no attention to people from your past. Because there is always a reason why they are not in your future.
  • The best investments are investments in education and relationships.
  • “The wall is the same step. You just have to grow up to it."
  • At the end of your life, you will regret more what you didn't do than what you did.
  • "Sometimes a step forward is the result of a kick in the ass." People who have been successful in your business can serve as that motivating kick.
  • The more responsibility, the more power. The more power, the more opportunity to help other people. The more you help others, the happier you become.
  • Regularly put things in order in your life and ruthlessly get rid of trash.
  • Always tell people your expectations and find out their expectations for you before entering into any relationship or making deals. 99% of quarrels and resentments are due to a misunderstanding of the expectations of the other side.
  • Life is like riding a bicycle: if it’s hard for you, then you are going up.
  • Take deliberate and calculated risks regularly. It trains intuition and character.
  • Buy yourself a new dress at least once a month. Or shoes. Or a hat. As a last resort, buy something from technology. But do not stop pleasing yourself with material things, because you are a woman!
  • Madonna is an example of how you can become a superstar without much outstanding talent. Mother Teresa - how you can change the world through service. Oprah - how to overcome any trials and become yourself powerful woman on TV. Deva Premal - how to heal the souls of people through music. Remember the uniqueness of each of these women and develop your individuality.
  • The main task of a woman is to learn to love, to create comfort, warmth and a benevolent atmosphere wherever you are.
  • Love all, be friends with a few, be with one.
  • Happiness is your maximum realization in all spheres of life.
  • 100. Happiness is your maximum realization in all spheres of life.

    Business coach, creator and host of popular personal growth training shared with Vegetarian how she managed to do successful career in the American financial corporation, and then drop everything and start from scratch your educational project and become a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. Now Elizabeth is doing her dream job, dividing her time between Miami and Moscow.

    Elizabeth, how did you end up in the USA?

    It all started with a teenage dream. At the age of 13, I saw a TV show about Disneyland, and I really wanted to get into this amazing place where "all dreams come true." And two years later I won international competition"Act for Liberty". The prize was a trip to the USA and a scholarship for a year of study at an American school. I remember how I opened the letter with congratulations and details of the upcoming trip. At first, I didn’t even understand what the letters CA mean in the address where I was supposed to live in America. There was no Internet at home then, and I had to look for the answer in the library: it turned out that I not only won, but also went to the place of my dreams - to California. And what's more, the house I lived in for most of that year was literally a ten-minute drive from Disneyland. This was the first obvious and convincing example for me that even the wildest dreams can come true.

    Did you return to Russia after completing the program?

    Yes, in my homeland I graduated from high school as an external student and entered the university, but a month later I again had the opportunity to go to the USA, already to the university. I received several higher education, studying in parallel in Russia and the USA in the specialties of economics, finance, marketing and management.

    How did you build your career in a financial corporation?

    I had an American dream, it was important for me to succeed not only as a student, but also as a professional. After receiving my diploma, I passed a dozen interviews and got a job in one of the most competitive and promising industries in America. I devoted four years to my professional growth in a hedge fund, a financial corporation in which the richest people in our world invest. So, the minimum investment in our company was a million dollars. It was an exciting, developing work that gave me the opportunity to realize my american dream. I made good money, communicated with outstanding people, and at the same time devoted a lot of time to self-development. There was no TV or Internet in my house, and if I was not at any social event, then in the evenings I was engaged in self-education. My career developed successfully, but at some point it ceased to be in tune with my values.

    What made it change habitual activity, stability, financial well-being in the field of education?

    It all started with a barely audible inner voice that let me know several times a week that I was out of place. Everything seemed to be super - work, interesting friends, fiance, financial well-being, a lot of hobbies, such as yoga and rock climbing - but something constantly undermined my inner state of harmony. I had no confidence that I would realize my own, and not someone else's dream.

    And if it weren’t for the car accident that happened to me, I might not have left the “warm place” for several more years. But a big jeep crashed into my sedan and I thought my life was over. At that moment, I felt great regret, because I did nothing good for humanity. Of course, I devoted 10 years to developing my personality and becoming a professional, but did not get the opportunity to do something significant for my family, close circle, for other people.

    When I woke up after the accident, I realized that I had been given another chance. And I no longer had the right not to do what I came into this world for.

    Was the decision to change jobs difficult for you?

    Inside (from a spiritual point of view) it was easy, because it was at the moment when I came to my senses that I decided that I would fundamentally change my life. It was very difficult. I quit the hedge fund and returned to Russia for a while, my relationship fell apart. For the next 2 years, I searched for myself and lived on the savings that I had made before. I had to cut my expenses 20 times in order to give myself as much time and space as possible to find my purpose. I clearly realized that the only job that suits me is one that will make the most of all my abilities and already accumulated professional experience, and at the same time give me a feeling of happiness. For 2 years I studied all the major religions, read several hundred books on self-development, went through several dozen trainings, immersed myself in psychology and philosophy.

    And then so much information accumulated in me that it began to demand an exit. But at that moment I was still afraid to share it.

    The first experience in a new educational field for me was one project in partnership. Together with another coach, we created a common educational project, and in 2 years our startup grew from zero to a million dollars in turnover. Then I felt confident in my knowledge, because it became for me not an abstract theory, but practical experience. After such a “test”, I felt enough strength and energy to open my own business - first I started writing a blog, then creating and conducting my own online and offline programs, trainings on business and self-development. Now I am extremely happy in my professional activity, as I fulfill my mission: I help other people find their own meanings and realize their potential.

    Do you travel often, work from different points world, always in touch with his team. How do you manage to maintain your tone?

    it healthy lifestyle life, which, of course, did not come to me immediately. Like all Russian children of the eighties, my tastes and habits were shaped by typical homemade food - my mother's borscht and pork chops, pancakes on Sundays. And when I arrived in the USA, everything only got worse: here a variety of cuisines opened up for me, which were then inaccessible in Russia. I enthusiastically began to get acquainted with American, Japanese, Mexican, Thai dishes and eventually recovered by 10 kilograms. But after some time, I started having problems with digestion, I began to feel a decline in strength and energy, I had to go to the doctors. Friends helped me understand that lack of energy and constant stomach problems are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. And the only long-term solution to these problems is to switch to proper nutrition and exercise.

    I started going to the gym 4 times a week, although due to my studies and work, I had very little time. But I was so uncomfortable in my body that I went to the gym, despite the heavy loads - I put a textbook on the simulator, and at the same time went in for sports and studies. Soon I began to arrange myself fasting days, minimized flour and sugar, began to feel my body, to study how different foods affect it.

    What do you think nutrition means to modern man? Why, in your opinion, is there such an increased interest in this topic now?

    For any person, food is several types of needs at once. First of all, physiological, then cultural - just remember our holiday tables! From childhood we are comforted by food - at first breast milk, then other food, and so on a subconscious level we "close" a huge number of needs.

    A heightened interest in proper nutrition in modern man is easy to explain. Today more and more more people consciously relate to what they use, feeling different states after a particular meal. And in order to feel good and have an energy resource for self-realization, it is necessary to “refuel” your body correctly. Unfortunately, 95% of the food that is sold in a modern supermarket is unhealthy. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the stickers. And at some point, if the body is cleansed of toxins, you can come to an intuitive choice of products.

    Do you follow any specific dietary guidelines?

    I have been involved in the issues of healing the body for a long time, I have gone through many detox programs, including a 21-day panchakarma in India. Now my diet consists mainly of plant foods. I do not eat meat for two reasons - firstly, I do not feel any benefit from it for my body, and secondly, I really feel sorry for the animals.

    When I was 6 years old, my mother allowed me to have chickens at home. They lived in my baby bath, I gave each one a name, looked after them, watched them. When they grew up and there was not enough space for them in the apartment, we moved them to the private house of my grandparents. Among the pets, one hen stood out in particular: her habits were similar to those of a dog! She ran to the gates of the house as soon as I approached them, jumped on my knees and slept in my bosom. But during the Christmas holidays, my first childhood tragedy happened when I found out that my pets no longer live, and some food festive table made from them. That year I staged a boycott of the holidays and my whole family. But since it is difficult for a child to associate cute piglets with pork chops, the decision to give up meat came to me already at a conscious age, although I practically did not eat chicken after that boycott.

    But I believe that the only true way to vegetarianism is natural, without violence against oneself. I think if someone tried to take my favorite chops away from me as a child, I, on the contrary, would hold on tightly to this way of eating. And when your level of consciousness rises and there is more compassion for living beings, you yourself voluntarily refuse to kill animals.

    Is there a norm that you try to adhere to in your lifestyle?

    Yes, my principle is balance. That is, I strive daily to best version yourself, but through the joy of the process. Very often, developing people build results into a cult, forgetting that life happens only in the moment “here and now”, which means that the process is even more important than the result.

    Therefore, healthy food should not inspire melancholy, but give pleasure, the joy of tastes. So, my diet consists of 90% healthy, varied, bright and tasty food and 10% hooliganism! In this ratio, I provide my body with everything it needs for optimal functioning, but at the same time I allow myself the necessary pleasures, such as masala chai with warm milk Or dark chocolate ginger.

    I think it's especially important for women to enjoy life, whether it's food, relationships, or work. I often recommend that participants in my training programs choose a sport that can be enjoyed already in the process: cycling, dancing, figure skating, yoga - something that will not exhaust, but will energize and inspire. Sometimes you still have to make an effort to start the lesson, but if it is chosen correctly, after a few minutes the pleasure mode from the process will “turn on”.

    For me, the meaning of life is development, in which you can get joy from both the process and the results. I call this “life in the flow” and I teach this art in my programs.

    Interviewed by Yana Tolstova

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